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Paranoid American Podcast 029: Monica Perez of

By: Paranoid American
Spread the Truth

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➡ The text narrates an engaging discussion on the Paranoid American podcast featuring guest Monica Perez from Monica Deep Dives, debating the validity and reliability of physical media over digital, the potential challenges of preserving literature for the future, and giving insights into prominent figures in the field of politics and economics.
➡ The text discusses the concept of digital currencies like Bitcoin serving as a stepping stone towards a cashless society. The discussion points include concerns around transactions becoming fully traceable, a permanent ledger and issues of anonymity. The conversation also touches on the possible regulation or control over quantity by worldwide Feds, and potential inconsistencies or fluctuations in the value of such currencies.
➡ The text is a complex discussion about cryptocurrency, its value and the role of regulation and large corporations, such as Amazon. Opinions range from skepticism towards the legitimacy of cryptocurrency and its perceived instability, to considering how large corporations might implement their own currencies and the potential ethical conundrum that this could generate. The conversation also includes references to political figures and their possible involvement.
➡ The text discusses the concept of individual property ownership versus communal or state control and how much control tech companies or governments should possess over individuals’ daily lives. It emphasizes the loss of human interaction and community as the use of technology increases and the potential dangers, such as isolation, manipulation, and trans-humanism, associated with it. The need for balancing digital convenience and real human interaction is also touched upon.
➡ The speaker muses on serendipity in finding friends and connections, mentions their theory about the government’s role in events like 911 and Pearl Harbor, discusses the propagation of conspiracy theories and suspicion towards intelligence agencies, and ends with a query about Lyndon LaRouche’s lack of recognition despite his significant works.
➡ The text discusses various theories, philosophies, and beliefs, including the relationship between Christianity and Islam, Austrian philosophy, the concepts of anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism outside of Marxism, and the controversial figure Lyndon Larouche. It also explores the frequency theory of 432 Hz vs. 440 Hz, implying a manipulation of our brain frequencies, Larouche’s advocacy for the use of 432 Hz, and his subsequent fall into obscurity. The narrative continues with anecdotes about radio shows, the John Birch Society, and various conspiracy theories including ideas about human beings on the moon, dinosaurs, dragons, Bigfoot, and alien abductions.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, rating their plausibility according to personal beliefs and experiences. They hypothesize that COVID-19 was purposely spread via the vaccines and talk about the occult and unknown powers at play. The speaker admits to suspecting real evil, potentially inherent entities influencing humans and fueling their depravity, and discusses controversial figures and instances like Pizzagate, Chemtrails, and Epstein in relation to such theories.
➡ The text is a detailed conversation primarily focusing on the topics of hope, the potential manipulation of global events like COVID, religious concepts like the disputable power of repentance and purgatory, the promotion of atonement, and introduces Deep Dives with Monica Perez, available on various platforms. It ends with an intriguing description of a horror-themed narrative named Frazzledrip Funhouse.


Good evening, listeners. Brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the paranoid American podcast. Best launched in the year 2012, paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world.

From the unnerving enigma of MKUltra mind control to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the aweinspiring frontiers of forbidden technology to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.

Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes, dare to make fun of me, they’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the Paranoid American podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Another episode in. We’re not going to waste any time at all. And I’m going to immediately welcome our guest, Monica Perez from Monica Deep Dives. How you doing, Monica? Hello. Thanks for having me.

That was an awesome intro. I appreciate I joke, but I’m half serious. Part of this show is just forcing people to watch the two minutes and then just get complimented. Awesome. I was thinking, like, a lot of stuff. I’m not totally like bigfoot and whatever. I don’t know. But basically everything in your, like right, right. Definitely. Let’s talk about it. I’m glad. Well, that’s exactly what we’re here to talk about.

So before we get in too deep and go on a million different tangents, monicadeepdives. com is where people can find you. But what else is going on with Monica Perez? What other websites or books or projects? Yeah, you can get all the stuff that I do on Deep Dives with Monica Perez on your favorite podcasting platform but haverockfin. com deep dives. But if you go to the website, you can separate it out by what it is.

So I do just deep dives proper, which is like 45 minutes on one subject, and then I also do a bunch of interviews, dive master interviews and buddy dives. Like this one. I would say go to Monica’s deep dives. I have newsletters that does everything from the month, so you can just find stuff easily. I put a lot of work in the research, so I want people to be able to identify what topic they want to talk about.

FTX or 15 minutes cities or whatever. And speaking of research, just for the record, I don’t think that’s a green screen behind you. That is a literal ton of books. Yes, and I know it looks douchey, but I need them. I need to have access to them. And that’s just like a very small I have thousands of books and it’s amazing how helpful it is when I had them all in boxes before I moved.

It sucks because these are resources and I only did it because a friend of mine was just like, you know, they’re going to burn all the books. And I was like, shit, I better collect the books. She’s like, I’ll bring my cow to your tunnel if I can use your library. And I’m like, okay, and I’m going to be the librarian of the tunnel. So I’m doing it.

I’m doing this as a service to us truth seekers for posterity. Actually, that kind of shortcuts right to a question that I had in mind. But what do you think? I think I know what you think about physical media. What do you think about digital media? So there’s two different kinds too. So let me specify, let’s not talk about the Kindle version that keeps itself downloaded and if they erase a naughty word, then your version gets the naughty word.

What about just having PDF versions of all the books behind you? Is that insufficient, you think? Oh, I think if you’ve got it on a thumb drive, I don’t know what an EMP does or whatever, like an electromagnetic pulse would do to a thumb drive. I don’t know about that. Yeah, I mean, people feel like the best minds think that bitcoin is going to survive on your thumb or whatever.

Right? Isn’t that the thing? Like, people bet millions of dollars that thumb drives will last. Everyone has a god, I guess. Yes, right. For me, I worry about paper. Like the quality of the paper has gone down. It won’t last forever. I worry about having a Chinese English dictionary so that people can still read those things in 100 years. I was a big fan of Firefly, like that TV show Serenity whatever.

Yeah, I know for sure. But they didn’t speak spanglish. They spoke like Chinglish or whatever. And I thought, I don’t know if English is going to be the dominant language in the very, very future, but I feel like I like the ideology of liberty and I have all those many that is a criticism that my friend Anthony Raymond says, libertarians just have a fetish for books and don’t do anything.

So he’s right about me. But anyway, I feel like I’m contributing. But yeah, the digital stuff, I mean, it not only can be erased, it can be manipulated, it can be wronged, it can be distorted. You were making jokes about Spanglish and Chinese English and what about Esperanto? Why didn’t Esperanto catch on? If that’s the case, why didn’t it catch on? I don’t know. Didn’t they try to do like, Ebonics too? I mean, maybe there is something that cannot be forced down from the top.

