Paranoid American Podcast 043: Hollyweird Investigator Queen Awake

Spread the Truth



➡ Paranoid American is a unique comic publisher that has been exploring and revealing hidden truths about our world since 2012. They delve into various mysteries, from mind control to secret societies, and even the hidden symbols in pop culture. They also run a podcast where they discuss these topics and interview guests, like Queen Awake, a popular conspiracy theorist on social media. Queen Awake shares her theories about gender and the occult, particularly in Hollywood, on the podcast.
➡ The speaker discusses her spiritual journey and how it influences her daily life and interactions with media. She believes that many things in the world are not as they seem and uses her faith to discern the truth. She also talks about how she educates her children about these beliefs, particularly in relation to media content, such as Disney movies and Marvel films, which she views as promoting false narratives and symbolism. Despite these concerns, she emphasizes the importance of giving her children the information they need to make their own decisions and discern truth from falsehood.
➡ The speaker is struggling to balance work, family, and personal health due to ADHD and an autoimmune disease. She’s constantly working and feels drained, often neglecting her own needs. She’s considering starting a podcast to manage her workload and is thinking about hiring help to manage her social media and other tasks. She draws strength from her faith and the idea of rest and recharge, as exemplified in the Bible.
➡ The speaker is discussing the idea that some famous women may actually be men, based on physical features like body shape and bone structure. They believe that this is causing women to compare themselves to unrealistic standards. They also mention being accused of being a man due to their own physical features, which they refute by sharing their childbirth experience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith and peace in navigating these complex issues.
➡ The text discusses the concept of truth, reality, and fear. It suggests that if something causes anxiety, it might not be good or true. The speaker emphasizes the importance of confidence and fearlessness, stating that fear doesn’t help anyone unless in a survival situation. The conversation also touches on the idea of creating curiosity in communication and ends with a promotion for a comic series called Chaos Twins.
➡ The speaker shares her journey of personal growth and awakening, which began with her troubled marriage at 19. She then discusses her changing views on vaccines, influenced by a friend’s comment linking them to SIDS. The speaker’s third awakening came with the COVID-19 pandemic and her husband’s dismissal from the military due to his religious beliefs against vaccines. Lastly, she talks about her exposure to conspiracy theories about Hollywood and secret societies, and her newfound ability to identify transgender individuals based on physical markers.
➡ The speaker shares their journey of awakening to different perspectives, particularly about ancient religions and gender markers. They explain that understanding their content requires a certain level of knowledge and open-mindedness. They discuss the differences between male and female skulls and how these can be misinterpreted. They also touch on the idea of gender fluidity in Hollywood and its connection to religious beliefs.
➡ The text discusses a person’s journey of faith and their exploration of religious texts, including the Bible and the Book of Enoch. They question the authenticity of these texts and the potential for human intervention. They also discuss their reliance on the Holy Spirit for discerning truth. The text also delves into their views on transgender individuals, particularly celebrities, and their belief in the influence of Hollywood and social media on gender identity.
➡ The text discusses the increasing acceptance of transgender individuals in society, with more celebrities coming out as trans. It also talks about the speaker’s belief that this trend is causing confusion and goes against traditional family values. The speaker expresses sympathy for the LGBTQ+ community, believing they are being manipulated and are struggling with mental health issues. The text also touches on the speaker’s exploration of religious texts and beliefs, and their views on Hollywood’s influence on society.
➡ The speaker shares her journey of understanding various conspiracy theories and her changing views on topics like the second amendment and vaccines. She also discusses her belief in the existence of celebrity clones and the idea that Hollywood has fewer people than we think, with some playing multiple roles. She emphasizes the importance of being self-sufficient and not relying on others. Lastly, she participates in a game rating her belief in different conspiracy theories.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories and beliefs, rating their belief in each on a scale of one to ten. They believe in a flat Earth, infinite land beyond the Arctic wall, and the existence of demons, dragons, and Bigfoot. They also express skepticism about Hollywood strikes, Darwinian evolution, the official story of the Titanic sinking, and the existence of dinosaurs. They suggest that dinosaurs might actually be remnants of Nephilim, a biblical race of giants.
➡ The speaker is an entrepreneur who feels her social media doesn’t reflect her business skills and knowledge. She believes she’s not attracting people with a business or entrepreneurial mindset. She wants to use her platform to discuss both conspiracies and business, and help people use their knowledge to break free from the system. She’s planning to start a podcast and is passionate about partnering with a company that allows her to speak freely and help others.
➡ The speaker is a businesswoman who values working with people who share her goals and can handle direct communication. She is selective about her team, preferring those who are committed and not easily offended. She is considering starting a podcast called “Blurred Lines” and is cautious about collaborating with celebrities, preferring influencers. She believes in seeking spiritual guidance in all aspects of life, even the mundane.


Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the Paranoid American podcast. It launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world.

From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the aweinspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.

Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me, they’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Happy New Year. I’m down here in the bottom corner. I almost didn’t even see myself. Welcome back. We’ve got a whole nother year worth of episodes that we’re going to start knocking out here.

In addition to Paranoid American podcast, we got paranoid programming where I’m doing AI and artwork and tutorials. We’ll start doing more of those into, like, after effects and premiere. There’s paranoid pages where I go through a bunch of old comic books and books and magazines, and then this is the baby. This is the paranoid american podcast. And today we got Queen awake and Queen awake. Maybe it is her birth name.

I don’t know. I haven’t seen the. But Queen Awake is joining us here, and I honestly was just searching for conspiracy theorists in social media and looking to see who were the hot trending conspiracy theorists, and bam. Queen Awake is at the top of the conspiracy theory food chain on social media and some avenues. So, first of all, welcome to the show and tell people where they can find you right off the bat.

Okay, so you can follow me on Instagram so far. I’m expanding on different social media platforms this upcoming year, but you can find me on Instagram at. At Queen. Underscore awake. Underscore. And the type of content that I post is transvestigating. Talking about the occult, specifically with celebrities in Hollywood. And I teach people how to read gender markers. Michelle Obama or Michael Obama. What is it, Big Mike? Is this 100% definitive? I can’t say that anything is 100% definitive because I don’t have their biological dna.

But based on what I do know about the differences in male and female bone structure, and what I know about the occult religion, and what I know about reading symbolism and secret societies and mkultra mind programming and all of the people in power, there are things that make me raise my eyebrows. So in my mind, I think that what I’m saying is absolutely correct. When Joan Rivers said just, it seems so off the cuff, it didn’t even seem like it was planned.

And she said this thing about, like, oh, we all know. Everyone knows. And, like, how far back does that go? What’s the earliest time that someone made that incentive? Because that was the only time I’ve ever heard it was the Joan Rivers quote. I mean, this type of thing has been happening since the dawn of time. If you go back in scripture and read, it talks about people in the palace being eunuchs.

It talks about a deity called Temuz. It talks about people castrating themselves and celebrating festivals in honor of him in the month of June. What happens in the month of June in America today? The pride. Right? So this stuff has been going back all since the dawn of time. The so called elites have always been around. So you can go back and look at royals and they didn’t have the advances in surgeries and hormones and stuff.

And it’s, like, very obvious a couple of hundred years back, when you look at pictures and you’re like, okay, that’s not a girl. That’s a guy in a dress. It’s very obvious. But since studying when it started originally, this has been going on for. This has been happening in scripture for a long time. Is there any accusations or rumors of any previous presidents? Has there ever been, like, a female to male president as rumors? Or has it just been like, the first ladies might have been first men? Ironically, I haven’t really looked that much into the political side of mean.

I do know people are saying that allegedly, like Barbara Bush and stuff like that, and looking at those skeletal markers, you’re like, oh, my God. But I haven’t really looked into the political aspect. I focus more on Hollywood. But if you give me a picture and some videos, I could probably be like, okay, well, that’s suspicious. We’re going to do that. I don’t have it prepared right now, but I feel like we should just go through the last 40 presidents and we just do a quick.

Male or female? Do you have them shirtless? I mean, if you give me enough time, I can dig some stuff up. Yeah, that’s what I was doing on. I went live yesterday on Instagram, and I went on Google and stuff, and we were looking up, like, Brooke Shields and it wasn’t somebody’s Chuck Schumer’s wife and all that. It was just like, okay, let me show you this, this and this.

And people are like, oh, yeah, I see it. And I’m like, once you train your eye, you can. And that’s what my page is about, learning how to train your eye to see it and read them accurately. I’m fighting for the right word because I want to say, like, outrageous, but I want to say outrageous. But what’s the most hard to believe? Just a Normie coming up, and you’d be like, oh, did you know so and so was a Dude, right? Or so and so was a FEmale? What’s the one where it’s like, I’m going to need 4 hours, but after the 4 hours, you’ll walk away.

But if I only get 2 hours, you might not believe me. I think what I’ve noticed is people have a really hard time being able to see and look into heart throbs. So current heartthrobs are like Chris Hemsworth, liam Hemsworth, like Jennifer Aniston, like zendaya, like, all of these people that are, like, big a list that people have idolized, it’s really hard for people to actually look at them and be like, I don’t know about that.

CHrIS PrATT, like, all of these people, specifically female to male, because it’s a little bit harder to read that, versus male to female, because male to female, they have stronger features. But female to male, it’s kind of harder to read that Chris Pratt is maybe a female to male. Chris Pratt has some very questionable markers that make you raise an eyebrow. I’m not going to say anybody is like, I can say without a doubt, 100% fact, I’ll say it.

Chris Pratt is 100% a female. Done. But I can be like, okay, listen, they have these. And it really makes me question, because my content in my page is to make you question, you know what I’m saying? And use your critical thinking skills to be like, that is a strong possibility because I’ve been watching, because I’ve trained my eye. I think me and my husband were watching 90 day Fiance, and there was somebody that popped up, and I was like, that is a guy.

I was like, this person has all male markers. And about 30 minutes into the episode, this male to female comes on and is like, by the way, I’m trans. And I’m like, I knew it. I could tell. I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s the chick that goes with the russian dude, and he’s, like, half her age, I think. No, it was the other one. But my husband is the one that got that one.

He goes, that’s a guy. And I was like, I really think it could be. And then it said that, and he was like, I told you. And I was like, you’ve trained your eye. You can tell. Is there, like, a danger area where you realize that you’ve just been thinking about celebrity genitals for an entire day, and you’re like, okay, it’s time to disconnect and walk the dogs.

Ironically, it’s not something that I think about a lot. Ironically. I think when I was studying and I was looking into the occult religion, when you realize that everything that you know, all that everybody knows is a lie and you have spiritual discernment, the veil gets lifted, you start to see things through a spiritual lens. That can be pretty consuming. But it’s like, once you get the basis of it and you have a piece because you know your faith and you know what scripture says and stuff, it’s kind of just like, oh, this is just like a known thing.

It’s just like a normal thing in my life. Like, okay, that’s whatever. But I do see things that I watch from a different light. If I go and see something or whatever’s on tv or just around, I’m just like, okay, that’s symbolism. That person is not what they are appearing to be. I can see just what’s happening in the world from a realistic lens to where I’m not deceived.

