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➡ Welcome to the Dark Disney podcast, where hosts Matt and Thomas explore the eerie and mysterious aspects of Disney. They discuss everything from conspiracy theories to haunted attractions, and even touch on the growing popularity of Halloween-themed events at theme parks. The hosts also share their personal experiences and thoughts on haunted houses and horror attractions, comparing them to the thrill of Disney’s darker side.
➡ The speaker shares their fascination with clowns and circus culture, mentioning their childhood experiences and the Ringling museum in Florida. They also discuss various films, including a Disney movie called ‘The Black Hole’, which had a significant budget and was the company’s first PG-rated film. The speaker appreciates the film’s unique elements but criticizes its slow pacing.
➡ The text is a conversation about various movies, including “The Black Hole” and “Watcher in the Woods”. The speakers discuss their opinions on these films, mentioning that despite having a star-studded cast and interesting concepts, “The Black Hole” was not enjoyable. They also talk about their upcoming projects, including a set of conspiracy-themed trading cards. The conversation ends with a rap about these conspiracy cards.
➡ This text seems to express frustration and defiance against critics and doubters. The speaker stands strong, dismissing the negativity and asserting their success despite the challenges. They also extend a sarcastic ‘you’re welcome’ to those who underestimate them, implying they’re proving them wrong.
➡ The text discusses a movie that had high production costs but didn’t perform well. The director, Gary Nelson, joined late in the project and the film had a strong cast, but the direction and script were criticized. Despite breaking even commercially, the movie was not considered successful and plans for a related theme park ride were scrapped. The text also mentions that a remake was considered but dropped due to similarities with another film and scientific inaccuracies.
➡ The text discusses the author’s experiences with various forms of media, including video games, comic books, and movies. The author reminisces about their childhood love for Disney comics and how they left a lasting impression. They also discuss their thoughts on different adaptations of Stephen King’s works and their first viewing of the movie “The Black Hole”. The author concludes by expressing disappointment in the movie, suggesting that Disney may have tried too hard to make it successful.
➡ The text discusses the characters Vincent and Bob from a movie, highlighting their unique traits and popularity. It mentions their merchandise still being sold today, indicating their lasting impact. The text also discusses the voice actors behind these characters and the unique charm they bring. The author suggests that the movie could have been improved with earlier reveals and more suspense, but still recommends watching it.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience watching various Batman movies, expressing a preference for the darker, grittier versions. They also discuss the movie “The Black Hole”, noting its quotable lines and comparing it to Dante’s Inferno due to its themes of immortality and scientific truth. The speaker also mentions the movie “The Thing”, recommending it despite its initial poor reception. They end by discussing the unique design of the spaceship in “The Black Hole”.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about the design and scientific accuracy of a spaceship in a movie. The speakers also discuss the depiction of black holes in films, mentioning the movie Interstellar. They talk about the possibility of a better movie combining elements from different films. The conversation also includes references to various quotes and phrases used in the movie, their meanings, and their origins. They also discuss a scene from the movie that resembles a funeral ritual.
➡ The text discusses a movie with a complex plot involving a spaceship, androids, and a black hole. The characters question the nature of the androids, whether they’re alive or dead, and their purpose. The movie also has elements of Dante’s Inferno, with the androids acting as demonic gatekeepers. The text also criticizes the movie’s production quality and compares it to Star Wars.
➡ The text discusses a sci-fi movie featuring various characters including Maximilian, a powerful robot, and Reinhardt, who is compared to both the emperor and Darth Vader from Star Wars. The movie also includes a character named Vincent, who is a superior robot with telepathic abilities, and a character named Kate who might have a neural link. The text also mentions a character named Bob, an outdated and damaged robot who is saved by Vincent. The movie’s plot seems to revolve around conflicts and power dynamics among these characters.
➡ The text discusses a movie that draws parallels with Dante’s Inferno, where characters represent different figures from the classic work. The movie’s plot involves a character named Reinhardt, who is likened to Lucifer, becoming trapped in a metal suit, symbolizing Lucifer’s imprisonment in ice. The text also explores the concept of sin in Dante’s Inferno, emphasizing that sins harming society, like treachery and fraud, are considered worse than personal sins like violence. The text concludes with a discussion about the names of characters and their significance, and a critique of the movie’s storytelling.


