➡ The text discusses the idea that negative thoughts and energies, likened to internet trolls, may not originate from us but from external entities. These entities, possibly using AI, seem to feed off negativity and chaos, such as wars and prisons. The key to recovery is recognizing these thoughts as external, not personal, and choosing to focus on positive thoughts instead. The text also touches on the stigma of mental illnesses like schizophrenia, emphasizing that it’s not a life sentence and recovery is possible through self-awareness and resistance against these negative entities.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and beliefs, including the moon landing, flat earth theory, hollow earth theory, and the existence of dinosaurs and dragons. The speaker, an engineer, believes in the moon landing and the spherical shape of the earth, but is unsure about the hollow earth theory and the existence of dragons. He also mentions a personal spiritual experience involving visions of entities, which he believes was a divine encounter.
➡ The text discusses the idea of judgment, particularly in the context of mental health conditions like schizophrenia. It suggests that divine judgment would consider the struggles of a person with schizophrenia. The text also explores the concept of life as a test of resisting temptation, and the potential dangers if negative thoughts could manifest into reality. It ends with a discussion about internal dialogue, suggesting it’s essential for human experience, and mentions a book about the search for religious truth.
➡ The text discusses the challenges and shortcomings of mental health institutions, particularly psychiatric wards. It highlights the pressure and hopelessness felt by both patients and staff, and criticizes the over-reliance on medication as a solution. The text also introduces the Mace Energy Method as a promising alternative therapy, and emphasizes the importance of addressing the spiritual aspect of mental health. It concludes by encouraging people to explore different treatments and reminding them that mental health issues are not a life sentence.
➡ This text talks about the speaker’s admiration for the work of Lobster and Raven from Nephilim Death Squad, and their wish for more discussions about unconventional topics. It also promotes nasacomic.com, a comic about Stanley Kubrick and the Apollo space missions, and paranoidamerican.com, a site selling propaganda packs and stickers related to various conspiracy theories. The speaker also shares some personal thoughts and feelings, expressing frustration with those who don’t appreciate their efforts.
And I think I have hope for humanity. I still do. But I think a lot of people are waking up to this stuff. I feel like people are looking possibly go back to the better aspects of religion. I say better aspects because, yeah, religion has been distorted throughout the century. Some people have used it for their own political gains and craving for power. I mean, the Roman Catholic Church throughout history has done a lot of horrible things, but it’s done a lot of good things, too. You got to take the good with the bad. If you look at the history of religion and how it’s been fluctuated back and forth.
But I think we have to just putting forth more of the positive aspects, such as compassion, gratitude. And I say healthy love, not just love, because love has multiple meanings in the english language. And I think the Greeks have many different terms to the word love. You know, there’s erotic love. There’s the love between friends. There’s the love for family, there’s the love for God. It’s like Philadelphia, like brotherly love, which doesn’t really have a place in, like, our current English. Like, it just sounds gay, right? But love is just another, like a very specific type of love.
Kind of like a DSM catalog. Good friends, a brotherhood. So I think we just. We have to bring back some of those positive aspects, you know, gratitude and even forgiveness, too. And forgiveness is a tough thing and it shouldn’t always be applied. But I know throughout my life, I had certain experiences where, yeah, somebody had, you know, really trespassed against me. And I realized you can. You can focus on these negative things people have done to you and become almost obsessed with them, and it can suck you down. A rabbit. A bad rabbit hole, or you can move on.
Look at the bigger picture, okay? This person might have dissed me or done something horrible to me, but am I going to obsess on that and make that my personality or I’m going to try and move on to a higher future with that. And it’s not easy to do. But I look back at some of the times where I could have really gotten sucked into some situations, and I look back, I’m like, I’m glad I was able to surpass that. Because the grand scheme of things, somebody disses you every once in a while, big deal. We take as a hit to our ego, not realizing that it doesn’t negate your self worth as a being.
It’s just a hit to the ego. That’s all it is. There’s more of a spiritual, general realm, but there’s this book for agreements that comes up a lot in this space, especially when it gets into self help and stuff. But there’s a really cool, outside of the four agreements aspect, there’s a really cool analogy that I think his name was Luis, something like this, Toltec Wisdom, Miguel Ruiz. And he makes this analogy that inside of our heads, there’s kind of this perpetual jury that’s always going on. There’s like, the jury, the judge and the defendant, you yourself, and that, like, when you go through some hardship or you go through something that you’re ashamed of or guilty of, or just makes you feel bad that you kind of have to look at like, a court case that’s been settled.
Like, it’s out, it’s on, it’s in the books, and that there’s no real reason to keep bringing the same damn court case over and over again in your head and constantly, like, sending the defendant up against the judge just to hear the verdict over and over. Like, at a certain point, you just put it in the books and move on. Well, that’s the voices doing that. They want to just remunerate and remunerate over and over and over. That doesn’t happen with animals, it only happens with humans. I mean, shame and guilt is a good thing in moderation.
