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Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the Paranoid American podcast. Launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world. From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the awe inspiring frontiers of forbidden technology to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface.
Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality. Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me. They’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.
So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Okay, another episode. Paranoid American podcast. As you can see, everyone’s already up on the screen. We’re not pocking through the window because we’ve already had conspiracy pilled on this show a little while ago, and we did the whole, like, one to ten gamut, and we didn’t get the follow up on a lot of them because I’ve usually run that towards the end.
So, first of all, Abby and PJ from Conspiracy pilled podcast, one of the most, like, variety filled podcasts. You guys get into every topic that I really love, but you’ve also got a perspective that’s way different than mine, so I’m happy to get into. I’ve got, like, a, like, a laundry list of just random stuff that we’re gonna maybe get into tangents. Welcome. But you guys are welcome. Tell people where they can find you and what you do. Well, thank you for having us back. We really enjoyed being on here last time. Yeah. The best way to find us, just go to conspiracypill.com.
you can pretty much find out everything from there. Our main hub for where to watch our stuff is on rumble. And if you want to listen to us anywhere, we’re on every podcast catcher you can think of. So pretty easy to find. Yes, we are online. We are on the Internet. Yes, go to the Internet. Welcome, man. We’re living in the future right now. Yeah, yeah. And I noticed that we’ll just get this one out of the way first because we focused on it a little bit last time, you hear? And I saw that you guys have had a number of episodes on Nephilim, and I also got to speak to Gary Wayne for the first time since we talked.
Oh, nice. So I had a couple of, like, very specific questions on Nephilim that I wanted to know if you guys have any thoughts on. Okay. One of them was Gary had suggested this concept that I haven’t been able to get out of my head, that Nephilim were like, the women Nephilim, the ones that were capable of producing Nephilim, were somehow, like, these coveted, like, place that you would go to start your empire. So if you wanted to start a new country or a new empire, you’d have to, like, hunt out the Nephilim queen or whatever starter pack.
Exactly. And then that way that your first, you know, wave of progeny would kind of be these, like, nephilim style giants for very practical, like, physical means. Have you ever heard that before? I might even be misinterpreting it. If I am, I’m gonna claim that as my theory. No, no, it’s great. We have not had Gary Wayne on our show. I just haven’t asked him. I should ask him at some point, but he’s written more on the nephilim than Gary Wayne, by the way. I don’t have any beef with him at all. No, I like Gary Wayne, to be honest.
The reason I haven’t asked him on yet is cause I need to read both of his books, and they’re very long, and I don’t want to invite him on and just be like, so I know you talk about Nephilim, but I never read your. All your books. That’s what I do. They’re pretty. Yeah, that’s what everybody does. I should. I’m just. I’m weird like that. If I talk to somebody, I want to read everything they’ve written. Oh, how many’s cool. How many of you read? I have not read any of your books yet, but I am going to buy a nephilim portal baby toy.
Is that available already? I’ve got, like, three more I just added. They go pretty quick. Yeah. Okay. I need to buy one of those, so I’ll do that. So I was thinking about, you know, like, the Nephilim starter pack. Do you think that’s even valid? Does that have any weight to you? I’m gonna let Abby answers first. Okay. What I will tell you is off topic, but there is a royal family line in Europe. I think it’s, like, Switzerland or around that area that traces its lineage back to a mermaid. So, yes. So, yes. Redheaded mermaid, you think? Probably a redheaded mermaid.
See, I think that mermaids are the. Are the female version, or at least part of the female version of Nephilim. Potentially. Potentially, yeah. There’s the other version, too, which is that they are the women who the nephilim originally slept with and then were cursed and became sirens or whatever. But, yeah. Yes. I think that they can still pass the. I just love the idea of a Nephilim starter pack that I’m just going to say yes. Yes. Yeah, no, but I think you got to go and buy enough, and then if you pop that, like, rare, then all of a sudden, you get the start of civilization.
Exactly. Yeah. The holographic version. Yeah. Rare holographic card. It would. If there are female nephilim, they’ve got to be, like, 25% and under right. Of a fallen angel DNA. Why would that have to be 25%? Because all the original males of the fallen angels were 100% fallen angel, and then they slept with just women. I think. I don’t think that there’s any 100% female fallen angels, so any. Any. That would still be 50%, though. You’re right. Math. Girl. Math. Math. I’m a girl math. You’re a woman. So we’ll let it slide this time. Yeah. So. And this would also explain that it would have been smaller than the original giants that came down, so.
But all you really need is just a little bit of head. I mean, look at basketball, right? You know how much if the entire team is just, what, two inches taller than the other team, they have boxing. They have an insane advantage over inches. And if we’re talking a couple of feet instead of inches and you apply it to the battlefield, now, all of a sudden it sounds like we’re cooking with gas. Yeah, 100%. Also, I don’t. I did not catch the full context of this comment, but we just talked to Joel Thomas recently about Nephilim and he said something about Nephilim turkey basters.
So something about impregnating giant women. So I’m guessing that there has to be some truth to this. Yeah, it takes a village, like literally when it comes to the nephilim. And a ladder. A ladder and a turkey baster. Yeah. Nephilim star. Oh no, that’s included in the Nephilim starter pack is the ladder in the turkey baser. The ladder in the turkey baser? Oh no, we’ll leave it on a high on top rung of the ladder. And last time we were talking, I also had you guys do a couple, one through ten. And there was a couple that we didn’t get to that I wanted to just explore in a little bit more detail.
The first one, I could see you both squirming because there was no context allowed. You had to just come up with a number. Yeah. And the question was we are 6000 years old. And I think that PJ, you gave me like a seven and Abby gave a ten. So she was just like, you know, like balls to the wall. But like you were squirming of like, man, there’s no context here, so give me the context that you wish were there if you were making a case of the earth being millions of years versus thousands of years.
So the only reason I squirm is because I believe that humanity is 6000 years old. I’m open ended on the idea of how old the earth is. How do you find humanity? Well, I mean like Adam on down, like from humans, I don’t really believe in the whole evolved from ape thing, but like, yeah, no, I think we actually recently talked to Jim Barfield who laid out this, like he basically just took everything in the Bible literally from as far as lineages go, genealogy and genealogy. Thank you. And when he laid it out, honestly, instead of like all of the, well, the hemming and hawing that you get from the community, you know, the historic and stuff like that, they’re like, well, does this really, it actually adds up in some really interesting ways and it makes so much more things make sense.
But yeah, that’s where I’m at. I believe that humanity, from Adam on down, I believe like the literal 6000 years there. I’m open to how long the seven days actually could be if it was periods of time or we have other theories we’re going to get into deeper in the future of like when things started counting as far as creation and stuff like that. But I’m not. Yeah, I’m open ended on that. That’s why I give it a seven. I think Abby’s like a ten all the way across, so I like that. Yeah, there’s. Thanks. I.
Let’s see. So Einstein’s theory. We’ve been having this conversation. Einstein’s theory of relativity suggests that time expands at the same rate as the universe. So if you are looking at a big bang theory, either an atheist big bang theory or a God said, let there be light. And that’s the beginning. And the universe has been expanding ever since in that God centric big bang. Either way, if you have the universe expanding from a point, Einstein’s idea was that time would expand at the same rate as the universe. So if you are, if you were God looking at the whole storyline from the beginning it would be six literal days and the earth would be 6000 years old and all that.
But if you were a piece of dust that was at the very edge of the expansion. So you started at the beginning and you have been expanding this whole time. 16 million years would have passed for you. If time is relative like that. So that I’m okay with. But from like, a biblical standpoint of that sounded way smarter than anything I said. I agree. I try. You should let Abby lead for now. I should, yeah. But no, I tend to take, whenever I read the Bible, I tend to take a pretty literal view of, like, if it says six days, it’s six days.
And it’s pretty rare that I think something other than the plain reading. The most annoying question that I can think of when it comes to, like, literal biblical interpretation. Do you believe in talking snakes? Do you think a snake talks? Yes. The question I like that. I like not squirming around it. The biggest question is, was it 100% snake or is this a. Was it a possessed snake? But it says. It says the snake. The snake talked and it does. It doesn’t say. And some spirit descended upon the snake and it talked. So I tend to think it was an actual snake.
I. Yeah. So the word is nahash. And it’s. There’s also words around the seraphim angels. If. Am I saying right? The seraphim angels also using the same word as snake. So I tend to think it’s more dragon like. I think it’s a fallen angel entity that’s snake like. But yeah, I mean, so the answer is yes. But I’m like, I’m not thinking of a gardener snake or garter snake, I think is what we call him or like a boa constrictor or something. I’m thinking like something snake like, but definitely fallen angel. So it could be whatever.
I mean, I guess that’s kind of the curse for the snake, was that it would have to go on its belly. So whatever it was when it talked was not what we have now, definitely, at least head, legs. What language do you think it was talking in? Like, what was the language in the garden of Eden? Pre Babel. So, yes. Nothing we know now. There was. I can’t even remember what it was, but we went to that convention and they were talking about like, the oldest language and all the possibilities of it being like a pre flood language.