But it’s not all consuming. I’m actually pretty busy with my business. I have little kids and a household. I do have two dogs. And so it’s like, I spend a lot of my time with my family and just investing into them and doing the regular day to day stuff, cleaning, home, school, all that stuff. But it’s a small part of stuff, but it’s not something I think about all the time.

It’s just if I see somebody on tv and that’s a. That’s not what they mean, I’ll assume. Yes. But I want to ask, like, how much does this factor into the way that you regulate media in your House? You mentioned that your kids are homeschooled, so that’s a great way of making sure that just anything doesn’t come across. But is it no Hollywood allowed? Is it like, no Chris Hemsworth allowed? When Chris Hemsworth comes up, you’re like, remember, that’s a lady watching, or is it too young for that? No, I do talk to my children about that, but the main thing that I talk about with my children is, like, witchcraft, and that’s magic, and that’s not true.

And the narrative that they’re pushing is not right. Stuff like that. Like Harry Potter. Potter? Yeah. Where are you on Disney? Do you have part of the Disney library in the house? I mean, Disney is obviously, like, you know, that they’re into dark stuff. My husband watched, or he had the Disney plus app because he was into the marvel and stuff. Until I started watching a podcast. Well, it wasn’t a podcast.

It was a movie that JT follows JC and demon eraser did called Ancient Angels. And so basically it’s talking about from a biblical perspective, when the angels came and mated with the humans, and they created a hybrid of giants called the Nephilim. And just getting into that and seeing how it ties into Hollywood and stuff like that, then I was like, because it wasn’t like the Disney movies and stuff.

It was like the Marvel. And he would watch that, and I was like, dude, that’s a movie about all these false gods. And so my kids know about that. They’re like, that’s a false God. That’s magic. We shouldn’t watch that. They have discernment, and they get to choose. Like, okay, that’s not something that I want to watch. To give a mouse a cookie or something. They’ll be like, hey, let’s watch that instead of this.

That has magic and witchcraft. They choose, but they make really good choices. What about, like, fantasia? I haven’t watched that in a while, but I probably could so that I could detect all the symbolism in there. I haven’t watched Fantasia since I was like a. That’s a big one because it’s literally about Mickey being the sorcerer’s apprentice and doing magic that’s beyond his own control. There’s also this weird thing.

This is a total tangent, but in Disney, for the longest time, and even modern movies, they tend to use magic to do, like, clean up the house or do the dishes, like the most mundane stuff. But it always appealed to me as a kid because it was like, oh, could I just have magic clean my room and then I don’t have to do that. It made it feel way more appealing than, I don’t know, human sacrifice.

Well, exactly. And then they’ve got sirens that they’re putting on and they’re trying to make it all cute, like with a little mermaid, like all of these things in. It’s just, it’s obvious when, you know, it’s obvious when you like, I tried to, we, my husband had Disney plus and was watching marvel stuff, but I was to, now that I know certain things, I want to look at these Disney kid movies like Hercules, so I can talk about it.

But we would turn on. I was like, we don’t need to be like, there’s something where I’m like, we don’t need to be watching this. There’s certain movies that, ah, but, like, in Moana, because before I was awake, I had kids and they watched, like, moana and stuff like that. And one of my sons goes, I was talking to him about Nephilim and he, mom, like, in Moana, like that nephilim in the mountains.

And I was, yes, yes. And my other son will be like, there’s symbolism in that. Do you see that swirl? And I’m like, yes. And so it’s like, they see that and can discern and know. So I don’t know, if they hadn’t have ever seen that, then they wouldn’t, you know what I’m saying? Like, if I shelter them to where they don’t see anything, they don’t know, then they can’t really discern.

But if I’m able to be like, if they see something out and I’ll be, you know, this is what’s happening and give them the why behind it. So it’s not just like, hey, you should believe this. But like, hey, this is what scripture says. If you choose to follow Jesus and you want to be with him, this is what he’s saying. This is what aligns with this book.

And they’re going to get to choose what they want to do. But I’m giving them the information so that when they do get out into the real world, they’re going to be able to take information that other people are giving and be able to discern what is truth and what is false. Because I feel like it can be really hard to do that if you don’t have a firm foundation growing up and you have all these different influences.

My husband does take them to the YMCA because he works out and they talk about all the stuff, like at the y with their teachers and stuff like nephilim. They’re talking about nephilim with the took. I went to a field trip, and my son was, this is pretty crazy. We went to a homeschooling field trip with our little co op, and this one lady was asking about a painting, and she was like, what do you guys see in this? And one of my sons goes, that’s a portal to another dimension.

And she was like, that’s really good. She goes, no kid has ever said that before. And he was like, yeah. And then my other one was talking about seeing the nephilim in the mountains, and I don’t think she knew what that was. And she was just like, oh, I think people just take it like, because they’re still kind of little, so they just don’t know what to do, but they know what they’re talking about.

I do feel like, on a whole, if you were to take public education students and homeschooled students, the homeschooled students would probably know about nephilim more often than the public education mean. I’m. It seems that there’s like a religious crossover with a lot of homeschooling, too, where it’s like, if you want to have more control over what your kids learn, that’s the only way that is true. I will say this, though.

I’ve always homeschooled, but when I first started homeschooling, I think I was more just like on the conservative side, like homesteading, let’s break out of the system. But I don’t think I was aware of nephilim and the transvestigating. I wasn’t that far down the rabbit hole. So I think a lot of our homeschool, they have the basis to look into it, but I don’t think a lot of them know, because I think if I’ve said something or something, I don’t think that they really understand what I’m talking about because I kind of gauge conversations.

I don’t just say, hey, you know, about blah, blah, blah. I kind of listen to how people talk, engage conversations to see how much they know. But our neighbors, the whole place that we live around, home, schools, and none of them knew about the nephilim or anything like that. But they do know about. They’re very conservative. They know about government corruption. They want to break out of the system.

Very patriotic. But I have taught them a lot in the terms of biblical, religions of old, the occult, stuff like that. I don’t think they knew some about big mike, but they didn’t know the extent of where things are derived from the symbolism, all that kind of stuff. I mean, the big ones, like the Epstein the pizza, the stuff that’s out there, they know, but not other stuff.

Some stuff is really deep that I don’t think a lot of people have knowledge on. When did this start for you? Was there a certain event or article? I can tell you a few times in my life that God allowed me to see truth the very first time. I’ll just go over them all, because it leads up to this. So when I was 19 years old, I got married to my husband.

We almost got divorced. It was literally terrible because we got married after knowing each other for two weeks. He was in the military. It was bad. There was, like, infidelity, all kinds of terrible stuff because we were teenagers, and it was ridiculous. And so when my marriage almost ended, I learned that pornography, infidelity, that Satan used that as a chokehold to break apart the family unit. And so I was on a mission to let everybody know about how porn was like, ripping apart marriages, how the enemy was using it to go against what God had originally created, stuff like that.

And so that was, like, the first time that I surrendered my life to God and was like, tell me what I need to do here. Do I need to stay? Do I need to leave? Like you lead me? That’s the first time that I submitted my life, and that’s the first time that he opened my eyes to how the enemy was trying to destroy what he had originally created.

Okay. The second time was right after we had a baby. Well, I think this was our second baby. I had a friend. I was very big in. Can I say the v word on here, or will it flag you? Yeah, I can say whatever you want. Okay. Vaccines. Whoa. Not that were. I got to say, we are sponsored by Pfizer and Moderna, so just tread carefully here. Oh, gosh.

Well, I used to work for them, technically, because I was in healthcare, and I was going to school for nursing. I got my CNA in high school. I worked at a doctor’s office. I was very pro vaccine. I was a stickler. I was like, nobody’s getting around my baby unless everybody has a vaccine. I was that kind of person. I was like, how dare somebody come around unvaccinated? You need to make sure everybody has their card.

I was that kind of person. It was bad. I was very brainwashed and indoctrinated. So God put a couple in my life. One, they showed me who Jesus was. Two, they helped me walk through that season of life in my marriage. They were our marriage counselors at our church. And then one time I said to her, I said, I’m afraid that my baby is going to randomly die one night from SIDS.

And the wife said, that’s not going to happen. And I was like, how do you know that? And she goes, because what causes that is vaccines. And I don’t know why, but in that moment, everything just kind of came together and made sense. And I was like, okay, that makes a lot of sense. I don’t know why a baby would randomly just die. That doesn’t make any sense.

And so then I started looking into the pharmaceutical industry, all the corruption there, and I was, like, flabbergasted. This was, like, in 2018, and so the mandates, the stuff with school, everything was going on during that time, and it was, like, a big thing. And so that was the second time that my eyes were open. The third time that my eyes were open was in 2020 when the rona happened, and my husband actually got kicked out of the military because of his religious beliefs against all vaccines.

And I remember all the political stuff going around during that time. And, oh, fall Cabal came out. So the documentary fall Cabal, like, what was the other one? There was, like, a whole bunch of documentaries that came out exposing stuff, and fall Cabal was talking about the child trafficking and the mkultra mind programming, and that shook me to my core. That was another time where the veil was lifted and I learned what adrenochrome and all that other stuff, and I learned about Monsters, Inc.

And death becomes her and that they’re making movies about this and hocus pocus. And I’m like, oh, my gosh, Disney’s evil. Like, that’s. That’s the third time that I woke up and was, like, shook. And God allowed my eyes to be open. That really tested my faith, because I was like, okay, nothing is real. How do I know what’s real? So I went on a journey to find out that what I believed in my spiritual, like, my faith was real.

I had to back that up. Because I was like, everything around me is not real. I don’t know what to believe. And so I really had to check myself and make sure that what I was believing in my faith was real. And I did that. And so from that point, everything that I believed, because I didn’t know what was accurate, what was not. I discerned it back to scripture.

Does this align with scripture? If it does, then I know that there’s validity. If not, then I’m taking it with a grain of salt. So that’s pretty much how I’ve operated since then. And it’s really saved me because it keeps me from being. Thinking about this to an unhealthy degree to where I’m scared about it and fearful instead of like, this is just what it is. I have this peace.

I know my purpose in this world. I know what I’m supposed to do. I know how to impact others. I know what I’m supposed to be sharing. And it’s just like this piece of, like, this is just what life is. I think that was the fourth awakening. So, the fifth awakening was when I listened to a podcast called not so secret society’s podcast, and it had Kara, I think her name was Moshe, on it, and then Amy, eyes on the right.

And they were talking about MkUltra mind programming, and they were talking about satanic ritual abuse, and they were talking about these people in Hollywood, and they were talking about the symbolism and the secret societies and stuff. And I knew that this was happening to children, and I knew that these people were doing bad things to children, but I didn’t really understand the occult religion part of it, of the why and how deep it went.

And so that was another time that my eyes were open. So that was the next layer. After that, I saw somebody post on social media about how everybody in Hollywood was, like, transgender. And I was like, what? I was like, that’s crazy. And so she started posting about it, and I was, huh? I was like, that’s a little weird. I was like, but maybe I can see it.

I was like, I don’t really understand, though. So I couldn’t tell how she would be pointing out these markers and stuff. And I’m like, I don’t really see that. And I really feel like you do have to train your eye to see it, because if you just look at a picture and you’re like, they look kind of feminine or they look kind of masculine, you can’t tell. There are specific things that you have to look at.

