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5G Danger


➡ The speaker discusses their experiences with psychedelics, preferring natural substances like mushrooms over synthetic ones like LSD. They also mention the potential influence of government agencies on the psychedelic movement. The speaker shares a humorous anecdote about consuming too much of a weed brownie, emphasizing the importance of humor in dealing with heavy topics. They encourage defiance against oppressive systems and maintaining a positive outlook despite the seriousness of the issues discussed.
➡ A man and his wife, who was deaf, started a school for deaf children and promoted sign language. However, they secretly supported eugenics, wanting to eliminate deafness from the world. The man’s dislike for his wife was humorously suggested as the reason for this. The conversation also touched on various conspiracy theories, the man’s refusal to get a neural link, and his book, “The Octopus of Global Control”, now available as an audiobook.
➡ This text seems to express a mix of emotions and thoughts, possibly related to struggles and conflicts. It mentions dealing with negativity, seeking relief, and persisting despite challenges. The language suggests a tough, defiant attitude.


It just makes you think like I always whenever I think about stuff like that like who is the guy that got this wrong? You know what I mean? Like who are all those people that did had to do it the wrong way before they probably say they probably pick like the poison Don’t lick the toad. No that killed the last guy Like you have to just squeeze it right they squeeze it and then they Scrape it and then they dry it and then they flake it up and then re-smoked it and it is wild It is it is has very similar DMT properties, but it was less I Don’t know it was it was it was more it was very like You felt very optimistic Afterwards you felt very good from it like not not like high but like you like euphoric like DMT wrapped in love somebody said that to me.

I was like, oh, yeah, that’s a hundred percent what it was well, I’d like to to pull this back into the whole like distrust of government and the octopus of control and It seems like there’s a very real evidence that indicates The psychedelic movement if not completely designed by alphaba agencies in the government But it was very much given a nice little boom, right? Like robert garden watson’s the one that went and brought Magic mushrooms and he gives it the henry loose of skull and bones and time life and that gets perpetuated And you’ve got like the ash berry and mk ultra and the ls like all of these different things Does any of that sour? Psychedelics in your mind and oh, yeah, it might be a psyop.

Well. Yeah for sure. I mean I personally have never really enjoyed lsd um I and part of it is because it’s it’s chemical, you know, synthetic chemicals and I just it just felt Different, I don’t know. I don’t know how to describe it I just if I if I had a preference and of course I’m an adult and I do Uh, and I can make my choice. I choose the natural stuff And if that if they’ve co-opted mushrooms With government agents Good luck You know what I mean like good luck with that uh, because mushrooms are amazing and They’re And and and that’s the gate.

That’s the gateway Right there. Everybody for everybody. I know the gateway is mushrooms and now they have them in chocolate bars. Like I was a I was at uh I won’t give the name but uh, I was at a place Speaking recently and there’s a guy in there that was Had mushroom chocolate bars for sale You can get them They keep way longer. Uh, there’s also gummies. A lot of people make mushroom gummies now, which are fun The only problem is that once you turn it into a snack kind of food Uh, if you found yourself in possession of said snack food, you can forget that you’re not just snacking on chocolates or gummies And that it’s actual medication which yeah can turn into a whole thing the first time the first time I ever ate, uh a colorado based Uh weed Uh brownie I didn’t read the instructions like a moron.

I just ate the whole thing But I say like take like a sixth of it or like a quarter of it and then you for sure and I um And I was like I took the whole thing and then I was like Maybe I was like, oh shit after I after I’d eaten it Then I was like this is probably I probably I told my wife. That’s what it was where we were getting married and I said, uh This was on your wedding day This was uh Thursday before the wedding which was And the reason why I know is because it was Thursday night football was just getting ready to start I ate the whole brownie my father-in-law came over And it was like hey mind if I watched a game with you I was like Oh And I watched that entire football game and nothing happened And I was like dude this brownie must be defective You know what I mean? Like the thing that everybody who eats too many edibles says but but I had already eaten it like hours earlier And and and I remember the game ended and he’s like, well i’m out of here and he like left I was like, all right cool.

I think god, I didn’t embarrass myself two minutes after he was out Everything kicked in and I went into like cartoon land I was like, holy shit. I remember crawling to the bed I was so fucked up. I had to have one foot on the floor I was like, I hate too many of them. I hate that entire thing My wife is like I can’t believe you ate the entire thing. You dumb ass. You were only supposed to eat like a quarter of it I’m like, oh I love brownies.