Sanskrit? Is it Sanskrit? It’s something along those lines where it’s like there was evidence this was coming from very not christian source, but like, the agreement seemed to be that there was a universal language that in their belief, this was like an Anunnaki conference. So it was like fallen angel type stuff. But the original Metis conference. Yeah, it was called CPAC, but it wasn’t like the conservative conservative. So it was about pyramids and stuff. It was Graham Hancock conference. Yeah, that was good. We had a good time. It was fun. The idea was that Sanskrit is the most literal language that we have or we know of.
It’s the most strictly. Like, each word is strictly word for word as opposed to Hebrew, which is very metaphorical. Each word is very. Means, like multiple things at the same time or has multiple interpretations. Yeah, but Sanskrit is like almost. Almost a computer in how like, more so than even English, which English is hard, I guess, for some people to learn because it’s got so many words compared to, like, you know, you have like one word that means kind of a general concept. That’s why I speak american. We have less English. Yeah. Yeah, american. I like american way better.
Yeah. And if we keep going with, like, the literal interpretation of the Bible. Is this happening? Let’s say. And let’s just say it could be a seraphim, it could be a dragon. It could be a snake. Anything at all. Is that happening on the planet that we exist on now too? Or was it in like a slightly more spiritual, ethereal version? Or is it like the dirt that was under Adam and Eve’s feet? Because potentially the same dirt under our feet. I love this question. That is a really good question, actually. I don’t think it’s the same earth in a certain way, in a metaphysical way.
I’m going to butcher this, but in revelation, it talks about, I think, a lot of people miss this, where they think that the earth is, they think of it in a very gnostic way. A lot of christians even fall into this. They think of it in a very gnostic way, that we’re all just going to leave the earth behind and that we’re all going to become spiritual beings up in the sky. But the Bible is very clear that we’re going to get new bodies, heaven is going to come down to earth, and we’re going to inhabit this earth the way that Genesis was supposed to be inhabited.
But that idea of heaven coming down to earth, I think that means that that’s what it was originally. I tend to think of the movie Constantine for, like, a visual understanding. Have you ever seen the movie Constantine? Yeah. It’s also based on a phenomenal comic book, which is better than the movie. Yeah, exactly. But in the movie, the visualization of heaven and hell is so fascinating because they’re literal realms layered on top of each other. So in order to see heaven or hell, it’s not moving physical distance. It’s not like in the earth and in the clouds.
It’s more layered in a kaleidoscopic kind of way. And I think that that full mergence of heaven and Earth is more of a realm concept or like an overlaying of realities than it is physical. Different places, like different planets and things like that. So do I think it was the same physical Earth? Not really in a metaphysical way. I think it was more. I think those things have been separated since, and that’s my belief. I don’t know. Yeah. If you think about it in terms of, like, the veil is down right now, but if you had.
If the veil was lifted on the spiritual world, we could see everything. I think that that’s how it was. So I think of Eden as being probably. I think it had a physical location, but I think even if you went there now, you couldn’t see it because the veil is down. But it’s almost like the mythological conception of fairyland. You’d have to. Sometimes you can just walk into fairyland, but it’s not quite there, the same way that other places are there. And you kind of have to go through a portal of some sort. Do you think it’s possible technology could ever fill that gap or even show that that gap exists? I think so.
Especially if you think that the fallen angels are the ones that are handing us the technology. Absolutely. Is that what you think? Yeah, I believe in a lot of ways. Yeah. That’s the whole idea of Enoch. That’s where the whole nephilim thing comes from, it’s not where nephilim comes from. It’s Genesis six four. But the expanded understanding of nephilim that people are generally talking about, Gary Wayne is talking about comes from the Book of Enoch, and in that it talks about all of the technologies that were given to humans, specifically from fallen angels. So when you’ve got computer, when you got people saying things like, hey, we have AI, we just don’t literally know what it does or how it does or where it comes from, the people who are creating it, that’s interesting to me.
And then you look back through people who came up with computers and the concept computers, before even electronics were really a thing. They were all calling it demons and, like, ghosts in the machine type thing. So the idea that these things are animated by something that we don’t fully understand, and we just kind of accept that everybody figured out how to do microscopic silicone and gold plated chips to make ones and zeros make magic. To me, I’m looking at this going like, I’m not the smartest person in the world, but that sounds like technology that was handed to people.
Who comes up with this. I don’t know, man. How far back do you think this could go? Could we say that the abacus was given to humans by nephilim or demonstration? Have not. Okay, so I keep seeing that clip from the three body problem, and I have not watched it yet with the human abacus in. I haven’t seen it either. Okay, but have you seen the clip that everybody’s sharing around? I haven’t, no. I tried watching the first ten minutes, and, like, my girlfriend wasn’t into it, so I’m gonna have to find, like, my. Yeah, I thought that’s what you’re referencing.
I haven’t watched it yet either, but, no, I’m just wondering, because technology, to me, technology is language. Like written language, like science we were talking about. To me, that’s. That’s technology. But I don’t know how congruent that is with, well, if technology comes from the fallen angels, then, like, I guess, the snake talking to Adam and eve, maybe that was the first instance of technology and language. Unless it predated that we were literally having this conversation an hour ago. Me and Abby were on the phone. But, like, the. I think that when you’re handing down stories to a post flood world and let’s say you’re no one as sons, and you lived in a world full of technology and advancement and all this stuff, and then it’s all wiped away, and you’re trying to explain it to people.
How are you ever going to explain it to people? So I think that there’s plenty of room for things in the pre flood biblical text or mesopotamian or whatever text you’re looking at to be trying to relay concepts of high technology. And there was a guy that we met again at CPAC, who basically proved that these old pots from that were definitely dated before they would call the ice age of the flood, or whoever you’re talking to, depending on what they believe. These are like back during the pyramids, the original pyramids. Again, the belief system there is also, they were built a long time before modern people think they were built.
But anyway, that were proven, essentially could not have been made without computer technology, advanced CNC machines, like, we’re talking millimeters, like micrometers, thin differences on these super complex designs, like completely even. Like even modern day machining probably couldn’t quite get it. As perfect as these things are. He laid it all out. I’m doing a bad job. He was on Joe Rogan podcast talking about it, too. He was there with Jimmy Corsetti. I cannot think of his name, but basically, I think it’s very convincing. His whole idea that there was pretty pre flood or computers technology, stuff like that.
And I think it’s interesting, too, because a lot of the belief system there is, we base all of our technology on electronics, on the electron and all of that. But there’s tons of different ways to do computers, whether it’s pneumatic or chemical or this or that or the other. And it’s very possible and very likely that we have a hard time even understanding ancient technology, because everything we do is based on an electric grid. And if society had based everything on pneumatics or chemical, one lady had her whole theory about water, which was pretty weird, that we just wouldn’t be able to back engineer that technology anyway, because we just don’t have the same system.
If you look at greek mythology, where Prometheus comes down and gives humans fire, and then he’s punished for it by the gods for giving humans something. You could make the argument that everything has been handed to us by the fallen angels or farming. In almost all cultures, ancient cultures, the whole idea of societies in general are talked about as being brought to them by the gods. But the other thing is that what’s described in Genesis is that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden and talked with him. And so I would probably say that not every single bit of knowledge was from a bad source, that there was conversation with Yahweh, and who knows what type of thing he wanted to share with people and what path he preferred that they take.
And I don’t think that that would have been a technology less, eight level intelligence type of a world. Right? Yeah. As blasphemous as this sounds, I try to make it not sound like this, but, like, pre tree of good and evil, like, knowledge and humans gaining any extra technology or information outside of just God. How, like, how, like, how interesting do you think those conversations were between Adam and Eve and God? Are they telling God anything that he doesn’t know? Is it just, like, perpetually talking with, like, a toddler that just learned how to make noises, and it’s like you’re infatuated with it because it’s your kid, but if it was someone else’s kid, you’d be like, get this kid away from me.
I think. Go ahead, Abby. I wouldn’t say a toddler, but that level of innocence, of not. Not having a concept of there’s a difference between good and evil. It’s all. It’s all good, man. It’s all good. It’s all. I’m sorry, PJ. I said saw good, man. It’s all good, man. Yeah, that. So I don’t think it would have been childish in most of the way that you would think of. Childish, but very innocent. I’m trying to think if there’s, like, a mythology of innocence where you would. Because I’m trying to think from the perspective of both, like, from God to Adam and Eve.
Yeah, I could see that being interesting. And, like, you’re talking to your kid, and you’re just like, wow, look at how you see this. This world in front of these eyes that I don’t really remember. Then also from Adam and Eve, I just imagine them just, like, constantly looking at each other, like, you understand anything this guy’s saying. I don’t really get it. You know? Yeah, no, I think that’s entirely valid. Yeah, 100%. Even considering that, I generally think that it’s the opposite of what we’ve been taught is that humans are basically getting smarter. I think all the evidence is actually the opposite.