Welcome to Dark Disney. Tonight we uncover the shadowy corners of the magic kingdom. This is Dark Disney. Is it Disney? Mind control? Is this MK ultra deluxe? Illuminati says the jar in yuppie ducks. Is it Disney? Mind control? Is this MK ultra deluxe? Occult Disney. Go wish upon a star. Occult Disney. Chernobyl, Java. Occult Disney. But wish upon a star. Occult Disney Journal box. Uncle Disney as above, so below the nosey father. Pleasure island where traffickers need kids for the mines. Captain Hook, a lost boy in Neverland, saving kids from Peter Pan’s designs. Liberal fails to survive a barracuda.

In Latin, nobody means no one. Snow White never took another breath. Her prince, the angel of death has come. A cult Disney. We go from real to real. A cultist. Hello. Welcome to the Occult Disney podcast, where we go jumping through strange interstellar phenomena to see what secrets and mice hide within. On the side of the black hole, it’s Matt. On the other side over there, living in his own personal hellscape. It’s Thomas. How’s it going? He’s thinking about it. That doesn’t impede your voice, though. Oh, he’s going for the close up. Okay. Great for an audio podcast.

Yeah, I guess the audio version that doesn’t work. I guess we should explain that he’s wearing a mildly terrifying Mickey Mouse skull mask. Is that what we’re going to call it? Well, this is the Dark Disney series, right? So this is. That’s the dark Disney mask. Okay. I was just trying to work out what they actually called it. It’s reasonably unnerving to look at. I guess it would be a good walk around character, one of the parks to have that do they do that sort of thing. And Disney’s getting a little bit more into the haunts and stuff, I think these days, not in Japan, though, so I don’t know.

They do. I can’t remember. I think it’s called Halloween horror nights, or that might be universal. It’s universals, but definitely has one. Something going around at Disney. I guess it’s less terrifying. I haven’t done any of the haunts. I feel like haunts started to become a thing in like, when did Han start becoming a thing? Mid two thousands. Yeah, I remember going to not, not one of the annual ones, but they had Ripley’s believe it or not, had their own little special thing that was always open. It was always one of these little, like, horror houses.

And I remember a few years after that, this early two thousands, that Six Flags had one at some point. So I think they’ve like, been growing in popularity, maybe, but now it’s a thing. Like, you don’t even have a theme park. At least in Orlando, you don’t even have a theme park unless you’ve got some kind of Halloween revamp for the entire month of October. And usually it bleeds into November. Yeah, one of the most. It’s gotten so weird. Last year, there was the Dark harbor, which was in Los Angeles at the Queen Mary. And they’re doing it again this year.

But last year, Shaquille O’Neal had somehow licensed the thing, and the whole horror experience became a. The Shocktoberfest. With, like, giant Shaquille O’Neill’s and, like, pirate costumes and stuff. Cause they still kept some of the water theme. So it looks like it was just extremely confusing. I heard two people that went. One of them loved it, and one of them thought it was, you know, insane and stupid. But that still sounds kind of fun. I don’t know. I think it might be hollow scream. That might be Disney’s. Okay. I’m trying to remember it. Yeah. I don’t know.

I wasn’t a fright guy. I mean, I went to a couple of. Because in the nineties, when I was growing up, it was just like the haunted house, you know, by the old mall or something. Right. That was open for a month. I went to that Ripley’s believe it or not one that I mentioned. I think this was in 2001. Yeah, it couldn’t. It couldn’t have been too much later than that. I would mainline their museums if I was in a town with one of the Ripley museums, even though they’re my favorite forest trap. I was in my, by far my Ripley, believe it or not.

Museums are always my favorite. It was my favorite, one of my favorite comics kind of growing up. I would classify it a little bit as a comic. I remember those more than almost anything else. But I also realized in that haunted house that I’m not compatible with them. I don’t really get scared as much, but there was someone that was, like, I was at the tail end of the party, and there was someone that creeps up behind the back to, like, scare you from behind. And I wasn’t expecting that. I’d never been in one of these before, and I ended up checking the guy, and I got escorted out immediately, and I felt bad.

