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➡ The text discusses the evolution of buildings and architecture from the 1920s to the 1950s, highlighting how older structures have been maintained or replaced. It also talks about the development of Florida, focusing on the challenges faced due to its swampy terrain and the importance of road systems. The text then shifts to discussing a movie, pointing out specific jokes and references, and analyzing characters and themes. It ends with a discussion on the lifespan of cars and a few off-screen jokes.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the difference between physical and virtual interactions, the experience of long drives, and the concept of road rage. It also delves into a detailed analysis of a movie, focusing on specific scenes and characters, and draws parallels with another film, Willy Wonka. The text ends with a discussion about corporate takeovers and the anticipation of sequels.
➡ The Illuminati comic is available for purchase with different reward packs starting at five dollars for a digital version. The campaign has been successful, offering extra bonuses like stickers and art prints for printed packs. VIP packs also include additional items due to the campaign’s milestones. The comic is a result of extensive research and hard work, making it the most anticipated Paranoid American comic to date.
I mean, we’re not finished. I’m just want to hit a few things here. Oh. When the New York World’s Fair Futurama. You’re want to refresh me? Like in the 30s you can watch an educational film. I think it’s called Two New Horizons. Close enough. I mean it’s not binaural, but it’s just these, you know, creepy like electric piano. Yeah. He was the hippie car ranting about conspiracy theories. Cheech is in here though. Right? Right. And that’s. That’s pretty much why I knew it wasn’t Tommy. Maybe not. Maybe I’ve got the years mixed up a little bit, but okay.
That’s interesting though. I didn’t know that was Carlin. Yeah. Yeah. There’s. I wonder if that was one of his last roles. This is no voice acting theatrical film role. Which makes it sound like maybe he was in a mood. Who did racing? He was a race car driver. What do you know? I guess he had a lot of money. You can have hobbies, remember. I’ll have to just go with what you say. Oh yeah too. His next one is Bill and Ted Face the Music. Which is posthumous and weird. Right. Fun to watch. But maybe Cursed makes a lot of money again.
Maybe that’s part of the formula. Maybe this is part of the Disney formula. Well, you did notice one of the. The sponsors was the Hostile Takeover Bank. I imagine. Or maybe you didn’t notice that. I didn’t know. Full board. It’s like I’m not dead yet. Right. That’s how the poster read. So that. That was kind of fun. You know, a little bit of that’s fun because usually like the English stuff is like subtly funny. Which is one of the better kinds of funny, I think. Yes. I guess we’ve already been like kind of hinting at a few of the weird things.
We could talk about this movie. But if you want to point your laser pointer at one of them, yeah. Well I got us any car and travel related puns as we can. I wonder if there’s a days of thunder connection here too because lightning and he refers to Nicole Kidman I think 90s. Yeah. That movie I got several years. Like it’s basically Top Gun again. But like now that it’s not like the military. Well there. I mean we’ll get into that. There are a few scenes in cars which that made me lift my eyebrows a little bit.
Right, right. So I guess overall I kind of had this like overarching notes that the new whipper snappers that weren’t even around in the 50s or 60s is to all the old way things were like all the rust. Russ doesn’t even know the other cars that he you know works with all have plastic. And also car age starts failing. Then it completely changes. But it’s weird that that intersection also happens right around the introduction to all these big or that was a little bit more boring. You’re just going to drive in a straight line for a way longer amount of time motif of this movie that the origin of American racing is all about running from cops.
It’s all about bootlegging and. And being like a straight up criminal. And all of these things pull up my heartstrings. You know what I mean? Like the wide open road. This American sort of opulence of just burning dinosaur bones. And I know it’s not all dinosaur bones and just run. Yeah. I guess I’ll just contrast the. The American car culture thing. So like America is way more spread out compared to even Europe. Because in Europe sometimes the. The difference between me going from South Florida to North Florida is not really that much different. But if you were doing that in Europe you’d far apart from each other in a way that’s not practical.
