Paranoid American Podcast 054: The Real TruthSeekah

Spread the Truth



➡ Paranoid American is a comic publisher that has been exploring and revealing hidden truths about our world since 2012. They cover a range of topics from secret societies to forbidden technology. They also have a podcast and a website where they share their findings and engage with their audience. They’ve faced challenges with censorship and have had to learn to use code words to discuss certain topics.
➡ This text discusses the idea of immortality through memory and the power of names. It suggests that people can live on after death if they are remembered, and this concept is explored through various religious and historical perspectives, including Christianity and Egyptian magic. The text also discusses the idea of a “second death,” which occurs when a person’s name is spoken for the last time, and how people try to avoid this by leaving a lasting legacy. Finally, it touches on the power of collective memory and how it can be manipulated, such as through the removal of monuments.
➡ This text discusses various interpretations of biblical stories, suggesting that they may contain hidden meanings related to magic and spirituality. It explores the idea that figures like Noah and Jesus might have been magical beings, and that their stories contain coded messages about the use of magic. The text also discusses the symbolism of serpents and crocodiles in these stories, suggesting they represent different types of magic. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of laughter and joy in understanding and coping with these complex ideas.
➡ This conversation discusses how our perceptions of certain things, like the term ‘Nimrod’ and the dunce cap, have been shaped by popular culture and history. The speakers also talk about the potential spiritual significance of pyramids and tents, and how they might be used for astral travel or connecting with a celestial council. They end by discussing the challenges of content creation and censorship on platforms like YouTube.
➡ The text discusses the power and hidden meanings of words, particularly in religious and ancient contexts. It highlights how words can have different interpretations and can be used to convey coded messages. The speaker also shares his passion for etymology, the study of word origins, and how it influences his work as a rapper. He mentions his journey from being a Christian rapper to exploring more esoteric themes in his music.
➡ The text talks about the unique blend of Christianity and heavy metal music, known as Christian metal or metalcore. It describes how these bands would perform in churches, combining intense music and moshing with spiritual messages. Despite the aggressive nature of the music and performances, the bands and fans used it as a form of worship and a way to express their struggles and emotions. However, the scene also faced challenges, such as the clash between the Christian values and some non-Christian behaviors at the shows.
➡ The text talks about a person’s journey from performing heavy Christian metal music to Christian rap. They performed at churches and bars, often dealing with intense reactions from the audience. They transitioned from Christian metal to rap, but struggled to attract a crowd for rap concerts. Eventually, they started incorporating elements of their broader spiritual beliefs into their music, which led to some pushback from the Christian community.
➡ The speaker discusses their journey from studying religious texts to debate and prove others wrong, to studying them for personal growth and understanding. They also talk about their interest in conspiracy theories and how topics once considered fringe are now mainstream and discussed in churches. They mention their respect for certain influential figures and the importance of giving credit where it’s due. Lastly, they express frustration about being judged for sharing the works of controversial figures, emphasizing that sharing doesn’t mean complete agreement.
➡ This text talks about how sharing or endorsing something doesn’t mean you agree with everything the person believes. It discusses the idea of ‘cancel culture’ and how people are often judged for past actions or statements. The text also explores the influence of figures like Kevin Hart, Manly Palmer Hall, and Alistair Crowley, and how their words and actions have been interpreted and judged. It emphasizes the importance of understanding context and the potential for growth and change.
➡ This text talks about how people often hide or “conceal” information, leading to conspiracy theories. It discusses how music and art can sometimes bypass censorship, but with modern technology, even lyrics can be analyzed for harmful content. The author also mentions how certain beliefs, like religion or politics, can make people more susceptible to conspiracy theories. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of choosing your words carefully to avoid offending others.
➡ The text discusses the idea of summoning demons and spirits, and how it’s been interpreted in different ways throughout history. It suggests that some people believe this practice can be used for good, as seen in biblical stories. The text also warns against exploring dark arts without understanding, and instead encourages finding inner light to gain control over personal demons. Lastly, it introduces a game where conspiracy theories are rated based on belief in them.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and beliefs, such as summoning demons, the existence of Bigfoot, and the idea that aliens helped build the pyramids. It also delves into biblical interpretations, suggesting that humans might be descendants of Nephilim (biblical giants), and that spiritual transformations could occur in tents, based on certain biblical stories. The text emphasizes the importance of understanding the original meanings of words in ancient texts to fully grasp their implications.


Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the paranoid american podcast. It launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world.

From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the aweinspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.

Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me. They’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Welcome another episode, paranoid American. We’re not stopping. I think we’re at like 53 or something right now. And today, first of all, yeah, let me make myself bigger so you can even see what I’m showing you.

If you haven’t already checked it out, this is the tinfoil trap mixtape, and you can just go to tinfoiltrap. com and listen to a whole bunch of different artists music. This is something that we put out with the Chaos twins comic with Sam Tripoli, which is why it’s the tinfoil trap. But you can find a growing list of artists that we’re going to keep adding to this. If you want to have your music featured on tinfoiltrap.

com, just reach out to us. Just hit me up on the website. We’ll get you up there. It’s basically all about conspiracy theory and truth oriented music, which has been a passion for almost my entire life, along with my homie today with his truth seeker. So welcome aboard, man. And plugs up front, let people know where they can find you. And then we’ll get into it. Oh, heck yeah, man.

Truthseeka. com, truth seekah. com, or anywhere that we’re not banned. We’re on everything. Yeah. What’s the latest platform you’ve been banned off of so far? I’ve been doing pretty good lately. Behavior yourself? Yeah, I’ve been learning how to use code words and that. Good stuff. Yeah. So I was able to keep it after having it deleted once I had a bunch of platforms deleted, man, I was over the lost children of Babylon.

I’m not sure if you know who that is, but absolutely conscious hip hop. I was over their YouTube, man. I was managing it, and my channel got banned. And because I was a manager, it pulled their channel, too, dude. And this was in, man, 2017 or something, but ever since then, I’m saying rebuilt. And I was like, okay, I’m going to try my best to play by the rules.

And my fan base didn’t like it, and they called me names and stuff like that, saying I was scared to speak the truth, but it’s ways to say and do everything, you know what saying. So we take a little heat here, too. I actually recently put a website together called Occult decode for this exact reason, because I was working on a couple of different projects. And I realized really quickly, even though everyone kept telling me this, they were like, you can’t say this specific word on YouTube.

I was like, the hell I can’t. It’s right here in a medical journal. It’s here in the dictionary. So if I say, here’s this medical paper and here’s the word this medical paper is using, I was like, I got to be in the clear, right? And that’s not true. Even if it’s, like, a legit word, you’re not allowed to say it. So this is just a shout out to my own site here, occult decode.

And what I got here is this whole list of code words like you’re talking about. So if there’s a certain word I want to talk about and the one that I was trying to say, I’ll start typing it up here. I’m not going to even say it out loud because I don’t want to get myself in trouble. But it’s a derivative of the human endocrine system, and we call it thrill oxide.

But let’s say that you’re talking about these evil german soldiers from the 40s, right? You can’t say what they are, so we’re just going to call them german soldiers. And that’s why I got this little blurred out feature here. So you can talk about it on streams like this because of the exact thing that you’re mentioning, which is, like, you say the wrong word, the wrong phrase. And I found the hard way, if you just show the wrong word on the screen in text, they’ll hit you with that, too.

Yeah, it’s wild trying to get the information out and especially stuff that’s saving lives, you know what I’m saying? But you got to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves, man. You got to find a way to, you know what I’m saying? Get it out there without getting banned. We’re playing by their rules, so we got to try to bend them every now and then. And you’re like, you’re doing a good job.

You learn from your mistakes, you know what I’m saying? But keeping it moving, hopefully. Sometimes it’s hard to not have a gut reaction. Like, I’ll have a video taken down for going on a certain topic, and it’ll just make me want to do, like, a four hour documentary on that topic and start pushing it. But sometimes if it’s done out of a pure reaction, it just starts digging that hole a little deeper.

And one of the things that I’m worried about is, like, future generations are looking back 200 years, and they’re like, man, look at this. Everyone was putting all their knowledge out on YouTube, but no one’s talking about subject a or subject B. They’re not talking about the german soldiers, or they’re not talking about thorough oxide. Why is that? How come everyone’s covering it up and protecting it? And it’s just like, no, we’re not.

We promise. We’re trying to talk about it. We’re trying to reveal it, but you’re just not allowed to. It won’t make it out into the mainstream of anything, man. I’m a student of life, but my book is the Bible, like, my tradition, and it’s the same way. Those words, bro, that we think it means something, and people are starting to wake up to a few words and going back and talking about the Sumerians and the Anunnaki and the sons of God came down with the daughters of man.

So people are waking up to a little bit of stuff, but I’m talking about everything in that text is, like, a super deep magical, occult, angelogy summoning, matrix breaking manifestation book for the person who has become initiated, and not by any society or order, but like, the spiritual order of, you’re just seeing how patterns and things connect. So it’s the same way, like reading that and these things that are like, you can’t understand, or you get to a brick wall, it’s like, oh, yeah, that says, man ought not lay with mankind as he layeth with womankind.

Okay, it’s homophobic. We’re not reading that book anymore until you break the words down. You’re like, hold on. That wasn’t even talking about people. That’s not even people. These are beasts and animals and all kinds of, like, breaking it down on a deeper level. So it’s learning those codes to be like, man. Okay, now I’m speaking the language of the universe, universal law, because we’re out here playing this game and we haven’t been explained the rules, and so they’ve got it hidden from us.

We don’t know that if you do this, this happens until we do it. And we learn over and over and over. And those who learn now, we got a responsibility and to teach others and to do it the same way. But these code words and these patterns have been really interesting to learn. And again, especially in the Bible, I’m just like, bra read hours and hours a day of the scriptures, dog.

It’s so fun. It’s fun. Like uncovering a gym and be like, man, they talking about how to work with the ancestors. Like, all of these, these people are dead that you’re reading about. These are dead people in the New Testament. They’re telling you how to talk to and govern the dead. So it’s like your average person don’t need that. You have to be initiated, man. You can’t even govern yourself.

How are you going to govern the dead? Oh, man, now we talking. So, yeah, when these code words in this language comes in, it’s in everything and everyone. It’s synchronicities and boom, boom, boom, all of this stuff. That’s where I’ve been at these days, man. If you approach the Bible from a very esoteric, magical standpoint, and we were talking before I hit record here, but I’ve been looking into Mormonism in the early days of Mormonism and how that conflicted with Christianity.

