Reality Czars #172: Flat Earth Dave schools Paranoid American on Flat Earth Kiribati Outer Lands

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– This is the reality. Czars Project podcast. We are honored to have flat Earth Dave On. I want to encourage as many awesome flat Earth puns that you can squeeze in. The globe is pretty hysterical, and we will make fun of it.
– There are continents, large areas of land within our pond, inside of this side of Antarctica that are just off GPS, and you would never go there. Different countries essentially have their own formula for how to calculate distance. To prove the shape of the Earth, we don’t need to speculate beyond where we can actually go.
– There’s actually a series of three books. In the book, they talk about that all humans have this connection to what they call the source. Sounds just like the Force to me. You can take that whole story and bring it down to the flat Earth.
– Dave: Do you think that there are other species of humanoids on Earth? Dave: Some evil bastards have taken it over after a reset. They’re lying to us, and they have us in a soul trap. April 29 on Saturday, one to 04:00 p. m., we’re having a meet up.
– Every day there’s a new featured video right here. Just watch it each day, and I guarantee you, after two weeks, globe no more. Then hit the games button and you hit the trivia game and we can play.
– NASA said there’s an asteroid the size of 23 bro’s eye dogs about to pass America. Here’s another one: Asteroid about to fly by 69 American alligators. Go to letter@dave. com and subscribe to the app so I can make the app even better.


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And we’re live. Welcome, everybody. This is the reality. Czars Project podcast. It is a project. Uh, we’re your host, Nate and Thomas. That’s me. The paranoid American. And we are honored to have, once again, flat Earth Dave On. Thank you, brother, for coming on.

Hey, thanks for having me. And I’m back, I guess. When did we do a show? It’s probably about a year ago. Okay. All right. Now it’s coming back to me. It was about a year ago. Yeah. I’m a newbie, though. My face is new.

Well, that’s good. I’m just getting over a cold, so I’m feeling good. I’m feeling strong, but I was down for the count for a couple of days, but now I’m back. Hell yeah, man. Yeah. I felt like the Earth was spinning, but it’s not.

I want to definitely encourage as many awesome flat Earth puns that you can squeeze in. We welcome them. We love them. No problem. The globe is pretty hysterical, and we will make fun of it, I’m sure. That’s my language. We like making fun of things here.

All right, well, let’s make fun of you because you believe we live on a spinning globe, and you can’t tell me why that’s true.

Well, I can tell you why. Well, I was going to say I can tell you why that I can’t tell you. You got a little bit of a lag again.

Yeah, I’m sorry, man. This is a bummer. My Internet is crummy. Go ahead, Nate.

Okay. The only thing I was going to say was dave, I just wanted to say that your audience, the last time we had you on has been absolutely fantastic. People gave me messages and comments. Galore, your folks, your fandom, are some of the best people. So I want to say thank you for that, too.

You’re welcome. We call ourselves Blue Dots because on my app, we’re all represented by blue Dots. So the saying is, I’ve never met a blue Dot. I don’t they’re all they’re all good, and we’re everywhere. I mean, if you look, these are the people that have my app right here on the East Coast. That’s amazing. Where are you guys located?

I’m in Orlando. Yeah. You’re in Orlando. Yeah. We’re doing pretty good. I’m sure Florida is pretty we’re everywhere. So I by the end of the show, I can say, welcome to the club. I hope I’ll sign up for the app regardless I’ll turn it. No, I don’t want you to sign up for the app. I want to get you on board so you know where you are and you take back your power and we can escape this friggin, heliocentric Satanic matrix that we’re in.

I’m on board. I got to preface this with I had to take algebra, like, three times, and I hated math. And as soon as numbers and formulas come up, I just defer to whoever is the expert in the room at the time that’s why they teach you math the way they teach you they don’t teach you the real math.

That’s really interesting. They teach you slave math. And the math that you need for the Earth being flat is very simple. Do you know what a straight line is? I hope so, yeah. Do you know what a horizontal line is? Yeah. Okay.

Do you know that globers think a horizontal line goes like this? Yeah, I’m familiar with how yeah. I mean, that was the globe I grew up with in the classroom, right. So you could just put your finger on it and trace it. Yeah. Well, they think that’s a straight and a level line. In reality, you’re already smarter than them, because you know that a level horizontal straight line is straight. Just like we experience everything. Large bodies of water at rest lie flat. Okay? That’s what we experience. That’s what we can measure. You look at a pond from one end of the other, it’s flat. Put two ponds next to each other, they’re flat. Ten ponds, 100 ponds. How many ponds of straight, flat water do you need to make a sphere? And globers will say, well, if you have enough, it’ll go all the way around, and you’ll be looking at your ass if you look to a telescope that’s strong enough. Okay. It’s retarded.

So don’t give away your ability to think, oh, you know what? I was never taught that math because the curvature formula ready for this? Eight inches per mile squared. Wow. People just short circuit on that eight inches for the first mile. But we don’t live on a slope, because if the next was 8 miles and eight inches and eight inches and eight inches, that would be just a slope. If we live on a ball, it’s curving faster and faster. So you just have to square the miles. Okay, so 1 mile is eight inches, 2 miles. Two times two is four. This is already getting into more math I’m comfortable with. Yeah. So simple. It’s just so simple. You don’t even need the math. Just look what your life experiences tell you, right? Look what life tells you.

We’re talking about some other stuff today. I’ve got some interesting stuff that I think will blow. Well, you mentioned the horizontal line, so correct me on this because I’m a bumpkin when it comes to all the terminology, but I understood horizontal to be more a reflection of your current perspective. Like, for example, if you turn your body 90 degrees. Well, now, you might be talking about vertical lines versus horizontal, because vertical and horizontal entirely depend on your personal effective. So can you also apply that to straight versus curved?