But once you get it, you’re like, oh. And you can see it everywhere, and it’s usually pretty. Um. And then I started following an account on here called Bright Green Barbie, and they literally went over the markers. And I think just watching that every single day and learning and studying, I started to see it. And then I think one time they said in the captions, I think they said, okay, this is what I’m talking about.

Go look at everybody around your town, and men are going to look like upside down triangles, and then women are going to look like hourglasses. That’s just what it is. And so I think I went to an amusement park later that week, and I was looking, and I was like, oh, I see what she’s talking about. I was like, every single person, without fail, has this specific shape.

It doesn’t matter their size, it doesn’t matter anything. They all have a specific shape if they’re male or female. And the ones that are questionable that I saw, they still had the specific shape. And so I could tell based on that. Even if they were, like, in gender neutral clothes, they had, like, hair where I couldn’t tell. They were blurring the lines. You can still tell because the framework is the same.

So then I started looking at people who were openly trans on TikTok, and it’s those same markers. Like, it’s the same male and female markers every single time. And so I was spotting it. I was like, oh, I saw that. I knew that was a guy, or I saw that. I knew that that was originally a. Like, I can see that now. Then I started applying it to Hollywood, and I was like, oh, okay, that’s crazy.

And then, so I just started sharing about the things that I was seeing on my social media for people, and then it just kind of, like, took off. And then, yeah, we’re just here now, but those are, like, the six. Oh. And then the very most recent awakening is when I started following JT follows JC and Demon Eraser, and they were talking about the ancient religions of old and the nephilim and how this all relates back to scripture.

And that was my most recent eye opening moment. So that’s where I’m at in my awakening. And the different stages, and people are on different stages. God’s going to reveal things to specific people in specific seasons of their life. So I can tell when somebody comes to my page and they’re like, oh, my sister has a straight across clavicle or something. And they’re like, she’s not a man.

I know that one. They haven’t studied the occult, religion. Two, they haven’t studied gender markers. They’re just kind of like saying something to have an opinion, but they don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m like, okay, you are not in the phase to understand my page yet, because my page isn’t for everybody. It’s for people who are either trying to learn or people who already know so that they don’t feel alone.

It’s for people who get it, who understand. Because if you are not seeing this through the correct lens, literally, my page will not make sense to you. Your brand will not be able to comprehend what I’m saying. It’s because it’s almost like you have to have one layer down to understand the next layer. To understand the next layer. To understand the next layer. If you don’t even have the first layer, then you’re not going to be able to understand this layer of what I’m talking about, because it all is encompassing.

It all has to do with all of it. That hypothetical guy, that’s like my sister’s clavicle or whatever, in that hypothetical scenario, was his sister really his brother or was he just not reading it right? No, they’re not reading it right, because every single person that says, oh, I have a straight across clavicle, I go to their page, and they have all female markers. They just don’t know how to read gender markers.

And so it’s like, you literally have no idea what you’re talking about. I was like, I can point off, like, five different markers that you have that are female right now. And so I think they just don’t know how to read it. Oh, man. I’ve got a friend that saw this. Like, I don’t know. It was a phrenology chart. But there’s this thing about the male skull and the female skull, and it turns out that his skull lines completely up with a female skull, and he’s obsessed over this and he’s not sure what it really means.

For example, if your skull lines up, is that just like, okay, that’s it. Male, female? Or do you have to hit, like, seven or eight different check marks? Is there, like, a certain test you have to pass? Yeah. Okay. Say you have one marker that’s of the opposite gender. That doesn’t mean that if you’re born a biological male or a biological female, then you can have one or two markers, right? Because you know that they’re injecting our food and hormones.

They’re doing all of these things, and it can change some stuff. With the endocrine disruptors, all that stuff that they’re putting in food and clothing, all doing. We got a visual reference here. Oh, gosh. Shout out Raven. But he’s got a female skull according to all these charts. Hold on. Is there a way that you can see the top of his head? I’m sure there. Mean, I guess that’s kind of close.

Although that’s an artist depiction. Okay. I could tell right off. What would we be looking at? Go back to the other picture that you just pulled up right there. That is a male skull. Do you see how the top is square? Okay. Females have round. Look at. Hold on. Do you see how he’s going to be thrilled to find out that he’s actually a guy, by the way? Yes.

No, that is a male skull, because the way that his skull is shaped is going straight right here. And if you cut his face in half, it’s even. Females are not even, like, our jaws down here are. I wish that I could show. I’m a visual, and it’s, like, super hard to talk about it. I have to show. But if you cut his face in half, it’s symmetrical.

Male and female skulls are different. If you were to take my face horizontally and cut it in half, the top half of my face does not match the bottom half of my face. There’s not as much volume down here as there is up here. Hold on. This is hard on the camera. If you go straight down, there’s gaps. Do you see where my hands are? There’s gaps by my cheeks.

Males aren’t like that. You would fill out this square, like, this jaw part right here. And now I’m starting to see what you were talking about with. Because that’s the jaw you’re describing. Okay. Do you see how the eyes. Okay, this is the best way that I can describe it. Do you know those filters on. Oh, gosh. That is a female skull. Okay. Do you see those filters that were, like, on camera, booth, in 2012, where you could stretch people’s faces out and make their eyes, like, far apart and stuff? Think about that for male, and think about the little feature where you can squeeze and faces go really squished as female.

Do you see how the eyes look, like, squished together? And the features just look very centered right here instead of wide and symmetrical. Those are female features. The narrow dental arch, the rounded skull right here, like what I just said when you put this down, there is space between my hand and my jaw. There’s a lack of brow ridge. The eyes are not far apart, and there’s not very deep socketed eyes.

You go look at an openly trans person on TikTok. This is what they look like. Obviously, this is alleged. This is just me saying this, but I would say they don’t know what I’m talking about based on. Okay, this is a trick question, but can we break this one down a little? I’ve heard. I’ve heard this theory, because that looks like a male skull to me. So I heard this, that Elliot page was originally born male, and then they transitioned to female, and now they’re going back to their original gender.

That skull looks male to me. Like, that skull looks like. It’s like. Do you see how it’s, like, square shaped, right? Well, I don’t know if you can see my mouse, but do you see how it’s square shaped up here and it’s symmetrical? If you cut it in half and you flip it over, there’s not going to be gaps in this jaw area. Even women that have super defined jaws still have a gap there, because I’ve looked at people who are like, I’m a female, but I have a very strong jawline, and there’s still gap right here.

It doesn’t fill that part out. And the eyes are deep socketed. They’re not more forward. They’re not squished together. They’re more spaced apart. Everything is more symmetrical. That, to me, looks like a male skull. Do you think there’s anyone in Hollywood that doesn’t realize that they’re identifying as the other gender? Or is it all like, does Chris Pratt know that there’s nothing down? He’s. He’s just working with a gap.

I think that when you’re raised from infancy as a specific way, and everybody around you is raised that way, too, you don’t know anything normal. I mean, you don’t know anything. You don’t know what. You don’t know differently. If you’re only around those people, you don’t know anything differently. When they are taught to think as regular people, as commoners, and don’t associate with them, they have no value, they have no worth.

I feel like that’s just normal to them. They don’t know anything different. And so if you’re with somebody who is female, then typically what you’re going to see is the spouse has the opposite genders, so that there can still be intimacy and stuff like that. But duality for them is in alignment with their God baphomet. And it basically is saying that I am God. I’m not going to let gender define me.

I can be both. I can be whatever I want. I’m not going to be limited by gender. I’m not going to be limited by my identity. I’m God. I can do what I want. They’re going directly against what God said. No, you can’t be whatever you want. This is what you are. It’s just everything that God establishes, satan likes to twist and deceive and make their own. And so I feel like that’s what’s happening.

Knowing what I know about mkultra, knowing about the occult religion, all of those things. So this is a hard one for me to reconcile. So usually when the topic of satan’s deception kind of polluting everything good in the earth, my mind immediately goes to, you can pick your flavor. But the king james bible, right? It’s almost seen as like this infallible word of God. Like you were saying, you, if you don’t believe in anything, you start lining things up.

Okay, does it make sense with scripture? And if it doesn’t, maybe that’s a red flag. But what about all of the human intervention that could have happened? Is the bible just like, satan never considered that maybe he should slip some lies into the bible, too? Well, in my faith journey, that’s what I went down the rabbit hole of. Of, like, okay, how did these scriptures come about? Where did they come from? How did they copy them? Like, all of these things, the dead sea scrolls, like, what translation lines up with that the most? How did they copy stuff back? Like, all of those things? I had to go on a journey to find the truth in that and understand how that happened.

I do think that certain things were taken out of the Bible, but this is like the Book of Enoch. I feel like the Book of Enoch kind of puts together everything that I knew in the Bible. And so I’m reading that now, too, to where it’s like, oh, these complement each other. They make sense. And so I’m reconciling that right now. But ultimately, I’m kind of relying on the Holy Spirit, too, to help me discern what is truth and what is not.

You know what I’m saying? I feel like if me as just like queen awake, tries to discern what is good, what is truth, what is real, I feel like I would be deceived and I wouldn’t know what to believe. I would feel like everything is. It would be anxiety for me not knowing. But the fact that I have scripture, I’ve researched that scripture. I’m like, he’s going to reveal to me the things that he wants to reveal to me.

If something’s not right, he’s going to show this to me. And I trust that because I have the Holy Spirit. And I feel like he gave me the gift of discernment, and I’m playing out that gift when I’m watching something, and I’m like, that is not correct. And then something in my spirit knows, okay, you are right. Or with people, I’m like, okay, that’s not a good person.

And I’m usually right. Do you ever do this at church where you’re going up and down the pews or whatever, I don’t know, your denomination, and you’re looking at someone in, like, a Sunday dress and thinking like, that’s a dude? No. Okay. This is another thing. I don’t do this to people in just, like, everyday life because these people aren’t in the occult religion. So it’s like, they’re not doing this to homage their transgender God, baphomet.

And they’re not, like, pushing this narrative on me to try to distort what God said is good and break up the family unit. This is just, like, a regular person down the street in person, because people usually don’t have the money for all these surgeries. If I’m in the mall and I see somebody who’s transgender, I’m like, okay, that is very obviously like a guy in a tank top and shorts, and the voice is deep.

That’s very easy to spot. But those people, the people who are transgender, in just normal day society, I feel like they’re just being deceived by the enemy, like they’re being deceived by the influences of Hollywood, social media, all this stuff. And so they’re not even on my radar. I don’t do any of that with normal people. I only focus on celebrities in Hollywood because there’s something about stars, false gods, all that stuff in the book of Enoch.

And so I’m, like, relating who these people are in relation to the spiritual realm, and I feel like normal people. They’re just, like, not. Are there any celebrities you’re on the fence about still? You can’t decide? Channing Tatum? Like, channing Tatum? I can’t. I can’t tell. Are we about to pull them up? I’m trying to remember if I even know who this is. Okay. This is the 21 jump street guy.

