➡ The speaker discusses their journey from being a part of the music industry to becoming more independent and self-sufficient. They express their dissatisfaction with the industry’s changes and the oversaturation of content. They also share their political views and their decision to live a more sustainable lifestyle, which was influenced by their belief in various conspiracy theories. The speaker also mentions their spiritual awakening and how it has shaped their current lifestyle and beliefs.
➡ The speaker discusses their fear of artificial intelligence (AI), comparing it to dystopian movies like The Matrix and Terminator. They express concern about the increasing reliance on technology, such as online shopping and robot deliveries, and fear it could lead to a loss of personal freedom. The speaker also shares their beliefs on various conspiracy theories, including the idea that celebrities are cloned and that 9/11 was an inside job. They end by discussing their Christian faith and the potential for a religious revival.
➡ Annie Hardy, a musician, discusses her creative process, using a Yamaha keyboard for accompaniment and improvising her songs. She shares her work first on Patreon, a platform where fans can support her directly. She also mentions her appearance in a movie available on Hulu. Lastly, she promotes various products from Paranoid American, including propaganda packs and sticker sheets, and a comic about Stanley Kubrick from nasacomic.com.
➡ The speaker discusses their views on society, highlighting the prevalence of narcissism and the lack of critical thinking. They mention the cancel culture, using the example of Ariel Pink, a musician who was dropped by his record label after being seen at the insurrection. The speaker also talks about the backlash they received from a movie they were involved in, suggesting that the negative energy directed towards them resulted in a physical accident. They conclude by questioning the difference between bots and real people in the context of online hate.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the influence of algorithms on our lives, the homesteader lifestyle, and the nature of Freemasonry. They also touch on the impact of Disney’s programming on children and the concept of organized gang stalking, suggesting it’s more of a spiritual affliction than a physical one. The speaker believes that negative human emotions feed these spiritual entities, and advises learning to not be scared by strange occurrences to avoid their attention.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief in spiritual energies and the devil’s influence on the world, suggesting that many people are unaware of these forces. They express their strong faith in Jesus and the Bible, rejecting Gnostic teachings and other spiritual doctrines. They also share their sensitivity to certain frequencies, which makes them avoid music and television. Lastly, they mention their belief in the power of music as a form of witchcraft, with hidden messages when played backwards.
➡ The speaker discusses their journey into music, starting from being influenced by the Beatles to learning to play the guitar and writing their own songs. They also share their views on the music industry, the influence of public figures, and their skepticism towards mainstream narratives. They believe that the world is like a stage, with unknown figures pulling the strings, and express their frustration with people’s unwillingness to question what they’re told.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that people with RH negative blood, which is copper-based, are in positions of power because they are believed to be related to gods. They also mention the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as part of this bloodline. The speaker also talks about their experiences in the entertainment industry, feeling exploited and not properly credited for their work. They express a desire to move away from LA due to increasing negativity and decreasing self-awareness in the city.
➡ In the movie, Annie Hardy was made to wear a controversial shirt and mask at an airport, which she didn’t enjoy. The film was written by others, but she improvised the dialogue. Despite the negative portrayal of her character, she believes it adds credibility to her anti-vax stance. She dreams of creating a self-sustaining community in Hawaii with a recording studio, but acknowledges the risk of volcanoes on the island.
➡ The speaker discusses their complex relationship with Christianity, expressing discomfort with church and questioning different denominations. They mention an interest in Catholicism despite its controversies, and share their personal practice of seeking answers through prayer and reading the Bible. The speaker also recounts a personal experience where they believed they were going to die based on biblical interpretation. Lastly, they discuss a biblical story involving Noah and Ham, speculating on its meaning.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences with the Rh negative blood type, which they believe has led to a series of unfortunate events in their life. They recount a traumatic incident where they were wrongly accused of being suicidal and were forcefully taken into custody by the police. The speaker also mentions a sighting of a UFO and their lack of dreams. They express frustration with people who have wronged them and their struggle to understand the world around them.
This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the paranoid american podcast. Launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world. From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clan clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the awe inspiring frontiers of forbidden technology to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.
Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me, they’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth. So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth.
Hey, it’s another paranoid american podcast, and we’ve got another interesting guest that said that she hasn’t been on the circuit, so this will be a new, interesting, fun one. Welcome, Annie Hardy. Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today. Of course. Thank you for having me. So tell people just where they can find you. Plug all your stuff, your rumble, your YouTube, your bandcamp, everything. They can find me out in the backyard doing some chicken shit cleanup. But they can also on the world wide web of the Matrix. Find me at symbol Annie Hardy. In most places, we just soft launched fullpsycho.com.
there’s YouTube.com forward slash Annie S. Hardy. I think, I don’t know. They could just google it and probably figure it out just as easily or they could not do anything. And patreon.com forward slash Annie Hardy. They want to give me some money. As now musicians are just like some semblance of a homeless person meets a prostitute in the matrix. So that’s nice. And we’ll link all that down below, including the prostitute under the bridge. I should start an onlyfans. I’ve been thinking about it this week, but I’m not going to. But it’s, check the comments after this airs to see, yeah.
How big of a reception that will be. I think that it’s kind of the new teaching gig, right? A lot of teachers are leaving teaching to get directly into that. Yeah, that makes sense. Witches, you know, you find a lot of witchcraft and witches in, in the public school system as teachers, you know, so it’s only the next. How did you do in school? I did pretty good, actually. It was like an every other semester thing because, like, my mom moved us around so much. I say us, I mean, me and my dad that I think I went.
I went to a lot of schools, so, like, I went to four high schools in three years. And so the first semester I would be, like, on the honor roll, principals honor roll, superintendents, honor roll, and then I would get into drugs or something on second semester and barely graduate high school because I couldn’t pass the weightlifting class because I never proceeded past being able to weightlift the bar. So, you know, it was, it was, uh, it’s kind of like just mixed bag, you know, I. Trouble. Yeah. Huge troublemaker. Yeah. How much, what was the most amount of trouble you got in in school? Oh, I got 100 hours of community service in my boarding school for getting caught smoking a cigarette in town.
I got in trouble for doing drugs after school in 8th grade in Woodbridge, Irvine. I didn’t know that you can’t do drugs after school, that you can get suspended from regular school. And my therapist was the one who told on me, which seems lame. And then, yeah, I feel like that’s pretty much. I think I stopped getting suspended when I got back down to San Clemente High School, where I ended up graduating from, where they never should have taken me away from in the first place. But, you know, so I guess I should have led with this.
I’m still learning how to do all this. But you’ve got an interesting sort of list of credentials, I guess you could call them. But you’ve had a lot of different albums out. Giant Drag was a group. You’ve also got two different solo albums, but you’ve had musical performances on tv show. Right? Like pretty little liars. You’ve been in a movie with Spike Jones. You’ve. You freaking starred in your own horror movie. That’s basically the Annie Hardy horror movie. They just buy a different name. Right? Well, it’s Annie Hardy minus any redeeming qualities about me whatsoever, making me look like a complete asshole.
But, yeah, Dash cam is that, you know, it’s like if you take. If you take out any of my, like, you know, the things that I’m about that are positive, and you just have my, like, sort of, like, conspiratorial and played up the asshole aspect. Yeah, that’s it. They harvested a lot of my life essence for that film, which was so wonderful to make it. But then as soon as it started to be screened, it was a nightmare. Well, hopefully that doesn’t make me an asshole, too, just because I. I basically found you through seeing dash cam.
It was just like a random horror movie. Oh, this looks fun. And I was like, holy hell. Like, whoever this character is is dope as hell. Like, I’ve never seen this kind of character in a movie talking about adrenochrome and the. And the queen eating babies. And. Yeah, it blew my mind. You were, like, giving people shit because they wanted you to put a mask on. And then I was like, man, these. At least the Hollywood elites have got it right this time. Whoever this freaking left brain wormhouse Sheila is like, she’s doing a great parody job of kind of what this community.
Kind of, like, community and, like, really hard quotes, right? And then I found out I want to go do some research, and, like, people were hating all over you because I guess someone looked up your social media and all the comments is just like, she’s really like this in real life. Get her. You know what I mean? That’s kind of pretty much. I mean, but people don’t understand nuances. And I would say that dashcam is the great litmus test for who is a piece of shit or not. Because if you don’t like my character and dash cam, you’re basically an asshole and a piece of shit and a narc.
A narcissist, not a narcotics officer. But if you like me, it’s because you’re cool. And so it’s like if you got to go on a date with some new person, take them to see dashcam, see what they think, and it’s like. And you’ll know if you should proceed any further. If they like me, go for it. That’s a real person. If they do not like the character, no second date. I actually love that idea because that’s a really easy way without kind of coming out and just being like, so what do you think about the whole COVID vaccine thing without horning some weird thing? It’s like, oh, hey, babe, look at this.
This crazy found footage horror movie. I’ve never heard of this. Let’s put this on and just kind of see how much they hate your character throughout the course of it. Exactly. Another great test unrelated to dashcam is go on their Instagram main page of all their pictures. If they have three for three tiles of selfie, and it’s like all them, because there are those that it’s just like all the one person, seldom even a second individual sometimes, depending. You can tell we’re on this, on the spectrum of narcissistic personality disorder, they are. But when it’s all three for three childs of self narc, stay away.
So I just have to ask, just for good housekeeping. But, I mean, you’ve been on tour, you’ve been in movies, you’ve been on tv. Are you or have you been part of the Hollywood elite? No, I wish that I had. I felt like I was maybe up for, like, an unspoken, you know, possible nomination into the Illuminati back in 2006 when I was up for the COVID of this magazine in England where every, every cover photo has the left eye covered. It’s like IQ magazine. That’s what it’s called. But you just did it. And I can screenshot that now.
So, yeah, basically Illuminati can confirm my right eye on there. So I don’t know. So, so 2006, you might have been invited to the Illuminati because you were going to be on the COVID magazine. What? So what happened? Well, my record, giant drags record, was coming out in England, and I had really, really pushed the I don’t want to put the wicked game cover on there. I don’t want to end up like Alien Ant Farm, where people only know me for a cover song. And I really was adamant about it. And so what had happened was they re released the album.
They released it in re release in America and put it out in England with Wicked Game on it. And it was almost like, to me, knowing what I know now, I was not a conspiratorial individual back then. I was like a, you know, a clone, like all these people, you know, I would have gotten the vaccine back then, probably. And so I was just like, I didn’t know what was going on. But in retrospect, it’s like, hmm, that was like a slight, like, humiliation ritual esque thing. And maybe it was a test to see will she keep her mouth shut or will she bitch about.