Now in 2024 that might not be as practical as when they originally were. Were starting a lot of these towns. Yeah. Where I live they’re like oh, you need a car but you don’t need a car here. There’s. There’s a train. I mean if you want to go to like lots of cool places. Maybe not. Another thing with the expressways is you have to pay for them in Japan. If so I’m going to Nagano City. These massive construction projects, you know, giant concrete actually transfer money from him to tater. It’s all wireless. Is that right? But is it just like voice activated? You’re just like, you know ham.
They all got neural links. Well they got. They got. Okay. The newer ones all have computers in the car. Right. Because our cars. That much in the future. Yeah. Although it doesn’t explain all these rusty ass cars and these old dump truck or old towing trucks, you know, that you can get one later just to function in society. Right. How would he transfer money? Because apparently food and rent and all this other stuff. And he’s also given a free room at a. So again, yeah, I don’t. I would love to know how money works in this world.
Free. But he specifically says that’ll be $32,000. Right, right. But I’m just saying, you know, mater could be making a real dumb joke too. Right. Because. Well, well, Link. And that these cars are just the shells containing what used to be human consciousness, but now it’s just a more vague sense of consciousness that’s flowing through the cars. I guess that answers almost all the questions except for these like petrol based cars, you know, the ones that are out in the desert that actually need gas and I guess even McQueen needs gas in order to operate. Yeah.
They threw out, they, they killed the electric car for this movie. Right. Thank God. That wasn’t. That was in draft one. Yeah. Again, again, the, the description of that first movie would make me hate it. I think this, this movie. I didn’t. This one almost was, you know, unapologetically American and nostalgic for this old Americana muscle car sort of mentality. And it had a true hero’s journey where a character starts out, the protagonist starts out with some obvious character flaws and then goes through trials and tribulations and by the end of the movie is exhibiting behaviors of altruism.
Which is more than I can say about like 99.9. Repeating of the other Disney movies we’ve seen so far. Right. I guess more character growth or early princesses don’t seem to have much character growth, for example. Well, because. Because those were supposed to be stories of warning. Those were like, hey, this is what will happen to you. So a lot of them were also like, you know, you know, they, they lightened them up a little bit. A lot of those times it’s like. And you’ll get murdered and you get drowned and you get, you know, fill in the blank here.
Right. Here’s something I was thinking of because we got the, you know, the old school Americana of Radiator Springs. And. And then if you watch old footage from the sixties of American city life or whatever, do you kind of feel like you’re watching like a different world? I feel that it’s all propaganda manufactured like 100% because it all was like, it was all rehearsed. They didn’t really do like real sort of gonzo journalist style reality TV at that point. It was all. So, yeah, I, I, I have a nostalgia that I’m not connected to because I wasn’t even born until the mid-80s.
Well, I, we first started doing this on my podcast where I was doing all those educational films. And one of my, one of the appeals for me of educational films was I felt like that was a less filtered, like a, you know, unfiltered look. Like it’s people literally just pointing the camera what’s there, as opposed to Hollywood production and, you know, propaganda and publicity and all that. So that, for me, that was one of the big charms. You’re making these educational films in Lawrence, Kansas, you know, and the world looks different. But the reason I was bringing up is because when I bring up, like, if I look at footage from Tokyo in the 60s, looks pretty much like now, you know, the cars are different.
That’s about the only change. The styles are slightly different. In the case of dudes and business suits, of course, it’s not different at all, so. And it’s a monoculture almost as much as it was back then. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s just, that’s because Radiator Springs is so, like, different for a modern America. A millennial watching it, you know. But now I’m looking at this Tokyo footage. Once you get back to the 40s, things are looking pretty different. But I was interested, you know, just I found it fascinating that you can go back basically to the 60s and things still look recognizable for.
But yeah, you might have it with the monoculture there, when also your buildings tend to be either knocked down and maintained, you know, rebuilt, maintained better or just built longer to last. Whereas a lot of the things that would have been built in the 50s and 60s wouldn’t be around as much. That’s actually another one of the big differences between the buildings that they were creating in the very early 20th century, which are still around, you know, like 1920s, 1930, like a lot of that Art deco type construction. But anything after that either is not made for as long or it’s just very generic looking and tends to get retrofitted.