I think he was in 21 Jump street, the remake. Oh, and magic Mike. I assume that’s what this shot is from. Okay. This is a funny side by side feels sort of, but I feel like the person next to him is. That’s Zoe Kravitz, Lenny Kravitz’s daughter, or maybe son. Depends on that. Looks male. Channing’s head looks male to like. Okay, so some celebrities are born into it, and some are.

They sell their souls to be in it. And so I feel like the ones that sell their souls to be in it, they’re probably the gender that they were born, but the ones who were born into that religion, I’m like, so, to me, do you see how there’s not, like, a rounded thing right there? And if you go like that, there’s not. There wouldn’t be that gap right, like, where his lips and stuff are.

So the features are pretty spaced apart. I don’t know. I’d probably have to see body too, like, the hip area. I’m sure we can go. I don’t want to start searching. There you go. I mean, it’s kind of turned at angle, but the shoulders look wider than the hips going down. It kind of looks like a triangle, but I don’t know. I’d have to look at more pictures.

But then he kind of looks like a lesbian right here in that turtleneck. So it’s like, I don’t know. Is there anyone else really on the fence right there in the best of Channing Tatum movies, if you click on that. This one. Is this what you’re talking about? Yeah, that looks male because, okay, look at the clavicle. Do you see how it goes straight across? Yeah. Right here.

Yeah. That’s typically a male trait. And then the body, like, where his hand is, there’s no hip. That’s where the female’s hip comes out. Like, if you look up openly trans people, like, okay, go to. I don’t know if you can go to Google and look up openly trans celebrities, and then you’ll be able to see what I’m talking. Well, okay, this is the first one that just popped up.

That’s Hunter Schaefer. Okay. Right there. The one where hunter is smirking. Did you see that? Up at the top on the right. The one above that. Okay, do you see what I’m saying with the skull? It’s square right here. And if you cut the face in half, it’s going to be symmetrical. And this is somebody who’s openly trans. Like, you can see the markers that right there. Do you see that clavicle? Do you think they could just sound weird, but can you just break and bend the clavicle.

Maybe shave the top of your head down a little bit to just conform to all this. Well, this person’s trying to be a female, though, so if they would break the clavicle, it’d be like this. And here’s the thing. You can change features. Oh, gosh, that’s delightful. Okay. You can change some features. Like, obviously, this person has had their jaw softened and shaved, but you can’t change all 20 markers.

You know what I’m saying? Like, okay, if one or two markers is softened, but you can’t change the whole shape of this person’s body. I guarantee you if you find, like, a bathing suit picture, they are shaped like a v, like, right there. Oh, I don’t know where that just went. Like, where is the hip? See, the hand is contorted. Okay. And see, all of these are from, like, the side angle.

Well, I mean, if you’re in Hollywood, you’re going to make sure that they always get the right angle, right? Exactly. But notice in transition, individuals in trans. Individuals in Hollywood, specifically. Oh, click this one that says 76 Venice film festival to the right up there. Okay. The body is like an upside down triangle. Like, if you were to draw a line that goes straight across the shoulders and go down like this, it would be in the shape of a triangle women have.

If you were to do what? If you were to draw a straight line across the clavicle and draw two lines going like this, it would look like an upside down pizza. Oh, can you do that on here? That’s so cool. Oh, yeah. So we’re saying the clavicle, like, here. Yes. And then take two lines and make them go, like. I don’t know if you can see me like this.

And where do those meet up? Navel or the groin. This is so hard to do. If you take it and start at the top of the shoulder, start over, like, where the armpit line is. Okay. It’s, like, right here. Yes. And then take that line to the left and draw down to where the hand is. Yes. Now go in a little bit where that hip goes down right there and go all the way down.

Just a straight line like that. Like this? Yeah. And then go on the other side. You kind of got to make it a little bit bigger. This is so hard to do when you’re not the one doing it. Okay, take this line that you just made and put it up to where the clavicle is. You mean like up in here? Yeah, well, horizontal. I mean horizontally. Like this? Yeah.

If you take the two lines this is so hard to do on here, but there’s also something called a Q angle. In between the legs, there’s going to be a gap with men usually, like, their thighs aren’t going to touch because the way that the hips are shaped, women’s usually go, this is so hard to do. I should have had pictures prepared so that I could come up here and point.

I didn’t even know we were going to be drawing pictures on Hunter Schaefer. I didn’t know either. It’s like, I’m a visual person, and I like to draw and show, but, yeah, this is hard. What do you think is the. Like, I guess now in 2023, it seems like if Channing Tatum or whoever, Chris Pratt came out and they were like, you know what? I’m actually a girl, it seems like they would get more movies, they would get more exposure.

So why wouldn’t there be more of that happening? Or is that right around the corner? Yeah, that’s happening. It’s happening right now. Like the Elliot page thing. These famous people, like tutorials. Like, all of these people are coming out as trans. It’s like a slow evolution. You see these people in Hollywood, like, doing it to their kids openly now, like with Steren, Angelina Jolie, like, all of these people with their children are openly doing it.

Because I feel like if you do it a little bit at a time, society becomes more accepting and open to the idea. If they all just randomly came out one day and are like, okay, listen, we are all the opposite gender, what do you think people would do? You got to give it to people in little bitty doses and normalize it in the society first. But in scripture, it says that we’re going to be getting back to the chaos and confusion, and there’s not going to be any kind of define of what is truth.

And the enemy is already distorting that around us everywhere. And so this plays into that agenda. That’s how I know that this is legit, because anything that is creating confusion, which is what this gender ideology being pushed is, anything that’s going against what he created for the family unit, I know that it’s not the work of good. It is the work of evil. And so the people that are dealing with the stuff right now in the LGBTQ plus community, I feel like I have a lot of sympathy for them because I feel like they’re being manipulated and played.

The lifespan of those people is not very long. It’s like 30, and those are the people that are struggling with mental health issues. Depression. And instead of somebody actually helping them and getting to the root of why they feel so traumatized that they can’t be inside their own body, they’re mutilating them and sterilizing them and just like, slapping bandaids, and it doesn’t actually fix the root heart issue of what’s happening.

So I think that’s really sad. And there’s so many stories about people who have transitioned regretting it and being know, I wish that I hadn’t had done that. I wish that I hadn’t made a permanent altering. Like, I didn’t realize me, once I did this, it still didn’t fix the issue. And Hollywood is like, celebrating that, like, making it idolized, making it look like you can do whatever you want, you can be whatever you want, and that’s not going to fix your issues.

That can only be fixed with truth and who you are in Christ. That’s the only thing that’s going to give you that fulfillment. You mentioned a little bit earlier about, I guess, one of the apocrypha, right? One of the books that didn’t make it all the way in the Book of Enoch. Have you gone down the gnostic rabbit hole at all? Oh, I don’t think so. I’ve read the book of Enoch.

I haven’t finished it. That’s part of my new year’s resolution, because this is a very recent thing, like, within the last few months. And so I’ve been reading through the Book of Enoch and been like, oh, my gosh. And so there’s like, little revelations that I’m happening right now that are relating back to just what I know about the Bible. And I’m like, okay, that’s why that makes sense.

If you go in first corinthians, I don’t know if you’ve ever read this, but it talks about women wearing head coverings. And I’d always thought, like, oh, women wear head coverings to show submission or whatever for religious reasons, but I didn’t know why. And I knew that Paul said that, but I didn’t know why. And after I started looking into the fallen angels and stuff, and I realized that these angels took women from men, it said for women to wear head coverings as to show authority, that they belong to men because of the angels.

And I was like, oh, okay, that makes sense now. It’s not just like for submission. It’s to show authority. Like, I don’t belong to you, angel. I belong to man. I was created for man. This is my sign of authority that you can’t have me. So that made a lot more sense to me. Just stuff like that in the Bible. And I’m like, oh, okay. But whereas before it was just like, oh, head covering, whatever.

But these are hats count. I don’t know. That’s what I’m saying. Obviously I’m not wearing a head covering, but these are just things that I’m noticing. But I need to go more on the conviction of the area of what God wants me to do on specific things. Right now I’m just in an information learning phase where I’m just taking everything in and trying to discern, like, okay, I have this information.

What do I do about it? Now I’m in that phase of learning. I’d love to just get updates from you if you ever venture more, because I guess enoch, in a way, is a little bit of like the gateway to the more esoteric part of the apocrypha. Because you’ve got the nagamati, you’ve got the dead Sea Scrolls, and you’ve got some really wild stuff like the book of Sophia, which is like the hardcore gnosticism, like the gospel of Judas.

There’s all these different approaches. But the thing that makes the gnosticism angle interesting is because it’s so polarizing, where most people, once it clicks, like, oh, this is what gnosticism is talking about. Some people are like, oh, I don’t believe that at all. That’s the devil. Like, the devil made that. And then some people integrate it and it turns into like a mystical thing. I don’t know. It’s interesting because I’ve seen so many people butt up against it and come away like polarized.

I’m going to be interested to see where this journey takes me this year, what God has to show me. And then, yes, of course, I’m going to be hopefully starting a podcast too. And I’m sure that I’m going to be talking about all this as well, to be mixed in with my Hollywood content, biblical, all that great stuff. But life is like a learning journey. And it’s just like, there’s so many things that once you learn it, it just completely shifts your worldview.

It’s crazy. Well, there’s one that’s like right in the middle of all of this. So it’s got religion, it’s got Hollywood, it’s got all the, it’s got mkUltra, Scientology. Has that come up at all in your sphere? Do you have any strong opinions or impressions of it yet? I feel like, you know how all these Hollywood celebrities are in Scientology or whatever. I feel like it’s a part of the occultism.

It’s a part of the Mkultra mind program. It’s all encompassing what they are operating out of, their religion, the occult religion. And so I haven’t dug too deep into it. Besides the MkUltra mind programming part, I know about the handlers. I know about the beta sex kitten. I know about all of that stuff. I know about the witchcraft. I know about the satanic rituals. I know about all of that stuff that’s done in Hollywood.

I know that songs are casting spells because scripture talks about we have the power of life and death in our tongue. And if we’re repeating these spells over and over and over and over on the radio, you’re either speaking life or death. You’re speaking these things into existence. And so I understand that part of it, but this has all happened within the past year, and it’s just, like, so much information.

So it’s just like I’m discerning along the way, learning. I’ve got the basis of it, but I’ve got to dig deeper into a lot of things. But these are some things that I know for sure. I can definitely spot a skeletal structure at this point in my life. Where were you at in, I don’t know. Not September, but, like, October 2001? Were you, like, waving a flag and hugging your neighbor? You were in first grade.

Okay. I was in a classroom. I didn’t understand what was going on. So that’s another thing I remember, okay. When I was 18, I had a boyfriend, and I’m pretty sure now, looking back, I think that his family was awake and aware. I think that they knew what was up because he was showing me movies and stuff and talking about, like, 911. I remember we watched a movie about 911 being a conspiracy theory, and they were really big on second Amendment and stuff like that, and very patriotic and getting older now, it clicked.