And I bitched. I can’t ever keep my mouth shut. Kidding me. And so I bitched about it far and wide. I didn’t get the COVID and I began my descent into whatever, you know, you peaked in zero six. Mm, maybe, maybe not. Maybe, I don’t know. I still have a great career overseas in England, which works for me. It’s like in America, nobody gives a shit, which is good enough for me. Once in a while, sometimes I’ll be at a random coffee shop and people will be like, oh, aren’t you any? People act like I’m famous.
It’s like, I guess that I am La and UK famous to some, but ultimately that shit’s not real anymore. Social media came along and they took away fame and all of that, you know, because there’s just, like, the music business. There’s just too much out there. There’s too much content. Like, when I put out my first album, there was 100 music releases per week, and it happened on a Friday, and it was a big deal. Now there’s over 100 releases per day. And if you’re, like a legend artist, like you’re Neil young or somebody, it’s not guaranteed that you’re going to get coverage from any press.
Like, there’s just too much stuff. And I don’t really understand how certain people advance in this. And then, God forbid you not be a cocked out, libtard minded individual, then that, you know, thinks like everybody else, then you’re gonna have a real problem. And that’s my story. You know, people in entertainment industry don’t really fuck with me, and I’m not a trumper, but they would, just to make matters easy, they say that I am. What’s, what’s the difference between being like, well, what do you consider yourself? Do you have any labels that you even agree with? Yeah, I believe in the truth.
I don’t believe in politics. I believe politicians are selected, not elected. And I don’t think voting’s real. But just in case it was, I voted for Kanye and whoever, that guy, he ran for president or vice president with Rocky. No, I think that Kanye would have been the VP and some. Yeah, some Rockies something or other would have been the presidential candidate. But, yeah, just in case I was like, I’m not taking any risk, just in case I’m wrong. And this is real, voting for Kanye, obviously. How do you feel about Kanye 2024? I’m not paying that much attention, to be honest.
It’s like, I don’t know what he’s up to. I know him and Candace Owens just put out some interview, but, like, I don’t know. I have so much going on over here. There’s like, chickens and quails and, you know, opossums and bearded dragons, and I have. I’m the slave to all of them. So it’s like, I don’t really have time to take in other people’s content. I don’t listen to podcasts usually. I don’t listen to music for the last 13 years or movies or tv, unless, like, I’m in it or I have somebody holding me hostage, making me watch it.
I just don’t care, you know, like, nothing is very real to me except for what’s happening that I can touch, see, and smell, especially smell, because it does get to smelling bad around here. If I’m not on top of my shit, sitting around watching tv, the shaking shit’s not going to clean itself up. You know what I’m saying? How have you been homesteading for, like, a long time? Um, I. I would say since 2012. You know, doing my best before it was cool, way before it was cool. But that is the year that I learned about that there would be a virus, followed by a race war, followed by a vaccine, followed by food shortages, and followed by world war three and guillotines, followed by, you know, gender 2030 stuff.
And it’s like, that’s when I started to garden, grow my own food. I was like, this shit is getting real. Let’s go. And so I started doing it, and I’m not totally self sustainable whatsoever. I still got to instacart it up a couple times a week, maybe, but, you know, I do what I can. You said in zero six that you probably would have got the shot, and then in 2012, you decided to go full homestead. So what happened in those six years that made you do a 180 in 2010? Okay. I remember the first bit of conspiratorial whisper I ever heard, and it was my friend Greg, and he, Greg Gordon, shout out.
He was talking about chemtrails in my backyard. And I was like, you know, I was like, no, you know, I know how it feels to be those people because I was, like, afraid. I was afraid of everything. Like, no, that can’t be real. I don’t want to believe in a world where a government is, you know, doing something bad to us on purpose. And then, you know, I think a lot of people find their way to the truth through trauma. And so in 2010, I want to say I was in, like, sort of a very toxic a relationship with this dark triad narcissist person.
And. And one day, that person also went insane. Like, snapped, no recognition, looking them in the eyes. And that was so traumatic to me. And. And it’s funny because I had just been on that show, pretty little liars that year, and they had an episode of that show because I was still watching tv back then where that happens. And the girls at the therapist, and they’re talking about how it’s, like, a weird form of, like, death and grief and blah, blah, blah. And then that happened to me. I was like, what the hell? But anyway, from there, after that moment of traumatization, it was like it opened the gates so that I could, like, perceive the truth of things.
And then I started a practice of rigorous honesty and transparency, and I was just, like, sort of having a spiritual awakening. And I was following certain people, like teal Swansea, you know, advice and. And just, like, taking in a lot of, like, YouTube spiritual community things and, like, really having a change of perspective and change of mind and that. Yeah, that made it all. Oh, and then the clencher was when I met my ex boyfriend, Robert Paulson, aka Cadillac Ron. And he was kind of like the final, you know, the final chapter of all that because you come into it, you’re, like, into the witchy stuff and the tarot cards and everything and the astrology numerology.
But at some point, that all turns pretty dark on you. I think this is the case for more than just me. And then. And once you get to the end of all these conspiracy, you know, rabbit holes, you realize all this stuff is Antichrist. It’s nothing anti Buddha. It’s not anti Muhammad. It’s Antichrist. And if all these evil elites in the cabal believe in Jesus Christ, there must be something to this. And it’s not what I wanted for my life to, you know, have that hindering my weekend plans all the time. But, you know, just in time, I feel like I got to live most of my life as a normal heathen.
And then reformed. Right. For the end of days here. So. So was it like, a conspiracy and a spiritual awakening in one? Yeah, I would say the spiritual before the conspiracy, but, like, just barely, you know? Yeah, but, yeah, they were together. They always go hand in hand. I feel like, because you’re seeking the truth for both of those things, you know? And that alone provides so much, like, relief from the just, like, resting state of anxious depression that is found in most godless normal people. What do you think? Let’s say we talked about Hollywood or music or whatever.
The blacklist committee. What do you think they’re more adverse to giving in the conspiracies, or is it giving in to Christianity in particular? Good question. I would say it seems like they don’t like either one, but they seem really, really adamant about keeping things democrat. But then I’m starting to see a tiny parcel of the landscape change. Like, I don’t know if you’re familiar with Ariel Pink. He’s like, you know, contemporary. I don’t think so, no. Ariel Pink. Ariel Pink. He. Yeah, he was spotted by someone at the insurrection. I don’t think that was a thing.
But, like, yeah. And somebody posted a picture of him at the insurrection, and he was dropped by his record label, Mexican Summer. He was, like, canceled. All these people were spewing hatred at him. Poor Ariel. And. And then he went on Tucker Carlson. They were saying, you anti semitic? It’s like, are you idiots serious? Ariel Rosenberg is jewish, you know, stage. Oh, the worst kind of jew hater, the Jews, you know, and so better of all people. Exactly. So he was canceled, you know, essentially. But he’s still doing his thing. We just. Giant drag just played with him last September at the mayan theater in Los Angeles, which seems to be the hub for where canceled people go.
Like, I only say that because prayers usually would play there. And. And Rafa and Kat von d kind of got, like, attempt canceled for being anti vaxxers or something with their kid. I don’t even know. And now Kat von D is a Christian. Yes. And nobody likes that. You know, basically, that alone makes you racist or something. And it’s just like, why does everybody think that they have the ability to pass judgment on others like they do? Like, the people who are doing it are these people who are so boring that no one would dare delve into their past and look at their past tweets to see where they’ve used the n word with a hard r or whatever.
But you know that that’s in there because everyone has nobody’s done life perfect, and judgment is God’s and not humans, you know, like, why people are just, like, afflicted with that spirit of pride these days, that leviathan demon twisting serpent that twists people’s words and intentions and just seeks to kill, steal, and destroy, like, all things demonic. And it’s crazy to me. It’s crazy that nobody questions, like, man, should I really be doing this? Should I really be, you know, me too, in this guy, like, did he rape me or did he not call me back in time? And I’m now changing the past.
In retrospect, the terrifying thing is women are all insane, and I am a self aware, insane person. So I can say that, you know, and it’s like. It’s just scary. I don’t think we should have women running the world. I don’t think we should have men running the world. I don’t think anybody should be running the world at all. But, like, I really don’t. Yeah, I think everyone’s, like, insane. We’ve been raised in a psychopathic society that I don’t think is. Is changing anytime soon, except to get more increasingly insane. And people are such slaves, and they just go along with anything they see on tv.
They don’t question anything. They just believe a narrative that’s presented to them. And it works because they’re narcissists. Like, half the world now is narcissists. It used to be one in ten people when I first started studying narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder. Now it’s 50%. And if you’re a narc, you will fall for every Covid, you know, anybody. To the degree they live in fear is the degree to which they’re willing to believe what’s set right in front of them. And then if they don’t have that sense of self that one needs to, like, you know, to use.
To, like, you know, vet out a narrative, then for them to be wrong about anything and admit to being wrong about something they believe is a tiny, like, death because their ego identifies with all of their beliefs, and they think if they’re. If I’m wrong, I will die. You know, like, a piece of you will die. And it will, and it should. We should all. We should all have, like, falsehood parts of us cast down and to die. But, like, to them, they don’t want to do that shit. So they kind of, like, hold fast to the same narrative despite any evidence that it’s wrong.
And that’s terrifying. If we got rid of all narcissists, wouldn’t that eliminate, like, all good music and movies, too? I don’t know about that. I feel like all the good movies. I feel like the directors are the narcs, but the writers that are behind the movies are probably just autistic. That’s what I’m saying. There’s two groups of people these days on earth. You’re either a personality disorder or you’re an autistic spectrum disorder. And you better make sure you’re on the right side of things because they’re. They’re going to war. When you’re talking about, like, being christian and kind of like being anti vax and even being open to some of these conspiracy theories, how the hell are you more popular in the UK? Because I guess I assume that the UK is, like, even more woke and intolerable than this country when it comes to all those things.
Absolutely not. The UK don’t. The difference between United Kingdom and America is humility. And british people. British people love to be put down and mocked and made fun of. For better or worse, most of them are not as knocked out as most Americans. Like, I think it’s because they live in a third world country. You can’t even get hydrogen peroxide at the drugstore. You know, it’s like they’re eating, fucking. You know, they’re just funny. You know, they like to laugh, and I like to laugh, especially at their expense. And they’re just like, you know, it takes a degree of humility to be self deprecating, and I think I’m pretty self deprecating sometimes.