Like the house that I’m in Now is a 1958 house. Right, right, yeah, I think the house in the 1950s. Yeah, yeah. My parents neighborhood, same. Same thing there. So I think it might even been like 58. It might be the same. It’s just that wild building time. Because the Expressways were being built in great part. Right now you can just like, jam on out to the suburbs in about 15 minutes, that sort of thing. Yeah. Honestly, the entire history of modern Florida is all about who came here first and built the roads. It was. It was an almost an impossible task because it was just swampland filled with all sorts of horrific, you know, natural sort of things that were preventing you from making any kind of progress.
So all the first people that came here and established road systems are the ones that kind of founded Florida. That’s why Disney World’s where it is. It’s like, hey, the highways are going to meet here, so let’s build it here. And there’s still. There’s quite a bit of that land they cannot use. I mean, people are like, Disney World’s gigantic, which it is. But some of that is so swampy, you just can’t do anything with it. They’ll figure out a way to monetize it at some point. Yeah, go go crocodile hunting or something. Yeehaw. I’ve got a list of alligators.
My favorite jokes in here. If I just wanted to see if any of these landed with you as much as they landed with me. Okay. I’m bringing up my notes too, just to make sure I could see if I wrote it down. And for, I guess for anyone that has seen the movie or hasn’t seen the movie, this is a good representation of what I think is. Is better comedy than a lot of the previous Disney movies. So there’s a joke about the. You were talking before. He’s got these stickers for headlights because he doesn’t need headlights because the racetrack is always lit.
And when he says that to someone, he’s like. And so was my brother, and I just thought that was funny. We’re implying that again, there’s like, either a drug or an alcohol abuse problem within this family, and we’re making light of it. It takes me back to not bread knob. Broomsticks and bed knobs. Knobs and broomsticks. Boom sticks. You’ve seen the army of Darkness too many times. There’s another spot where they put a spotlight on McQueen and the whole room goes completely silent and you just hear someone go, free bird in the background, which is just so perfectly on brand for this movie about kind of bootleggers and hillbillies.
You know, I don’t know. I thought that was absolutely perfect. There was some very, like, trucker specific jokes where someone’s. He drives up to a truck, McQueen does, and he’s like, hey, Mac. And then the truck’s like, I’m not a Mac, I’m a Peterbilt. And he drives off, which is a very specific joke that those are, you know, semi truck manufacturers in the U. S. Mac and Peterbilt. And I just thought that was kind of ingenious too, that it was the names Peter and Mac. Oh, yeah, Maybe I’m just in a rare mood for that. The hippie van, which I now know is George Carlin, which makes it really cool.
And his last, I guess animated or voiceover work of any kind. But he’s saying he’s staring at this traffic light and he’s like, I’m telling you, man, every third blink’s a little bit slower. And he does it in this kind of, like, really stoned out voice that you also know that there’s like a drug abuse problem perhaps on this particular character. And he’s hanging out with his army jeep friend who tells him the 60s weren’t. Weren’t kind to you, man. So almost getting like a. Like a Lieutenant Dan vibe here or. Or at least these two old war buddies.
And one of them was so traumatized by war that the other one is kind of, you know, overcompensating a little bit. I don’t know. But another rhetorical question, you know, did this guy see combat? Do you think the VW Bug saw some sort of horrific war crimes? I. I know. I. I had the impression he was just doing too much of whatever cars do in the 60s, you know, like he was playing in a psychedelic band, except they can. How is he gonna hold a guitar, play the drum? They just. They just beep. Okay. Yeah, they love that.
And he also. That. That same car, the. The George Carlin hippie van. I forgot what his actual name was. He actually says at one point that one stuck in my head. Fillmore, okay? Fillmore says it’s all a conspiracy, man. The oil companies, they. They got a grip on the government feeding us a bunch of lies, man. And again, that just. I’ve got a. A very soft spot in my heart for any Disney movie that specifically and explicitly says that the government is lying to you. It’s all conspiracy. So there have to be kids that grew up and got that drilled into their head, and they don’t even know why.