I love weed What do you want from me? When you when you uh have one of those experiences and we’ll wrap it up with this When you have one of these experiences psychedelic or you eat a weed brownie or four or five Do you get paranoid and start thinking about the governments after me or do you get into like a positive? Zone where it’s like here’s how I can improve things or no. I I don’t I don’t um I have taken an approach to this whole um The information that I research and write about And talk about is really heavy duty like real you get into some dark stuff, right? and as a defense mechanism Um I have found And also as sort of a just sort of a method of explaining the information in a way That’s a little easier to digest.

I have found that the best way to deal with it is to use Humor and to understand that, you know, there’s nothing funny about depopulation obviously but you you find sort of the ironies and the Like the you like the like oh my god, you have to laugh at how insane this is and this sort of stuff and I and I try to come at this from a place of like Let’s laugh at the insanity of it all right to keep myself sane so that’s how I That’s how I approached all of whether it’s my writing I’ve had someone’s, you know, I’ve had people say like your books are funny Like I mean considering you’re talking about like the worst shit in the world They are they’re they’re pretty funny.

I’m like well Like hypocrisy is funny I mean there’s fun. I mean I had to put I had to put 400 footnotes in the book Hypocrisy is funny be not because of me It’s funny because I I was putting all these stories in there. I was showing this All this like blatant hypocrisy and this insanity But I had so many footnotes because I had to show where the story was real because otherwise people would just assume I was making it up to try to be funny, but what I was showing was like no like I couldn’t be this funny.

This is reality man Like the like the oregon people getting arrested for collecting rainwater You know what I mean? Like when you find that story in your or whatever it is, you know Things like that like these preposterous stories that you find and then you can point to it and people are like oh shit Like that’s real Oh, no, you know, so I my approach to this whole thing is like Let’s laugh at the insanity of it all doesn’t mean Not to take it seriously, of course, right? You and we’re talking about important things.

So you got to sort of be paying attention, but like Don’t let it like get you down Either I think I don’t think we work. Well, if we’re if we’re like, oh defeated like oh Like you’re gonna let donald rumsfeld beat you really fuck that You got to fight back, you know what I mean you got to be Defiant, you know at the very least just be like i’m not complying with you guys I’m not doing what you want me to do you know, so Um That’s kind of where I that’s where I am right now like let’s let’s laugh at it all, you know, like with the election coming up like Get your popcorn either way.

We’re gonna have there’s gonna be something Stupid Going on something crazy that we’re gonna talk about I think we’re on the same wavelength as that because that’s the whole inspiration that I started paranoid american and making comic books and everything was That premise of like here’s these really serious topics eugenics, for example Uh, how do you make that funny? How do you turn that into like a thing? That is a joke It’s not the easiest thing in the world But I I feel like it’s one of the more important things because Takes the edge off and makes you and i’ll give you an example of how to make eugenics funny is when I was researching alexander grambell He his wife was deaf.

Uh him and her founded a school for deaf children And by everything on paper you’d be like, oh wow, he was like an advocate for people that were deaf He promoted sign language and all this but behind the scenes, uh him and his wife were very pro eugenics And his example was that he didn’t want any more deaf people in the world and it’s crazy That’s like his wife was deaf. So there’s this inherent humor That’s like he disliked his wife so much that he was just like let’s get rid of all the deaf people No more people like my wife.

I cannot take it. We can’t this planet cannot handle any more people like my wife Yeah, yeah, that’s that is that’s Yeah, I mean, you know you find the humor and you’re like the the people that are advocating for like the extermination of the human population look like Harare and you go Really? You look like a rat You look like somebody who should be exterminated and you’re going to lecture the rest of us beautiful people sweet bastards about uh That we need to go we’re taking up too much space on your planet.

Well, get out of here you little You little elf Well, if i’m if i’m taking only two things away from our talk, it’s smoke dmt and make funny eugenics Does that sound pretty accurate? Yeah Yeah, yeah that that is that that might be even be the title of this one on youtube Because on youtube it will definitely get demonetized. Let’s let’s see Well, we’ll give it a test so we can republish it. We’ll change the name to like buy hondai and drink coca-cola or something Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think everyone I think your audience will understand what that means As a title that means there’s some shit in here that you’re not allowed to hear about so we had to change the name Uh charlie, thanks for coming on long overdue.

I can only hope that I can even get to three digits I think we’re somewhere around the 60s or something. Maybe going into the 70s, but Uh, you definitely are sort of like the lighthouse in a way of you know, trying to Get as good as charlie robinson and take things The same way with like nice sense of humor and just killing it, man Like you’re again, you’re introducing david ike you’re talking in front of uh, anarcho poco your writing books left and right You’re just pumping these things out like you’re not even a human art.