They’re probably awake. So there was, like, little seeds planted, but nothing. I think for a time I was kind of liberal. Like, when I first got married to my husband in the military, I remember he was, like, very pro second amendment, obviously. And then I was like, why do we need machine guns? Unless people are wanting to kill everybody, we don’t need Ar rifles. There’s no point in that.

Why do you think that we have that? They need to ban everything, like, all this bs? And I asked him, I was like, why does that even make sense? And he’s like, because it’s a right. And I was like, that’s not good enough. And so then I asked my dad, I was like, why would somebody need an ar? You don’t need that. And he goes, if the government ever tries to take over.

And I was like, oh, that makes sense. That makes more sense than. It’s just, like, evolving. Different conversations, different things click at different points in time. Same thing with the vaccine thing. If somebody would have told me anything about the vaccines before that point, I don’t know if it would have clicked. But for some reason, in that moment when my dad told me, it’s if the government tries to take over, that clicked.

In that moment when my friend said, vaccines have been tied to sids, that clicked. In that moment, for some reason, when somebody know Hollywood and these trans people, for some reason, that clicked. For some reason, when they were talking about Book of Enoch, fallen angels, humans, nephilim stars, Hollywood, that clicked. It’s just like, sometimes things just, like, click. Go ahead. Sorry. Where were we at on Tom Hanks? Oh, gosh.

Somebody. You mean like male or female or like pedo? Well, I mean all of the above, I guess. Oh, gosh. Definitely on the occult. Disgusting. I would have to look at Tom. Let’s look. We’ll pull up some pictures of Tom Hanks. We need a shirtless one, too. Oh, gosh. That one. That picture, right? Oh, okay, look. Wait, hold on. Go to that one in the red. Okay. Check that out.

What do you see there? What kind of clavicle do you see? I see he’s working with a pretty big package down there for. Nah. Okay, look at the clavicle. It’s like a v shape, right? Yeah. And do you see the hip? Look at that red sticking out right there. And look how low that belly button is. Yes. Okay. Women, their bodies go out like this. It’s like a rainbow.

It, like, flares out. I don’t know if you can bit. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Okay, now look at, these are childbirthing hips are we talking about? Yes. And then the navel placement is low. Men have higher navels. Women have lower navels. The arms are also a telltale sign because they are shorter. Our bones. Women’s bones are shorter. And so we typically have, like, trexy looking arms. Have you ever noticed that about women? Women have short, little t rexy arms.

If you look at openly trans female to males on TikTok, they always have these short, little, like, t Rexy arms. Where does the WNBA fit into all this? Are they just all dudes? I don’t know. I haven’t looked at the WNBA. I’m scared. A lot of these people have bodysuits and stuff. When I think of women in little, I mean, I’ve seen some freaking. I mean, look at the.

Look at these arms. Those aren’t t rex arms. But then again, I need a body, and I need, like, in a sports bra, and I need to be able to see from straight on. I mean, that is kind of a t rex arm, because look, from here to here, it’s not, like, long and lanky. That is a long and lanky arm, but that one is not. Whoever has.

Who was the griner? We do. Can we do this one? What’s the breakdown on this one? Let me see. Is there, like, a full body shot? Any of these full bodies shot? Enough? I need to be able to see the shape of the. Like, it’s really hard to tell people in, like, I know that that sounds, like, really weird that they either have to be shirtless or in a bikini or something, but it’s, like, so hard to tell.

Oh, wait. Is that one hot new Brittany Griner. The college whatever is that? I don’t think so. I would be shocked if that was her. That’s not a girl. I don’t think that’s her. There’s no way that this is all the same person. No. Look at all the tattoos. There’s no tattoos on this one. Let me tell you. This one, I’m pretty sure that’s a male on sports Illustrated.

This one right here. Yeah, because here’s the thing, too. They’re trying to make men lust after other men, and women lust after other women. Because if you are lusting after another male one, females cannot ever compare to males, and you are depopulating because they can’t procreate. Okay. There’s a straight across clavicle. They’re sticking their butt out with that. And look where the navel placement is. Oh, yeah. It’s way higher, right? Yeah, but look, I wish that the butt is sticking out, and they’re contorting their body like this.

If they were standing up straight, their butt would stick straight out. The hip area is like. I wish that you could see where my mouse is. It’s like, where. I don’t know where to describe this. It’s where the bikini meets the tie. No, not right there. That’s not where. Right there. That is a male torso. If you take those lines off the bottom, like, right where the side one and the one that you just drew across meets.

That’s where the hip is. Right. The hip would be, like, right there. Right. That’s the waistline. The hip is right. Where do you see where the stream bikini meets the other stream bikini? Right at the front? Like, go this way a little bit. I could only look at one thing at a time. This is so hard. Well, I want to know, too, about where are you at on, like, celebrity clones? Oh, gosh.

Yeah, I think that there’s clones. I definitely feel like there’s clones. Are there any obvious ones? Like, what about Britney Spears? Is Britney Spears a clone? Yeah, that’s not Britney Spears. That’s not Britney Spears. They definitely clone people, and DNA matters. Have you noticed that a lot of celebrities have doppelgangers and then they have the exact same faces? I also feel like if you follow bright green barbie, she talks about multiple role actors, about how one person is playing multiple roles, and there’s not as many people in Hollywood as we think.

It’s, like, certain people playing different roles. I haven’t looked too far into that, but I feel like that’s a pretty interesting theory. And as far as cloning, I feel like they’re using the same dna and multiplying it. What are the ods that there’s so many doppelgangers just in this little, small area of Hollywood? What are the chances that two skull and bones members, one of the most elite societies on the planet, would both be running for president at the exact same time? Yeah.

And the answer is 100%. The chances are 100% because that’s what’s happening. Yeah. This whole thing is a show. There is no control. The best thing that people can do, in my opinion, is just worry about their family and just worry about your family. Stay in your word, and you’re good. Obviously, I feel like being smart and preparing, but I feel like people need to be prepared regardless.

You need to be self sufficient. You need to be broken out of that system, period. Not just because everything is, but just in general. People need to take responsibility for their own lives. They don’t need to be dependent on other people for it. So, yeah, that’s my thoughts on that. I want to ask you a little bit more, too, about your plans on doing podcasts and just navigating this space in general.

But first, we’ve got a really quick segment that maybe will take you by surprise. I don’t know yet. We’ll find out. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks. Get set and go. Okay, rules here are very simple. It’s a one to ten rating, where if you give it a ten, it means you fully believe it, and if you give it a one, it means you don’t believe it at all.

Does that make sense? Yes. We’re going to start with flat Earth, one to ten, maybe like an eight. That the earth is flat. Eight out of ten. Yes. I know that it is not a globe. I know that there is firmament and I’m wondering if it’s like more dome shaped, you know what I’m saying? But those, we’ll get into all of the expansions on some of these. Okay.

On that same concept of flat Earth, one to ten, that there’s infinite land outside the arctic wall. Eleven. Okay, so more than convinced. Yes. Hollywood striking is important. One to ten. Hollywood striking? Yeah, when they go on strike and you don’t get new movies and tv shows until you pay them more. Is that a thing? Yeah. Well, that was a thing this past year. They had the SAG after strike, which is when people weren’t allowed to shoot movies and all sorts of tv shows got delayed.

I guess the answer is there. It’s not very important. We didn’t even know that Hollywood was on strike for half of a year. Wasn’t keeping up with that. Psychedelics are a connection to another realm. Ten. Do you think there’s demons in that realm? Yes. We’re going to get into that too. Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs are real. One to 100. What about dragons? At any point in history did dragons exist? Fire breathing, flying.

Ten. Darwinian evolution is real. Zero. Are you familiar with lamarckian evolution theory? No. What is that? It’s the concept of I’m going to butcher it, but basically like genetic memory or being able to pass down your lived experiences to your offspring without actually having to tell them about it. I think that’s nephilim remnants. I think those are demons. Are you familiar with Alastair Crowley at all? Yes, one to ten.

Alistair Crowley summoned a real demon, probably ten. And we were talking about Scientology earlier. If you peel back all those layers, you’ll find that Crowley is at the heart of all of that. There would be no Scientology without Alistair Crowley. So I think you’re right on the money about peeling back that being just another expression of this occult religion. Yeah. Jeffrey Epstein took his own life, one to ten, literally zero.

Osama bin laden was buried at sea, one to 100. Lee Harvey Oswald was involved with JFK’s shooting. Whatever was put out is not the story that happened. It’s whatever narrative they want. But I don’t know. He could have done something. I don’t know. I just don’t think it played out how it played out. What about the Mandela effect? One to ten? I can explain it, too, if you’re not as familiar with it.

I think I know what you’re talking about, but if it is, this is, like, when memories change around you. Where it used to be the baron stain bears, and now it’s the Baronstein. Or some people say, like, the monopoly guy didn’t have a monocle, and then he, like, there’s those types of things. I feel like that’s what I was thinking, but I think that that’s part of, like, mkultra mind programming.

I feel like that’s kind of involved with that stuff. So probably I’m not too familiar with that, but that’s, like, mkultra. I would say that’s probably, like, an eight. It’s not something I could say 100% that I know, but from what you said and what I know, that’s part of, like, mkultra. One in ten nephilim are, like, walking the earth today. 20. What about, like, reptilian shapeshifters? Yes.

Ten. What about alien grays? Like, the little dudes with the big heads and the black eyes and all that? I think they’re real, but I don’t think they’re aliens. What about Nikola Tesla energy? Are you familiar with this at all? Like, the free energy movement? I’ve heard about it, but it’s not like with the politics. I’m not anything too deep in that. I was maybe, like, two years ago, but I haven’t really looked into stuff that Elon Musk, Nikola Tesla, stuff like, I haven’t looked into that, but anything involving world leaders or innovations and stuff like that, I don’t know why, but my mind immediately is like, okay, not good.

I don’t know why. One to ten. The Titanic sunk from hitting an iceberg. Zero possibility that that’s why that happened. What about Bob Marley? Died of cancer. You ever heard about that before? No. Well, the whole story was that he hurt his toe playing soccer, and then over time, it spread, and that turned into. It depends. Bigfoot, one to ten. I think that’s real. Like, a full ten.

Bigfoot? Yeah, I think a full ten. Have you heard of dog man before? Are you a ten on dog man, too? Yes. What about chupacabras? Yes. Oh, my gosh. Let me tell you about this story. Okay. Is this chupacabra related? Yes. Okay, let’s hear it. Okay. Demon Eraser asked on his post the other day. If you’d have a paranormal experience. And this completely, like, I forgot about this when I was 18 years old.

I was really heavily drinking. I feel like I was opening myself up to things that were not good, being promiscuous, all those things. And so when I would get done with work, me and my friends, we would want to go do crazy things. Like, there was a cemetery beside my friend’s house from the 18 hundreds. And I’d be like, let’s go. Let’s go see what’s there. And just all that stuff, like trying to seek out stuff like that.

It was ridiculous. Did you light as a feather in the graveyard? No. I feel like I was too scared to actually go, but I would, like, drive by and be like, let’s go. I wanted to see something which is inviting stuff in. That’s a terrible idea. Don’t do that. So one day, for the past week, we would drive on our way home from work. It’d be like 1112 o’clock at night, and we would go to our friend’s house, and she lived on a country road.

