Paranoid American Podcast 056: Nephilim Babies w/ Gary Wayne

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➡ Paranoid American is a comic publisher and podcast that explores mysteries and secrets of our world since 2012. They discuss topics like mind control, secret societies, and hidden symbols in pop culture. The podcast recently featured Gary Wayne, author of “The Genesis 6 Conspiracy”, who talks about secret societies, giants, and end-time prophecies from a Christian perspective. Wayne encourages listeners to question accepted narratives and seek their own understanding of these topics.
➡ The person in the text was an atheist who started reading a prophecy book that scared him and made him want to learn more about the Bible. He spent years studying the Bible, highlighting and logging different prophecies. He also started researching giants mentioned in the Bible, which led him to study various religions and secret societies. Despite not being a theologian or having a university education, he considered writing a book about his findings, but was unsure if anyone would be interested in it.
➡ The author is promoting his books available on his website, Genesis six The books contain a lot of information and are available in both print and digital formats. He also mentions a contact option on his website for any questions or requests. The author also discusses various theories and interpretations about angels, giants, and mythical beings, suggesting that these topics are covered in his books.
➡ This text talks about a belief in a group of powerful spirits, who are like angels, controlling the world. These spirits are said to be the children of ancient giants. The text also mentions a product related to this belief, a playset featuring these spirits and a portal to another dimension. The playset is a piece of art, not a toy, and is available on a website called
➡ The text discusses the Book of Mormons and its similarities to the New Testament, along with its unique history dating back to 600 BC. It also talks about the author’s dissatisfaction with various religious leaderships, including the Roman Catholic and Mormon churches, due to their focus on personal agendas rather than the teachings of the Bible. The author also expresses concern about the potential misuse of prophecy and the dangers of self-proclaimed prophets. Lastly, the text criticizes the ability of religious leaders to reinterpret or change scripture, which the author believes is not biblically supported.
➡ The text discusses the use of oaths in Freemasonry and other secret societies, and how they are seen in a religious context, particularly Christianity. It suggests that those who swear oaths are held accountable by God, and that breaking these oaths can have serious spiritual consequences. The text also delves into biblical stories, such as Moses’ life, to illustrate these points. Lastly, it touches on the concept of sin, the potential for unforgivable acts, and the manipulation of creation, including DNA, as a violation of divine law.
➡ This text talks about various myths and legends about gods and giants from different cultures. It explains how some believe that after a world-destroying event, new gods and giants emerge. The size of these giants varies, with some stories suggesting they were hundreds of feet tall. The text also discusses how these giants’ size and power may have changed over time, possibly due to limitations set by higher powers.
➡ This text talks about the belief in cycles of history and the return of past events, using examples from various mythologies and religions. It discusses the concept of spirits, particularly those of giants, who are believed to haunt people because they died in a way that didn’t allow them to join their gods. The text also explores the idea of these giants having fertility issues, leading to rituals to try and produce more giants. Lastly, it mentions the belief that sacrifices to gods could grant power to those who made them.
➡ The text discusses the concept of Nephilim, or giants, from biblical and polytheistic perspectives. It explains how these beings, often seen as angels or gods, could take physical form and reproduce with humans. The text also explores the idea of these beings having their own DNA and the ability to create their own bodies. It delves into the societal structures of these beings, including the importance of matriarchal and patriarchal bloodlines in establishing new dynasties. The text also mentions the concept of a spirit realm and the ability of these beings to exist in both physical and spiritual forms.
➡ This text talks about various secret societies and their belief systems, including the Illuminati and Freemasonry. It discusses their hierarchical structures, with higher levels supposedly having more power and knowledge. The text also delves into ancient myths and legends, suggesting that these societies aim to restore an old system where a mother goddess and a male god ruled together. Lastly, it touches on the concept of royal bloodlines and the belief in a special gene passed down through generations, which is highly valued in these societies.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and beliefs, including the idea that certain bloodlines, particularly those with Rh negative blood, are connected to royal families and nobility. It also mentions the concept of giants and their defeat through the use of hornets, as described in the Bible. The text then transitions into a discussion about various other theories, such as the existence of dragons, the moon landing, and Bigfoot. Finally, it delves into the topic of summoning demons and the beliefs of secret societies, particularly the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite Masons, who are said to worship Lucifer.
➡ The text discusses the secrets and traditions of the 32nd and 33rd degrees in a certain system, possibly related to freemasonry or a similar organization. It mentions the potential consequences of revealing these secrets, including death in older traditions. The text also explores the concept of ‘adept’ and the idea of ‘royal bloodlines’. It further delves into a biblical story involving Ham and Noah, suggesting a sexual act may have occurred, which is seen as a sin and a trait of giants in some interpretations. The text ends with a discussion about the Genesis 6 conspiracy, a book series exploring various historical and religious topics.


Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the paranoid american podcast. Launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world.

From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the awe inspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.

Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all the funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me. They’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal. Heal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Thank you for coming to one more episode of Paranoid American podcast. And we’ve got another interesting guest, as we always do. But this time we’ve got Gary Wayne, who’s going to give us, like, the true scoop.

He’s going to inform a bumpkin like me about a topic that I guess I’ve been going really hard on lately. Thanks a lot to Joel Thomas and Tony Merkel and the confessionals. But they told me, I asked, like, where, who can I talk to to give me, like, the true inside scoop on all this? And Joe was emphatic about talk to Gary Wayne. So I think I contacted you like, like months ago, like last year, and we had scheduled this for quite a while, right around the release of your brand new book, the Genesis six Conspiracy, part two.

But before we even get into all the questions, I like to, you know, let you introduce yourself and tell people where to find you and. And what your project is. Yeah. So people who may not be familiar with me, I wrote two books, one released yesterday, the second book. So Genesis six conspiracy. Part one, how secret societies in the descendants of giants plan to enslave humankind. In part two, just released yesterday, how understanding prehistory and giants helps to define end time prophecy.

So I’m a christian contrarian, and I came about this type of research, sort of kicking and screaming, and took me a while to come around because of the cognizant dissonance that you get with giants and stuff like that, particularly out of the Bible. And at the time, I wasn’t even a Christian at that time. So it’s a kind of a long story how I got here. But when I say I’m a contrarian, I tend not to accept what somebody says or what somebody says something sad or is.

I tend to want to verify it myself. So I do all of my research, biblically wise or non biblically wise, by verifying things myself. And this sort of passion all kind of intersected as I got onto this track to try and understand what was going on with prophecy, on a challenge that I took with my previous passions that I had before coming back to be a Christian. And when I was growing up, I was a avid reader and an avid fan of history, ancient history, prehistory, mythology.

And I read sort of everything I could get my hands on. So it kind of gave me a lot of different nexus points and data points in terms of when I was starting to read things in the Old Testament. So. So the first book that I wrote, it’s kind of trying to draw in for people all around the world, whether you’re a christian or not, even though it has a christian biases, is that we have a common history that’s told in all cultures, a common prehistory, a common history.

It affects what’s happening today, and it also has the same type of narratives. No matter what religion or perspective that you’re in, in terms of what the future will be and what we know, what we understand biblically as end time prophecy. Now, one is seen through a polytheist lens. Christians and monotheists look through it through a monotheist lens. And then, of course, you got the secular sort of understanding that kind of branches out into the alien kind of mythos, but they’re all talking about the same thing.

So book one was sort of designed to demonstrate to people that there’s this common history and legacy, and it’s had. I think it’s changed the conversation in so many ways out there in this genre that overlaps into a whole bunch of different things. And that book, too, I wrote, not because I thought I should write it at the beginning. I didn’t really decide that until I got into it that I should write it.

I wrote it in a response to christians who are starved at what’s written in the Bible, and they’re not taught this in churches, and they’re not taught this in, you know, anywhere that they go. So prophecy and prehistory is kind of one of those things you just don’t talk about in christian churches for some reason, which we can talk about. And so I listened to the audience and I wrote the sequel, and I set aside a book I was already 300 pages into.

So once I got the calling, I got the, I got the understanding, it came pretty easily. So book two, even if you’re not christian, if you want to know more about giants, if you want to know more about what happened in prehistory, if you want to know how these mysterious things affect what happens today and what happens in the end time, from a christian perspective, you’re going to learn more about God’s fallen angels, giants, hybrid giants, and a whole bunch of other things that you wondered about out of prehistory that you never thought about or connected in, in that kind of manner.

I do want to know about all that stuff, and I’m, I was delighted when you answered the first question preemptively before I even got a chance to, because you called yourself a, like a christian contrarian. And I’m just wondering, when you were a lover of just history and philosophy and all the other areas that you were describing, were you always a contrarian in those areas, too, or was it just reserved for your religious studies? I was.

I didn’t realize. Were you like, a troublemaker in school? Yeah, I’m a rascal, there’s no doubt about that. So troublemaker, contrarian against the status quo, always fighting against the common flow of society. I’m just sort of naturally that way. So what’s really kind of nice, though, is I was able over time, to understand that generally when I was going against the flow, you know, there was opportunity, whether it’s business wise or otherwise, because generally the whole flow of society, you’re not really getting ahead that way.

You’re just trying to keep up with this dream. So. And so what this allowed me to do was to sort of really cultivate that contrarian concept. And so getting into the christian community from a different sort of perspective, not always welcoming at. At first, and probably still not welcomed by a lot of the mainstream establishment, so to speak, religious aspect that’s more interested in their business than they are in guiding the flock at times.

They have teach good principles, but it’s completely out of context with the rest of the Bible, my opinion. And so. But I can. I can tend to back that up. So that’s why it’s helpful if you’re going to be a contrarian, that you do it in the contrarian, where you try and verify everything yourself, because then you’re not relying on what somebody said that was inaccurate. And you said when you started on this that you weren’t necessarily a Christian at that point.