I think that humans were probably generally smarter and have gotten kind of dumber over time. I kind of wonder, too, because our over reliance on technology alone makes us kind of dumber, and we are so easily fooled. I know it’s almost, like, a trope, and I mentioned a lot, but the fact that the human eye can see, like, less than, like, one point, like, 0.3% of the visible light spectrum. Like, maybe we’re just, like, really easily fooled by everything, and we’re so convinced that we’re so advanced that. And, like, even you were saying before that, like, these pots were discovered, and, you know, it had to have come from some advanced technology, because they’re, like, millimeters difference.
It’s like. But on a certain scale, millimeter might as well be a mile. You know, if you understood precision, if you had, like, you know, of a deeper understanding of the material you’re working with, millimeters and even nanometers shouldn’t even really matter. But if that impresses you, it’s maybe just because we. We are easily impressed by stuff. Yeah, that’s very, very possible. I think I said it a little wrong because he was saying it was, like, the width of a paper difference. But, yeah, I mean, still, you’re right. Like, even micrometers to a certain advanced technology, you’d be like, oh, it’s shoddy work there.
Yes. Okay, well, and also, speaking of advanced technology, another one of the other questions that we went over was celebrity clones. And I think, PJ, you were, like, a seven and Abby was a five, or I might have reversed those. I think that I got those right. So I wanted to. Right. I think I’m more open to celebrity clones than Abby is, so. Yeah. So kick your feet up a little bit and give a little bit more context on. And I want to dig in a little bit on some specifics, but just celebrity clones. What makes you give him a seven? Oh, man.
I can’t remember his name. But a few years ago, there was that rapper who was basically putting this out there. He’s like, look, they basically just clone us and kill us and all this thing. And I was like, I mean, on one sense, on a metaphorical sense, would have been cool. I wasn’t coolio. It was a newer guy. But on one sense, it’s like, yeah, every rap song and the last 20 years has been the exact same cadence. It’s been the exact same rhyming pattern. It’s all. It’s all really just done over and over and over again.
And all I have to do is get a fresh, new tattooed face up there, you know, for a few years, and they kill him, and his album sells, and they just kind of, like, rinse and repeat. But then he started going into, like, all this clone aid stuff and all the raylian things and things like that. And, I mean, it’s wild. I’m not sure, if I, like, really buy into it, but I’m open to the idea of cloning. I don’t know, man. It’s one of those things that I want to dig more into. I don’t believe that Taylor Swift is a clone, but I do think that she’s one of a kind.
Don’t you dare say that she can be replicated. You know what’s hilarious about this? We did an episode about if Taylor Swift was a clone and that the. Basically what Abby said, she was only leading that one. It’s like she’s not a literal clone, but she’s copied Zina Lave’s look, style, everything. Like, she’s tried to mimic Xena Levy in this really huge way. And then Xena Levay found this, shared it on Facebook and said, yes, finally, somebody gets it. She’s not a clone, but she’s copying me on every step of the way. And it was just really funny to have a Zen, you know, Anton Lavey’s daughter.
Maybe she’s an inversion. Maybe she’s inverting their inversion and like a, like a, you know, double rubber glue kind of operation. Yeah, maybe this is really funny and. But, Abby, you were a five on Celebrity clone. So are you. Are you up there from lower than a five, or are you down from higher than a five? In recent years? I think it’s unlikely that the technology exists. I think we’d be seeing way more of it if it did. So there’s two things here. One, I think it’s funny that any time a celebrity dies, we say, no way they’re actually dead.
It’s a conspiracy. They’re secretly alive somewhere. But then whenever a celebrity just, like, does something a little different, we’re like, they’re secretly dead and it’s a clone. So it’s just. We just can’t allow our celebrities to just be human beings who change and then die. But, so there’s that. But then there’s also, I’m more likely to believe that a familiar spirit, the same, this I agree with, has inhabited different people who have all looked and acted alike throughout the years. So if you say, because this also answers, I think the is so and so a vampire question, or is this a.
This actor, a reincarnation of this ancient king or whatever? You can throw reptilians in there, too, probably. I think that what is inside you has actually so much to do with how you look. So if somebody is ugly on the inside, they’re ugly on the outside. If they’re. There’s a name for that. I was trying to think of it off the top of my head. Doesn’t matter. So, yeah, you have the same spirit inside you. I think you are more likely to look very, very similar to whoever you’re a clone of. And you don’t have to be.
Have been created in a lab somewhere. It’s just that the spirit is doing that. Aside from Taylor Swift and Xena Levy, are we ready to throw down any names here on possible clones? Whether it’s a spiritual clone or else I find the animal. I mean, Nicolas Cage, obviously. Wait, who’s Nicolas Cage? Is it just the same person over and over, or is there someone that looks like Nicolas Cage? Oh, I don’t know. I’ve just seen those pictures where it’s like. It looks like Nicolas Cage throughout all of history. Counter celebrities. Yeah. Yeah. I would also believe that there is bloodlines that are carried on in, like, occultic bloodlines and stuff like that.
Well, you see this in royal families, but I wonder how much of that actually stems to, like, famous people throughout history are just, like, part of the same, like, bloodline. I don’t know. But, you know, I tend to agree with Abby on this, that it’s probably more spiritual. I love to entertain the clone stuff because I think it’s wild and funny. I’m not sure. I haven’t found anything super convincing on it, but I would think it’s absolutely hilarious. If the frickin Raylians actually did perfect cloning somewhere in Canada, that would just be hilarious to me. If it exists.
It’s not strictly scientific. It’s some sort of occult ritual. I would definitely say you were starting to say Anne Hathaway. There’s this whole theory that Anne Hathaway is the spinning image of Shakespeare’s lover and that her, Anne Hathaway’s current boyfriend or whatever, is, like, as a pair or a reincarnated or cloned or whatever of. I’ve never seen this one. And his woman, I like. I’ve actually seen. I’ve known someone that looked, like, dead on, like, a clone for Anne Hathaway before. So there might be something like a clone factory aspect or maybe almost in, like, a spiritual phrenology kind of way that once a spirit inhabits you, it starts, like, shaping your bone structure and how your.
Your aesthetics kind of look, I guess, right? Yeah. So I could see that. Let’s do a more. I know that we’re. Maybe all the three of us are more on the skeptic side of, like, actual incubator, physical based celebrity clones? I don’t know. I think I’m less than a five on that type of celebrity clone. I’m way more open on the one that we were just talking about. But if there were a physical, like, a secular, scientific version of this, even if it tied into some spiritual aspects. But I always wonder, are we talking clones in that? If you wanted to clone Jamie Foxx, would you have to clone him as a baby and then, like, raise the clone and just hope that you had put, like, you know, everything on the right horse? This is the whole reason that I.
The clone thing kind of falls apart from when it comes to celebrities. Specifically. I do think that there’s a higher possibility of cloning humans for other purposes than using them as celebrities because it seems like all the science would. Would lend towards that, right? That they’d be cloned as babies, and then they’d be kind of worthless as, like, a backup anyway. It’s not like the movie the 6th day or whatever. Right. Where was I going? How do you train the baby to have your same life experience and all of your information? Yeah, there’s so many questions that would go into, like, the switcheroo or, like, are you both being trained? I know.
Yeah, there’s so many questions. My clone theory goes a lot more into the idea of creating meat suits for demons, which is literally, we did a whole episode on this where I’m like, look, if they’re doing this, I think that they’re creating hybrids and clones as literal meat suits. Like something that can be inhabited where you don’t have to push the other consciousness out of the way. You know what I mean? Because if you’ve ever been around a demon possessed person, they’re like, it’s a battle for who’s in control. And it’s schizophrenic and crazy and scary.
But if those entities were able to find a perfectly valid meat suit that’s not, you know, that could host life, but just doesn’t have a ghost in the machine, so to speak. That’s more. I know that’s my way, unhinged out there theory, but that’s where I think the cloning stuff makes a lot more sense than they need another rapper. I was making the joke earlier because it’s true. They can just replace this tattoo faced rapper with one just like him. You know, the music industry is writing all his music for him anyway. Who gives a shit? So it’s like, how hard is it to make a mumble rapper? You know what I mean? Like, they don’t have to go through the.
You don’t have to hire clone aid and get involved with the Raelians to get another mumble rapper. Well, the idea with a clone is that even if science could create a human body, science can’t create a human soul. That’s God. That’s a God thing. And even in Genesis, the way that creation is described is God first forms the body out of dirt, and then he breathes into it the soul and the life. And so even in the Bible, those two things are separate things. And so, like, PJ was saying, if there is cloning happening, it’s, you can’t clone someone’s.