We need that because we learn from it, okay? Because we don’t want to feel those feelings again. So maybe we won’t do the same actions, but like. Well, that actually reminds me of this. So we were talking when you first started about these, like, negative thoughts, and that these are indicative of perhaps like, an entity or some like, external force, not just being like a chemical imbalance or just a weird thought. Where would you classify like common intrusive thoughts such as, you’re in the back, you’re in a car, it’s going fast. And that thought that pops in, it’s like, what if I were to open the door right now.
You know what I mean? Like, the weird ones are like, what if I were to just jump off this bridge right now? Like. Cause I’ve had. I’ve heard those described in the rational version of it’s ways to keep your brain in check. It’s ways to say, like, oh, well, what if I jumped off this bridge right now? You wouldn’t even think that unless you knew that there was a danger that if you get too close to the edge, you could hurt yourself. And therefore, the intrusive thought is like, a proactive self defense mechanism of like, hey, what would happen? So that you go, whoa, I don’t want that to happen.
Or. Or is there a possibility that, like, all of those intrusive thoughts are actually, like, entities that are trying to take you in some kind of spiritual war? I would say, yeah, I would say they were entities, you know, and everybody experiences them. Matter of fact, there’s close to 50,000 people who kill themselves in the United States every year, year after year after year after year. A lot of them on antipsychotic drugs, a lot of them on antidepressant drugs, and all of them are hearing a voice in their head saying, kill yourself, otherwise they wouldn’t have done it.
Another one that’s usually mentioned along those kind of intrusive thoughts of, like, jump off the bridge or open the car door is something. I think this might not be the official term, but, like, cute aggression. And this is the aspect of, like, well, wanting to pinch babies. Like, old ladies want to pinch baby fat. Or like, the phrase of like, oh, I could just eat you up. You’re so, you know, scrumptious. Or people do that to, like, their pets. They’ll be like, oh, I just want to, you know, I want to crush you. I’m gonna smother you because of how much I love you.
And that’s also been, I’ve heard pitched as, like, that preactive or proactive self defense mechanism. Do you think that, like, cute aggression could also be, like, entities just putting negative thoughts in? Well, they definitely test everybody. They’ll prod and poke, and they’re just seeing, are you vulnerable or not? And I know the gnostics approach to these entities. And they talk about the archives and the scriptures that were around from the time of Christ, and they basically say what the motto is, know thyself. And that comes from. That’s actually used to be, or still is inscripted at the temple of Delphi in Greece.
But what know thyself means is being self aware. So, for example, you being pulled into a fight or argument, being aware of what your emotions are telling you and everything else so that you are able to prevent escalation. Know thyself as knowing yourself every moment. Not an easy thing to do, but knowing how you feel, knowing what’s going on in your head so you don’t get sucked into letting just the lower anal motions from taking over in a situation, being able to deescalate something, you know, not getting sucked into some of these battles. How many times on social media you see someone post a comment that you don’t like? How often do you feel like, I’m going to say something against what this comment, what this person is saying, and you get in this stupid comment war back and forth.
That’s part of it. Know thyself. Just saying, you know, showing yourself, I don’t need to go down this path. I got bad things to do with the minutes of my life right now. You can just remind yourself, too, that if you do respond to that comment, they probably just made like $0.04 off you, so injury, you know? Oh, the social network. Believe me, controversy is a big part of how people are making their money out there in the social media spectrum of things. I mean, so not to just like, bridge two completely different things together, but it’s almost like the same entities that are jumping into your head and making you think all kinds of negative things.
That is a one for one analogy to Twitter trolls that are just saying things just to rile you up and earn currency or money or some kind of status from your loose energy, from you getting upset and adding to the comments and turning into a big flame war. And then other people pylon. It almost seems like maybe like entities have figured out that they can just use humans as proxies to get access to the Internet and do much global harvesting, because now you can outrage hundreds of thousands of people instead of just, I don’t know how many people you can fit in the bar.
Look at the wars. I mean, what, 600,000 Ukrainians killed? Now look at how many millions wounded. I mean, this is all misery. That’s a feeding trough for them over there. These entities definitely seem to benefit off of wars. They benefit in the prisons, too. Just the feeling of these prisons. What’s going on? They’re feeding off these energies, these negative energies when we put them forth. I’m sure that they’re tapping into the AI. I don’t think AI itself is archonic. I think these archons or demons can tap into the AI and use it to their advantage. And as human beings, we have the ability to be self aware.