So what. What were you? Well, I, you know, I grew up initially in the Baptist church, but by the time I was a teenager, I was totally into the flow of science and peer pressure. And so I was strictly sort of secular, and I was a fan of evolution and everything that we’re going with the sciences, and I love science fiction and that sort of utopian world that they promised for us, that’s out in the stars.

That was me. I was. That’s it. What’s that? Space communism. That’s Star Trek. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So, so would you. What would you say that you were atheist or agnostic? Would you even go in one of those two camps or just kind of a vague secular. I was basically atheist at that point. I had gone from, you know, thinking, you know, there was a God and everything like that, but then I went over to basically atheism, and in that, you know, we’re sort of in, in on this all alone.

But I had challenged to read a book, and it was a prophecy book by a fellow by the name of Hal Lindsey, if I had the courage to do it. And we were drinking heavily on a Friday night when I was young, when the challenge came, and they were talking about Antichrist and false prophet, and then they challenged me to write this book called the late, great Planet Earth.

So I did, and it scared the socks off of me because if even part of it was true, this was something I needed to know more of. So then I thought, well, you can look it up in the Bible, but you don’t know whether or not. And I was pretty, pretty much anti a lot of the televangelists and things like that because they tend to manipulate and they’re after the money and all these other things, except for Peter Popoff, because if you got the.

The holy water and you sprinkled it on your mailbox that you would get a check for, like, 30 grand from, like. Yeah, yeah, that one always worked. All the other ones were scams, though. Yeah. So I thought, well, okay, the passages are verified, but that doesn’t mean it’s in context or it’s not manipulated. So that started me on this sort of long process that I need to learn about the Bible.

So you have to start by reading it. And it was painful for me. I had to stop and get a. An NiV Bible because the Baconian English was driving me crazy. And so I read that. But, you know, the Old Testament to me was still very, very dry, and I was trying to just sort of understand it. But as I got into it and I understood things more, it started to sort of come to life to me.

And so I was tracking all of these different prophecy narratives, and I’m logging them down in files. I started off with highlighters and found out I ran out of colors pretty fast, so then I had to set up a new system. And you get the Genesis six as you’re doing this, and as I read in the first one, it’s like talking about giants. I’m going, whatever that is, I don’t have anything to do with it.

So I just ignored it for several years in my research. And then at one point in time, I’m going, like, you know, there’s giants both before and after the flood, different kinds of giants. There’s demons, angels, and at least the demons and the angels. If my understanding at that point in time were somehow involved with end time prophecy, which was, I’m thinking, well, how do I understand that in terms of what’s going on here? And so then I decided I would start logging the giant narratives.

And, of course, you never really get it all the first time through, so you have to do it many times. And it was many years as I just keeping adding to the file. And when I had a lot of information put together, I thought, you know, I could write a lot of books here if I wanted to. But, you know, I’m not a theologian. I don’t have a platform.

I don’t have a university education, and that I don’t even know whether I can write a book. And if I could write a book, would somebody want to publish it? And if somebody did want to publish it, would anybody buy it, and would anybody read it and would anybody like it? So, you have all of that that I’m wrestling with. So I thought, well, instead of getting into significant end time prophecy, in the beginning, why don’t I write a short book, which was the plan.

I just want to connect Genesis six, where they have the creation of the giants, with end time prophecy, where you have, like, you know, the false prophet, Antichrist, demons, angels, fallen angels, and just write something quickly. So I did that fairly quickly with about ten chapters, and then I realized, you know, it’s so incomplete that, and I know the prehistory and things that I’ve read to a certain degree, they all link, whether it’s prehistory or end time prophecy.

So why don’t I just start putting stuff in about what I know about giants and greek mythology or sumerian mythology and things like that? So I did that and did that pretty quickly, and then I thought, well, for people who aren’t familiar with those cultures, they don’t have sort of frame or reference. So I think I need to learn more about those religions. So I had to read all of these different kinds of religious books, from the popol vu to the Book of Mormon to the gnostic scriptures to the vedas, you name it.

If it was written down something other than oral tradition, I wanted to sort of link that in. And so after doing that, then you realize, well, okay, so that’s the religious aspect of what’s going on with the whole overall hierarchy in the culture, but there’s also these mystery schools that are associated with these religions all over the world. So I start looking more into the mystery schools, and that’s the education for the elite, not the mundane third and fourth classes in the same four class feudal system that was established worldwide.

And so it’s just the noble elite. But within these mystery schools, you have these secret societies similar to what you have in our degree based system in education today with initiatory organizations on university campuses. And so I started to dig into that, and I learned that secret societies take their beginnings back to these mystery schools and back to the seven sacred sciences that were used to form the original knowledge religions or gnostic religions that, you know, formed the mystery schools.

And then I realized, well, I don’t know anything about secret societies, but I’ve heard a lot about the Illuminati and whatever, right? So I had to learn all about secret societies, and then that took me down rabbit holes for probably a decade. And you could just. There’s so much stuff out there. Every time you ask a question, there’s just more things to find out. But at some point in time, I thought, I got to put this together.

So that took me. So I started writing the book. And about 1996, and by about 2013, I thought I might be ready to start looking for a publisher. So. And my research started in 1981. This sounds very familiar to me. I’ve got a few long term projects that might be like another six years in the works. I’m curious right away, what did you glean from Mormonism that was specific to giants and I guess Nephilim or anything else that would be something that people might not have heard about Mormonism already.

Well, what’s interesting is, you know, if you don’t know anything about Mormonism other than the people are absolutely terrific. It’s a very interesting sort of branch of Christianity. And I know a lot of people would look at it not as Christianity, but I’ll leave that up to other people. They look at themselves as Christians. And so its structure is very much like a polytheist religion. And they have not just the elders at the top, but these are, like, adepts, and they can actually add on to scripture, and they have terms and things that they talk about that is distinct from what is taught in the Bible.

Let’s just say different. And then you take that back to the pacifism movement, which is started by generally freemasons and secret society members. And same with Mormonism. As you take that back to their founders, and then you find out that Joseph Smith receives all of this information as it’s like being dictated to him by an angel or a demon or fallen angel, which everywhere you want to fall in on that, he just receives it, and he just.

He’s writing it down. That’s almost even sort of possessed or controlled because he has to write at such a speed. And so he gets all of this history that comes at them. And so with that, as one of the sort of frames of context, I was a little bit reluctant, reluctant to dig too deep into this because it’s. It was kind of different. So I read the Book of Mormon, and I read it several times.

And, you know, in. In that it’s like getting an initiatory Bible from Freemasonry, which just has a few pages that are separated for the initiates because they’re not adepts yet to study on and some terms and things that they need to know. Whereas the adept Bible is completely different, and it has more of the polytheist influence significantly, and it’s part of the larger polychronicon that was their oral tradition that they eventually put down in writing in the Middle Ages.

And so Book of Mormons kind of like that, and a lot of it is sort of repetitive to what’s in the New Testament. But then they have this history that goes back to the time of Nephi and at the time and the people of Jared, as I recall, and around 600 bc. So at the time when the Babylonians moved into the Middle east and they took the southern kingdom of Judah in exile to Babylon, but yet they take their bloodline tradition and their knowledge legacy back to the time of the Tower of Babel.

And so the brother of Jared is considered this mighty one, like a giant, like Nimrod is kind of described just as giants. Nephilim and Rafa’im, after the flood were described as mighty ones and men of renown, and that there were some of these large and mighty men even in the time after those peoples had migrated over to North America. So not a lot in there that I could really use based on all of that.

But I made a note that, again, they have a recollection even in their additions to the Bible about possible giants and bloodlines. So. But other than that, I mean, I would say I’m not a fan of the leadership, but I’m not a fan of the roman catholic leadership as well. And I’m not a fan of most organizational leaderships and christians. I think the Bible is great, but I don’t think they’re leading the flocks as well as they ought to.

And they’re more focused on their own slant and biases agenda than what’s in the Bible. Do you think anyone’s closer than the others, or if anyone’s farther away than the others that you’d be willing to call out? No, I think, you know, I think they all teach the principles of the Bible well, so they have that in common. I think there are some, particularly in the evangelicals, that focus a little bit more on prophecy than others.

So they would be a little bit sort of closer, but it doesn’t matter sort of which church that I’ve done research on. I wish more of them did it, but there’s so few. Most don’t teach the accuracy of prehistory, and they really like to avoid prophecy. And. But then again, that’s because I think their seminary schools, both in the catholic system and in the protestant system, have been influenced by polytheists and particularly the secret societies with an agenda to not teach those things.

What, uh, what would be the safeguards in. In the world we live in today, right, where there’s kids, that their goal is to just be an influencer and just like, what do you want to be famous? Like, famous for? What? No, just, just get right to the famous part. How do you prevent people if you make prophecy sort of like an acceptable widespread thing? Doesn’t just everyone assume that they’re a prophet at some point and start like convincing themselves that they’re all prophets? Because my understanding is that the Roman catholic church and even mormonism, modern day, they’ve kind of put like a subtle squash on it, like, no, no, like the prophecy times are kind of over.

We don’t do that anymore because I assume if they opened that gate, like all of a sudden just thousands of people every day or, you know, I just got a dream and now all of a sudden you do about that. Well, biblically we’re told that, and particularly through the Old Testament in Daniel nine, that there’s 70 weeks and it’s a set time from that point forward when all prophecy is going to be done, fulfilled, and everything happens.

And so that ends in the generation, except for one week at the time of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and that generation that continues, it’s still part of that. So you get the apostles and you get the disciples in terms of the prophecy, but the last week of that is the last seven years of this age. So I’m not going to sit here and say that, you know, the almighty can’t create prophets anytime that he wants because he can do whatever he feels is good.

But typically these prophets are wrong. So they’re not really prophets of God because they can’t be wrong. And typically they use it to either do two things. One is to raise themselves up, which is always wrong. It’s not about the messenger, it’s about the message. And secondly, so you shouldn’t be, you know, getting gain, you’ll conceive that way on it. And your focus should be more on getting information out there.