Do you have a neural link? Can you at least tell us if you have a neural link or not? I will not take the neural link. That is That is one of my many lines in the sand i’m not taking any brain chips from these people No, thank you. I’m good I’m uh, i’m content to be uh, just a just a regular non-trans person Do you have any books or projects or anything that you want to shout out for people to check out? Well, actually the octopus of global control. My first book is now available as an audio book.

It’s out on uh, audible and amazon and itunes and spotify and everywhere you can get audio books So that’s long overdue because that was seven years in the making. I didn’t I just didn’t do it Is it your voice out? No, it’s graham, uh from gray america Oh outstanding. Yeah, he reads a lot of like the old manly pommer hall books and stuff on youtube. I love those. Yep Yep, so, uh, and which was which was cool because They were one of the first shows I did to promote that book back in 2018.

I remember I remember going on gray america And I was traveling from denver to vegas And I did the interview from the denver airport With uh, you know, and of course the denver airport of all airports to do it from you know It’s the weirdest place around I had like a travel microphone. I had it plugged in and I was in a stairwell In the denver airport doing the gray america show to promote the octopus book And then years later the gray america guys wound up doing the voice for it I thought that was I thought it just seemed appropriate to me but it happened that way No, were you in the stairwell or did you push the square and compass on the freemason plaque and go into the underground tunnel? You know they they have They’re doing a lot of renovation work there and they have these barriers that are set up To you know, because there’s construction going on behind there But they’re really nice.

They’re well done and it’s in the like in the main concourse the main lot right Right where everyone from denver comes into goes through security and then goes out to the the different gates from there and in that space They have put on this on these really nice wooden barriers that are blocking the construction they have silk screened these like advertising almost like ads like And one of them is like a lizard And it says and it’s it’s an it’s an it’s an actual like chameleon lizard And it says pardon our dust while we expand We are currently in the process of a Expanding the underground lizard people chambers B Building out the underground new world order bunker c About to bring you some great Restaurants and stores in this area.

And so you like walk by and you’re like trolling us They know they’re just having fun with us. They’re putting lizards It’s really It had a crown So the So anyway, that’s that’s my that’s my debt they did take the The Paintings down in the denver airport of the Right the the nazi soldier shoving the knife up some girl’s butt and then there’s like a cycle of life and death and I really that was one of the first conspiracy theories that I got big into in like the late 90s uh And it was like they’re gonna paint over and they did paint over it a few times and they kind of touched up with Certain little areas of it, but that yeah That’s gone It’s gone now, but but but the gargoyle coming out of the Suitcase In the baggage claim up top in the corner is still there And blues before still uh rain supreme right there.

Yeah Yeah out in the the blue horse. It’s like a four-story horse. It’s like a blue huge ass bright Blue horse statue right at the front of the denver airport with glowing red eyes like demonic red glowing eyes You’re like, what the fuck are you guys doing? And by the way, it killed the guy the guy that the the guy that made it it fell on him killed him During the concert. I mean you kind of have to if you’re gonna have a blue suffer You have to you have to they’re probably That’s when the light For the good of this new world or oh and by the way, there’s a big there’s a plaque that says new world order airport With a freemason all the freemasonic signs you could walk right I could show you exactly where it is It’s still that’s still there Ready for a cosmic conspiracy about stanley kubrick moon landings and the cia Go visit nasa That’s a cia’s biggest car Stanley kubrick put us on this while we’re singing this song about nasa Go visit nasa Go visit nasa Come Yeah, go visit nasa comic dot com That’s a comic dot com cia’s biggest come Stanley kubrick put us on this while we’re singing this song about nasa comic dot com go visit nasa comic dot com Go visit nasa comic dot com Yeah, go visit nasa comic dot com Never a straight answer is a 40-page comic about stanley kubrick directing the apollo space missions This is the perfect read for comic kubrick or conspiracy fans of all ages For more details visit nasa Spread the word with propaganda packs all for just 40 shipped at paranoid These huge all-weather slaps will last in public for years to come Remind citizens that birds are not real.

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You’re despising me for what though Calculated and rather cutthroat paranoid american must be all the blood smoke for real Lord, give me a day away vacate they wait around to hate whatever they say Man, it’s not in the least bit we get heavy rotate when the beat hits So thank us you all fuck the niggas for real. You’re welcome. They ain’t never had a deal You’re welcome, man. They act in a pill. You’re welcome. Yeah, they doing it still you’re welcome

  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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5G Danger

Spread the Truth


defiance against oppression government influence on psychedelics humorous marital dislike humorous weed brownie story importance of humor maintaining positive outlook natural psychedelics neural link refusal promotion of sign language psychedelic experiences school for deaf children secret support for eugenics synthetic psychedelics The Octopus of Global Control audiobook

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