Yes and no. Really? Both of you guys, point up. We’re all pointing the same way. Point down. We’re all pointing the same way. Now point left. We’re pointing in different directions because left could be any direction for me, depending on where I’m facing forward is one way for you. When we’re facing each other forward, they’re opposite. But up is never changes, and down never changes. But if we say horizontal, I’m thinking a line like this, right? But if I tilt my head now, all of a sudden this line that I’m looking at and describing is vertical to me. Well, but it’s horizontal to down. Down is always straight down. A plum bob shows you down. Okay? Yeah, the fair point. Okay. And a horizontal line to that is always perpendicular to it. So we have a ball here, and we have a guy standing on top of the ball, and this is level to him. But if you lived on a globe, you had two guys over here. Well, that doesn’t exist on a globe, because down is down, just like we experience it. But those two guys would be below me if they were that far away, they’d be on their own planes, and their down would be this way. Okay? That’s ridiculous. It’s absolutely ridiculous. That’s not what we experience. Let me show you this.

Well, let me just make sure I’m understanding the arrows on the left and right. Should they not be oriented to the people the same way? But I’m showing you down is down for all of us, and it’s not wrapped around a ball. Okay? So this is a picture of the real down as opposed to the fake down, which is because I guess the globe down in that picture would be at the very epicenter of that Earth. That would be the down. Right? So the farther you go, the more of a curve there is. So in 10 miles, there’s 66.6ft of curvature. We don’t have to do the math. That’s just what it is, and you could verify it. So if you and I were 10 miles apart, there’s a hump, there’s 66ft of curve. Now, some people say, well, we’re both equally down that hump. So there’s only 33ft of a bulge. Okay? We can go with that. So there’s 33ft between us. We can’t see each other because there’s a dirt mound or a mount hump of water, 33ft above us. So we can’t see each other. But with zoom lenses, we can see each other. Right.

So go farther. This is an airplane going from Cleveland. From Cali to Cleveland. Okay. During this flight, there’s 500 miles of Earth drop. Okay, it’s coming soon. I think pilot is going to start nosing down any 2nd. 500 miles of Earth drop. That’s what you have to believe if you want to believe we live on a ball, right? I don’t see any Earth drop. He’s flying. Airplanes are flying straight and level across an Earth plane. 500 miles of drop. Right. Does that make any sense?To you? Kind of. Well, there should be, but do you see any drop? Not with my eyes, I don’t. But honestly, in a Cartesian way, I don’t even believe my eyes, because all my eyes are are very low resolution little twinklies that get hit by vibrations once in a while and make my optic nerve think I’m seeing something. But I have less respect for my eyes than I do for information that I get outside of my eyes.

Okay, well, you have to see where that information comes from. This is a balloon at 20 miles high, about 100,000ft, 120,000ft somewhere around there. This is pretty high. This isn’t even the surface of the Earth here. This is just the atmospheric cloud deck. So we’re pretty high here, 20 miles. Now, they tell us Kansas is the flattest state in the world, but you know that from one end of Kansas to the other, there’s 20 miles of drop. From one end of Kansas to the other, there’s enough drop to make it from here to the ground from one end of Kansas to the other. That’s what you have to believe if you believe you live on a globe. I feel like I believe dumber things than that, though. I don’t think so. I don’t think there’s anything dumber than that. That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen. And most people can’t even comprehend what I’m saying because they’re like, that doesn’t make any sense. And you’re right, it doesn’t make any sense. But that’s what the math, the Globe math, says. If you drove from one end of Kansas to the other end so if you were on one end of Kansas and we’ll just call it on the top of the ball and then you went to the other, you’ve dropped 20 miles on the ball. So if you draw a tangent line, you’re in Kansas and you’re here. So you draw a tangent line across from your feet out, and then your buddy 20 miles, I mean, at the other end of Kansas, he’s 40 miles below your feet. I mean, that makes sense, though, because like you were talking about, if the globe model makes sense, then that hump comes up and back down. So even though the two people on opposite ends, if you were to draw a straight line, it would basically have to intersect, what, a 20 miles drop. But since you don’t have to go straight across, you actually have to traverse the circumference. That means you have to relatively go up and back down. But you’re always relative to sea level, aren’t you? You’re pre assuming a ball, you’re saying, okay, we’re on a ball, you’d have to do that. Yeah, sure, if you’re on a ball, you have to do it. Is there any evidence? Well, no, there’s not that I could prove or even be able to explain. But it sounds like the explanation you were giving about the 20 miles drop, that 20 miles drop only doesn’t make sense if you try to apply it to a ball and don’t believe the ball. But if you apply to the ball and believe the ball, then that 20 miles drop is accounted for because you’re never actually dropping relative to some third party, right? You’re only relative to your own space.

Listen, I have been given God given senses, and I don’t trade them in for nonsense. And that’s what the globe is. It’s pure and total nonsense.

Let’s try a different thing. So you know about high pressure and low pressure. I mean, from a very basic again, I’m lucky that I even graduated high school, so go easy on me here, man. So if you had a balloon and it’s got air in it and it’s stretching out the rubber, that’s more high pressure than the air outside of the balloon, right? Right. And if I put a hole in the balloon, the air is going to violently equalize. Equalize. If you got a bottle, a glass bottle, and sucked as much air out of it as you can and put the top on it, that’s low pressure. And no matter what orientation you hold that bottle up or down, when you open it, air is going to rush in the bottle and equalize. You with me there? I’m hanging on by a thread, but yeah.