And there was original Mormon writings from the early 18 hundreds that they’re talking about how the rest of Christianity has kind of fallen. And they cite how Jesus was performing magic with spittle, which came directly from egyptian magic. And that Jesus’miracles actually gave more credit to the older egyptian magic because it was like, look, this dude’s still doing it and it still works. And the concept of the crucifix being a magical talisman to ward off evil demons, and it’s like, that kind of makes sense, man.

Holy water. And the Mormons are basically saying, like, don’t use these magical talismans, don’t use this magical holy water. This is all like, magic, which is ironic because there’s a lot of folk magic in that, too. But the point being that if you read the Bible from a very puritanical 2024 super church way, you might be like, oh, that’s heresy to say that Jesus was doing egyptian magic.

But if you read it from a historical point of view, it seems like that’s legitimately what was going on. And he was just continuing these old practices. And like you were saying, even necromancy, bro. Like, raising people from the dead, not just Lazarus, but Christ himself and the whole process of transubstantiation where you turn the little cracker into this dude that was dead thousands of years ago, but now he’s alive again and you can eat him.

That’s a cult af, man. That’s not like beginner level. That’s like the end of the level. You know what I mean? That’s the super boss level. Yeah. And I guess some people think, I don’t want to say this, but some people think some people need to be forgotten. So you know what saying, like, some things might need to die out with the generations past, and you don’t need to learn how to resurrect yourself or to resurrect your seed and to be cut off or whatever.

So looking at Joseph Smith and what he was studying or. And this is just off of my own studies, of all of it together, and then making an assessment. One thing they taught in Egypt was the resurrection of the. So it was, it was about how you can become remembered in the ages to, like, what can you do? How can you build a monument or a temple where people come to remember you? Because the moment that they show up to your memorial, you’re resurrected.

So this whole establishment or religion where they continually, every time they gather, they read from his book. Every time they gather, they say his name. And Jesus taught this same thing. He said, when you say my name and gather, there I am in the midst of you. It’s cool to look at this just as Jesus or whatever, right? But the more you read and you read between the lines, Paul and Peter were teaching their disciples, like, hey, they’re about to take me out, but as long as y’all remember me, I’m gonna continue to teach y’all from beyond the veil.

Y’all keep showing up. I want y’all to break bread. And every time y’all break bread, y’all pour out some liquor for your. Like, that’s where this comes from. To remember them because they’re not dead. That’s exactly where that comes from. That we did even as kids drinking forty s and stuff on, just chilling and doing it being funny. But that’s a tradition, to actually pour out wine as an oblation for the dead.

Because if they have somebody here to remember them, they’re not dead. And Joseph Smith obviously understood that and did it for himself. Monuments and churches and temples and all a. I can’t remember exactly where the source was, but there was this concept I had read about called, like the second death. And it’s basically saying that your first death is when you leave this plane of existence, but your second death is when the last person on this plane says your name for the last time.

Like, if they’re the last person ever say truth seeker and no one ever says it again, that was your second death. And what we’re talking about here is like building a shrine or making a name for yourself so no one ever stops talking about you. So you never meet that second death. And I guess that’s in one way, this way to kind of become immortal. Do you think that there’s anything to that? Do you think that if someone keeps talking about you and listening to your music for 1000 years, are you feeling that in the afterlife or what’s going on? Yeah, I think you’re being summoned.

I think you’re being called to duty. I think you’re still needed, but you can work with more people at once. So when you’re here in the flesh, you’re kind of subject to the body. But then when you cross over, you essentially multiply yourself. You’re like a seed that goes into the earth and gives up its body. The body is broken, but it gives birth to a tree that is able to bear more fruit and continue to multiply.

So these were the analogies that Jesus and Paul and stuff gave about the body going into the earth and dying because they were like, no, we don’t want you to die. We love you. You’re going to be here with us and help us take over or whatever and keep teaching us. He’s like, no, listen, it’s better that I go, because I can deal with people all over the.

The moment somebody needs me, Captain Planet, here I am. Like, I’m showing up. If somebody in Africa needs me, boom, I’m here. And I don’t have to be in one place at one time. Like, I am bound to the flesh. They understood that, so they set up this principle where people would want to call upon them, because it was always a threat. Even in the old testament of that was the biggest threat.

We’re going to erase your name off the face of the earth, and there will be nobody here to remember you. So anybody who knew you, we’re killing them, too. So anybody that you met, anybody you did business with, all your family members, we’re killing everybody. So there’s no one here that can summon you and bring you back by the mention of your name and your memory, there is no more memory of you on the face of the earth.

So we look at what happened with the riots and know I’m in the south, and while all that was going on, I’m in Alabama. They were going to the colleges and to the monuments, taking down all of the Confederate monuments. Like, who is it? Albert pike was one of the big ones. They took Albert pike statues down all over the place because he was a Confederate general. Down.

So you had your hundred years, and maybe that’s a mass ritual, bro. Maybe these people made pacts with their grandparents that we will remember you for 100 years if you go and become the chosen one. As someone else said, I’m the chosen one. I had to do it. Maybe this guy was the chosen one, and he was, you know what I’m saying, remembered for however many long. But then after, okay, we’re going to do a mass ritual, and now you’re forgotten from the face of the earth that quit.

Get rid of all the history books, all the backwoods people who believed your ideology. They’re dying out. The lease is up, bro. We got to move in. Maybe it’s a pact where you have orders that keep that. I mean, that’s what the catholic church seemed to be. Know. They’ve been here the whole time. I mean, you could almost look at it, too. That could be bringing the name back up in the news.

Like, yeah, we’re knocking down the statue, but it’s that statue that everyone just keeps walking by, and the name has, like, patinaed over and you can’t read it. So now by someone knocking it over, it’s like front page news. And now everyone’s saying that name again. So I don’t know. It might just be like a transmutation. Like, they change it from being in the physical to then to the digital.

Right, because they didn’t have the Internet to hype these people up 100 years ago, but we got it now. So maybe that’s just transferring the energy, almost like a kinetic transfer, into this new form. I don’t know. It’s hard to say because we won’t know what gets forgotten in 100 years. Right, right. It changes the meaning of casting stones because they showed us an image with everything in the Bible or everything, just words in general.

None of the words mean what we think they mean. They all have a magical context or connotation to them that is amazing. And I’m in love with them. I’m obsessed with them. And the words that are being used that are magical, like casting stone, they show you an image of an ancient person from the desert, mad at someone and casting stones to kill them and to stone them to death.

Very primitive versus like, hey, we’re going to kill you, and we’re going to put your spirit in this tomb, in this stone, and you’re going to be remembered here, whether in a good way or a bad way, where they can call upon you or not let you journey to the other realms, depending on how they do it. They put a circle around it and all kinds of magical, ancient sumerian magic, or probably, you know what I’m saying, from Atlantis even before.

So all of that goes back to sumer and stuff, man. And people are starting to wake up to little pieces of this, but all of it does. That’s the cool thing. Do you got a particular Bible that you prefer over others? Like St. James community Bible. There’s like a million. Yeah, the king James usually. And I try to just kind of go back and forth through other ones, too, to see if you get different takes on it, because it does help that way, because they’ll use different words for the same word.

It’s the same word in Hebrew or in Greek, but in the English, you may get 17 different words or more. And sometimes those words don’t mean anything close to what the Hebrew means in that context. But in a previous context, same word. It meant the cool word, like divination or magic, for that matter, or all of these things I just kind of mentioned, like mankind and womankind. Mankind and womankind is different than man and woman, but to us, it’s the same thing, like man and woman or men and women and mankind.

Woman. That’s how they got us. They’re speaking in code, just like when they come on television and address the nation. Nation in the Bible is a bunch of animals. It’s a flock of animals. I didn’t know that. They are the sophisticated gatekeepers coming to address the crazy animals who are rioting in the streets. So therefore, they bring forth a new world order and say, it’s not going to be the law of the jungle.

Jungles. You all ain’t going to be able to rule anymore. We’re going to address the nation. Nation is a flock of animals. In the Hebrew. So when they say the other nations and the beast of the field, they’re talking about people. That reminds me of Jordan Maxwell’s got that maritime law speech that he goes on about, but about how in maritime law, the defendant is actually referred to as a monster, like in this old legal book.

And that it literally means that that’s why you need legal representation, because you’re not even a person. You’re a monster that has no awareness of the outside world. You’re just a horrible wart living on the planet with the rest of us. And that’s why you need this lawyer to come and represent this monster of a selves. It sounds very similar to what you’re saying about, like, a. He totally.

He totally understood. And I actually just bought a subscription to. It’s crazy. A subscription I wouldn’t think I would buy. And it was because Jordan Maxwell dropped it in an interview that I watched the other day. I had watched it before, but the more different things stand out to you. Different know, but he was talking about how you need to go look up in the Oxford English dictionary to see the history of the words and go back to the oldest time and see when they were used.

And I was like, well, I need an Oxford dictionary because I’m a need to go. I’m a rapper, too, so it definitely helps when you can use more words, right? I ended up buying a subscription. It’s like $100 a year, just for the year for Oxford online dictionary. But breaking those words down to trace them back, you know what I’m saying? To recapture and to remember their beauty, you know what I’m saying? For what they meant, that now these words are tried and under feet, and these words meant something much deeper.

So many words. And Jordan understood that and taught know. He’s. I think he’s still teaching it, to be honest with you. Yeah, he was probably like the biggest Og that I can remember as a kid, blowing my mind with all these different breakdowns of words and got me interested in etymology as a whole, which is like, figuring out what all those little. Is there any rappers that specialize in etymological rap? Does that even, you know, I think a lot of them just sprinkle stuff throughout their music, which, know, I would say why I fell in love with the lost children of Babylon, like, hearing their music for the first time, because I was a huge fan of bone thugs and harmony.

To be able to rap so fast, and you didn’t know what they were saying. And they’re also dropping gems, too. So don’t get me wrong, they’re putting some deep, esoteric stuff in their old music, too. Yeah, I mean, Mr. Ouija, that was the second album, right? That was East 1999. Talking about ouija boards and summoning. Talking to easy through the Ouija board. Yeah, man. They talked about UFOs, all kinds of wild stuff.