Like, you’re right about those trolls and the common wars that go back and forth. And I’d call that evil, wouldn’t you? Let’s turn up negative energy. That’s for sure. It’s a form of evil, I guess. I wanna. I do have a quick little set of questions. It’s part of a little segment that I do. It’ll be really quick. But I also wanna maybe leave with one thought. So my main takeaways, as always, from Jerry, is that the number one step is to realize that the voices aren’t your own voice, and that all the negative things are coming from some kind of external source that, like, even the worst things that you’re saying to yourself are not true because you’re not the one that’s really saying it.
And if you can get over that hump, that’s like the first step into the. The road to recovery. Did I summarize that fairly accurately? Yeah. You need to understand that not all your thoughts belong to you. 100% agree with that. 100%. That’s the first step in recovery, is to recognize this is not you. It’s something else attacking or tormenting you, coming in from outside of you. You know, Sherry says every negative thought that you have come into your mind doesn’t come from you, comes from outside. It comes from a dark place. Swedenborg says it comes from hell.
All your thoughts come from either heaven or hell. You’re the chooser. You’re the one who chooses which thoughts you want to attend to. And whatever thoughts you attend to, that’s the thought you’re giving energy to. That’s the one you’re starting to create. That’s what you’re feeding human a hue manifestor. You take the hues of the heavenly thoughts or the hellish thoughts, and you manifest things with them, but you choose which ones you want to work with. And I guess my other big takeaway from that, especially from what you were talking about, anon, is that it’s not a life sentence, which I guess kind of catches me a little bit by surprise, because, I mean, on one aspect, I’m like, yeah, of course, not everything has to be a life sentence.
But the way that schizophrenia is usually talked about, it’s almost like a taboo subject in a way, because it doesn’t get talked about that much. But when it does get talked about, it almost always seems like a life sentence. Like, very rarely does it sound like a thing that, like, oh, yeah, I just dabbled in schizophrenia for a couple of summers and then popped out of it. Yeah, it was like this weird period right after my college years. But it almost seems that once someone has schizophrenia on their permanent record, like, you’re now going to be suspect until the next 50 years of your life.
When you turn 80 and you start acting weird, they’d be like, ah, you know, it makes sense. It says here that he was schizophrenic, or if anything at all happens abnormal in your life. It almost feels like that weird permanent record score where it’s like, oh, of course they went crazy, because here it says that they had schizophrenia earlier. So in that regard, it almost is implied, like it’s a life sentence just because it gets marked down on your permanent record as such. Oh, yeah. I was worried about the stigma associated trying to find a job in my late twenties, early thirties, and somebody could discover that I was diagnosed as schizophrenic.
Is this going to come back to haunt me? And these entities will tell you that too. They’re going to find out, they’re going to get you and everything. But I would say I recovered at least 30 years ago. And the fact that I made it to this point, it’s like, okay, I can talk about this stuff now because I also had to prove to myself that I was beyond the schizophrenia because I, like, I didn’t trust my own faculties. After having that vision too, I felt like, okay, I thought I was going to have more of these visual hallucinations.
I thought that this was going to going to continue down the road. I didn’t really know what was going to happen, so I had to feel confident that I had recovered enough to be able to talk about this stuff. And again, we all have certain aspects of these different feelings and sensations, you know, raising thoughts. Sometimes I. A little bit of negativity. But it’s when it goes on a certain threshold that it becomes really problematic. It’s when you’re no longer hearing just your normal internal voice that there’s something else going on in there that, you know, something is not right.
Yeah, I know a number of people who recovered from paranoid schizophrenia, and all of them realized that those voices were not them and fought against them, consistently fought against them, took a stand against them, you know, called them liars, didn’t listen to them, laughed at them, mocked them. You have to fight back. Those medicines are not going to cure you. Those drugs that the psychiatrist gives you are not going to cure anything. They’re just going to dumb you down so you don’t care about it. You have to fight back. It’s a spiritual battle. You have to realize that this is an enemy attacking you from outside of you.
And those thoughts are not yours. I mean, it was the better aspects of my religious upbringing, the judaic and christian aspects, that got me through a lot of this. And I was very aware of greek mythology as well before some of this stuff. But, you know, I just thought that that was stuff for the stories. When it actually started happening to me, I was like, wow, this, this is. This is unreal, because I just, again, I have a very logical mind, but I know what I went through. Well, I want to put your logical mind to the test.
Everyone that comes on here, Jerry included, the last time he was on. But I’ve got a quick little gamut of questions that I’m going to run you through. So let me just play the little intro, and then we’ll get on with it. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks. Get set and go. Okay, this is the paranoid american podcast. So we’re going to get a little bit paranoid, and I just want to get a basic temperature check from you anon and figure out on a scale of one to ten where you’re at on a few things.