Maybe language does have I mean, Noam Chomsky was his claim to fame. I think it was totally discredited. But he did think you had like a template of language in your brain when you were born. I think that’s absolutely not true. But maybe it’s organic. Is there anyone known Tomski’s age that has sort of like, stood the test of time? Let’s think about that. John Coleman might have.

So John Coleman is the one who does the he wrote a few things, but he wrote the Committee of 300, which there are 3000 people, basically, in the Council of Foreign Relations, but there are 300 people who really know what’s going on. But he wrote that book and I read it a long time ago and it was like right in every respect except for three things were not true.

And since that time, those things did come true. So I’m like, wow, that guy was on it. But then he started doing a newsletter and I really feel like he was like in Star Trek where that guy was on drugs and they made him be like a Hitler or whatever. So I feel like John Coleman had nothing to do with the newsletter that was printed in his name and he was getting old.

So I feel like that looked like it was discrediting him. But I think that he himself was still legit. And who else? The great John Taylor Gatto. He died, but I think he was legit throughout. I’ve spoken to G. Edward Griffin and he seemed legit. Creature from Jekyll Island, right? Yes. I think that might be the book that converted me economically, politically in some ways. And it’s a weird thing to say because it’s such a financial book, but that was the first time that it finally clicked for me and I couldn’t even paraphrase it, repeat it now, but it was basically, this is how charities and philanthropies and things work to make it look like it’s good, but it’s actually not good.

Like, I finally get it now. Yeah, there was but here’s the only thing I would say about him without disrespect, but Eustace Mullins was the one who revealed and his book was called The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. He was commissioned by Ezra Pound, who was committed to an insane asylum instead of going to jail for being a card carrying Mussolini fascist. So it has a deeper history than even you might think.

And that’s the only thing I would say is that I feel like you got to give Eustace Mullins the hat tip, and I don’t hear that too much, any of me, of my enemy, in a way, maybe I didn’t know. No, I mean, I think Eustace Mullins was saying the same things that Griffin ended up saying. But the Ezra Pound connection is weird because you want to say he was being persecuted for politics, and he was, obviously, but his politics were really kind of crazy.

But his writing, he was such a talented writer that if you actually read his stuff, there was one thing he wanted to do, is super nerdy. But I think he was just like a poet or whatever, but he wanted to separate. And I think Hitler did this. He thought it was great. He wanted to separate the medium of exchange from the store of value, function of money. So money should expire, which I think it might I think if you go to digital currency, they might actually do that.

They will have the power to do that, like, just put a stamp on your money. I guess it kind of does in a slight way because of inflation. I guess what he’s suggesting is to combat that, to make people constantly spend money and not just hoard. So, like, if you hoard it, it just loses its value, I guess. Yeah. You would have to buy actual gold or whatever, but I was reading an IMF International Monetary Fund blog article that said this was from years ago.

The way we’re going to make digital currency is we’re going to make the exchange rate change over time. So day one, you can exchange your greenbacks for one greenback for one digi dollar. But at the end of the first year, you’ll have to give a dollar and a dime to get a digi dollar. Right. What do they call a Dutch auction is where the first ones are cheaper, and then the more you sell, the higher the price goes.

Yeah. So that’s what they’re planning to do, and of course they’ll do what they want. What are your thoughts on that, on just digital currency in general, like Bitcoin and ethereum? Well, I’m such an idiot. I hate this when I kind of have my opinion, and I don’t recognize that it’s kind of like a false flag. Just because it’s a false flag doesn’t mean nobody died with Bitcoin.

I mean, I remember it from, I feel like, decades ago. I feel like I remember hearing about it bigger with, like, libertarians. Yeah, I think I was still a banker, and that was basically before I had kids, so really long time ago, if I’m correct about that. And I just remember thinking, like, what’s wrong with you people? It’s a stepping stone to a cashless society. That’s what they’re after.

Don’t you want to get your drugs and pay your babysitter cash? What’s wrong with you? So instead of being like it’s inevitable. I kind of was like, yeah, whatever, but I’d be super mega millionaire if I was smarter than that. But I was not. But I did see what it was for. What it was, which is stepping stones for cashless society. And even some of the advocates for it know that it has kind of a sketchy origin story.

But it doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to be the basis of the central bank digital currencies, that it isn’t going to have to cooperate. It isn’t going to be the gold. Yeah, I mean, the sketchy background still, nobody necessarily knows who made it. Satoshi is like this mystical character. Is he even real? Is he the CIA? Is he like some yakuza shaman wizard? Someone was telling me Tim Picchio, the libertarian, like the financial libertarian guy, I always get his name wrong.

P-I-C-C-I-O-T-I think it is. And he was saying that you can basically I mean, there is evidence that it was a rothschild operation, but I don’t didn’t I didn’t really look into it. I didn’t really ever care because I was just like, yes, this is definitely a stepping stone to a cashless society, and that is not what I want. I don’t want that. I understand that you’re telling me that it’ll survive, whatever.

You’re fleeing the country. You don’t have to carry a satchel of gold. But I just don’t like being every move is traced and they could just make things illegal. I mean, just waiting for them to charge double for every second and third and fourth ice cream that you have in a week, the control is going to be total. Yeah. The permanent ledger where anyone can see what you’ve spent.

Oh, my gosh, where it came from. When I realized that, I was like, wait, what? This is the anonymous thing that I had to take a picture of my driver’s license to get. But I realized that’s my bad. Like I used just a coinbase wallet. And I really probably shouldn’t have done that, but I’m just fucking well, the trick there is that when you actually go to express whatever you’ve got on that thumb drive or in your memory at the point when you actually want to spend the money on the car or the house or whatever it is, it kind of has to be traced back to you.

Unless you jump through some really shadowy sort of hoops where the legality you might need to get insulted on and stuff. And then this is where I conceptually start struggling. Is that so every single transaction is in the blockchain for every bitcoin. And they can diverge. Right? Do you ever hear that? Yeah. Well, that’s not ideal. And usually a diverging is when there’s like a disagreement somewhere, just like any municipality or like a town that’s like it gets too big.

And two competing factions, one says it should work this way another says it should work this way. Yeah, it happens constantly, although and Bitcoin has happened with there’s there’s BTC and BT something else. BT classic. So does that mean that the total is not fixed? Because I also want to mention something about that crypto generally, but first I have to answer this question. So does that mean that whatever it is, what is it, 80 million or billion or whatever, there’s a set amount for Bitcoin in particular.

Not all of them necessarily, but even Bitcoin, if it can split, that could really change that fixed number or not. It’s happened already. And usually what happens is that at that split, you technically now have the same that you had, but in two different branches. So for some people, it’s almost like when a stock splits, you get both, right? You get the dividends of both of those. It’s a little bit more complicated than that, but that’s basically how it works.