But LCob, it had the same vibe of, like, because you can listen to it a thousand times and not understand it because literally, LCob has songs entitled egyptian Magic where they’re breaking down egyptian magic according to the textbooks in their rap songs. And I’m like, a student of this, and all of it was brand new. I’m like, I couldn’t get enough, man. And I had to try to rub shoulders with those dudes, and especially being from the south, and I didn’t think it was going to go over well.

I was a christian rapper at the, like, I was. Hmm. Because they’re like, you know, really deep wordsmith and know coming up on and. But those dudes are wordsmiths, too, don’t get me wrong. But stylistically, we didn’t feel like we got any love from the guys who were putting etymology in their rap songs, but we ended up hitting it off, and it was a huge part of my journey.

So definitely shout out to lost children of Babylon. Yeah, I’ll do a shout out, too, because I did a couple tracks with kingsize on the seismology album, which I think is, like, ancillary to lost children of Babylon and Jedi mind tricks and all of them, which is, it was always really interesting to me because there’s like, this combination of esoteric art and very, like, woo influence, right? Like killer Priest and kill army and sons of man and all of them.

But it’s like this divine knowledge and encoded biblical verses and supreme alphabets, but also they might beat you up and steal your money and sell you drugs. It was so weird to have both of those on the same album, and it’s like, oh, they’re dropping gems they might also steal my car at the end of this. Yeah, I would say it got kind of weird with LCOB anyway because they kind of got away from that and would do like whole projects of just straight spiritual stuff.

And if they said anything off the wall, it was like, oh wow, that’s crazy. Which came later. They ended up working with Lex Starwin and John Murdoch who then started introducing because those guys are wordsmiths too, but they’re talking about cutting your head off and they’re the best MCs and really get into the bragging kind of stuff in the middle of esoteric mysticism songs. And I remember watching, reading comments and stuff in the early days on YouTube and people, hey man, why y’all talking about building up your light body then? This person talking stuff doesn’t go together.

And just to be honest with you, I took a stance too. I was like, man, if I want to listen to my gangster rap, I’m going to listen to gangster rap. If I want to listen to my spiritual music, I want to listen to the spiritual rap. So there was a lot of like, you know what I’m saying? The younger generation that even came up later that would talk about that in their songs, talking about opening the third eye and then doing concerts and sleeping with groupies and how they did it.

And I was like, oh man, I can’t spit them lyrics. Like, I know how powerful the words are. That’s why I’m listening to spiritual music. To each his own. But all of those guys influenced so many people who are doing it today. And it’s a thing, it’s awesome how big it is. Now you say you started as like a christian rapper. Was there something before that? Did you play the trombone in band or something? No.

As far as doing music I played in christian metal bands too. So I was a Christian when I was getting into music but I was always, when’s this metal? 1314. Like 17 probably. Okay, like 17. Just dabbling. 1718. Is this vocals? Guitar. Drums. Vocals and bass. Okay. Doing pod type stuff. I mean it kind of goes with the, I mean, dude, speaking of mashing spiritual with chopping heads off, that whole scene had a lot of that too.

I remember growing up the hardcore Christian, it was like crazy punk. And people were like punching each other out. But it was like in a church and they would be preaching about Jesus but then they’d be like punching each other. I never understood it. I thought it was wild. I thought it was something like, what was that, man? I used to book shows and stuff and it was funny because in the hardcore scene, what eventually got big was the term metal core.

So christian metal core, but just metal core as a genre. The guys who made it famous were all christian bands that blew up and got success and had this unique style of blending genres together. So that was interesting. So we would do shows, but we would pretty much do them wherever we could. And so if you was a christian band, you got a lot more chances to play at churches or bars or whatever.

But yeah, we would do stuff at churches and book them there. But yeah, the hardcore dancing, it was funny because in the christian scene that we started in, where it was all christian bands until the genre got bigger and I would say West coast influence, it’s not like it was brand new. There was definitely a mashup of different styles, but it was like, we’re going to dance and we’re going to punch.

They called it dancing and so they wouldn’t punch anybody. And if you hit somebody, you said, oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, bro. That’s okay, man, and just go back at it. And so that was our thing. And it was like a big thing here in the south and all the shows and stuff. But then as that kind of scene and movement got bigger and we started expanding with other people who weren’t like christian bands.

We’d do concerts and shows and we’d get punched and we say, hey, man, you punched me a while ago, man. It was like, hey, man, you play with fire get burned, bro. And it’s like, oh, God, these guys really want to fight us. And we found out they were gang banging and stuff at these hardcore shows, and then they were jumping people. And we’re like, from this love harmony christian scene that was big, but they’re all like, wanting to fight.

It was interesting times, for sure. It was surreal, man. I still don’t know what to make of it. Growing up and being at some of these church concerts and what you’re hearing sounds like the aesthetic of the sound, right? It sounds like they’re screaming to the devil and summoning demons, you know what I mean? But then the lyrics, they’d be saying like, my lord Jesus, but they’re saying it like Danzig or doing this guttural noises.

And I was always like, is this Christians fighting back against black metal or is this black metal infiltrating Christians? I still don’t know what the answer to that is. Yeah, to be honest with you, man, it was almost like this kind of tribal aesthetic where suburban kids with pent up rage could let it out but also channel it to something good because a lot of them would use that wild dancing and jumping and stuff like that and they would incorporate it as a part of their worship.

They would do it and cry and as they’re screaming the lyrics are saying, father, forgive me, I’m a sinner, I hate myself and I don’t know why I keep messing up. And they’re screaming it to God. These kids who are like, it’s a way to channel it, man, and to generate that energy and to get it out. So it was interesting being a part of that from the christian scene and being able to play in those bands and express myself that way too.

Because when the music’s off then you just go back to Joe Schmo working in an office who’s struggling with real stuff, real life issues, but nobody will listen until you grab the microphone, until you can express yourself and let it out and literally scream at the top of your lungs. I hate myself. God have mercy on me. And see people crying and stuff while they’re screaming. It’s like, this is like therapeutic, this is dramatic.

It’s helping them take that deep dark stuff and confess it into not being judged that I’m a piece of shit but God still loves me. It’s like, wow, I feel the same way, brother kind of thing. It was awesome, man. We’re actually going to see a christian hardcore emo band this weekend. A band called Emory and they were a big band back in the mid two thousand s and we’re going to see them, they’re doing like their 25th year anniversary or something of their first album.

This was wild for me too just because until I went to some of these hardcore concerts inside churches and this is mid to late ninety s. I think the last one I went to was like 97 or something but that was the first time I was like, wait a minute, there’s Christians that aren’t just like showing up in their Sunday best and acting all goody. These dudes are moshing and dancing and screaming and sweating and outside smoking newports.

Actually there was a huge sort of crossover with straight edgers but the hardcore straight edgers that would slap a smoke out of your mouth if they saw you smoking it. And it was cool. It was like, oh, there’s some cool Christians out here. It’s not all just turn the other cheek. Some of it’s like punch you in the other cheek. It got political as far as with that whole scene of like are you guys a christian band or are you guys just Christians in a band.

Our lead singer is a Christian because everybody else is drinking beer and smoking, and the only person is, you got to have the street cred from the one dude. Yeah, he’s the one. He loves the Lord. We’re just regular dudes. And there would also be this weird dynamic, right? Because let’s say that all the bands showing up are legitimately like christian bands, and they got these followings, but they kind of knew that 90% of the people showing up, they just wanted to show up and have something to do.

And the church was like a place that parents would just drop the kids off and leave them. But, I mean, there’s drugs and sex and fighting and all sorts of non christian stuff happening at these shows. And there would be this animosity between the fans that are there to be entertained and share the space and the artists, because sometimes the artists are like, man, these people are all sitting in front of us.

I’m here screaming the God. And they’re like, dealing drugs or all these things are happening. It was such a weird environment to be in where everyone wasn’t always on the same page. It was just kind of, everyone was there united about the music more than almost anything else. Yeah. When I was booking shows and stuff, I’d work with bars and churches, and when I would do stuff at churches, it was always iffy because they’re like, okay, they got to be christian bands playing.

It was like, there’s a touring band coming through, and I know they got a big draw. Maybe I can see if they can do a clean set. Can you guys do, hey, I got a venue. It’s awesome, dude, I could bring out a lot of kids for this concert. Can you guys do a clean set and play at a church? And most of the time, they were like, let me talk to the guys.

And it was like their first time, and it’s like, sure, we could do a clean set and play at churches. Like, awesome, great. And I was able to because I was friends with a lot of the guys in the scenes and stuff and being able to make it work. And so I’ve worked with a bunch of different churches, but I tell the bands, hey, no smoking. Don’t let them see you.

Just when you talk to the pastor, the pastor wants to meet you all. Hey, you guys love the Lord kind of thing with these guys who aren’t even christian bands. But I pretty much had good experiences doing that. But once they said, okay, Derek can book concerts and get 300 kids out at these churches and stuff. And it’s easy. My pastor said, I can do a concert. And they would try to do the same thing.

And they wasn’t cool with the bands. They didn’t know any of the kids in the band. They didn’t know the other touring bands who were just coming through the city. And we heard so many horror stories where the guys are up there at a church and we’re like, hey, y’all, fuck this today. I said, fuck God. And they just start playing heavy music and the kids are tearing the church up like crazy.

Punching. They’re tear houses up, churches up. It’s like, man, listen, y’all should have came through me. Y’all tried to go around me and go over my head like, that’s what you get, man. And that happened a bunch where they would try to get these just regular bands or maybe darker bands, you know what I’m saying? To play at the church. Like, I could do it and be like, hey, I got to do a clean set, man.

None of that f guy stuff. Okay, dude, bring your fans out kind of thing. And it was just all love because it was about the music. And they would sure, we just want to play. I feel like if there were darker bands, that would be a really easy end to just scope out churches that don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Just so that you can go there and scream things that are antiethical to the church, right.

And make that part of your show, well, the other way around. Because the christian guys would do that at the bar room, for sure. They’d be at a bar and singing about the day they quit drinking or they having songs about losing somebody in a car accident from drinking and stuff. It was some dramatic times. Drama is a big word and it would be able to generate emotions and stuff.

And there’d be people crying and stuff sitting at the bar, like listening to some of these lyrics coming forth. And one of the things, too, like a lot of the christian bands, what we would do was it would be the heavy stuff, but we would also incorporate beautiful singing and soft stuff to get all the energy raised and then slow it down and sometimes be able to tell their story and almost preach.