They have a distrust in the government, but it’s because of this particular line, of course. Still Pixar, right? You know, Pixar is still the Cool kids. John Laster, Cool kid. Well, again, I’m giving most of my credit to yeah, yeah, for sure. Let’s see a few other really good ones. The low rider Ramon, he threatens to blowtorch McQueen which seems specifically violent. He probably is, yeah. I would say a generation like, like a 30 years would probably be a good guess. The lifespan of a car just seems to be far less than our lifespan is what I’m saying.
So here, here I’ll. I’ll throw out one of those insane spit takes I do. So. So if the cars is in the future and that’s like the future sentient being on the planet now they’re only getting your Pixar timeline. People like they the monsters only live for 20 years. That’s the dark secret of that. Dying quickly get rid of those monsters. Yeah, there’s so yeah I certainly pick that up. And then there’s a few sort of sexual. It’s kind of off screen to this minivan. This minivan couple gets lost and at least perception wise, you know, I wasn’t even sure what, what humor was he think.
So they’re not going to get the wrong Dutch joke through the way of the interstate, through the way of these new import cars and the death of the American free. You know like, like fairy tale and ancient world. But we know that you hill Disney to really appeal to people that like this Americana. Yeah. Oh, Michael Keaton’s also in here by the way as the green porn stashy car on the wiki page. They have makes and models for most of these cars of course the kind of. Except that they’ve got Gilmores of course from the early 60s cars.
And they got a Porsche. Right, right. They got. Yeah, they got Ramon. Not Ramon. Excuse me. No, no, that’s right. Luigi and Ramon, 1959 Fiat 500. But then Ramon is a custom night Carrera. Is a Carrera, right. Porsche 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera butthole. I guess that would be the tailpipe. Right. When you see if you see the dump their tr. So yeah there’s a tramp stamp joke in the cars movie. I thought that Doc and Doc is an actual Doc door and I think he’s maybe comes into the garage and he sees. He’s like looking up into the undercare.
I guess seeing someone’s undercarriage is kind of walking into Noah’s tent in a way. So he sees the undercarriage and the sheriff’s like you getting a good peak city boy? I just thought that was absolutely hilarious. And then after he drives away the Docs like I hope you enjoyed the show. Like there’s this like deliverance. Like sexual, like threatening, like. Like jabs are throwing at them. That. I don’t know. Again, it felt like uniquely American the way that they were. They were conveying this. Yeah. Maybe it’s the little redneck strain that really pushed this one over.
So, you know, I’ve noticed that I have a buy, like, even Fox and the Hound, so I thought that one was pretty good. And then my absolute favorite one goes, if you keep talking to yourself, folks will think you’re crazy. And he looks over and he’s like. Yeah. And I think that our, like, our. Our physical body and our physical part of our brain knows that there’s something really strange with that. Yeah, I guess it’s, you know, like auras. Right. Even if you don’t sense or as you still sense auras, you know, because. Yeah, being in a room with someone and on zoom is definitely a different thing.
Or streamyard, as I guess we’ll say here. I got a couple questions for you. I guess the same way. Just rhetoricals. But there’s a certain part when the beginning of the movie before McQueen gets lost and ends up in Radiator Springs. He’s. He’s kind of in one of these car trailers, and he’s forcing the car trailer to keep driving, even though he’s getting tired. So there’s, like, starts swerving and closing his eyes, and you can see him, like, shaking it off. I think almost anyone that’s had to do, like, a long drive overnight knows this exact feeling.
It’s like a scary dui. Very adult feeling. Like, a kid wouldn’t really get this particular thing they’re getting at. But anyways, as you. In this term, like, if I were to. If I were to call the car itself, like, hey, ricer. But. But they all clearly have nitra. Except for the muscle car. All the ricers of nitrous in this world is this methamphetamine. Like. Oh, like, these are just, like the weirdo heads, and these are. Are with other people a bit. Playing some. Playing some with the. And you go around, and then they start, like, chasing you down, you know, that sort of thing.
But you flash your lights. I really love. We have road rage in every one of the cities. But, yeah, Orlando has been one of the worst road trade cities I’ve ever lived in. That. That exact thing where people will get offended if you pass them, even if you’re just driving the normal speed limit and they happen to be going slow. Yeah, it’s a whole thing. And truckers do. They’re clearly weaponizing music in order to do this and of its squelching. Or Guantanamo Bay where they blast Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys they take the blindfold off. The idea would be like wow, this is so amazing.