And, or these ones are using it to exert power over people or to put them down because they’ll say, I’m a prophet, I have the holy spirit, I have this, I have that, or I speak to God regularly. All these things that they cannot prove. And their prophecies certainly don’t do themselves any favor because they’re usually wrong. So one wants to be very, very careful on that. And so I get asked a lot.

Do you think you’re a prophet? Well, I’m not a prophet. I’m not a theologian, I’m not a minister. I’m a researcher and I present information to people and I’m not necessarily trying to convert people. I think everybody’s here and has an opportunity for free choice. And we need to learn everything about what’s going on in this world and decide for ourselves whatever you decide. From my research, I’ve made that decision.

And I can connect dots. And what I hope to do with people who aren’t Christians is because I can connect things into the Bible from around the world, but always from. I always use a biblical biases as a Christian that they might give the Bible a look because there’s a lot more in there than what christians know and a lot more in there of what non Christians know.

What do you think about Joseph Smith being a prophet? Because that’s clearly after 70 ad, right? This is like the early 200s. Yeah, well, and I could accept that if, if I could see the prophet aspect of it, but it’s sort of just sort of repeating stuff if there is, you know, for whatever prophecy that’s in there, that would be already stated in the Bible and almost word for word, so.

But what is disturbing, though, about the leadership of the Mormon church for me is that they can change scripture. They believe they have the authority of God to rewrite the Bible if they wanted to, in any way that they wanted. And that is a step too far. There’s nothing biblically that comes out of the hebrew texts or the original apostles and disciples that says they have that power to do that.

And so even when the roman church says that the pope is infallible, that’s not true either. We see that all, you know, all the time. I’m not saying they’re evil people necessarily, but don’t say that you’re infallible and don’t support that doctrine. I was going to, that was the other really good example because I was brought up Roman Catholic and I understood that it wasn’t that the Vatican changes the Bible, but they can change the interpretation.

So, like yesterday, this passage meant one thing, and even though the words stay the same, it gets reinterpreted and now it means a completely different thing. And that was always an interesting, it was almost like a bunch of lawyers. Like, I always assumed that if you get to the high level of the Vatican, it’s just like being in like a high price courtroom. Well, and the thing is, is when you’re into the legalism, you’re into polytheism.

How so? Well, that’s where it all comes from. So the organizational structure, both before and after the flood, both. And particularly the after the flood, where we would have more sort of empirical evidence of that, is that you have a very much decentralized organization temples that don’t sort of work together in Israel and in Judah, even though you would have the place of the holy of holies, and you have levites that are the priests all throughout.

And you have this very flat sort of structure in that they have the law. But there’s no reinterpreting the law until the new covenant, where we understand that there’s more to it than just the law. And he’s there to not abolish the law, but to fulfill it. And that if you believe your sins will be forgiven, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t laws, that we should be fine, but it’s the application of how that is applied in terms of the spirit of it.

And polytheism, they can interpret things any way that they want because that’s their belief system. And everything’s done through allegories, taciturn symbols, all sorts of metaphors and things like that. And they’re the ones who initiated the oath based society. And so everything is done through oaths and through the laws that they’ve set up to divide things up, typically, for the elite that has dominated the world ever since.

So it’s their system. So when you have a Baconian Bible written in English, that is done by the mighty Prince James, who’s a initiated adept of polytheism from childhood, as being part of the bloodlines and way higher than a first level adept. So if you see him with images that are out there where he is being initiated as a Freemasonry, Freemason, he would have been higher than first level adept by the time he was, like, six years old.

So the way higher than that. So that’s just doing things on a sort of respectful kind of nature as opposed to where they fall. And so this Bible was printed not only for political reasons, to unite his empire under one Bible and sort of try and bring back all of the tensions that’s going on with the Puritans and it’s going on with the Quakers and with the. The Catholics and all the other Protestants.

It was pretty messy back then. And you have a scottish king taking over the Elizabeth throne at that point in time. So he’s trying to unify it, like Constantine did with using Christianity and then merging a lot of polytheism into that to unite his roman empire. And something that was used back in Persia as well, with zoroastrianism. So it’s a common sort of thing that they do. But this was brought in to swear oaths on, just as you do that in the secret societies, and in mystical religions and used in swearing that you’re going to tell the truth in the court of law, you have oaths of allegiance.

You have. It’s just everywhere. And biblically, we’re told not to swear oaths. Right, but it’s where on the Bible too, even in the courtroom. Yeah, yeah. But if you do swear an oath, God is going to hold us accountable for it. So if you do swear an oath, you have to fulfill it or you’re going to be held accountable for it. So are you saying that God helps the Freemasons enforce their blood oaths? So if you violate a freemasonic oath, when you go to heaven, he’s like, hey, you actually violated this oath.

I think if you would continue sort of with that, the logical playing it out is you would have somebody showing up who holds the deed to your soul and spirit, particularly the soul aspect from a polytheist perspective, versus a christian perspective of the spirit. So he has title to the people who swear their oath to him and continue to fulfill that. So there’s a good biblical example of this.

And so in the time of Moses, as the story goes in the Bible, is he’s adopted into the royal Rephaim family bloodline of the pharaohs and raised as a bloodline, educated at Heliopolis into the mysteries, which was either the most central powerful location of polytheism after the flood and or next to the magi that was going on in Sumeria and Mesopotamia, but still branches of the same religion that shows up after the flood.

And he swears his oath and becomes an adept as a royale, educated in the mysteries from childhood as what all royals are. And he is going to be perhaps the next pharaoh until he has the falling out after killing the egyptian and finding out who he was. And then he gets ostracized and then he comes back and he starts the exodus. Now, what’s really important in all of this is that when he dies and he’s not permitted to go across the Jordan river and into the covenant land for some of the things that happened within the exodus, Satan shows up to claim his body, and he has legal title to it because he swore those oaths to him while being educated at Heliopolis and becoming an extraordinary high level adept of the highest probably proportions of that time and everything that sort of goes with it.

But God has, being omnipotent from a christian perspective trumps that. He sends Michael to say, yes, he did that, but he did that on my behalf so that he could communicate and do what I wanted him to do so he could talk at the royale level and in the language of the polytheists and do things like with the staff, with full understanding of if they throw down their staff and turn it into the snake, what that means in terms of whose God is greater.

He’s got to take part in the wizard war so he can fight back in their little wizard war with his brazen serpent. Yeah, so he’s raised to understand all of that and to lead Israel out after being raised in one of the beast empires. So it’s. Yeah, that’s one sort of biblical example of the power that Satan as over those who swear their oaths to them. But God can write you a note from home, like, kind of like your mom writing you like a sick note and say, like, excuse little Moses today, like, actually everything’s good.

He was sick because we kept them home to get, you know, that would be sort of a, an exaggeration or distortion. So we all sin. There’s only one that didn’t that was sent. And that’s why it’s important that there was that sacrifice to forgive all sins and that there’s a point that you can cross where you’re not going to be forgiven. So, for example, you have laws against creation and blasphemies against the Holy spirit, which is going to be merged into the mark of the beast in the end time.

So even humans who are going to take that mark along with the demons as well as the fallen angels, they’re going to the lake of fire. But the problem is with that is there’s a difference between crossing the line from the second death to burning forever. And so that’s a line that people want to be very, very careful of crossing, and that this violation sort of, you could sort of make it manifested in breaking the laws of creation, as in DNA manipulation to a certain degree, to create, like, these chimera type of beasts that are talked about in polytheism before the flood and with some sort of spirit that they don’t have the ability to add.

So there has to be some sort of sexual nature that’s added to pass on that counterfeit spirit. Just as angels had sex with human females to create the giants both before and after the flood. That’s accounted for inexplicably in all cultures around the world, on all continents, and who knows what we’ll find in Antarctica once we can find that out. So if it’s not recorded there, fine. But in all continents that we have access to properly, we have record of that and the other one sort of comes within its combination of the knowledge, and it’s really sort of deep subject.

But a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the Spirit that provides the spirit for the soul and the body. And the counterfeiting of that spirit is part of that. And creating a counterfeit Holy Spirit. Because in polytheism, their trinity would include a male God, a female goddess, and some sort of offspring. So the allegory, let’s say, for gnosticism and low level adepts of Freemasonry, would be allegorized in Osiris, ISiS, and Horus as that sort of holy Trinity from a polytheist perspective.

And so creating that mother goddess, that is the fertility goddess and the knowledge goddess, just as Sophia is the goddess of wisdom in gnosticism, from which the theology of religion comes from, the love of Sophia as philosophy is defined, or the love of the Sophia goddess who provided this knowledge and has, will be providing in the allegories, whether it’s the at man particle or the divine essence, this connection to the mark of the beast that provides all knowledge that is in the universe, that is sort of this invisible particle that merges with this measurable particle at the quantum level, that transmits this knowledge throughout all dimensions through quantum entanglement.

Probably what the people at CERN are looking for. Because to promise godhood in the end time, you have to provide immortality and unlimited knowledge. So they have to solve the way to. How do we give an oiketarian that’s not going to decay, that’s a dwelling place for the spirit, just as the spirit dwells in the Oikatarian, a soul in the body of the physical world. The spirit comes from heaven and then goes back when a human dies.

But a disembodied counterfeit spirit doesn’t go to heaven. And it’s either going to go to the sides of the pit prison, as Ezekiel 32 talks about, into the home of Sheol and Hades, where their gods reign from, if they do the right rituals and are taken there in polytheism, or they’re going to roam as demon spirits that possess people as we would better know them as, because they can’t get to their heaven for reasons that are, we could talk about.