That’s why they like me. And one of the reasons, and I say they are the same. I mean, I’m just got by them on a different level because when I was making dashcam, everybody having to do with the film, except. Except for Angela was a libtard, basically. And. But nobody looked down on me. Nobody was shitty towards me, you know, and me and Angela would be, like, in the backstage, like, because she knew all the same shit as me. Well, of course, the demon’s gonna be a conservative completely. I mean, she technically wasn’t a demon. She was a human possessed by a demon that makes you rapidly age.
And so she was kind of both like Jesus, but 666 version Jesus was a complete man and complete God at the same time. Kind of same. Same with Angela, I guess. Yeah. This is just a complete hypothetical. I’m just curious if you think there’s any potential that the movie dashcam, since it’s about, like, a demonic entity and it’s a scary movie and it’s marketed like that. Could that actually be adding demons to the world or, like, harvesting negative energy to summon demons? Yes. And I think it harvested a lot of negative energy and sent it directly to me, you know, because about a year ago.
Was that two years ago? Almost two years ago now, not too long after Dash Cam had come out, you know, I had this accident where I was getting onto my roof to spackle this leak because nobody was around to help me and I used. I mean, it’s my bad because I’m an idiot. I used an a frame ladder instead of a leaning ladder and. And I put it in the dirt instead of just because I had to, and I fell off my roof and I fell backwards, like 10ft, and I, like, broke my. My clavicle and I had four staples in my head.
And it’s like, I’ve never had anything like that happen before. I have to imagine when there’s just a shit heap of people sending you as much negativity as was sent to me from. From a movie. Like, are people retarded? I know that they are, and I can say that because I’m retarded, but, like. Like, it’s a movie. Why are you so mad? Get over it. Like it’s a fucking movie. People would send me things saying that they hoped I would die. I wish you would have died like you did in the movie. It’s like, I didn’t die in the movie.
What are you talking about, you loser? You know what I’m saying? Like, you’re, like, people are so dumb that I’m anything. You survive, like five or six car crashes, you do the opposite of dying. Exactly. And then, yeah, maybe they were bots, maybe they’re real people. But it’s like, what is even the difference? What’s the difference between any of this stuff anymore? Like, the algorithm? I feel like it’s happening outside of the phones and computers, like the algorithm. Maybe we’re just in a simulation. I don’t know. I don’t want to believe that. But, like, I have to leave space for that to be true, I guess, because I see things that I do in the real world influence my algorithm online.
You know, it’s crazy. So if you’re doing the wrong thing in life and you can get blocked off, or even just knowing the wrong people, that’s going to make you get locked away in this algorithmic prison where the algorithm never presents your music to people as a suggestion, because it’s presented it to the wrong people, because you do collaborations with or hang out with the wrong people, and you’re, uh oh, chicken in the house. My chickens indoors, I get, actually had multiple interviews where, like, the roosters were, like, going crazy in the background, like, the home.
The homesteader lifestyle is pretty popular amongst my guests for some reason. She’s actually a hen. I don’t. I’m not allowed to have roosters here in north Hollywood, you know, because it is. But it’s just because of the noise. Different. Yeah, just because of the noise like this. What, do you just hire, like, a. The bull to come over and knock them all up every once in a while? Or how’s that work? They don’t get knocked up because they’re. They’re laying eggs no matter what. It’s just those eggs don’t have baby chicks inside. If they’re not getting fucked by the rooster.
I don’t need a rooster. I don’t need any more chickens. I’ve got. I have, I have quail roosters, like, two of them and that, and I don’t have enough hands right now, so I’m trying to hatch out some more quail hens, because these roosters are malevolent rapists. They don’t get tired. Like, I have. Poor. This one quail, who’s one of the rooster’s favorites, missing all these feathers on the back of her head because they get up on their back, they bite the feather in their beak. So she’s just got, like, a monk bald spot thing back there.
It’s terrible. Shut up, Geppetto. Lunatic. Geppetto. After Disney’s Pinocchio, I guess. So. I had an ex boyfriend that I said, name the barred rock. You know, you can name them whatever you want. And there’s two barred rocks. They look identical. And so they’re both named Geppetto because he had named all pets he had ever had. Geppetto. I kind of had that with Gambit because I’m. I’m lame. What about the Gambit? Was one of the X Men nineties. Oh, Disney is predictive, programming all the kids to be little homosexual sex slaves, aren’t they? I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong.
That’s always been the case. Or do you think that it started at a certain point? I mean, Walt Disney was a Freemason, you know? So it’s like, well, technically, he was not a free, a full fledged Freemason. He was. Oh, God, the name, it’s. He was like the Cub scout version, like the little kid version of Freemason. That’s so weird that he would like, because you know how at Disneyland they have Jacques de Molay? Yeah. What? You ever heard that before? You ever heard of that before? Was the leader of the Knights Templar, the guy that gets burnt at the stake on Friday the 13th, which is one of the rumors that.
Why? It’s unlucky. But. But de Molay is essentially like the kids version of Freemasons for boys and then for girls, I think they’ve got, like, daughters of the Rainbow, and then for adult women, they’ve got Eastern Star, but essentially, I know that much. My friend’s mom is. I said, yeah. What do you think about when you think about Freemasons and all and Eastern Star and all them? I mean, what’s to think about? I would like, are they serving the dark lord or not? I guess. Of course they are. Yeah. Let’s be real. Let’s be honest. Like, then why would all these people who are free me? Yeah, let’s say no more.
But at Disneyland. Wait, you’re saying that they’ve got that for. Or that he was one of that? That, yeah. So Walt. Walt Disney was raised as a de Molay, which is kind of like a Cub Scout kids version of Freemasons. But why would he have a secret club? He has the club 33, like, the secret, like, you know, restaurant under Pirates of the Caribbean, named, of course, after the 33 degrees of freemasonry. See? Being a poser. Uh, I don’t know. It’s a good question. Is he being a poser? I bet. I guess the interesting part is that he wasn’t just in the Des Molay as a kid.
He was literally, like, being mentored by the guy that started Damolay, who was definitely a high ranking mason. So I always wonder that maybe with Disney just skipped Freemasonry because he was kind of like Doogie Howser in a way. Right? Like, by the time he got through de Molay, he was like, oh, I know everything there is to know. I don’t have to go through your silly degrees and, like, pay any dues. Like, I’ve already got it. I’m good. Yeah, totally. My stepdad used to be a Freemason, and he told me he thought it was lame, and he quit going.
And it’s just a bunch of cops and lawyers and stuff doing handshake deals. I’m like, that seems like more reason to keep going. All I know is I’m trying to decide, you know, I might be getting a new car, and I’m trying to decide to. Should I get a Freemason sticker to put on it or another, like, you know, american military branch of some sort? Because you sort of want to. I’ve had this marine sticker on my car, and ever since I put it there, I’ve never been pulled over once. Just gotta say, knock on wood.
I think that’s smart. That’s really smart. It’s really smart. And I think the Freemason sticker is even next level, never getting pulled over, so. Well, you would. You’d probably want to put an eastern star on the back because now. Because otherwise they just see a wife or a girlfriend driving their husband or boyfriend’s car. But if it’s eastern star, there’s going to be a protective element where it’s like, oh, we need to protect. This is like, one of the good ones. What is an eastern star? What is that, a God or goddess of some sort? It’s just the female version.
No, I know, but, like, what is, like, you know, there’s the northern star. Like, what are they named after? Well, a lot of the time, Freemasonry is talking about seeking light in the east, which usually represents. It’s. Everything in Freemasonry is open to interpretation, I think. But I think that it represents, like, the eastern goddesses. So, yeah, probably. It’s probably like Ishtar and Astarte and, like, babylonian sort of philosophy. So pretty much, yeah, those. Gotcha. Makes sense. Makes complete sense. Yeah. About Disney is, I was curious, like, did they program you? Did you get Disney programmed as a kid? I mean, I feel like I did.
I feel like I was an MK ultra mind control slave until I was cracked out of that walking dream, you know, and, like. And I really felt like that. And I guess, like. And my mom seems like one. You know, my mom’s dad was in the air force, and she, you know, she was stationed on the things and stuff on the bases and all whatnot growing up, and that is the sect of american military where they really went hard on the Mkultra ing, you know, and she’s, you know, that woman’s disassociated sometimes all the time. And I’m just like, mom, and, you know, I felt like I used to be like that, just like.
But I don’t know. There’s some things that are conspiratorial, like organized gang stalking that I don’t think people understand are happening in more in the spirit realm than the 3d realm. I was talking to some homeless drug addict guy in the alleyway nearby here. The other day and he was trying to tell me, yeah, be an organized gang stalk. And, and I was like, yeah, but you know what? It’s not like some corporation is stalking you. It’s like it’s a spiritual affliction. And they’re doing that to you because they know that they can make you scared and paranoid and emitting fear.
And all these energies that demons feed off of because they’re energetic beings. They eat energy. We’re physical beings. We eat physical food. They feed off of negative human emotions, energy, emotions. So as I was telling him, this, this guy came out behind us and he just like, stood there and stared for like a full minute straight. And I was like, see, I saw that. I’m here with you and I saw that. And I validate that because I’m sure you feel like nobody believes you. And it’s like, I do believe you, but I don’t think it’s what you think.
And so just, like, learn how to not be freaked out by the freaky shit and then they’ll leave you alone because they’re demons. They’re fucking with you because they can. Because most people have zero demon awareness, you know? And so they, you know, I see how people could dissolve into like, some schizo state doing just life, doing life these days because there’s a lot of spiritual energy pouring into the earthly realm at all times and shits getting weird. And it’s only slated to get even more weird. But, like, nobody has that first line of defense because everyone, at least in LA here, is a bunch of godless fucks.
So they, like, they’re, they’re cynical. They’re mocking and scoffing all things of the spirit realm whilst being complete ignoramuses and thinking that I’m the idiot, you know, like, oh, you’re so crazy. It’s like, I know, I am so crazy because the truth is designed to sound crazy. So it will be dismissed immediately. And the devil doesn’t want people to believe he exists. That’s that famous quote. The greatest trick of the devil was convincing the world he didn’t exist. If there’s no devil to fight against, you don’t need to seek God. I think that quote, too, is the one that makes christians so open to conspiracy theories, even if they don’t realize it, because that’s really the ultimate conspiracy.
Is that behind every, you know, bad or evil thing, it’s not just some weird Occam’s razor scientific, you know, per chance, that it’s actually fueled by the devil essentially, or whatever you want to fill that, you know, that label into. And if you’re open to that idea that all the bad things are happening by design, like, there’s really no conspiracy that would go deeper than that. That is like, the ultimate conspiracy. Where are you at on, like. Like, the gnostic concepts of, like, Sophia and Yalda Baoth and all that? I mean, gnosticism is cool. Every demon gives you 99% truth, so you’ll accept the 1% lie, which most gnostic things get to pretty quickly, that the lie that Jesus Christ wasn’t coming in the flesh, didn’t die on the cross, and rise again three days later, you know, and it’s like, so I don’t know.