Yeah. I mean, I feel like that messes up the whole this is a fixed amount. And here’s the other thing. I just wanted to decide whether to buy some or not, and I wanted to figure out how to value it. Is this price high? It was like $80,000, and then it was $30,000. And I was like, is this price high or 3000? I don’t even know what the right numbers are, but it was like big numbers and then smaller big numbers.

And I just like, when is it a good deal? So I thought, okay, let’s just take it from an industry point of view. What is the total demand for currency? And I’m going to say it’s $100 trillion. Let’s say it’s $100 trillion. Right. So what’s our economy? Like 20 trillion, maybe. I don’t know. Last time I looked at it was a long time ago. Let’s say it’s 20 trillion.

I’m just half of our debt. Yeah. And we’re like 25% of the world. So let’s just say it’s $100 trillion. Okay? That’s the demand for currency. What is the supply for currency? Of currency? And let’s say it’s all crypto. What’s the supply? What’s the total supply of currency? Well, it can keep being divided in smaller, smaller amounts than, like, a dollar into pennies. But, like, east could be lots, and then there could be, like, another one.

So there could be competition among the currency. So unless it’s actually just Bitcoin, and it’s just that fixed number, you have absolutely no idea what the supply is. So you can’t value it right now. Well, or maybe ever, just because of how murky it is. But like Bitcoin, where Bitcoin goes, that’s kind of what drives the rest of it. So if Bitcoin were to completely crap the bed, it doesn’t mean everything else does instantly, but it sure as heck means that the rest of the landscape kind of starts sliding.

So I guess I would think in the million possible trillion, billion possible paths, that this thing could take, I’m going to say one path that has a greater than one in a trillion chance of happening. So not just equally, a little bit of a higher chance of happening is that bitcoin becomes the foundation of the CBDCs. And then other crypto are either regulated to the point where the quantity is limited, or they’re just regulated out of existence.

But you will have a defined supply at some point, and then the price won’t fluctuate anymore. But that will happen because it’s been taken over by the worldwide Feds. And I feel like the FTX thing is how they’re sparking that. I think that thing is totally created because the bankmans I did like a few shows on this because I went to Stanford Law School where those people were professors and they were very nice, actually.

And they have this ethical system and I don’t know, whatever, but they’re really good friends. The dad is really good friends with one or two former SEC chair men who were teachers there. I remember I had one of them, I forget which one it was, but I had one of the SEC chairman as a teacher for something. Isn’t that part of the reason you go there? Yeah, it’s like all the mucky mucks.

Yeah, for sure. So that Caroline Ellison. I think her dad was an SEC chair or also has the same thing, where they’re connected to these SEC chair who are I don’t have my notes in front of me or I tell you the actual names and what they said and all that kind of stuff, but their goals have been to regulate crypto. These SEC guys who are in with the Ellisons and the bankmans, and the bankman’s ethical thing is pretty consistently I don’t care if people think I’m the bad guy.

I want to make an impact like I’m above it all. So, like, when the kid says, if I could press a button and it’s a 50 50 chance of blowing the world up or making the world way better, I’m pressing the button. They give hints to their extreme view on ethics. So I just feel like this thing, my husband totally argues with me. He’s like, no way they’re after that kid.

I’m like, they might be after him, but if it’s like Manafort or Flynn or Roger Stone or any of these guys, like, go to jail and then they get know or what’s his face, epstein, which, whatever, the kill himself thing. But before that he was in jail, like literally had a back door. I think they built his cell for him with a back door when he was in jail.

The guy, the whistleblower went to jail for longer than Epstein went to jail. Yeah, then he have to just check in like it was like a parole officer or something. He probably didn’t even show up at all. So I’m just saying, you can tell me people are going to jail. But unless I actually, whatever, see their teeth pulling out of their heads, I’m not going to believe that.

So I just feel like the whole thing is a set up and they’re heading down the road of that kind of regulatory thing. And I feel like they’ll probably use Bitcoin as a basis for it. But until there’s some way to define the supply, I can’t value it. Which I should have seen it coming. I’m not saying I was right because I don’t have any well, I remember having someone, it was like $9.

And I just thought it was like, Why do these guys need me? Because it was way that you would do business on certain things. And it was like, why would you want me to convert real money into fake money just so that you can convert the fake money back into real money? I just didn’t understand it at the time. And I remember buying and selling them for $9 all day long.

And then when I was at Disney, some guy came in and he was like, have you heard have you heard of Bitcoin? And I was like, yeah, what’s going on? He’s like, It’s like $300. And I remember my mind exploding, thinking, $300, man, I could have had like 20 grand based on so this is what I say when people are like, oh, I wish I had bought it when it was like a dollar.

And my answer is, if I had bought it when it was a dollar, I would have sold it when it was $2, right? So I’ve got another friend that bought yeah, when the money was doubled, I would have sold it. We’ve got so many stories of these. I got a friend that got into Ethereum when it was like less than a penny and had thousands and thousands of shares of them.

And when it got to like thirty cents, I think he was like he couldn’t ride it anymore and sold it all and made a decent amount. But now you look at it and it’s like $1,500 apiece. And the guy at Disney was telling us, yes, the 300. I was like, how many do you have? And at the point in time, he had like 600 shares, right? I was like, Why don’t you sell it right now? And he’s like, sell.

I’m still buying it. Like, all the money that I’m making, I’m putting it into this. And I didn’t get it because for me, there’d be no way to value it unless you had confidence that it was going somewhere because you understood something that I at the time could not understand. But even then, anytime I’m old enough to have seen economic booms and busts and bubbles and tulips and whatever, where it’s the greater fool theory at a certain point, I’ve seen that happen, where it’s like, I’m buying this because it’s hot.

And I think they do that with sports teams. Sometimes it’s not worth it. You can’t ever get an NPV that says this team is worth $2 billion. But the prestige, the cachet and what can really give a billionaire that kind of high profile or whatever. But again, you can’t really value that. So when things start going backwards, those things just pop. And if you can’t value it, I can’t deal with it.

But maybe although kind of like you were saying earlier, too, getting on board just because that’s what the New World Order wants. So if they’ve got all right, that would have been fourth. That’s what I’m saying. I should have realized they get what they want. Whatever. It’s a penny. Okay, I’ll take some. It’s like YouTube drops a new feature. It’s like you might as well use it because they’ve got a room full of people that are paid a lot of money to promote that and push it.

So it’s weird how it works. And just for a further dystopian future version of this, this isn’t a prophecy. This is just like one consideration. But eventually, let’s say that someone’s buying over half of their stuff on Amazon. Now, if you just had a way to give Amazon some value directly without being an employee and without giving them currency, then you could almost have this whole sort of company store gig going on.