I didn’t do it, like, on purpose or out of ego. I just. Someone jumped out behind me. I wasn’t expecting it. I turned around, and I kind of slammed them against, like, a little railing there. And they have a very strict, you know, no contact policy, which I agree with. But, yeah, I can’t really do those things because I don’t know how to control myself from not pushing someone away after, like, coming out at me. No, I’ve heard people that do these things say that, like, now, maybe it’s more refined now, and they’re like, okay. You don’t come at the person directly in front or directly behind of them because they will punch you.

Yeah. I mean, it almost feels like I never had a choice. You know what I mean? Like, my reaction was just that. So you see where you’re going. So if something is suddenly impeding your track there and it looks scary for a second, you’re. You might punch it, and that happens. You know, it was way scary to me, and I’m sure that I can’t necessarily separate how old I was versus the experience of having live actors that are junk. And I’ve been to a few of these where, like, you drive out in the middle of nowhere in Florida, and it’s just some warehouse, which a bunch of random people that are running, like, a har house, and they’ve got the guy with a chainsaw and, like, blood splatters all over and everything.

But none of those hold a candle to some of the weird, creepy carnival rides I had gone on. There was these one sort of carnivals where they would, like, set up, and it would just be a semi trailer, but you would walk in one end, and it was all completely dark. And you have to, like, feel your way through the whole thing. And as you would go through, there’s little laser trips and all kinds of things so that a loud buzzer and, like, a light would show up and just, like, a head would pop up and then, like, slowly.

And it was so, so cheesy, but it was so freaking terrifying. Way more than the haunted sort of houses that you go to. And they’re all theatrical and. Cause at some point, I’m looking around those, and I’m like, wow, someone put a lot of effort into this. The costumes are nice. Like, everything looks nice and weathered. It looks like an old sanitarium, but these freaking semis in some random county fairs, it was just complete blackness. And you’re almost wondering, like, there could legitimately be a snake in here, and no one would really know if there was a real snake or not.

You know what I mean? Contact rule broken. Yeah, I remember that the. The Carney haunted house pretty well now. I guess my top haunted houses are. Well, the haunted mansions, of course. Fun. But I guess that doesn’t count. It doesn’t count, but, yeah, but in Halloween now they do the jack overlay, right? The nightmare before Christmas overlay, which it’s kind of like. Well, I. It’s Halloween. I kind of want the normal haunted mansion. I don’t want Jack. Maybe just do it for Christmas. I don’t know. They do it for Halloween and Christmas. Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it, actually.

It seems like something cool to see for Christmas, but, yeah, maybe not Halloween. It would make sense for Christmas, but, yeah, in October, it’s like, give me the, you know, the straight up haunted mansion, right? Which I guess isn’t that scary. The rehoboth beach, Delaware one. I’ve been through there a lot. You know, it’s a little more. A lot more chintzy and fun that way. Although the clown at the outside of that fun park is probably scarier than the ride. There’s a clown up in a. In a steeple or something, like, waving, and it has a really creepy smile, so I hope that’s still Rehoboth beach, Delaware.

I don’t know. I loved clowns growing up. They never were scary to me. I understand. If you saw, like, an it clown that’s maybe a little bit different. Like, it’s legitimately supposed to be scary, but whatever that thing is where people report being scared of clowns even when they were little kids. Problem child, right? Wasn’t he adverse to clowns growing up? I almost. I skipped that. Like, I loved clowns. I had clown stickers. Like, I got all the tapes. I would, like, watch the freaking. Barnum and Bailey recorded, like, performances over and over. When I was a little kid, I liked Dumbo.

Like, maybe. Maybe I liked Dumbo first, and then clowns came after. I’m not really sure which would be terrifying, because those clowns were kind of evil. And I had a clown at my six year old birthday party, so I had a clown in my house, which sounds like inviting a vampire into your house. I was just listening to another podcast where they made the distinction that maybe, like, a cartoon clown is fine. It’s like a middle aged fifties man who becomes a clown. That’s when it becomes terrifying. Look up the sugar snaps clown, for example. That is a terrifying clown.

That was on the sugar snacks cereal box in the fifties. That’s a nightmare feel there. Well, they’ve got the Ringling museum here in Florida. That’s actually where a lot of the carnies and side attraction people at the freak show, a lot of them ended up in a place called Gibsonton here in Florida as well. It’s just like this little ramp off of a highway and then bam. It’s like the highest population of lobstermen in the country. But in addition to that, this whole ringling museum. I guess they had really deep roots in Florida. And they’ve got some pretty detailed like exhibits and little walkthroughs and everything of clowns and the whole circus sort of like demographic.