It’s like, I don’t even fucks with it that much, you know, because it’s just like, there’s this cool guy. I was watching his videos on YouTube. He talks about, like, narcissism and Jesus, and. And I was so into it. And then, like, ten videos in to his lectures, he starts really, like, saying, like, and y’all won’t like this, but Jesus wasn’t a real guy. All of these stories in the Bible are allegories. And it’s like, that’d be nice, wouldn’t it? I don’t. I feel like the truth of Jesus is such a bummer and the truth of the Bible is.
Is so such a bummer for all of us. Like, if all this shit is true, that, how could it not be true, you know? It’s like the worst case scenario that. That’s why I. That’s only one of one tiny reason why I have faith. Like, I’ve had actual, like, you know, God experiences and Jesus experiences and. And, you know, but, you know, it says in the Bible in the last days, like, many will depart from the faith because they’ll fall for devil doctrines like these, you know, and it’ll fool even the elect. And I. So I don’t know.
I don’t like to get in there and, like, mess about with that stuff because, like, I don’t think my faith can be shaken because of the multitude of experiences I’ve had. And I think people who have to operate in faith haven’t had a firsthand experience with God when you. There’s nothing to believe. Like, I don’t have to exercise faith in my mother existing. Like, I know because I saw her yesterday, you know, and so it’s like, it’s not a question to me, is Jesus real? I know that he is, but, you know, so why would I go and listen to all these.
Like, because a lot of this stuff, like, even though, oh, it predates, like, the Bible, da da da da. It’s like a lot of, it’s just like the devil predates everything, like demons and angels and stuff. There’s. Time is a construct of man. So, like, you know, in the akashic records and outside of the third dimension, you know, demons and angels, they can. They can span time. They can go and see exactly what they can. They’ll look, peer into your life and be like, hmm, let’s see what this fool is going to do. What we could do.
This fool, they’ll mess him up more than anything. Looks like he really is a lust pig. He loves to have fornication. Let’s go throw this little hussy in his trail and ruin his life through this woman, you know, like, whatever the case. And so it’s like, maybe that predates the Bible, but who writes these books? Who is in charge of history? How does anybody know absolutely anything to be true at all whatsoever, you know, outside of their own firsthand experience? I don’t know. I try not to, like, hem and haw in my head too much and getting into gnosticism stuff, it makes me start hemming and hawing, you know? So I try to not hem and haw because whatever I’ve got going works for me.
Yeah, I’ve heard him called, referred to as gnostic goobers a lot, which I guess is, like, the more crass way of saying Hemin and Han. Yeah, they’re like, I feel like the gnostics are just these, like, snooty. Like, they’re like the pseudo intellectual, like punk rock kids from high school or something. And it’s like, you know what? You can. Dead Kennedy’s are great, but, like, Fleetwood Mac’s always going to be better, just in my opinion. So what are. What are some hot music takes that you’ve got? Oh, I mean, I don’t know. I don’t even. It’s been so long since I’ve even listened to, like, music.
Music. Even oldies, even stuff that you grew up with? No, I’m not, like, an active, like, music listener. Like, I don’t ever put on a song unless it’s, like, for work or something. So there. There’s been a couple times where I’ve been, like, for five days, I listened to, like, the Kanye Pablo EP, you know, and there was like, you know, two days where I listened to Frank Ocean or whatever, and. And there was like a whole week where I listened maybe two weeks, even to the Jesus’s King Kanye album. But, yeah, besides those three examples, pretty much I feel like I’m forgetting one thing, one white person thing or something.
But. But beyond that, I don’t. I don’t listen. There’s, like, not music playing ever in the background because I can’t concentrate when I. When I’m around music, if there’s, like, a vocal on it, you know, if there’s lyrics, I’m hearing that, and I’m hearing that in front of your voice and every other thought inside my head. So I try to just, like, steer clear. I can’t take it. And I have this, like, curse where I remember most every lyric from, like, all songs I have ever heard in my life, which is, like, insane. Like, I could use that mind, you know, parcel for something good or something, like, useful.
Like, oh, I could be, like, a physicist or something if only I didn’t remember every lyric to every song I’ve ever heard more than once, you know, dang it. But, yeah, I get that. I get the same way where if I hear lyrics at all, I can’t focus on anything I’m doing. So I tend to just listen to maybe instrumental or even just, like, ambient noise sometimes. And I wonder for you how much of it is that you’re trying to avoid, like, external influences for doing your own thing. Yeah, that’s part of it. But when I.
When I was in that relationship I told you about, the one that, like, refragmented my mental hard drive, I came out of there. It wasn’t a choice. I could not listen to music. I couldn’t watch tv. I couldn’t. I’ve never liked movies, but, like, it was disturbing because suddenly I was tuned into these subtle frequencies and I could feel them, like. And so I still, to this day, I’m less sensitive than I was back then, but, like, I still can’t be around a tv that’s on. It makes me feel disgusting inside. You know, the frequencies coming out of your television are the grossest, I would say.
And I. And then some songs are just, like, so fucking evil that it’s insane. And, like, yeah, I just. Like, I’m too resensitized to these subtle energies, and music is just such witchcraft, too. I say that as a musical witch of some sort, you know, like, you can’t like that back backward masking where you play the song back where you hear a little Satan message or whatever, or an angel message, depending on the artist. You know, that shit is real. That shit is not being done. Always on purpose. Unless it’s like that JZ song where he’s like, marta, Marta, Jesus.
Six, six. It’s like, that was put there on purpose, whatever. But, like, the Led Zeppelins and the Beatles and the stuff, like, the spirit realm is working in, around, and through us all the time. We don’t know whether we’re playing host to a demon, an angel, whatever. I. But they. Of course, they can imprint their backward messages in there. That is just how it works, you know? Well, I was reading a bio just to make sure I didn’t go in completely blind here, and I mentioned that you would, say learning Beatles early on and being fascinated with the Beatles as one of your first big influences.
And I always think about the Sergeant Peppers album cover that’s got Aleister Crowley in the back. Do you think that you got the demonic music bug from that? Do you think that’s even possible? It’s so funny because I was just talking about that. I went down to Orange county for my dad’s birthday, and me and my mom and my stepdad and my dad and my aunt Christy were all sitting at the table, and they’d never even heard of Alastair Crowley before. And these people love rock and roll. They. My mom and my aunt just went to go see the Rolling Stones, and, you know, my dad absolutely adores the Beatles, and.
And I guess that’s. That’s their idolatry and the reason why I wasn’t raised in the church or whatever. But, yeah, I was telling them, like, Aleister Crowley coined the phrase sex, drugs, and rock’n roll, and they’re like, they don’t care. You know, they don’t give a shit because they. They know it’s only rock and roll, but they like it. And I think. Did I get the bug from the Beatles? No, I think I already had it. I had it as long as I can remember just wanting to do that. Oh, but I do remember my mom.
Okay, so my mom is, like, a playwright, director, whatever, as I’m growing up, and somebody in her play, this guy Max, he was playing this, like, pearl Jam song. You know that song black, where it’s like, she’s of empty canvas, untouched sheets clean? And I was like, whoa, he was playing the guitar. And I was like, I want to do that. I want to be able to play the guitar. I don’t know what the song was because I was like. I was, like, into Nirvana, not Pearl jam, but. But I wanted to do that. And so I did.
Took a while, because I got signed up for guitar lessons, and the guy was just teaching me, like, I don’t need to know the opening riff to come as you are. I need to know, like, what am I to do here? What do I do with this thing? And so. And I got kicked out of that. That class, and called my mom, said that I. What did you do to get kicked out of the class? Well, he said, you know, Annie told me that she was God today, and she seemed to really serious. She didn’t laugh or anything, and it kind of freaked me out.
And then I think I was in, like, I was definitely no older than 9th grade. It was either my 6th grade guitar teacher or the 9th grade one. I think it was the older one. Yeah. You freaked the guitar teacher out so much by claiming you were God, that he was like, don’t bring any back, basically. Yeah. And my parents never, like, forced me to stick to anything, you know, like, so I just stopped going. But then I went to boarding school in 10th grade, and there was another girl there, my friend Carmen, whose dad was teaching her to play the guitar.
And I had kind of figured out a couple things, and so we were just, like, showing each other what we knew. And then as soon as I learned a couple songs, which was, like, fire and rain by James Taylor and, like, in my life by the Beatles, then I was on my way. I was on the track to writing my own songs. And as soon as I would write a song, I would see the reaction from the people around me would be pretty incredible. You know, people remember the songs and asked to hear them and stuff, and at first they were just, like, joke songs, and.
And then, you know, they became more real. You do people still think that you write joke songs and then get surprised that, like, you’re writing about things you actually care about and think about. I mean, well, I. People would be not wrong, because I do write kind of, like, they’re kind of joke songs. Like, my keyboard retard area of my music now is just like, it’s funny, but I’ve always been like that. Like, here’s something funny, so I can say the truth, you know, because that makes people more receptive to telling or to hearing the truth as if it’s presented in a funny way, because that you’ve got a new song coming out that you wanted to big up.
What’s the name of it again? It’s called the Rothschilds. And. Yeah, and it’s a good one, I hope. Hope they don’t have. Don’t get mad or whatever. I find that this is gonna be your entryway back into the good graces of the music industry and the rest of LA at large, right? I don’t assume so. But, you know, crazier things have happened. I don’t know. It would be crazy if that would change thing one, you know? But it’s crazy because as soon as one person, like, champions, you like, one person that all the peons look up to, then they’ll be like, oh, oh, okay.
Yeah, I like that person now. It’s cool. That’s cool. And it’s like, God, like, I mean, you’re one shout out away from Candace Owens being like, hey, everyone, check out Annie Hardy, right? And then it all changes, right? Exactly. Well, I don’t know that being shouted out by Candace Owens would change anything in the record industry. It would only further cancel me. But if it was somebody else, like, you know, like. Like, there’s plenty of other people who kind of walk to the Candace Owens in this theoretical example. I mean, I think Candace Owens is. Is amazing.