But at the bars, you definitely didn’t want to sound too militant or too preachy. You wanted to come across as a regular person. But we get a lot of testimonies and stuff from people who are dealing with real life stuff. And they’re at the bar drinking to forget the stuff that they’re trying to suppress. And here we are with a mess. We’re going to write back love and stuff like that, man.

This is good times for sure. So it sounds like there was a transition at some point from doing hardcore christian metal into rap. How did that turn? Were you always interested in rap or was there like a certain song or an artist that you found? Yeah, no, I was big into rap and I actually started out. They kind of happened around the same time, rapping with a christian rap group that would do a bunch of church concerts.

In the hood, there’s churches under churches, like, in the hood, there are churches everywhere. And we do like, man, like four shows a week sometimes just going to different churches. Some of the churches would be slam packed, 400 people, some of them be seven kids or whatever. But it was like always doing shows. But I pretty much came on as, like a hype man. So they kind of took me under their wing and I’d learn their lyrics and rap them back to them and be on stage hyping them up and doing all the rhyming words and stuff like that.

So I did that for a while until I started writing, and then I was kind of doing both at the same time. And I go back and forth with the christian metal stuff if we were in bands or trying to rap and then trying to release my own stuff. And it was interesting, too, of doing shows because I couldn’t get 300 kids out to a rap concert. It’s a different following, you know what I’m saying? The metal music and the scene, the kids feel like they’re a part of it.

They feel like they’re a family, but doing rap and christian rap at that, it was like pulling teeth to get a crowd show up. So I would book the metal shows and I would open up with rap, so I would do it that way. So I get the 300 kids out. We got all these metal bands playing, but, oh, yeah, there’s a rapper opening up. Oh, cool rapper.

I love rap. And so it was cool because I was one of them, or I would open up and then my band played third, so I was able to kind of tap into that audience. That’s smart, man. And is this also like early 2000s? Yeah, well, mid 2000s, all this was a span of starting 2004, of dabbling in music and all the way up to releasing my first christian rap album in 2006, probably to 2011, 2012.

Like, that whole span of really doing all of that. Would you consider yourself today Christian rapper? I wouldn’t consider myself a christian rapper. Is there, like a certain moment in time when you think that you dropped that title the moment I started putting aliens in my music. Really? So are aliens incompatible with Christianity, you think? It depends on who you ask, right? I mean, not to me, because my worldview is still the same.

It’s just broadened, you know what I’m saying? So I’m still the same person and I still have the beliefs, but it’s opened up a lot more with etymology and words and seraphim, raphaim, nephilim, cherubim. You know what I’m saying? That now. I can not just say, you know, the angels are watching over me. Like in a regular christian rap song. I can go into detail about the seraphim and cherubim.

They travel through stars. You can’t decipher this enigma because the riddle is too hard. I can actually talk about how they travel and how they speak and how they give downloads. So now you start talking about that in 2011 or whatever it was, church folks was like, no, you’re not talking about Orion at our church kind of thing. So that was kind of like the transition when I was getting with LCOB, but just my studies and my spiritual walk got less militant with Christianity because I got super militant.

I was a street preacher and for a while going out to the streets, preaching at the bars, and I was in the bars doing music and trying to reach people, and it was working. And then eventually the militants got to, were outside of the bars preaching, holding the Bible up in that kind of sense, and that didn’t really work. But I’m glad you got a crazy street preacher story, like something that went, like, haywire.

Yeah, man, a lot. There’s a lot. We would have people walk by and mess with us and stuff like that. I’ve seen so many things, though, like crazy shootings in front of us, not at us. We had gangs trying to. Just because you’re out on the street, you mean? Yeah. So you’re not hanging out in front of Saxmouth Avenue or like the Starbucks, I assume? No, this was downtown in the downtown district.

Prostitutes and all the bars and stuff. Yeah, we’d stay out there. We’d go out at 1030 and get. And leave, like at four in the morning sometimes. Is that just because you’re trying to reach the. Why, why not hang out in front of. Yeah, yeah. It’s a different energy. Yeah. I mean, there’s people, even Walmart that might need to be saved, though. Mm hmm. I don’t know. You feel like there’s more.

That was definitely more traffic and more people that were open. There’s people who do downtown, I knew people that did both. They’ll do Walmart, then you see them when the sun comes up. They’re at downtown and then they’re at Walmart. And then they had schedules with their street preaching. Like, I’m going to be on this corner and be at this Walmart and I’ll be downtown and stuff, just going where the people were and where people may be receptive.

I mean, people down there definitely searching. We had some footage and stuff of people like, coming to ask us for prayer and stuff like that. And they’re just dealing with a lot of stuff, man. Dark stuff. People in war, people was in Afghanistan, and they killed a lot of people. And they got that remorse and they’re down there drinking it, trying to forget and it won’t go away.

And so we able to talk to them people and pray for them and try to counsel them and stuff like that, and just have compassion just to let them tell their story and not judge them. You know what I’m saying? There’s a lot of that happened down there. A lot of fun stories for sure. I’m glad I did it. I wouldn’t do it again, but I’m glad I did.

It is like a street preacher lifestyle. Like being homeless. Are you couch surfing and going meal to meal or what do street preachers do at the end of the day when it’s time to hang it up for the evening? Yeah, so we went late. So there was that. So I would say before we were preparing for any type of. I was anyway preparing for any type of interaction scripturally, like, okay, if there’s a gay person, I know where to go.

And I’m watching street preacher videos. Like, it’s an art. You want to be on your game. You don’t want to be caught off guard. So if somebody is saying, well, it’s okay to drink alcohol, and I want to know how to debate you and try to win you. And it wasn’t successful. There was just stupid stuff. But that’s what I would do, and that’s what I still do.

But I do it out of love now, and I do it. I don’t try to debate anymore. What changed for me that time for me and my personal study and where I was spiritually was like a brick wall for reading and studying the Bible, because I did it to debate people. I did it from. Obviously it was my tradition. But the big thing is like, let me study this so I can show you why you’re wrong.

Now I’m reading it to show me why I’m wrong. So as long as in that heart and in that spirit, it’s totally different and it’s wide open for me. It’s all the intention. I say that you were talking before about certain things, like in the rap that you would start talking about, like cherubim and seraphim and all the particulars. And this sounds like getting into the apocrypha and some of the sort of, like, I guess would be considered, like, heretical works.

And it’s interesting, the deeper you get into some of those things that even King James was into, people will start being like, man, I don’t know if that’s christian anymore. Do you got a thought on if you heard someone in passing and they were like, man, this dude’s talking about Nephilim. That’s not a, like, is there a retort to that? Or is just like, that’s fine for you to think that way.

At first it was, and it was offensive because I wanted to have the hard conversations because I studied to do it. But everything comes full circle. You know how this works. You’ve been into the weird subjects that now become dinner talk, conversation, or stuff you probably believe and said and put out. That is preached from pulpits now. And for me, that’s what happened doing it. And once that stuff was all weird and it was conspiracies at first that I got into a lot of it.

911 during that time and loose change and Fahrenheit, 911 and all that. And that stuff sent me down to conspiracy. Then it was FEMA camps and FEMA coffins, and then it was King Alfred plan, and then it was just all of this different stuff that I found that there was no end to it. And I would tell people, and then it was the masons. And then the masons are wicked, and the masons are the ones running.

And I would confront masons, and then I would study on masonry so I can talk to a mason and tell them that they go into hell. How would you know? Would you just go camp out in front of a lodge? No, I wouldn’t do that. But you’d run into them. More than not, the average person. You’d find little things to say to them. Were you, like, looking for rings or, like, lapel? Come on.

When you get initiated into all the symbolism, you see it everywhere. You’re looking at triangles on top of every building. Like, oh, man, it’s a new Aussie. Triangles everywhere, man. Everything’s a triangle to a hammer. Everything is a nail. So we got to have some kind of grace with the really deep off the wall conspiracy stuff. Now, this is old. We’ve been did this. I bugged out years ago on that, freaking out.

And they’re going to put us in FEMA camps, man. They put us in the female. This is in. When was that? 2008? This was a big Alex Jones camps, bro. The FEMA camps. I’m like, man, damn them Fema camps. Give me something I can work with. I can’t work with no FEMA. What’s that? All of this stuff, the RFID, we was into all that. And now to sum it up, all this is being preached from pulpits now of stuff.

They kicked us out of church for having the book of Enoch and for talking about the apocrypha. And now the preachers are preaching out of Enoch. Now the preachers are teaching and got sermons that they’re selling book series on Dr. Emoto. And you know what I’m saying? The water and sound frequency and resonance and healing. And now they’re doing sound bowl healing sessions in the churches. And now they’re talking about aliens every Sunday.

Like, if you’re not talking about aliens, you’re left out. So we was kind of ahead of our time, which is we get offended at first because I’m saying an attaboy, or you want to be invited to speak because you’re the expert, right? You’ve given your life to study this stuff. And literally somebody comes watch your video and takes it and preaches it from a pulpit or puts it in a song or something like that.

So when I talked about memory and remembering and giving honor, I’m big on that. I try to be. That’s why I say Jordan Maxwell’s name. Jordan Maxwell, you know what I’m saying, wrote the forward to my to. He taught me so much. And like I said, he’s still teaching. And just to give credit where credit is due and honor where honor is due. And one thing I found out is that if them people don’t understand you, and then people don’t give you credit or invite you or whatever, honor is a system.

It’s a currency. And so it bypasses all your stuff. It’ll bypass them, and it’ll wait until it has something to reflect off of and to reverberate off of, and then it comes back to you. And so I would say these days, with not just myself, but a lot of people experiencing, now we’re talking about Cherubim and Seraphim traveling through the stars. Now y’all covering this on the news.

Those are the ones that I think a lot of us are in tune with, that we have the knowledge and the ability to understand the books, that there’s a reason those pastors called it heretical. They don’t understand what the hell they’re reading. They don’t understand that this is talking about working with the dead. They think that they’re dead to their old desires. It does mean that at first, literally.

But we’re talking about your ancestors, we’re talking about angels. We’re talking about souls that are trapped here on the earth, that all the other traditions have protocol on how to deal with and work with that. But this western modern christian experiment, evangelicalism, which is what I’ve come from, you know what I’m saying? It doesn’t want anything to do with that stuff. But people in it are becoming hungry and they’re asking deeper questions.