But there’s three locations where those bodies go, but they don’t go to sleep because it’s a counterfeit, immortal spirit. And so they have to supply this orchetarian, whether it’s through a clone body transhumanism, and they can’t supply a spirit because they don’t control that. So the only thing that’s going to occupy these Oikatarians isn’t a human spirit. It’s going to be the disembodied spirit of the giants and not something that humans are going to be, even though they’re told they can be able to participate in the new age after this great destruction by fire, that Shiva is sort of known for as the destroyer God who recreates a new earth after the world is destroyed by fire.

And just as the new age says, we’re going into that age of fire so that there can be a new cycle that starts. And just as the phoenix rises out of the ashes in polytheism, which is that allegory for the people that are in the physical world is that this world will be designed, if they were to win the war for their spurious offspring, that they’re going to provide this Oikatarian, or a dwelling place for the spirit, but not for humans.

You know, that was a long time ago. Well, it’s time to get into the giant. You brought it up and that’s sort of the, the basis for a lot of, I guess, the thing that you said you were skipping over right when you first got into this, it was like nothing to do with it. So I’m just like, the basics, the basics. To start with, when we say giants, and let’s talk about the very first giants where the watchers come down, how big are we talking that these nephilim were? Are we saying like hundreds of feet, thousands of feet? 20ft? Yeah, because this is before the flood.

And for people who are trying to understand prehistory, understand a flood is in all cultures all around the world, and it’s the exact same story, just the lens that I talked about earlier, that people are looking at it through, you have parent gods that ruled before the flood and you have offspring gods that rule after the flood. If people aren’t familiar with that term, and I’m getting to your point, but just set the table, is Chronos and Gaia were parent gods in the greek mythology, and then Zeus and the offspring gods take over after the flood.

Baal is an offspring God after the flood in the Bible, and his parent God El, ruled from Mount Saffon or Mount Hermon from before the flood. Osiris and Isis are offspring gods. Ra and Ptah and all of the ogdoad gods are the parent gods. In the sumerian pantheon, you have Enki and onliel Marduk gods like that, that are offspring gods. And then the parent gods are like Tiamat, Absu Anu gods like that.

So it’s constant, sort of constant around the flood. Parent gods rule before the flood, offspring gods will rule after the flood and then you’ll start to understand the chronology a little bit better of that, of that history. So when we look at these giants, we don’t really have a lot of written records from prehistory. We get legends and things that are a little bit mercurial that are carrying forward after the flood.

So some people think they were as high, as large as, you know, 450ft to 500ft tall. And where they get that from is out of the book of Enoch. Problem is we don’t have original hebrew manuscript for that and we get different transliterations coming down. We have some fragments of the Book of Enoch and so you get Aramaic, you get Greek, you get Silvanic, and you get geass, all different languages that it was translated in.

So in the Geass version, which is the older version that we have in terms of its translation, the aramaic version is a little bit shorter, not as complete, was discovered amongst the Dead Sea scrolls. And then the greek ones are derivatives of both the gez or the Aramaic. In the gez version it says there were 300 elves. In the aramaic version it says 300 cubits for the antediluvian giants, qubit.

Standard qubit is 18 inches, so one and a half feet. A royal cubit generally is 21 inches, so three inches larger. So you’re going to look at somewhere 450 to 500ft if that were a cubit. But the original word is l’s not qubit. And so we don’t know what a dimension of an l is, so it could be an inch for all we know, right, or whatever the measurement was.

So the best guess with the antediluvian giants is, some people think as high as 100ft tall. I’m thinking that might be a bit of a stretch as well. I’m thinking 20 to 40ft tall, based on some of the reliefs that they show in comparison with humans. For anti diluvian giants versus post diluvian giants after the flood, there’s something more distinct about these giants and they’re not as large and they don’t have as many powers and gifts.

There’s been a change. And so when the offspring gods like Baal and Ashtaroth create the raphaim after the flood, or nin, fertility goddess of Sumeria, mates with King Lugol Banda of Yaruk, fifth generation after the flood, to produce the 6th generation Gilgamesh, who’s two thirds God and one third human. So creation after the flood, he is 19 cubits, but he’s the king of a rook. So generally, and as Josephus says, the measure of the giants, because they’re the royals, the kings of God, rex deas, the bloodlines of the royals today, the descendants, that they should be measured on a royal cubit, which was 21 inches, as he provides that dimension from a hebrew perspective.

So that makes him at eleven cubits tall and seven cubits wide. That puts him at about 19ft tall and 7ft wide. Huge, maybe not as huge as other people say the ones were before the flood. And he’s the largest one we get a record of written down and in several different texts. So he’s in the ugaritic text, he’s in akkadian text, he’s in sumerian text, he’s in all the different languages, and it’s the same dimension.

So you get from the different data points that either all relying on the same version or there’s different accounts over time that has carried forward that as the veracity biblically, with the rephaim giants, you get King Og’s bed as a measurement after the flood of being nine cubits and four cubits wide, and it was made of iron because it couldn’t hold his weight. So using a royal cubit, because he’s the king of Astaroth and Ed Ri, the cities of Baal and Ashtaroth, as ugaritic text talks about and describes their creation after the flood, he’s a royale.

So that’s going to put his bed of iron at about 16ft tall, just a touch shy and 7ft wide, but he’s going to have to fit into that bed. So he’s going to be smaller than that. So he’s going to be as part of the last of the original Rafael after the flood, he is going to be somewhere between, if you want to use a, sorry, a standard qubit of 18 inches, starting at 12ft, he’s going to be maybe as high as 13 and a half, 1414 and a half feet, and he’s going to be four to 5ft wide.

And that ratio is the general accepted ratio of the giants in terms of a two to one height to width ratio basis, which means that they are 50% wider or stout as they were described biblically, not as in fat, but in wide, like a w wf wrestler or a lineman. They weren’t just tall and sort of gangly. So these were powerful beings. And so he would have been, say, four to 5ft wide, maybe 6ft wide, but sort of round or stout, sort of looking from that kind of kind of dimension.

So you go 400 years after that and you have Goliath, who is six cubits and a span, as he’s recorded in the Bible, and he’s the king of Gath in a royale. So 21 inches, according to Josephus, would put him at 11ft, three inches tall, and he’d be stout, as he’s also described. So similar sort of dimensions on that two to one height to width ratio. So that’s just sort of a brief sort of look at some of it.

So some of the post diluvian giants from the Zeus olympian gods. After the flood, you could look at Orontes. He’s depicted at about 12ft tall. So in that range of goliath, only a little bit taller. Achilles was 12ft tall. And you get a lot of accounts in the greek mythology of about 12ft tall after the flood. But some of the things talked about before the flood is kind of crazy.

Well, it sounds like there’s a progressive shrinking over, like even the nephilim are not immune to shrinkflation, it sounds like, over the long course of time here. So something. Something’s changed. So in Genesis six three, there’s a stop put on to what’s created with the original nephilim before the flood, and their life is limited to 120 years. So when they’re originally created, they had an immortal, counterfeit spirit in a body that was able to sustain itself forever.

And so as the sort of jewish tradition comes down about that is as God was going to prevent an immortal being living forever in the physical world. And so that’s one of the violations against the laws of creation. So their flesh was limited to 120 years. Now, they did everything they could through knowledge and the technology that they developed both before the flood. And I think that knowledge before the flood is what we’re just catching up to today, and that nothing is new under the sun and what was will be again, that’s common knowledge from a polytheist perspective.

But that was a quote that I gave out of the Bible, so we need to understand there’s some cycles on these things. And I think we’re just getting back in that cycle to what happened by the violence and the technology that was used before the flood. We’re just starting to get there today. And so when their bodies died, they become disembodied spirits. That’s the hero worship that is talked about in the greek mythology.

And they would do sacrifices for the death of their fallen leader because they’re afraid of him coming back and haunting them. This is the same type of the vagabond spirits and the Chinese. This is, this is common understanding about these demon spirits, and they’re not humans. These are disembodied giants, and they’re the ones that are haunting them because they died in a way that didn’t permit them to go to Hades or sheol to be with their gods and their belief system.

And they weren’t sent to the pit prison. They weren’t part of the terrible ones who are in the pit prison, who also will come out of the pit prison in revelation nine with the fallen angels that were locked there for those crimes that they committed both before and after the flood. Not all angels and fallen angels are in the abyss prison. So these giants have some restrictions that were put on them.

And the nephew could produce in great numbers easily before the flood. But there’s something different that goes on after the flood. So the rafaim, which are the terrible ones after the flood, as you take that word terrible one, it’s the hebrew word aret in the singular form, and eretim as in the plural, as in ones, as in terrible ones, or nephilim would be the giant ones, seraphim, angels would be the serpent face, dragon ones, gibberim are the mighty ones.

So understand that as a male plural versus the, ah, female plural, and that these are team were the terrible ones recorded in a really strange prophecy. And until you understand it, it’s a bit scary and creepy. You have pharaoh talking to the mighty in the pit prison, the abyss, which are the fallen angels, and to the terrible ones that are in the sides of the pit prison who were slain on the earth and did terrible things.

Typically, that’d be associated with decapitation, just as the egyptian execration text says. That’s the worst death you could have, is to be beheaded. One is because you couldn’t repair yourselves and you didn’t, were either void of or didn’t have time to complete the rituals, to have you go to Sheol, Hades, the other world, Agatha, the thousand different names for that location where those polytheist gods rule from in the earth in another dimension.

And so this eretim are defined as, you know, tyrants and bullies, just as Nephilim are described as. And as you get into all of the descriptions, you have this interesting two parts to it that is really kind of strange, is that they are the ones who are childless and a fertility issue of some sort. And I don’t think that’s a fertility issue in terms of sperm or ovum.

I think they had an inability to produce females. So something changed in how the counterfeit spirit was added on. They don’t have that immortal spirit that’s going to be allowed to stay in a body, but they’re more limited in power and they have this fertility issue. And so that word aret is the root word in the compound part of a compound word, ug, areeth. And so aret is the city of Ugarit.