I think she’s, like, so smart. I found out about her through Kanye on Twitter. And ever since, I’ve been like, you know, I’m a fan, and I don’t understand. People are just so retarded. And they’re like, oh, Candace Owens is like, trump, blah, blah, blah. It’s like, who gives a shit? Why are you guys so mad about Trump? Like, obviously, this whole world stage is an act, hence the stage. Get fucking real. You know? Like, we’ve had a president for the last almost four years who’s literally a drone bot. Like, there. That’s not even a. Like, either that’s a senile Alzheimer’s patient, or it’s a robot or Jim Carrey wearing a real mask.
I don’t know what’s going on. I just know that this is not real. Just like the Trump assassination. Attempt assassination. I saw the first bit of it. I go, not real. Just like, the insurrection not real. It’s like, how come when other people look at this shit, they’re like, oh, God. And here’s a picture of the murdered shooter. And I’m like, that’s not a picture of the murdered shooter. Look at his neck. You can see where his shirt of his collar is moved, where the makeup line stops. This is fake. Like, this is all fake. But people ain’t trying to hear that.
They like to believe the lie, and they like to get outraged people’s body. Like, your body’s physically addicted to any emotion that you feel on a regular basis. And you will manifest something that outrages you or offends you or whatever, because you need that hit of the chemical. And your body doesn’t distinguish between whether it’s a good or bad feeling, it’s just. It’s chemical. So, you know, break the addiction, and then shit gets crazy. I was watching another interview that you were on, and I forgot they were talking about some kind of movies, and you were just like, oh, yeah, did you know Steven Spielberg raped a girl? And, like, no one knew what to do with that.
I thought it was hilarious. Do you ever just drop stuff like that in the middle of conversations elsewhere, too? I do. I do because I can’t. I can’t control myself and can’t help myself because I don’t want to, you know, maybe or whatever. But, like, yeah. And I get a lot of, like, okay. You know, like, people. People who know me have. Have grown to know to expect the unexpected. But, yeah, who do you think? Going off of the world’s, like a big stage and, you know, it doesn’t really matter who Trump is or Biden. Most popular president in history, by the way, but running it? Yeah.
I mean, based on votes alone. Most votes in american history. Oh, but I. But that’s not off real votes. It’s off the votes that got counted, which are the only ones that matter. Right? I guess you’re right. I guess that. Yeah, he’s doing a great job. Can’t wait to see. Who do you think is pulling the strings? Like, can you even point a finger? I don’t think any of us know those people because they’re not public figures. Well, let me start. Human. Do you think that the ones pulling the strings are human? I mean, like, Angela and Jesus before her? I think they’re partial spirit, partial human.
I think they’re co opted human because, like, rh negative blood type individuals which account for anybody in a position of power, all but one american president, every royal family all the way back to ancient Egypt, was. Should be either a negative or ab negative blood type. And so that would be your blue bloods. Why are they called that? Because the rh negative blood is copper based, not iron based. And copper oxidizes, turns blue. So that’s your blue bloods. And why were they royals and in power positions in the first place? Because they were believed to be relatives of the gods.
And so you have 25% of the world populace is rh negative blood type, and then 75% is rh positive. Positive for the rhesus monkey genome, which science is saying you are related to this other earth animal called the rhesus monkey. We know your origin is planet Earth for rh negative people. They are negative for that genome. Science says unknown origin. And so those are the people that are ruling the world, running the, you know, allegedly, like being the president. The most highly possessible people out there also, and I speak as one of them, you know. And so you’ve got your bloodline of the devil and Eve, you know, because Cain and Abel were in there.
Cain and Abel were like twins. A woman can get pregnant by another man within ten days of the first pregnancy. So you can look online. There’s a lot of one black, one white twins out there. When the mom was a yemenite, righteous hoe. And so Cain and Abel, you know, one was evil, one was good, fathered by Adam and the serpent in the garden. So that’s your own negatives bloodline with your Rothschilds and your. What’s the other? R one? The other are evil family Rothschilds. And you don’t know. I’m searching. Rockefeller. Rockefeller, thank you. Rockefellers. Those are the serpent bloodline.
And actually they found their way into the royal family, like the queen of England, King Charles. They’re all reptilioid o negatives. Now, they should be historically a negative ab negative, because that’s that merovingian bloodline, but they’re all negative now. Do you have any, like. Because when you’re talking about the margin bloodlines and the Reptilians and, like, even the demonic entity angles, I’m getting a lot of influence of, like, David Icke and Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell. And do you even know all the different conspiracy theorists of eighties nineties? Do you have, like, a top three or anything? I have limited knowledge of things.
I’ve watched some David Icke videos. I’ve watched some, um. Um. What’s his name? Alex Jones. Jordan Maxwell. Which one’s Jordan Maxwell? Jordan Maxwell did a lot with maritime law and how, like, words have all these multiple meanings and. No, but I should look into that. There’s one thing you take away from us meeting, it’s to. Yeah, look into Jordan Maxwell. Yeah. Yeah. So, no to him. I can’t really get down with Alex Jones screaming so much. It makes me unable to watch his stuff. But I’m down with him. I even bought an on clearance free Alex Jones shirt from his store when I was on there buying some.
Some nascent iodine. But yeah, there was this one. What was his name? Maxwell Spears, I want to say. Yes. Yeah, that sounds very familiar. He spoke on the topic of blood, he was amazing. They killed him already, of course, but he’s like, he was a deep cut from the conspiracy thing. That’s who I really liked listening to. And I was not too shocked, but very upset to hear that he had died in the last couple years here and they killed him like they do. But he. His shit was so far out. And I was like, dude, this tracks.
You know, he would talk about how they have, like, demons that, like, you know, like they’re trying to breed the devil into the. Into form in the third dimension and. Yeah, and it’s a lot. You gotta go look at it yourself. Although it sucks because all the things I used to watch on YouTube videos have been scrubbed from the Internet at this point. Well, they’re all problematic now. Most of the content that was popular in the early 2010s or before is very problematic for sure. It’s. And half of its hate speech now, but, like, I watched so many videos that just laid out what’s happening right now post Covid, like, as soon as Covid began.
And it’s like, it’s all happening exactly as promised. And it’s terrifying sometimes, you know? And the only solution to that, luckily, is having a conscious contact with Jesus because, like, that’s the only thing that’s going to save you when the shit’s really hitting the fan. And next up, I’m assuming that that project blue beam, big reveal of alien, you know, and. Or, like, some form of, you know, divine God or goddess or some. Something’s going to be projected into our electrified atmosphere so that people are seeing some shit that they didn’t really expect, you know? Since you know about blue beam, how would you personally be able to tell the difference between, like, the second coming and blue beam? Like, what.
What would be your litmus test? Because I know the answer. Because in the presence of anything from the holy assembly, you will start to weep uncontrollably. But couldn’t they just use, like, some. The weep ray. Send the weep ray at you? I don’t know. I guess they could, but I guess they’ll have to watch this podcast to know that that’s the truth. I feel like they would be negligent about some aspect, you know, like. Like in the lower fourth dimension of, you know, astral realm and people astral traveling. Like, you’ll be in what looks like your bedroom, but everything’s the same, except for one thing’s off.
Like, that’s not where my vanity usually is, you know? Hmm. And something just feels weird. I assume it’ll be like that. Like one thing is off and something feels weird, and anytime everybody believes something, I’m automatically believing the opposite is how that goes. And it’s been working for me so far for the last couple years. It’s like anything everyone believes is a lie. But would that change? I mean, I think the answer is no, but I just, as a thought experiment. But would that change if you, like, moved out of LA and you moved into, like, rural Ohio? Would you, like, in a reactionary way, be like, well, I guess I’m an atheist again now? No, no, no, I don’t think that.
I just feel like. I guess that would be a trip to have, like, be surrounded by like minded individuals instead of being always going against the grain and always being the one of the exact people that hate you. Are you not? I really am. I really, really am. And I. On the planet, aside from LA, could you go to. That would be like. So, I mean, maybe outside New York. Yeah, yeah, good point. New York, San Francisco. But yeah, it’s, it’s not nice. And people are dickheads out here. And I’m sure that’s, like, not uncommon theme that’s going around in the world, but, like, the darkness increases daily and self awareness decreases and I gotta move.
I’ve never felt like, like that feeling before. But I do got to move. And I feel everyday oppressing, you know, feeling that I gotta move. Yeah. What the hell are you even doing in LA unless you’re trying to convert people? Like what? Why be on the front line? I mean, I’m from here, you know, I’m from Orange county. I’ve lived in LA. Born and raised. Then. Yeah, I’m born and raised. Okay. And so, and this is a familial home. This house I live in has been my family for 70 years on 70. And my dad was raised here, so you can’t really beat the rent or the property taxes on a place like this.
And that makes me stuck. That makes me get stuck because I don’t make money like I used to. You know, for dash cam, they paid me as a standard actress in a low budget horror film, about 7000 british pounds. And if you know how much of my, like, essence of my being was just extracted and to, like, what would that. That wouldn’t be a movie without me. I should have been made, like, some. Something I should have been credited for. I shot most of the movie. It’s shot on an iPhone, so I shot it. I improvised all the dialogue and getting writer credit, I mean, cinematographer credit neither.
I didn’t get much credit of anything except for all the negativity I got the credit 150% for, you know? And so it’s like, anytime I even foray into a major thing in the entertainment industry, I get fucked because I don’t have a manager. You know, I don’t have, like. Like, a. Like, a Hollywood manager that’s, like, out there keeping me on top, you know? Like, I haven’t had the success I had when I was godless post, you know, born again in the. In the movie. And I just call it the Annie Hardy horror movie because that’s kind of what it is more than anything.
In the Annie Hardy Har. Movie, you’re in, like, an airport, and you’ve got, like, a no libtard shirt on and you’ve got, like, a mask on and stuff. Is all that real? Like, are you going through an actual airport and getting on a real. Okay. So there were writers that they wrote, like, the structure of the film, and. And so that was one of the things that they made me do, and I felt gross doing it, and I didn’t like it, but I was like, rob Savage coerced me to do it. Rob Savage didn’t take any of the brunt of the shit when this film came out.
Not to mention Rob Savage was my live in boyfriend at my house at the time, pretending not to be for some odd reason. Like, it would have a negative, you know, kick back on his career because he was in the process of making Boogeyman for Disney Fox. Your two most evil entities together at last. And so, yeah, and. And, yeah, I didn’t like doing that. In fact, I purposefully lost the mask that had the word slave written on it within the first five minutes of being in the airport. Like, whoops. Lost it. But this was a real airport that all this happened.