And so we’re still here, posted up on the street corners or highways and byways, if you will, which is the information superhighway. We’re here on the Internet. When you look up those terms, you’re going to see my face. When you look up Jordan Maxwell, you’re going to see my face. That’s the homie, that’s the OG. Are there any other. So you got to honor. You got to salute, man.

Are there other OGs that deserve a little recognition? Aside from Jordan Maxwell? Do you got like a top five? A top five, man. Really? For the hour. It’s the top five of the hour. How that works. But for me, manly P. Hall was huge, for sure. St. Toast Bonacci. One who’s still living, he needs his roses. Michael Tesserion, the lost children of Babylon. Those are people that are still here.

You can touch, you can say thank you. Some of the people going through hard times, you can send them money, you can help them. And so we got to make sure we do that. But there’s just so many. And again, I think it’s for the subject and for the hour. I caught a lot of flak being a Christian and retweeting or sharing Jordan Maxwell’s work or something, or Manley P.

Hall’s work, for that matter. And then the moment the layperson Googles manly P. Hall, you see out of context quotes that are taken out of context and they’re saying, oh, look, he said Lucifer. The seething energies of Lucifer. If you work with can, the mason knows the power, so he’s a mason. And so you’re getting all of this hit material, kind of. You know, people didn’t understand it and maybe still don’t.

But when I would share that stuff, it’s just how people are. They think that you follow their teachings and beliefs hook, line and sinker. Like Jordan Maxwell. You’re silly to follow anybody where anybody says hook, line and sinker. I’m sharing whatever. I shared this meme or this quote or whatever. Put me down on that. Judge me for that. I’ll ride for that. They’re finally like digging up stuff on this other man and what he did back in or he said this or whatever.

And that was the interesting thing of sharing stuff and vouching for stuff and then people getting in trouble for doing it because they’re like thinking you believe everything they believe because you shared one cool thing. I guess that’s where cancel culture came from. Do you know what Kevin Hart did in 1998? Did you see what Manly Palmer hall did in 1927? Yeah, he said this, man. It was people from a different time, man.

It was okay to say that. It’s okay to say some of this stuff. I remember, yeah, I’ve done some interviews with Jordan and he’s saying some things that I’m like, oh, man. And yeah, you read the comments. Oh, man. I can’t believe he said that. It’s like racist kind of, I don’t know, racist, homophobic. We’ll say that. He’ll say some homophobic kind of things. I can’t ride for that.

I’m not riding with that. Judge me on what you heard me say or you saw me share. And I think that’s how we honor people. I won’t say dishonor, but if you don’t honor, what did we start off this episode talking about? It’ll die. Quit talking about it. It’s going to die. We forget super quick. Most of us already forgot what happened three years ago, who did it and what they were saying to people on TV.

And we forgot all that. I don’t forget, you know what I’m saying? Let it die out. But I want know be able to show honor and be able to say people’s names. I’ll say, tell you this, many of those people who are still know, they weren’t afraid to say my name, so salute to them. I’m glad you brought up Michael Sarion, too. That’s one of my heavy hitters.

I think that was one of the biggest because I think I had already been all in on 911 and a bunch of mkultra, even in the 90s. But I never really got into how just all encompassing some of these conspiracies are. And Michael Sarian had this talk at Conspiracy Con in, I think, 2003, which doesn’t exist anymore, which is a wild story. But at conspiracy con, he has this 40 minutes breakdown where he’s just going over corporate logos, bank of America, Mazda, Ford, Chevrolet, Lincoln, Cadillac, like every single one, and showing how they’re all using astrological signs and sort of like sumerian gods and Mazda being like an ancient God.

And it was just, look, like these things are somehow important. They’re like embedded. Either there’s a pattern that’s baked into us or baked into nature or something. And that was when it finally clicked, at least to me, was that, oh, it’s not the symbol that’s necessarily evil. It’s not like the pentagram that’s the evil part. It’s that someone is taking that and then using whatever it’s charged with and then making you buy like a hamburger with it or making you go down this track instead of go down that track and that sort of subversive use.

And learning about Manly Palmer hall and Jordan Maxwell, Michael Sarion and hell, even Alistair Crowley. Right? It’s almost like just now getting into his. Like, I was locked out of that for the longest. Yeah. What do you think about it? And when you say just getting into it, what are you getting into? Really looking into my introduction was just his words of him talking about the art of words and using art to share messages or to conceal certain things and the art behind that.

So looking into language, and I found a lot of quotes by him that really was like, well, I got to look into this because this is what I’m studying. But I’ve been so scared. We’ve been told that he’s. You bring his name up. Don’t mess with him, man. You say his name three times, he’ll pop up behind you. Yeah, so I repeated that. Like, I repeated a lot of the stuff.

Hey, man, don’t mess with Alistair. And I didn’t know nothing about Alistair. I didn’t know anything. But I’m repeating what everybody else said because they weren’t initiated into any beautiful things he had. I’m not saying I don’t know all the bad stuff he did. I don’t know anything he did is what I’m saying. But now I’m learning. And there was some dope stuff that he had to share that I need in my life.

One of the ways that I’ve heard him described, and I think this was Andrea Zurtis, but that Crowley was sort of this in my words, like an edge lord. Like the ultimate freaking Marilyn Manson Edge Lord. But not in a way of like, buy my album, buy my book. There’s probably some aspect of that, but that it was more like, if you can’t handle this crazy stuff that I’m saying, and if you can’t handle this poem that I wrote that’s really off the wall and a little bit gross, then it’s not for you.

The stuff that I’ve got to talk about that’s real deep, you’re not going to be able to appreciate it because you’re getting pushed off by this superficial writing and some scary sounding words. Just wait until I tell you about these magical incantations and shuffling through the great pyramid and going into these chambers. That’s not going to be for you if you can’t handle a bad word here and there.

So that’s one aspect of it for sure. And then he was also the one person that started the self promotion. It was almost looked down upon to promote yourself, unless you were some sort of carnival barker, like a snake oil salesman or something. But he kind of flipped that into being, no, we’re all stars. That whole concept of we can all be a superstar, that’s kind of like a crowlean aspect of worship yourself, get other people to worship me, which goes back into that never die a second.

Like, Alistair Crowley is not going anywhere for a while. Right. People are going to keep talking him, keep speaking his name. So that means that he’s not going to meet his second death for who knows how long. Yeah. And I say, like, a lot of information has come full circle and everybody’s. I really think it’s a deeper spiritual thing, like you said of like, now there’s an essence that it’s broke free out of the statue kind of thing because it’s responding to a need of the people.

I’m going to say that where there’s enough people on the earth who are like, man, I need something, and the pastors don’t have it, the teachers don’t have it, this industry doesn’t have it. But it was somebody who existed in the late 18 hundreds, 17 hundreds in the 300s who like, this information is coming back through what seems to be downloads, dreams and visions, or someone finding their book, because we’re seeing that like crazy.

Because all this star system and star seed stuff. You’re right. Man is a star. That was his work that came from him. So to understand that there’s Christians who are teaching similar things. So you all need to salute. I know it’s in your Bible, but it’s hidden, and there was people who uncovered it. For the initiated, you don’t need to know you’re a star. You don’t need to know how much power you have because you’re going to use it for evil.

And the shock value that he brought to the table was amazing. It works. I use it not from him, but definitely from Manson. And those guys of the shock rock, shock them at the door so that they don’t get to come and get the gems that they’re going to trample under their feet. They’re scared that you use the word occult. I still deal with a huge christian audience, and so I know the buzwords because I was the one that I would hear the words and I would react so I can.

Yeah, the word occult might as well just mean evil, right? It does. It means demonic for them. They think it means demons. When, if you get a Latin bible and look up one of my favorite verses, Jeremiah 33, that says, if you seek God and you call after him and pray, he will show you great and mighty things that you do not know and cannot find out, he will show you hidden things.

The Latin version says, I’m going to show you the occult. Jesus says, jesus, continue. Go anytime. Jesus says, I’ve hidden this from the world, but I have revealed it to you, so I’ll hit him just to make him think. Listen, man, Jesus taught occult knowledge, like the very etymology definition of the word, that he revealed hidden things to people who were open to receive because they wasn’t hidden anymore once they was revealed to him and to his disciples and to anyone who can get it and grasp it.

So the same thing, to be able to use those words, to plant a seed or to shake somebody or to scare them or to shock them, like Crowley wrote about that, in dealing with magic, there’s a right way. And I’m trying to learn to conceal because I have a problem keeping my mouth shut. And so I’m trying to look at some of the greats who showed little tactful ways because we know the saying that those who know don’t speak, and those who speak don’t know.

That word conceal almost feels more charged than a cult. People are coming around to a cult like, oh, that just means hidden. That just means secret. But, man, you say that I’m going to conceal something now. It’s like, oh, you’re going to lie? What, are you going to mind control me? That’s what got us into conspiracies. And mysteries anyway, right? We found out that they were hiding stuff from us.

They were concealing stuff. And we’re like, hold on, I got to figure out what it is, and I’m going to tell everybody. I’m on record so many times and I still say it. I’m going to tell everybody when I find out that whatever the spiritual magical process is that seeds fall out of the sky into your yard, into your backyard, and weeds grow up that you need in your body, and they’re respond like God and mother Earth and nature is responding to you on that land, giving you what you need to deal with your ailments.

I’m telling everybody now, if we have to use wordplay and games and how we say it, because I learned firsthand, and I’d be damned if I keep that to myself. But there’s ways to say it. The moment they find out that we know, then they’re going to delete your channel or ban that word or whatever the case is and then schedule one. Come on. I thought for the longest time, and I think it was valid up until maybe recently, but that there are certain things you’re not allowed to talk about, especially on social media.

Right. But if you put it into a song, then there’s almost like this backdoor where it’s like, well, now it’s got this artistic merit to it. And for the longest time, a lot of companies didn’t want to be seen as censoring art and music. So it’s like you kind of get a pass. That’s why Marilyn Manson, right? He could put an album out and it could get on top 40 and it could break all these records.

But for him to actually want to go to a venue somewhere or for him to try and get an interview on any major platform anywhere, there was still this shunning aspect of it. But then it comes around once people are like, oh, we can reach people through them. But it’s so weird how the dynamic of that thing flips so easy. And when you were talking about Marilyn Manson being like one of these shock artists to kind of prevent people from getting too far in.