Well, high pressure always equalizes. Low pressure. The reason when we have a storm, we have a high pressure system and a low pressure system, and the air is trying to equalize. And that’s what wind is. The second law of thermodynamics says that high pressure will always air will always fill the available space and equalize unless it’s in a container, unless there is a physical containment, like that bottle. Like if I said, get me a jar of helium, but don’t bring the jar. You couldn’t do it. Get me a tank of propane, but don’t use the tank. You can’t because the propane will just spread out into the air and dissipate. Okay. You need a container to have air pressure, right? So we’re supposedly on a lumpy rock that’s gravitationally pulling in water to make a smooth, curved water ball that’s spinning, that has rotational centrifugal forces pushing the water out towards the equator, bulging at 14 miles high, which is what they claim, which is nonsense. And then there’s air pressure on top of that adjacent to a no pressure system that we call space. Everything I said in that sentence is absolutely not possible. Absolute insanity. But most people, because they weren’t taught how to think in school, just go, I got to leave it to the experts, and they defer their common sense for nonsense. That’s what I’ve always had to do.

I want to turn this around. I want to pretend that I’m in school, right, and you’re teaching me, and this is a public school education, and I’m supposed to be mistrustful and looking into things myself. So my favorite thing that I always wanted to find more information out about, and I feel like you’re probably my last hope at getting a good answer on this one. But I am fascinated with the concept of infinite land. So do you have a thought on infinite land? Whether or not it exists? Is it just a theory? Is it real?

Well, I’m kind of really glad you asked. It’s not a gotcha. I swear. I promise you, this is not a gotcha. I was looking to go right there, but you brought me there faster than I was ready to go, which is awesome. So I just described the Heliocentric system. We’re on a ball, surrounded by water, surrounded by air, adjacent to avoid scientifically impossible, rolling and swirling and flying through space, but traveling four and a half billion miles a year, never to return to where we were before. But when we look up on any night of the year, the stars are exactly the same as they were the year before, the year before, the decade before, the century before. None of the stars ever change. Even though we’re flying through the universe and we should have parallax, things should change positions. Constellations are fixed in the sky, and they never change. Okay? So that’s scientifically impossible. And then if we really get into space and the distances and what space is, you realize that it’s absolutely absurd. But when you have nothing else to compare it to, then you kind of just default to it. And that’s what they taught you in school, and that’s what they show you in all the movies and space and Star Wars and Star Trek and everything else. It’s all just brainwashing. Okay. Astronauts on Sesame Street. I’m on board. I’m not fighting you.

Then if you look on the flat Earth, look at physics, the physics of water, large bodies of water at rest, anything over a couple of gallons of water, okay, because the global will go, what about a drop? It’s a sphere. It’s a drop. I’m like that’s called surface tension. A gallon of water doesn’t make a sphere when you pour it out of its container. It lies flat on the ground, okay? Water at rest lies flat. There’s the salt flats out in Bolivia, and there’s a bunch of them 300 miles. I think it’s ridiculous. And they’re flat when it rains. There’s, like an inch of water, and it makes a mirror mirroring the sky, mirroring mountains in the distance. And that makes a perfect mirror image. You can’t have a perfect mirror image with a curved surface. So the water lays flat, lies flat, and we don’t feel there’s no sense that we’re moving. And all of the stars line up. If you don’t believe me, just go outPlease reformat this text into natural paragraphs for easy reading:

and take a picture of the stars and put a note in your calendar to do the same thing the next year, same night, same time, and every star will be in the exact same place. Then ask yourself, holy crap. If we’re torque screen through space, how’s that possible? It’s not, right?

So then you look at the flat earth model where literally, we are the foundation of the universe. No other way to explain it. Nobody knows what’s below us. On a globe or a flat. They can’t get below 7.8 miles, and anything beyond that is speculation, okay? It’s pseudoscience. And the way I look at it know, we’re in a pond. The world is just a big pond. And ponds, lakes, have shorelines that hold the water in. Well, that shoreline is Antarctica, right? That shoreline is Antarctica, right? And so what I say is, we’re in the Antarctic Basin. Antarctica is the highest land on Earth, right? We’re getting to your infinite land. And just I’m going to bring I’m following you there. I’m following you. So we’re not allowed to explore Antarctica independently. This pink line is 60 degrees south. No one’s allowed to go out there. There’s 100 companies that will take me out there, and it’s like, yeah, they’re all run by the same company, the Antarctic Commission. To is this is the most compelling line of reasoning here so far, because you’re not allowed to go out there. Even if you wanted to and had the resources, you don’t have permission, and you could basically get shot down. Right?

They’ll take you from Santiago over here to Ready Deception Island, which is next to Rothschild Island. Okay? Whole nother rabbit hole. And this island is huge. You ever been to New York? You know Long Island? Yes, I’m from New York. Okay. So long island. So if you were coming across the, like, say you’re coming from England, and we go across the ocean, we’re like, hey, we’re taking you to Long Island. It’s a continent on the bottom of the world, right? And we get you to the south shore of Long Island, and we let you know, hike a couple miles and stuff. And we’re like, that’s know that’s know there’s no such thing as Connecticut or California, okay? You just start coming up the backside of a ball. How would you know? You have no way to prove any of that, right?

So they take you to this little island here. They tell you you’re at the bottom of a ball, and then they take you back. No one’s ever gone south and popped up on the other side over in New Zealand or in Australia. No one’s ever done that. No one’s ever circumnavigated south, right? So what they did, and then I’ll get into your more land, is they cut this out. They cut out the world, and they wrapped it around a sphere, okay? This is the prison for your mind. They cut out everything else. It’s all gone. And they put you on a sphere, right? And now this is where you live. There’s nowhere else to go. Awesome graphic, by the way. That was a really awesome visual to depict that. So this is the shoreline that’s all the way around you. So this is, uh, when Truman and The Truman Show goes I want to be an explorer. The teacher pulls on the map, goes, there’s nothing left to know, right? Well, there’s nothing left to explore. If you live to, this is going to be good. And any of my people that are watching this, I found some new stuff on Kirabati. Hang with me. This is good. People are giving me good stuff.