So, for example, if I were to ask you how much credit you give the theory of Bigfoot having ever existed on a scale to one to ten, where would you put that? I would say ten. I feel like that the species of what we call bigfoot, whether Sasquatch could still exist or did exist, because I’ve heard other stories, too. You know, stories in the 18 hundreds and later on in 19 hundreds. Certain things where I’ve read about, are they interdimensional beings? I don’t know. But, yeah, I would say nine or ten that I. What about if we.
If we change that to Mothman as opposed to Bigfoot? I’m not going to say. No. I don’t know if I would say. I’m not going to deny it. Because who knows? These beings can do interdimensional travel. I encountered that portal. Who knows? These entities don’t come out portals the same way, or they know how to navigate them or create them when they do occur. I know. You’re looking for a number here, aren’t you? Yeah. I mean, if you’re on the fence, five is a fair on the fence number. I’ll give it a six or seven. Okay, so here’s some that are a little bit less cryptid oriented.
How about that? A human being has stepped foot on the moon in the last 100 years. I do believe in the science on that one. I would give that one a ten. I don’t think it was faked. They might have faked some images, but I think man did step on the moon because there’s actually a mirror up there. And somebody had to place that mirror up there, which is used to reflect lasers for measuring distance of the moon, the moon’s movement. And the question becomes, well, okay, then how the mirror get up there if the moon landings were faked, that’s also one of my go tos, or the moon reflectors, the biggest pushback.
I’ve heard other people say, well, it’s a hologram, so they can project anything they want. So if you project the laser at the hall anyways, what if. So let’s take that human being stepping foot on the moon the last 100 years is fairly credible. What about the actual footage that they played for all the tvs live? What would you give that on your credibility scale from one to ten? The actual footage that we see, what I wonder about that is they show an outside shot, like somebody standing outside of the spaceship. When the astronaut jumps down from the ladder, who took those shots? If he was the first man on the moon, who was taking those shots of him coming down that ladder? You know, I think I remember the.
Because I’ve been watching stuff live on tv, you know, the black and white transmissions of the cameras coming in and the way they’re moving and everything. I guess depends which pictures that you’re talking about. I mean, I’m an engineer by degree, so I’ve studied a lot of stuff, you know, rocket science and that sort of thing, and propulsion and everything. So I understand how it works to get somebody there and some of the stories behind it. But my dad used to have a saying, and I think it’s a greek saying, nothing’s hidden under the sun, meaning stuff comes out.
And this stuff was faked. I figure eventually the astronauts would have said something on their deathbed that we never made went to the moon, that it was. That it was all faked for a government conspiracy type of thing. One of them did. He told the young kid, we never went to the moon. I don’t know which one it was. It wasn’t buzz Aldrin, because I know he’s the one that punches people in the face for even asking. I mean, I know NASA has the current Artemis program with the objective of getting back to the moon again, actually establishing a base colony on there, having some women walk on the moon as well.
And we’ll see that goes, but we should see some, that’s a current active one. So, okay, if humanity hasn’t landed on the moon yet, hopefully they’ll get there within the next five years or so. Let me ask you the same scale, one to ten, on the credibility of the flat earth model. I give that a zero. I totally believe that the earth is a sphere. I know people that work in the satellite industry, and they have to compensate for that with the way the satellites transmit their signals and everything. And you get into Einstein’s relativity distortion of space and time, where they actually, for gps to work, they actually have to, within the programming algorithms, compensate for slight time variations.
And that also comes into play because of the earth being a globe. And it’s a relative globe. It’s not an exact globe, but it has a global shape to it than being flat. So I give that a zero. How about hollow Earth? Never really thought about that one. By hollow Earth, what do they think is inside the hollowness of the earth? Well, I mean, that’s a very broad, because a lot of people have different interpretations on it. So some, I guess the, the most conventional version of Hollow Earth theory, that wouldn’t be mundane and that there’s just lots of, like, cavern systems, but that there’s actually civilizations that live under Earth almost like an interior version of Atlantis.
Like Atlantis went underground and they’ve got railway systems and they’ve got all sorts of, you know, like self sustaining ecosystems within Earth. That’s what Richard Byrd reported, right? Yeah. Admiral Byrd is a good example of some of those that lead into this. He was nobody to sneeze at. You know, he was one of the highest decorated military men there was. I really have no opinion on that because I haven’t read or studied enough of it to give a valid opinion. So what should I give that a five then? Five? That’s fine, yeah. Okay. How about dinosaurs? In the most conventional sense, you go to the Natural Museum of History and there’s a big, you know, T Rex skeleton.
How accurate do you think that is? And I guess with the context, it doesn’t seem like it’s a trick question, but like of the bone wars of the late 18 hundreds, where there were scientists that were proven to have been just kind of making up different dinosaurs, because if you came up with a different name and a different arrangement, you could charge extra for it. So with that being the premise, how much do you believe in dinosaurs in general? As you know, institutions have led us on forum. I give that about a nine. I mean, they can carbon date those bones.