I also remember when Sweet Dreams came out, and he described that as a trick that was like the poison candy, where he was talking about how he could get kids to come and get that earworm. Oh, it’s that eurythmic song, sweet dreams are made of. These people go out and buy the album. And he had the, it was a good album cover, and the music video was very willy wonka meets Tim Burton.

But he was saying people are going to go and listen for that song and then get the rest of the album, and then get hooked on the rest of the album, and then they’re going to listen to the non happy, mainstreamy stuff. And I guess the point that I’m leading to is that for a small moment in time, you could put anything you wanted into an album, and it would kind of get through the censors or break through this extra barrier.

But now with AI, man, it doesn’t matter anymore because AI reads the lyrics and it just turns it right back into, like, speech. And then it just says hate speech or it says dangerous violence speech or conspiracy speech. Unless you’re with Interscope or with Sony or universal, then you can say anything you want because you’re kind of on the fast track. You know what I mean? But if you’re a Soundcloud rapper, you better not be saying any of that, man.

I did political hype when I was more militant, finding out about these conspiracies in the back of the dollar bill and Bush and Obama and all this 911 stuff. I got songs about 911 and stuff, but I don’t talk about a lot of the conspiracies because I came from that once, you know, so much. What else? I remember hitting that point of, like, people saying, oh, man, you know, they’re doing this with the water, they putting this.

That’s what the wicked do. They keep what’s next. And it’s like, we’re staying on top of what while we were consumed with what they got. I remember hitting that point and then kind of, like, being able to kind of digress and saying that became my whole message, was defeat the new world order. I had anti new world order t shirts. I had all that kind of stuff, and I was a christian rapper.

And then I’m doing, like, anti new world order, so you can see why stuff. But again, it’s in the churches now. Now the pastors are Qanon perfect. Well, seriously. But if you think about it, man, like, Christians are predisposed to be conspiracy theorists because you’re mean. At least I was taught. I grew up Roman Catholic, but that Satan is everywhere trying to trick you. He’s trying to trick you that it doesn’t exist, that anything that anyone does bad is ultimately, like, Satan got a hold of them for a small moment of time, that he’s like, the ultimate trickster, the ultimate deceiver.

So just that mentality, if you take it to its logical conclusion, it’s like, damn, bro, everything is fake. If simulation theory is correct, it’s because Satan is doing it, because that would be the ultimate deception. And that’s where he gets his rocks off, is just by deceiving. And so with that in, like, hardcore Christians are easy to sway into conspiracy theories. If you can hone in on that, if you just like.

And it’s because of Satan, they’re like, oh, wait a minute, what was that? Yeah, you got to show them one scripture, man, and they’ll follow a hook line of sinker. It’s sad because people are taking advantage of that, but to finish it up that way, I was trying to go was that I hadn’t put any conspiracy or got deep stuff in any music, as far as that’s concerned, until the song I submitted that I was working on, and I was like, how am I going to release this? I don’t know how to release it because it’s not really going to fit my projects that I’m working on right now.

I love the beat. The beat is dope. And I’ve been holding a lot of this stuff in for a while, and just let me just put it out there on the glass. And the whole song is like a spiritual song. And then at the end, I start talking about spirits coming back to judge the nations and the kid and the ones that you hurt. And John the Baptist is coming back, and all these people are coming back, but not just him.

The ones who were taken out three years ago, they coming back and Abel’s coming then. And I said, I got kind of blatant, like, you could say that. But then when you make it, I said what I said in there. I don’t even know if we should say it on here, but say whatever you want. Okay, well, yeah, just talking about Epstein and Trump, the song cut, like, all the music cut out with just the 808.

And talking about how Epstein, Trump and Trump said, take me to the guillotine. I will hunt you when you sleep. Trump and Biden both were best of friends with Jeffrey Yupstein. Evil will revisit thee for how you made the children scream. Put them both on trial for acts and crimes against humanity. And even that was like, it’s a shocker, too. Like, everybody here, I made a clip. I took the clip down.

I was like, is this people who love Trump? Yeah, I was going to say that. I’m saying his name. I got some features I’ve done with people not on my projects where I’m like, man, Trump was on the Trump. I said, 911 was real. Pizza gate is real. Talking about something in the Middle east that’s not the real Israel. And I say, I forgot how I got to it.

But I said, if you pulled the flight log, Trump and Epstein walk on, because that pisses off all my christian friends and following. So I’m like, you kind of got to play it right because you’re already talking about religion and now you’re talking about politics. So I ended up pulling it because it just offends people who I care about. And it’s like, you got to pick your battles wisely.

You know what I’m saying? It’s like freedom of speech. You can say what, everything don’t need to be said. You know what I’m saying? These people still, that’s the only thing they got to believe in right now. All hope is lost. All they got is our hope, that we got one good guy in there who’s fighting for us. I don’t think we do, but a lot of people do.

And if that gives them hope and allows them to maintain some kind of peace in the midst of this crazy world, then I don’t want to be the one who tries to take that from them or wake them up from this dream that they’re in because they’re still enjoying some of mean. Talking about Epstein and pizza gate and, like, spear cooking, essentially. How real do you think all that is? Do you think this is just rich people trying to experience the extremes, like life? Or do you think that they’re legit summoning demons and making sacrifices to dark gods? I think the latter, but words and etymology and all that stuff, what sucks is that there is an amazing author that I found from New Orleans called Bradford Keeney, and he talks about the sacred aesthetics of how to generate energy and how it’s done in Africa and how it’s done in Christianity and how you can do it in your body.

And he called it spirit cooking. To be able to generate your own energy and not let it out until it cooks, until it’s like you’re full of this ecstatic bliss and this beautiful experience. And it was so crazy that because people are locked out of it, I’m locked out of even mentioning it by that name, because of what the masses now think spirit cooking is. You know what I’m saying? Now they associate with Marina Brahmovic and Clintons, and, you know, yeah, I think they’re doing demonic stuff for, you know, I want my words.

Even. Even the concept of a demon and a daemon has been throwing me for a loop because I found this writings of this old christian sect that weren’t considered Satanists or Luciferians. They were just like weirdos. I can’t remember the exact name of them. I’ll look it up at some point. But they were making this justification that you’re allowed to summon demons because Solomon did that. And that it said that when Jesus cast the demons out, that technically that was him talking directly to demons, taking control of them and the concept of Solomon.

And he had the Solomon seal in his temple where he would summon these daemons to do some sort of a practice for him. I don’t know if he was having them like sword in a stone, they clean all the dishes or something. You know what mean? Like that was that original concept of daemon. And then over the years it turns into like a bad thing no one’s ever allowed to do again.

But there are multiple references of people in the Bible summoning demons and daemons for their own good. And it’s almost like, seen as a good thing that they did it, or at least not like no one went to hell because they summoned these daemons. Right? No one necessarily cast them to hell because of it. So I wonder, is there a christian compatibility with summoning demons still? Yeah, I think so, man.

I’ve got a teaching on it. I found it biblically by breaking these words down and reading the stories like, hold on, why are we just skipping over these words? These words don’t mean because they’re written weird, I guess because it’s old English KInG James, you kind of. Oh, that’s just how they talked. Hold on, why are they describing it that many times? And the reason they’re describing it because they’re telling you the names of different demons that they were working with, the disciples and yeah, I got a whole essentially documentary about the apostle Paul working with spirits.

And it’s funny because people would see it and think that I’m either digging on apostle Paul, he’s a false prophet, or he was the Antichrist, which is what their sects of people who believe that. But no, I’m saluting him as being super deep, deeper than any of us could ever understand and imagine. Because you’ve been reading that text for hundreds of years, if not thousands, and nobody knows unless it’s revealed to you and it’s not revealed to you through a person.

Even people listening to, like, hearing me say it doesn’t even reveal, like, it’s the spirit that reveals it to you because it’s going to fall upon deaf ears. But it’s going to be a seed upon somebody when they get somewhere else in their studies. Just like I got to say. Hold on, man. This Alistair Crowley, man, he brought some dope stuff to the table, man, that I think we might need.

Then it’s revealed. You persecute it and speak against it and call it demonic until you need it. So, yeah, Paul and those guys were doing that. When you want an angel or a being to guard your home, you don’t want no weak little something. So going back to Sumer, ancient Sumer, this is what you want. You want a demon more grotesque than their biggest one. So who’s your baddest one coming? Well, I got one.

Protecting me Yu gi oh style. Protecting my home because I’ve made peace with my demons. I made peace with. Not now. I’m not listening to my demon. My demon is listening to me. He knows he needs me to function in this world, to even just remember him and say his name. If that’s all I got to do, I’m going to tell you straight up, though. So with that being said, it’s got to be revealed to you.

Don’t go buy any random witchcraft books and try to summon demons. Bad. What I’m telling you is read the Bible and look how they did it and repeat that. And they didn’t go out buying all these other books. They actually burnt those books. Paul made people burn those books because he showed that his magic was superior. And he did. If you can read between the get. Because what they did with the demons, they did with the warlocks.

Who’s the baddest warlock in town? Bring them up. They were, like battle rappers for sure. And then chopping heads off. He was Eminem. Can’t nobody touch him. That’s what he made a spectacle of people openly. The baddest witch in your city. He showed everybody that’s a charlatan because now look at him. He made people run away blind and have to have people lead them out of the city because they had a spirit on their eyes, blinding them with milk in their eyes.

That’s magic, bro. Jesus was able to heal people of that magic. So I’m dropping some deep knowledge. But Paul was using it for evil first. He knew magic, and he was using it to hurt people, just like you said. The demon, the signs, the science, the tools. A hammer is not evil. Yes, it is. This guy used a hammer. He killed his whole family with a hammer, bro.

We need to ban hammers. Hammers are demonic. Down with the hammers. Nah, that’s why you gave him a hammer. I know my neighbor, a good friend of mine. You give him a hammer, he could provide for his whole family with a hammer, man, he can build houses, he can remove nails, like run circles with his craft, with his art that he’s trained in, and he’s shown that he’s a faithful steward with that hammer.

So let’s give him another hammer. You know what I’m saying? Let’s give him more hammers. Let’s let him be the judge of who gets hammers. So that’s how this stuff works in the spirit world and how this stuff is revealed to you. So that definitely happened in the scripture. But I don’t want to encourage anybody to go look into the dark arts because that’s not how you get in with the demons.

They bow to the light, so get so much light into you that they’re attracted to you and they show you how to overcome your own demons which gives you authority over them. And now they listen to you. That’s all I’m saying. That’s actually a perfect segue to this final segment here because one of my favorite questions to ask is. Exactly. And I’ll ask it to you first and we’ll go from there.