So this is a map that was found in a Buddhist temple, and it was published in Hawaiian magazine in 1910. Hawaiian newspaper, I think. And it shows all these continents out there. Now, if you Google about this map, google will say, oh, it’s a map from a play, or it was made up damage control. Because there’s lots of stuff like this, right? There’s lots of books about more lands, all sorts of stuff right there’s. Now, in my mind, evidence. Have you guys ever looked at how the time zones go? And they have all these straight time zones from north to south, all the longitude lines, but there’s one spot where the lines kind of make this weird jig jag zigzag. Have you ever seen that? Yeah. What is that about? Yeah, they don’t talk about it, but something very interesting happened. So I’ll show you.

So we’re looking at this, and we then were looking at shipping cargo shipping trackers. And you could click on any one of these ships. It tells you where they’re going, what they have, the captain’s name, where it’s registered, how long it’s been at sea, everything. This is just a cargo ship tracking website, right? But then we noticed there are some ships hundreds of miles inside of the shoreline of Antarctica. Like, whoa, how did they get in there? Isn’t that land or frozen at least, right? Like 400, 500 miles inside, we found ships. There was a line of them going right through here. And we’re like, what is that? And we click on the ship. Very little information. One ship we clicked on 580 meters long. That is a gigantic ship, okay? A gigantic ship and 80 meters wide, right? And we’re like, all it says was that how big it was and where it was registered. It was registered on the island of Kirabati. Have you heard of it? I haven’t, but you’re getting me hot right now, man.

So out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you can’t even see it. I put a pin on it. We’re going to zoom in on this little friggin sandbar, okay? This is called the island of Kirabati, right? And China and the United States say this is a very important island for international trade. What the hell did I need to stop at this friggin sandbar for? For international trade. China gave them recently $10 billion. What’s that about? Okay, what’s going on in Karabati, right? China gave Karabati $10 billion. $10 billion. And America and China heavily involved with this country. With this country, this island. Okay? Is it even a country, or is it just an island? I think it’s like a republic of somewhere or I don’t know. I don’t know the exact thing. I forget, actually. But what? Do they have a giant ship going all the way south where it shouldn’t even be able to? Like, that doesn’t make sense. So, the way I look at it is, what if there was trade routes from Karabati to other lands, to other civilizations, other advanced civilizations. Okay, what if we’re trading food? What if we’re trading technology? It’s a country in Oceania. Yeah, that’s what it says, okay? It’s its own country. And what if there’s a trade route? Like, what if we’re getting our computer chips there, okay? I heard some great testimony from a technician that worked in a computer chip company, and they said they’re always trying to make the chips better, and they make tiny, tiny, tiny improvements. And then whenever they need a new chip, all of a sudden, the CEO goes, oh, here’s a new chip. Reverse engineer it and make a million of them. Okay, where did that chip come from? I don’t know. Maybe they’re making them there. Maybe they’re getting technology from advanced worlds. Maybe they’re know. Maybe they’re trading all sorts of stuff. Maybe that’s where we got our stealth fighters from. Maybe we’re trading tuna.

I don’t like, where are we getting all this tuna from? Okay. All right. So a trade route, an important trade route. If this was going on, how would you know? You would never know because you never even heard of Karabati, right? So let’s go. I just assume it all comes from Taiwan. Well, maybe. Who knows? Maybe it’s imported from the outer ocean. That’s what it sounds like, right? Like, that would be the legit handoff. And you know about Captain Cook, right? He’s the one that explored. He circumnavigated. Antarctica should have taken him a couple of months, but it took him three and a half years. He went over 68,000 miles. There’s a Captain Cook hotel on Caribati. Another connection to Antarctica. What’s that about? Just a coincidence. Maybe they were captain, they were fans. But if you look into the history of Karabati now, do you guys know backtracking nuclear bombs don’t exist? Do you guys know that yet? I believe I don’t know how Thomas feels about them. Okay? Nuclear bombs. So what they told us about nuclear know, nuclear bombs are horrible. Radiation lastsplane would be called a planet. So each of these ponds is a planet. And they’re just separated by vast distances of land. And they’re all on the same plane. And that’s how it works.reformat this text into natural paragraphs for easy reading. Do not add any new text or punctuation. Do not summarize. Do not remove text or censor here is the text:

A plane and then A-T-A planet, right? They use spells on us all the time. It’s amazing. People are like, well, what do you mean, spells? Witchcraft. I don’t believe in that. Well, that’s your problem, because they do.

Okay, so there’s a book, and it’s in the app. If you go to the books section and you’ll like this one, because this book is giant type, it’s got lots of pictures, and it’s less than 100 pages. I think you’re talking my language now. This one is called the Navigator. You scratch and sniff anything because that’s when I’m on fully on board. It might have scratched and sniff the Navigator across the ice wall. There’s actually a series of three books. If you go on Amazon or you click this link, they’re cheap, unbelievable. Read this book. It rings true to me.

