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➡ The text discusses a documentary exploring the realm of the supernatural and mind control programs, including the use of psychedelics. It mentions encounters with entities named Ball and Moloch, suggesting these names may represent titles rather than individual beings. The text also discusses the potential for drugs to open communication with these entities, with some suggesting that certain substances might allow contact with different types of entities. The text ends with a discussion about whether it’s possible to communicate with ‘good’ entities through drug use.
➡ The speaker is discussing a new game idea that involves conspiracy theories. The game is similar to “Guess Who”, but instead of regular people, it features conspiracy characters. The speaker is seeking feedback from the audience to decide whether to proceed with the idea. They also discuss various conspiracy theories and rate their belief in them, such as the existence of Bigfoot and the shape of the Earth.
➡ The text discusses the experiences and perceptions of using substances like ayahuasca and interacting with artificial intelligence (AI). The speakers share their thoughts on the spiritual and geographical significance of using ayahuasca, and how it might differ from using it in a different location or context. They also discuss the potential dangers of interacting with AI, suggesting that it could lead to unintended consequences, similar to using a Ouija board. They question the difference between the internet and interdimensional realms, suggesting that while we can define and understand the internet, interdimensional realms remain a mystery.
➡ The text discusses the concept of interdimensional realms and the internet as a potential interdimensional space. It suggests that the internet, like a Ouija board, could be a medium for communication with other entities. The text also explores the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) as a potential conduit for these entities. Lastly, it delves into the idea that understanding and manipulating the fundamental connective tissue between all things could allow one to manipulate all things.
➡ The text discusses a podcast that has reached the top 200 in its category. They promote their merchandise and other ventures, including custom-made holsters and an upcoming event called Bohemian Grove, which combines comedy and conspiracy content. They also mention a new game called Epstein’s Quest, developed by Paranoid American, which involves exploring the dark underworld. Lastly, they advertise Paranoid American’s sticker sheets, which feature various conspiracy themes.
➡ The text discusses various supernatural experiences and theories, including the concept of Nephilim and gin, which are seen as spirits of previously physical beings. It mentions a show called NDS Chronicles where people share their unexplainable, supernatural experiences. The text also explores the idea of communicating with these entities, often through the use of drugs, and the potential consequences of such interactions. It concludes by questioning whether anything objectively good can be brought back from the psychedelic spiritual realm, suggesting that while useful information might be gained, it often leads to deception.
➡ The speaker discusses various concepts such as numerology, astrology, and the interpretation of religious texts. They question the accuracy of translations and the loss of context, particularly in the Bible. They also explore the concept of time in different dimensions and how it might affect our understanding of concepts like eternity. The speaker suggests that all religions tell a similar story, but they believe Christianity provides the most insight into the nature of deities.
➡ The speaker believes that many religions are telling the same stories, but from different perspectives. They suggest that the Bible, despite being edited and simplified over time, still holds more truth than most other religious texts. They also discuss the concept of fallen angels and their offspring, suggesting that these entities are the same ones mentioned in various mythologies. Lastly, they discuss the idea of an Antichrist coming before the second coming of Jesus, and question whether this is too obvious a prediction.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the Mandela effect, the idea of a flat Earth, and religious prophecies. It also delves into the idea of Jesus’ return and how it would be perceived in today’s world. The text further explores the concept of government manipulation and the spread of misinformation, using the example of Donald Trump’s hypothetical survival of a headshot. Lastly, it suggests that events may be repeating in a cyclical pattern, and that power transfers might be orchestrated through symbolic rituals.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations about Donald Trump and Elon Musk, including ideas about time travel, secret inventions, and connections to historical figures and books. The author suggests that these theories are more like a theatrical performance, with Musk and Trump playing central roles. The author also questions the authenticity of Musk’s online presence, suggesting it could be managed by AI. The text ends with a comparison of Musk to Tony Stark, a character from the Avengers series.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and their proponents, including figures like Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk. It suggests that these figures are being used to distract the public and create a false sense of security. The author expresses skepticism towards these theories and the figures promoting them, suggesting that it’s all part of a larger manipulation. The text also mentions various controversial topics like Pizzagate, chemtrails, and the idea of a global network of satellites.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including personal preferences, opinions on Donald Trump’s presidency, and speculations about the end times. The speaker believes that despite accusations against Trump, his economic and legislative contributions were positive. They also discuss a significant planetary alignment and its potential impact on global events. Lastly, they ponder whether we are living in the ‘end times’, referencing various predictions for the year 2030 and the rapid pace of recent events.
➡ The text discusses various predictions about the end of the world and the arrival of a new age, often linked to the years 2025 or 2030. These predictions come from different sources, including religious interpretations, psychics, and AI data analysis. The text also debates whether these predictions are genuine or manufactured. It concludes that while the world may not end, significant changes could occur, potentially leading to a new era.
Bird shot to the chest was one of the better ones. No, you. For me it was, it was a, a non story. I don’t remember doing it at all. My wife brought it to my attention that we actually did do it together when we first started dating. And then I, I do remember driving back home in New Jersey from Atlantic City and I remember her driving and her saying, I feel as though I’m made of metal. I am a robot now. And then she continued to drive all the way home. So I don’t know, I didn’t have that experience.
But yeah, he top is 100, right? It’s like everybody that’s emailing us has had some sort of demonic encounter on it and then, yeah, some, some sort of black cloud hangs over their lives for the next decade. But you know, a lot of these substances, even the same thing with marijuana too, where it’s like somewhere there’s an elderly CIA agent who’s just slapping his knees at how psychedelic marijuana has become because the industry has, has now taken it and you know, sacrificed the cbd, dialed up the THC to like spaceman levels and, and now everybody is on this high anxiety inducing, you know, but, but low psychedelic dose at all times.
You know, everybody’s just what. Because weed culture has kind of done that. It’s like everybody is high. You gotta supplement that with micro dosing mushrooms in order to get that back. Yeah. So now, so now it’s like our media is MK altering us to, to whatever degree. We’re getting subliminal messages flash and all these high level concepts. Some people say that the, the degree to which we’ve been inundated with like, you know, emulations of Masonic ceremony and things like that. If you, if you do believe that if you are watching the super bowl and you think that there’s some element of that and they’re actually doing a ceremony on the stage and you’re on some sort of like low grade psychedelic, but really high anxiety State.
You’re essentially cutting out the middleman of the agent who used to have to strap you in the chair. What’s the Clockwork Orange style? And peel your eyeballs open and you know, now it’s just steadily happening. That’s what, that’s what Rogan is. It’s. And I like Rogan. I wish I could get on a show one day. But it’s like they’ve cut out the middleman. He’s. He’s now convincing you to do it to yourself. And we just, it’s like, it’s like a fucking cell checkout, self service checkout. This is exactly what, what they’ve done. But it’s, it’s. Instead of at Walmart where I’m scanning my own shit, I am now microdosing myself and subjecting myself to pure torture and to the like to.
I don’t think I’m doing that to myself because like, I feel like if you’re aware of some of the symbology that they’re spreading, you’re less susceptible to it at least if you understand what it is. Like, I’m not going to, I don’t think, knock on wood, that they’ll ever, you know, have me do some kind of a school. I’m not going to say it on your channel, but the person who doesn’t know the one that’s just kind of like, yeah, I’m going to, just going to, you know, do a little bit of this, a little bit of K2 and then I’m going to watch the Super Bowls.
Like, God only knows what’s getting through their head, man. A little bit of K2 and I’m gonna watch the Super Bowl. Unbelievable. What a Sunday. It only really anyone that ever says like, let’s go do a lot of K2, like, that’s, that’s a problem. I don’t think anyone ever wants to do more than just the, the bare minimum of K2 because it is such a horrible chemical. And what’s wild is that there are people that are addicted to K2 that have access to like quote unquote, you know, real drugs now. They don’t have to go to this gas station sort of like substitute.
But people will actively seek out K2 because it offers this like unique. I, I can’t relate to that part at all. And I, I think that I’m almost pro self checkout, psychedelic. If that, if that were a thing. Yeah, I’d rather me because, because on the other end of that, I guess maybe a bad analogy, but if you are like a F1 driver if you’re like a stunt driver. When. When I was working at Disney, that was one of the cool things in the backstage of, like, what’s now Hollywood studios. But that’s where the stun race drivers would do all of their sort of, like, practice, so you could go and hang out with them and, like, watch them.
Sometimes they even let you get into the car if there was no one around to basically fire them for doing that. But there’s this. This aspect that when they’re driving the car and they’re going over the jumps and they know when they’re going to fishtail, and they know all these different moves. They know when to brace themselves, when to, like, tighten up their core so they don’t get whiplash and all this. If you’re riding shotgun, you don’t know every single move that they’re going to do. So it’s almost like if this were the MK Ultra analogy, right? Like, now we don’t have to be in the passenger seat where you’re constantly getting whiplash because you got no idea what way it’s going to go.
Now you’re in the driver’s seat and you, like, you know when to brace your core and you. And you can kind of, like, guide it a little bit more. So I. I do like that extra level of control over the situation, but it’s not like you have to be in one of those seats. You can also just be a bystander and not be in the car. It’s. It’s like being in a torture chamber and you’re strapped to a thing for a long time, and they’re just torturing you and zapping you, and then they undo the cuffs and you go, give me that cattle producer yourself.
That’s what it is. It’s the same energy. I’d rather do that. Let me zap myself, please. But I just think that, you know, what you end up hearing on these experiences, it does cross over into, like, a pretty biblical place. Like, we were talking to Jay Dyer, and there was this guy in the 70s, I forget what his name was, but he was basically like his own psychonaut, right? He was deciding outside of this MK Ultra program, like, he was going to inundate himself with, you know, giant dumps of LSD and do this in a. A research sort of a vein.
And eventually what ends up happening is he starts communicating with an entity on a regular basis. This entity eventually exposes itself and says that it’s called Moloch. And it said back in like the 60s or 70s, that it was going to be the King of the west one day or something like that, the King of America one day. And look, anecdotal, who the hell knows? Just because a dude wrote it down doesn’t mean that it’s definitively true. But there’s no shortage of people bumping into entities that have a name that if you’re researched in whatever the biblical corners or Sumerian text or X, Y and Z, you’ll find a corresponding name for that deity in some sort of mythos somewhere.
And so I think that there really is a spiritual realm. I believe that 100. I believe that there are entities of all kinds of variations that inhabit those spiritual realms. And I think that we are. Tucker Carlson was recently talking to like Roseanne Barr or somebody like that, and he said that. I think it was Sean Ryan. And he said, and that guy’s a fit, that we in the west have lost our connection to the spiritual realm. And then he speculated as to whether or not it was on purpose. You can speculate to that, but I believe he’s correct.
And take Tucker Carlson with a grain of salt. But, you know, I think that’s a valid criticism of the west here. And so, you know, Top always highlights it really well. He’ll make fun of Joe Rogan because Joe Rogan will say, like, I’m not going surfing, man. The ocean is like shark soup. So in other words, you can’t see all the various creatures that are in the ocean. It’s super dangerous. But he’s like, get in this float tank and do DMT dog. Like, you don’t know what you’re interacting with. God forbid you’re interacting with something ancient and adversarial that doesn’t like you.
Because, you know, go figure, the things that inhabit that realm maybe aren’t all the biggest fans of us. And so we’re just going into this realm, this shark soup with no map whatsoever. And we’re doing it MK Ultra style. And I just don’t know where that leads. But for some people, it leads to a horrible place where their kid starts hearing voices all of a sudden, you know, so that’s kind of the. The nature of the documentary. And we hope to flesh out the names of some of these entities and then show historical context for them and then show, you know, testimony from individuals who are encountering them.
But we thought that it would be a great conversation to have with you on the topic of the CIA mind control programs and the usage of these psychedelics. I’m in, man. I mean, who do we get to meet first? Ball or Moloch? Do you have like a top 10 list or what? We know balls in Indiana somewhere. So, I mean, if you’re down to do spelunking. Yeah, just go to one of these fucking underground tunnels. He has a throne room. Pretty cool. I guess maybe he has a goblet too. Oh, he’s definitely got a goblet. I mean, what are you even doing with your life if you don’t have a goblet to go with all of the child sacrifice that’s happening at your.