But just to explain it, the concept is I’m just going to mention a phrase or a particular conspiracy theory or a topic and you’re just going to rate it from one to ten. One meaning you don’t believe in it at all, and then ten meaning that you absolutely believe in it. You’re writing a book about it, you’re writing songs about it. And if you don’t care or if you’re not undecided, it’s a five.

Pretty easy, right? Yeah. All right, we’re going to do this. We’ll go through, I don’t know, like 1520 different little questions. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. All right, we’re doing some PCP with truth. Seeka. The first question is one of my favorite ones. I usually build up to it, but you just led into it.

So on a scale from one to ten, how reasonable do you think it is that somebody that is like a complete atheist never doesn’t believe in any sort of religion at all? Right? They go on Amazon and they find the top three, how to summon a demon. Books summoning demons for dummies and like the idiots Guide to summoning demons. And then like, I don’t know, secret doctrine or something, they buy all three of these books, they just come straight from the factory.

No magical person’s ever touched them. It comes right out. The printer shows it to their front door, they bring it into the room, they read them, and they start going through the practices. They do the incantations, and they draw the magic circles and all that. On a scale from one to ten, how likely is it that that person summons an actual demon at some?. 9 I did it the same way you did.

Yeah. I did it. Nine. And we’ll revisit some of your scores here. All right? One to ten. Bigfoot. Eight. Chupacabras. Seven. Flat Earth. No comment. Five. Hollow Earth. Ten. Dinosaurs. Eight. Dragons, and it’s got to be fire breathing dragon. Ten. The human beings have set foot on the moon in the last hundred years. You three. Aliens help build the pyramids. Ten. Aliens are on the planet right now.

Ten. Humans are the aliens. Ten. That angels exist. Eleven. 911 was an inside job. Ten. We buried Osama bin Laden at sea. Five. Timothy McVeigh was alone. I’m sorry. One. My bad. One. One. Three. Because there’s always a possibility Timothy McVeigh was a lone wolf. Four. David Koresh was onto something. Ten. And then I guess the last one is, can music have subliminal messages that actually change someone’s behavior to a point where they’ll do something they wouldn’t normally do? Ww dot truthseeker.

com I like that. Yeah. So I want to talk to you about the dinosaurs. A lot of people, especially in christian communities, and even more so in the conspiracy communities. It’s like they’re trying to kill off dinosaurs. So how come you’re still keeping hope alive with dinosaurs? I’m with you. I’m high up on the scale. Yeah. Something big, something giant, some kind of gigantic animals. Who or what? They were fallen angels.

Those same people talk about the inner breeding of humans and angels, and they get it from Enoch. It’s a growing number of people who now believe this stuff. But the same one tells you that the animals mixed with the angels, too, whether sexually or their. You know, they’ll tell you that they’re demons or something. So it leaves open for the possibility for sure. Well, that’s actually cool. That’s new to me.

That Enoch also talked about. Because what we’re talking about nephilims, right? The watchers breed with womankind, which might mean something like you were saying, mankind and womankind is not the same as men and women. So that’s the nephilim. But I guess what would there be watchers mixing or doing something with animals. So now there’s like a nephilim version of animals, too? Yeah. And then you get humans that are mixed with all of it.

This is where I’m going to lose everybody. We’re the Nephilim. We got angels and demons. We got good and bad. We got God and Satan in us. And some of us have more than others. Some humans walking around are more Satan, the seed of the serpent, than they are the seed of Adam. You know what? Some, which we’ll say the angels in human form, we talk about. Some humans are.

Let’s just say you think they’re humans. They go to work and everything. They got jobs. These people are angels and they know they’re angels. Jordan Maxwell talked about this, too, so I’m riding with him. We’re not doing the one versus ten or anything. I’m just asking you. Yeah. Do you think that hell exists? That if someone is walking around and they’re more Satan than Christ, like, do they go and burn for eternity in hell? I think there’s layers of it.

I think there’s layers that we ascend and descend through the different dimensions in different lifetimes. And some of us get a glimpse and taste of it even in this lifetime. So I wouldn’t say hell is like a final resting place for human beings, not by any means for the original entities that deceived mankind. When it’s talking about hell in those really tormenting ways in the Bible, it’s like Jesus is addressing those people or those beings that are now living inside of people, children of Satan, inside of human bodies, that they know who they are and they tricked everybody, and he’s telling them that’s where they’re going.

But for other chambers in the underworld, yeah, I think all of the traditions have a similar spot. The only thing that changes it is the names of it. Because of Babel, it’s the same story. I got to squeeze this one in last. And this might be annoying for anyone that watches this show regularly, but it’s like my go to question for anyone that’s fairly well versed in the Bible.

And I got to know, what do you think happened in that tent with Noah and ham, or Noah and Cain, depending on your interpretation. You know what I’m talking about. This is the curse of ham, or the curse of, um. Because the scripture says something about Ham walked into Noah’s tent and saw him naked. And because of that, he was cursed forever. And this is kind of where the curse of Cain comes.

Don’t know, I don’t know exactly what happened. I haven’t broke it down. I have been reading a lot lately about those laws of, if you look at, like, in Deuteronomy, about if you see your father naked, like, this is what was supposed to happen. You’d be unclean if you saw somebody naked. But as far as saying what happened, it’s very hard to say. I can’t even throw anything at you right now, noah.

So I’ll say this. The whole doubling down on the humans or nephilims kind of thing, my understanding on that comes from know Noah being a nephilim, being a shiny one, being one who was. His eyes were glowing, and his skin was different. And when he came out, his father freaked out and said, oh, my God, it’s a nephilim. He literally said it. And he had to go to Enoch.

And Enoch said, yeah, he is. But it’s okay. God has ordained this because he said, oh, it’s one of the gods have shown up through my wife. So that kind of deal. So it probably has something to do with that. Something about taking his nakedness or DNA. I’d have to look up the words, because those words, they changed them on purpose, that we would think that he went there and just saw him naked and like, oh, my God, I’m cursed forever because I saw him naked.

And I know that’s silly. There’s a reason I love that man. I’m adding your description on that to my list of growing versions of this. That maybe he walks in and he saw Noah, like, shapeshifting or something, and tried to tell someone about it, and that was the curse. Or told him that he was a nephilim, essentially. Well, that’s deep, because whenever Moses came out of God’s presence from down the mountain, his face was shining because he was a shiny one.

His horns were glowing, his halo that he had to cover up his face, and he couldn’t let him see him. And if they would have saw his face, they would have died. Like, what is that face? Is it his light body? Jesus showed his disciples his face. It was light. He pulled his freaking skin off, bro, and showed him. He might have showed him he was a reptile.

We don’t know. I like his plotline, man. Telling you, man, it’s the words, bro. It’s the words that we think they tricked us. All you got to do is go look at the Greek and google those words. I’ll tell you. Because Jesus did that with his disciples at the top of mount transfiguration. Moses and Elijah came, and the disciples got to see him and meet with him, like, oh, my God.

And they said, do you want us to build you a tent? Do you want us to build you one of those tents? So now we’re uncovering some stuff, because it’s the same thing that happened with Noah. They walked into the tent, and then he saw what was taking place. If it’s anything to do with a regular tent, in the New Testament and old, those were places that you would meet with spirits, where they come to live together, where two walk in there and one walks out, because they come into this combination.

Now they’re living through you. It was used for greek plays. It was called a scheme in Greek, and it was used in the Greek plays to somebody who was playing multiple characters in a play. So they would run off stage and hurry up and change in this little bitty tent, close it, and run out, and they were a different character. So when two of them walked in there together and one walked out or one walked in, and he’s a different person, and he comes out.

So now we’re tying into spirituality or some kind of ancient magic, if you will. So it’s the words that you got to break down. And when you read it in passing, it just says a tent. And we have an idea of what a tent is because we grew up camping with our families, and nothing other stuff happened. So now you’re thinking of gay stuff. When you read about him going, he saw his dad naked, man.

He has sex. It aroused him, and that’s why he got killed. That ain’t what’s happening. And the concept of tent, too, could be translated as, like, a tabernacle. And the tabernacle was because people that were religious and being persecuted, they couldn’t build a church or a temple or anything because it would just get knocked down. It would be like a beacon to all the enemies. So they would have to set up these temporary tents or tabernacles to do all their worship and then bring them back down and move them around almost like nomad style.

So that’s another one of the. And just what you were saying about it being all magic and doesn’t have to be sexual, that’s actually my favorite version of this. Maybe outside of he got caught shapeshifting. But that the idea is that Noah was magic, and he knew magic. And when Ham walked into a tent and saw him quote unquote naked, naked, meaning that he was talking directly to God or summoning magic or using magic, making himself completely vulnerable, aka naked.

And that. That’s what cursed ham was. That ham saw him performing magic, which should have been occulted. It should have been out of sight. But because he saw it and he wasn’t ready to see it, that’s what cursed him. Well, you got that or now? Hey, you can’t tell nobody. Nobody knows I’m a nephilim. That’s when I said, I’m going to lose a lot of your audience with this.

I’ve got viral memes of me jokingly sharing it in live streams, and people are mad. No, he wasn’t. It meant he’s an albino. So they know something’s up with Noah, because tradition tells you this, that he was different and his skin was white. It says his skin was glowing. They’ve never seen a glowing man before. They have seen albinos, so that’s the only thing they have to go off of.

Just like how this goes back to Jesus being. Could be a reptile, could be some type of serpent, if you will. There’s many types of serpents. Now, let’s understand that dragons and serpents are different. In the Bible, Moses, when Moses threw his staff down, it became a serpent. That’s a brazen serpent. A brazen serpent. But then the others, Janus and Jambrush, Pharaoh’s magicians, did the same thing, and theirs became a serpent as well.

It’s a different word there, too. But the story is that Moses won because he had the biggest serpent of anybody, and therefore, like, the brazen serpent, wins. Right? Let’s look at serpents as maybe snakes, maybe, or geckos or whatever, some kind of serpent. But the word that Moses, his serpent, was a dragon or a crocodile, which is the symbol for magic in the Nile, in Egypt. The Crocodile is the symbol for the magicians.

It’s the God that’s over the magicians. There’s a reason why you see baby Horus riding on the back of a crocodile, holding a snake in one hand and a, what do you call it? Rattler. It’s like a scepter that looks like a rat, like a rattle scorpion. He held a scorpion and a snake in one hand. Baby horse, he had learned to use magic. And then Jesus says that you’ll be able to tread upon snakes and scorpions.