And I didn’t. And you see it all at once. Right. Although we were sitting kids by a cliff of blindfolded which seems like a really bad idea. Yeah I know you didn’t meet it in this way but that’s exactly the sun raw space is the place. On the drive there Halloween at my work we have to take turns sometimes going into the closet and we’ve got you know black drapes and we’re the ghost. Right. You put on a cloak and stuff and you know I’m like weaponizing the music as well. The next step is seen where McQueen thinks that he can beat a train.
I don’t know if this is hey that the drivers in my town are like fine. You know people usually oh the drives around here suck. I’m like they’re fine around here. It’s the roads that are dangerous. You get on these like really crazy little roads like and that whole saying of that that you have a higher chance of dying. So usually you see people they’re doing at two or three miles an hour and then they have to stop and back up and keep. So the. The thing we get here, the maters we have are. You’ll see these.
Look when you see those you always oh no, this person’s gonna be driving like 20km under a speed limit or something. You know and you can’t. It’s really hard to get around people in Japanese roads. Like often there’s with all four colors but you see a little white truck and it’s got that sticker on the back. You know you’re in for a bad drivers. Don’t you dare. You better do the conversion for road rage. Huh. I don’t get. I don’t get much road rage but that time I was like going like that was like bottled up road rage for like five years or something probably.
I like that. I. I don’t get road. I don’t often get road rage but when I do it’s a. It’s against an 80 year old Japanese man in the mountains. Yes, yes, exactly. Oh well here’s the thing. He was also screwing with me because there were a couple times when there was a. Another airbags. I can go 100 miles an hour. Like they’re thinking that this is their new human wherever they’re going. Yeah, yeah that that might be what he’s doing. Just some old fart and maybe, like, incentivized to, like, really polish up on Japanese. Like, well, they’re still going to think I’m an American, so.
Well, you’re. I hate to break it to you, but that’s what. I can’t find my passport. I. I do have another rhetoric, like, weird logistical things, but when McQueen ends up in Radiator Spring, I. I really like the sequence. I think it does have all sorts of symbolism in it. Those, like, some very specific rules that make it add depth to it. So, for example, under statue, he rips that off. And as he’s driving around roads, it’s just completely destroying all the roads. So after he does this, this is why they say, we’re gonna. This is amazing.
Like, I love driving on these roads now. This town looks, you know, like. Like it’s actually being reinvigorated. Why the hell did they wait for some random day? And if they just did that for a year, they would have paved all their roads already. So I’m thinking, too. Dear Real. Okay, what’s. Where’s the Crowley note? Because Mater’s like, you gotta look. And I’m looking at their paper, right. So I have to read it upside down. I guess that’s different than backwards, isn’t it? Upside down. I say that the. The very last scene, too, and would have won the race and then could have looped back around and went and checked out the king signaling really hard, like, I’m gonna not even do the race and then push the guy over because Michael Keaton starts gloating and everyone’s, like, screaming at him.
So it worked a lot, for sure. Virtue signaling. Sure. He weaponized it a little by sitting there for 10 seconds. Absolutely. Okay. Yeah, that’s. And. And he also. He kind of rubbed the altruism in Michael Keaton’s face in a way. Right. Which is the best kind of altruism is the kind that you rub in people’s faces. But because he. He clearly would have won the race, but then instead comes up last, he ends up, you know, being third in line because he pushes the king in front of him, who ends up coming in second, I guess, as a technicality.
Oh, yeah. There are no other cars in that race. It’s just a three. Okay. It’s the three of them because it’s the tiebreaker and. Right, right. And it made me think, isn’t this also how Willy Wonka or how Charlie gets Willy Wonka’s factory is by sort of like withdrawing from the race. And that’s really what Willy Wonka was looking for all along. Because that’s also the premise that I think at a certain point he also realized maybe this is strategic on McQueen’s part. Right. Because McQueen at this point realizes he doesn’t care about the Piston Cup.