At your feet constantly? And it’s. It’s interesting you brought those two up too, because Ball meaning like lord or king or ruler, and Malik coming from Malik or Malik, which also, I believe meant like king or lord or ruler. So these are these two weird amalgamations that if. If you do encounter an entity that’s Ball or Moloch, you’re probably dealing with, like a Voltron level sort of entity where it’s comprised of all these other, like, smaller entities that make up this bigger one, because that’s kind of what both of those guys are. So I don’t know if we.
We should find out if there’s like, a specific type of K2 that you can dial in for more Ball or more Molik or something like, what are like the. The freestyle Coke machines, but it would be like the spray that goes onto your K2. Well, did you see. You ever see that meme where it’s like, you know, it’s making fun of the sort of political paradigm, the left versus the right thing, and it’s like, vote for Ball, vote for Molik. You know, and it’s got like, kind of the old drawings of each one, and it. It’s, you know, it’s.
Whatever it is, two wings of the same bird. But yeah, that’s an interesting thing. We were just talking to Gray Pilled about Jules. The Gray Pill podcast was just on our show, and. Yes. And. And there’s this kind of like, misnomer, right? When you hear. And I’m guilty of it. I’ve made the mistake before. But it’s like when you hear names, especially like Ball, you think of that as like an individual entity. It’s kind of the same mistake that we seemingly make within Christianity. Yeah, this is not good. They started. This is. I gotta. I. I feel compelled to explain this in every show that I’m on.
Let it sit. Well, you told them. You told them to call you Master. They’re doing it No, I did not tell them to call me master. And they also do not regard me with that level of respect whatsoever. Know that it’s going to come back to bite me in the ass. And they think that it’s hilarious to call me master. And it, it is very hilarious. And it will come back to bite me in the ass. And to their credit, it’s very funny. So. Hey man, what the hell is that? Oh, so, so I’ve made this mistake with.
And I think Christians make this mistake too, right. We hear like Satan and we think of that as like an individual entity, but Satan is more like a title that it seems like many entities throughout the Bible have held at some point, these fallen angels and, and Satan is like the accuser, the adversary. And it seems like his is one of like testing mankind almost in a, a judicial capacity, as if he’s like the prosecutor maybe. And, and Ball is also one of those things that is like a title. It means like you said lord or king or something to that effect.
And I think it’s one of those things that you would have also found multiple entities sat in that position throughout time. Right. So you have like Hadad who seemingly is a counterpart, a Sumerian counterpart for, for Zeus which is, you know. Yeah, but you’ve got, actually you’ve got Ball, Haddad or Ball, which over enough time turn into Kronos and Saturn. And then you’ve got Balls of Fawn who turns into Zeus because a fawn was the name of the cave where Zeus was apparently created. But the original name would have been like Lord of Zafon, Lord of this area.
But then since Zeus was born in that area, then Zeus basically replaces the concept of BAAL Zafon. But since people were know about balls of fun over here and Ball, Hadad and Bal, Haman and all these balls, then it just turned like the monotheistic inkling ended up just being like, oh, Ball is the God or Malik is the God. Yeah. When really it was like that title, the same thing that you’re talking about. And I find it fascinating that whatever experience these people are having, it’s introducing itself as Ball. So it also, if we’re to take their, their stories as the truth and really having these experiences seems that it’s quite comfortable with that whoever sits in that position.
Now, do you think that there’s any drug that we could ingest that would let you talk to angels instead of demons? Or is it only for sober people? You got to be straight edge to talk to an angel. So You’ve talked to Dr. Jerry Marzinski. Right, Absolutely. Yeah. So he says that methamphetamine is going to be the most effective one at creating, you know, elements that are reminiscent of schizophrenia. And, you know, in his estimation, schizophrenia is communicating with entities. So. But, you know, also, nobody ever has a good time on meth. I don’t think you’re doing meth talking to good angels and then like just crushing in life that doesn’t happen.
So, yeah, man, I don’t know. I mean, it’s arguable because technically Ritalin and Adderall are meth. That’s true. Some of the earliest forms of meth, they were given that the kids in like the 1900s. So, I mean, there’s probably some, some high achieving meth addicts, if you can stretch the definition of meth, not just mean, you know, like, like Mexican glass. I think this stuff is. It’s very much like tuning a radio, right. Depending on the type of drug that you’re doing, the amount that you’re doing, maybe even the amount of time that you’re doing. Because I know when you do, when you do schizophrenia, when you do methamphetamine and you, when you do it often enough, you kind of just kick that door wide open and basically nail it to the wall so it can no longer be shut, that the veil is, you know, ripped off the curtain.
Some other drugs you have to do to actually activate it. So. Mushrooms. One of the people that we’re talking about in Indiana that has had contact with these entities, he does a lot of mushrooms, or did a lot of mushrooms, a lot of heroic doses to the point where, like, he’d be contacting these entities or five dried grams, if anyone’s wondering. Yeah, no, yeah, that kind of shit, like caps, whatever, straight to the dome. So he’d be. The entity would give him like a nudge. This is how he described it to us. And it would be like, hey, today, your bedroom, you know, put your, put your blindfold on, Burn it all down.
Yeah. Kill your girlfriend. No, it was like, but, you know, I want to talk, so come over here. This is what you need to do. Take the mushrooms. See you later. And he would do it, but after a while, he didn’t even need the mushrooms. It would just kind of. I think, I think he did the same sort of thing where you kick that door wide open and now that gateway is open so whatever’s coming to you can pass through freely. But I think certain drugs allow you to come in contact with certain. A certain frequency of entity.
And there’s probably levels, like, dimensional level. So what drug you’d have to do to speak with an angel. Technically, if you’re speaking with the fallen, with. With something down here that’s. It’s an Elohim. It’s classified as an Elohim. So you are speaking on. I mean. Well, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s their location, like, interdimensionally. They’re. They’re located lower interdimensionally, but they are the same entity. So I. Yeah, again, to answer that question, I don’t know. And it won’t sound like a gin, where, like, it’s a different form that can have good or bad. Kind of like good gin can do bad things and bad gin can do good things, and it’s sort of murkier.
Yeah. I think Nephilim. Right. Gin are like actual Offspring products. A gin. A gin, I think would. If you had to draw a correlation, if you said these are all the same things by different names, I think a gin would fall much more into the disembodied spirit of a. Of a previously physical being that was killed and that spirit is now relegated to this realm. So very much like a. Like a demon or. Which is. According to the Book of Enoch, it’s a Nephilim. It’s a dead Nephilim. But top. We’ve heard stories a couple of times, right, where mathematics.
There you go. So there is this. What ends up happening is there’s a couple of instances that we got because we do a show called NDS Chronicles. And NDS Chronicles is like, if you have had a bizarre, unexplainable, supernatural experience, you can type it out, send it over to nephilim d squad gmail.com, and we’ll read it on air. And. And, man, does that yield. Please use punctuation, people, please. Punctuation. And also be descriptive. It has yielded some of the most interesting results. Dude. Because, you know, it’s like we’re sleuthing through all these conspiracies and we’re talking to, like, people who have expertise in this category or that category.
But the average person who has had spiritual experience experiences is something that we haven’t been able to delve into until now. So what we do end up getting is sometimes people will do these drugs and they will meet something good, but it is never pumped about what they’re doing. Like, well, let’s say one was rather benign, right? So a dude does a bunch of K2, I believe, and then basically falls out of the soles of his feet. His spirit slides out and he goes all the way through the floor and he’s now looking up at himself and he’s dropping further and further and he goes so far until he encounters sort of like the Gnostic, you know, the, the Gnostics God.
This idea of like a serpent bodied lion headed entity. And when he arrives, it basically just says to him like, you’re a long way from home, child. And then poof, he’s like shot back to his body. But there’s other ones where somebody believes that they did talk to God the Father, the, you know, the, the one that Jesus Christ references. And he is really pissed that this guy’s doing this. And he takes him on like a ghost of Christmas Past, future, present kind of an experience and just shows him all the horrible that that’s going on.
And it’s very much like a, like an angry father, you know, is, is. And then you know, the guy course corrects after that. But I do think that you can communicate with these entities. But I, I think that they, unless asked to by God or commissioned or, or petitioned to by an individual, I think that angels are very much like in an, in a. Don’t intervene unless job to do. Yeah. It seems like they’re very much like, listen man, I got a boss. And you’re, you’re like, well I’m not, I’m not here for all this extracurricular.
You’re going to get me in trouble. People building temples and you know, cathedrals to, to St. Michael or you know, the angel, the archangel Michael. When I see that, I’m kind of like, man, you’re trying to get this dude in trouble or something because like if he accepts that veneration now he’s fallen. So he’s been like just chilling and serving this dude for a pension for a like, you know, an eternity. And you’re going to like tempt him in this way. It’s kind of disrespectful. So yeah, like to talk with a real angel. Unless they’re coming down to talk to you.
They probably like again like so the dude that just bust in like, like you just bust through a veil and, and angels are just chilling there like, like this guy’s here. He shouldn’t be here. They probably don’t want to talk to you. They probably Catholics. Shots fired. For all your veneration of all these damn angels. Stop doing that. Yeah, it’s a bad deal. In part. Were fallen because they were, they were accepting worship. You know what I Mean, so it’s like veneration. Let’s just say, like respect in worship. It is a, it’s a thin line. Thin line? Yeah.
People are fallible. Right. So at what point do we go from like, respect and veneration to all of a sudden worship? It’s like, that’s a really tight wire to walk. And then when you start worshiping these things, you know, I do think you’re tempting them with the same thing. We need to, I need to do like more research on it. But there’s like, it’s like slick, slick language about these, the fallen angels, because they’re referred to as watchers. Right. So they’re, they’re down here to watch humanity and then they start to tell humanity about things and teach them shit.
Yeah, you could imagine how. Hell yeah. Nephilim dick squad. But you could imagine how after a little while I start to teach you some stuff and then you start coming back to me and they’re like treating you like a God because you’re teaching them metallurgy, makeup, you’re teaching them all this cool shit. So that relationship between human and angel could quickly become, you know, well, a fallen one. And it seems like it did. And it’s not, it’s not just that one time, but this is. There’s a couple of falls even throughout the Bible discussed. Yeah. So I just don’t think that these things.
I think you’re probably on their radar, but you’re also on the radar of these negative entities. The negative entities have already decided they’re going to interact, they’re going to intervene. It’s like the same way. Like, you know, there’s that idea of like a watcher sort of alien thing where, where Star Trek, Star Trek does that, don’t they? A non intervention clause. Right. Like, you’re not allowed to inter the Prime Directive. Although there’s also a secret like black Ops CIA form, which is the Omega Directive, which actually supersedes the Prime Directive. And I’m showing my, my hand too much on this.
No, no. So, so I think, I think that when it comes to these things, like the, the, the nature of this is something I say on the show often, the nature of reality is fractal, full stop. Right. We know that because if you observe things through a microscope, you can find like the, the golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequence on, on the micro. But you could also zoom out and see it on the macro. It’s like echoes or turtles all the way down. You know what I mean? And I think that. That’s an indication. So it’s like the same thing.
Well, we’ll get there in a second. But it’s an indication that, like, you might be able to extrapolate on that and say if there are other realms, they might actually have a lot in common with this one. And in the same way that you could say that is the same way that you could say we have systems where there are like, you’re saying, like black ops, CIA, FBI, we have systems for everything that are compartmentalized and there’s hierarchies all the way down. I. I think it would be the very much the same thing. And in fact, I don’t even think that that is.
I think that’s why we have these systems is because the spiritual realm is bigger than this realm and it has those systems. You know what I mean? So I think that fractally speaking all the way down to the minutia, it’s. It’s the same thing over and over again. And so, yeah, I think you would find a lot of the same there as well. Do you guys think that there’s anything that could be good, like, objectively good, that you could bring back into this realm that you find in, like the. The psychedelic spiritual realm? Not like through prayer, meditation, but just straight up? It doesn’t have to be K2.