But what it is, is you ever hear saying truth in the movies lies in the news? Truth in the movies. There’s so much truth in movies, and the news is just pure lies. So the movie Star Wars. So star wars. We have all these planets, different intelligent life. Some of them are hostile, some of them are friendly. There’s a neutral zone where no one’s allowed to know, but you have to cross a neutral zone to get somewhere, right? And the people that are traveling, they use the Force. Obi Wan Kenobi talks about the Force, right? And that connects all human beings. It’s a power within. Well, in this book, I think that’s all commie bullshit, by the way. All of Star Wars and Star Trek is commie bullshit. So hang on, listen to this. You can take that whole story and bring it down to the flat Earth instead of trillions of light years away there’s, just thousands of miles away. Each one of those planet ponds has a different world. Some of them are hostile. Some of them aren’t. The neutral zone is 60 degrees south. Antarctica. No one’s allowed to go there, okay? There’s safe passages, there’s dangerous passengers, there’s wars, there’s conflicts, there’s treaties, there’s trade routes. Karabati out to Lemuria or wherever. Karabati does sound like a planet from Star Trek. And in the book, they talk about that all humans have this connection to what they call the source. Sounds just like the Force. Source, energy, okay? We’re all connected, and the people that realize that and can use that power become very powerful humans, and so it’s called the source. Sounds like the Force to me. It sounds like we took this impossible thing from outer space and we brought it down here to where it’s possible and there’s conflict. Sure, if there was all of these pawn worlds and there’d be conflicts, there’d be treaties, there’d be fun stuff, there would be trade routes, there’d be all the stuff that’s going on. But it’s not an impossible outer space. It’s right here. It’s right here.

Dave, I’d love to hear so far dave, I’d love to hear your feedback on things like so when people see things like grays or reptilians, do you think that those are just things from other planets? Or do you think that they’re crazy? Or do you think that there are other species of humanoids?

So, first I think that there’s humanoids that are just like us, and they might even speak English. Okay? You’ve heard of the Nordics, right? And I think that they’re all mixed in here. I think that all of the races here, you have Oriental people and just all different. They might have come from outer lands, and they populated the Earth. When the Orphan Trains came in, where did all those friggin babies come from, okay? I love that. Right? And they could have been coming from the outer lands, and we could be in a training school here to expand the mind of the creator. We’re all part of the creator, right? So this is an amazing place, and some evil friggin bastards have taken it over after a reset, whatever that reason was. Have you looked into the resets yet? And the mud floods? These bastards have took it over and have imprisoned us. They’re lying to us, and they have us in a soul trap. What would be a good soul trap? Well, you got to lure them in, like fishing for them. Let’s put them in the Soul Lure system. I’ve got some strong Jordan Maxwell vibes coming off you right now, Dave. The Soul Lure system is a trap for your soul, right? But we’re here to figure it out. This is awesome. The people that are deceiving us have made a great time for us. Like, if you’re a video game player and you buy a shoot them up game and you go in and no one shoots at you, and you could just walk down the hallway and get to the exit. This is fucking boring. Right? We came here to be challenged, to use our minds, to expand the mind of the creator and really thrive in this magical world we live in. They’ve trying to steal our power from us, but they can’t unless we willingly give it to them, okay? So you have to take your power back. And it’s easy, everyone’s. I’m just one person. I still have to go to work on Monday. There’s nothing I can do. One awake person, unplugged from the Helio Sinister trick matrix is more powerful than all of them together, okay? And that’s the Psyop. Flat Earth is the globe isn’t the biggest thing at all. The biggest psyop of all. It’s the power that you have that you’re powerless, that you’re nobody, that you have nothing. That’s the biggest Psyop of all. And all of it connects back to flat Earth. That’s why I’m out here. That’s why I don’t have to go to work on Monday. That’s why I’m doing this day and night all the time. I haven’t slept in five years. Because nothing is more important than waking people up to this. And then as I wake people up, they’re waking more people up, and they’re waking more people up. And as I said, all those blue dots, every single one of them is your best friend, your significant other, a lifelong friend. Anyone that you meet, by the way, anyone that’s listening to this. I know. This could be anywhere in Connecticut, right? On the New York border. April 29 on Saturday, one to 04:00 p.m., we’re having a meet up. Hopefully. It could probably be well over 100 people. I’m guessing you can find the information on my YouTube channel, di t RH. Just look for connecticut meetup, right? There you go. Heck yeah. Heck yeah.

So here’s, here’s the challenge for because, you know, you don’t like math and reading. And I get it, you’re not a scholarly guy. I made it easy. This app, every day there’s a new featured video right here. You don’t even have to go looking for the video that YouTube’s hiding from you, okay? Do they have dancing? Because I can’t even watch videos without dancing at this point. You can dance, okay. You just click this video and then up comes a video. And all I say is just every day, while you’re having your breakfast, while you’re commuting whatever it is, just watch the daily video each day. If you want more, there’s a whole trail of videos that are in the playlist. Or you can just go to the archive. Just watch it each day, and I guarantee you, after two weeks, globe no more. Okay? Globe no more. And then the thing is, the frequently asked questions, click that and they’re all the questions. What about gravity? What about the tides? What about eclipses? Right? Those are all the videos that are being hidden from you. Hit that, watch those videos, you’re like, wow, I’m actually smarter than I was yesterday, right? And then if you really want to have fun, you hit the games button and you hit the trivia game and we can play. It’s called Earth trivia. Ready? Let’s play. Ready? Let’s do it. Let’s do it. The deck is going to be stacked against me here, though, two players. And I’ll go first because you can’t see what I’m hitting. So what type of map is used for ship navigation? So I want to know, are these supposed to be answers based on conventional knowledge or answers based on conventional knowledge? Okay, go ahead. You guess what type of map? I’m going to say a nautical chart. Nautical chart. All right. And we’ll see. And the answer is you’re right. Nautical chart. Look at that. All right, let’s do three questions. Which sciencefiction author came up with the concept of satellites? Maybe that’s elrond. Yeah, I want to say Arthur C. Clark. Maybe. Well, you just saw me press that, so I’ll click. Was that cheating? Yeah, that’s all right. I didn’t realize that it did that. So there you go. Let me answer before you touch it. All right, so what is the term for when a star explodes? A supernova. Okay. I think so supernova. We’ll both hit that and you can’t hear the sounds, but it makes cool sounds. And so if I end the game, it gives us our score. You guys got 100%, I got 66%. Look at that. Fun, right? Yeah, man, I’m full of useless trivia knowledge.