And ug is the root for as it comes out of Hebrew KInG Og, the last of the rephraim. And so this would be Kiriath, as it would be known as Kiriath Arba, the city of Arba, which we now know as Hebron, which was the founder or patriarch of the Anakim giants after the flood. According to the book of Joshua, this would be the city of king Og, the terrible one.

And Aug is the last of the Rafaim rapha for giant, as that goes back versus Nephilim. And Nephilim is only a term used to reference giants before the flood biblically. And we don’t get reference to giants after the flood using the nephilim term is that og is the last of these giants. And it’s in the ugaritic text where these Raphaim Rapiyu rapiyim, or original semitic rpm, are created as giants, dynastic kings, the royals, part of the Detanu assembly, part of the assembly of the gods, that baal is heading after the flood.

And that Rapha, that that is split into in terms of meaning, in Hebrew, it can mean 7495 as a healer, which is the source word, 7496 for a shay or a shed or a demon spirit or an evil spirit, which is the disembodied spirit aspect of Rephaim. And then 7497, in the strong Zexakon for hebrew meanings, is the tribe of giants. And so in the ugaritic text, they’re listed as these giants, they’re listed as these royals and Diane and they’re healers, just as the Fisher king concept reflects that as well.

Where the ancient kings, let’s say, like even in the ages of the Merovingians, had the ability to heal, it was part of this process and they had the ability to heal. And that’s why the only way you could kill the giant is to take the head to do it till so suddenly they couldn’t self repair themselves, whether it was through something in their DNA or it was a technology, but seemingly they had that sort of ability to do that.

And they’re doing in the uterus text fertility rituals to bring Baal, Ashtaroth, and that all the different giants are associated with the Baleen back to create more Raphaim, because they have this fertility issue and because they can’t get that resolved. And those gods aren’t coming back because the ones before the flood went to this pit prison, those ones that created the giants as the aboriginals and before Babel, for the dispersion of the people, those gods, the offspring gods, Zeus, Aphrodite, you know, all the different goddesses names in the olympian post alluvian pantheon, or all the offspring gods who participate in that, they went to the pit prison as well.

So the reason why that dilution then comes about is they have a choice. They can go extinct or they can start to reproduce with human females. And that’s where you start to create the hybrid nations. And they do this because they have to, because they just can’t produce enough. So the fertility, if I’m following the fertility rights that we know of today from, you know, historical and, like, you know, mythological record, I guess those were actually for the giant class.

They weren’t necessarily for humans having a problem reproducing. It was for the giants having problems reproducing. Yes. Yes. And you can do fertility goals for the land and stuff like that. There’s different fertility issues. So you have to look at the context. And is there, would there be any benefit for the giants getting humans to participate in the fertility rituals? Do they just, like, get. Get some sort of inherent benefit from getting someone that’s not them to participate in the fertility.

Does that make. Does my question make sense? No, I’m not sure. I might have. If the fertility rituals that we’re talking about that weren’t just for crops, but the nephilim fertility rituals or the pre flood giant fertility rituals, I assume that over some period of time, humans adopt them and take them on as if they were always there. Fertility rituals, is that done by design so that the giants intentionally want humans to do fertility rituals because it benefits the giants in some way? Well, typically, number one is you wouldn’t have fertility issues in any sort of shapeway or form before the flood, but you get them after the flood, which is sort of one of those idiosyncrasies.

And so the fertility issues that the giants are doing is to bring their gods back so they can produce more giants fertility issues. Downstream from that would be to do fertility issues just to sort of be blessed that they could produce somehow, some way, and they would do sacrifices to the gods of humans to do that. And typically the demigods, who also thought of themselves as the spurious offspring with the divine right to rule for their celestial mafia godfather who created them.

And I love that term, too. So I use it every once in a while. And so they would be looking at these sacrifices that they do unto the gods that would give the gods, if they were still ruling and there still is a council of gods, they would gain power from that in their belief system. And so would the demigods receive some sort of power on that, generally by drinking the blood or the quickening, which is the matriarchal allegory to that whole ritual.

Yeah, there’s so many angles we can go in here. I’m trying to pull threads slowly and just. Just so that we don’t get completely tangled up in a bunch of them. So I want to go to the original nephilim pre flood. This is sort of like the first wave in a simple term. What is the practicality of this? Like, what? What are there any, like, reasonable concepts of? Here’s how the watchers came down.

Here’s how they copulated. I assume it wasn’t like, like basically immaculate conception. There was probably an actual process here, like what. What actually happened? So, first of all, from the Book of Enoch, you get 200 watchers who swear an oath of harem anathema to carry out to the end, and they’re the ones who produced the original giants. There’s more creations after that initial act before the flood. And then again, obviously, as we’ve talked about after the flood, in polytheism, you have the gods walking amongst us, both male and female, in a physical body, as opposed to an angel, is typically understood from a christian perspective as a spiritual.

Right. But biblically, we can see angels take a physical body. So in the Sodom and Gomorrah narrative and just before where the angel of the Lord shows up to Abraham, he’s accompanied by two angels that Abraham doesn’t quite recognize as a human right away, but they’re interacting physically. They’re touching, they’re drinking, they’re eating, and then those two angels go on to Sodom. And one other reference in case there’s christians out there who wonder how this come about as well.

13 talks about being nice to strangers unless you come across an angel unaware. So sometimes angels are recognized as angels in a physical form. Sometimes they’re not. So we know they can take a physical body and a gender of their choice, as what’s described in polytheism, which is where the mother goddess comes from. And they have the ability to reproduce in polytheism with themselves, which I don’t think that they did, but, and also with, with humans.

And this is a constant around the world. So how does that happen? If there’s spirit being, how can they take a physical body? So they, but what we do know is biblically they can do it. So typically in this world, there’s a soul and a body. That’s the Oikatarian that we talked about. But in the christian world, there’s also a spirit that comes from heaven, and that would be also the original spirit of the gods or the, the fallen angels.

And there’s a passage in Jude one six, in two corinthians five two that talks about Jude one six, the habitation that these gods are fallen angels left, which is heaven. And that’s the greek word Oikatarian, meaning a dwelling place for the spirit. So there’s a dwelling place in heaven, as it’s also described as Oikaterian, as the house of heaven in two corinthians five two, a place where your body.

Well, so it can interact properly in the spirit realm, where gods and angels originally derive from. But when they go to the physical world, they can be in a spirit form or physical form, and so they create their own Oikatarian. And if you create your own body, you create your own DNA. Now, if you’re gonna have that physical act, that’s how it’s passed on. And with that same line of the practicality, what’s, like, the gestation speculated to be, is it, like, acts like a normal human child up until it’s delivered, and then, like, the gigantism sort of kicks in.

Well, in the kebra and aghast on the original nephilim is that the, the mothers could not carry the baby, so they had to do a ritual and a sort of caesarean type of pregnancy that was so horrible that all the mothers died in favor of the demigods being produced. So I don’t know whether all the original mothers after the flood died. I only get that account that’s talked about after the flood, and it sort of, again, sort of denotes that just maybe they were larger.

And again, we don’t get anything that I can really rely on. But, but they are born walking, as a lot of the oral traditions and less things that I can get my hands on. So I can’t say that’s 100% accurate. But there’s a consistency to the message that they mature quicker and grow faster, similar to, like, other animals that are born and they can walk. Right. There’s something added to their nature that can do that, along with, like, say, those healing gifts, for example.

And Nephilim before the flood didn’t have the same sort of fertility issues as after the flood. And that’s kind of at great harems of Nephilim women. But you see, it’s not that there aren’t any giants, women’s after the flood, like you have the Amazons, which is post diluvian. There’s a whole tribe of them, and they’re. Maybe they’re for their own protection, because a lot of times what happened with these rival giants is they would kill each other’s harem as well, because it’s about dominance with the giants and the rivalries.

But there gets to be a point where the females really become prized because they are now used to create new dynasties and particularly sort of downstream, and that this is where the fairy allegory of the matriarchal bloodline comes from, like, as in fairy and as an owl versus the dragon and the raven, which the patriarchal allegory for the bloodline and patriarchy and matriarchy are equally important in the genealogies and new dynasties were set off, as I talked about in book one, with the most purest and the most ennobled bloodlines of females.

And biblically, we actually get an example of that where you have Timna, which is a hoarem giant, that’s recorded in Genesis 36, which is the daughter of Seir, one of the patriarchal tribes of the hourim in the Mount Seir region, is the daughter, and he’s a giant horim. And so she’s going to marry Eliphaz, who is the son of Esau, the brother of Jacob, who is the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, and going to create the amalekite hybrid nation and a new dynasty that’s considered quite noble and part of the elven allegory of matriarchal bloodlines that set.

So you have a royal bloodline of Abraham down through Jacob, down through Esau, down through Eliphaz, inter marrying, and that sets up a rival to, if all of Israel were to be destroyed, for example, they would, by law in the Old Testament, inherit the inheritance rights, blessing rites and the magianic rites, and put their own dragon Messiah on, on the throne. And amalekites are different than the Amalekim that’s shown in Genesis 14 that show up hundreds of years before.

Those are the giants that lived around Petra and are in the war of four giant, you know, four. Four kings against five in the war of giants, as I like to call it, because most of the nations are. Well, all the nations are either giants or hybrid nations that are. That are fighting. And so Amalek is the name provided and named sort of as a patriarch that’s eponymously named after the Amalekim.

And they go and live in Petra, where the Amalekim is one of their central locations for those giants. And so you have this new dynasty that’s set up, and they’re the nation that’s waiting for Israel as soon as they come out after the exodus to wipe them from the face of the earth. I mean, this is not coincidental stuff. It’s all there in the detail, if you want to get into it, it’s just sort of a look into those marriages.