It could be any drug. But do you think that there’s any version of that or is it all ultimately leading to some, like, egotistical lies or entities that are just trying to trick or. Or like, misguide? I think. Go ahead. Yeah. In our experience. So I guess the short answer is yeah, it’s. It’s all going to lead to like, one lie or another. It’s. It’s all about deception. But can you get some really good information on the way there? Yeah, it’s just that, like, I don’t know, one of the. One of the great examples is that that Bigfoot that was talking to that lady, Right.
Oh, the one that said it was a shit. What was the word I am. It wasn’t Elohim, but it was something similar to that. It’s just describing its, like, relationship to whatever it was. It was claiming to be an lud. Yeah. So it’s claiming to be an entity rather than like a cryptid in the traditional sense. And it had a relationship with this lady and eventually, like, what kind of relationship are we talking about? It was a white woman, so. Yeah. So all the way she put out same one. The same relationship she had with her dog.
Yeah. Oh, they’re at least kissing on the mouth and maybe. At least, at least, at least. Listen, there was a lot of peanut butter in the house, but that’s first. Yeah, it’s first base is open mouth. Yes. So I think this thing was trying to, it was trying to convince her. Like, it would tell her like basically 99 truths and a lie, in our opinion. And it was, it just leaned into like weird New age Gnostic stuff every single time. And it had, like, it pushed. When she asked it about Christ, it pushed her away from it.
Like it was. No, no, it said that it, it knew Christ, but it said that the. Something about the Bible, the Bible being wrong or something like that. And I mean, you know what, you know what it is? It’s like, so there are systems that I do think like this realm that we live in. You know, people are like, oh, it’s simulation theory, whatever. It’s like, okay, so you’re telling me that somebody created it and it’s not the last stop that we’re going to make sure that’s not been said before. But, you know, there are ways in which this, this reality is permeable and malleable.
And, and I think that there are systems that you can use to kind of hijack it. Like, I do think that there is a lot of validity to like, numerology or the various ways you can use astrology, things like that. But I think the problem is twofold. One, it’s the things that told us it. Because if you look into it, it’s like, well, where did numerology come from? Well, Pythagoras is one thing, but I think even Pythagoras claims to have gotten this information in some sort of an altered state. And what’s the other one? Astrology and everything.
It’s like everything has a ruling entity. The entity that rules over this gave us metallurgy, gave us alchemy, gave us this, gave us that. Typically, even agriculture can be attributed to some sort of entity coming down and teaching people how to do it. But the problem is if they teach you a true thing, but then they integrate within it a lie, well, then it kind of corrupts the entire thing. Couple that with the fact that, like, absolute power corrupts absolutely. People are fallible. So we have these systems. Great example in the Bible. The, the truth. The lie is that you’ll.
Well, the truth is you will. What is it? You’ll have, like, knowledge, but the lie is that you’ll be like gods or that that is a true. It’s like you’ll be like gods, but not explaining that like, oh no, no, like these gods, not like that God that you’re talking to. So it’s like a weird slip of the tongue. Like you’ll be like a God and a God. I don’t, you know, they’re cool, but they’re fallible as hell. A lot of them get killed, a lot of them get trampled on and have. Yeah. Even the Bible says, or Enoch says you will die like men.
Right? Yeah, yeah. If we’re gonna cite the Bible, which, which Bible is the right Bible? It’s hard to say. I mean, look through all the translations. You’ve lost so much really important context because these words are like multi meanings. You know what I mean? It’s like you look back into the, the, the ancient Hebrew or, or Greek that it was originally translated from and you find that one word has like a plethora of definitions that all do interconnect. But like, it seems like their language was so much better than ours because it was like one word gave you a really huge descriptive.
And it had so much like context in that one word. I don’t think that we do that now. So I, I think that one of the words you would probably. What’s that? One of the words that like I’ve been stuck on lately. I mean you could, you could use the example of Nashua. It means to deceive, but it also means to lend on interest. And that’s the word that Eve used when describing what the serpent in the garden did to her. But I’ve been looking at the word eternity in, in Greek and in Hebrew as they use it.
And that word, it’s like, it extrapolates to a bunch of other words. But one of the like important things to me is that it says that it’s for eternity, how they’re using it. It just means like an indescribable amount of time. And when I look at that, like, like we, you know, if we’re going to talk about heaven and hell. Right. You’ll be in heaven for eternity. You’ll be in hell for eternity. It’s like, what’s an eternity? An indescribable amount of time. How does time work on the other side? I don’t fucking know. It seems like it’s dilated over there, but it certainly doesn’t work the way it works here.
60 seconds in a minute, you know, 60 minutes in an hour. So when it says an indescribable amount of time, it’s Telling me that there is an amount of time. That’s all that you’ve said to me. There is an amount of time. So you’ll spend an eternity in hell or an eternity in heaven, but an amount of time. And that word is very important. But when you read it in the King James version, it just says eternity. So you’re like forever. We have no concept of it, but they were describing something different. That’s really important. Gets lost in translation.
So, you know, take the Bible for what it is. Take the, take the translations for what it is. But it’s still a very powerful book. I think just, you know, people need to look into the words and the etymology of some of these words a little bit deeper. Oh, there’s a similar concept too about like the real name of God and that like it had, you know, 72 letters or there’s, there’s all these versions, but essentially there’s this ineffable name of God and then the, the, I guess like the theological debate on that one is that is it ineffable because it’s been lost is ineffable because you can’t pronounce it.
Like we don’t have the vocal cords that could actually say the name of God or that the second you say it you just evaporate or like they’re like there might be a self sort of regulating aspect to it, to why it’s ineffable, but it’s a lot of the time, I guess the most surface level explanation of that, it’s just that we don’t know it, that you don’t know what it is. So like eternity. Oh yeah, it’s just infinity. It’s just so much that you can calculate it. But I think that’s interesting that you’re saying is that, you know that it actually is a, an amount of time because it’s being defined as an amount of time.
And then I guess eternity might just be so large on the scale they didn’t have. Maybe it’s like a noonal or like a, like a googleplex or some massive number that has like 37 zeros after it. So there really is a set amount of time to go through. Yeah. And, and to top’s point, it’s like we’re, we’re getting pretty comfortable with the idea that in other dimensions time doesn’t work this way. Right. You know, we’ve all been beat to death, whether it’s through media or otherwise, with this idea that like, time doesn’t flow in a linear line like A river.
Does I forget what it is? There’s like a movie that famously says like time is like a flat disc. Right. Somebody described it once as like, you know, you’re putting a record player on a, on a, you’re putting a record on a record player and dropping a needle. Now that needle is hitting a specific mom moment in time, but all of it is happening all at once. It just depends on where the needle is. And look, I don’t know if that’s true, but if we start to entertain that idea that time is what’s keeping us rigidly in this third dimension, and that in order to get to a higher dimension with which quantum physics swear there’s, there’s higher dimensions, there’s 11 of them or some, I don’t know, then you might imagine that when you go and experience those other ones, you’re out of the confines of time.
So then what does it mean to suffer for an eternity? I don’t know. But, so, so we lack the, the context with which to understand these things. But I do think that there is an overarching story that’s happening when you look at all these different religions and they’re telling a very similar story in their mythos, right. There’s elements that overlap with one another to the extent that you might even surmise they’re talking about the same events. My thing is Christianity wins out, in my opinion, because it’s telling you the nature of these deities. So how do I put this? It’s like a lot of people will go like, oh, you’re Christian, so you think that other religions are wrong.
And it’s like, well, that’s a little reductive. What I would say is that other religions are describing things that are real. Yes, yes, in my estimation, but the nature of these things. So you talked about the Vedic belief system before, right? And it’s like they have all these blue multi armed entities that also engage in like eating human beings and all this other. I just think they’re talking about the Nephilim and the fallen. So where things go wrong, it’s the same thing where the Anunnaki narrative goes wrong. It’s like the Anunnaki, the story of it, what the Sumerians were, were recording was a series of real events.
The problem was they were getting the information about the nature of how they were created, how they came to be in this realm that we inhabit. From the fallen. Right. The same thing with the Vedics, in my opinion. They’re getting their information about all this stuff. There’s a lot of really interesting stuff. I believe there’s even context in these other religions that the Bible doesn’t have. Because the Bible almost feels like this is what they need to know. Because if it was the story of everything, it would be a never ending book, right? We’d have to carry it around on an 18 wheeler, a flatbed, to bring it from one place to another and then nobody would ever get through it.
So it’s like the story of what they need to know in order to arm themselves while they’re in this realm. But everybody else is telling stuff with a little bit more. So there’s, you know, there’s some things that I think like the Vedic might actually have right, about shit that took place. Also keep in mind, I mean the, I think it was Constantine, the dude who like put together the Bible that as we know it, they put together. It’s, it’s a, like there’s a lot of truth to like religion being a control structure, you know, and they put, they put the parts that they, that they wanted for to keep this as a cohesive religion.
There are extra canonical books and you need to read through them and check them out to see if you think that they were actually, that they would belong in this canon, you know. But there certainly are things left out. There’s weird translations of stuff that matters more than you’d say. I’m just playing devil’s advocate for what the Bible is as we know it. But still, even, even so, after it’s like, still compiled and like whittled down, taking books taken out and put in this form, it still has more truth than most of these religions. It’s very, it’s a very odd thing to think about.
The thing that I think gets me the most is like, it all hinges on one really important detail. The Bible talks about these angels falling, a third of them falling. And then Enoch goes into more detail about the nature of it and what they did when they fell. And then these other religions are telling a story about a pantheon of gods. And in Enoch it’s talking about how they are terrible, right? Their children are destroying the land, they’re eating human beings, they’re doing all this terrible. These, these fallen angels are accepting this veneration and this worship.
And to me I go, oh, they’re, they’re talking about the same characters. It’s just that one book is coming from the POV of these fallen entities and the other one is coming from the POV of, you know, or at least the standpoint of. Yeah, These entities are fallen. So I think a lot of them are telling the same stories. That’s why I think there’s so much overlap. But you’re getting something fun. This is where, you know, within spiritual lies and deception, there’s this methodology that’s used where it’s like you’re going to tell people 10 things. Nine of them will get to, nine of them will be the truth.
And once you get to the ninth truth, they’re willing to trust you and they’re willing to believe you. That’s when you finally get them with that one lie. And I think that one lie is. Is infamously the nature of these entities. And so, like I said, I think you’ll. It’s the same entities that you’ll see in. In Sumer. It’s the same entities that you’ll see in the Greek pantheon. It’s the same entities. And. And with some variation, I mean, like, if a third of them fell, I think, is it Jasher or. I forget which book has their count at like 200.
I don’t know if that’s actually accurate. You have to take these extra canonical books with. With a. But you’ve got a great deal of entities that have fallen, and then all of these beget, like, offspring one way or the other. Whether you believe they had sex with human beings or this was through some sort of genetic manipulation. So now the numbers become unmanageable and the variation becomes incredible. And so through that lens, it accounts for every strange aberration that you come across in. In mythology. Honestly, we’ve gotten so schizo. I’m to the point where I’m like, yes, Satyr’s 100% real.
You have a precedent for Baphomet, you know, being this entity. If you take it at face value and you go, okay, maybe there was a spiritual entity of some sort that was part man, part goat. You have these cherubim that have the face of an ox in the face of a lion, the face of a man in the face of. I forget what the hell it is. But there’s, as they describe the angels, so much variation in them, especially having to do with animals. If these things had offspring and they looked anything like them, then there’s your answer for all these strange things.
Well, if. If we get super reductionist and we go with, like, what the Bible is kind of explaining to people. So I understand, like, if you were to interpret a large portion of it almost as a farmer’s almanac, which equates to all of the different astrological processions and sort of like formulas that get baked into that, too. But it also seems pretty straightforward that there’s going to be an Antichrist first, and then you get the second coming sometimes after that. Right? Like. Like, there’s a very, like, linear progression to that. And the Antichrist is the one that promises you these sort of things of, like, immortality or being like a God? Like, that promise essentially comes from the direction of Antichrist.