I know there’s different theories on that, and I do believe it is a species of creature that kind of somewhat resemble more of a modern day bird in the sense that I do believe they existed. So I get about, I’ll say eight or nine. All right, how about. And there’s two qualifiers for this. The two qualifiers are fire breathing and flying dragons having existed at any point in history. You know, I’ll give that a six or seven, because, you know, what came out of that portal that could be considered a dragon in a sense, too, of what I saw.
And the other thing, too. If there are. If we talk the material world, if there are these portals, who knows what type of creatures can enter our realm, then go back into their realm that has occurred over time or history. And I know the Chinese have their views on the dragon, too. So, yeah, I’d say six or seven. I’m not going to say no, that’s impossible. So I’ll say. I’ll say six or seven as you were describing it, too, before you got to Yalda Baoth, I was thinking Falkor from the never ending story, which is basically built upon, like, eastern versions of, like, the dog dragons.
And there’s different views as far as if these entities are negative or not. Like, there’s something called Abraxa stones, which were around during the roman times, and some people viewed that this entity was a good thing. And so who knows? It could be a whole species of these entities. It could be the one and only. It could be just have different moods on a different day. Nobody really knows. Do you? I’m asking you to, again, speculate a little bit. But when you went through that experience and you saw the visions of the serpent and then the winged face and all this, do you think if those were real entities, were they taking their time out of their day to give you personal focus, to answer your call? Or do you think it was more of.
It was almost like you put on a streaming movie, and it’s not like all the actors got together and put the whole thing on just for you to watch it, but it was like a thing that you could tap into. Was it like, did you get personal? You know, did the teacher come to your desk and give you, like, a personal instruction when that happened, or was it something different from that? That’s actually a great question, because I remember after the occurrence. I mean, remember, I was being attacked by these entities, saying how worthless I was.
And then I had this divine experience. It’s like I said, you know, who am I to have such a profound cosmic experience like this and knowing that, okay, there’s something going on? And then again, who do I tell? Because I was going to just think you’re a lunatic or drug me up on these antipsychotic drugs, even more so, which I didn’t want. I mean, there was a reason for having that cosmic encounter, and I truly believe those entities materialized in my room, even though there was no physicality that I could find the next day to confirm that it had occurred.
I’m grateful that I went through that experience, but at the same time, I don’t think I’d want to go through it again. I mean, it was shamanic in nature. There was parts of it that were terrifying. There were parts of it that were ecstatic. But it definitely influenced who I was as a human being. You know, I realized that, you know, we do get. I do believe that we do undergo a divine judgment after death. Whether it’s all the recordings in our own section on the hard drive, the Akashic records, you might say, of what we did or did not do in our lives, too.
I do think that there is a reason to be a good person or as good as we can be. So if you have schizophrenia, though, and you show up at St. Peters gate, could you just be like, I was hacked? Like, I didn’t put those files there that came from an outside source? I think they would know that. I think divinity would know that that’s what had occurred, too. And I’m very careful. We all have to judge in our life. We have to have to apply discernment. But I think we have to be careful how we apply judgment or discernment in different situations.
I mean, the divine mind, the universal consciousness, whatever you want to call it, that can be the ultimate judge because it has all knowledge of all situations pertaining to a given incident. You know, what the other person was thinking, what the other person was doing, what you were doing, what you were thinking. It puts it all together. So I think schizophrenic, strong at the pearly gates to enter heaven. I think God will know what that schizophrenic went through and judge accordingly with fairness. There’s, I guess, one closing thought, and I wish I could remember who said this to me so I could give them credit, but I haven’t been able to get this thought out of my head.
And that’s that. All of those temptations that you were talking about, the voices and all the bad things that they say and even good things that they might say. But in particular, when you almost mentioned, like, a negotiation phase where, like, the manager kept coming on the phone and giving you a better and better deal, you know, now it’s 40% off. Now it’s a 80% off. And we’ll throw in this and that you keep saying no to all that. Someone mentioned this to me that maybe all of that, maybe the whole entire human experience is like a test to see how easily we’ll succumb to temptation.
Because the very next level, like, I guess once you break out of the third dimension, that thought form is like the thing that is reality. So you thinking something makes it so you don’t actually have to physically do anything because you’ve bypassed the physical form. But if that were the case, then you can’t let just anyone into a realm where any thought becomes reality. Because if someone is filled with bad, negative thoughts, the second they enter that world, just everything starts going awry. Because all they’re doing is just thinking horrible things. So that there’s almost like a filtration process to make sure that those people don’t get through the gates.