So in book one, I give lots of examples, particularly with the egyptian pharaohs, how they would select wives to start new dynasties. And it had to be a specific purebred sort of. But that’s how you sort of bring these things together is these different kind of data points. I’ve got a little bit of a tangent here, if you’ll bear with me, but I just want to get your thought on this, because as you were talking about that, it reminded me of a thread that I’ve been tying at for a little while, and that’s the book golden, or the long series of books called the Golden Bow by Frazier.

And he really emphasizes this concept of the older religions really being heavy on matriarchs and having the lineage kind of passed down through that female line and that there was almost like a southern switch moment where it turns into the patriarchy. And outside of the golden bough. But there’s other threads that I’ve been pulling out here that lots of these modern day mystery cults, you know, secret societies.

One of the better examples might be, like, a bohemian grove style cremation of care ceremony. Right. It is a men’s only club. Club. It’s very patriarchal. And this concept of the patriarchy, now, not in, like, the 2023 definition of patriarchy, but patriarchy in that when I die, I pass everything down to my son, and when he dies, he pat, like, this big ball of wealth. It just keeps getting rolling downhill over time.

And what happens, though, is that there’s absolutely no meritocracy at this point. It’s just that if you were born of my loins, you get the world. Whereas in matriarchy, it was the inverse. It was that it was a rule of conquest. You had to come from, like, a strange land, and you had to defy all odds, and you had to win all sorts of different, you know, challenges.

And then finally, you’d have to go and essentially kill the king to. In order to take the daughter. But the way that you’re describing all this is almost like, it makes so much more sense, that whole conquest. And why would you risk everything to go and find some strange woman in some faraway land? Unless that would guarantee you to give birth to, like, this nephilim offspring that would then kind of be, like, a giant, right? Yeah.

Yeah. It starts to make a whole lot of sense. And they’ll tell you as you go higher up in the sacred societies and that illuminati is not very high. So let me just sort of explain that there’s a thalamic tree that they have for their organizational structure, and these are trunk organizations. So Freemasonry is first level adept. So third degree in the old system, you might recognize it as the York, right? But third degree in all the religious aspects is the old system.

First level of adept, and 33rd degree was created 100 years or so ago and split the 311 ways and created just kind of a different way. But it’s all meaning the same thing, right? So it’s the same steps and everything, the same knowledge. And so if you are going to oversee multiple lodges, you’re going to be fifth degree in the old system. And so illuminati centers around the adept level as it merged into part of the organizational structure, but was utilizing the lodges around the world that was set up sort of as home basis for them as they took their particular agenda out into the world, they’re all working together.

They each have different agendas. And so as you move up from the. So you probably say those are probably four and five level degrees. And as you get into rosicrucianism, you might be as high as seven degrees. I don’t know how high it goes, but as you get into the royal bloodlines, it goes much higher. Some people say 33. So if you multiply that by another three, in the scottish system, it’d be close to, like, 100 degrees.

So I’ve been told there’s 33 degrees up to 100 degrees. Some people say more. All they know is there’s. The higher you go is the higher level that you’re at. And along with that, and then understanding that even though you have Lilith as a queen of heaven, as a mother goddess. That is the owl representation with Bohemian Grove. It’s dominated by a patriarchal identity and membership system, which is at the lower levels, the higher you go, the matriarchy does become more important.

And the belief system is that at one time it was either the more powerful or equal, depending on who you’re talking to. And it even goes back into the different gods. So that you have Sophia, for example, in gnosticism, created through some sort of male nebulous life force, twelve archons that the God of the Bible is said to be part of. Satan is to be part of, and the other gods of those original twelve archons.

And so she’s kind of above that level. And she’s on the same sort of understanding as, you know, that male goddess that is the supplier of all knowledge as well, as we talked about a little bit earlier on in the show. And that’s reflected in particular with the Anjou, part of the bloodlines that go back into prehistory. They have a fleur de lis, kind of as sort of the Lilith aspect, but they have like a reflection or a substitutable icon that is a bee that overlays on to the same fleur de lis.

You might look at that, and that comes from their ideology that there’s a queen bee, and then underneath the queen bee are the male workers, I mean, the male drones, and then underneath that is the working class. Right? And so that’s the hive mind as well. And there’s a belief that in their system that at one time they had telepathy between the giants and people of the. Of the pure genes, and that as working together, they could achieve things that you couldn’t working alone.

And so it works through in the higher levels, this. This matriarchal, patriarchal chief goddess. And what’s kind of interesting, in all pantheons around the world, you have a similar story of Leviathan, where there’s a male and a female. And in prehistory in the Bible, God killed the female because the world couldn’t survive with two of these creatures. And Leviathan is a bit of an allegory as well, for Satan as being male and one of those gods that are going to be destroyed in the end time, just as he produces the beast empire and the multi headed hydra and Leviathan, like, well, if you go into any pantheon, it doesn’t matter whether it’s norse, doesn’t matter whether it’s the popol vu and the Aztec.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the subcontinent of India, for example, they will have Indra that kills Virta, the Leviathan type female, in their pantheon. You’ve got Marduk killing and Baal killing Lotan Yam, and the different variations of the names that come out of ball cycle. Right. The one that predates a lot of the other cycles that kind of follow it. Yeah, yeah. So they have that same sort of story, and the thought is that that is the mother goddess that isn’t dead, but is in the pit prison that will also be released in the end time.

And one of the things that they’re working for is to bring back the old system, or you would have that duality of the mother goddess, male and female, and with the original one, that’s going to be part of the release of the pit prison in the end time. You’re honestly blowing my mind with the queen bee analogy, because that makes so much sense as, like, even the ancients or even modern, just observing that happening in nature and surmising, like, oh, that’s what’s actually happening, you know, as above.

So below. That’s blowing my mind right now, Gary. Well, and just think about the royal jelly that is used to feed the Royales and is sort of supplied through whatever the worker bees do to provide food and stuff. And then that’s also used in part to create new queen bees. I mean, that’s. You can’t get direct. What’s the direct human analog of royal jelly? Blood drinking straight up blood.

Yeah, yeah. And. Or, you know, like, you have this thing in the matriarchal line. That’s the quickening that was shown in the Highlander movies in the eighties and nineties, and then in the tv series where there can only be one. So these are like superheroes. These are. And of course, if you take their head, then you get all of that power. And that’s called the quickening. And so the quickening is that energy, life form allegory that’s in the blood that vampires drink, which Dracula means son of a dragon, based on Vlad the Impaler, a noble tuatha de nan Royale, who takes his bloodlines back to the Agrithi tribe, produced by a patriarchal nephilim, or rephaim after the flood, I should say more accurately, accurately saying Hercules.

And Hercules is the son of Zeus and alchemy, a human female. And they keep these genealogies back into prehistories. That’s why you have, like, Charles III, the king, when he was still prince, he said he takes his genealogy back to Vlad the impaler, who Dracula is based on. And of course, you have a complete allegorical meaning overlaid on to the vampires with the nephilim drank blood to make their life last longer.

I’ve been working on a really loose theory, but that the secular version of what you’re describing here of like, this royal jelly or this blood drinking and quickening. But if you don’t believe in hocus pocus, if you don’t believe in the Bible, and you’re like, just a straight up, you know, atheist, Gary, from before all your research. Yeah. What do you think about the topic of adrenochrome being this, like, secular description of that? Exactly.

Of like, this royal jelly. Yeah. Or royal blood as it manifests. So typically, you understand it’s the gene that produces the blood. Right. That’s passed on. So it’s a manifestation, which is how you get the rh negative in with rh positive, because you can’t add something not there into something. Right. So they call that the gene of ISIS as the, again, female mother goddess. That is this gene that they track, as in genealogy.

Right. And so that’s why the matriarchal part is so important. And it’s also known, like, the Anjou will call it the fairy gens or the elven gens of the tuatha dud. And an. There’s also. It’s that would also have another cognate term in their understanding. It’s called the Elbigens gens, Latin for a specific patriarch. You can look at that as the patriarchal Nephilim or rephaim, or the celestial mafia godfather that originally started the line.

And Albi, which means pale white, which, of course, Dracula’s pale white. Vlad was pale white as the ultimate noble sort of celt. And most of the giants are all pale white as they’re described. Not all, but most. And the Julia Jans would be the line of the black nobility that people might be familiar with, which is another term for rex deus or royale. Royale is a transliteration of el for an angel or a God in the Bible.

And just as Baal means Lord God, al Royale goes back to old French for king and then back to Latin into regal and back into rule into Indo Aryan. Indo Aryans were. Were the post alluvian giants, and there were Indo Aryans before, at least with the same language. And al really means kings of God. Right. These are. They’re telling you in their titles and their names and things, everything you need to know because they like to do things sort of in plain sight.

So yeah, there’s a significant sort of connection to the genes that produces this blood. Rh negative typically is the manifestation of the royal bloodline. So the Windsors are like o negative. Most of the presidents who take their bloodlines back to the Plantagenet, which is the junior offshoot through intermarriage of the Anjou, are o negative. You get rh negative, that is, dominates the royal houses and most of the nobility.

So there’s a definite connection there. And there’s one other interesting connection with the bees as well. So in the Bible, when Israel is going up against these giants and hybrid giants, who through their mythos would have this hive mind, one of the things that God does to provide help for Israel is to send hornets to discombobulate the giants so that they could just go up and cut their heads off.

And so the hornet, I thought that’s really kind of weird. Why would you send hornets? You could all do all sorts of different things. Why hornets? While the hornet is the natural enemy of the bee and it just seems to sent them into absolute panic. And so the only way they could defeat, defeat these giants was through this kind of support. You’re continuing to blow my mind here.

I’ve got to, I want to be meticulous about the rest of my questions I’ve got for you. Okay. Uh, and I want to be mindful of your time. So I’ve got a little segment here that we’re just going to jump right into. I’ll explain the rules in just a second. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go.