I don’t think you can clone someone’s soul. So whatever the soul is, is not human. So potentially a spirit inhabiting. Well, it almost sounds. We’re talking about, like, a homunculus in different iterations. Like, maybe there’s, like, a much fancier one that we could make today that would have all the sensory organs and, like, you know, all the IO ports versus the one that they were just making out of, like, cow uterus. Right. I know that’s Juan Ayala’s whole thing, but I mean, you gotta. You gotta ask the question. Like, are the occultists done with the homunculi? Or are they trying to just.
Have they just upped the science when it comes to them? Like you said, instead of just putting a cow fetus inside of a jar of piss for six months and then chanting around over weird homunculus recipes, there are months. Look at this guy trying to fast track it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s been a while since I read Paracelsus whole homunculus thing. But it’s something along those lines of, like, just this weird, you know, all old alchemy stuff is wild anyway. But I don’t think that they stopped wanting the same things they wanted back then. Right? I think this is what little gray aliens are, is suits.
Some sort of meat slash technology body for a spirit. I find it funny how often they’re talked about as not, like, even in their own lore, is like, being inhabited by something from somewhere else. They’re kind of. What do they call them? Like, biological robots. Yeah, it makes sense. You’d have, like, a little tiny aerodynamic body that can, like, wiggle in and out of stuff. You got these huge eyes behind possibly these uv filters that can capture everything. Yeah, like a little remote control guy. Yeah. So let’s. Man, I’ve got. I’ve got two different things I want to go into homunculus.
We’ll see which one goes. So the first one being, are you guys familiar with the moon child concept of a homunculus? The Alistair Krolian? Yes. Yeah. So just to restate my understanding of it simply, it’s that in the first two months, I think of any pregnancy that that child or the fetus doesn’t have a soul yet. And that you’re kind of like waiting. And you’re basically like waiting for some soul to hop in, maybe in the rosicrucian sense or whatever, but that there’s almost like a hack that if you go out into the middle of a desert and you summon a bunch of demons because there’s a bunch of wandering spirits out in the desert in particular, that you can almost like put on a little show, like, hey, guys, look, you know, like, look what’s fresh out of here for you.
Yeah. Who want. Yeah, nice fresh vessel here. You know, step right up kind of deal. And then if you can attract it in the right way, then that demonic soul or whatever then becomes part of the fetus and then you deliver it. And I guess that like prevents a regular human soul from. And I’m not sure what the exact technicalities are and how that works. Yeah. Do you, how possible do you think that specific concept is? I would just edit it maybe a little bit for pause. So I don’t. I believe the soul’s there from conception.
However, the idea that the soul is weak enough to be able to be forced out. Forced out or forced small and so it can never develop fully. I could, I could like that. I could see that as a possibility. Yeah. No, I think I tend to agree with you either way. I think that a lot of what Aleister Crowley did, you know, people, people laugh at it and make jokes about it, but I think he was practicing real. Yeah. Magic. Whether. Whether he was successful in it or not, whether, you know, however deceived he was or not.
I mean, my favorite thing is like, talking about him being deceived. Like, his whole concept of one of his rituals was basically to summon the seven kings of hell and then try to defeat them. And it’s like, yeah, that’s what an idiot. That’s what an idiot would do. It’s like, dude, it’s okay, we’ll give you some power if you summon us and then we’ll just, you know, you know, it’s like, what? I don’t know. I think. I think he did a lot. Yeah, exactly. He’s like, yeah, I can do that. I can take on the seven kings of hell, that’ll work.
I’m cured. And this isn’t an exact inversion of that question, but I just wonder, do you think it would ever be possible or that it would ever happen, more than just possible, that God could decide to put a human soul into something that didn’t just come through, like a womb? Let’s say that we create this perfect homunculus meat suit. Do you think there’s a chance that God could be like, hey, you guys are actually onto something there. Let’s give this a shot and, like, give it consciousness? I thought you were gonna go with, like, a very David Lynchian thing of, like, the soul is trapped in an end table or something like that.
No, I mean, I would. I would assume that God would at least have the purview to be like, okay, that one is actually kind of like a human 2.0. You guys are onto something. Like, I only had six days to figure this thing out. I think God can do whatever he wants. I don’t think he’d be super likely to. For one thing, I think that what he created was way better than anything we could have, so he wouldn’t be like, you guys. You guys one upped me. But in some ways, you could argue that that’s kind of what he did with Mary, where he said, instead of this child coming to be the way that a child would normally come to be without any male DNA input, he created a baby in Mary and inhabited it and was born into the world as Jesus.
So, like, the. What’s the word? The God with us? Incarnation. Yeah, incarnation. Yeah, yeah. I almost said incarceration, I guess my. Like, the. The poignant question there being that if he saw Mary as a fit vessel to show this. This miracle of life, like, what do you think would prevent God from just finding anything that wasn’t a human? Like, if we found a way to synthesize an egg and was like, now I’ll use that thing. You know, now that you guys have got this, I’ll use that. I think. I think. I think you’re. Yeah, there’s two questions there.
Could he. And would he. And I think the. Could he is a. Right. That’s a given. And then the second one is like, my thought goes back to the nephilim story, which is essentially, like, creating vessels that were seen by God as an abomination and not filling those vessels with his breath of life. And then whatever is inhabiting those is what we think of as demons. Now, again, according to the Book of Enoch. So if I can base what I know of God’s character on things like that. Then my tendency would be to say he wouldn’t do that based on what I believe to be, you know, the glimpses that we get of his character.
But could he? Sure. I think, yeah. It would be the most chaotic good thing. Yeah. Who knows? I tend to just not say what God would or wouldn’t do generally, because I’m like. I mean, yeah, who am I to say? There’s so many people who have been like, God would never. God would never. And then it’s like, but he would, though. We just did this episode with Joel Thomas about the good nephilim theory that he has. And basically what he’s saying is, like, I think there’s evidence that there are certain nephilim who turned from their wicked ways and worshiped God, and he forgave them.
And some people are like, he would never do that. And I’m like, man, the Bible’s full of people saying that to God, and then him saying, watch me, watch me. You know, the prodigal son Jonah and the tarshish or whatever. Not little Nicky Nineveh. Yeah. Little Nikki. Tons of examples. Yeah. So I just tend to not speak for God. I like Jill Thomas’s take on all the nephilim, so he’s the one who even got me involved in the whole term of nephilim. And I love the same question of, like, reptilians or demons or any, like, can there be a good version of this? Because it’s.
It almost seems like there’s a bad version of everything when it comes to the bodies. Even if there’s a bad angel, then there’s almost bad anything? Right. Does that mean that all of the bad things there could be good versions of, or does it just not work? Is that too much of, like, a hermetic as above, so below to be true? I think so. And redeem whatever he wants to. I think he’s incredibly good at redeeming. Right. Yeah, no, I agree. And then also with, like, the technology angle and, like, AI, if you do think that AI might be able to give us a purview into these other realities that might be, like, on top of us, would you ever be able to trust technology if it seemed to.
If it seemed to be making a claim that, like, a message was coming from God or, like, a higher benevolent power? Or is it just. Would it just never be possible, ever, ever, ever, that you’d ever believe it if it came from technology? That is. That is a legitimately good. That’s a really good question. What if God really was trying to communicate to you through the radio or the computer, but through chat, nobody believes it. Would it? Let me find the verse on this, because there’s literally a verse about this. This is interesting because I don’t even know.
I still don’t know what to make of this. I’m going to sound like a complete crazy person saying this, but I heard a white. What do you call white noise when his voice speaks to you through the radio? What do they call that? Is that just white noise? Well, there’s white noise, pink noise, brown noise. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the brown note is something totally different. Well, noise is different than the noise are different. I was joking. Noise that filter out certain. Yeah. So the point was. No, please don’t. The point was I was in a car, and it was one of those turn knobs.
You have to turn the knob all the way and it clicks off. So it’s not like a push or whatever. Like if the volume’s all the way down, it’s off, you know what I mean? And that’s a click back on. And I was driving my car, and I had my girlfriend at the time in the seat next to me, and windows are shut, it’s quiet. And all of a sudden, a voice literally came over the radio. It just said two words. And I was like, am I insane? And I looked at her and she heard it, too.
And we were both, like, checked. I went to check the radio. It was clicked off. And I have. I never explained it. So I’m like, I don’t know what was speaking to me through the radio at that point, but I had a witness, and it freaked me out. Freaked us both out. So I don’t know where I was going with that. Just God speaking through technology. While Abby was looking up her. I don’t know if it was God or not, but it freaked me out. This verse is from Galatians, so this is Paul speaking, Paul the apostle.
And he’s saying, I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him, who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel, not that there is another one, but that there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we. So even if myself, Paul, or any of the apostles, even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preach to you, let him be cursed. So he’s like, if somebody comes along, if it’s. Even if I come along and contradict myself and tell you a different gospel.