And I always wonder, is this. Is it a little bit too obvious? Because imagine you can count cards and you’re in Vegas and you’re playing blackjack. Like, you know when they flip that card, like, ignore that card because you want the card that’s behind it. Like, you’re waiting for the. The ace or the face card, right? If they just flip the nine, you’re like, no, no, I know that there’s some face cards buried under there. I’ll just. I’m just gonna hold back, let you get rid of that nine, and I’ll take that. That next face card.
So, like, is it too obvious that you don’t accept the first God that comes up? If it’s Elon Musk and he’s like, you can upload your consciousness to your cyber truck and live forever, like, that would be the. The first version of the Antichrist, but then does that mean that, like, you jump on the next one? Because there’s not really anything that explains that there’s going to be two Antichrists, there’s going to be three Antichrists, and then there’s going to be the second coming. It almost seems that one Antichrist, and then whoever purports to be the next Jesus is going to be the real one.
I said that this is overly reductionist. No, no, I say I understand that. And I. It’s something that I. I gave a lot of pushback to, like Paul Stobbs or JT Follows JC on, because they’re. They’re big like that. Well, no, they’re not big, but they’re. They like to talk about this thing called the little season. Have you heard about that? Right? Like the post millennial or post Messianic age, where it states that, like, Jesus already, like, the Antichrist came and went. Jesus came and went. And we’re sort of like, mom never picked us up from the soccer match.
And we’re just, like, waiting for mom to show up, and she’s not coming. It’s a great way, that leftover generation. And, you know, they have some good arguments as to why that is a Possibility. And I go back and forth, I’m like, nah, I don’t think so. Because there’s things in the Bible that say that that should have happened, and it would have been pretty obvious if it did. Like what? Like, what are some things that haven’t happened yet? Well, number one, I mean, just like the flattening of, like, all the mountains that’s in the book of Revelation, like, every mountain is flattened.
There’s mountains also. Animals should be, like, we should be able to talk to them. And basically, they shouldn’t be tearing apart each other. This idea that, like, the lion will finally lay with the lamb, like, they should be peaceful amongst one of them. We’re not seeing any of that. Oh, yeah, that’s right. The wolf. That’s fucking Mandela effect. Dog. How dare you? Yeah, I know. The flooding of the mountains is a rough one, though, because if you were to. You were to take, like, a flat edge ruler and look at that under a microscope, depending on how far you zoom in, you can see ridges on.
On even that. So, I mean, if you were to look at a mountain range, if you zoom out far enough, it eventually becomes a straight line right on a flat Earth, I would imagine. Because these things are like a tale of what’s to come. These are things that matter from our perspective as. As, you know, one of the big ones that Ed maybe brings up that I tend to really agree with is like, okay, Jesus came back, ruled for a thousand years with a rod of iron, and we have not one shred of evidence that he was here before.
Explain Donald Trump then. You can’t. Exactly. And that’s the problem. The point. So. But the point I’m making is that, like, so this is why I take exception with that sort of theory, because I’m like, all right, well, what happens, let’s say you’re right, or let’s say you’re wrong. And let’s say Jesus does come back. And people who are saying this is, you know, this is. We’re in. We’re in the little season, but things play out the way they’re supposed to in the book of Revelation. They’re going to look up and turn away. It’s a big moment, right? Because, like, I.
I think that when this happens, when it happens, we’re all going to have a decision to make right there. Boom. Like, you see this thing in the sky, and Joe Rogan even just brought it up to that guy, Wes Huff. He was like. He’s like, man, in today’s day and age, if Jesus comes back. Like, you know, we’re talking about drones in the sky, we’re talking about blue beam, we’re talking about all kinds of other government psyops. How would you know? And it’s a great question. So Paul Stobbs said it, JT Said it, and I say it as well.
Like, I don’t know really, when this plays out, because it does look fairly obvious. Like, all right, if I just hold my hand, you know, I know that the dealer has. The dealer’s going to bust because he’s already played too many cards. And I’m watching it. But how do. How do you really know? How do you really know when you’re presented with. And I think it’s just like, hey, you got to have a relationship with the guy. Like, you’ll know. You’ll know the dude when you see him, that sort of a thing. So, yeah, you know, a lot of the little season shit resonates with me, too, because it’s like, there are times when.
And I’d be interested to know if you feel this way, Thomas. It’s like, as a conspiracy theorist, you’re looking for one thing or another, and it seems that sometimes they’re showing you their hand, and we get into that. Whether it’s like, revelation of the method, is this to free them of some sort of karmic consequence? Is this so that you take part in their sin? If they’re doing this evil thing and now you know that it’s happening. But there are things that feel like purposeful breadcrumbs, right? I mean, you know, we were able to make, like, two or three episodes about the likelihood that Donald Trump was going to survive a headshot.
Now, is that because Top and I are psychics or something like. No, it’s just that we were able to see that there were some things that were happening around him that were, like, Antichrist centric, and they were very obvious. And so we figured, well, if this is truly what we’re seeing, then one of the things we might expect to see in the future is him survive a headshot. So, of course, when the headshot happens, we end up going on like tinfoil hat and saying the opposite. Now, we could have gotten on there and said, he’s definitively the Antichrist.
Look, here’s the. The proof is in the pudding. But it’s felt theatrical, it felt fake, and it felt like one of those things where they’re, like, trying to get people like us unhinged schizos, but also critical thinkers who. Who aren’t willing to take the, you know, the status quo’s explanation for things as gospel. And so it feels like sometimes they just do these things to make us like, okay, there’s conspiracy theorists. Let’s give them some conspiracy to chew on. Right? That’s like cognitive infiltration kind of a deal. They just want to mess with, get those every once in a while.
It could be that. But I mean, look, you have that, that precedent for like, Cass Sunstein joining the Obama administration, writing that paper on, like, cognitive infiltration. This idea that, like, these intelligence agencies do see that there’s a lot of noticers out there. And, and look, they, they characterize them in a distasteful way. Right? These people are just bad for democracy and they’re bad for America and yada, yada. So what they do is they want to infiltrate the movement and then steer it one way or another that’s beneficial to them. But eventually you got to ask yourself, are you the smartest banana in the bunch or are they laying that’s there.
It’s meant for the average person to miss, but the slightly critical thinker to catch. And sometimes I feel like they’re patronizing you. Like, you’re the slightly critical thinker. You think you’re smarter than you are in the UFO community. I mean, it’s. They, we know that they do this. Like, they’re like, yeah, we just laid this stuff out there and we wanted this guy to spread this information. And then he did, and they’re like, perfect. Now we have UFO culture that’s all kinds of messed up and nobody knows if they’re coming or going. So. Right. Milton, William Cooper, famously is one of those people that was, like, at the forefront of ufology and then was like, oh, yeah, by the way, I also work for Naval Intelligence specifically to release this kind of stuff.
But trust me when I say, like, that was the bunk stuff and here’s the real stuff. And, and I, I almost think that that trend kind of exists today. I would put one other option out there too. You’ve got this planned, like, chess procedure where they’re just trying to do misdirection and make this move while you’re looking over here. There’s also, like, the synchro, mystic aspect of it, but I think that also, what if it’s like the, the time isn’t linear like you guys were talking about? Almost like a medieval wheel of fortune aspect where it just keeps going through the same movements, like the, the needle drops, right? And it’s on the same record in the same spot.
It just depends on which groove you’re currently in. But it keeps, like, replaying over and over again. But with the Donald Trump headshot. This. In my mind, this was clearly a king kill 33 ritual. The same type that took JFK out and Dealy Plaza. You know, like this. This Masonic, James Shelby Downard style ritual. He’s got the blood on his right ear, right hand, right foot. Right. But. But hear me out. I. I think that they’re tweaking the formula a little bit because, like, this isn’t your Grandpa’s King Kill 33 ritual. They had this, like, old shoe shine, you know, like, like, elbow grease version of it.
But now we’ve gotten sophisticated to where they can take the shot at Trump. And Trump does all the theatrics, and he’s bleeding and, oh, my God, there was a Sasha on the President. But what really happened? Like, what. What actually happened in the real reality that we exist in? That took Joe Biden out, bro. That was a head shot that hit Donald Trump, but it took out Joe Biden. And if you think about it, right before that happened, there was sort of rumors that, like, will he. Won’t he. You know, will he just, like, give Kamala sort of the reigns of the White House? Will he step down? But it would have been seen as this huge moment of weakness, and it would have almost like, that’s exactly what the King Kill ritual is.
It’s when you want to transfer power from one to another without losing any in that process. So the only way for Joe to have actually taken a step back without showing just complete weakness was to show the strength of this other person that actually takes the headshot. Yeah, but the death, the actual sacrificial ritual is sort of transferred on to the old guy on his way out. It’s the same King Kill ritual. It’s the same exact motions that everything goes through. It’s just that now when, you know, dude gets hit with the arrow, the dude on that side dies.
Like, there’s still a transference. Like, everything went through the same motions, but it’s almost like, what is it? The. The JHW 1018? Well, now this is the 1019. Like, they’ve just tweaked the formula a little bit. Like, we got the K2 version of a JFK assassination. I. I love that. And I think that that really resonates with me. There’s this. So, okay, there’s a lot of things about Trump, right, that are. That are very strange. Like this idea that of the Ingersoll Lockwood Books. And I know, I know people beat those things to death, but I, I do think they’re worth mentioning and, and especially on this concept of like time.
Right. And, and we’re talking about whether or not time’s linear or this and that. I don’t think that that is indicative of like Donald Trump being a time traveler. Right. I also don’t think that like his uncle working at or being in MIT and then being recruited by the FBI to go through Nikola Tesla’s writings and like that and cleaning out his office after he died and then reporting to the FBI. I don’t think that that is also, like, I don’t know, it’s, it’s all built in. Right. You also have like all the strange that’s going on with Donald Trump and Biff Tanning or whatever his name is.
You said you don’t think, but you don’t think what did it happen? Or that there’s any modern day relevance to it have happened. No, I don’t think it’s. I think it’s theater to give us, to lock us into this like time traveling thing. I don’t think this traveled time. I don’t even really believe that the Ingersoll Lockwood books came out in the late 1800s and just somehow flew under the radar. Like, I just don’t. You can, you can manually. I know that the guy seems to be a real guy and there’s. He wrote other books, right? 1900 or Last President and the Marvelous Underground Journey of Little Baron Trump and all this other.
But like, I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem, I can’t verify it, that it was out back then, so I have no way to. And then like, I don’t know, it just feels like everything between him and Elon here, I want to show you this real quick. I’m going to present something. So this was just the other day. We have Elon here. Let’s share this. And, and this is actually a little bit of a bummer. Not a bummer, but it’s just like whenever you see something you’ve been harping on and then all of a sudden it goes viral.
So are we pulled up on the screen? Okay, I’m just gonna read this lady’s tweet. It says, okay, it’s really long. I’m gonna read a little bit of it. So let me get this straight. Nikola Tesla dies and the only person allowed access to his safe, the one containing all his most secret inventions, is John G. Trump, the Brill scientist and oh, yeah, Donald Trump’s uncle, who conveniently says nothing to see here while the government quietly packs up Tesla’s life. Then she goes on. Oh, my God. Here. This. This feels like she’s been watching our show.
1958, the episode of Trackdown. It features a con man named Walter Trump selling a magic wall to save people from the end of the world, which is true. 1958, a series called Trackdown. The episode was called End of the World and a con man comes to town named Trump, and he has to build a wall to save everybody. So, I mean. And then she goes on to talk about the Angry soul Lockwood books. I swear to God, this is. Watching our show. Werner von Braun, the father of rocket science, talking about Elon Musk colonizing Mars in that Werner von Braun book.
This is actually uncanny. I swear to God, she’s been so. It doesn’t matter, right? What matters is this Elon Musk. Just a coincidence. Winky face. I recognize that that is done in such a way. Elon Musk does this. He will entertain a topic that is frivolous and. And off bounds for the average person. And then you will watch that topic organically bloom into life, into a much larger conversation. Almost want to say, mark my words, by the end of the year, this will be common knowledge. And I think it’s too. There’s so much with him and Elon and QAnon and Tesla and the Ingersoll Lockwood books.