The next game that’s going to come out, which isn’t available yet, is the Memory Game. Remember concentration? You just click on one and then another one and have to match, and then it flips back over. Then you have to remember where it was. I like the little circular earths on little flat cards that flip. It’s going to be all different images. It’ll be all sorts of fun stuff. There it is. And then also, because you don’t like books, if you go to the images section and you scroll all the way down to the bottom, it’s going to take a second to load because I just loaded the app. The whole bottom half is memes. You’re a meme guy, right? That’s about as far as we read. Yeah. That’s good. Look at that. Two sentences. A big picture. You don’t got to worry about any math or geometry, right? Yeah. So there you go. It’s all there for you. Now I feel like I’m learning. Yes. So we’ve dumbed it down enough so you can learn, and guess what? Then you’ll be smarter than the people that have degrees in colleges that think we live on a spinning ball. Ridiculous.

What else? I want to know. Let’s talk dinosaurs, actually. Yeah, let’s talk dinosaurs. Do you ever see a Stegosaurus? I’ve never seen any real dinosaur. I mean, I’ve only seen both. You ever seen a model? A toy stegosaurus. Oh, yeah, of course. How do they mate? The Stegosaurus? It’s got, like, the little fin things all over its back. How do they mate? Oh, how do they mate? Yeah. How did he get his dick into her vagina? It’s called mating. I don’t know, dude. I mean, you ever seen a duck have you ever seen a duck’s dick and see how they made it? Let me know, okay?

Have you ever seen a duck’s dick and a cloaca and it’s called a blastic penis? And if you talk to any structural engineer, they’re like, there’s no way their guts would have fallen out. They can’t go like that. And do you know that no dinosaur skeleton has ever been found? Now they find some weird skeletons, some giant lizards and stuff, or they’ll find, like, a vertebrae of a whale on top of a mountain. Can’t figure out how it got up there, so they go, It’s a giant dinosaur, and then they construct a huge dinosaur out of it. No dinosaur head has ever been found. That’s weird. Okay. And in all of history, from the Egyptians allegedly building the pyramids to all the construction from all of the past, no one ever found a dinosaur skeleton except in the 18 hundreds. Some royal guy wrote a paper theorizing on dinosaurs. Theorizing. And then a year later, to the day of publication, he and his team discovered the first dinosaur ever. Makes sense. That tracks. I thought Nicolas Cage owned the head of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. No. Did someone just rip him off? Nicolas Cage? He might be a tyrannosaurus rex himself. You heard it here first. Yeah. If anyone’s a reptilian, I could see Nick Cage being a all it’s all cartoons, and it’s what they use as evidence, right? Cartoons are not scientific evidence.

Are you a spiritual guy, Dave? Does spirituality play into? Don’t know. I just don’t want the wrong word to be labeled with. I understand that there is a Creator, that we are in an intelligently designed system, and I understand that we’re all connected to each other, and we all are connected to the Creator. So if you do the right thing and behave properly and do what we’re supposed to do here, everything lines up for you. Everything works out for me. Everything does. Didn’t used to, but it does now that I’ve accepted where I am and really appreciate everything. As I said earlier, the people that have imprisoned us, the anti Flat Earthers, which disgust me, I’m thankful for them because they really inspire me to do the opposite, okay? They really inspire me to do what I do and to help as many people as I can, because when you help other people, it just all comes back to you. But that’s not why I do it. I do it because I want other people to see this world for what it you know, you want to call that know it’s not. Oh, Dave voice is a new know.

I’m not religious. I think religion literally puts you in a box and traps you. I think that we all have our own relationship with the Creator, and anyone that tells you if you don’t do it their way, you’re going to hell, they got a problem. Does spirituality play a role in flat versus globe? Is there something inherently that would make people want to make us believe it’s a globe? Or is it just a land thing? Is it just like a dirty capitalist? They want to have guard resources, or is there, like, a spiritual aspect? A lot of people go, oh, this Flat Earth is a religious thing. There’s so many Christians. Yeah, there’s a lot of Christians. Get a group of people anywhere. There’s a lot of Christians, right? And the Bible is a flat earth book. There’s over 200 mentions of a non rotating fixed Earth. Never mention a sphere.

Well, I understand the Christian angle because it validates a lot of the concept that humanity is special and the Earth is special, but it doesn’t seem like it’s a requirement. You don’t need Christianity because I never lead with something in the Bible, because if you’re not a Bible believer, you’re like, oh, this is a religious cook, and you don’t listen to anything else he says, right? But it is in the Bible also. You back it up with, like, look at the science, look at the proof. Water lies, you know, and then you can find something in the Bible. Well, Isaiah in the Bible says that the Earth is a circle, right? And they go, well, what’s the definition of a circle? A circle is a line on a plane where every point on that line is equidistant from the center. That’s a circle, not a sphere. A circle is on a plane. Okay? No. Spirituality and religion is not required for flat earth. Common sense is required for flat Earth, and nonsense is required for the yeah, yeah.