And in the very near future, there might be a position that humans are in where we don’t really provide value outside of whatever, like very menial tasks because AI and robotics and everything. But what we might have is like a computer so that maybe when you’re not using it or if your computer’s got more power than you need, it just kind of like ships it off to Amazon and they let people rent it out.

But then you’ve got this little micro economy where I earn Amazon dollars and I spend Amazon dollars for a complete exchange of goods. And it kind of sounds cool, like this libertarian aggregate sort of like, hey, I’ll give you these shoes and you give me this. But it’s happening at the global conglomerate level of Amazon and it’s happening under the nose of but outside the purview of the government, maybe.

I think that once all of these corporations and people in general are all kind of like on the same page, it’s going to get a little bit wild because did they even have to report that I let them rent my computer in exchange for a pair of socks that I wanted on my wish list? Because you know what mean? Like they might be like, oh, no, it was an equal change of not even goods that make me think of what you’re saying.

One is that Facebook, I think, had a coin, right? And Facebook have currency briefly. And then Bill Gates has a patent for a coin generated by your ERGs or whatever your work on a computer. Like your keystrokes will generate. That makes no sense to me. Unless what your keystrokes are doing is like a captcha where you’re translating a book. Like they say that captcha sometimes is digitizing. Oh, not just that, but now when it’s like click on the pictures of like a bus.

Yeah, so a lot of those aren’t even AI. Yeah, those were AI generated buses that it was like I’m 80% sure this is a bus and it can just confirm that from people giving it same thing as the book and horrible. Yeah, and here would be the problem with your scenario is that since Amazon is the only provider of goods, let’s say, because I do basically buy everything on Amazon and eventually that would mean that it was the only buyer of labor.

And that’s the problem is that you then eliminate all surplus captured by labor. Which is annoying to me as a libertarian, I really hate that because it sounds like labor theory of value. It sounds like Marxism. It fucking blows my mind. But it’s uncool for labor to get nothing. It’s that same thing from World Economic Forum. Like I own nothing and like Social Security is like that. And all these not having anything.

The progressive tax rate, it’s all designed so that you don’t have any surplus, access to surplus at all. And I almost feel like if you spent it all kind of getting back to the Ezra Pound thing, they would pay you more. They just don’t want you to have you because it gives you independence. And there is no surplus if it’s simply ERGs for goods. I mean, it would have to be like hyper durable goods.

Like Amazon would have to sell gold, which it doesn’t. And how else would you buy? Like they don’t mind. I feel like that’s a big thing with these people. Or even The Marxist thing. It’s okay to have private property if it’s like personal property, but nothing of any real property like real estate. If you look at it’s called Habitat or Habitat one from the UN. The basic premise is that property, like real property, should not be owned by individuals.

You can own other things. You can own cars and the clothes on your back, which basically everybody says you can do. So your theory would, I think is totally consistent with the big picture goal. Is it a bad thing? There’s something in my imagery of that that makes me feel like I would turn into I feel like a Twilight Zone. My hands would grow into the computer and my body would not be able to move anymore.

You know what I mean? It almost feels like you would become trans human. Just like the way people, if they don’t turn you over in a nursing home, your skin grows onto the sheets. Do you ever hear that? Like that’s a peel the sheets? Yeah. Funny story. When I was at Disney too, we did the training videos. On those beds. They’re hillrom beds, and they’ve got these built in motors now, so for that exact reason.

So that overnight it’ll just kind of automatically shift somebody gradually and around so they don’t get those bed sores from and they don’t which goes to your other point, which is there will be no work for us to do. Yeah, because usually that would be a nurse in the middle of the night that would like, excuse me, sir, please roll over to have some water. But now the bed just does it, and the bed can detect it, and the bed can do it better and more efficiently than human could.

Yeah, but just think about what happens when you stop having any human interaction. So when I grew up at eight brothers and sisters and two parents and one TV with three channels, and we had one couch with three seats, and I was the youngest, so I’d had to sit on the floor or whatever, and you’d have to agree on what to watch. You’d have to be quiet. At commercials, people would, like, get up and get stuff and get stuff for each other.

If you had to run to the bathroom but you had a seat on the couch, you had to say reserve place. Even though people really criticized TV, which I understand, it was a very community oriented activity in our house. And then even when I had kids, before they got computers and phones, we had cable, but we all sat around, we had to watch the same thing. And one of the things was like, ghost adventures and all that paranormal stuff was something that all the kids would watch and I would want to watch, too.

We had to agree on stuff, and we would talk to each other and we would pause it and be like, what do you think about that? Or whatever. And then they got phones and computers, and we not only don’t talk to each other, but you can get further and further into your own little world of what you like, like your own little quirky weirdness. And that kind of calls to mind an article I read on Quartz, which is like an Internet magazine little I don’t know what it’s all about, but there was like a whitewashy story about the NSA’s background on Google, like their contribution to creating Google.

And one of the things they wanted to do was create what they called birds of a feather around you. But ultimately, I don’t know if I read into this or if they actually stated it, that in your little group of birds, you might be the only real actual human. And if you know anything about crowds and power and people and their morality, their behavior in a group versus individually, peer pressure is almost irresistible.

That’s how malleable our morals are in a group. Gustav Lebanon wrote that book in the 1990s, right? The crowd. And he argues that once you get enough people together, the crowd actually becomes like a superorganism and the individuals sort of cease to have their own consciousness while they’re in that crowd. And unfortunately, the crowd is only as smart as the dumbest person in it. Or I guess more eloquently, it can only the capacity of the person with the lowest amount of capacity to reason.

Elias Kinetti, who’s actually German sounds Italian, but he wrote in German, wrote a book called Crowds and Power, which is so poorly translated, I really could never slog through it. But it’s supposed to be like a higher level analysis of that. And someone just suggested and I took the suggestion that I read The Undiscovered Self, I think it is, by Young who barney Turner? Yeah. Was just telling me that he was like a double agent.

Like he was literally deep state intel for like two different countries. I think that anyone that understood the human brain in the early 19th century, early 20th century, you kind of had to be an intelligence because they would seek you out like AI. Why wouldn’t you? I’ve heard freaky stories of people who are doing research on AI getting absorbed, like getting hounded by the government for CIA has their own, like the Xbox when they first or whatever the video game console was that came out that had like the eye, like the PlayStation I or the Xbox thing where you could move around.

I think it was called the Connect. And that was actually something that came from CIA VC backed funding. And it just made its way. I think it started out for dental purposes. It was like a dentist created it. It’s got a weird backstory. But yeah, that’s a CIA funded project that is used for all sorts of technology, not just games. But here we are. Yeah, well, they say never use VR.