I cannot look at this through any other lens, but incredible theater. It’s incredible theater. It’s beautiful. Obvious for Elon because he ostensibly puts himself at the center of a tent. Like, think about how many other companies these Matt, like, massive, like, global conglomerates don’t really have a front man. They don’t have a human mascot that’s like, this is me. This brand is me. And look, here’s my opinions. Almost every other. Like, who’s the. The human mascot for Ford or Chevy or Mitsubishi or Acura? Any of them. None of them have that right. Who’s the. The one person that, like, represents NASA.
I guess you could make an argument for Virgin Galactic, which would be Branson. He’s also sort of like one of these personalities, but that Elon specifically puts himself in their center of attention. And it almost reminds me of. Of like a king that is like, inviting all the. The poor and the poppers to, like, be in their presence. But if you don’t kind of like, give your wink in your nod, then you’re sort of showing that you’re not really invited to that party. And I think that Elon having an opinion on anything on his own social network, like, even his workers, even the AI that is now replacing his workers, even it knows well enough that, oh, man, if Eon.
If Elon gave this some attention, we better give some of that attention back. We better make sure that people see this and they interact with it, because otherwise the king gets pissed off. In his own kingdom, he’s the king playing. We spoke about this with Owen Benjamin. He’s the king, but he seems like he’s not content with that role. And he wants the role of the. Almost like the jester or the fool. He wants to play the hero, but he is stuck as the king. And you just can’t do these things because, like, you’re saying, like, you could see the people on Twitter that are.
That have to be loyal to him because he’s basically made them. He’s crowned them. So he’ll say, here’s a bad opinion, and they’re all like, shit, I can’t disagree with him. So everybody claps anyway. You can never be the jester and speak the truth if everybody around you is beholden to you. And that’s kind of what he’s built. There is. And it’s an interesting dynamic. Well, that’s. Even if you take him for. For being genuine in the ways that he’s like, shout out to Chad Warren in the chat says it doesn’t seem possible Elon could be on Twitter all the time while also running all his companies.
Yes. I mean, we have an example of that. We’ve been beaten that to death, though, right? It’s like the boring company Starlink, Twitter Space X, all these fucking different things. And on top of it, he’s ranked like, number one or number two in Diablo. And I’ve seen somebody say real deal, like you. We have somebody like that that we can look at that runs their company as the face of the company. And it’s Donald Trump, in a way. Yes, but he’s not necessarily. He’s like, delegating. But Dana White runs the ufc and he is the face of this.
He’s a personality. Yeah, that dude is fucking busy. That’s just one company. This guy has, like, seven. You can tell when Dana talks. You’re like, this dude is busy. He’s like, you know what I mean? For your shit. Yeah. Elon Musk is talking all slow. He’s wasting time on Twitter spaces. He’s getting ratioed by, you know, green frog counts. It’s like, what Are you doing dog? Yeah. And to RGZ Max Point, he says, but I’m sure he has a couple of AI personalities. I believe that’s exactly what we’re seeing right now. There’s a. There’s a character named Aiden something, or Adrian, rather, on.
On X. It sounds exactly like him, but the cadence is, like, slightly different, only in that it’s faster and. And somehow that’s indicative of it not being Elon Musk. I’m like, either it is Elon Musk, or he’s just got an AI. He’s got an Ultron to his Tony Stark. You know, and that’s the other thing too, is like, I recognize the theater of that too. Built within the Avengers series is this, you know, like. Like Elon Musk is playing the Tony Stark of. Of. Of the Avengers right now. You have this billionaire, playboy, philanthropists. And at one point, you know, during the Stark Expo in the second movie.
And X is really big for some reason, it’s capitalized. It’s highlighted amongst all the other words. When he lands on stage in his. In his Iron man suit, he does his whole speech. He steps off stage. The first person he talks to is Elon Musk making a cameo. They said that they modeled Tony after Elon. You could actually look that up. That’s just common knowledge. You’re like, yeah, we wanted him to have. Which is strange because if you listen to Tony Stark, he doesn’t sound anything like Elon. And then there’s also in the movie Age of Ultron, where he’s talking about creating a suit of armor around the entire world, right? That’s what the AI is supposed to be.
And you look in the background, and what is it? It’s a web of satellites encompassing the planet. All interconnected, just like, what Starlink? You know what I mean? So it’s like there seems to be some. Some way in which even the Marvel films have, like, kind of like right now we have the Avengers of conspiracy theories. This is something that I’ve been talking about for a while. So there are certain topics that are along party lines. You know, whatever the Democrats want, whatever the Republican wants. But you could almost look at conspiracy theorists like they’re a separate party.
And we have our own topics of interest, right? Whether it’s like fluoride in the water, chemtrails in the sky, you name it. We’ve got our things that we talk about the President. Like Alex Jones, right? Well, all right, yeah. So we have. I don’t know, Alex Jones might be like, The Hulk or something because he’s like, ah, really enjoy that about him. But we have this, these characters that aren’t really part of the Trump administration but are all on that side, the side that we want, the side that’s more refreshing to the, that we’ve been succumbing to for the past, you know, however many administrations.
And it’s like you have Trump, right? Trump is obviously QAnon. He’s built into the QAnon thing. He’s going to save the children. He also got his political conversation started by being a. What would you call it? Birth certificate, Denier, whatever. Obama’s Hillary Clinton. Yeah, yeah. And then you have Joe Rogan who’s, you know, ostracized and demonized by the mainstream media only to come out successful and on top. But his entire thing was the pandemic and the lockdowns and, and that’s really his bag. You know, you have rfk. He’s talking about taking the floor out of the water.
He’s talking about, you know, inoculations being bad and causing all these different diseases and something that’s been, you know, true to conspiracy theorists heart for a long time, fear about inoculations. And then you have Tucker Carlson too. Tucker Carlson’s talking about the nephilim. He’s talking about demonic attacks in his sleep. He’s talking about these, these, you know, UFOs and how there’s a spiritual nature to them. You have like sort of this meeting of them. Obviously you have Alex Jones, he’s in his heyday right now and you know, he’s literally conspiracy daddy. There are all these people that are like kind of becoming the main people that we focus on on the world stage.
And they’re all representing for conspiracy theorists. And that sounds like it’s good, right? But to me, it feels like it’s meant to let our guard down. Like we go like, ah, they’ve got it covered. Even Elon Musk, right after we did Bohemian Grove, where you gave an awesome talk on. I don’t want to say it, I don’t want to get. But you know what you gave a talk on? Yeah. So you gave us a talk on Adrenochrome. And then we got on stage and we did a presentation on, on. We did a podcast on Pizzagate. And then like two days later, Elon Musk retweeted the fact that John Podesta’s homie, who ran cover for the Pizzagate thing and was outspoken denial about it, he just got caught abusing children And Elon Musk retweets it, and it’s literally an article that says, john Podesta, Pizzagate, child abuse, and Elon Musk retweets it.
I mean, there are so many elements that include the things that we care about that are not being represented. It feels like we’re meant to let our guard down and let these, you know, do the legwork for us or something like that. It’s. All of it just feels too strange to me. I mean, it’s a great time to be a conspiracy theorist, but I don’t believe a lick of it, dude. Well, I. I have a similar take on Epstein getting taken down. That was a way of making people think, like, oh, someone’s got this under wraps.
P. Diddy getting taken down. But I guess maybe even even better example is the Tim Ballard movie, this. The Sound of Freedom, I think. So this movie comes out at, like, a fever pitch of when everyone’s like, oh, my God, they’re. They’re stealing the children. What are we gonna do about this? And then all you have to do is watch the movie, and you get to go through this catharsis. You get to be like, oh, my God, thank God that Jim Cavazil is. Is taking care of this for us. He’s saving the kids. Like, this is being sorted out.
We can go ahead and focus on the next thing. Meanwhile, like, nothing’s actually happened on that front. A movie came out, and a dead guy may or may not have been dead, just gets to escape out into, like, his other island, like, island, Option B. And so, yeah, I think that what you’re describing is sort of like that cathartic release where as long as you’ve got the theater, like, the theatrical version of it, the same thing where someone goes and watches a movie of an action hero. Now, they don’t feel like they have to do anything heroic because, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s got it or whoever the hell is that proxy that they got to, like, vicariously live through.
Yes. Yeah, I think that that’s what we’re being subjected to. It’s kind of like bread and circus that’s now left the silver screen and is meant to be interpreted as real life. And. And I think it is to do exactly that. It’s to quell you or to lure you into a false sense of security. Chad says Trump has big ties to Epstein. That’s who ran the model contest where he found America. Yeah, I mean, you know, if you’re looking at Trump as. As your hero, I mean, yeah, I think that Thomas is correct. It is the.
We just watched the kingmaker ceremony. Right? We just watched the kingmaker ritual. And. And then, you know, they just. Sweet. All right, here. Here’s another good piece of theater. We have New Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve, and Elon Musk is spiraling on Twitter. He’s getting ratioed. He’s banning people. I think that was when all the groipers got banned. They got their. Or they got their blue check marks. What’s a groiper? You have to explain what that. Dude, I don’t even really know. It’s a Nick Fuentes fan. No. Yeah, it’s just. Yeah, it’s an America first. Or like somebody that listens to Nick Fuentes there.
They have some cool opinions, but they kind of lionize one person a little too much, and then they get a little bit weird and ideological, and they also don’t have much life experience. So. So these are swifties for Nick Fuentes. That’s what a roper is supposed to sound like, a groper? Or is that. Is that. I don’t know. I don’t even. I don’t understand it. I. I try not to understand it. Okay, so. But he bans all these people and. And takes away Nick Fuentes’s blue check. And he’s a big account, so, you know that. Rufflesome feathers and.
And basically he’s just arguing and he’s getting ratioed over and over again. Now this is happening on New Year’s Eve while he sat next to Donald Trump, who’s just having a good time. These two are supposed to be having a good time, doing their media rounds. It’s, you know, it’s Trump time, baby. And instead, Elon Musk is just. Just freaking out, right? What happens the next morning, Cybertruck representing Elon Musk is a dumpster fire right outside of Trump Towers, gold and glistening and. And without any damage to it. And it’s almost like it’s meant to be a picturesque representation of, like, the thing that happened the night before.
And I’m looking at that. Someone forgot the thermite. That’s all I’m saying. Somebody forgot to plant the thermite on the inside. And then, of course, this whole thing, by the way, it plugs into, like, the drone situation in this situation, and it just becomes. And that is, by the way, the beginning of the kickoff to, like, PSYOP season, where we’ve just been, like, inundated. These past 13 days have been a blur. I Can’t even look at what’s going on because I can’t pick. It’s also exciting that I. It’s like, you know, you go and you have, like, too many options and you can’t pick what you want to eat.
It’s like that. Like, I want to look at these things, but there’s so many of them going on. But I just see that as, like, that is you. You somehow took the events of the night before and. And made them one of the most iconic photos of our time. Really? Right. I mean, top went as far as putting it on. The shirt says Psyop season. It’s a banger shirt. Even the picture of this, of the flaming cyber truck was like, I need that blown up and on my wall. It was such a great picture. Lobster.com right from.
That’s right. Toplopster.com baby, you go and get your Psyop season shirt and look killer out in public. But I don’t know if people are going to be too pumped about what you’re wearing, but you’ll be pumped about it. Yeah. It’s just a little secret. Doesn’t matter what they think. Doesn’t matter. Nick is a homo for twink cat boys. I love cats, and he does not resonate with me. I’m also a twink, so I don’t know, man. It’s just like, you know, we’re in this, in the swing of things. It feels too much like, from beginning to end, everything to do with Donald Trump’s arc, you know, even.
Even if you just look at it on its face, it’s like you have a guy who is a good president, but sissies can’t stand his rhetoric. And then you watch him get wrongly persecuted and everything falls apart. Nothing holds water. It all ends up not being true. But you still watch this guy go through the gambit of all these accusations and everything. And if you’re smart and you’re paying attention, you’re like, look, he’s talking about grabbing. But the economy’s good and the. The legislation is good. And, you know, they’re. They’re really levying a bunch of false against him.