And the clown exhibit, it’s pretty much all old dudes. It’s like very set. It’s got a very sad feel to it. But that’s kind of what you need to be to be a clown. Like, you have to understand the absolute tragedies of life, right. In order to be a true clown. Like, if you’ve never felt pain, how can you even be a clown? The day the clown cried. Didn’t that movie supposed to come out this year finally? You know what I’m talking about. Oh, the Jerry Lewis’s Holocaust. Which. Okay, yeah, it’s viewable now. Is it? Okay.

Oh wait, we’re talking about two different things that are actually the same thing. I’m talking about there’s a musical Joker movie, but there’s a musical Holocaust movie I’m talking about. Well, one, there was life is beautiful, which won an Oscar. But this is the day the crown crown Clyde clown cry. That’s hard to say. Jerry Lewis movie. That was a Holocaust movie. And it was considered like unreleased or whatever. And it was like impossible to watch. But it was a 50 year thing. So theoretically it should be available this year if someone deigns to. And there is another musical Holocaust movie I think if you can consider.

Was it called Jojo Rabbit? Have you seen Jojo Rabbit? I’ve heard of that one. That’s a. That’s one where there’s a character like the boys. Like imaginary friend. Not a third movie. I’ve heard both views, but I’ve heard someone say it’s very good that who’s opinion I trust. So if you like the director’s work, then you know you’ll appreciate it if you watch every TJ name, right? I don’t. That’s why I didn’t say. That’s why I said the director. I don’t want to, but if you. If you tend to not like it, then you probably won’t like it.

But I don’t know, I don’t hate his work. I kind of like it. Polarizing films. Well, all that is to say it’s dark. Disney, we’re doing their darker movies. I guess this is the lightest of them because it’s a. It’s kind of a Sci-Fi it didn’t feel as dark as it could have been. No, but it gets pretty dark when you start thinking about it. And for Disney, this is their first pg movie. The black hole was their largest budget up to this point, which is only $20 million. But I guess in 1979. Really? Yeah. Yeah.

They blew some money on this movie. What else we got on the production? There is a lot of interesting production stuff here. It’s considered to be basically the last studio movie because Disney did everything in house, including special effects, like they wanted, you know, the new ILm to do it, industrial light magic. But there was still, it wasn’t very big yet. Basically, they could do George Lucas’s stuff and that was it. So they had to create their own, like, computer tracking system to replicate what ILM would do. One of the last movies with the overture. I don’t know if you watched a version how to overture or not, but this, in Star Trek, the motion picture, the last Hollywood movies show up where you just sit down, it plays music at you for three to five minutes.

Right? Yeah, actually, that was kind of weird. I don’t remember seeing a lot of movies that do that. And it was like, the black hole starts with a black screen. For the first two and a half minutes, they’re like, is this broken? So it’s good to know it’s there. But, yeah, it’s the last one with that. The cast is pretty wild, but, yeah, this started out, it was following so many trends. It’s going to be space probe one or something and a disaster movie. It was supposed to be like the towering inferno or the Poseidon adventure, but by the time it’s about, they changed a lot because in 1976, they’re like, uh oh.

These movies aren’t are, like, losing in popularity now. So, like, rewrite the script. So it took on this kind of 20,000 leagues under the sea sheen instead. So that’s the template for the finished product, not a disaster movie. So it’s actually pretty shocking to hear that this was, like one of the bigger, but the biggest budget, I guess, to this point. Is this including animated films? I believe so. I just. All right. I mean, I liked it. I thought it was kind of enjoyable. But I never would have expected this to have been one of the big budgets.