Okay. No one would forgive me if I don’t run through this segment. So I’ll give you the, the quick rules. It’s very easy. I’m just going to mention a topic or I’m going to mention like a scenario and you just give me a one to ten rating. One meaning you don’t believe in it at all, you think it’s silly. Ten meaning that you’re writing a book on it now and you’re going to be pushing it in like a month from now.

Okay? So starting right off the bat, flat Earth from one to ten, one agnostic on it. Dragons in that fire breathing, flying dragons with scales, as we’re told, have ever existed on the planet, ever. Ten already. I’ve written about it. How about the classic concept of dinosaurs? Yes, I would put that as a ten as well. And closely associated with the dragons in different format, though, that a human being is stepped foot on the moon in the last 100 years.

Five. Okay. A little on the fence, ambiguous on it that the, you know, that moon landing footage was faked, the one that got broadcast worldwide. Five. The concept of bigfoot, nine to ten, that Bigfoot is related to Kane one. Okay. This one’s going to be specific because there’s a follow up to it. So the first one is the little gray x files, aliens, the grays, ten. And then shape shifting reptilians, which are like a counterpart to the grays.

Nine to ten, the aliens and demons are the same thing. I’ll do ten, but a qualification. Not all aliens are demons. Okay. Square, square and rectangle, sort of conundrum, right? Yeah. Okay, here’s a scenario for you. This one I’m interested in. Your. Your take. Very much so. So an atheist. Again, an atheist, Gary. I don’t know what age, let’s say 20 or something, right? Is that still kind of atheist, Gary Range? Yep, yep.

20 and 20 year old Gary in 2023 goes on Amazon and he searches for how to summon a demon for dummies and the idiot’s guide to summoning demons. And I don’t know, Anton Lavey’s satanic Bible for good measure and maybe secret doctrine just to top it off. And you get all the books and you read them all end to end, and then you start practicing the actual rituals and you start drawing the sigils and you do the things that these books say, one to ten, that you could possibly summon an actual demon and.

And damn yourself forever just from reading those books. Well, so you can summon a demon without losing your soul. You could have interaction with a demon without losing your soul. Is there an ethical way in 2023 to say, like, command demons or daemons similar to how Solomon did with his. His ring? Well, biblically, he didn’t do that. That’s mostly in polytheist legend and outside the canon. I’m not saying that.

Just a little bit. Yeah. Could you correct me on that a little bit? Because that’s my perception is that King Solomon got like a magical pass from, you know, the hall monitor, I guess. Yeah. So you don’t get that anywhere in the Bible. But the Quran will talk a little bit about it. But particularly in polytheism, they draft Solomon as being one of their great black magicians and that he wasn’t monotheist, he was polytheist.

And he had the ability to control the demons and he could command them and he used them to help build the temple and things like that. And he’s very much part of their mythos, but that’s not biblical. So leave it up to people whether or not they want to believe that he had that power. He may have. We’re just not told that biblically. So lots of sources that would suggest that and.

But even the ones that would be a little bit more monotheist would say that he used it to build the temple, but that he wasn’t evil. Right. He didn’t lose his spirit that way. So I’m a little bit careful with that one. And certainly he’s an important figure, but it’s not unusual for the secret societies. Gnosticism, which is the religion of the secret societies, theosophy, as they develop, which also produced the new age, they draft biblical patriarchs into their religious nature.

They just redefine them through allegory and things and additional information. They say they have hyrum of tyre, a good example where they’re almost explicitly saying it’s not the same guy, even though it is the same guy. It gets. That’s actually a really good question. Let’s say there’s like a 32nd degree scottish right mason out there, and they’re getting invited to be the 33rd degree. What’s Gary Wayne’s suggestion? Do they go and infiltrate? Do they get out and run away and repent and like, what? What do you do in a situation like that? In a situation like what? Let’s just say someone out there right now is listening and they’re a 32nd degree scottish right mason.

They’re invited to be a 33rd degree. They say, like, never mind, I’m out of here. And they run. Do they infiltrate and report back? Do they. They start passing around, you know, I don’t like, what do you do to them at this point right now, you’ve sworn oaths, but they’re not binding of any sort of form. And you’re going to go into the next level, and that’s when your big choice comes along and you’re going to be told things that are going to change every preconceived notion that you ever thought and everything you’ve been taught isn’t really the truth yet, because you’re too mundane.

You’re not considered ready to know the true knowledge. So at the third degree or the 33rd degree scottish right, you’re going to find out that Lucifer, Hal El, as I would call him biblically, as one of his many names, Gadrael, as he’s known, as in the Book of Enoch, is going to be you’re going to be told he’s the great architect of the universe and the God that you need to worship before that.

You can believe in any God. You just have to believe in a God as part of the lower levels. At that point in time, you’re going to start to swear that oath, and that’s where you’re on the sliding scale that I would be. I would caution you not to go down again, it’s not that you can’t renounce that, but you will be held accountable for it. But again, once you buy into that knowledge and the things you’re going to do, the things that are going to prevent you from being saved.

So there’s a point where there is no return. Best not to get a look at it. Are these just, like, oral oaths we’re talking about, or do you think that there’s actually, like, things that you have to do that would, you know, violate ethics and morality? I mean, I’m. I’m not an adept, so these are secrets that, you know, in the old traditions, and people can decide whether or not that is part of today is if you let those traditions and secrets out at that level, there’s a punishment of death that is associated.

Yeah. At the 32nd degree, after you take the oath. I don’t know what you have to do to fulfill that oath or the obligations to prove that oath are. I would imagine there are, because everything in polytheism has tests. It’s just sort of part of that whole system. So it’s after that that you’re going to be concerned with in terms of whether or not you’re going to go beyond the point of no return.

All right, so be. Beware. Anyone out there that’s thinking about going into the 33rd degree, I guess that’s, like, the first real test, and I’ve heard that a lot. I have no idea what that would entail, because it’s super duper secret. It is. Well, and it comes with punishment of death in the old traditions, whether or not they still do that today, to leak that out. Now, do be aware, you could be told that somebody is a 32nd degree adept.

So they’re. Either they don’t know what they’re talking about, or they are so high, they’re way beyond the 33rd degree in the scottish right. And what that means in the system, in terms of the bloodlines, is that you are a royale of a pure bloodline, and you are taught from childhood within the family and are initiated, you are. And a debt before you are an adult. But you’re not allowed to take your debt title until you’re somewhere between 25 and 30 years old is what I’m told.

And that they will take a title as a bloodline, as a 32nd degree adept until they’re of the age to receive that full adept title. So you may hear that. And I was actually interviewed by a, quote unquote, 32nd degree adapt. And he said, well, what would you think? And I. We’re talking about this. And he said, what would you think if you were 32nd? If I told you I was a 32nd degree adapt, then I gave him both of those options.

So I said, which are you? And he said, the first, and I mean the latter in terms of the royal bloodline, and that he was still waiting for his adept title, and then he was going to go publish it, and we’re going to do more interviews. And then he got is hand slap, for lack of a better word. And it was just this nonstop diatribe of awful messages, and he wasn’t going to publish it, and he wasn’t going to do any more interviews.

So I got one other parting biblical question, and I’m just curious because it is one of the most, I guess, like, controversial passages that I’ve come across. Cross. But what do you think ham saw in the tent when it says that he saw no one naked? And it was like this unforgivable sin where he’s, you know, basically he’s screwed for life. You get the curse of ham, which may or may not be conflated with the curse of Cain, depending on.

But what do you think he actually happened in that ten? Is it allegory? Is it literal, like, what happened? It’s a little of both. So the curse is a prophecy that is fulfilled with Canaan, right. And so, like the curse in Genesis 315 of the serpent, it’s a curse that’s going to be fulfilled through the prophecy. Now it comes. So it doesn’t happen with Ham doesn’t receive the curse, and Canaan’s brother doesn’t receive.

Brothers don’t receive the curse. It’s just on Canaan. So the language in the Bible is uncovered and knowing in words like that. And so in this case, uncovered. And that’s described in the biblical laws, when you uncover somebody is that you’re having a sexual relationship. So typically, if you uncovered, let’s say, Noah’s wife, she would be disgraced and uncovered, and so would the male. So there’s different levels of the shame that would go with it.

And most people think, well, get this far, would say that it is him having sex with Noah’s wife. But she’s not mentioned in the narrative and in the Laws in the book of Leviticus and elsewhere. When it’s talking about these laws, the one who was harmed is also mentioned, even though it will pass on the shame to the spouse. So it could be vice versa. But the one who is being uncovered is always named as part of the Law.

And so it’s Noah who became intoxicated. It’s Noah who passes out. It’s Noah who becomes uncovered. And it’s Noah who awakes when his wife isn’t around and realizes he’s been uncovered. And so this is talking, in my opinion. And I put this in book two. And I have a document on this. If people want to get ahold of me, I have a document on a lot of things I talk about.

So if you get ahold of me through the website, I can send you a document. You have to name it by topic because I have a lot of documents. I do those at no charge. So. And in book two, I put this in as part of talking about the Canaan curse and the Canaan canaanite hybrids that create the patriarchless families. And that this is a strategy employed by Canaan afterwards to say, I’m not going into servitude.

I’m gonna live amongst the giants and provide my daughters to create the original giants after the flood and create the canaanite tribe. So it’s. It’s a sexual act, and it’s a sexual act, in my opinion. And I lay this out in pretty good detail in the document and in the book, that it’s ham that is harm. Now, this is a sin that is applied in a lot of accounts in polytheism.

And in one book that could be polytheist, could be. Have roots in the Book of Enoch. It’s the book of the Lomek of Cain talks about the homosexual nature of giants. And I think it’s more after the flood. But the one in the Lamech of Cain is talking also before the flood, that this was one of the traits of the giants. So just as you have, like the Greeks and let’s say, Alexander the great, who you would sleep with humans or, I mean, with males, that this was a common sort of trait and one of the abominations, and that’s the cause of the curse.