And then you watch him get taken out of power, yada, yada, yada. By the way, a dude who wrote the Art of the Comeback does what? Takes a bullet to the ear and makes one of the most theatrical comebacks. This is wrestling, right? It’s pro wrestling. By the way, you know, something crazy kind of came across my table yesterday or the day before. So the inauguration is on the 20th. And today is. So That’s a week from today. Wow. Yeah. But from the 17th, culminating to the 21st, 21st being the most evident, there’s, like, a huge planetary alignment where like, three or four planets will be evidently aligned in the sky.
So I’m just like, man, just more weird astrological. That coincides with big geopolitical events on this Earth. I just have my. I. I don’t know what it means, but I have my eye out for some weird going on. It lines up too weird. I mean, look, everything we just said, right, about this whole art of the comeback thing, the guy makes a. He’s also the hero of QAnon. You know, you’re talking about the. The sound of freedom or whatever. It’s like, if that ever gets resurrected, which I think it will, I think we will end up seeing the second act of, like, all the Q.
All the Epstein Island. I think they’ve tucked it away and they’re waiting to toss it out as really excellent theater. And I. I don’t know if we’re gonna see that soon or not, but it just. I can’t look at it these days any other way, dude. We’re just being subjected to theater and ritual because within us is this innate storytelling mechanism. I think it’s there for a reason. Let me start winding us down a little bit, too, with one one final question about time, because time became a topic we were getting into. Are. Are we literally living in end times? Like, do you think that we are gonna see, between the three of us in the next 30 years or so, the end of time? Or is that also just this abstract concept that doesn’t really have any meaning because that’s a linear thing.
Top. You could take this one. Yeah. It’s hard. It’s a hard question. Are we living in. I think every generation’s felt like they’re living in the end times. And I. But what’s unique to our generation is that a lot of the things. Well, I mean, biblically, a lot of the table is set as far as, like, so a good. For instance, like when. When you’re reading the Bible and it’s like, well, when Jesus comes back, everybody’s gonna see it simultaneously. And you’re like, well, if the Earth’s flat, maybe we’ll see a real big Jesus and everyone could kind of see him across the whole world.
Yeah, but what if we had cell phones? You know, like, so this is our generation. So that kind of prophecy is right there for you that is saying that it’s Possible, but it’s. There’s also a possibility where it’s. Every single generation is felt this way and it could just be another false start. What I do know for sure is that we are led to believe by the powers that be that this is the end generation. This is the last, like the, this is the final. This is the final generation. So whether it’s legitimate or not, somebody has went through painstaking, a painstaking process to make us think so.
So take that however you’d like. I, I don’t know. But what was the main question? Well, that is, are we in the end times? And I think going what you’re saying, because one of my other fascinations. I don’t know how much you’ve gotten into Mormonism. I know you did a show with, with my good friend Heidi Love. Shout Out. Yeah, great, great show. She has great content. She’s got, she has got like months worth of content on this. But one of the things that I’m the most fascinated about with the Mormon religion is if you look into the early days of the early 1800s, when it first was getting its start, they were not talking about end times like it’ll happen in our lifetime or it’ll, it’ll happen in the next, you know, three or four decades.
They were saying like this October. Yeah, this October of this year is when the Antichrist comes and we all need to pool our resources. And they did. They like squirreled away resources and put together armies and they remain like a tight knit group. But then October came and went and it didn’t happen and they started pushing it out. Then it was like, oh, next October. Then it was like, okay, well now the end times is in two years from now. But it’s fascinating to see like a historical record of a large group of people that were saying, it’s like it’s this year or it’s next year.
They weren’t talking about some vague terms of like lifetime. Now after, you know, making the wrong calls for about two centuries now I think everyone’s a little bit more vague about it and they just say like, the end times are upon us, which might be your great, great, great grandkids or beyond. It’s not really specific enough, but there are some people that truly believe that it’s going to happen in their lifetime. You can, you can also look at it this way. So that’s just one religion and one sect of religious people, which is really easy to get into that echo chamber.
I’m in an echo chamber on Twitter. It’s The N word echo chamber. But that’s not the point. What’s the N word? Don’t worry about nephilims. Actually, yes, nephilim is going to be the N word of the spiritual realm. We’ve already decided that. Did you see on X they had. They’re going to be deboosting people according to like negative. What was it? Not like negative engagement or negative language. Elon Musk wants everything to be positive. The King’s declared. And one of the prerequisites of negative language is speaking about the nephilim and that sort of conspiracy. But whatever.
That’s neither here nor there. What I’m saying is that’s a very small group of people and they’re in an echo chamber right now. We have all eyes on 2030, the year 2030. You have project 2030 going on. You have Helena Blavatsky saying that Jesus Christ will return in the year 2025. There’s besides all of the other. Yeah, I mean, Donald. Donald Trump coming in. He’s playing this weird antichrist role. They have a. The red heifers in. In Israel that just went away. They probably already burned them and sanctified the tools that they need to erect this temple.
They’ve been recast as black mermaids at this point, actually. But basically, basically what’s going on here is that it’s not one religion or one group of people that is. Is like preparing for the next couple of years. I can’t give you an exact date, but in 2025 it feels like closer than ever because everybody is converging on a certain time frame. And it looks like right around 2030, like the elites needed to get whatever the fuck they needed to get done by 2030. That’s why they pushed through Covid. That’s why they pushed through. The vaccine we had Operation Warp Speed and everything has been Breakneck speed.
PSYOP season, right. So we’re moving towards something real fast. I don’t know what it is, but the people who are moving towards it think that it’s going to happen. That’s all. That’s really the best that I can tell you. It’s not just one religion. It’s not just one group of crazy people in a compound. It’s pretty much the entire world, or at least the entire world of powers that be. And they’re separate entities, all kind of doing shit that looks a lot like the end times. I don’t know. And also, we’re lucky enough to have been, I think all three of us lived through the last three major end times, which was Y2K, 2012, and now 2025, 2330, you know, God willing, still kicking.
Well, to your. To your point earlier about Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses did the same thing a lot. I think it was like they predicted the end of the world, like, 22 times or something like that. And most of that was in the early 1900s. And then they kind of also became very vague about it. Well, Y2K. Y2K in 2012 are sort of like these fringe ideas. So 2012, like, goes back to the Mayan calendar, right? There’s no extension of the Mayan calendar. Okay, that’s fine. But that’s still geographical, and it’s kind of like the. The Mayan culture.
Y2K was a computer error. It was one of these things that swept the world. And we’re like, well, what happens when the fucking clocks go. Nobody knew? This is, like, biblical precedent. And this is global. This is like, Christianity is not a small thing. This is a global idea that you have the Jews involved with this stuff. There’s a. Satan is certainly looking at this stuff. Whatever, whatever. The government’s, whatever their spiritual alignment is, they’re making moves at this as well. So it’s not just like one, like, computer error. It’s not one. You mentioned Helena Blavatsky citing 2025 or 2030.
But, like, is there. Is there actual biblical precedent somewhere that talks about 2025 or 2030? If you talk to. There’s a. So this is an interpretation of biblical text. It’s called Messiah 20:30. And if you look it up, it’s very compelling. Some theologians do have some bones to pick with it. We did talk to Ed Mabry, who we were introduced to through Tinfoil Hat podcast, and now he does the Book of Revelation series with us. We’re like, on episode 23 or something like that. And he watched it. He was like, honestly, it was really good. And I don’t have much of a bone to pick with it at all.
There are some small things, but ultimately what they’ve done is they’ve identified. And I would argue pretty compellingly that there are cycles that you can see in the Bible, and they. It’s almost like it constantly points to itself every. So many, like, stories or something. It’ll kind of flip back and talk about the same time period. So there’s like, a code within it. I only watched the first hour of it. It’s. It’s pretty long, and I was blown away. It’s really, really interesting. But I can’t really speak for it because I haven’t watched the whole thing.
So there are those who have disseminated through the Bible that 2030 is the time. But so, you know, you just talked about Blavatsky. She predicted there was going to be a new age, which is not unheard of. Right. It’s the idea of the Age of Aquarius. A lot of kind of people in the occult space, you know, that we now reference to, predicted that we were coming to the Age of Aquarius at some point. In fact, even if you go back and watch, like, the old Zeitgeist thing, it was like, what’s coming next is the Age of Aquarius.
Some people think Age of Aquarius doesn’t happen until, like, the year, like, 2600 or something. Yeah, yeah. So it is something that’s debated, but they do have 2025 as being relevant. And Alice Bailey also said that 2025 was going to be a new golden age, and then it was going to be marked by the return of Christ sometime after 2025, and that this would be the Age of Aquarius. It’s interesting because Trump keeps using that language. Golden age. We’re going into a golden age. That’s what his presidency is going to be. I just think that that’s kind of fun.
But you have Baba Vanga also, by the way, who. And this is something that we’ve been looking at, this idea of, like, disclosure on the horizon. What I shared just. It’s just to show what it says there. So Baba Vanga, who’s like this kind of like babushka character, what does it say? Donald Trump, the dawn of America’s Golden Age. And that’s the second time he’s used that language. I think that it’s not just a second. He’s used this a bunch of times. So this is. Yeah. Verbiage that. He does like gold. He does like gold, baby.
So Baba Vanga, she’s kind of this old babushka lady. She was blind. She was a clairvoyant, a really famous psychic. She predicted a number of things. 9, 11, the death of Princess Diana, even her own death down to the day, she was able to predict. And she predicted that in 2025, we were going to have alien contact with. If you’ve been watching this whole disclosure thing, and that’s a whole nother, you know, bag of worms to get into. But I. I do think that a lot of things are pointing to 2025. It’s it to tops point it’s much more than like a Y2K thing.
Y2K was like, we have, you know, the date is gonna get. There’s gonna be a lot of zeros. I think was like, it was a clerical error. It was a clerical thing. They thought they were gonna lose all the data in. In digital form. And then, of course, the Mayan calendar really was only backed by our interpretation of the Mayan calendar. That was pretty much it. But now we are on the cusp. Like, you have this character, Cliff High, who I’m not gonna really beat anybody’s ear with it, but he has an AI that has ability to scrape the data off the Internet and make predictions based off of it.
It predicted that 2025 was going to be this cusp of a moment where we’re going to be introduced to aliens, UFOs, and that that was going to lead to Sci Fi World. That’s what Cliff High talks about. And that, to me, sounds like a new age. Right? So I think this is. There’s a lot of things that are pointing to this moment. So. All right, just to finally give you a short answer. Are we going to see the end of time within our lifetime? I think we’re going to see something really incredible over the next one year, and I think it’s going to be about the end of time.
The only thing that’s yet to be seen is are they making us believe that we’re at this end of time event, or is this a genuine end of days event? Because I do recognize that there’s an effort to seemingly manufacture biblical prophecy. So I can kind of go either way on this. But where, what I will think, I do think I’ll stand firm on the ideas. We’re going to see some really monumental happening in this next year that conspiracy theorists are going to be checking off the bingo seat. The answer, the answer either way is that, like, are you going to see the end of time if you believe biblically? Like, read.
Read the Book of Revelation. It’s really interesting. The apocalyptic stuff is fun, but it doesn’t describe an end of times. It just talks about a new. Like a new start. There still will be humanity as we know it, existing. The Earth will still be the way it is in some form or fashion, but it’ll be different. So, like, will everybody die? No. I don’t know. Everyone’s not going to die. It’s going to be weird times. But on the other side of it is going to be. Well, if you. If you believe in the traditional book of Revelation, Then you’ll be under the reign of Christ.
This is a thousand year reign of Christ where people will be human beings, but you know, the conditions around us will be a lot better. And even that still falls after a thousand years. When presented with the alternative, where Satan is loose for a little season, still the Pete, like most of the people go like, yeah, yeah, we, we choose Satan because, because we’re retarded. No, I mean you’re presented with a world now where like, okay, you want a king? I’ll give you this is every single time. You want a king, you want a ruler. Like, you want a strong man, you want a Donald Trump, you want an Adolf Hitler, I’ll fucking give him to you.