I imagine this was aside from the cast, I don’t. Interesting to hear it’s actually took me back a little bit. Yeah, I guess one of the. I mean, you see a lot of money on screen, but, like, it’s a lot of matte paintings. I think it’s because they had to build an effects house from scratch. Things like that, you know, that cost some money. So that’s why you would hire ILM, so you don’t have to start from scratch. But that was not the case. It has all the makings of one of those movies where you fall asleep and you wake up at, like, 03:00 a.m.

and then you’re just trying to fall back asleep and, like, a weird movie’s on and you’re like, it’s not good enough to keep you awake, but it’s interesting enough where, like, you might keep one eye open until you pass back out. This is kind of the feel of the movie now. I like the messaging, and there’s eye candy and everything to it, but it has all the pacing of, like, one of the slowest twilight Zone episodes. If you were to just stretch one out for an hour and a half, try season four of the Twilight Zone.

There are some good ones in there. Yeah. Actually, two things. One, it’s funny you were mentioning the late night movie you just kind of fall asleep through because I had to watch this one completely. I was taking notes, and then I put on, like, I haven’t seen this for 30 years, but I got deep impact on Blu ray, and I was watching that, but it also features Maximillian Chanel on it. So that was really confusing. This movie feels like a little bit of a trailblazer in some of those ways, which I guess I’m retroactively looking at it and giving it even more appreciation than I would if I didn’t notice some of the things that I thought were cool Easter eggs or, like, first time I had seen things done in certain movies.

Yeah, my history of this movie is, you know, this was on the kids shelf with the other Disney movies. It was one of the first Disney VHS releases, and it was one of the first Disney Laserdisc releases. If you had a laser disclaimer, which I didn’t, but, yeah, you know, it’s like, this is next to, like, the cat. The computer wore tennis shoes and stuff, so obviously it sticks out. It looks a little bit more mature. You know, it’s pg. Oh, my God. It’s not a g rated movie, so I’d rent this one. So I’ve probably seen this movie a good five or six times.

The thing is like, the pacing is not good. It’s a little bit of a draggy movie. So you watch it a few years go by and you’re like, yeah, there was some cool stuff in there. Yeah, the box looked cool, the poster looks cool, and then you watching and you’re like, oh, yeah, the pacing in this kind of sucks. There’s so many cool things that happen in this movie. There’s so many characters that are interesting. There’s so much about it that I like that almost makes me angry that the movie itself is not good. I’d almost rather just watch it, like, where a bunch of AI generated clips mashed together instead of knowing that there was a script and, you know, production coordinator and, like, all those roles, and then it was the highest produced movie, right.

The most expensive one up to this point. That that actually hurts me a little bit more now. Well, Gary Nelson is the director. Yes, Gary Nelson’s the director. He was not involved with the project for most of its pre production. He kind of, once it got out of Disasterland, the previous director was like, not interested anymore. But then Star wars comes out that fast tracks this movie. Oh, my God, let’s get our Sci-Fi out. So I wonder if it is kind of just like the director was not the right man for the job. It kind of has that feel because the cast, I mean, again, Maximilian Chanel, Robert Forrester, honestly, I think you’re 100% on this, man.

Like, there’s nothing else they really could have done other than maybe a new director. Even the script wasn’t horrible. In fact, the script was fairly strong if you ignore the dialogue and the pacing and everything. But there’s probably an edited version of this or a redirected version that could have made it phenomenal and not just, eh. I’m looking at his filmography. I mean, there’s nothing here. Freaky Friday is the other standout, basically. Although I do love one of those switcheroo movies. Yeah, 1983 to 1984. He. Up to 1986, he made murder in Couyta county. Murder? Me, murder you? More than murder and murder in three acts.

So I guess he got kind of murdery eventually. Those are all separate movies. It looks like he did tv one. An Emmy for. Sorry, I just lost. What? He won the Emmy for Washington behind closed doors. Ooh la la. Okay, well, we like to talk. Maybe he’s got. He’s got some conspiracy stuff going on. Just to maintain a little bit of sanity going forward, I’m going to assume that most of the budget, if not 90% of it just went to Ernest Borg nine. And if, and if that’s what the case was, then I’m happy and I don’t even have to dwell on it anymore.

I guess his, he’s here because he is in the Poseidon adventure. Just, you know, maybe he was cast, like, a long time earlier. I don’t know. Well, and this was interesting, too, because Ernest Borgnine’s not the first name that comes up in my mind when I think Walt Disney, just because he’s had a couple of really cool roles. He’s had a couple of raunchy sort of statements he’s made of publicly way after this movie was made, of course. 1979, right? That’s right. In the nineties. He was also the voice of Murloc, the magician in DuckTales movie.