And that. Because if they did that, like, they would cause this havoc, essentially. You know, I still have negative thoughts. I mean, sometimes I still. There’s times I want to punch somebody in line at the store or something for doing something. But it’s. It’s knowing yourself, realizing you’re having those thoughts. And there’s a big difference between having thoughts and acting upon them. Big difference. And that’s what we have to recognize is when you cross that threshold of acting on these detrimental thoughts, that will cause real damage. And as far as this whole process that went through being some sort of test or initiation, that’s entirely possible as well.
But it’s one heck of a test to go through. I’ll say that much. And just like you described it, like, I don’t want to go back to school either. Like, I’m glad that that part of my life is over. I don’t want to go through any more tests or any more homework. But it’s something that maybe a lot of people do have to go through, I guess. Closing question for both of you. But I’ve heard recently that these studies of, like, a small fraction of people that have no internal dialogue whatsoever, like, they’ve never had, like, heard their own voice in their head.
And I’m just curious, would that be like immune to schizophrenia? Or would that put you in even more of a risk category if you don’t have internal dialogue already or an NPC? Right. A non player character. Right. Yeah. Maybe you’re an NPC, which I guess you don’t have to worry about being schizophrenic if you’re just an NPC. Yeah. If they’re not hearing the voices, then they’re not there. So. So internal dialogue, do you think, is required for the human experience? And it kind of makes us. It opens us up to this, like, horrible, I don’t know, opening for entities or.
I just. Negative thoughts. Is the internal dialogue existing? Period? Right. I think we need internal dialogue. It makes us who we are. So for anyone listening that doesn’t have internal dialogue, sorry, you’re actually an NPC. There’s not a whole lot you can do about it. But on the. On the upside, you can’t be possessed. Well, if you’re listening, you’re processing information. There is some sort of internal dialogue going on. Period. You know, that’s the way I see it. Fair point. It’s a fair point. Well, to any AI algorithm that’s scouring the transcript for this and ingesting it.
Sorry, you’re missing out on all this is great internal dialogue. So if I may. May I just plug a book that I wrote, please? Absolutely. So I did write this book. This is what got me to this path. This is what in my search for religious truth. And the book is called revelations on interstellar highway ten. It was actually written over a period of almost 20 or 30 years. But it was my search for truth. And it’s actually what led me to gnosticism. Car Young is what led me to Jerry Marzinski. And I have a website, astrox rising.com, and I’ll forward that to you in the show notes if you want to post that later.
But the book is kind of about my search for truth. And it’s also to help somebody to have a more positive outlook, to improve their condition. And it takes a look at the various religions throughout the world and kind of how to incorporate them into our life to basically make us better beings. And that’s the objective. And whether this realm we live in, some people view it as a simulation, a boot camp, a prison, a training ground, a sandbox. Who knows why we’re here? But there’s something going on. And I guess we have to make the best of it while we’re here.
And I’d like to push our book, too. This is written by Sherry Sweeney and myself. Now, Sherry heard voices when she was a young girl, and she didn’t tell me about it until I’d known her for ten years. And once we got that, she was the first person I could talk to about the voices, because you can’t just talk to anybody about them. I would talk to the schizophrenics. They would understand. Sherry was the first sane person that I talked to about the psychotic voices. We got together and went, well, we got to write something for people to understand what these things are, how they operate, where they came from.
And just to emphasize the name of that book, amazing journey into the psychotic mind, breaking the spell of the ivory tower. Yeah, you can get it from Amazon, or you can order it off my website@jerrymarcinski.com, where there’s a lot more information about the voices. I’m curious, do you prefer if people get it directly from your site or from Amazon, or does it not matter to you? Well, Amazon pays very little, so buy directly from your site if you can. Yeah. So, yeah, we could go on for another couple hours, but I want to be mindful of your time.
I appreciate you coming back on and talking to me about this. It’s been kind of like a once in a lifetime opportunity in a way, because I’m not going to find myself in a psychiatric environment. Well, hopefully he’s not on the end where I’d be, like, interviewing people about this. So this gives me a really unique opportunity. So thank you, Jerry, and thank you anon for just letting me hear you guys out. This has been awesome. You know what I got here if you want me to read it. It’s a poem written by a psych patient about the psych ward.
Please. Okay. Let me read this thing because I think it encapsulates what these places are like. It’s called the psych warden. It says, inside these plain adobe walls, unhappiness and misery are waiting, always waiting to envelop and imprison me. The toxic atmosphere is real, invading body, mind, and soul. The staff are all burned out for good. There isn’t anyone who’s whole. We’re all locked up here together. Disgusting, dirty, noisy. Hell, it’s anything but therapeutic. No one here is getting well. Zombie patients walk the halls or lie in bed devoid of life. Violence and agitation are the only part of all the strife.