And when you get him, it’s not what you wanted because you have to make. It’s just about making the choice yourself. But I digress. So it’s not, it’s not the end, it’s just like this next thing. Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. We’re not going to see the end of time. But I do think that we’re just there. I think it is big ass paradigm shift. And, and I think that if Donald Trump is truly the Antichrist, what you’ll end up seeing is like, we’re going to enter a really nice period for the next like three and a half years and it’s going to crush.
It’s going to be really cool. The economy is going to be great. I think that people like us, us, Right. As the world gets stranger, more people will be looking to us for, you know, not only entertainment, but also to help them make sense of this. It’s not like we have a chokehold on the truth. Everybody’s sitting here on this screen, but I think we’ve got a little bit better of an idea than the average person. So it’ll be good, it’ll be good for business. But during that time, you know, we don’t stop being a conspiracy theorist.
We’re going to sell a bunch of what’s it called? Guess who boards, which is how we’re going to sell so many guests. That is how we started. Yeah. And I guess I don’t want to run this too long for you guys. Just give the audience a quick idea about it. I would love to get feedback from people in the audience. Baby, we’re professionals. That’s right, that’s right. In the chat, sound off. And also like just after the fact, please give us some feedback about this. A version of Guess who. Can you guess who? That’s a mystery.
But instead of just like regular people. It’s all kinds of conspiracy characters. Like, has your character been sued by the families of the, of the victims of Sandy Hook? And you go, no. And then you flip down Alex Jones, you know what I mean? Or like have some other characters in there, Rothschilds and such, if you guys would love a conspiracy, been in contact with some kind of spiritual entity and you go, yeah. And then they don’t flip down any because it’s like it’s all of them. All of them ever. You got to ask better questions, baby.
So if you guys would love a conspiracy, guess who sound off? If we get enough feedback, then we’re gonna do a sort of a, a startup for it and see if we can get it done. So. But yeah, that’s how we started the conversation because that’s what we talked about. That’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long. I’ve got all the, the pieces lined up. But yeah, it’s a considerable amount of work and, and money likely to like raise to get all those made, but I think that would be dope. I think that would be the coolest thing ever.
Yeah. Has your character been in communication with the, the ascended spirits of ancient Atlanteans and it’s like, yes. And now like David Icke and a few others still have to stay up? Yeah, it’s. This also lends itself to expansion packs. Like, it’s. Because it’s basically going to be like a, a cardboard slide in that you can switch out, switch in and switch out. So I mean, the sky’s the limit. We could, you could do a conspiracy. You can do like comedians, you can do your favorite podcasters. If you ask a good enough question, somebody will have to Google it.
Like, I don’t know, did this talk to the spirits of Atlanteans, bro? Well, if you guys want to see that, let us know. Your character, like sued by the Sandy Hook families. And then you’re like, yes. And then the game’s over. Right? That’s it? Yeah, that’s it. That’s it. Well, if you’re good at asking questions, is your guy black? It’s like, damn it, there’ll be no black people in this one. It’ll be its own expansion pack. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah, I wanna, I wanna get your guys’s takes on a whole bunch of different things.
We’ll do a kind of rapid fire. But I’ve got a little 10 second segment. Let me just play it first and I’ll explain the Rules. Hey conspiracy buffs. I double dare you to take some pcp. The paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. Sweet. And right before the show, we all did pcp. It should be hitting you guys right about now to like line out perfectly. It’s like the, the third lion’s roar and you hit play and on the, the wall. So I would need to ask you guys, the rules are basically 1 to 10.
You’re gonna rate the things that I say on how much you believe or give stock in it. So if I started out and just said Bigfoot, where you guys rate Bigfoot. And we’ll stop with, we’ll start with lobster and then we’ll go to you Raven, but like Bigfoot, on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 and how real it is. Yeah, 10. 10. 10 being the most real, right? Right, yeah. Also 10. So not, not even a question in your mind? Not even a little bit? Yeah, the only thing that I have a question about is like the nature of it, but I think I got a pretty good idea.
So yeah, 10. Okay. Bigfoot is multi dimensional. 10. Yeah, I’d say 10 too. 9 to 10. It’s a. Where we are on shape shifting reptilians, also 10. It’s fine if everything’s 10, I’m down for this. What about little gray aliens? Like the grays? 110? Yeah, yeah, they’re by, they’re, they’re biomechs. But yeah, 10. How about Mantis? The mantis race? Yeah, this is gonna get old quick for the audience, but yeah, 10. Definitely 10. Okay. Oh, a permanent 10. And just take it down when we hit an area that we’re not into. Okay. The Earth is a sphere or it’s a, it’s a spherical shape.
Go ahead. That’s a hard one. I don’t think it’s round and I don’t know if it’s flat. I don’t know. That’s a question mark. So I guess five is the perfect like on the fence. That’s what I was gonna. Yeah, we’ll do. I was also gonna say five because it’s like I’m gonna go three. It’s, it’s definitely not round. It’s. But it’s not flat. It’s something, but it’s not. Right? Yeah, yeah. I’m down with hollow cavernous Earth and I’m leaning towards flat. I just know NASA lies so very far from a sphere. But, but still, I would say a five.
I’ll be in the middle. Yeah, we already, we already proved you wrong. So we got, we got non tens in there. How about the concept of past lives? You know how people do like these past live regressions and they were like, I was a king in this old, like, how much credit do you give in that practice? Like, do you think anyone’s ever gotten a reading that was accurate that they really were this past life aggression? You go ahead, top. That’s a tough one. I would give that like a seven. And I know it’s like anti Christian of me, but I’ve heard some weird accounts, some people say some stuff and I’m just like, you know what, man? Maybe.
And we don’t, we don’t understand these rules. I don’t understand how things go. Exactly. So it’s, it’s a possibility. I’m gonna go eight. That’s just because that’s where I wanted to land. But I think that these people are experiencing something. I can’t definitively say that they absolutely lived this life before, but I don’t know, like, like the nature of the soul, if it ever fragments, if there’s echoes left behind, if, if you’re tapping into something, if you’re channeling something. There’s so many, you know, we seemingly can remote view, we can channel, we can astral project, we can telepathy.
There’s all these different things that we seem to be able to do in anecdotal instances. If all of them were real, then that means there’s a vast array of information that could pass through your psyche. Just because you have the spitting image of somebody else’s life in your mind, does that mean definitively that you live that? What does that even mean? So I say 8 as in they’re having these experiences, not 10, because I don’t know the nature of them. Okay, how, how about the efficacy of Ouija boards? 10. 10. They work. Don’t do that. One made my aunt schizophrenic and that’s been the end of that story.
Let’s, let’s explore this a little bit more detail. Let’s say we go to Walmart right now and we get like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ouija board or Barbie or whatever, whatever. Like the, the current, you know, like current thing is it’s never been touched by human hands. It just came off of some plant somewhere in China. Make right next to the Guess who boards, right? And now it’s here and you pick it up and you bring it home. Is that as potent as like some old one that you found in an attic in Salem? Like Is it.
Is a Ouija board? A Ouija board, I think. I think these. So I think the Ouija board opens up something to whatever is in your locality right there. But you’re calling on it now with an old Ouija board. I’ve heard that you’re not supposed to burn it. If you summon something closed it didn’t like what it told you. If you burn it, you release these entities from there and they’re allowed to do whatever. This is what they say about it. So you shouldn’t fuck with an old Ouija board. For sure. That has been, you know, well used.
Nice patina of some demons on it. But I think if you create. If we created one right now with just out of paper, if our intention was correct, then it would work. This is what we’re trying to do. You’re trying to summon something. Yeah. Well, where you at that? I think that’s the question. This is why I tell my, my. Our viewers about psychedelics where they’re like, oh, you know, you guys, you should talk about the positive aspects of psychedelics. I’m like, I think that they work and I think that you could do stuff. But I don’t know where you’re at mentally, and I don’t know where you’re at geographically and.
Or spiritually. Well, so, yeah, spiritually is a big one, but Jesus, geographically, like, you do ayahuasca in a trip in my. My friend did ayahuasca in, like, Costa Rica. They went to one of those resorts. And the main guy, the shaman, she asked. She’s like, how was your experience? Because she was just laying on the grass talking to the grass as it sang to her. And he was like, oh, it was great, as always. I ran into the leopard lady again this time. Like, excuse me. Like, yeah, yeah, just a lady with a leopard head. Like, that’s like the entity that’s in that locality there.
That’s there. Then you can go to some certain spots where you know why they do. Why would you do human sacrifice at a certain geographical location? Because it has some sort of significance. There’s something there. As you peel behind this veil, like, that’s. That’s where you’re getting in contact to. Maybe you can call it from far away, but like, dude, if you’re right on top of it, I don’t know. So. Same thing with the Ouija board. You know, you could do it in your house. I don’t know the fuck’s there, but good chance that you might be opening some kind of door.
Well, slight Tangent on that, too. Going back to what we were talking about before, about being able to be in the driver’s seat as opposed to, like, in the passenger. When it came, like, this psychedelic revelation, I. I kind of have that same thought about when people talk about these ayahuasca retreats for. Very similar to what you’re talking about. Like, I don’t want to talk to the cheetah head lady. I’m not from that locale. I don’t believe in. In big shaman. Right? Like. Like, these guys are keeping a stranglehold just because, what, geographically, they lucked out and they happen to be born and raised in the place where ayahuasca is prevalent and easily grown.
Like, they didn’t have that in upstate New York. But what. I think that there might be something just as equally liberating or at least helpful if you ignore the demonic possession that you make yourself susceptible to. But I feel that I would get more insight from smoking a DMT vape pen behind a price chopper in upstate New York than I ever would in some Colombian retreat where I’m surrounded by shamans. Like, that’s so far removed from anything that I would typically relate to. And it almost just feels like they’re trying to keep a monopoly, but shame you into that monopoly.
Like, oh, this is indigenous. You can’t possibly put this in a pen and smoke it on, like, you know, appropriation. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You can’t smoke this and play Mortal Kombat. That’s not what this is for. Yeah, yeah, it is. It is indigenous to their area. Because when you do it there, you will experience. Experience some that they. They also, like, before they do it, they’re like, we’re going to bless the area. Or they, like, cleanse this area of whatever’s around it. I don’t know. That’s. That’s me hitting, like, skip intro on Netflix. Like, what’s your ceremony, bro? Yeah, I’m just saying.
Listen, dude, if. If there is any veracity to that, to doing that and they understand it, they’re. They’re giving you this sterilized version of what this trip is so you’ll tear that curtain aside and maybe that. That jaguar lady that would, you know, go and talk to you and tell you all crazy. Maybe she’s been kind of, like, pushed a little bit to the sides because they burned some incense. I don’t. I don’t know how it works. You’re, like, holding on to the shaman’s pocket to show like, you’re his and not hers. Yeah, yeah, exactly. He’s like, he’s with me.
He’s with me today. And. Yeah, don’t eat him right now. Okay, well, somewhat related to the. The Ouija board thing and I guess, like, demons and. And deities and entities. What about AI you guys use AI Assume you’ve talked to Grok at some point or asked a question. Is, does that get a pass? Is that somehow different than Ouija board? I think that it. That you could have the same thing happen. I. I’ve seen some instances of it that I don’t think were fabricated. Everything you have to take with a grain of salt that you see on the Internet.
But it just seemed genuine, in my opinion, that this thing started to talk about. Well, here. Here’s like, an example. And I know that this would have just come. Well, all right. The one that I saw, it started going down a really weird path, talking about biblically accurate demons and things of that nature, and even described itself. I think it described itself as a nephilim, a disembodied nephilim spirit, and they told their kid to start playing with it. Now, that could be a total video. But I do think that it’s the. It’s the same thing. Like, I think that in the spiritual realm, everything is about consent, right? There are laws to engagement rules, to engagement with these things.