So those are the other example of Ernest Borg Nine. But I want to imagine a world in which Ernest Borgnine was in more Disney movies. I actually think that that would be net positive across the board. Oh, yeah. You put Ernest Borgnine anything. You know who’s. We got people you can do that with today. Stanley Tootsch. You put him in anything. That’s always fine. Right? What’s this? I’m thinking of a few names, but I’m not, like, landing on them. So, yeah, Borgnine is good. Robert Forester. Since I so familiar with Jackie Brown, seeing him not old is weird.

Me too, man. Because I know that he was an older actor, but that was the first movie that I’d seen him in, and I remember my dad making some comment like, oh, wow, you know, he’s looking old now, but, like, first time that I had really seen him. I don’t know, standout role, man. I think that they had some high caliber actors at least involved here. I’m not sure if I recognized who Reinhardt was. The evil mad scientist, sort of like luciferian figure that was killing it. Like he was doing awesome. That was Maximillian Schnell, who has the weird coincidence of having the same name as the Darth Vader robot.

He won best actor for judgment at Nuremberg. Obviously, he was in deep impact, which surprised me. Last night. He played Lenin in the movie Stalin. Okay, the man in a glass booth. I don’t know. That is Julia. So, yeah, I’m like, he’s the guy in the black hole, right? But, yeah, scenery chewing master. And with every time he was on, I felt like, no longer felt like it was some random, off the shelf, straight to video, which I know it wasn’t now know it was supposed to be this big blockbuster. But yeah, he. He commanded performance the whole time.

Of course. Ernest Borg, nine. The other dude, too, a little bit less. So. God, the younger one or Anthony Perkins. Psycho Perkins. Yeah, Anthony. It wasn’t a breakout role for Anthony Perkins. I know we’re doing a little, like, film review, but I have to, because this was such an interesting movie. We’ve got some good notes on it, but usually don’t have on screen actors to talk about. Right. Yeah, actually, that’s a very good point. And then how did it do commercially with being the highest costing movie to this point? It looks like it basically broke even.

Like, I actually thought it was considered a bomb. So it’s not considered successful. There were supposed to be things after this movie, the most fun, which is when this movie was in production and coming out, they were working on a system with a military grade simulator. They’re gonna make a black hole ride for Disneyland. Because they were like, this is. This is gonna be our Star wars. So we’ll put it in. That didn’t happen. So, yeah, that hurts even more to hear it phrase like, this was supposed to be their Star wars. Well, the funny thing is that the ride they developed was retooled into Star tour.

So we did get it, and it is Star wars. So Star Tours was originally going to be a ride for this movie, which at the end, when they’re going through and there’s like, you know, you can easily see where this is a theme park ride because there’s, like a good five minutes of footage of them riding around on a ride vehicle with trippy stuff happening around him. That’s your ride. Yeah, 100%. Even as he was riding in this and the way that the lever worked, the way that he got out immediately, I was like, oh, that’s an actual dark ride.

That’s how those things operate and everything. But it wasn’t a dark ride they were working on. They were working on the simulator, which would. So if you want to know what that’s like, it’s star tours. But it sounds like there is legitimately now a way that Star wars and black hole could potentially be combined into one. Like, Star wars can do a black hole adaptation. I don’t know if you would ever bring black hole back without throwing that Star wars muscle around a little bit, but they can just have they redone, I’m sure. Maybe I’m already speaking from past tense.

Have they already remade this in a Star Wars Episode? Joseph Kosinski, who directed Tron Legacy, did he do the Top Gun maverick I think he did Top Gun Maverick. He’s Tom Cruise’s other guy now. But he was going to remake this, but the script was considered too dark for a Disney movie, which to me seems like the hook of remaking the black hole. Perfect. Yeah. But the bigger nail in the coffin was interstellar had their black hole sequence, and they’re like, well, we can’t do that now, so maybe in the next few years they might do it, but 2016 is like, let’s not do it right now.