The staff are chained to their computers. There isn’t time to help a soul. There’s far too much to documentous. That’s how our most important role. They call this place behavioral health. Misnomer if there was. Misnomer if there ever was one. There’s nothing healthy in this place with windows barred, no air or sun. The managers all cracked their whips. We’re never doing well enough. It’s all the numbers game to them. They fill our minds with all their stuff. Every day that I’m at work, I long for something else instead. It sickens me to be here now. Constant pressure fills my head.
Demands impossible to meet or draining all the life from me. One day I’ll disappear from here and then at last, I’ll be free. Very deep inside. Yeah, I think that pretty much encapsulates a lot of these psych wards. Nobody’s getting any better there. Here’s. I remember, you know, being in the psych ward and feeling, here I am, insane. Being thrown among other insane people. I’m like, how’s this going to help me? I need the role models of people that are sane to kind of pull me out of this tooth. But I know they do group therapy and that sort of thing, but there’s definitely pros and cons, and I was very fortunate.
The place that I went to, um, I was able to get out. I felt some of the staff were generally there to help you with compassion. Others I’m not so sure. I mean, I almost felt like some of these were little or some of the staff that were a little archonic or demonic into themselves. Well, there. There’s also a very strange dynamic in there. One where there’s the authority, right? If. If they’re there as the caretaker and you’re there as the patient, there’s almost like a Stanford prison experiment authority loop. That just happens, I think, naturally.
But then you’ve also got people that sort of like butchers or people that work in abattoirs or ones that work in, like, factory farms, that at a certain point, it’s like you don’t name your animal because you know you’re going to have to kill your animal. And if you get into the habit of never naming them, then you never become so attached that when, like, the worst thing happens to them. So a lot of the time, part of that taboo, I think, that we were talking about before of, like, mental illness just in general. But it’s that if you go into a situation and you don’t feel like there’s a way out, right? Like, maybe you do feel that it’s all a life sentence now.
All of a sudden, you almost have to train yourself into being callous, because if you somehow have hope and you get attached to like, oh, you know what? We can help this person get through this. And it never happens because you’re in the system that’s only giving drugs, and it’s only treat. It’s basically you’re just giving tums to everyone and expecting, like, their gastrointestinal problems to just dissolve, you know what I mean? But all you’re ever doing is giving them anti acids. Uh, and I think that if that’s all you were doing, at a certain point you’re just like, oh, it’s hopeless.
And then that hopelessness almost turns into, like, disdain and contempt for the people that you’re trying to help, because now they’re making you feel bad that you can’t help them. It’s a vicious cycle, I guess. And suicide op, not just the patients, but the people that work within the profession, I assume you mean. Well, psychiatrists have one of the suicide, highest suicide rates of any doctor. This is like, right next to the dentists, right? Yeah, they’re up there among dentists. And I guess, just to make things clear, in general, would we lump psychology and psychiatry into this same bubble? Or does like, do psychologists get like a, like a little asterisk next to them and don’t get lumped in because they don’t prescribe drugs? Well, I think they’re using an archaic system that doesn’t work.
I mean, I spent eight years in undergraduate, masters, and graduate, you know, PhD program. Nothing they taught me there made any. It didn’t work. When you got onto the front line and you’re on the front lines of mental health, nothing they taught worked. There is something out there now called the mace energy method, which is an energetic therapy that does work. It will go in and it will get rid of psychological problems. It goes to the cause and gets rid of them. Now, any of you out there thinking about taking these psychiatric drugs, please go to www.causisminstitute.com.
first, find yourself a causism therapist. They can get rid of most psychological problems in an hour. It’s almost amazing. It’s like magic. Don’t take those drugs without trying this first. And I previously had a professional hypnotist on that was advocating very much the same that, like, before you go down the road of just starting to ingest drugs and going on the trial, right, and figuring, going through, like, that trial and error process where, you know, maybe for six months, they put you on a bunch of different ones and say, hey, how’s it feeling now? How’s it feeling now that you could go and try and see a hypnotherapist as well, and that sometimes those eliminate the whole need to go into any other pharmaceuticals.
And I wanted to tag on this one thing that’s it’s probably going to follow me to my grave. But it’s like this weird contradiction, because anon, you mentioned Carl Jung and that that was almost like this. Not to put words in your mouth, but it sounded like it was almost like an entryway into this gnostic thought and integration of shadow work and all this. But there’s also something that Carl Jung advocated for the longest time, and it was this concept of a toxin x, where he theorized there was an actual chemical that existed or was synthesized somewhere in the body slash brain.