I love yeah. My shout out to my homie Josh Monday. I don’t know if you’ve talked to him or not, but I did. I think I talked to Josh Monday. I’m pretty sure I’ve done over a thousand interviews. Oh, I know, man. Yeah, you talk to everybody. He’s a great dude. We had him on probably, I don’t know, six months ago. He gave us the biblical description for flat earth. So he went through the Bible and just here’s the thing. I never lead with it, but actually, if you’re talking to a Christian, you can lead with the Bible and you’ll get there much faster. But it’s like I like actual real science works for everybody. And the Bible may convert some people, but it works for many Christians that are truly Bible believing. But in the app, if you hit the web button, I have a button called Biblical Flat Earth. If you’re a Bible believer, watch these videos. It’ll blow your mind. If you’re a Bible hater or non believer, watch these videos. They’ll blow your mind. Okay? Open your mind, right? Mud, floods, bring food and water. I want to watch the mud, bring food and water. If you click that button, this button right here, very important button. Flat earth movies, okay, in it are the best movies on flat earth. Turn off Netflix for a week. Watch one movie each night for a week. Guaranteed you won’t get halfway through. I want to know who flat Earth man is. That already looks awesome. Oh, he’s the best flat Earth man. He looks like MacGyver or something. He does some amazing stuff. ThisOne is called “You Can’t Hear It.” It’s called “Puppet Show,” right? And he’s on the space station, and he makes these great songs. Let me tell you about Flat Earth Man. His songs are so good, they blow people away. Adults and kids blow them away.

And then the other thing is on it, if you go back to the books section let me get rid of him. Go back to the book section. Books, books, books. He’s got a series of books that are based on those songs, right? So you got the book and the song, and it’s literally kids love it because they know the song in their head, so then they try to read the book. They can read the words because the song is in their head already. Teaches them to read faster than anything else, and it teaches them the truth of our world rather than bringing them up in a lie know with the Santa Claus ball.

Okay, that actually brings up an interesting question. What happens, like, if you teach your kid flat earth and you send them to the public school system, right? And they come back. I tell kids to question their science teacher, especially when they’re learning about space. And hold the teacher’s feet to the fire and make sure those teachers love you. And if they get expelled or thrown out, they get a pizza party on, me. They get their ass beat by mom and dad, but a pizza party on, Dave. But that’s it. But I say teach kids both models say, hey, some people believe this, some people believe that.

Well, I’m just curious. I would never send my kids to public school. Well, okay, but let’s say that the option was taken away. Not for you. You’re making a suggestion to someone. But would you tell them be like crypto Earthers where they go to school and they teach the school what the school wants to know and then bring it back home and do the flat earth thing? Or should you just go balls to the wall and don’t even let your 6th grade science teacher let up and just like every single time no, it’s a flat earth. Get thrown out of class, get a D, get an F, get thrown out of school and then I’ll hire you, okay? I’ll hire that kid because that kid has determination and common sense, right? School, literally. You’ll watch the Pink Floyd song where they’re cutting the kids and turning them into boxes and turning them into robots. That’s what school is. School is an indoctrination system. Do not send your kids to college. The homeschooling button on here alone will educate your kids better than any college.

But here the full length videos. You know what April 22 is? It used to be called Earth Day, but now it’s called Flat Earth Day. April 22, the third level movies coming out. The first one was called Level, and then last year the next second level. Yeah, the next level. This one’s level with me. Level with me coming out. We just had Sean on. We love Sean. You did? Sean’s awesome. Yeah. So if you have the app, don’t worry, it’ll remind you that the movie is coming out and you’ll get an early sneak peek at it where you could watch it before anybody else and you’ll get a pop up. Literally. You can’t miss know Sean’s. Sean’s argument is pretty convincing too, but involves getting like punching you in the face if you don’t buy in the flat earth, which is a very compelling argument. He’ll punch you in the face if you don’t believe it.

Well, here’s the thing. Don’t believe anything. Just use your friggin brain and stop being an idiot. Because people believe. Live on a ball and go, okay, I offer three bitcoins for one proof of the globe and nobody can come up with one. Why do you believe in a ball? Well, because the guy in a bow tie told me and he was wearing a lab coat, okay? Because it was in a textbook that the Rockefellers wrote and the people that said, I don’t want a world of thinkers, I want a world of workers. You believe those people, okay? You believe the people that put all of the homeopathic doctors and naturopaths out of business and Know only funded oil based medicine? Crude oil based medicine, right? It’s all absolute nonsense.

I have to imagine that through your journeys here, Dave, I’m going to make an assumption. I don’t know this, tell me if I’m wrong, but it feels like you probably wouldn’t get really pushback. It’s not like a suit’s going to come out of or like a lab coat guy is going to come out and start debating you. I would assume that it’s just normal people that probably get the most passionate in these debates about globe versus flat Earth, right? We’re trying to get the experts out there. Neil degrasse Tyson, come on, right? We’ve been calling you out for years, and he’s like, I don’t have time to talk to flat Earthers, but he has time to make a hundred straw man.

You know the Brian Cox, right? The other know, spokesman for science. He goes, no one in history has ever believed the Earth was flat except every other culture before NASA. Okay? Right. He says, no one in history has ever thought the Earth was flat. Right? He’s asking for a punch right in the face, to be honest. It’s so frigging crazy. No one has ever think but culture, every culture before us was based on flat Earth. Everyone before this religion came in here called NASA, right? Never a straight. Yep. Not a space agency. Yep. I love it. I’m on board, man, to be honest. The Arctic Wall hiding us from the rest of the world. I’m on board with the Rockefellers lying about everything in the school. Like, none of these are hard sells for me at all. And to be honest, even if you were to get me away from being a dirty globalist, maybe in my mind I’m just contorting things, but I would just imagine, great, we’re on a flat plane. Almost. If you took a handkerchief and wrapped it around a beach ball and then unwrapped it again and now it’s flat again, to me, it almost feels again like tomato. Tomato. Whether it’s flat or round, if the real crux here is that land is being hidden and knowledge is being hidden as well.

Yeah. And I think for me, the most compelling thing is just the elites trying to hide how special we are. They want us to feel that we are like random monkeys on a ball that’s flying through space, that’s unimportant in this vast, enormous universe. Well, hold on. Couldn’t evolution still exist? Couldn’t monkeys turn into people on a flat earth, too? No, I’m a firm creator, guy. You just blew my mind here because I thought there. Was no spiritual component. And usually the only pushback to evolution is a physical one. Never ever do defects, do mutations. Make something better entropy. Everything just becomes less and less and more confused. You break a glass on the ground, it’s never going to put itself back together, right? Mishap after mishap after mishap from an amoeba doesn’t make a human eyeball that can sense everything and navigate through this world. We don’t have a third eye in the middle of our brain that can receive light from our heart just by accidents, by a monkey turning into a human.