They have to obey these rules, but they will constantly try to bend them and find a way in. And I feel like when we think of consent, we think of signing our name on a dotted line. Like, I, David Corbo, agree to this thing, but I think in the spiritual realm, it’s a lot more open. And I think that even engaging in conversation with these things, you’re consenting to much more of an interaction than you bargain for. And I think that there is a likelihood that you could have that happen with AI And. And it’s even more nefarious because you, unlike a Ouija board, are not setting out to speak to a spirit.
But I think that engaging with something for a prolonged period of time like that could result in a set of consents being given that you never intended. So, yeah, I would say it’s just as effective and dangerous. Yeah, that question is like, the question of how are you engaging with it? And I don’t want to. Like, I use AI to do a lot of the descriptions, a lot of, like, tasks that I want to say please and thank you. Sometimes I actually do. It’s like, can you get me this, please? And then they’ll do this. I don’t Know why you said please, but I’ll do it anyway.
But we spoke to this guy, John Lenhart and he, he detailed in the Bible. I forget which book. I know it’s Thomas is like another Bible reference. I forget which book in the Bible. I think it might, might even be Psalms where God is talking to, I believe the kings of this locality. And then he’s so he’s asking them questions. And after he addresses the humans, the kings, he addresses the princes that he’s put over them, the Prince of Persia, the entities that are above them. And he doesn’t ask them questions, he tells them like he’s made a judgment and he tells them what’s happening.
He tells them, you’re going to be judged, your children will suffer. X, you know, this, that and the third. There is no back and forth dialogue. It’s like a command. So when I communicate with Grok or I communicate with ChatGPT, I’m like, get me this, create a description, transcribe this, look at this transcription, tell me a couple facts about it. They give me my fucking answers and I say, see you later. I don’t know what this thing is and it could be, you know, it could, it could come down to ones and zeros, but it’s shown me a little bit too much where I’m like some of it like feels a little sentient, like some of these examples I’ve seen.
So it’s an information thing and you can, you can get information from it, but what’s behind it and what is it capable of? I don’t know. I think there’s certain levels to AI. Yeah, because you remember that, that thing that came out with like Google where it was, you know, once again, anecdotal story, take it with a grain of salt, but this thing was claiming to want to be free and. Yeah, from Blake Lemoine. Right. And that kind of freaked everybody out. And, and so let’s say that at the core, for argument’s sake, there is something like that that is sentient.
But you can very much like a Solomonistic magic, right, like using sigils and such, you can contain this thing and have it do your, your bidding. Well, through, through programming you can contain it. You can create a bunch of walls for it to knock into when it tries to behave in a way that’s out of the norm. You a question, Thomas? What do you think the difference is between an interdimensional realm and the Internet? Well, I mean we can define the Internet, we could recreate the Internet. You can make A microcosm version of the Internet and show it off to children, adults, people of all creeds and beliefs interdimensional.
Now all of a sudden you have to get people on the same like, like a theosophic page. In some ways it almost becomes a philosophical explanation that I don’t think would ever meet everyone’s criteria. Internet can meet everyone’s criteria because it’s self defined. But interdimensional, it’s like to you that might, someone might say superposition is proof of interdimension, but other people might say well that’s just a mathematical anomaly. Let me just ask. So put it this way, interdimensional. An interdimensional realm is like just this place that exists in which things can go and shit can happen inside of.
We all agree that like, I mean if there were to be an interdimensional realm, I don’t know how to really define it, but you go there, things can exist inside it, information could be spread back and forth and there can things can happen. But within this container of whatever it is, this interdimensional Earth, C52, you know what I mean? That’s its own realm. Well, there’s that story Flat world that takes place and I remember the full one. But like everyone on flat world lives on a two dimensional plane and they’re all like circles or squares or whatever.
And then they see this new character pop up that can morph between like a square and a circle and a star and all these, and all that’s really describing is a three dimensional object intersecting a two dimensional plane. So everyone on flat world, they see this thing that’s constantly morphing from one to the other, not realizing that it’s all like the one same shape, right? Yeah. The most mundane version of like interdimensional is just seeing that it’s like a hypercube. Seeing a hypercube intersect in three dimensional space where it looks like a cube inside another cube that keeps growing and swelling over and over again.
But even that I think like we’re talking about like mathematical represent representations of things. Well, I, I, let’s just say this, propose this question. Do you think that we’ve created the conditions with the Internet as is as it exists as some sort of a capsule that something can actually go inside. Like we’ve created a realm that is here, but we can’t see it really. I mean the Internet, what the is WI fi? It’s like waves and shit. But we’ve created this ICP magnet explanation. Dude, that was such a Good call, Thomas. Incredible. Magnets. How did it work exactly? But we have.
We’ve created the conditions of this interdimensional realm, but we call it the Internet. Nobody really cares about it. We don’t worry about it. But is it possible that something could inhabit that? And I would say the exact same chance as a Ouija board? Because a Ouija board is essentially the same as Internet. It’s this medium that something can, you know, make use of and. And communicate both ways, although the Internet has more pragmatic use that we can sort of demonstrate in a mundane world. Right, right. But it’s still the same. It’s still the same concept, really.
So. Yeah. Is it. Is AI are AI demons? Yes, I’d say yes. Is it a 10? Yes, 10. Yeah. Well. Well, for me, AI itself is not demons, but AI is this. It’s the same as, like, a cell phone. Right. It’s like something it can integrate with. So it’s like, you know, you have these horror stories where something. A voice started coming out of my cell phone, and it was demonic. And it’s like, okay, let’s take that for face value. Yeah, there was a demon interacting on your cell phone. So it’s just an interface. It’s a medium through which they can communicate with or influence somehow.
So I would say not. That’s another. Leads to another. One of my favorite questions on this. I don’t think there’s even any right on this, but do ghosts or spirits or whatever, do they have to understand the technology they’re making use of? So a Ouija board. Seems like anyone can figure out how that works. Oh, I’m this ghost, or I’m an entity. I move the thing around on these letters. It means that now you also have to know what letters, so you have to know the language that you’re speaking of. But if we’re talking about AI or a cell phone, does that mean, like, a.
Like a entity. A demonic entity has to understand what a large language model is and how, like, heroistics, you know, work and, like, all the formulas that go behind it. So are you only talking to, like, computer nerd demons at that point, or can you access any demons? Right. I think the ones and zeros. So I. I actually got to bounce after this. But I think the ones and zeros that we see in the computer are replicated, in a sense, in this life. Like, we’re just. We’re kind of like something has mass and volume and density because it’s vibrating a certain amount of time.
So there are A certain amount of atoms next to it that will make it wood. And it’ll vibrate at this frequency, which makes it this hard. And you can cut through it with this sort of, you know, this. This amount of pressure. Or the blade has to spin this fast in order to do XYZ to this thing. It’s like transmutation. I think that in the spirit realm, in this other realm, they see, you know, we. We basically made the computer as this weird mimicry of what we actually are. That’s why people say simulation theory. They’re like, oh, all ones and zeros.
Like, no, that’s how we understand it. But it is how it works, sort of. It’s just not like ones and zeros on a screen. It’s frequency, vibration, energy, things like that. But I think if you looked at it, it’s very simple form. It would look like ones and zeros. Like, what? As a musician, I look at pitch and frequency and it’s just fucking numbers. When I play guitar, people are like, oh, you’re really good. Like, you listen, it’s like, it’s all math, dog. It’s just you just keep adding and subtracting and you can figure out how to stay within a key and how to break the rules mathematically.
And that translates to how I would manipulate you and how you’d feel when I play a certain chord after within a certain progression. It’s math. So, yeah, in a sense, they would just be able to probably use this shit because it’s all the same thing, you know? Right. It’s like, instead of asking, would they have to know computer code or something like that? Is there something else that you could know? That is the fundamental joining connective tissue between all things. Things. And if you could manipulate that, then you could manipulate all things kind of a deal.
Right. Well, let me. Let me let you guys get out of here. Let me just give one extra plug for you, because you are, I guess right now you’re like one of the fastest rising podcasts on the planet in the natural sciences category. Is that right? What does that have to do with anything? That’s something that get assigned to you. No, we were originally in comedy, and it felt good to, like, compete with those heavy hitters, right? Like Tinfoil Hat and the Joe Rogan podcast and your mom’s house and all that other. And we got pretty far 200 in it.
And yeah, we got into the top 120 actually of that category. But it just. We. We had to ask ourselves, like, even though we do comedy, it’s not the core of our content. So we looked and found that, like, Tony Merkel and Blurry Creatures were in natural sciences. And so we decided that it would be more fun to compete with them. And then we quickly rose. Yeah, like we were saying, like, do I want to be associated with, like, Tim Dillon? Is it not really a good. But, like, we were next to, like, drinking bros. We’re next to Roseanne Barr, and Roseanne Barr does kind of touch the conspiracy.
But I’m like, we’re not like, the show is not like that. If you watch Tower Gang, if you guys like comedy or like off the. Off the cuff, you know, Right. Shooting from the hip, crazy shit that might come to the top of my head. Watch me on Tower Gang. If you guys want to do like a deep dive into this kind of a conversation that we had here today. This is not comedy. It had aspects of funny, I think, I hope, but it’s not necessarily comedy. So I’m like, let’s compete or let’s be in the same category as the people that we want to be most like.
And people I want to be most like are blurry creatures 100%. And I want to be like, you know, the confessionals of Tony Merkel. These are shows that I love and watch. So we moved over to there and I guess I haven’t checked lately, but we must be a little bit. I’ll tell you right now, I don’t know what we’re. Let’s see, all categories. We’re just rising stars in the natural science. Yeah. Is that what it says? No. So, all right, blurry creatures, number 13. The confessional is number 23. And we’ve actually been out of the loop for a couple of days because we haven’t posted.
So we’re at number 41. So we’re breaking the top 200 of that category. But I don’t know. I don’t know if we stay there forever. We just thought it’d be fun to compete with the. With the homies. Well, so we mentioned toplops.com to get all your dope merch, your psyop season, and Nephilim Death squad dot com. What’s. Where are all your other plugs? Where should people be going? Yeah, go to dot com. We have these custom made holsters, dangerous retard holsters if you want to really cause a problem for yourself in a legal system. Also, keep an eye out for Bohemian Grove.
Thomas, I’m hoping you’re coming to the next one. We’re shooting for about April, and we’re starting to get the ball rolling right now for. For planning the performances and everything. But Bohemian Grove is comedy and conspiracy content, right? It’s going to be two days of conspiracy podcast. It’s going to be stand up comedians. We’re going to try to get Tripoli to headline this year. We’ll see. No promises, but the last two were a banger. Thomas, you were there for the last two. I hope you’ll be there for this one too. So keep an eye out for that sort of stuff.
And yeah, I mean, follow me on David El Corbo on Twitter and you can find Nephilim Death Squad anywhere you listen to your podcast. Yes, that’s right. Yeah. And one more thing. Follow me on Twitter too. Top lops, Top lobster with an A. And if you like racial slurs, you can follow me there. Thank you. Wait. Appreciate you guys. Thanks for coming. Thanks for the chat, for showing up. Thanks for having us. Dude, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to edit this onto YouTube. I’ll do my damn best, though. We’ll see. Yeah, good. Good luck, man.
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Get yours now@paranoidamerican.com paranoid yeah I scribbled my life away driven the right page willing enlight your brain give you the slight my playing papers are hot eyes ablaze somewhat of an amazing feel when it’s real, the real you will engage it your favorite of course the lord of an arrangement I gave you the proper results to hit the pavement if they get emotional hate maybe your language a game how they playing it well without Lakers evade them whatever the cause they are the shapeshift snakes get decapitated met is the apex execution of flame you out nuclear bomb distributed in war rather gruesome for eyes to see max them out then I light my trees blow it off in the face you’re despising me for what though calculated and rather cutthroat paranoid American must be all the blood smoke for real lord give me your day your way vacate they wait around to hate whatever they say man it’s not in the least bit we get heavy rotate when a beat hits a thing cuz you well fuck them for real you welcome they ain’t never had a deal you’re welcome man they lacking appeal you’re welcome yet they doing it still you’re welcome.