Like, never put that on. But I just feel like once people get super isolated like that, once my hands grow onto my keyboard so that I can get Amazon stuff, you’re no longer a human being because all of your interaction is with non human people. Yeah, I mean, it’s a fair point. Although, devil’s advocate a little bit on this here’s. The reason Skynet might be a good thing because you were described and I say that a little bit jokingly, but you were describing that community experience with your brothers and sisters, and you got to fight for the couch and it turns into an actual social community thing.

But that puts a lot of onus on just geographic convenience. Like, just the fact that you’ve got a bunch of people around you makes it really easy to make that into a social thing. But the second someone’s just on their phone, they might now be in a social setting that’s just not bound by geographic convenience. Why should I be limited to talk about conspiracy comic books and video games with only the people in my city when my city is not known for that, I have to say right now.

And I tested it out, so I’m positive that my birds of a feather are human, what I do. So I was just noticing I was just saying this because my kids are both in college now, and it’s hard to like whatever institutional socializing is not my thing at all. So I completely sympathize with the challenges that they’re facing. And I was thinking, like, I was never good at that.

No matter how drunk I got, I could not just fucking twerk. Never doing that. I’m never doing maybe coke. Well, now they got TikTok videos that can teach you. Yeah, I can’t do it. I will be slurring. And I’ll be like, they’re totally undermining the family. I’m never getting that stupid. And I so I was never good at that. And I don’t have have a ton of ton of friends.

I have a few good friends over the years. I make one work one at another and have a lot of brothers and sisters, so it wasn’t that big. But ever since I did the Propaganda report, which was like the show I did with Binkley, like, every single day, the Drivetime News Blast during Lockdown, that was basically the entire time of Lockdown. We made so many connections. And I did meetups and stuff, and people made connections with each other, started podcasts together, became really good friends.

I have people from New England to Washington State who became friends through my show. And I would take one of my sons just loves homesteading and farms and any experience you want. He went on, my brother’s, like, he’ll just do anything. So I took him to a permaculture place in New York. I took him to our friends in Washington, Oregon, but all people I met from my show, that’s it.

And even now I live in La. I have, like, six or eight friends. They’re all people I met at the meetups for the show. And I realized these are like 20 people in this gigantic country of 350,000,000. And I never, ever would have found them. Tinder couldn’t do a better job. Like, I couldn’t never swipe left 100 million people to find the one. And it’s been great. And I have to just slip in here this crazy thing that one time I was saying on the air that this chick was walking in front of my house with an impeached Gavin Newsom shirt.

She and Binkley posted it that night. Like, we posted it as soon as we did it. She tweeted me the next day, and she was like, did you move to California? And she’s one of my best friends out here. What is the likelihood of like, I was like, that’s a billion to one. How could that be? You know what I mean? Either I have 100 times as many listeners as that they let me know about or like synchro is just getting interdimensional.

But you’re right. I mean, it’s great and for as long as it lasts, maybe that’s part of why I think they’re going to kind of reel in air travel. Like air travel is super safe. They’ve been wanting us to move around. And in order to verify these people, you got to get on a plane or drive really far, get on a train. So if you want to verify that your birds of a feather are real human beings, you have to check it out once in a while.

You got to just physically just if they’re human beings. That’s one level of it. But I mean, when you started mentioning the birds of the feather, my mind went to like, PATCON or like, Elohim City. And I’m not sure how versed you are on Oklahoma. And the just just yesterday took out of that slot and put on my nightstand the Aberration. Oh my God, you’re in for a treat.

That book rocked my recommended by Aberration in the heartland of the real yes of Adam of Deborah Gets Red Pilled, whom I visited in Oregon, and he told me, read that book. So I’m going to but yes, highly recommend. So talk about synchronicities. But as you read that one, it spells out the best example of Pat con and all. She’s got a lot of the receipts in that book, and that’s kind of what we’re talking about here, except those are real people.

But what would happen is that in Elohim City is this extremist place where they ship in a German guy that’s got like German credentials, and he’s going to run this and teach everyone how to do extremist stuff. But there is a and it had people that were underground from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Were there FBI, CIA, like just any sort of ATF any three letter agency it was out there.

Probably had one or two people to where the book paraphrasingly makes a joke. Like, there might have been more alphabet agencies there than actual extremists, but what happens there? Because now the alphabet agencies aren’t coordinated. This is in the so they’re not necessarily sharing notes, and they’re trying to constantly one up each other. It’s like, hey, you want to go and do this? And someone’s like, yeah, but we should do this too.

Like, oh, well, maybe we should do this. And they’re going back and they’re reporting to their headquarters, and they’re like, it’s about to pop off. They’re talking about doing this stuff. But really they might have just been egging each other on and then pulling in the occasional civilian that gets wrapped up in it. McVeigh I wouldn’t even consider as that civilian because he know the letter to New York Times.

He wrote a letter to his sister that was published in the New York Times. Have you ever read that? Talked about him being like, sheep dipped and pulled out basic training to do a domestic psyop. Basically, it was like, how do you gloss over that? You know what I mean? How do you gloss over when someone says they think JFK was an inside job? How does your entire view of this country not completely fall apart after that? How do you hold those ideas in your head? Or like 911.

Some people think 911 and they don’t think that absolutely everything after that is just fake. I mean, people are dying, but they’re just the building still fell, depending on what theory you’re into. I guess it might have just been a hologram. The 911 thing, the stumbling block people have dick Cheney would never do that. Whatever. They would never do that. Never do that. I’m like, somebody did it.

Somebody did. And what you’re saying is that you think that these 15 Saudis did it, but Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with it, you know what I’m saying? It’s so obvious that they just think that this group of people are subhuman and could do it. I just think that’s what one conservative commentator said, that they’re brutish and short. What’s? That famous there’s a famous quote about the world.

Everybody but us are outside of the borders of this country. Like, people are like Russians or whatever. Not human. It’s fucked up. Well, it’s going to get even easier because now they’re going to be able to stage things using AI and just be like, oh, it was the software got bugged or hackers got in. It might have been those Russian hackers again. And you don’t even have to put a face or a name on it.

You could just say Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, and people be like, yeah, I guess that makes sense. The plane took a little dip in a twist, but they could like your intro. Like, you could take anybody and make them say anything without where are you at on 911? What’s your theory? Because the government didn’t know about it and didn’t prevent it. They knew about it and prevent it.

Dick Cheney? Yeah, dick Cheney wasn’t do you think the government orchestrated it as well, or do you think that they facilitated it? The PNAC thing. They needed a new Pearl Harbor and they got it. Pearl harbor was an inside job, right? That’s another theory that Eisenhower knew that it was going to be targeted and just kind of let it happen so that we had Roosevelt so that we could have a justification for entering the war.