Now, are we still within the flat earth realm, or are we merging into a separate evidence of evolution? Now there’s microevolution like, hey, guys, like mating with girls with big boobs, so there’s now more girls with big boobs. That’s microevolution, but never does. We turn into another species. Species just appear. They don’t evolve, period. Okay? Minor things happen. Like, a bird could have, like, a soft beak, and the ones with harder beaks are able to get more food, and then they’re the ones that survive. It didn’t turn into a different bird. It just got a harder beak.

Is evolution incompatible with flat earth, or are we talking about two? Evolution incompatible with reality. Evolution is just compatible with scientific hey, I’m not getting into evolution thing. Just watch some stuff on evolution. It’s absolute nonsense.

This is all new to me. I never heard that there was even a crossover between evolution and well, evolution is the dumbest thing ever. Like, if you go to a building, like a building in New York City and look at it, did it create itself, or is there a builder? Of course there’s a builder, okay? There’s a freemason.Behind it. This world is intelligently, okay? There’s a creator, there’s a builder, okay? I’m not telling you who it is, what it is, how it is, where it came from, anything like that. There is. It is, okay? It might be too much for our little physical minds to deal with. I believe that we come from nonphysical pure consciousness. We spiral down to this plane of density, and that’s where we’re having this physical experience, okay? And then when we’re done, we spiral back up, and then we do it again. I don’t know where we go. I don’t know any of that, but that’s how I see it.

I believe that we are eternal souls having an experience. Once you understand that you’re an eternal soul, you can understand all the different crap that’s going on in this world. Like, you know what? It all works out. But we’re here to try to make the best of it, right? And I believe we also chose to be here.

You could find all my, right? You can find my app. You can find the friend finder on there. You can find your next your life partner on the app. That’s what’s going on. Is there a dating section on the Flat Earth app if you go on the Friend Finder. So let it load here for a second. I’m not even showing you the app here. It loads. And these are all the people around me. And I can click on somebody and go, oh, look, there’s this person. That person. I can click on their profile, see who they are. I could send them a message. I could send out that big circle you see is 50. There’s 522 people. I could send a group message, hey, Saturday, April, Stanford, Connecticut, rico’s Pizza, meet up, bam. And then everyone gets that message. Flat earth orgy. Flat Earth. Yeah. Or whatever. And then you could also join groups, right?

And here, I’ll just show you something else. Let me just find a general group. Somebody made a group called Dave Weiss is the real deal. I’m going to hit the somebody somebody. Look, here I am. You can see I’m breaking the magic here. And so now it’s ringing. Well, it sent a message. Anyone that’s paying attention, I can have a group call. And you can just chat with other random people. You make a group or whatever. You just join a random group and then people will start jumping on and you can have amazing conversations. But it’s only a few people in that group, so I’m not sure if anyone will jump on, but that’s how it works. And you can do all of this stuff.

That’s awesome, man. Yeah. That’s so much fun. Yeah. So we’re getting close to your hour here. We’re just a little over. So you want to tell our audience one more time where they can find you?

So Flat earth. My TikToks are there. Please subscribe to them. My YouTube di t RH. It’s great for you because all the videos are under three minutes within your attention span. Okay. It’s perfect. Love it, man. And there’s nice short videos, and then you’ll start wanting longer. Longer and videos. They’re all linked on there. I have my interviews channel. I have there’s a banner on there that says Latest Interviews. And it has everything in a playlist, whether it’s on my channel or not. As long as it’s on YouTube, it’ll be on there. And then there’s also another one with a whole bunch of pictures of Elon Musk. Say, Elon Musk is a fraud. Watch that five minute video. Then you realize from PayPal to SpaceX, it’s complete and total fraud. Yep. I’m sold on that.

Yeah. And while you’re gotta, I gotta plug mine, too. I’m making a comic book about NASA. It’s actually about Stanley Kubrick directing the fake moon landings. That’s nice. It’s a 60 page comic and you can see It’ll bring you to, like, a little preview link. I’d like to see it. You might enjoy that one. I’ll be happy to send you a little advanced copy of it. That’ll be nice.

So, do you know that NASA said there’s an asteroid the size of 23 bro’s eye dogs about to pass America. About to pass the earth, not America. Right. That’s an interesting unit of measurement of the tuna fish to fly by the Earth. Okay? 22 tuna fish times the average. Sound like they came straight out of Chat GBT. Yeah, but 22 tuna fish that the average size of a tuna fish is one and a half feet is 33ft. Interesting. Here’s another one. Asteroid about the size of 69 American alligators. Okay, now you’re talking his language. He’s in Florida, which is funny, because if you ever go to Kennedy’s Space Center, all you do is just drive by alligators for, like, a straight hour before you get there. It’s in the middle of the Everglades, essentially. Yeah. There you go. NASA run by a bunch of clowns.

All right, everybody, go there, get the app, subscribe to the app so I can make the app even better. The subscription is $11 a year, by the way, but you don’t have to get the subscription. But you might want it because it unlocks a few things that are extra. Dave, we appreciate you. We appreciate your time. This has been a blast. Thank you so much. All right, guys. Thank you, Dave. See you. Bye.”

  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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1 thoughts on “Reality Czars #172: Flat Earth Dave schools Paranoid American on Flat Earth Kiribati Outer Lands

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Well, I’m not convinced of flat earth, but both theories have good points, the truth must be somewhere in between, I don’t know🧐

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