And right before we would get to the cemetery, there was this freaking thing that looked like a chupacabra. And we called it ghost dog. And it looked like a dog that had mange or something, but it was, like, scary as crap. And it’s almost like you don’t know if you really saw it. So we would drive by, and I’d be like, what the is that? And they’d be like, I saw that, too.

And I was like, what is that? And we would drive by so fast that we never got a chance to see it. It was just kind of like, what the heck is that? And so one night, it was right in front of the middle of the road, and we slowed down and rolled the window down, and I tried to take a picture of it, and my phone shut off, but then I looked it up, like, maybe, I don’t know, a couple of months ago.

And it kind of looked like a coyote with mange, but I don’t know what that was. It’s, like, still something that I talk about today. And we called it ghost dog, but it was weird as crap. So I don’t know. It sounds like a ten, though. Yes, but it looked kind of like a chupacabra, though. It looked like a chupacabra, like a deer dog thing. Like a coyote with mange.

It looked like something like that. It was weird. So just to wrap this little segment up, there’s this interesting sort of pattern that keeps emerging here. And it’s that usually if someone rates dinosaurs very low, like a zero or one, they’ll also rate dragons high. And I’m just curious, what is the rationale for giving dragons such a high rating and giving dinosaurs such a low? Like, I don’t know.

I feel like this sounds stupid. I feel like scripture talks about dragons and they don’t talk about dinosaurs. And I feel like dinosaurs could possibly be, like, nephilim remains, because I don’t think that anybody’s ever found all the stuff in the museum. Like, those are fake. Those are fake bones, and they keep the real bones for protection. I don’t think that those are dinosaur bones. I think that they’re remnants of nephilim bones, so that people don’t realize that there was actually giants and that there probably still is remnants of that, like, 23 andme DNA.

Why do you think they’re trying to get people’s dna? What if there is remnants of nephilim DNA in people? What are they going to do to you? Snatch you up and be like, okay, you’re about to be part of this occult. I don’t know. So I don’t know. I kind of like that the 23 Andme is actually just trying to find Nephilim. That’s the real reason that they exist.

Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t know. You were talking a little bit earlier about how you might end up starting a podcast later this year, and I’m just curious what goes into your thinking on that? Is there anything? Because you also had a post that, I don’t want to paraphrase it incorrectly, but it was like that you might not be attracting the people that you thought you were trying to attract.

So what did you mean by all that? Okay, so this is what I’m talking about in that. So I talk a lot about conspiracies, and I’m entertaining. Funny, I’ll dance with my husband and be silly, but this is not like an all encompassing part of my life. I feel like God gave me this platform on social media to speak about the certain things that he wants me to speak on.

But beyond that, what I do for a living is I help people break out of the system. And I’m an entrepreneur, but my mentality is like very go getter entrepreneur, and I’m very business oriented, and I have a lot of knowledge and skill set in that area. And I don’t think looking at my page, you would know that. I don’t think looking at my page, you know, that I’m an entrepreneur, that I have business skills, that I have good managing skills.

I just don’t think that my page says that. And so I don’t think that I’m attracting the people that understand business or entrepreneurial mindset, stuff like that. I think that I don’t know that I’m just here to kind of entertain people and talk about transgender stuff off the wall. I don’t think that if I’m wanting to work with serious people and move forward with people that are in similar mindset in business, that they would want to work with me, because I don’t portray that I have any kind of knowledge or skill set in that area.

And so I was trying to reconcile that. I was like, okay, I still feel like I’m being called to talk about the occult, religion, and reading skeletal markers and helping people in this area and conspiracies. But I also feel like I need to give people a solution on what to do with this knowledge. Okay, so you have all this knowledge. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to use it to live in fear and anxiety, or are you going to use this knowledge as spiritual warfare tools and knowledge and discernment so that you can break out of the system, help your family, create strong family unit? What are we going to do with this information? And so I think I just need to give people a solution.

And I feel like the way to present yourself in that way would be talking about conspiracies and business together. Because if I was following a page and they had a podcast and they’re holding themselves professionally, it’s not just like a random person, like, shaking their butt, then I might want to work with them and do business with them and converse with them and stuff like that and have more conversations about people who are also interested in those things and helping people.

So I think that’s really the direction that I’m going to take my page in this new year. I’m looking about just when to set up the podcast room, the equipment that I need. I’m looking at TikTok, talking to people about it. Like, what do I need to do to get started? So those are just my thoughts on the why behind. Yeah. Do you have a top three list of what to do to break free if you had to consolidate that whole go getter, entrepreneurial, conspiracy theorist mentality? Okay, so the company that I partner with.

So basically, 13 bloodlines rule the world, are in charge of the banking. Most companies, like, everything. Okay, what if there was a store that had no involvement in any of those one, that’s something that I’m passionate about. I don’t want to be partnered and associated with those people. So there is a store that does that right now. Inflation is literally killing people. It’s making it to where people are having to work two, three jobs.

It’s getting the mother and the father out of the home so that they cannot invest into their children. They have to send them off to indoctrination. People are barely surviving. That’s by design, by the way. The enemy knew what he was doing. The whole world was set up to go against the family unit. So if I can get mom and dad in the home, being able to disciple and teach their children, and they’re not having to worry about finances.

When inflation hits, it’s not a worry. When supply chain issues happens, it’s not a worry because the store that I’m shopping at makes and manufactures all of their own products in America. I told you my husband got kicked out of the military. I was able to bring him home so that we’re a full time family and then we’re both able to invest into our kids. That’s why they’re so strong in their faith and truth and all that stuff.

I feel like that’s really important. And that’s not what. You don’t want a bunch of critical thinkers walking around here. They’re not easy to control and manipulate. The military is allowing people back now. I don’t know if you read that. They ended up losing so many people now. They’re like, you know what? You’re allowed to come back. There’s no bonus or anything. And I think you have to come back in demoted.

No, people have been sending me that. And he was just like, I am not doing that. My place is here. He was like, I missed enough. Like, he was gone for months at a time. He missed a lot of our kids lives. So he was like, I’m not doing that. He goes, my place is here. He said, my job. He said, God gave you this opportunity and this job so that I could invest into our kids and disciple and teach them and so that you could help other people break out.

And so this goes along with self sufficiency and stuff. I’m partnered with a company and they’re not canceling me for talking about the stuff that I’m talking about. I can talk about whatever I want to talk about, and they’re not going to cancel me because I’m a private contractor. And so what job do you have the freedom to speak on? The things that you’re passionate about and not fear that you’re going to lose your job or that it’s going to come back and bite you in the butt.

And what job do you have that you can just connect with people, with like minded people and just build relationships and just help them in all areas? I don’t know. A job that’s like that, that you can stay home and do that and break free, essentially, and just invest into people. So that’s what I want to try to help other people do because there’s so many people out there struggling.

It’s not even funny because I know what’s possible. I know the life that I live. I know that the stress that’s lifted when you don’t have to worry about finances, when you’re not limited to a time card, when you’re not paid based on hours that you work, but the quality of work that you provide when you’re paid based on how many people you can help. I don’t know.

I just feel like it’s like a gift that I’m really glad that I was given, and so I just want to pass that on to people. And I’ve done it. I’ve passed it on to a lot of people, but there’s still so many people out there that need what I have to give. And so that’s something that I’m really passionate about and want to help. In your mind, when you start doing your show long term, do you lead with conspiracy theory and then sneak in some business, or do you lead with business and then sneak in some conspiracy theory? I’m probably going to lead with conspiracy theory because I don’t want to work with people who aren’t awake.

Here’s the thing. In my business, too, I get to pick and choose who my business partners are, right? I don’t want to work with somebody who doesn’t align with my beliefs. Not 100%, but isn’t awake. I’m probably not going to work with somebody. I mean, I guess if they wanted to, but we’re probably not going to be a good fit. If the person is maybe a liberal that gets offended because I post something about my husband didn’t get the shot or whatever, that’s probably not going to be a good fit.

What if someone comes in? They’re like, all right, I’m ready to work. I just got three boosters on my way in today. I’m shedding spike proteins everywhere I look. Okay, I’ll say this. I’ve worked with people who are family members of mine who are in the LGBTQ realm, and I helped them with content, helped them build their social media. But long term, I’m on a team with a bunch of patriots who are awake.

And so them getting on the zooms, and then we’re talking about f the government, they don’t really thrive there. You know what I’m saying? You’re welcome, but you’re probably going to get offended. But if you don’t care, sure, I’ll help you, but I don’t know if it’s a long term good fit. So the company in general is not political, but there’s people that build businesses that are liberal, and they really focus on the aspect of greener, cleaner products that are nontoxic and cheaper.

The CEO holds conservative values and they donate to conservative causes, but they don’t have a political thing. I mean, it says made in America, but they don’t come out and say, we’re against blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know what I’m saying? It’s like, I know what they donate to. I know the CEO. I know his values and stuff like that. My team that I am with is a group of conservative women.

I’ll work with people, but I’ve learned that things need to be a good fit, meaning we need to have the same common goals. Meaning I had a lot of people that were working with me that were homemakers, which is awesome. But when they started to have success and it required more of them and their time, they didn’t want to do that because it went against what they believed their roles were, you know what I’m saying? And so there has to be this balance of alignment, you know what I’m saying? Because once they started having success, they were like, oh, I can’t give more, or I don’t want to give more.

So then it’s just like it flopped. So I’m very picky with who I work with. They kind of want to have common goals. A lot of people don’t want their husband’s home. A lot of people don’t want to not worry about. It’s just not worth it to them. So I want to attract people who have similar goals on where they want to be in life and kind of like similar personalities because, well, I work with people that don’t have the same personalities, but they don’t get offended when I say stuff like, if I’m like, okay, you need to change this and do this instead.

They’re not going to get their feelings hurt and be like, oh, well, I’m not good enough, blah, blah, blah. They’re just going to go do it. They’re not going to be like, oh, she’s being mean. She can’t stand me, blah, blah. They’re not going to be soft. I can’t work with people who are soft and can’t deal with me just saying, like, being matter of fact, you know what I’m saying? If for some reason on the podcast, you’re like, hey, move your camera this way because I can’t see you.

I can’t be like, oh, he’s targeting me. I can’t be that insecure, and there’s no ulterior motive. Sometimes people just mean what they say. And I feel like the way that I communicate is more direct and straightforward and to the point. There’s not a lot of sugar coating. And so I feel like I have to work with people that are like that. It’s just like, matter of fact, you understand that there’s a business and there’s friendship.

I’ll be your friend and I’ll joke with you on couch. But when we’re talking about business, we’re talking about business. We’re talking about how to get to a to b, and we’re being serious. And once we’re finished with business, then we can laugh and cut up. But right now, this is serious. And it doesn’t mean that I don’t like you. It means that we have to get from point a to point b to help you.

And then we can sit there and talk and cut up. If there’s someone out there that’s listening and like, oh, man, this sounds awesome. I want to work with her. How do they reach out? What are they searching to find you? Are they just hitting you up on social media? Yeah, you can just message me. I do have a jot form in my bio, the little link, but people usually don’t get back to me when I message them on that.