Or if an angel from heaven comes along and tells you a different gospel, that’s a lie. So if we started to get a message from the beyond through AI and it contradicted the Bible, it contradicted the gospel, then it’s a lie. Let’s, let’s keep exploring this one little specific example a little bit. So let’s say that some great cataclysm happens and it wipes out everyone’s physical bibles. Like, we all know that there was a Bible and a lot of people like, remember bits and pieces, but there’s not one singular authority. That’s like, I remember the whole thing start to end and everyone agrees with that person.
So now it’s like a big mishmash. It almost seems to me, and I’m probably wrong, but that you could consult AI and be like, here’s all the fragments, here’s what all the different versions that people think, believe and everything. Let’s say there was an EMP before, but somehow we keep AI and it’s like construct us the version that’s probably the closest to being like the most standard, accurate and everything like that. Seems like it might be the best chance that we would have to recreate, like, what we had lost, but it’s still coming from technology. And so would you just be like, well, screw it then.
We can’t trust any of this anymore. Let’s wait for God to help us write another one. That’s such a. I love this hypothetical. I think that it would probably spit out something that was close and it would be a good starting point. And then you would go around to all the people who remembered a verse in their heart, like had like memorized verses, and you would fact check the AI version and I bet you would find a lot of mistakes, but I think you could still rebuild it. Yeah, I think that over time, even now, without that scenario, we’ve got plenty of lost context.
We’ve got lost understanding of tons of things in the Bible. And some of it’s come back through different means. And some of it’s debated on whether you should include Jasher, Enoch or Jubilee or this or that or the other. But I always think of it in open hand, closed hand issues as one way to put it. I’ve heard it called bullet doctrines. I think that the core salvation message has to be intact and has to be the same. And I think everything else is fascinating. I think it’s not just fascinating, I think it’s important. But I don’t think it’s the most important thing.
And I think we can be off on all of these different things. I think the Pentecostals can disagree with the Catholics can disagree with the Methodists on so many issues as long as the one issue remains unchanged. I don’t think we have a perfect under. We definitely do not have a perfect understanding of the Bible. We’ve got like 10,000 denominations, right. Everybody’s getting something a little bit wrong. 40,000? Yeah, no, I’d believe it. It’s tons. It’s way too many. Everybody’s got everything a little bit wrong. But I think that at the end of the day there are very important things.
Like John 316, there’s very important like, hey, this is. We have the way, the truth and the life and we’re definitely going to disagree on tons of stuff. And some of them are very important and some of them do have correct answers, close hand issues, and some of them have, we don’t know. And those are open handed issues. But the core salvation message has to be intact. And I think if AI can keep that intact, then the rest is unfortunate. But it’s not the end all be, it’s not the end of the world. God can still work through it to that end because the word of God is so powerful, even when it’s not complete that core.
I think in your hypothetical, genuinely, that the AI would tell you no. Like instead of giving you a Bible that was like sneakily edited here and there, I think it would just say, no, I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna give it to you. Like if you asked it to write a nice poem about Donald Trump. Exactly. It would say, this is too hot button of an issue. We can’t do it. Yeah, well, it all started with three disabled, non binary people in the Garden of Eden. Yep, yep. Adam, Steve and Helen. Yeah. Keller. Speaking of interesting origin stories, are you guys familiar with Bach saga? You’re not the first person to ask me this question.
I’m not familiar. I’m not going to spoil it for you. I’ll let you guys discover that one for yourselves. I do want to ask you because I was going through some of your previous episodes and you guys have been going hard on a bunch of different, like, conspiracy secret society groups. And I’ve got various thoughts on like, how much influence they actually do today. But I want to do. I don’t have a cool little segment yet, maybe I should. But I want to do like a one to ten rating, but not on how much credit you give them existing, but how much power you think they currently have over the world today? So I’ll start out with skull and bones in the year 2024.
Not 1950s, not the 1960s. 2024. How much power, one to ten, do you think skull and bones has on, like, a global scale? Two or three? Two. I think that skull and bones is the playground for rich people to figure out if they can actually function in the higher secret societies. I don’t think it actually has ever really been that important in and of itself. I think it’s, you know, like Hogwarts or something. You know, it’s like, this is where you got to learn all the, you know, some. Some occult stuff. Get some. Get. Dip your toe in the water.
But I don’t think, like, the skull and bones is running jack shit. I don’t think they ever have, to be honest. I like that almost like, if you fall asleep in the coffin during the obscene. Right. They draw, like, a dick on your forehead. Yeah. You don’t get to join the CIA. That’s exactly what it is. Yeah. And what about you, Abby? You said two or three as well? Two or three. You could. You could say, yeah, the bushes. But you’ve got one powerful family who’ve come out of. I mean, you could say networking is a powerful thing.
And so you’ve got some. I think you could name any group of people and say, oh, they networked and they got somebody in power, but that’s why it’s important. But outside of that, like, I don’t think they actually control anything. I think they’re just an introduction. Just like, Bush didn’t actually control anything. I don’t think he did. That could have been the first of many stepping stones to get into power. Exactly. The next one I’ve heard skull and bones almost described as a pipeline to get into the CIA. So if we replace skull and bones with CIA on that same scale, how much are you giving the CIA credit for, globally? Seven or an eight.
Yeah. I don’t know, man. I think the shadow government is essentially the CIA, and I think they do a lot more than people thing. But, yeah, I don’t know. Maybe I’m giving them too much credit, but, yeah. How about the Vatican? That’s a good question. That’s up there, too. It’s. My gut wants to say a five or six, though. I mean, I don’t. CIA. More power than Vatican in 2024. I guess it just depends on, like, which realm of power. Like, that’s. I think that’s the hard question. Here is like, let’s say there’s a lot of realms of influence.
Yeah. Shaping. Just shaping the mind of the masses. I actually don’t think. I don’t think the Vatican is as powerful today as it used to be. I think they want you to think that they’re more powerful than that. I think that if you put it in this, and if you put it in the way of shaping minds of people, I think the incredible power. Sure. But I don’t think that they are as powerful today as they were 50 years ago. What about Freemasons? I think I’m just gonna go the five or six Freemasons. I also think that I have a different take on them, too, which makes me put them a little bit lower than everybody else, which is that I think that.
That it’s essentially a religion. So I don’t think it’s like. I don’t believe there’s, like a Freemason table where all the high level Freemasons sit down specifically, you know, as Freemasons do a thing. I think it’s the religion of the elect, but I don’t think that. So, again, massive influence, but I don’t think as an organization, it’s the same thing. It funds it. I don’t know, man. I think that there’s realms of power and influence, and I think that the mistake is to look at it all in this very cartoony, Illuminati way, which is like, you’ve got twelve dudes or whatever, that just sit down and decide literally everything from what Bono’s haircut’s going to be this week to when the Queen of England dies.
I don’t think that. That. I think that there’s all these different realms that are interacting with each other. You got, like, the school version, which is the skull and bones. You’ve got this religious component, which is the Freemasonry. You’ve got this militant arm, which is the CIA, or controlling the masses through things like the Vatican. I think it’s a much more complex network of influence than the cartoony version of it. So I don’t even know how to give it a number. A number? The Freemasons. And as a reference, you gave three. Okay, so. So more influential than the skull and bones, likely.
I. Yeah, but I think that’s weird, because, like, also 99% of freemasonry is not anything. It’s just a bunch of dudes, like, hanging out. So. But as far as, like, you know, the higher level, like, 33rd degree freemasons, I think they do have a lot of influence, or you have a different answer. Abby, go ahead. I’m sorry. I’m just spitballing here. I think it’s funny, because when you talk to Catholic, when you talk to the more conspiratorial, serious Catholic Catholics who are serious about their faith and a little bit more conspiratorial will say that, like, Freemasons are their arch nemesis.
Like, freemasons have infiltrated the Catholic Church. And, like, everything that a Catholic doesn’t like about the Catholic Church is the Freemason. And so they, the Catholic Church has set it up as if it’s this, like, equal power struggle between the Vatican and Freemasons. And I think that’s interesting. I don’t know if I could assign a number to either of them, but I put them on pretty similar footing. Although when it comes to control over ancient knowledge, like, ancient secret knowledge, I think the Vatican has a ton of power that probably no other arm, no other thing does.
As far as, like, what’s in their library. What’s in the library? Archives and stuff. Yeah, no, I tend to agree with that. I think the Freemasons are sometimes too open with what they know anyway, compared to the Vatican, if you’ve got the library of Alexandria. Yeah. Which I think they’d have of, like, all the hidden. Like, even if they don’t know what to do with it. Like, how do you measure the power of knowledge if you just have it in books somewhere and even the pope has no idea what’s down there. Mm hmm. So we open source the Vatican library.