Why would you do that with a cup? But he doesn’t care about the cup. And because it’s this empty cup unless it has, you know, the piston in it. But what he does care about is getting that sweet ass helicopter and that sweet ass endorsement deal that King has. So strategically, he, he forfeits the cup and then kind of gets, you know, Willy Wonka’s Charlie the factory. Yeah. Yeah. They’re both sociopaths. Well, I, I, Yeah, I, I don’t know Willy Wonka for sure. I mean, that’s the whole charm of Willy Wonka. But I, I guess I don’t know if McQueen’s quite that far, but I mean, he’s, he’s a public figure.
Yeah. Well, he knows some of this stuff. Yeah. What is the Texas car? The Texas oil car. I guess he’s the, he wouldn’t be the Wonka, though, Woody. Yeah, because he’s, he’s the one that’s endorsed by Dynacorp. Yeah. Dynacorp is the oil company and they’re the ones that have all the cool money that all the cars are, Are trying to like, be them because they’ve got all the coolest toys around. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. Yeah, I guess that’s. He says no to the endorsement. He says yes to the helicopter, so. Yeah. Right. And. Which is kind of like the elevator at the end of Charlie’s Chocolate Factory.
Charlie gets the factory, though. Isn’t that, Isn’t the sequel? Book them living or. I mean, I was. Maybe it just would have been too in depth, but I was almost expecting the Dynacorp to be like, well, you know, what we just purchased, you know, we just did a corporate takeover of. Hostile takeover. So now you do. Like Rusty’s is Dynacor. Congratulations. Welcome to the family. Yeah, well, we got two sequels. We’ll see what happens. Do you have any more questions or, or observations you wanted to put on there? I think I’ve pretty much rattled through most of my notes by now.
Yeah, I think I’ve hit the end of this road. Okay, hit the brakes then. It’s mid December, I guess. What up? What is up? Well, the Illuminati comic is. I don’t know when you guys are listening to this but if it’s before December 11th, you’ve still got a chance to go to illuminaticomic.com and grab one of the different reward packs. It starts at five bucks for a digital version, nine bucks for a printed, and then they kind of go up from there based on all the cool extras that you get. And one of the really awesome things here is that the campaign’s been doing so phenomenally well that everyone that does any of the printed packs, the $9 are up packs are already getting an extra 15 bucks worth of stickers and art prints and just all kinds of bonuses.
And then anyone that gets the VIP packs, which I think started like 129, those are already getting like $60 worth of extra stuff added to them because of all the, the huge milestones and stretch goals that this has been hitting. So by far the most successful, most anticipated paranoid American comic book to date. And I’m really proud of this one. It’s been the a work of at least two years between me and Donut, but collectively it’s like 40 years of research and obsession. So we absolutely put everything that we could have into this. So there. That’s my ultimate pitch to go and check out illuminaticomic.com right on.
What am I up to? I mentioned the music I used to scare children with. That’s down here@rovingsage media.bangcap.com I make too much music for some reason. All the podcasting I do is now over@podcastio podcastius.org that will send you to a variety of shows that me and my friends do. The ones I do are the more film and TV related ones. I’m usually not on the video game ones, although I was recently on the game game show twice. I won one the I won one round. The other one I, I, I lost and I had a point taken away from me for a reason I don’t remember.
Well it was my father in law’s birthday party so I had a couple drinks. I’m walking around and can you come and do the game game show now? So I, I came in as like the Dean Martin of that particular one, you know. Nice driving off. We’ll drive over to the Robinsons house and meet them next week. Then I scribble my life away Driven the right page Will it enlight your brain Give you the flight my plane paper the highs ablaze somewhat of an amazing feel when it’s real the real you will engage it your favorite of course the lord of an arrangement I gave you the proper results to hit the pavement if they get emotional.
Hate maybe your language a game. How they playing it? Well, tainted matters the apex execution of flame you out nuclear bomb, just blow it off in the face. You’re despising me for what? Though calculated, you’d rather cut throat. Paranoid American must be all the blood smoke. For real? Lord, give me your days away. For real. You’re welcome. They ain’t never had a deal you’re welcome. Man they lacking a pill. You’re welcome. Yet they doing it still you’re welcome.