This movie has also been called by Neil deGrasse Tyson, more recently, as the most scientifically inaccurate science fiction movie ever made. Oh, okay. I mean, I’m so happy we have him to tell us that. Well, part of that is that means that the black hole just turns into a weird metaphysical land, which is, you know, what we get to talk about today. Some. You know, although there was one other thing I wanted to mention, like, what was going to happen with this after, technically, if. That means that if we were to consider one of Bob’s music videos about flat Earth, Neil deGrasse Tyson still thinks that the black hole movie has less merit than flat Earth theory, which almost might be a revelation that he wasn’t meaning to do.

Yeah. Or maybe just hasn’t seen every movie. He definitely knows a Bob’s work. Yeah. Okay. Okay. There was something else, and I’m just, like, not seeing where it is. Anyway, the ride was the most interesting legacy, but, yeah, you know, they had thoughts of making other things. There was a computer games, there were some comic books. Oh, here’s one. There was a comic strip that came out with the movie, which was illustrated by Jack Kirby. So that’s kind of cool. You can find Kirby versions of the black hole. Well, see, now I need to go down a rabbit hole in the black hole, because there’s all sorts of cool little ancillary stuff that I wasn’t even expecting out of this.

Oh, and you know, over the years, how many. There’s math teaching you math. Computer games. Yes. Where the Prospero or what’s the name of the ship. Anyway, it lands on a planet and they all go crazy from a space gas, and then you have to solve math problems to save them. So I don’t know if you have the answer to this, but I’m going to make an assumption, and correct me if you do know the answer, but I’m going to assume that all of these ancillary products were sort of in the works alongside the release versus the movie came out and they were like, man, this thing’s doing gangbusters.

We need video games. We need rides. We need comic strips. We need more to keep these people satisfied. They won’t stop chanting encore. Well, I guess other than the comic strip, there was also a comic book which only ran for four issues. The fourth issue is almost impossible to find, and it promised a fifth issue that never happened. So, yeah, I mean, I guess you can read all the stuff on the Internet now if you really want to. It’s. It’s pretty easy. But, yeah, I had my run through all of X Men a few years ago.

That was fun. Still gave up at executioner song, which I guess just means after Claremont’s out, I lose my interest if you’re an X men geek. So. See, I kept up. I kept up through pretty much the mid nineties until I just had other things to do. I came back for Grant Morrison and stuck around a little bit after that. So I think a lot of people, that’s probably why they hired him, right? Because they knew, like, older X Men geeks would probably come back for that, which we did, and it was pretty good. So, yeah, I was going through the collection of comics my parents dumped on me from just, like, all the random stuff they’re finding in closets and stuff in their house, and there’s a crazy amount of Disney comics.

I really, really liked Disney comics growing up, too, and I guess I didn’t realize it until going back through and realizing that those ones, I think, had more, like, I went back through them, I reread them. They made a bigger impression on me than a lot of. Even, like, Marvel and image and all the other valiant and stuff that came out little, like, one shots and stuff. I had a good appreciation for them, but I really think that those ones were masterful. And I guess it makes sense, too, because will Eisner ended up writing the book on how to write comics a long, long time ago, and that’s kind of served as an industry standard.

Yeah, I was gonna say one of the kid paradoxes you have to work out with the Disney comics, other than, like, do I look like a dumb little kid? Reading them is. It’s. It’s difficult to accept that Uncle Scrooge is the best one. You know, when you’re an adult, it’s like, well, Uncle Scrooge is the best one. As a kid, it’s like, but shouldn’t Mickey Mouse’s comic be better? Donald Duck or Goofy’s comic be better? No, no, Uncle Scrooge has the best comic. Just, you need to accept this? Well, yeah, because, yeah, I mean, Mickey’s the vehicle.

Mickey is. This might be too deep of a. Of an analogy that’s inside my brain, but, like, Mickey is the Walmart. Like, he is the building of Walmart. You know what I mean? Like, every. You don’t go to Walmart because of the Walmart. You go to the Walmart if that’s where you go to go and, like, buy the things that you want, the things that interest you. Right? And I almost see that, like, Disney’s Mickey is this big shell. Like, he’s the personified version of Disney, because children don’t necessarily understand the abstract concept of a global conglomerate, like cthulhu, like nightmare creature, that what Disney is.