That was, yeah, me and my drummer, Colin Deathrage from giant drag, were flying out to England to film, to shoot dashcam, and. And it was like, you know, peak Covid, and there was no one in the airport, and, yeah, that was our flight, and it was great. It was great. Looking forward to monkeypox. Might do some more traveling, but probably not because of all these damn chickens, but, yeah, and so they just told me, like, some things that I. To hit, like, some, like going to the bathroom, you know, they sent me, like, the thing to put on my hat, like, mount or whatever, and, like.
And. And just, like, hit this point, you know? But they. They didn’t write a script. There wasn’t a script with dialogue, you know, that was done by me. I mean, have you considered just coming out with the Annie Hardy horror movie of your own without anyone else meddling with it? No, I’ve not. Because if you don’t have other people metal, then you don’t get anything. Name. It’s like, I could make a horror film where I get what for? You know, a. I would never choose to make a horror film on purpose if it was just like Mike, you know, my dream is not to do that whatsoever.
Like, I did one because one was presented to me, you know, and I’ve, and it’s like I just say yes to life and sometimes I shouldn’t. But, yeah, I don’t think the world is in need of more fear. I think that’s probably the last thing it needs. It needs some the opposite, which is like, love and faith, whatever. But yeah, who see, when you don’t have money behind you paying for things and, you know, that’s a Blumhouse movie. They’re not the biggest production company. In fact, their whole business model is give people a little bit of money and, and rake in the ducats when.
When it does well, because, like, horror is so popular and, and people will make, you know, I think dashcam was like $800,000, maybe a million budget. And that’s nothing. That is a low budget horror film. And I don’t know how much money it’s made. I’ll never know, you know, because it doesn’t apply to me, I guess. But, like, um, yeah, that’s just the way it is that the dashcam movie makes, like, an anti vaxxer look bad. Do you think that it’s going to be used as, like, look at, here’s a caricature. Can’t make the anti vaxxer look that bad, considering the anti vaxxer is the only one who lives.
Right. You know, just because it’s almost, you’re almost. Maybe not just because you’re the protagonist, but you’re kind of like the hero of the movie in so many ways. Right. It almost makes this look good. It almost adds credibility to being anti vaxx. Like, you’re going to survive the zombie apocalypse more so than other people. And it’s true, I would like to think, because we didn’t, you know, we didn’t get that rna mutating diabolical shot. Thank you. YouTube videos from 2012 for the heads up, you know, so didn’t they require that for you to get into the UK for you to get some kind of a shot? They did not.
The vaccine hadn’t come out yet either. That’s how early on in Covid, it was like when we shot the film, there wasn’t a vaccine. There was just talk of one, but there was no vaccine available. It was 20, 2020. It was like the first winter, you know, it was like October, November, December of 2020. Covid was going off. You know, the world was shut the fuck down. And so there was no shot yet. And yeah, they made me self isolate for two weeks in Margate, California. I mean, Margate, California. Margate, England. Shout out to the libertines.
I stayed at the Libertines Hotel, Albion rooms. They have like a recording studio there. Hotel, restaurant, coffee shop, all in one. In Margate, England. In Kent, Thanet, whatever. It’s a small beachside town. It’s great. Totally great. And. And my friend Dean, fragile to great care of everything. And, you know, they were strict. Like, the rule is strict. You’re not supposed to like, go outside and walk by yourself. I did it anyway. I don’t give a fuck. You know, like, I didn’t have Covid. I. You can’t coop me up indoors, you loon goonie and psychopaths. But yeah, luckily I may.
I planned it so that me, I made dashcam people pay for calling my drummer to have a ticket. He came with me and we worked on this giant drag record that will probably never come out because it’s just like, I don’t know what happened here. Something giant drag vibes happen. Two attempts now to make a record that neither will probably see the light of day. It’s the giant drag curse for every album. But, you know, in theory we would have been just recording for the whole two week thing, but it’s not what happened in practice. But I did release an ep from Albion Rooms.
So that’s where we recorded Devil Inside, which is the song that you hear at the end of Dash cam. It’s also where my money went from that I don’t think. So. I should in theory, but you got to remember, I was dating the director and I one time signed off on a contract from his laptop and he’s like, I’m saving your signature. And so there was instance in the future where I’ve signed off on things for free. Yeah, the whole. The whole process caused a lot of turmoil between Rob and I. And we haven’t spoken in over a year since.
Since we broke up. But I hope he’s well, if you had, it sounds like. Yeah, I understand that a horror movie wasn’t like your first choice. If you were to do anything you wanted, what would be your first? Would you. If, like, if someone just dropped, you know, 100 million, or if someone just said, hey, money doesn’t exist anymore, you can just pursue what your number one passion is. Would it be albums? Would it be a movie? Would it be interpretive christian dance missionaries? It would be me moving to big island of Hawaii, building a huge compound and purposeful, like, like, eco village type like situation for me and like minded individuals to move off grid, lead a self sustainable life, but also to have a fully functional recording studio, like, you know, like, audio and visual department.
Have, like, have it. Have all of it. Like, you’ve got, like, your. The healers portion where people are and people come in from the outside to do projects, to do, you know, talks to do, you know, these kind of like, lovely working vacation getaway things where the. The center gets paid, people get to work, get to interact with outside people, which I’m sure will be nice, but like, those people get to come and there’s like a whole indwelling system where you can just create anything you want, within reason, I guess, and do it in paradise and do it with some chill ass, dope talented creatives.
So that’s what I would use my money for, or my non existent money doesn’t exist anymore shit for. Would you make sure you had a blue roof on that recording studio? Obviously, yeah. But I don’t think the blue roof is going to keep you from catching on fire when Mauna Loa erupts and sends lava all over the island. That’s the problem with the big island, but that’s the good thing. It’s like, there’s five active volcanoes on that island. Because of that, real estate’s really cheap, but because of that, you can’t really get insurance. And if lava touches your house, then the government can seize it or something stupid.
So I don’t know. But life’s a risk. Plus and minuses to everything, right? Do you have a certain denomination that you lean towards more than others when it comes to Christianity? No, I don’t like church. I tried to go so many times, I’ve been baptized episcopalian. I don’t even know what that means. You know, I find religion to be very 666, even when it’s, like, christian or alleged christian. There’s a church down the street, Mcc of the valley, and all the. The clergy are all trans people. And I’m just like, what’s going on out here? Just because by nature that tells God, hey, man, you fucked up on me.
You should have done this. It’s like, it’s kind of narc. I don’t think God is the author of mistakes, but that’s just what I think. So I could be wrong, but yeah, I don’t like going to church. I love to hear God’s message, you know, shout out, Pastor Kyle, like, you know, I like, I like, don’t. Yeah, I don’t know. Because every one of the reasons I asked that is because if you believe in demons and demonic possessions and all that, it still blows my mind that the only real denomination that I’m aware of, and I know there’s like 40,000, but the only one I’m aware of that kind of like advertises or at least publicly admits to demonic possession, even does anything about it, is the catholic church, which is like the most institutional Walmart Church.
Right. Because they’ve got exorcists and I mean, I’m pro, I’m probably, there’s deliverance christian ministries, you know, the deliverance ministries where they get in line, they’re handling the snakes and they’re, you know. Right. Is that, that’s pentecostal, right? Maybe that is pentecostal. Yeah. See, I don’t even know, but like, I think there’s a couple of them and just like your, your, yeah, but, but I, believe it or not, I fucks with Catholic, Catholicism, you know, don’t let all the, you know, priests raping all the young boys, you know, get, give you the wrong idea. I feel like they’ve got something going on there that’s very much, it’s the true church, you know, otherwise, why would all the Satanists go sneak in there and steal the Holy Sacrament if that wasn’t real? I think that’s just very real.
I should probably convert to Catholicism. Stealing sacrament. The Satanists that take them to their, their black masses, dip them in the wine, eat them, you know, they, they go there because they know that, you know, that that’s some real. And it’s, and if they’re under attack spiritually, I would assume just like in the sense that, oh, I’m become a catholic priest, and now all these demons that are filling my head suddenly with the idea that it might be dope to like, diddle a kid, you know, because that’s how demons come. These are just human beings. People should not let it reflect.
But I will say catholic church has turned more people off to having a personal relationship with God than anyone because there’s so much guilt and shame, I think, involved in the catholic church. Not to mention the mean nuns smacking your hand with a ruler and then narrowly avoiding getting raped as an altar boy. So it’s like. It’s a lot to contend with, for sure. But I feel like, for good reason, I feel like that’s God’s church. You know, probably, maybe could be wrong, but I find it to be a beautiful, like, religion. And for a while, I started going to catholic church as an act of rebellion when I was about 15 because my mom was raised catholic, so she hates it.
And I thought, you know what? My friend Carmen from boarding school was catholic. I said, I’m going. I’m going to Ash Wednesday. They put the little ash on me, but I find their masses to be a little more boring, even. You know, Stan said. Stan said, don’t talk. Yeah, monotony. It’s a lot of stuff going on, but I don’t go enough. I should go. God probably wants me to go. Really? Where? Catholic church in particular? No, probably anyone. There’s, like a couple down here, but I just. Even sometimes they’re all. There’s so many sheep, wolf and sheep’s clothing churches out here.
I went to one a couple years ago with a friend. Their color scheme was red and black, and at the end of the service, they were playing. I see a red door, and I want it painted black. It’s like you want to paint it black at church? I don’t think you should want to paint it black at church. That seems insane. This does not sound like a catholic mass. This must have been a protestant thing. I don’t know what it was. Probably Lutheran or something. Yeah, probably Lutheran. I don’t even know what it means, but, yeah, it’s like, you can’t trust any of this shit.
Either everybody on the clergy is trans, or there’s a secret, you know, child sex trafficking ring behind the scenes, or they’re listening to the Rolling Stones during, like, give me a break. The devil’s everywhere. I just try to, like. I try to keep on top of reading the Bible all the time, which is boring. You know, it’s not that fun, admittedly, but, like, you know, I kind of try to make it fun. I’ll ask God a question in prayer that I need an answer to, and then I’ll open the Bible randomly, intuitively, point my finger. That’s actually called.
There’s a name for that. It’s called bibliomancy. No, it’s called arima. R h e m a. I thought you were going to say it’s called divination. And I was like, no, I don’t think that’s that. I think if you go to God in prayer and asked to be shown to the. I’ve had some crazy shit come back to me. I’ve also had some false flagship where I think I might have not prayed first. And I was told basically through these verses in Jeremiah that I was. I was gonna die on July 7 of not this last year, but the one before it.