Since we were kind of playing it Swiss for the first bit there. Yeah, he was playing solitaire and somebody came in like, hey, we just got intel that the Japanese are going to blow up Pearl Harbor. We better get those people out of there. And he’s like, yeah, I’ll read it later. I have a book called Backdoor to War, which is still in print, and it’s 100% based on State Department documents that prove it, but it was published by some press, like Reginary Press or, like, some press that then I read somewhere else was a CIA front.

And I’m like, what level? You know what I mean? They’ve been pitting us against each other with truth since the 50s. So my father was in the Navy during World War II. He was probably the youngest person who served there, and he only served for the last year, but he’s in the Pacific, and when he got out in the have his copy of Backdoor to War with his notation.

So he was only in his 20s when his eyes were open. Then he was led by the Pied Piper thing with F. Buckley. Like, then my parents worked for, you know, just volunteered at National Review for probably a decade or something until my father figured out William F. Buckley was full of it. He was a CIA agent, too. But I just think the whole conspiracy, like, it’s obvious.

It’s true, but here we are talking about it, and there’s, like, literally a thousand podcasters talking about this, and lots of people are listening to it. Somebody do something. But how is that happening? How is that being what? Do you have any thoughts or speaking points on Lyndon Larouche? It’s a name that goes under the radar so often, I have found. Why does he not get any credit anymore? Like, no one even talks about him.

Was he an inside job? Like, I think he went to jail and stuff. See, this is another problem I have. So, yeah, his work on, oh, The Clash of Civilizations, which I think is actually starting to bubble up. Like, I had this idea of what the 20th century dialectic was, and now I had this theory about the 21st century dialectic, but it didn’t seem to be taking off.

But now I realize that it is. But I think he exposed, I think. Was it Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington? They wrote books called Clash of Civilization, which was exactly what’s happening now, I think, where they want to take Christianity versus Islam and that’s thesis and the antithesis and then the synthesis is like a highly restrictive secular religion that’s universal and in its way is a combination of church and state.

But it’s a kind of godless or a neuter god like, universal God. Anyway, that’s just my theory. We’re talking a Hegelian dialectic here. Now, Austrian philosophy. Yes, that’s probably going too. Yeah, but Lyndon Larouche gave a little bit of a heads up because I was really trying to figure out what was going on. But here’s another thing with a lot of these anti imperialists, let’s say a lot of times they’re communists.

Like, I don’t understand why you can’t be anti colonialist and anti imperialist and not be a Marxist. He started there. Larouche started as a Marxist, turned into, like, a right winger at a certain point. Oh, did he? Yeah. He flopped completely. And you think he was a legit guy? I have no idea. It’s wild. He is a crazy rabbit hole. Because when we gets into the woo woo topics of like 440 Hz, verse 432, are you familiar with this at all? No, not at all.

So if you go on YouTube, there’s all these people that will take their favorite songs and then they’ll retune it down. Because the theory is that they, like the great they out there have purposefully entrained our brains to kind of tune to a as 440 Hz. But that is irregular. It’s not as natural as 432. Usually people use something called cymatics to back this up, where you put water or sand on a bass speaker.

And when the frequencies kind of resonate 432 and other denominations that are divisible by, I think by 16, they all have these nice kind of gestalt symmetrical patterns, whereas 440 is kind of like an aberrant mess of just frequencies. But this is actually kind of a true thing. And this gets into woo woo stuff where people that are really into crystals and frequencies and channeling things tend to really put a lot of vestment in this.

432 versus 440. And also Lyndon Larouche, he also was a huge component of it. In fact, he started this global objective to get opera singers in particular. And they all protested. They all wanted to push for 432 again as the international standard. There was actually a huge debate in World War II or leading up to it, between if the international standard is going to be 432 or 440 and it ended up going to the 440 range.

And this was because it’s more convenient to the instruments and the tuning, but it’s less convenient for opera singers because it causes more stress on the throat and the vocal cords. So the 440 actually is kind of like it’s easier for instruments, especially synthetic instruments, because it’s a lot easier to tune to 440 and do all the math on 440 than 432. Even though anyways, I don’t want to.

Go on a complete tangent on this, but if you peel these layers back, it’s like and the person that came the closest to actually making a global push was Lyndon Larouche. But no one ever brings that up because Lyndon Larouche doesn’t sit nicely into that crystal prayer circle because he’s this weird guy that started as like a Leninist and then he became a right winger and then he wrote like everything to him was the Jesuit CIA was behind everything.

He kind of went towards that at the end, I guess. But he also wrote a whole bunch of magazines and articles about CIA inside operations. So he’s a wild card. And I am legitimately interested why people don’t talk about him. I used to pull down his newsletters just because in my research, when I did more research, I don’t know why, I haven’t even seen his name. In a while.

But is he dead or why, he must be dead. He’s dead. And I think The Simpsons had like an episode where they made fun of him at one point, and that was it. And he’s kind of like this person that got brushed under the carpet, but he was a conspiracy theorist with real political power. Know the guys that have radio shows, right? Well, some time ago, while I had a radio show, my mother ran into somebody who was passing out flyers or literature who was from, like, the Lyndon Larouche Society or something.

I don’t know if it was while Lyndon Larouche was still alive, but she told him about me, and she’s like, she has a radio show. You could be on her radio show. But the show was not interview just that’s not the show I had. I had a call. My show was a caller based show, and that was the I had a few exceptions, but it was rare, and it was very clear from what could have I just blew him off.

But I always wondered about that. I wish I hadn’t. And then the other is the John Birch thing. John Birch had some good stuff. It’s very connected. Larouche and the John Burch Society. There’s a lot of bigoted and don’t I don’t really know the history, but I know people like Run and Scream, the book that you just were pointing out, the aberrations in the heartland of the real I think it gets a little bit into the John Burch and stuff only because that’s kind of where they plucked from.

That was the birds of the feather. It’s like if you were an active member in John Birch, that might be a good place to go and see what’s going on in there. I think McVeigh, he kind of like sampled, right? He kind of sampled the different groups around him. And I don’t want to say John Burch in particular, but that’s kind of the places they would pick out of.

And I’m sure they did it the other way, too, where they put people in the John Burch Society. That made it a more race based thing, because I think the early stuff was like constitutional stuff. That’s how a lot of it starts. And then again, that also might just be part of the crowd theory, right? It might not even be like the CIA has to come in and dirty the water.

It might just be like the crowd lowers the collective IQ. I think that identity politics and traditional conservatism, like libertarianism, classical liberalism, like the Bill of Rights type stuff, are totally incompatible with each other and cannot lead to the other. So that’s why I think they had to take I understand that they can insert it like somebody inserted into Ron Paul’s newsletter that there was going to be a race war, and you insert it into these things and maybe predict it and maybe just by saying, I think the CIA is working on a race war.