Yeah. I don’t know if I would even do that. Like, I think there’s probably some dark. Really? If they put you in charge of the Vatican Abbey, you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t open source it? Open it all up? Probably not. I think there are things people shouldn’t know. Well, I mean, what’s the worst. What’s the worst possible outcome if you open source the Vatican library? Everybody knows how to bring demons into. Into bodies and bind them to themselves and do. We should only let Zuckerberg and Elon Musk know how to do that? That’s a good point. We can’t.
We can’t let those midwestern or fly over states. Sure, yeah. I mean, I think there’s a. There’s an argument for destroying it. I’m just kidding. Well, yeah, some of it, maybe. I mean, honestly, like, probably. Yeah, probably. And just be clear. We are advocating for arson of the Vatican library right now. Yeah. We are talking burning books. No, I mean, if you’re talking about the type of knowledge that could absolutely destroy civilizations and did maybe destroy civilizations, like, the answers to why certain civilizations came to power and then fell. If you’re talking about that level of knowledge and how to build a pyramid and how to cull a demon and how to do all these things, wouldn’t you want to keep that to as few people? Like, I don’t want Zuckerberg to have it, but I certainly don’t want Joe and Iowa to have it.
Who, let’s say that the Vatican was, was like, we’re done with this responsibility. We’ve got this library of stuff. It needs to stay out of the wrong hands. And like, who should we give it to? Like, we’re not hot potato. We’re not doing it. Who would, who do you think could be trusted with this kind of, like, basically genie of. Well, but let’s say it’s practically happening. Vatican’s like, we’re retiring. We’re done. Like, you guys vote on who this goes to next? Like, who are you casting your vote for? Did the book of the church of Mormon just get it by default? They probably do, right? I wouldn’t give it to any pastor I know.
Not a single one. I would give it to the, yeah, I wouldn’t give it to anybody. I would give it to the person least interested in having it. Yeah. So maybe Joe from Iowa does deserve it. Yeah, let’s give it to Joe from Iowa. I think he probably, I’ve come full circle. Yeah, hopefully Joe from Iowa open sources it. So let’s keep going down the list here. Hollywood, how much do you think Hollywood in comparison to skull and bones and Vatican Freemasonry? I think they have way more influence. If we’re talking just influence, I think they have way more influence than, and again, if the context is shaping the.
Shaping minds, shaping the global mind. I mean, I almost put Hollywood. If you consider that Hollywood also owns all of the music industry. I mean, it’s like an eight or nine. Like, I think they shape minds more than. I think that that wing of the, you know, illuminati conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, is the most effective wing they have in today’s culture. I think in older times the church was. I don’t think that’s true. Today it does. I would have put the Vatican at a nine or whatever. You would put a church at like a nine, like 70 years ago, which I wouldn’t do that today.
I think there would be Hollywood today. It seems like their grip is slipping. That’s true, though. Yeah, I know, but I. But I feel like a lot of the damage is done with. With the propaganda at this point. So maybe. Maybe it was a nine, and now it’s, like, a seven. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. They haven’t put out anything worth a bent in a long time. Where does Scientology fall? Like, do you consider them at the helm of Hollywood, or are they just like, a pilot fish? Yeah, I don’t think they’re. I think they’re just a bunch of weirdo.
They’re. They’re extremely effective weirdos. That’s the creepy part, is, like, they infiltrated the australian government to a point of getting kicked out of a whole country. When the CIA raided them back in the seventies, I can’t remember. It was Operation Snow White or whatever. They took, like, two semi truckloads of, like, classified government documents. So I don’t know. Like, they’re highly effective weirdos. I’m just not sure, like, how much influence they have. I will say this. I’ve never been more freaked out being in a public place than I was when Abby and I went to the Scientology building in Detroit.
And we just started walking up the stairs. Like, they didn’t stop us. We weren’t sure we were supposed to go up there, but we did. Were you acting with a purpose, or were you looking around a little bit? We walked in like, oh, we’re just curious about Scientology. Let’s look at your bookstore. And the guy was just like, yeah, I got to take this call. We just went up the stairs and, like, twelve floors up, just looking around. And at some point, I was like, I think someone’s going to come and escort us off this place, or they’re going to get us trapped in a conversation of, like, trying to convert us.
We should probably leave. I don’t know. I don’t know what number to give the Scientologists. I’m so torn on them. Did you guys do the e meter? The what? The e meter, the little thing where they, like, it’s like a little lie detector kind of operation. No, I don’t even know what that is. Oh, it’s. It’s like a biofeedback device where they’re. And I haven’t done one myself. When I was at Disney, a bunch of guys that were. Came from California had all, like, been through the. The Scientology training, and it was described to me as it has a way of kind of registering how much, like, emotion you’re going through, like, whether it’s sad or angry or confused or whatever expensive mood ring, and.
Very much so. But. And by expensive, I mean, they charge a lot for it. But they were literally made using, like, hands of, like. Right, yeah. Like, hollowed out. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. But I mean, that whole idea of, like, biofeedback and using it to measure and try and temper yourself. Right. I think it’s all b’s. I don’t think there’s really anything to it. I don’t know. But. But I do think that Scientology had a huge hold, maybe in the nineties, and they had a trajectory. But do the Internet screwed things up for so many people? I think that they.
I think that they were on a trajectory to be the most powerful thing. And then South park happened to them. Well, South park. But I would almost say that South park got a lot of their stuff from the things that were getting spread on the Internet. I can’t remember the great bearded one. I can’t remember his name. But there was, like, this dude that was, like, known as the guy that would go and troll the Scientologists and stuff. And the same thing happened to Mormonism. Like, the Mormons, no one predicted the Internet of coming up and, like, letting people compare notes.
It was like, oh, man. Yeah. It just took, like, one Daniel Tosh joke for everyone to be like, oh, yeah, that’s hilarious. Like, this is stupid. Yeah. I don’t know. I’ve never really done a deep dive on Scientology. I know what they believe, essentially, and I know about Operation Snow White and some stuff, but I never thought about it that way, where they might have actually been on a trajectory to be incredibly powerful, and now they’re kind of just a joke. Cause that’s the hard thing for me, is I look at their history, I’m like, wow.
They’re incredibly effective at infiltration, but they also seem like they’re not serious in any way, and nobody cares. It seems like, what’s happened, if we’re going along this line of, like, the technology was given by the fallen angels, and the more computery we get as a society, the more we are like, these beings. I think these beings are very, very computeri. I think what they are giving us is a reflection of what they are. So I think we’re in the past. They were behind the scenes, the fallen angels were behind the scenes, pulling the strings on these things.
They pulling the strings on the Vatican, pulling the strings on freemasons, pulling the strings on Hollywood. And now all these things are losing their grip. Hollywood’s losing its grip. I think that’s. I mean, I think everything’s losing its grip, but the Internet itself is becoming more. People are becoming dumber. People are becoming more like AI. People are thinking. Thinking more like robots and acting more like robots. And so it’s like the power’s just shifting into the hands of the actual beings who have had it all along. We had Vicky Joy Anderson on our show the other day, and she was talking about how she talk about mind flayers and, like, this whole idea of, like, Cthulhu and whether or not Lovecraft was talking about real demonic beings that he was seeing in the astral realm and stuff like that.
In some of his books, he talks about, like, doing LSD to see demons. Like, so there’s that question. And the thing that I kind of brought up, it’s still something I’m kind of fleshing out, is like, at one point, it seemed like the symbolism was there for this Cthulhu like entity that people were worshiping in the secret societies. So you’ve got. Actually, I think it just came out on Netflix, but the whole octopus murders thing, which is like, Danny Castellero and the whole conspiracy, and then you’ve got the very overt thing from marvel with, like, Hydra, and you’ve got all this stuff where people are hinting at that they’re worshiping some demonic tentacle God, right? And then it seems like that power shift from them worshiping it and then controlling people through their worship of the demonic tentacle God had just shifted to, we don’t need you anymore because we can just, like, the demonic tentacle God can just insert itself into the Internet and through that, like, spread its tentacles out into every single aspect of everybody’s life, and then it becomes the anti God, as it’s called in Mission Impossible three.
If you’ve ever seen that like this, if you’ve seen the newest mission Impossible, that’s literally what the villain becomes. He talks about it in three. I’m a huge fan of the Mission Impossible movies. And then in dead Reckoning, it literally is the AI has become this anti God that controls every aspect of everybody’s life, so much so that the CIA and every world government just has lost control. And these people who are serving this thing now are scared of it because it doesn’t need their worship anymore. It doesn’t need them anymore because it’s access to the world.
So when you say that Hollywood and Scientology and the CIA and Freemasonry grasp is slipping, that’s where my mind goes, is that it’s slipping because they don’t like, the people who are puppets of this entity, they don’t need them anymore, right? It doesn’t need Obama anymore. Whoever you think of as a puppet, it just has the Internet, and it just lives in all of our minds rent free. And meanwhile, we’re watching people say, I saw an ad for an AI thing the other day. And what it said, what the guy said was like, I used to not be very productive in whatever I’m doing, right? And he’s like, so now I just wake up in the morning and I say, these are the things I’d like to do this week.