So just, like, shoot me a message and then we can jump on a zoom. I can tell you what all it entails. You can see if you think it would be a good fit, let you know the expectations, and if it’s something that you want to move forward with, I go all in. I’m loyal. I go all in. If you give me your all, I give you my all.

And we move mountains and we change your family’s life, and that’s what we do. And so if people want to do that, I’m here. If people want to dabble, I’m probably not the person for you. If you want to change your life, I’m your person. If you want to try something out as, like, a little hobby, I’m probably not your person. Have you been workshopping any names for your upcoming podcast? I haven’t, but I’m probably going to have you on if you want.

Yeah, no, I’m 100% interested. But have you been thrown around titles for the name? Oh, maybe, like, blurred lines? Possibly. I’ve been thinking about that. That’s, like, the only name that I’ve been thinking about. I talked about it with my husband. He was like, yeah, I don’t know. That sounds cool. We got to look and see if it’s, like, copyrighted or something. But I was thinking, like, the blurred lines, and that could be the blurred lines of androgyny Hollywood.

Probably the blurred lines of business, too, between serious people and not serious people. Like the blurred lines of everything. I don’t know. I could probably brainstorm other stuff, but that’s all I thought about so far. Again, this might not be the right word, but are there any celebrities that you would endorse or say, know, these ones are safe? Or is like, the second that you’re in a Hollywood movie, you’re just immediately suspect? Yes.

I don’t trust celebrities. Now, influencers, in my opinion, are a different thing because I don’t think influencers are on that same realm unless they have millions of followers. Because the people that I work with, we have systems to build up people’s social medias to, like, 200,000 followers. So it’s like, these are, like, normal, everyday people who just learn how to work the social media algorithm. There’s, like, literally a system in place.

Like, you post content and you follow people that like that content, and then you grow quickly. It’s not that hard to figure out. So, like, partnering and collaborating with other influencers, I would do that, but celebrities, probably not. Are there any telltale sign? Let’s say that you get up to the point where you’re just talking and dming with accounts that have got 510 million followers on a regular basis.

Are there, like, certain, and I guess you don’t have to give any of the secret sauce out. Would there be certain questions? Would there be things that you’d look out for and then be like, ooh, they’re going on the blacklist? Yeah, I mean, you can tell right off the, I have spiritual discernment, so I can talk with somebody and tell where they’re aligning with spiritually. Like, I can tell if they’re a believer.

I can tell their worldview. Just, if you just sit there and listen to people for, like, two minutes, you can tell their mindset. So, yeah, I don’t know if I’d ever be in the position to talk to somebody with that many followers, but if I was, I feel like there would be a spiritual discernment on, okay, who is this person? What are they about? I feel like the Lord would guide me on there.

I never enter a situation and think, like, how am I going to get my way out of this? Or what am I going to say? I kind of just, God’s going to tell me what to say. I’m going to know what to say. So I think that would just apply there, too. Do you ever get spiritual guidance over mundane things? Or is it only important because I know people that will trying to make a decision on where they’re going to go for their birthday or where they’re going to go out to eat, and they’ll consult their God in order to figure that out.

But is there anything that’s too trivial for that, or is anything for asking for guidance? I think you can submit God in your life, in every single situation, in every single encounter that you have with somebody. And this is something that I struggle with. How do I respond to this person? Is the intent of their heart toxic and bad? Is this, like, a person from the enemy? And do I combat whatever influences are over them and how they’re talking to me, or do I give grace in this situation? How do I talk with this person? It could even be daily stuff in folding the laundry.

Okay, if I have to fold the laundry, walk the dogs. I’m really tired. I need to eat. I could be like, God, help me. Place in order. Which one is more relevant that I need the most? Should I take a rest? Should I feed myself first? Which one do I need to do first so that I can serve my family and others better? It’s always got to come from, like, what is your will for me to be productive and help others? And so I don’t know.

It’s just always at the forefront of my mind, even in the little mundane things. And, I mean, that’s not a big thing, but it’s just like, I don’t know. He’s constantly in my mind. I constantly think, is this of God or not of God? I don’t know. It’s just, like, all encompassing. I actually love the concept of double checking with God over your to do list, although I feel like, coincidentally, he’d always be like, no, you can do the clean the gutters next weekend.

We don’t need to do that this weekend. This is coming from the big guy. Yeah, because here’s the thing, too. I have ADHD really bad, and so I have issues focusing and getting tasks done in a reasonable time. I feel like I’m constantly working and just drained, and I have an autoimmune disease. And sometimes I work myself to death and I don’t take care of myself. And so sometimes we need rest.

And God even says that he’s like, he worked really hard. Sometimes I have a hard work to rest balance. My husband is working right now because somebody at where he used to work had a baby and they needed a guy to fill in. He hasn’t worked in a year. And so this whole year, I’ve been able to work my business and take care of my kids. But while I’m on Zoom now, I don’t have him.

So I’m working, like, 3 million jobs at the same time, and I’m having a hard time balancing, like, okay, where do I spend my time? What do I do? And so I don’t know. I just feel like a failure in this area right now. But I remember that he works really hard for six days, and then he takes time to rest. And if you look in scripture, Jesus talks to people, spends a lot of time, but then he retreats in quiet to recharge.

And I feel like if God does that, if Jesus does that, yes, you can work really hard, but you do need to take time to recharge. And I feel like I have to put that at my forefront. Maybe him dying for three days and coming back was really just like he needed to recharge. He just needed to take a long weekend off, because when I come back, it’s over.

The only way to get people to stop coming and ask him for miracles was to fake his own death. Gosh, I can’t imagine. Well, I know that he cares for all of us, so I’m sure that he does it for. But now that you’re saying that, I imagine that he probably feels like a parent does when his kids are always. I feel that I wake up, I’ve got two dogs, I’ve got three kids.

I’ve got my team, I’ve got my husband. I’ve got 10 million people messaging me all at once. Everybody needs me. From the time that I wake up until the time that I go to bed, I’m just like, please don’t need me. If you’re self sufficient, and you’re a grown person. Please figure it out. Give me a break. I just imagined maybe it’s a dated movie, but Bruce almighty with Jim Carrey, and he’s, like, gone.

He goes to check his inbox, and he knocks out the first three, and he’s like, all right, I’m doing pretty good. And he hits refresh, and it’s like 20 more million messages. That’s literally me. And this is another thing. When I’m interacting with people on social media, and they’re like, they’re not being direct with me on if they’re wanting my help, if they’re wanting whatever, and they are just kind of doing at their own leisure.

I don’t think people understand how many messages and the time that I’m taking away from my family to do this. And so I feel like they feel, like, taken aback because they think the world revolves around them. And they don’t ever think, like, okay, there’s a person behind the screen. Queen awake is a person. She’s taking time to go through all these. I’m sure that she has a million messages.

So I just want to be respectful of that on both ends. I don’t think people think that. I have an assistant that helps me with my messages and stuff, and she’s like, dang, you’re talking to people all day. And I’m like, yes. And she’s like, I don’t think people realize this. They think that you’re just, like, talking, which I guess is a good thing. If I can make you feel like you’re the only person that I’m talking to, I guess that’s a good thing.

But then it’s a double edged sword, because then they don’t understand that I’ve got 50 other conversations that I’m also doing at the same time. And so I don’t know. It’s a lot to do all at once. Well, starting a podcast will help you and hurt you in some ways, because now you can have that conversation with all those people at once, which is a big part of it.

But the other part is you’re going to have way less time. It’s so much more work than just like, oh, I’ll just have someone jump on and we’ll talk for an hour and that’s it. There’s way more that goes into it. This is what I’m thinking. And tell me if this is realistic. So I’m thinking, okay, you record an episode, right? A 90 minutes episode. You can splice that up into, like, 30 pieces of content, right? Like you can splice up different sections of this into like 30 pieces of content that could last you two months.

Say you do two podcasts a month. I mean this is just what I’m thinking, like starting out. But if you do like two podcasts and you splice up different sections that you can use as content, that’s like 60 pieces worth of content. And then I can put my talking reels in the mix of that, that would last a long time. And then in that meantime, while I have that content, I could be recording maybe a podcast each week and then I could edit it when I have time.

But at least I have that mass content to post, so it gives me time to do it at my own pace. And when my husband comes back home, this is going to be a lot less overwhelming because he takes my kids for like 2 hours and they go to the YMCA, he works out, they go to childcare. And so that gives me time to do what I need to do with work because I can knock out a lot in 2 hours and I could edit at night.

So I mean you’re doing this at night. I just have to work around my schedule. But do you think that sounds realistic? Because I think that’s a solid plan. I would say that what you’ll be able to do is you’ll be able to take your content and stretch it out for way longer. But in a weird way, it’s easier to sit down and record 2 hours of new content than it is to take an hour and chop it up and make all those edits and select them and all.

Sometimes all that editing is like way more effort than, because I know people that are getting way bigger than I am in podcasting and it’s like if they have to make a decision between sit down and edit this video for the next 6 hours and create the clips and upload it to rumble and rockfin and YouTube and all the places, or just hop on and live stream for 2 hours and they get the same if not more engagement.

I don’t know, it’s like a yes and situation. It’s like, yeah, do that and also do lives and also do more shows and just have all that in the chamber. I’m sure that it’s all consuming. Okay. This is where my entrepreneurial mind goes, hire help. I mean I do have a hired assistant, but I’m thinking, okay, I’m going to hire somebody to edit this for me. You would get an editor start out, although AI is starting to replace a lot of those now.

You just link AI to your video and it’ll be like, here’s your 50 clips. Well, yeah, I’m sure that there’s ways to make that to where I don’t have to do another thing. If I can task something out, I do, because time is money, right? So if I’m spending time doing something that somebody else could do, this sounds bad. My assistant is my neighbor, but she’s also my business partner.

She helps me fold laundry, she helps me fold dishes if I’m on Zoom. She helps me with my kids, she helps me with messages. She helps me with print off tax. She does everything. But that’s too much. I probably just need to find somebody who just does social media. She can help me with that. Have her hire her own person and it just goes on forever. Well, that’s what I told her.

I said, because she’s doing the business and she’s starting to get busy with that, too. And I’m like, you’re going to have to hire one of these teenagers neighborhood to do this and fold your laundry. And she’s like, I know, that’s awesome. It’s creating jobs. Yeah, it is. And for kids that are wanting it, they’re giving out flyers. I do want to show you something, though, that I looked at yesterday on my live.

You should look up Brooke Shields. Brooke Shields. Yeah, this just popped up in my, okay. Oh, you know what? It says Brooke Shields, but I’m pretty sure that this is the Kardashian mom, what’s her name? The Olympic medalist. Exactly. Bruce Jenner. That’s exactly what is, this is Bruce Jenner isn’t just they just type titled the name here wrong? I mean, it could be, but do you see what I’m saying? Look at the features.

And then I want you to look at one in a bathing suit. I looked at one last night and I was like, oh my gosh. Because this is the v that I want to show you. Hold on. Go down. There was like an american flag bikini or something. Type in american flag bathing suit right there. Okay, look, Brooks shields. Right? Hold on. Click the one that says the sun to the right to in the water.