It makes you sound like a racist. I don’t know. But that’s why I think they could not hijack the Ron Paul movement to bring identity politics to the right, which I think they had been trying to do for decades. They had to hijack that energy with Trump, but they had to gut the principles because their individualism is so antithetical to group think, to racism and stuff. I think they had to say, okay, it is us versus them, but let’s fight fire with fire.

Like Trump wise, don’t you think? Or you think that’s not no, I do. And honestly, I want to go on a whole tangent with you right now on a whole topic of, like, NLP, and know I know that we have limited time here, and I’ve got a little segment that I want to play and just play us off on like a sort of a silly note. So we’re just going to run right into it.

I’m going to surprise you with it. But yeah, let’s just do that. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PTP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. Okay, Monica rules are very simple. I just want a zero to ten rating from you on how credible you think a certain thing is. Right. Zero meaning it’s silly. It’s for children fairy tales. And then ten being like, pull up a chair, I’ll convince you of this now.

All right. Okay. So ten would be if you say you find it credible. Yeah. You find it the most credible. I’m going to say zero. Right. I don’t think the let’s start with that. Human beings have stepped foot on the moon. Yes. No chance. That’s a zero. A full zero. Yeah, right. Dinosaurs existed. I’m thinking zero dragons existed. Like fire breathing dragons. Yeah, fire breathing flying dragons. I think fire is a key component, so they have to breathe fire.

Or someone’s asked me before, like, does acid count? Maybe. I guess I’m thinking there are lizards with wings and stuff, and maybe they have, like, acidy stuff coming out. I’ll give you a two. I’m not a huge dragon. I’m not saying there’s a huge dragon. Bigfoot. I think as long as you’ve got a definition that’s kind of fluid. I’m going to give you a six. Alien abductions, like a UFO beams you up into the ship and they poke you and fit like a physical UFO abduction.

Does it is it does it count if I think maybe it’s like a CIA front and they’re doing it, but they’re pretending? I would like to say that people think they were abducted, and I would like to give them the credit of a six, but I’m going to say, is it alien? I’m going to say two. What about the cattle mutilations being done by aliens and not CIA op, but like, actual extraterrestrials of some kind? Going to say two.

What about aliens helping with the pyramids? Does that include interdimensional beings? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Anything that’s extra or interdimensional, I guess. Okay, I’ll give you a four on interdimensional. Do you think chemtrails are real? Like they spray shit in the air and it changes the weather and all that? Ten? Definitely. Do you think zero to ten on using chemtrails for mind control? Like the way they use it for fluoride? Like the way they use fluoride? Yeah.

I’m going to give that a seven. So when I give you a zero or ten, it’s because I’ve actually researched it and come up with a concluded. So I’m not trying to be wishy washy with the other stuff, but I’m just guessing there. But if I’m giving you a zero or ten, it’s like I’m done. I’m not even I’ll do a follow up before we’re completely done. And then the last one, it’s kind of a combo once you can split it into two if you want.

But pizzagate frazzle drip spirit cooking. Is there something to it other than just like edgy artsy, look at me energy. But do you think anyone’s actually summoning demons or getting like supernatural powers? Yeah, it’s 100% a Psyop. But is it based like pizza gate? Was there to do something? It was planned, but is there something to it? I’ll give you a four that there’s something to it. And then if you wanted to go bigger with the occult, I would say there’s a six, that there’s something to it.

They definitely do it. There’s a ten that gets done. But is it altering the universe or is it just a mind control technique that’s where ten it’s happening. But do the people who are doing it believe it? Or are they laughing behind their cloaks? I mean, I went to the Grammys. They always have like a black mass ritual at the like what was the black mass ritual this time? I was going up the escalator.

And is it I think it’s Sam Smith. Is that a person, the guy who struggles with his weight or has complained about struggling with his weight? So I see through the windows, like there were trailers where people were getting ready. And I see him there in you know how like a priest or whatever will wear like a black frock all the way down to his like with a collar, but a black frock all the way down to his feet.

He was wearing that. Not with the collar. The collar was missing, but it was red all the way down to his feet. And I said, oh, he’s going to probably do the satanic ritual. And people on the elevator, everybody’s in their gowns and everything, it’s like, what the fuck is wrong with you? And it’s like, oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Never mind. He’s there.

He’s on the say. And then he’s in the middle, and there’s all these people in the red around him. And literally and of course, Madonna makes an entrance because she’s usually in that one flames, real, actual flames start shooting up behind. Just like, does anybody what think this is? And one time my kids, I go like, just as a work thing, I get to go fair amount. And one time many years ago, I mean, I noticed this for a long time.

I made that comment a lot of times. And one time I was on my way out. My kids were like, mom, tell us. Take a picture of this Satanic thing. So whatever it is, I wonder what it’s going to be this year. And I walked in. I was in a suite so I could oversee all the people who sit. Every single solitary person was wearing glowing devil horns in the audience.

I shit you not. And I was like, come on, this is ridiculous. And people laugh at me because out comes ACDC, and they sing highway to Hell. And they’re like, well, they were just and I was like, they’re being cute. What? They were just being cute. But I mean, when you predict something and it happens over and over again, you might be wrong about the causation, but isn’t that the scientific method, theory outcomes? And then I don’t know.

But are they devil worshippers? I don’t really think so. I don’t think so. I think they’re fucking with us. Do you think there’s objective evil just in the world itself? Could someone legitimately summon a demon? Or do you think that that’s just another mental thing that you’re doing? I really struggle. So I’m a practicing Catholic. I pray all the time. I never say the rosary and all that kind of stuff.

I’m just like, please help me. Please help me. Please help me. And he helps me all the time. It’s undeniable. And I’ve had a few signs that I’ve asked for and gotten. So in my mind, there’s definitely it would be really foolhardy of me to deny the help that I’ve gotten because I’m really expecting a lot more help. I’ve got a lot of years totally not jinxing that.

And then on the other hand, from 911, which was the only explanation that I can think of for that kind of a horror. Like, I think in their minds, they drafted those people. Like they just killed people for their military purposes, whatever. But it’s just so outside our capacity as ethical human beings to do that that it looks like a black mass to me. And then COVID the amount of destruction, the amount of death and suffering and disease that they spread with their COVID policies.

I’m not even talking about whatever they fucking invented and shot in everybody’s arms to shoot out people’s faces and get me sick, which is exactly what I think happened. I think they spread it around with the vaccine got us all sick by shooting people up with it, which was whatever spewing out their face holes. But even not including that actual thing, the COVID and the vaccine, how much death and disease? Well, I guess the vaccine causes the disease, but like the cancers and stuff, like what they I mean, that hundreds of countries, you know, went along with this.