And then I just do everything the AI tells me from the time I get up till the time I go to bed. And his whole thing is like, I’m more productive in some field. But it’s like, what is it, data entry? Are you a creative person? Like, it’s none of that. It’s just, I wanna make money from home. I want my. My side hustle. And money from home is so important that I don’t have to do anything fulfilling or creative. I just wake up in the morning and serve the AI from morning till noon. And then I get to people out of their probably right.
You know, like, who knows what it is? But my point is, like, people have conformed themselves to the image of the AI so much that they’re just like, hey, as long as I get to stay home and make money, I’m just gonna wake up and do anything the AI tells me for 4 hours a day, and I’m good. And that’s a scary thought to me, to just, like, completely give up your autonomy to an incorporeal part of the Internet. Like, it’s just weird. It’s funny that you mentioned Mission impossible, because I do have a running theory that mission impossible series is Scientology’s disclosure of the information that they got from Operation Snow White.
Because they basically own Tom Cruise. Right. And Tom Cruise has been the lead of mission impossible since forever. And I think, yeah. And it’s always been a Scientology Tom cruise running mission impossible. And mission impossible is very much the CIA. Like, maybe not by name, but it’s the CIA. So this is Scientology saying, hey, here’s all the information about what CIA has been doing through their. The only extension that they really have, Hollywood. And, you know, and to rewind this, this is also, like, they’re big into the technology and the e meters and using, like, this almost, like, secular way of going about things.
But this also stems from the exact same concept of the moon child and Alistair Crowley because the moon child was the creation of what, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard and possibly Marjorie Cameron. And there would be no Scientology without that moon child ritual in the desert. So therefore, there would be no mission impossible without Alistair Grove. That’s so fascinating. And I also just thought in the very first mission impossible, it’s Tom Cruise literally breaking into the CIA and stealing their secrets. So it’s Operation Snow White, like, right, first movie. Yeah, that’s. And everything that follows that, I personally believe is a soft disclosure mixed with Hollywood magic.
But it’s like, hey, this is the things that the governments are actually interested in. And the second movie is in Australia. Right. This. I’m telling you, dude, I’m just. I’m just now putting this together that you said. I’m like, that is amazing. How did I not see that before? The mask. Great technology alone is as that exists, right? Yeah. We got to do an episode on the whole mask thing we do. But it’s. It’s crazy stuff. I got a couple other questions. We’ll start wrapping this up a little bit. One of them is, how much right now in 2024? Or do you guys believe in video? Like, if you saw news coverage and it’s getting spread around and everything, like, do you believe any of it? Do you believe all of it? Only up to a certain amount.
Like, can you ever believe 100% video anymore? I don’t think you. I don’t think you can 100%. That’s the scary thing is, like, I don’t even think that all of us have caught on, because at least once on our show, we got got by AI, and a couple people were mad at us, and I was like, dude, everybody’s gotten got by AI. Like, we’re doing so much research, in a week, we put out, you know, this thing, and one photo we showed I thought was real, and it wasn’t. And I’m like, man, that’s scary. But it’s like a satanic target display or something.
And you’re like, look at what target’s doing. And then someone. No, I had to do with Epstein or something like that, where it’s like, we already know all these people are doing all these things. And there was one photo that was getting shared around, like, it was real, and I was like, oh, yeah. Like, that’s crazy. But, no, I mean, it’s one of those things where it’s like, now we. It made me realize I have to be more cautious. But even at that, I’m like, like, how do you know anything? Like, I hate that, but it is where I think it’s where it wants people to be.
Is paralyzed with fear of what can I trust? I can’t trust my own eyes. So you got to use discernment in your best judgment. But, I mean, at this point, it’s like, who fricking knows, man? I don’t think that half the time we see Joe Biden, it’s really him or any president. I don’t think any president. I think every president forever has had body doubles. But I think gets worse now with AI, I got got by a Biden clip the other day of him being predictably creepy. Right? It’s hard when it, if it confirms your bias, then at least so far I don’t have anything in my brain that’s like, hey, Abby, what if this is AI? Like, I don’t even think that way.
I’m so used to when we could trust clips to be real. So I don’t know when I’m gonna catch up and realize that I have to. I do have to doubt these things. It used to be that if someone caught it on their cell phone, there’s a little bit more credibility to like, hey, someone just pull out their cell phone, recorded a thing, you know? And now it’s like, even that, like, some of the fakes I’ve seen on just cell phone footage is like, you know what I mean? Cause it was. It used to be harder to, like, edit cell phone footage, not look like it was edited, you know what I mean? Like, CGI and stuff like that.
But now they can make the high CGI version and then, like, downgrade and then downgrade it to cell phone over some of those rough edges. And because the cell phone looks more believable than, oh, you just happen to have, like, a twelve k camera just ready to go for. So it kind of has to look crappy. Yeah. Yeah. So that’s. That’s a tough one. And now, even if it is real, even if it’s completely real, if it shows something someone doesn’t want to believe, they just won’t believe it. That’s the hardest part about it. All right? Is, like, you can absolutely be telling the truth and have every marker of truth available to you, but people are just going to choose to believe what they want to believe.
That’s actually the world we’re going into with AI being where it’s at is like, everybody’s just going to believe what they want because you’ll be able to find a source, a video, whatever, that confirms your beliefs, and it will be equally as convincing as the opposite at this. At some point. I think it’s kind of scary. Kind of scary. But I don’t think we’re far away from having, like, horrible videos, blackmail videos, leak of people doing terrible things, and they’ll just be like, wasn’t me. It was AI. And everyone who likes them will just keep liking them.
Yeah. That P. Diddy Justin Bieber sex tape, when it drops, it’s gonna be exactly. Oh, gosh. Well, what’s wild, too, is that where do you put your finger on the timeline of, like. And from this moment on, we can’t trust video. And does that implicitly mean that every video footage from that moment before is legit? Because one of the things that I hear often in, like, conspiracy theory realm, talking to people, it’s like, oh, well, the military is 50 years ahead of us. Whatever we see in public, like, do you think it’s 50? Do you think it’s 20? Do you think it’s like, do you think that that’s true? First of all? Yeah.
So that means that if right now, in 2024, we’re starting to be like, oh, this might be fake AI video. Does that mean 2014 is when it really started? Or, you know, 2004? My only question. It’s a good question. Some of it’s exponential growth, though, so, yeah, it’s a little difficult. My other question, my other question on that is, I think at some point, our government fell behind and it became the tech companies who are the ones who had it first. And if you look at our government, I mean, they’re all so senile. It’s like, are we sure they have.
They know anything about the technology? Or is it these corporations that have it? But then the same question applies. How long have they had it? How long have they been the corporations and how involved they are in DARPA? Because, I mean, when people say the military, I always take a little bit of a pause to it. Like, the military in general doesn’t know anything they don’t have. They are using the shittiest gear imaginable. But it’s mil spec. That means advanced mil spec means. Yeah. Something that the cheapest possible amount they could shut out. And also, it’s so funny, all the requirements.
It’s so funny because when they told me what an M four. Cause Colt M four costs, I was like, I built an AR 15 for less than half of that, and it kicks the shit out of this thing. Like, this Colt M four has a 7.5 pound or nine pound variable trigger. And I’m like, how is this a $3,000 weapons platform? It’s a piece of shit. Yeah, no mil spec doesn’t mean anything. What’s funny, too, is I witnessed a secret military weapons test one time, and it was just a howitzer on the back of a jeep.
Like, it wasn’t anything that cool. They’re just like, we’ve never put it on a jeep before. And, you know, it’s like. But, no, I think. I think that DARPA and I think a lot of the tech companies are in bed with each other, and they’re way ahead. But, yeah, I think Abby’s got a point. I think at some point, it actually did slip into the private sector to being way further ahead than the. Sorry, what am I saying? The public sector being way further ahead than the private sector. But I just think that they’re probably, you know, hand in glove to some degree.
I don’t know. The whole race for AI has been fascinating because I don’t feel like the government’s in control of this at all. I think. I think that China and Elon Musk are competing against each other, and then, you know, the United States government is like, you know, just waiting to see who wins and then taking it from them. Like, I wonder how much Elon Musk is even in charge of that versus the guy that’s just cutting the checks and checking the credit card bill every once in a while. Just see how much he’s spending on whatever the hell they’re doing out there.
Yeah. Who knows, man? I still don’t know what the hell happened with Sam Altman. I’ve got so many theories about that, too. I’m just like, there’s something going on behind the scenes with AI, and it’s all a race for who can control it, I think, to some degree. Like, even when Elon Musk was yelling at everybody to put a pause on AI, he secretly goes and starts x AI. Like, he. Because he knows if everybody else pauses, is China’s not going to pause. Like, I don’t. I shouldn’t pause because then I can be the one with the advantage.