They’ll bite you and you won’t be poisoned. Learning to govern and balance and work with a greater magic and to be able to use it for good and for service and to help humanity. Magic is real. It’s just being used against us. It’s just been used. What happens when we get magic? Well, we’re yet to find out. Let’s give you a little bit. Let’s teach you word magic.

See how you use it. Let’s teach you magic on. There are certain days that there are certain times you lose sleep. I mean, whatever your magic is, let’s show you something easy that everyone’s already doing. Let’s give you crystals. Let’s give you these things and see how you use them. And if you use them right, you’ll be given another hammer. Right. So same thing with the information, same thing with knowledge.

Jesus’s word goes back to, it’s the word for that in revelations, chapter one and two, that he appeared. And it’s like this version of him that had eyes that glue like flaming fire, and the skin of that, of burnt brass, brazen brass that had been burnt in the fire. So the shiny burnt brass. So I used to run with the Hebrew Israelites during my I’ve been around, I used to run with the Hebrew Israelites.

Weren’t you a white devil to them? To some of them for sure. But other ones, my native blood showed in me more than my white blood, so they called me brethren. But they read that verse and they say that shows you Jesus was black. He was a black man because he was skin that was burnt in fire. Brazen brass burnt in fire. When you look it up, it goes back to bronze.

And you look the word bronze up or brass, you look up brass in the Old Testament, and this is how the game works, because you need both. It’s a compendium. You need the New Testament precepts to understand the Old Testament concepts. One is one locked, one is one revealed. You think when you look up brass in the Old Testament, it’s the word nakash. It’s the word for serpent.

And it says that Jesus looked like his skin looked like brass burnt in fire. Well, this is what you get when you burn brass in a fire. You don’t get a dark, burnt brass like a black man, a black man’s skin. I’ve never seen a black man anyway, so to say. See, he’s burnt bronze. That’s what our skin looks like. I used to run with these guys, what they teach and for the layperson, oh, wow, it makes sense.

Look the words up. They didn’t make it that easy for you to tell you. This is literal. When you look it up, the brass that has been burnt in the fire, it has been refined over with hellfire, to be honest with you, it’s been tested. It reflects the sun. It’s iridescent, it’s shiny. It’s got every color in the rainbow. It’s not just black. It contains every color, and it’s a spectrum that it reflects, like snake scales in the sun.

This is wild, man. I haven’t heard this before. I like it. It’s deep. Yeah, I’m telling you, I ain’t heard of nowhere either. I mean, salamanders come out of the fire, too, right? That’s one of the things that was ascribed to them mythologically. And just to hone on the crocodile aspect, you look at any of these old images of the alchemical labs, they all had a crocodile hanging on the ceiling because it was no, like, if you didn’t have one of those, you weren’t performing the highest magic possible, a, because of the link to egyptian magic and Horus.

But also, I think it was supposed to represent time and the passage of time. We just got a wild link to the crocodile and Peter Pan that swallows the clock. It’s all connected, man. It’s all connected. Yeah, I think to Sarah showed some of that. Yeah. Shout out, Sarah. I’m glad we mentioned so many deep names here. Like, lost children of Babylon doesn’t come up on this show often.

It should. Yeah. Michael Sarion, Jordan Maxwell. Hell, I’ll just shout out John de camp, Nick Bryant. Those are some of my OG ones that really, man, Jordan Maxwell was kind of like the start to the cliff. And then once I found John de camp and the whole Franklin scandal stuff that, to me, like you were describing earlier about, sometimes you just hear about that one conspiracy and it’s like, where do you go from here? Nothing beats that.

I think that Franklin scandal stuff was probably like, the rock bottom of, like, all right. Nothing else you can ever tell me is going to make me feel any weirder about humanity and the depths that we can go to than this. So where do you go from there? And that was the moment I was like, I need to make comic books, man. This is sad. This is depressing.

Killing me. I want to make something that makes you happy. Yeah, bro. I want something that you can laugh at but still get the knowledge. Like, not mocking it, not nodding it off, but just saying, like, oh, and here’s something you can laugh at, regardless of this or in spite of this. Yeah, dude. Laughter is a healing, man. It’s a medicine. LAUGHTER helps. And we need to be able to laugh, and especially when you can put something deep in it, you know what I’m saying? Because that’s what they did to us.

Anyway. They made us watch bugs Bunny Looney tunes and made us laugh and then showed us the propaganda that they wanted us to learn and become a part of our ideology and the way we saw the world and saw people that somebody who created that didn’t like those people and wanted us not to like them as well even though they didn’t do anything to us. What’s nuts, too, is that Bugs Bunny is where I first heard the name Nimrod.

He used to call Elmer Bud Nimrod all the time. And I always thought Nimrod meant that you were an idiot because then Beavis and Butthead will call each other nimrod. But the whole reason that bugs Bunny called Elmer Fudd Nimrod is because Nimrod was a great hunter. So it was actually a sarcastic dig, like saying, you idiot. It’s like calling someone Einstein if they’re not acting smart. But that shaped my entire image of who Nimrod was until very recently when I found that little weave out.

I always thought Nimrod meant, like, a derogatory thing, but that was just the sarcasm of Bugs Bunny. Yeah. Yeah. It’s kind of funny because when you say that, I’m thinking nimwit or dimwit. But I guess that is the word because I’m thinking of what helps me think of it is the Green Day album called Nimrod, right? And it was a dude, like a poindexter dude. Which is funny, too, because their nimrod, right, is wearing the dunce cap.

Yeah, but the dunce. That stuff come out. But, bro, the dunce cap was created by a catholic priest, I think. And the whole idea was that the shape of the dunce cap was channeling God. It was channeling knowledge. So really what you could do is it was supposed to make you smarter. So then the image of the kid with a dunce cap on it wasn’t to ridicule them and make them look stupid.

It was because they were actually trying to make them smarter by summoning more knowledge from the universe into their head. But again, just, like, over time, that image, that silhouette of the kid with a dunce cap turns into being, like, a silly, dumb thing when really it was a sacred knowledge thing. It’s just weird how everything gets inverted like that. So what you’re saying is Alastair Crowley might have been on to something.

I mean, I’m not saying that exactly. I think he was on something. Well, didn’t he wear the pyramid hat? He did wear the pyramid so he might have been using that the same way that the duns cap was, right? He got it from a catholic priest. Well, I’m saying we just did a podcast on pyramid energy and stuff, and I related it. They wear pyramid, like, crystal pyramids on their heads.

I remember I’ve been to a ringling museum here in Florida a couple times, and one day I went there. They must have been having one of those crystal pyramid conventions because there was dudes straight up setting up like a full blown glass pyramid in the grass and sitting inside of it, and I didn’t know what the hell I was seeing, man. It was a wild thing. Listen, though, all this is tying together, because on that, that is probably what the tent was that we’re reading about.

And him walking in there, he’s able to go into this closed off space and seal it and be able to astral travel or go meet with his celestial council or whatever they’re doing. Because a pyramid is a bigger version of, it’s a tent or essentially a teepee. And it was the same way where they could channel the energy or the smoke, fill it up with smoke, and the smoke rises up out the top.

It’s a dunce cap that you’re sitting inside of. Yes. This is wild, man. I think we can keep going on for hours and hours, but we’ll kill it here. But I feel like we could do a few other episodes and talk about some really cool stuff. So I appreciate you coming on here, man. It was a pleasure on my show, but we got to talk about family life.

Now. I can get as deep or as surface level as anyone wants. I got a clean set and I got a dirty set. That’s good because the friends are like, I’m not going to hold anything back. That’s why you ain’t got a channel. I do this for real. I do this to feed my. We do this full time now. You know what I’m saying? I raise a family doing this with my channel.

You go create you another one and let it get deleted as a ways to do everything. You know what I’m saying? And so what I’ll do is I’ll learn from occult decode. com and we’ll use that, pop that up again. And if you ever got a word that you’re like, oh, there’s a word missing from here, just let me know. I’ll add it like, same day. That’s where almost all these came from.

So are these conspiracy words or are these, I’ll unblur it because I can reblur it. I’ve got it pulled up. Like, all the words on top are the ones you’re not allowed to say, either out loud or in text, at risk of either getting demonetized or straight up removed, which is crazy. Like the word bankruptcy. If you say bankruptcy on YouTube enough, they can classify you as being like, financial advice or something, and it just reduces your ranking.

Bestiality is an obvious one. But all of these, man, like, unalive, that’s a classic YouTube. When someone says unalived, you already know, like, oh, they’re getting around the YouTube censors. You know what mean? Yeah. Yep. Until they start hitting you for saying unalive, and then what do we move to? You know what mean? Yeah. Yeah. Well, they’re going to get you for thinking eventually, right? That’s what they’re talking.

And yeah, I might as well pull up. This is the tinfoil trap website. You can see that truth seeka number two up here, the sound of freedom. You can go and listen to it. It’s got links to Spotify, Soundcloud, iTunes, YouTube, Instagram, everything, anywhere that you can find truth Seeka. We got the links on there along with a whole bunch of other artists. Everyone here is someone that I either know personally or have talked to personally, especially now.

We just got a full hour and a half long interview going on. Two hour interview with Trusika. So we’re officially acquainted. Everyone on here is worth listening. I’m glad you hit me up. And look at that. Here we got Jordan Maxwell right here on a song called talking to Spirits. So just sink after sink, right above the pizza gate song. Heck, yeah. So, hey, thanks again, man, for coming on.

We’ll link up for some additional shows, but. Sounds good. That was the show, man. Thank you so much. I didn’t think we were going to talk about the Bible the whole time. This happens a lot. I like it. It’s in a fun way, man. We talked about the occult the whole time. What do you mean? All right, I’ll play us out with something that I feel is a little appropriate since we talked about it to start out.

So here you go. This is FD west five. In Epstein’s quest, you get to travel the world, see the sights, and take part in unspeakable pleasures. Blackmail your friends for fun and profit, featuring all your favorite characters of the dark underworld and beyond, Bill and Hillary, Trump and Melania, with guest appearances by Chris Tucker, Bill Gates, and more. To find out, just search for Epstein’s island online and play the all new game Epstein’s quest from developer paranoid American.

For more details, visit paranoidamerican. com. .

  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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