Like so many individuals and so many probably billions of people mindlessly doing something that was net evil. I don’t know. I feel like human beings are not that evil or we wouldn’t have built tall buildings that stand up. Like, that is objective truth. That is good. So what is that? Where did that come from? Something sparked that. Something spread that evil into mankind, like these past couple of years.

So I’m going to say a very long answer to your question, but I think there’s evil. It could be the same thing. This could also be Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney? Yes. And I mean, what is living in him? You know, what could so he has to connect with know, there has to be a to be he has to be connecting. It’s all connecting with people. There has to be some malevolent spirit, I think.

Yeah. Imagine these guys walking around the halls and then just connecting with someone else, like you’re, like me. We should team up. And then what they do what is that Gustav Lebanon group look like? Right? Not when you’re talking about the bumpkins, but when you get like Mandalay Bay at Bohemian Grove or the Hillbillies together. What does that kind of group look like? There was this crazy video that I’ve shared many times of a woman who said that her parents were in a secret society and she, as a little girl, had to run kids around and these human hunting parties and that the guys who couldn’t get it up and rape little kids were basically eliminated from the group with prejudice killed and whatever.

And so they promise power. They draw you in. And if you can pass these tests of depravity, you get to rise through the ranks of the power that it is theirs to give. Like straight out of the Bible. Like, these are the kingdoms. I can give these to you when this is just Epstein on, right? Like the Epstein is the tame version where all you had to do was get on a plane and go to a resort.

The crazy part was just what happened at the resort that you paid for. But we’re not talking about going out into the woods and like post adolescent girls, too. Like a 17 year old woman, I understand it’s illegal or 15 year olds, whatever, but pre pubescent children, I don’t see how that could be actual lust. That seems to me pure hurtful malevolent depravity. Yes. In the woods chasing people.

What a way to wrap up this. We have to change that. Absolutely. No, I have a lot of hope. I have a lot of hope. I have hope for a couple of reasons. One, I think they did COVID in part to crash the economy so they could inflate and raise interest rates, which means to me that they’re not ready to destroy our currency and our economy and everything yet.

So that buys us time. Like some tarnished silver lining. But okay, yes, I also they haven’t killed us yet because they’re not ready. They will, but well, no, I don’t know. But it means that they aren’t. The fact that they aren’t doesn’t means that they maybe can’t. Maybe they don’t have that much control. And I also think that I think that a lot of the hopelessness is just us me right now.

Like saying that stuff, like convincing ourselves that there is this organized superior power that can control humanity. And I and I think we’re also seeing that there are billions of people who are still human and are not going to fall for that. And that’s a problem for them. And I think that maybe the ones that those evil overlords who don’t really believe in the soul or God, like they can’t really believe in God because God would win, I assume in the end.

Like, even Lucifer probably knows that he’s outmatched in the end after the end of the world. That good is truth. Good is what makes buildings stand up, not fall down. What can they do? They can blow up buildings, but they can’t build them with their malevolence. So I feel like good is the stronger force and just play as if this is just a test. Which side are you on? I think that’s well said.

Although, as a practicing Catholic, isn’t there always that backdoor of like if you just repent on your deathbed and really mean it, then it all goes away. Doesn’t all go away. You have to go to Purgatory for a long time. Actually, I’m kind of okay. The celebration of purgatory is, I think, All Souls Day this week. But Purgatory, you have to go and purge. You have to purge all your sins and baggage.

You have to suffer. It’s just like hell, except for it’s not eternal. So you might be there for like a million years. You don’t want to fuck up and you might not get a deathbed when they decide that airplanes aren’t they don’t want you to think they’re safe anymore. And you’re on that one. Yeah, that’s true. You can’t time out your Pascal’s wager. Like, you’re either in it, you can’t leave it for the last second and there’s a Tally book.

Like his wager is complicated. There’s definitely like your and I’m not saying I can tell you what is tallied on your sides, but when you know what you’re doing is wrong or you refuse to think about it, you’re going to be held responsible for that. I do shit like that all the time. I do the wrong thing all the time, and unfortunately, I’m well aware of it, so I have to feel bad, but I feel like being aware of it maybe keeps you in line a little bit, because purgatory is going to suck.

But I think it’ll be good because all the things that you think of that you do, you can’t take that baggage with you into the afterlife. So it gives you an opportunity to just atone. And I think you need that. I think we need that. And I think we can offer up our sacrifices and our suffering and not indulge in every consumer impulse. And that’s in the great tally board in the sky.

I think this was an interesting sort of jumping around, but, man, we went from, like, bitcoin to bigfoot to dinosaurs to purgatory purgatory. We left a lot on the table. I still want to talk to you about NLP at some point, even if you’re not familiar with that, because I think it would apply in so many different things that you’re bringing. Okay, let’s so, aside from Monicasdeepdives. com, where else can people find you? Again, just listen to Deep Dives with Monica Perez on your favorite podcasting platform or go to Dives, where you can probably find everything on video without commercials.

So Deep Dives has commercials because I have to pay a producer. But if you go to Rockfin, if you belong to Rockfin, and actually, I think a lot of my stuff is free on Rockfin, so you can just sign up to Rockfin. com slash Deep Dives and not even have to pay. And there you go. If you want some Deep Dives, and we all love Deep Dives, I have the utmost respect for the long form research format.

So thank you for doing it and showing people how it’s done. And speaking of commercials, I’m going to play us out with one right now. Frazzle Drip Funhouse enter, if you dare, the world of an animatronic bear whose metallic heart beats with a thirst for justice, a hunger for revenge. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, connoisseurs of the macabre and seekers of the scandalous. Your voracious appetites for chilling narratives are about to be satiated by the heart stopping, pulse pounding creation of paranoid American and winged sun.

Comics, abandoned in the dusty corners of amusement, now awoken in the murk of wickedness perpetrated by an evil elite. And this is not your childhood fairy tale, but a macabre dance of vindication soaked in crimson, a symphony of screams echoing in the dimly lit chambers of malevolence. Be prepared for an onslaught of ghastly gore and titillating terror. A wicked waltz through twisted hallways and bloodstained basements where only the brave dare to tread.

Quake at the bear’s unyielding pursuit, cackle at the sharp and sardonic oneliners shudder at the graphic gratuitous scenes that hearken back to the glory days of Bee horror flicks. Frazzledrip Funhouse is your ticket to a thrill ride of terror. A carnival of carnage where the laughs are as loud as the screams uncover the truth beneath the rust and the blood and remember, nothing is as it seems are you ready to step into the frazzled drip funhouse? Where the animatronic eyes are always watching and vengeance is a game that everyone can play.

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  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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