But everybody’s rushing to open up Pandora’s box because it’s like, who’s going to be in control of the nuclear switch, essentially, is what it is. Yeah. Without even. It is. It is interesting to see this, like, AI race. One of the things that came out recently that’s make. That’s interesting. I don’t know how much it makes sense, but that all these different techniques that everyone’s developing on how to train on the source material, and then AI can, like, generate things based on that source material. Like, there’s. There’s innumerable different ways and variations on how they’re doing the formulas and how they analyze it and all that.
But it seems that they’re all converging at a certain point. Like, no matter how wildly different your algorithm is from your competition, at a certain. Like, on a timeline, at a certain point, they all start generating exactly the same stuff again if they’re given all the same data set. So it’s almost like they are discovering this, like, this egregore, this, like, archetype y thing where it’s. You know, they’re all, like, the eight blind men touching the elephant in different ways. Yeah, it’s going to be an elephant, right. Because it’s all fallen angel tech. Yeah. I mean, it makes it compelling.
So I want to leave us on a little bit of a softball question. Okay. Israel versus Palestine. Who’s right? Softball. Wow. I think. I think that. Well, I’ll let Abby answer this one first. I keep doing that where I answer first, and then she says something smarter than I do. It’s real. PJ, explain. PJ, explain. No, it’s so funny. It’s so funny to me because there’s this. There’s this bad faith debate that keeps happening where if you criticize Israel, there’s two different sides to this, right? You’re anti semitic for criticizing Israel. And those are people who are like, I’m not criticizing Israel or I’m only criticizing Israel and then are just being openly anti semitic.
I think that Israel allowed the attack to happen. I think it’s their 911. I think it’s their Pearl harbor, whatever, invited in. False flag attack that you want to call it. I’ve been saying that since October 8 8th. But I don’t think that that makes. Just like. I don’t think that that made al Qaeda the good guys back in 2001 just because we allowed 911 to happen. I don’t think that that makes Gaza the good guys. Now, I find it interesting, though, that the argument is never over governments and this and that and the other. There’s a lot of.
I want to criticize Israel’s government. This has given me a perfect example, because I hate the Jews kind of thing, which is like. Like, the dishonest part of it all. So I think it’s very possible to think that the Israelis shouldn’t all die from the river to the sea. And also that not Hamas. Mossad. Mossad is hand in glove with our CIA. And it’s the same argument, like, do you hate all Americans because you hate the CIA? Do you hate all Israelis or Jews because you think Mossad is evil? Like, I’m on the side. I think Mossad is pretty, pretty damn bad.
I think that it’s probably a false flag attack invited in. And I also don’t think that we should wipe out all the Jews. That’s, like, a weird place to be for me right now. Yeah, Holocaust bad. That’s where I’m at with it. But that’s a bold claim that you’re making about the Holocaust being bad. I know it is. I’ve seen Twitter lately. Isn’t it better that Mossad would want to have their home base here with Americans and with Jeffrey Epstein versus, like, somewhere out in the Middle east where we can’t keep a closer eye on it? It’s a good question, I guess, but it’s like, the version of, like, at least he’s our bastard.
Yeah, but he’s our bastard. He’s our bastard. That’s an interesting point. To answer the question on, like, a deeper level. I think every human is sinful, and without God, every human is incapable of much good at all. And so I’m not going to sit here and say Israel’s government is wonderful, and Israel, it’s just as bad as any other country. But at the same time, God gave Israel that land. And it. It’s some of the most boring parts of the Bible where he’s, like, outlining, this is where your boundary line is. You’re like, why is this in the Bible? But he gave them the land and very clearly defined the boundary.
And it’s interesting that over and over throughout history, they have lost that land and gotten it back again. And so from a religious perspective, regardless of whatever slimy thing Israel’s government does or Mossad does, I tend to root for Israel to continue to survive in the land that God gave them. Yeah. Do you think. And just to closer on that, do you think there’s anything inherently good or bad about a military that uses more technology than another one? Because you could say that the disparity between Israel’s warfare technology and the warfare technology of, like, Palestine, like, clearly Israel is, like, head and shoulders above.
But does that also mean that through that technology, they’ve got, like, more demonic, you know, like, warfare power? Because they’re using more technology in their warfare, there’s anything that implies, like a morality or like a demonic intent based on how technologically advanced your war capabilities are. That’s a good question. To answer a different question, just. You got my vote. I don’t know what you’re running for, but you got my vote. Very politician, if you look at it from an objective standpoint, and most people don’t, but Israel is more careful with how they conduct themselves in war than any other country.
If you stack the morality of them against America, Israel beats us. They do a much better job avoiding killing civilians. They do a much better job because they know how hated they are. They know how little. I mean, you could make an argument that, like, it’s not because they’re great that they do this, it’s because they know that they can’t get away with. Right. Anything at all. Anything at all. But they are, they are very, very careful, and they set a standard in a lot of ways for how careful you have to be in war. So sometimes scrutiny can be good in that way.
Yeah, no, it’s interesting. I just see more correlation between Israel and America all the time. And I think a lot of people are dishonest about that and how they treat the whole, the Jews and how they treat the whole israeli government. It’s like, I have all the same issues with the israeli government that I have with the american government. I’m not excusing any of it at all, but it seems like a very leftist concept to be like, well, whites control America for the most part, and the CIA is bad, therefore we hate whites. It’s a very, like, we hear it all the time from hardcore leftists like Patrice colors and the whole BLM stuff.
So I don’t like to apply that to the Israel question. I wish I could just be more honest questions about governments and about how governments run that it doesn’t seem like a lot of people want to have because it’s a very touchy subject. And then when you agree with somebody, you’re always kind of worried or you’re like, they agree with me because they want the genocide of all the Jews or vice, whatever. Yeah. No, I think. I think it’s a, it’s a complex situation that most Americans don’t understand, and I think it. I don’t. I don’t think that their government’s any better than ours, so I’m not going to pretend that they are.
That’s, that’s about all I have to say about it. I actually had the answer right here the whole time. And it says Palestine, so. Okay. Yeah, sorry. You guys got that one right. Tell people again where they can find you. We’ll close this out. Yeah, you can. The Internet conspiracy build. Conspiracy build.com is where you can go. And it has links to everything. Has links to our Rumble page, Instagram, Twitter, all of those good things. You can buy cool merch there. You can read articles. We had started adding articles there, but the best place to support us is just probably on rumble or conspiracy.
Pull dot locals.com if you want to get the regular weekly show, plus a bonus unhinged episode every Thursday night. So that’s where you find us. Conspiracypill.com or conspiracy pill. Dot locals.com. this has been sponsored by the Jews. Yeah. And I was going to say, abby, go ahead and shout out what district you’re running for in whatever position it is. It’s whatever it is. Just the prime minister of Israel. She’s running against Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s the power I have and that I have been given. I just. It was worth it to get to use the space lasers.
So. Damn, we didn’t even talk about the jewish space lasers. Part three. Part three, part three. We’re going to talk about how the jewish space lasers are actually set up to keep the nephilim in check, and that’s 100%. America is backing Israel so hard, because that’s what’s preventing the book of Revelation. 100%. You just outlined our next episode. Well, until next time, we’ll talk about that. We’ll also talk about how the mission Impossible series is the Operation Snow White software of Scientology, the CIA. Thank you, guys. We’ll see you for the next one. Ready for a cosmic conspiracy about Stanley Kubrick, moon landings, and the CIA? Go visit nasacomic.com.
nasacomic.com. Stanley Kubrick put a song. That’s why we’re singing this song. I’m nasacomic.com. go visit nasacomic.com go visit nasacomic.com get over comic.com. cIA’s biggest con. Stanley Kubrick put a song. That’s why we’re singing this song. Go visit nasacomic.com. go visit nasacomic.com. yeah, go visit nasacomic.com. never a straight answer is a 40 page comic about Stanley Kubrick directing the Apollo space missions. This is the perfect read for comic Kubrick or conspiracy fans of all ages. For more details, visit nasacomic.com. yeah, I scribbled my life away driven the right to page will it enlighten give you the flight my plane paper? The highs ablaze somewhat of an amazing feel.
When it’s real to real, you will engage in your favorite of course the Lord of an arrangement I gave you the proper results to hit the pavement if they get emotional hate maybe your language a game how they playing it? Well without lakers evade them whatever the course they are to shapeshift snakes get decapitated meta is the apex executioner flame you out nuclear bomb distributed at war rather gruesome for eyes to see maxim out then I light my trees, blow it off in the face you despising me for what though? Rather cutthroat paranoid american must be all the blood smoke for real Lord, give me your day your way vacate they wait around they hate whatever they say man it’s not in the least bit we get heavy, rotate when a beat hits a thing cause you well fucking niggas for real you welcome they ain’t never had a deal you welcome man they lacking appeal, you welcome yet they doing it still you’re welcome.