Up. I’m so blind of this one. No, it’s up at the top. It’s like the one, two, three, fourth one from the top. The one right next to it. To the left. Yes. That one gives a really, this is what I’m talking about. Do you see how it’s v shaped? I wish that I could do this, but there’s a straight across clavicle the square Forehead. If you cut the face in half, it goes symmetrical.

There’s a higher navel, and then there’s not a hip. That right there. Cover up the face. If you scroll back up, cover up the face and tell me that you don’t see guy. That is a dude. I don’t have all my tools set up here, but, yeah. Do you see the length of the arm bones, too? It’s not, like, short and trexy. It’s, like, really long arms. And look at where the navel placement is.

Females is, like, lower. I wish that I could, like, if I stand up, could I show you what I’m talking about? Yeah. Okay, look, this is, like, so weird on a podcast. Okay. This part right here. Right here. Well, hold on. This side right here. Hers is going in like this. There is nothing right here, like, on this area. This is a hip. Not up here. I mean, yeah, right here.

But it’s, like, mainly this area. A lot of people are looking up here. It’s, like, this area, the widest part of somebody. Do you see the widest part right there is, like, right there? Yes. There is no hip. There’s no hip right there. And then if you go and. Yeah, there’s no hip. That is a guy. If you go and look up pink, it’s the same thing. The singer pink.

It’s like, this is so hard to explain without, like, if you look up pink in a bikini. Holy. You see what I’m talking? It’s like, see if you can find, like, a straight. Oh, look at the straightforward one right there with the green pants. This one right here? Yeah. Do you see the straight across clavicle? And do you see where the pockets are hitting? There’s no hip right there.

And do you see how the arms are super long? Those bones are long. And then do you see the belly button is higher up? And then there’s an adonis belt, which typically, women don’t get that. Typically. That’s not a woman trait. And then you put these people on top of, like, okay, so we have girls who are comparing themselves to these people. I remember looking at celebrities and being like, I want to look like that.

I don’t want my wide part right here. I want to be thinner right here. It’s because I want to look like this. Women are comparing themselves to men. In all seriousness, I wish I was as jacked as pink is right here. This dude is ripped. Who is this dude? It’s like, my husband is, like, 260 pounds. He’s, like, a freaking huge. But for some reason. And then he’s comparing himself to people in bodysuits.

Yeah. That is not. Yeah. And do you see how they’re saying it, like, sexiest body. Go look at the people on Vogue and stuff. It’s like they’re putting in Sports Illustrated. Have you heard about Victoria’s Secret, about how all of their models are or most of their models are male? That’s what the secret is to make you. I do like, uh. So Les Wexner was just surrounding himself with more guys.

Yeah. And, like, America’s beauty pageant. And now they’re coming out as openly transgender, and it’s like, that’s who women are comparing themselves to. That’s what men’s standard of beauty is. Men. You know what’s also really ironic and kind of ridiculous? You want to know what my content post for tomorrow is? I got put on a conspiracy page on Facebook because people said that I had all male gender markers.

And they’re like, this person is controlled op. She’s a part of the Illuminati. They’re like, it’s a man. And do you know why they said that? They said, it’s because my eyes are far apart. That’s not a gender. Like, that’s literally not a gender marker. And so I put a post together. There was, like, somebody that commented on my thing yesterday, and they were like, this is a man.

And I was like, you know what? People are being rude. I’m about to take this and make it into content. And so it’s kind of scary, but I took my birth video of me yelling, and when I gave birth to my daughter, and I’m like, okay, here you go. Giving birth because you see one. It sounds really bad because I’m, like, screaming at the top of my lungs, but then you see me pull my daughter out and put her on me, and then I’m like, yes, men can do this.

This is the sound of transition. This freaking hurts. Men can’t do this. There is something a little bit poetic, though, about if your content is about calling out other people’s genders, of course someone’s going to come and do it to you because it’s like the pecking chain. It goes on forever. You know why it makes me upset? Because it means that they’re not getting it. If they can’t read my markers and they’re thinking that I’m a male, I’m like, okay, they’re not getting it.

They’re not seeing. They’re not learning. Like, what is the point? Why are you following me. If you can’t read markers, I’m trying to teach you how to do it here, and you obviously aren’t getting it. And so I’m like, I can’t deal with you. But if you’re Psyop, then of course you would say that. You’re just trying to teach the wrong markers. If I was psyop, okay. And so this is what I’m saying with people using critical thinking skills.

If I was Psyop one, it’s usually for a political push of some sort. If I was Psyop, I wouldn’t be trying to push people towards scripture, towards getting a relationship with their creator in Jesus Christ, to give them peace. And, like, I wouldn’t be doing be. Well, I guess you would have to believe the Bible to think that, but I would be trying to create confusion. Well, I mean, I guess my page is.

It’s exposing the confusion and exposing the deception. So I feel like there is, like, this is why I say I have a piece about what I’m. It’s not all consuming. I’m not thinking that everybody in the world is like this trans person that’s trying to get me or whatever. It’s like I have a piece. It’s like I know truth. I can see trickery right in front of my face.

I know what’s true and what’s not true. But I don’t live my life in fear about what’s happening. And it’s like, I don’t feel like those people saying that. I don’t feel like they have that peace. I feel like there is a healthy version of questioning things and pursuing truth. And then I feel like the enemy can take that depending on if you’re based in scripture. And he can use that to distort to where it’s like you’re questioning.

You don’t know what to believe. And he’s like, giving you little pieces of half truth. He’s like, here’s truth enough to get you. But then I’m also going to make you think that the actual truth is not truth to where you can’t discern between what is actually reality and what is trickery and what’s deception. And I feel like that’s a really dangerous place to be. And so when people come to my page, I really recommend them being rooted in their faith, because if not, I feel like the enemy can use my page and all these rabbit holes to really create this unhealthy balance of anxiety.

And, I don’t know, just being scared and fear is not from God. Anxiety. All this stuff is not from God. He gives you a peace. He gives you a knowing to just, I don’t know, he just gives you peace and certainty, not confusion, fear, anxiety and stuff like that. And so that’s what I’m saying. I base everything off of, is this fear? Is this anxiety? Is this confusion? Is this enemy? Or is this peace, is this truth? Is this stability? Is this, I don’t know, comfort? I think that’s a great litmus test.

Even if you don’t understand what truth is or even what stability is, you probably know what anxiety is and what confusion is and unrest. So I think that’s a great sort of litmus test to figure out, is this thing going to make me anxious or is this going to give me some peace? Yeah. And so it’s not good. If it’s like creating anxiety, it’s probably not good. And so if you can’t discern truth, if you don’t know what’s real, if something’s real, but you’re thinking that it’s false, that’s just like, I don’t know.

It’s like, where do you put your finger on? How do you even know that you’re real? I don’t know. It’s just like, where does it end? Well, now you’re getting the simulation theory, which is, in my opinion, it’s both one of the more interesting topics but also one of the more boring ones. Because the second that we both agree that we might be in a simulation, then it’s like, what the hell are we doing here? Why are we even talking? It’s just two parts in the simulation, simulating it out.

It’s like the matrix, I would assume, and then it’s just like. Then it goes back to, I feel like the enemy plays on this. What is your purpose? Like what you just said, why are you here? What is your purpose when you know your purpose? Do you know why I’m not scared to talk about what I’m scared to talk about? Because I know that nothing is going to happen to me until the day that I’m supposed to go home.

And I can walk in truth and confidence to know that if something happens to me, it’s supposed to happen. And I’m going home to my creator. And I can walk in confidence that if it’s not my time, nothing anybody does can harm me. And so I’m able to speak that and walk in that confidence and truth and not just be fearful about everything. It all goes back to fear.

But I don’t know. Those are just, like, my thoughts on that topic. I think that’s a great place to end it because that’s probably the one of the best. No matter what religion or creed or wherever your mental mind state is, fear never helps anyone do anything unless you’re literally running away from a bear in a forest. That might be the one case when fight or flight takes place, and that would be a good example of it.

Yeah, that’s true. Until your podcast starts, it might be called blurred line. We don’t know yet. We’re still shopping that. But where can people find you in the meantime? Okay. At Queen underscore awake. Underscore on Instagram. I do have a TikTok, but I am not active on there. So I would just look for me on Instagram, and then I would assume that when I start the podcast, I’ll probably be on YouTube.

I’ll probably be making shorts and doing it on Facebook and all the platforms. Since it’s just going to be one piece of content, you can just post it everywhere, but for right now, it’s just. But have you tried getting transvestigator as a name on any of these platforms or too spicy? No, I probably could, but I want to kind of create curiosity. I feel like you attract more people when you create curiosity versus giving them everything right up front to where they know they might already have perceived notions versus on, like, blurred lines.

They’re like the blurred lines of what? Let me listen to this. So instead of saying, chatham tatum is definitely a chick, you’d be like, is Chatham Tatum a chick? Find out. I get it now. All of a sudden, it’s like, oh, now I don’t need to watch it because you already told me the answer versus. Okay, maybe I’ll hang around for 2 hours and listen to some ad spots.

Make everything a little teaser, if you’ve noted. Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but I did a five part miniseries on how to read skeletal structures. I didn’t give everybody everything in the first one. I left a teaser for each one so that people continue to follow along. You’ve got to be like, poise and you’ve got to give people just a little bit. Enough. That sounds bad.

I’ve always done that in life. Even in the dating scene. It’s like, I’m going to make you curious to continue to want to pursue a relationship with me. I’m going to make our conversations interesting. You’re never going to know how I. And it’s like, I’m not going to tell you everything that I’m thinking right up front now. I’m more of an open book. But it’s like when I’m conversing with people, I like to make it a dialogue instead of me just, like, blobbing one thing and then them not replying, because that’s how it works.

It’s like you go back and forth with people, and if you ask the right questions, it creates a dialogue instead of one. Just like word vomit monologue. Then people think they know and they have preconceived notions, and it’s like, no, you didn’t even talk to me or let me explain. I like to create dialogue curiosity. I think that’s another awesome tip. And I guess on that note, instead of saying that raven, shout out raven of the Nephilim death squad.

That’s the real name of one of his shows, is Nephilim death squad, because they’re out to find all the nephilim and eradicate them. Oh, my God. We’ll say that he’s not definitely a man, but maybe he is. You’ll have to tune into the next episode, and maybe we’ll figure out whether or not this is a female skull or not. Cliffhanger. Cliffhanger. Thank you again for coming on 100%.

I want to go through all the presidents, and we’ll figure out which one are men and women based on all your gender markers. I’m going to have to go. I’m going to have to put together a presentation. I’ve learned some stuff on here. I got to come prepared. I love that idea, though. I want to just go through all of the old black and white photos. I’ll try and find pictures of Abraham Lincoln.

Whatever I got to do, I’ll find it, do it and send it to me and see if you got any with them in swimsuits. Okay, I’ll do that. I’ll send it to you first, and we can collab on it, and then we’ll break it back out. Until then, thank you so much again for coming on here. Queen awake, everyone go and follow queen awake. And then also, since we were talking about cool things to share with your family and friends and kids, I’ll show something appropriate for once.

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  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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