And I was like, I’m game. Let’s do this, lord. And I. And then I didn’t. I. But how did you get such a specific date from reading Jeremiah? It wasn’t just from that. It was like. It was like. And then hannah nya. Oh, I know how. Said Hannah naya, I will kill you. I will kill you on something. Something Hananiah turns out to be the biblical era, you know, version of, like, what is it? Hannah or something, or the male form of basically my own name. Something that means God grace. God’s grace. And I was like, whoa, that’s crazy.
And it’s like canoniah. Because you’re a false prophet. I’m gonna kill you. I’m gonna kill you on this very year. And then it says, and then in the 7th month of that very year, Ananiah the prophet died. And then I. I was like, whoa, 7th month? That’s July. That’s Rob Savage’s birthday month. Interesting. And then I referenced my own song, which is its own kind of divine facts machine type of experience where I had inexplicably said in my song million faces 777, I disappear. I didn’t know why I said that. I never do. Just some, like, something coming through the spiritual, you know, channel.
And then. Yeah, right before my. My prophesied death date, there was, like three different, like, deaths around me. My mom’s dog was killed by a rattlesnake. And then I forget the other one. And then a friend of mine, this lovely girl Bella, died, like, one or two days right before my prophesied death. And as. And when my friend called to tell me the news, I was like, bella died, so I don’t have to. She’s jesusing me, you know, and I’ll never know the true reality of that or whatnot, but felt like a thing at the time, for sure.
You know, if we’re getting biblical, if. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the story, but what do you think happened between ham and Noah in that tent? Do you know what I’m talking about? I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is the curse of ham or the curse of Cain. And basically ham goes into Noah’s tent, Noah’s drunk, and something happens. The line is that ham saw Noah naked. Paraphrasing that. And because of that, he gets cursed and he’s not allowed on the ark, and that everyone that is in his entire familial line is basically cursed forever and ever because of what happened in this tent.
Zachary, you know what? I was going to say at the very start, but I didn’t want to be like, a blasphemous, but I guess maybe it would have just maybe been honest. I wanted to say intuitively, like, some gay shit, probably, you know, but. And then you just explained it and I even more. My answer feels like it’s some gay shit that happened in there for sure. Well, the three or four versions, that is some gay shit happened. That he cooked Noah by banging his own mom or. Or whatever Noah’s current thing was. There’s another one that he saw Noah performing magic and that that’s what being naked was.
I don’t know, I’m just. I find that interesting because it’s such a turning point in the Bible. Like, here’s an example of somebody that literally has their entire familial line, cursed forever and ever. And you’re talking about the Rh blood type. Like, we’re talking about the same sort of bloodline here. It’s like the inversion of holy blood. Holy grail. Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. And if you’re an rh negative blood type holder, as I am, and many of my friends are, your life is more cursed than other people’s. And I don’t know why that is, but, like, you know, it’s like, if there’s going to be something tragic that happens, I’m the one that’s going to happen to, you know what I’m saying? It’s like when something is super far out, unbelievable, makes no sense, like, it’s happening to me.
And it’s like, I’ve learned in the last two years it’s very important to be surrounded by fellow, like, you know, people who just, like, believe and trust you because the people who don’t and will fall for someone else’s false narrative about you are dangerous to you. Next thing you know, you’re getting fucking violently handcuffed by two police officers one week after you’ve just gotten a surgery of a plate and screws put into your clavicle because somebody’s decided that you tried to commit suicide or something. And you didn’t fall off the roof? I don’t know what. I don’t know the whole conspiratorial thing before that, but one of my close, former close friends and Rob Savage had me 5150, which is like a psych suicide hold.
I’ve never had that before in my life. And as soon as I was seen by the woman who, like, evaluates you, I was released immediately. But, like, these motherfuckers had me violently. Like, I don’t think you understand how much it hurts to break your clavicle, but I had, like, from here to here, perhaps you can see this is a scar, and you’ve got a scar from it still. Yeah, of course. I’ve got a huge scar. And it was a big. Yeah, I have, like, a metal plate and, like, 21 screws in my clavicle for the rest of my life.
And at the time, my skin was just bound together with staples. And these are. Yeah. The police came and they violently handcuffed me with my arms behind my back and put me in a police car. I couldn’t believe it. My next door neighbor is. These people don’t even like me that much, you know, historically. And the woman was crying. No, she’s hurt. It was one week after I had fallen off the roof or one week after I got released from the hospital. It’s like, just when I think things can’t get any more fucked up, I’m sent.
Like, I was alone. Nobody take care of me. Rob came and did it for a second. Then he had a dick sucking appointment over in London. Had to get fucked and leave, you know, and so I was just here alone. And instead of bringing me a sandwich, people showed up and told me, you’re suicidal. You’re on drugs. I’m like, dude, what? Get the fuck out of my house. You’re insane now. And so I’m not talk. I’m not speaking to you now because you’ve just died to me in front of me. And then they had me committed, although it didn’t stick, but it was like, the most horrible thing that’s probably happened in my adult life.
Yeah. These fucking. There was a british person, 51 50 to you. Is that even possible? A british and an australian? It is possible. It shouldn’t be. No, that shouldn’t even. You should have to at least be an american if you’re going to call one of these on somebody. That seems silly. No shit. But you don’t have to be anything. You can be a complete psychopath. Too. And they don’t discern between who is and isn’t. And then, okay, so I was violently arrested, seemingly, but not arrested, because they just took me on 5150 hold. I had to wait for them to bring an ambulance, as if I’m some sort of, like, risk.
Like, you couldn’t. You couldn’t just do it in front of me. And then I’m also in a. In a see through nightie. And eventually after, like, forever goes by and sitting on my street in front of all my neighbors. I’m, like, a community member here. Like, I’m a real person. And these fucking Lunginians did this to me and. And, like, lost the plot on who I am. I guess it’s like they all love to come in the hospital and take pictures around my unconscious body. But when it came time to take care of me, like, I couldn’t feed myself, like, because I couldn’t, like, carry a pot of water to the stove, it’s like, that’s when people showed up yelling at me and telling me that I am.
I don’t know. Don’t get me started. I will lose my shit. I’m still so upset about it. And so, yeah, so then they transferred me to the hospital, and it took, like, over 24 hours. And, like, my. My friend and neighbor Evan came down to bring me my phone or something, and I was just, like, sitting there crying, and he’s like, Annie, I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Like, this is insane. I was like, I know. And that’s the kind of shit. Rh negative blood curse shit. You know, that wouldn’t happen to anybody. I know.
Just me. Have you ever seen an alien? Yeah, I saw an alien. You know, I had a baby once, and he sadly died at 17 days old. Actually, they took me to the same hospital for that 5150 that they took me to when my son died, which was on the anniversary of my son dying, ironically, that they did that, but, yeah. So the day I went into labor, me and three other people standing in my backyard in the middle of the day all saw UFO together. I have it on film and on the. Yeah, in a couple months, on the anniversary of that, I’ll be able to see that video on my time hop.
It’s somehow lost deep within the recesses of my phone, you know, stuff. But it shows up on my time hop app, and I always mean to save it, and I fuck up, and I don’t have. Was that the only time? Mm hmm. Yeah. I feel like I wouldn’t notice one to be honest, because, like, I don’t notice the earthquakes that happen ever. Everyone, like, will text me, do you feel that earthquake? Only time I noticed one was I was on the phone with my friend Chris, and I was driving. I was a stop sign and goes, earthquake.
And I was like, okay, I felt it, but I’m like, I don’t know. I’m operating on some different plane or something, and it makes it hard to tell what’s going on. For me in the 3d world, I never know. Do you lucid dream? No, I don’t dream at all, almost. And then when I do dream, it’s not lucid. It’s. But it’s like, it’s. It’s not. I’m not a big dreamer, you know? I don’t think. I feel like I’m. You just don’t remember it or. I just don’t remember it or. I’m a dream warrior. Actually, the guy from nightmare on Elm street dream wars lives right down the street here from me.
Yeah. Is he a liberal? Absolutely not. No, he’s a Christian, and he’s just like me, really? Are you in, like, a community of christians in the middle of freaking LA or. Absolutely not. No. I just have one neighbor who’s like that. Everyone else is normal or normal, you know, but, yeah, you meet the people who are like you eventually. I mean, I don’t know how the, like, the homesteaders or anyone. Does anyone else raising their own livestock that are also liberal or. I can’t imagine that. No. They’re, like, thinking that when the shit hits a fan, they’re just gonna steal.
And I know because I’ve. I’ve questioned a lot of people, what are you gonna do when there’s nothing in the grocery store and they think, yeah, commit crime, come to your house. I’m like, I’m gonna shoot you in the face if you come to my house. Oh. But I don’t have a gun yet. Wouldn’t the 50 51 50 cause a problem for that? Oh, yes, it would. And I used to have a firearm, but Rob Savage threw it in the trash like a british cuck because he thought I was gonna. Damn, that is so fucking british.
I. That is the one thing. Well, besides the whole other thing, that just, like, still makes me so angry. Like, you threw that in the trash because, like I said earlier, like, people who are, like, narcs or psychopaths or just liars, you know? And as Rob said to me, I lie for a living, you know? And if you lie only to the degree to which you’re honest with yourself and others. Can you discern the truth when you hear it on the outside? And so, like, Rob had a totally unrealistic read on everything that was happening all around him at all times.
Like, and he, like, was very fearful of a person. I think probably a lot of people who make horror films are very fearful. Afraid people, maybe. And so, yeah, he just, like, you know, scientifically speaking, when you’re in a great deal of fear, or I anger, rage, it shuts down, like, the amygdala or something. And that’s your. You’re no scientifically not able to, like, access logic and reason, that part of your brain. And so that’s why they locked everyone into that fear state with COVID And now believe this, okay. No logic or reason is taking place within me any old way because I’m scared, you know, like, and those who are easily moved to be scared, they got the advantage over you.
So, yeah, I got one more question, and then I’ve got, like, a quick little segment before we wrap up, but I would love to know your thoughts on AI specifically, because you’ve got a new song called AI may I? Like, what are your raw thoughts on AI in whatever form? Apparently, I’m the only one who watched the Matrix all the way through, and I don’t even know that I did that. It’s like I’m watching the world devolve into living out the prequel to the Matrix. Like, ever since COVID hit even the Instacart stores that you can shop from number one up, they’re making it so it’s just easier to stay home, order your food, order your groceries.
Like, they’re going to have us climbing in those gelatinous pods. That’s what the VR head says. Pretty soon here, I’m anti AI. I’m anti using chat GPT for fun. I’m anti all of this because I also saw Terminator two as a kid. You know, like, hello, the rise in the machines is going to be after that. It’s like these. Even the Spike Jones short film I’m in was a robot uprising, predictive programming type thing in which I play a robot. You know, I didn’t know that at the time, obviously. But, like, I think all those films are predictive programming, and they’re already.