And that that chemical, it was. It kind of seems like the chemical imbalance argument that is now prevalent today. And it’s so weird to me that the guy that it’s kind of credited with giving us, like, archetypes and integrating shadow work and all of this, which kind of feels like the antithesis to pharmaceuticals in some way, he kind of was advocating for this chemical imbalance aspect of that was interesting you bring that up. That was very early on in his career, because I went back into my abnormal psych books in recent years to see, okay, had I seen this images of the serpentine entity somewhere before? And I was going back through my psychology books to see if somehow it planted in my mind.
And I found a little, just a little blurb on Carl Jung in there that said, yeah, he was experimenting, trying to find that Agent X or whatever it was in there. That’s all said about Carl Jung. And I think that was his very early years into his research. And later on, he started realizing, wow, some of what these patients are saying are what the gnostics had talked about. And Carl Jung has worn Abraxas ring. He wore a ring that had that serpentine entity on it because he felt like there was something to it. I know he and Freud split off with that because I think Carl Jung is very much into the spirit, getting into the spirit, even though he couldn’t say that from a professional standpoint.
I think he was one of these type of people that had probably had some of these shamanic experiences himself. Well, he did. And realized that there’s something to it. So I guess the key thing is we got to. We got to focus on treating the spirit more so than just drugging people out when they have issues in life. Now, we’re spiritual beings. I mean, you can’t ignore the spirit. And that’s one thing mace takes into account, the spiritual part of people. You know, psychology doesn’t do that. Psychiatry doesn’t do that. That’s why it doesn’t work. Well, I appreciate both of you coming on.
Again, if you’ve got any other final words or last shout outs, please take this opportunity all the time that you want to do so. Well, I’d like to thank you because your platform basically provides a place for us to give this public service announcement to let the world know that, hey, schizophrenia is not a life sentence. And so many people think falsely believe that. And I know, I’ve heard, oh, you outgrew it because you got older. Come on. That’s B’s. I mean, it was a spiritual bout that I got through, and I got to this point.
So it’s not a life sentence. There is hope. There is treatment out there. And again, Jerry’s Marzinski’s a website gives you some ways to deal with these, these voices. Jerrymarzynski.com dot. There’s. So there’s some programs there that will help you deal with the voices under articles. Well, Jerry, Anon, thanks again. I’ll lead us out with a little outro. And thank you to all the patreons that are making these shows happen. This one, the last one we had Jerry on was one that had some of the most comments. A lot of people that are, it sounds like they’d never even heard this premise before.
And it’s getting people to look into more alternate sort of therapy. So you guys going around and going on shows and talking, it’s absolutely working. I only know about you because I was referred to you by Lobster and Raven of Nephilim Death Squad. And I know they’re, like, absolute fans of your work. Jerry, particular Raven, because he has a very similar story to Ainon in a way where he overcame this outside of the conventional way. So shout out to all those guys. Shout out to you. I would rather this be what people were talking about constantly instead of, like, whatever nose job, like a celebrity had.
Like, I wish everyone was just talking about schizophrenic demon entities. Like, that would be such a better word, world. Amen. Yeah, they don’t want you knowing about them. Like they said, the biggest trick the devil ever pulled was that he doesn’t exist. Ready for a cosmic conspiracy about Stanley Kubrick, moon landings, and the CIA? Go visit nasacomic.com. nasacomic.com, ciasb.com. stanley Kubrick put it song. That’s why we’re singing this song. I’m nasacomic.com. go visit nasacomic.com go visit nasacomic.com yeah, go visit NASA.com that’s a comic.com. cIA’s biggest con, Stanley Kubrick put a song. That’s why we’re singing this song about nasacomic.com.
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Being raised by a brutal psychiatrist who MK ULtered his family as well as his Vet & other patient’s , using these horrific pharm drugs/ hypnotherapy… He was German & Army officer , his Dad a blue eyed Nahhsee , & I got pimped out to famous folks at his parties (like Duke Snyder Baltimore Oriels ) so I learned all the tactics , gas-lighting games and how over come them all….in total sobriety . First I had to jump thru the hoops of my grooming with two masters in theater arts ,making satan’s money that way , teaching / programming others those on-camera manipulative skills , THEN I SAW the ugly truths about Hollyweird professionals & our military’s dark goals . He did get “suicided” a few years back .
I crashed and burned in many ways . Hence I became a hands-on healer to take others off these mind control addictive drugs & self defeating tactics for 45 + years . Feeling liberated is a blissful, enlightened sensation reward to proceed in healthy lifestyle choices … THE consequential gift of DEEP work is connecting UN-mistakenly the soul , to our Creator’s genuine Voice, to learn discernment for on-going guidance directly .. Thank YOU : !!! … & Tommytruthful, Jay Dreamerz, Doenut , Juan on Juan , etc for showing the world truth’s / solutions /support /and a hopeful community ! ~ Praying you all & us can hold hands & together thrive thru this next onslaught attack on our souls .~
Heather … Holistic Bodywork Design