So it has sort of a cascading set of events that happen with this curse that’s laid throughout the prophecy. So if I’m hearing that right and like, again, like, simplified. It’s not just that it was this sexual act that was profane and. And looked down upon, but it was that. That was a behavior that giants, uh, did. So that, like, perpetuating this giant practice was also just as big of a sin.

Yes. With both. Interesting. I’m building up like a. Like a collection of all the different explanations for what happened in the tent. I like this one. This one’s really interesting. I haven’t. Is called the Lomek of Cain. Where did that come from? Well, it was put out by the same person who published the lost king of Book of Ox. So his name is D e m o N.

M n. It says writing name. So interesting. Yes. So what he did was he a priesthood of the roman church who had access to these church documents and translated it. And both of these books come out of the Manichean Book of Giants, which is based on the Enochian Book of giants that presents both of these two manuscripts. And, you know, whether or not the dating is that old, it’s a forgery or not, hard to know.

But these are ancient sort of manuscripts that they. That they. That the priest translated for. For demond. And, you know, put out two books on that. So that would be one of the sources. But there are. There are others we could keep going. I’m not going to keep you much longer here, though, but I wanted to just say thank you so much for coming and letting me poke your brain about all this.

I got to ask questions directly to one of the only people that I’m even aware of, being somewhat of an expert on this very niche topic topic on the planet. So congrats and thank you. And this was awesome. And once again, your book series is the Genesis six conspiracy, part one and part two. And I just want to mention I was reading some of the reviews and the synopsis, and a number of people were calling it the genius six conspiracy, I think, as a credit to you.

So it’s really fascinating the number of different angles go into that. This, like, I’m sure we could talk again for 2 hours just on the bavarian illuminati and then another one on just the cathars, and then we could just keep going. So we’ll stop it here. But again, if there’s anything else that you want people to look into, any place to go in and find, you let them know right now.

Yeah. So the best place to get a hold of me is through my website, the Genesis six conspiracy. com. That’s the number six conspiracy. com. And on that website, I have a generous excerpt of all 98 chapters of book one and all 84 chapters of book two that just released yesterday. If you’re, I think the printed copy is only available in the US right now as they’re catching up on the orders.

And there’s also Kindle version as well. So if you want the digital version so you get a good feel for the book. And whether or not it’s either one is the book for you. You don’t have to read one to read the other, but one will lead you to read the other. And there’s a generous excerpt. But my books, if you’re not familiar with me, I give you so much information and it never stops coming at you.

Right through to the last paragraph. There’s no loose paragraphs in there. That’s a small drop in the bucket as to what’s in the book, just to give you a flavor. And so you can buy a copy off that, you go to book one or book two. If you’re in Canada, there’s a canadian page. If there, if you’re in the US, there’s a us page. If you live anywhere else in the world, there’s an international page, same way for ordering book two.

And on that website for both those, my pages, you can link over to Amazon. com, comma, barnesandnoble. com, Amazon dot Ca, and over to the Kindle edition to get the digital copy. So it’s the best way to get ahold of me and my books is through the website. And if you wanted to get a document or ask me a question, there’s a contact, the office icon there. And if you hit that, that’s my email address, which is Genesis six conspiracy.

Again, the number six. Genesis six conspiracy mail. com. It may take me a month to get back to you, but I will get back to you. And again, thank you so much for spending your time with me today. Out of all the different people I’m sure you could have been talking to, I really do appreciate it. This has opened my mind up to a bunch of different, different threads that I’m going to keep pulling at.

So I’ll be devouring both of those books in entirety and. Yeah, and I just wanted to throw out a shout out, too. I guess this is the perfect time. I’ll make myself bigger. But this is the nephilim portal baby playset that I had been working on way before that. I even knew that this was like a deeper thing. This was a reference that me and Joel Thomas from Merkel Media had been working on, uh, just conceptually, but it came together.

It’s kind of a cute little thing. I don’t know how accurate it is, uh, in terms of, like, look. Uh, yeah, we’ve got good, though. I don’t know how. Do I have any. Any feedback? Does this look like a watcher, or would it be more grotesque? Would it be all eyeballs? Well, depending on which watcher you’re talking about, because there’s four groups of watchers. So archangels had a face of a human, but, you know, Seraphim had the face of a serpent.

The cherubim had four faces. But typically, when they took a form on the earth, they would take one face, whether it’s an ox or a bull. I would say bull, based on what we get out of prehistory, had the face of a lion, as well as they’ve been shown around the earth, on a face of a bird and the face of a human. So they could be. And I think where you get the Gilgamesh giants from is from the cherubim watchers, because he has the dark hair and he’s larger.

I think he’s a bit unique. So you have, like, in Pistis Sophia, you have all sorts of different looks and descriptions of these watchers from before the flood that were put in the pit prison. And that’s a gnostic gospel, but it’s just. And people want those descriptions. Get a hold of me. I’ll just email that to you and tell you the passage that it’s in. I just copied it out of my digital book, so.

And one of them, you’ll be interested, could you ask me about Bigfoot, is that there’s actually angels that had, you know, or gods that had a monkey face or a bear face or an ape face. So that’s part of angels looked differently. And if they would have taken that form, whatever form they took, if they had multiple heads, that they would produce giants or beings that look just like them.

So I think the bigfoot would go back as being a nephilim, like being, but from a different type of angel. Interesting. And you actually answered one of the questions I didn’t get to, but that I had heard the, uh, that the concept of Nephilim and the watchers mating with humans, that that’s the part that people, uh, sort of focus on because we’re people, and it’s interesting, but that there was also animal counterparts to all that.

So for every, uh, every person out there that was a nephilim version. There was, like, nephilim what, bats and snakes and elephants and every other kind of animal. Is that somewhat accurate? Well, you know, the zibalba demigods out of the popol vu, they had a bird face or an owl face, and they had a branch of the zbalba that’s with an x that were called the house of Camazotz.

And it’s a specific branch. And Camazotz, if you google that, that means bat, house of the bat. So then if you look, and when you google that, you’re going to get this image of like Batman’s outfit, which most superheroes are sort of based on are nephilim giants. And so, yeah, you have like the tengu, for example, which are southeast asian giants and warriors and kings and priests. And if you google tengu, tngu, you get these bird face warriors and stuff.

And those, those are, you know, Ruben. So you have anunnaki in, on reliefs in Sumeria, you have ones that have these wide, huge legs and huge feet and sort of stocky like. And they have wings. One is depicted with a human face, but other ones have a bird face or a falcon face or an eagle face. You know, that’s the same sort of imagery. And that’s just trubim taking a form with one of those faces.

So if you have a cherubs, as they protected palaces and the gates to hades or through the portals and or the temples that they protected, these are typically one face of a cherubim, just as you have those cherubim covering the throne of God in heaven. So what I would call from a christian perspective, the counterfeit of the throne of gods and the imagery with the rebellious angels who are the gods in polytheism.

There’s no shortage in rabbit holes with you, sir. And I appreciate it. There isn’t. Yeah, this is a preview of the book where, like, every single page, like you were saying, there’s no filler paragraphs. Every one of them is like a highlighted paragraph. So, yeah, thanks for giving us sort of the cliff notes version on some of this. And I’ll have to schedule for months in the future again to keep going through this.

And thanks again for your time, Gary. Appreciate you. Perfect. Thank you. And just love talking about this. And I just love getting information out and connecting dots and you can connect. It’s amazing when you have a common history, how you can connect dots, no matter which culture you’re talking about about. Yeah. And I love the simplicity of the recommendation to look into the, the parents gods and then the offspring gods and then being separated by the flood.

That’s a genius way of making it really easy to sort of absorb that. Yeah, and think about it. You can’t kill an immortal being. Only the omnipotent would do that. And I don’t know how that happens because I’m not part of that omnipotence, obviously. So when the offspring gods overthrew the parent gods and killed them, that’s not possible. But it does make sense that those parent gods went to the pit prison, and then the offspring gods, when they did the same crimes after the flood, they also disappeared, which is why the rephim are trying to do fertility rituals and bring them back.

And it also accounts for when Baal dies. How does, how he can’t die. He’s an immortal. So he also, because he did the same crimes, went off to the pit prison. And all that happens is that the other angels in the rebellious crew or the pantheons, they just move up to replace. They have a counterfeit assembly of gods, as it’s talked about in polytheism, whether it was at Napur or Olympia, or the different holy mountains names around the earth, or it’s Mount Hermon.

It’s all talking about this council of the gods that’s talked about in psalms 82 over the 70 nations of the earth, both before and after the flood. And so this host, as it’s understood biblically, is a host of angels, which is defined as Hebrew Saba, which is an army of angels which has rank and order. So if those gods disappeared or killed as they’re allegorized in polytheism, then other ones would move up to replace them.

So we still have a council of gods, the invisible ones, ruling this earth through their visible ones, their spirits, the spirit offspring of the original giants. Whether or not they survived the flood or there’s just recreation after the flood, they take their genealogies back to them that are ruling this world today. Man, I’m just anyone that’s listening to this, that’s actually interested in this talk topic, like, this is the jackpot.

You’ve kind of hit the gold treasure, and I’m going to have all the links to Gary’s books underneath. But you’ve made it this far, you’re probably already going to grab a copy because it’s just going to be like the full unbridled version of everything that we just kind of dipped our toe into. So, again, man, thank you so much for coming on here and letting me poke out your brain with all these questions.

I just love doing it. That’s just fun for me. It’s the nephilim portal baby playset. Comes with a fallen angel, nephilim baby and portal to another dimension. One of the paranoid american playsets. Collect them all@paranoidamerican. com. These are custom art creations and not toys meant for wimpy little new world order babies. Don’t eat the art. Don’t sue the artist. For more details, visit paranoidamerican. com. .

  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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