They already have cruising around the neighborhoods out here. These little robot delivery robots all by themselves. Oh, right. And then there’s a robot. Copy. Downtown patrolling. Wait, what? What does the robot cop do? Does he have a taser? I don’t think so. But he’s filming everyone with his robot cop eyes, you know, and it’s probably scanning faces as this turns into, like, communist China over here. I wonder if you were to go and, like, kick them. Is that assault on a police officer? It might be. It’s probably worse. Probably be stuck in federal prison for that or something.
Or even thinking about it, thought crime. We’re screwed. If that’s the case, we are screwed. We’re screwed. Even if that’s not the case, let’s be honest. We’re screwed. Yeah. All right, I’ve got a quick little segment that I’m gonna play, and then I’ll explain what happens after this. But just brace yourself a little bit. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. All right, that was my little segment. It’s called PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. Have you ever done actual PCP before? No, I’ve not.
But someone would be open to it. I don’t know. If you look under your chair, we’ve actually got a little packet of PCB for you. I wish this were true. Okay. No, it’s not true. Darn it. I’m glad that you checked in my house. It’s not out of the question. The. The premise here is that I’m just going to mention a certain. Usually it’s a conspiratorial thing, but it could be spiritual, but kind of like an out there topic. And I just want to get a rating from you on one to ten on how much you put faith into that topic or how much you believe in it.
So, for example, if I said bigfoot, where would you rate Bigfoot on a scale from one to ten? One. I don’t care about Bigfoot. How about ghosts? Like a victorian ghost of some kind. I’m gonna hit that with a seven. I believe in it. I just don’t care too much. But I think it’s real, you know? And I do love victorian era anything. So how about Ouija boards putting you in contact with the spirit world? That’s a ten. That’s a full ten out of ten on that one. Duh. About flat earth. Flat earth, one. I don’t care what shape the earth is shaped, like a toilet, if you ask me, and I don’t care.
Hollow earth. I would believe in that. We’ll hit it with a five. But I still don’t care that much. You know, I feel like a lot of my rh negative brothers and sisters that are living under the ground already, their lungs being, some of us, better adapted for underground breathing, whatever that means. What about the idea that a human being has stepped foot on the moon in the last hundred years? That’s a negative ten. I don’t believe that’s ever happened. How about dinosaurs? One. Maybe it happens, but I don’t really believe it anymore and I don’t care mostly.
What about dragons? I sort of. I’ll hit that with a five, because I would believe, and I just don’t care that much again. What about celebrity clones? Like, like Jamie Foxx has a clone or whatever. I. I’m going to go nine on that. I’m pretty. I’m pretty convinced that cloning’s a thing. Yeah. Are there any specific celebrities that you’re like. Yeah, they probably have clones. I feel like they cloned Dave Chappelle recently, you know, but mostly I don’t pay enough attention to the celebrities to even give you an answer outside that. Outside of one to ten.
I’m curious, who do you think killed JFK? The american government, obviously. Maybe blood type, but, like, so CIA, FBI, all the above. Federal Reserve. The devil. Yeah, I feel like the. He came out, he did that speech about, like, us being against, like, America is against, like, secret cabals and, like, you know, like. So the cabal killed him and whoever, CIA, FBI. I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t get into the, you know, the details over there because it’s like, I just know certain things on an intuitive basis. AB negative is the most highly killed, like, martyred blood type.
Of all the blood types, aB negative is. You have JFK and Marilyn Monroe, both aB negative. Princess Diana, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Junior, Jesus Christ, his very self. I’m forgetting some other ones, but it’s a highly martyrable. Oh, myself and my dad, you know, people with this blood type get murdered all the time, so that’s the inherited curse of that blood type, I feel like. And then one final one to ten, that 911 was an inside job. Eleven for 911. Yeah. I give it nine, but then I give it an eleven. Yeah. What did you think in 2001 when it actually happened? I thought it was a terrorist attack just like everyone else, all the way up until 2012.
So about eleven years of thinking that. Yeah. But my first thing, my first conspiracy was to do with Sandy Hook. And it’s just like when there’s that click in your mind where it’s like you’re looking at the footage through the perspective of, like, this isn’t real, like, it becomes laughable. A bunch of these crisis actory type situations, you know, and some of the situations maybe are half real. Boston bombing. I don’t know what happened. I wasn’t there, you know? But, like, they reuse the same crisis actors and some of them. And it’s just like, I don’t know.
Some people can see the truth because they keep it too real and then most people can’t. So then the person who sees what’s really going on is just made to look like a psycho. Crazy loser. Lunatic. Conspiracy theorists. JFK, they made up that. They coined the term for JFK’s assassination to keep people from looking into anything, you know, fringe or conspiratorial. They had to make up a bad name. Oh, you conspiracy theorists. You mean, do I follow and seek the truth? Why, yes. I am this. You know, that’s world we live in. The truth is gross.
And the group psychosis lie is celebrated. Well, and I guess appropriate that your. Your label name is what? Full psycho, right? Full psycho.com. full psycho records. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s how you go toward the truth, is, first you got to go full psycho because you got to tell everybody in society that you care about the opinions of to eat a dick, basically. Got to care more about the truth than how good you look, because it doesn’t look good. To be a truth seeker. A follower of Jesus is not cool. Maybe it’s becoming a little cooler as people start to, like, now Russell Brand is Christian and Mia is Christian.
She’s gang banging for Christ out there. Justin Bieber has become alleged Christian Kanye. Mm hmm. It’s going around, you know, because in the end times, there’s also supposed to be a resurgence, a revival. So that’s going to happen. And then the Christians being persecuted and killed, unless you deny verbally Jesus, you’ll get your head slapped off at the old guillotine. But that’s not for a minute still. So that’s good. That’s 2025. We don’t got to worry about that for another exactly four months, at least. We’re chilling till then. All right, well, I’m going to let you get back to attending the quails and the hens and everything else that you got to get going on one more time.
Tell people the best place that they can support you and everything that you do, I guess. Patreon.com Annie Hardy. Although I’m not the best at doing that shit, but I. It’s a direct to me place where you can see stuff I make before I put it out, and, I don’t know. Seems chill. Maybe it’s not that expensive. But I do a demos club there, so all my demos get to hear them, and there’s exclusive content that doesn’t come out anywhere else. So is your Rothschild song accessible to patreons first, too? Mm hmm. Oh, no, the video will be, but the song will be just accessible at the same time.
But maybe I should drop the song in there. I mean, why not? It’s just. It’s not technically a demo, but, like, it’s not not a demo either, because every time I write a song these days, it’s like I’m not sitting around laboring over writing the song. I step to the keyboard, press record, and I record the whole thing, improvise. Sometimes I’ll punch in somewhere, fix something that’s crappy. But mostly I just add harmonies to make it sound like a legitimate song. And it’s always freestyle. And what. What is your weapon of choice? Is a korg. Something other.
Right. Is it a mini korg? No, it’s something else. Where is that thing? It’s a Yamaha. It’s like some, you know, because I need the weird, crappy, ask non professional keyboards to do the accompaniment for me. So I’m just, like, so lazy at this point. I’m just, like, playing along the accompaniment of a keyboard. Like, that’s what you do when you’re, like, eight years old. Most people don’t really, you know, know how to use that aspect of. Of Casio and Yamaha keyboards just because it sounds totally lame. So they don’t really fuck with it. But I do, in fact, I love that it sounds lame.
And so, yeah, that’s what I’m about right now. It’s a Yamaha P is. Where did I put it? I couldn’t tell you right now because I put it somewhere. Oh, no. It’s right in front of me. Okay, so Yamaha music station. Yamaha Porta sound. Pss 480 stereo PCM rhythm midi. FM voice bank. Yes. That’s awesome. I mean, back to the basics. I grew up on a Yamaha DJX, which is one of, like, the cheesiest keyboards ever created. Yeah, I have all of the cheesy keyboards here. I have an extensive, like, nothing good, nothing impressive per se.
Although I do have the microcorg. And I do have. Yeah, probably just the micro cords. The only thing. Oh, I have, like, a behringer, although it’s broken. It’s a Behringer’s reproduction of the Roland sh zero nine. I don’t like synthesizers to be honest, I think they sound like robots. We were talking a little earlier off this, but you noticed I had an MXR like a. Like a thing. I think you would have a freaking blast with one of those if you haven’t played with one before. I have one on my micro cork, but I just, like.
I’m never like. It’s no. It’s nowhere near the guitar because the microcorg is kind of, like, digital, and it’s. It’s more of like a vocoder where it’ll digitize your voice, but the MXR vocoder, it’ll actually, like. You’re sending audio through a tube. Then you use your mouth to shape the acoustics of it, and it gets rerecord it. It’s so much fun. I think you would have a lot of fun with it. I bet that I would, actually. What does that sound? It’s coming from my light, I think. I’m so, like, retarded and, like, 3d things. I’m like, what is that? They’re like trash.
Well, someone turns, like, a tv on, like, a block away, and you’re like, oh, what’s happening? Threw up. All right, well, Annie, I’m going to put all your links down below and everything. If people want to check out dashcam, should I just tell him to pirate it? Yeah, I mean, it’s on Hulu, so there’s that, you know? Okay. Yeah, go check out Hulu. That’s how I. That’s how I came across you. I think it’s awesome. Like, you’re an absolute hero in that movie. I realize that. A lot of people get at it, like, the caricature version of yourself.
I thought it was the coolest character ever like that. It’s the Annie Hardy Hart movie. Thank you. It’s pretty much me, but then, like, more of an asshole and no redemptive qualities. But, you know, maybe one day I’m striving towards having no redemptive qualities and being more of an asshole. So thanks for having me. You did kind of help Angela, even if it was through a financial incentive originally. You did essentially help Angela out, so. Exactly. And I helped her out of this very mortal coil eventually. Didn’t she get killed by the demon? I don’t know.
I don’t know. Thanks a lot again, Annie. I appreciate your time and everything. You’re very welcome. Thanks for having me. They keep rocking out. Is there. Is anyone that you should suck a deck at the end of this episode? I mean, whoever wants to? Because if we tell anyone to yeah, everyone can if they want. Open, invite, you know, spread the word with propaganda packs all for just $40 shipped@paranoidamerican.com. propaganda packs these huge all weather slaps will last in public for years to come. Remind citizens that birds are not real self immolation is an option and might make you magnetic do your part and get a propaganda pack today from paranoidamerican.com.
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