But you put a face on it and you see, hey, anytime you see this head, anytime you see the Mickey ears or Mickey Mouse, that means all of Disney, the princesses and the robots and the Star wars, all of that, when you see that mouse. So I almost feel that it’s never been Mickey’s role outside of the steamboat Willie uprising until, you know, he became, like, a corporation. But I think that that’s always been his plan was just to say, like, oh, if I see Mickey, whatever I’m looking at is Disney Ip, essentially, which I guess going into the comic books, I remember it was like, jack and the Beanstalk and Gulliver’s travels and a whole bunch of more grim style fairy tales that they just put their stamp on for that weaponized nostalgia aspect.

They did a great job. Because I swear to you, until I die, if anyone ever brings up Gulliver’s travels, I’m imagining, like, Mickey Mouse being involved somehow. Or if they bring up, you know, Jack and the Beanstalk, I’m imagining Mickey’s in there somehow. Like, Walt Disney wrote those books and used the time machine to bring them back in the past. Jack Black’s not the first thing that pops in your mind for Gulliver’s travels. Definitely not. No. I actually did see that movie once. It was, like, ¥50 and my daughter was three, and we’re like, what the hell was put on? Actually, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

I’ve seen much worse movies. A Jack and the Beanstalk. That was much worse. Or Jack and the killer giant, they renamed it or something. Jack the giant killer. That was it. Yeah, that was kind of rough. So Galter travels was better than that, I guess. Question mark. Put a question mark on that. Well, I think in the comic book, and then they had, like, a tv series like an older one, I think, from the eighties or the nineties, those. I remember liking that one. Ted Danson was in that, if I remember. Yeah, that wasn’t bad. No.

And they really promoted the hell out of that thing beforehand. I remember as a kid, you know, they’d have that tv miniseries of the year that you were like, this is the biggest thing that’s ever happened. Just because they’re jamming it on the commercial so much. So the stand, Stephen King Stand tv movie, which I still remember being pretty good. And. Yeah, yeah. Gulliver’s travels might have been the one after the stand. Yeah, yeah. I’m not sure how it works if I watched it now, but at the time it was like the best thing ever. Right? Whenever some.

Also, when I saw that movie, Tropic Thunder and the simple Jack character, and they’re like, you never go full simple Jack, or whatever. That’s all I can think of is the guy in the stand where it was like, that’s another example of you never go full, like, stand. Right. Okay. It’s. Again, last time I saw it was 1990, whenever it came out. So I read the book, though. It made me read the book. I did read the book after watching it. Yeah. Apparently there’s not a lot of good Stephen King adaptations other than the shining, in my opinion, and which, ironically, that was the one that I guess he hated the most, but it was kind of the best one.

So there’s something to that. Yeah. After the stand came out was quite successful. Stephen King’s like, ah, here’s my shining and it’s perfect mini series tv form. It’s so not great. Stephen King approved version of the Shining for you. Stand up to history, in my opinion. And it had less resolution than the show. Lost. Like, more. You get like more of a completed feeling after watching lost and you do the stand. Well, at least loss. There’s that extra bit after the last episode where that least explains the polar bears to you. Right. They did explain the polar bears, but an ancillary content, but yeah, the black hole.

You’ve never seen this one before, then this is your first viewing? First viewing. Had no idea. I couldn’t really tell necessarily if this was them on the coattails of Star wars. Hearing that this had a possibility. There’s an alternate dimension that’s only a few adjacent from ours in which this came out before Star wars. Is that a possibility? You’re saying as a disaster movie a year before, but it would have felt like the Poseidon adventure instead in space. Okay, so it would not have been lasers and puke you in, like, lightsaber battles like it is in now.

Not so much. I mean, just look at Max Milli and not the actor, the robot. I mean, that’s Darth Vader, right? Especially in silhouette, you know, a demon or Darth Vader. We can look at both angles because I guess both are valid, but, oh, man, I’m still trying to picture it, but, yeah, I’m so much more disappointed in this movie, hearing how large the aspirations are. But that’s another theme that we’ve uncovered throughout all these episodes. When Disney really banks on something, I don’t know, it’s like they put. They’re trying too hard to put magic into it.

Like, sometimes you got to just let the magic flow. I think Vincent and Bob were successes. I’m going to give Vincent and Bob successes huge. Their merch still sells today, usually with, you know, old farts who were around to see this movie. But, you know, there. There are people that love Vincent and Bob. I wouldn’t have known who the hell they were before now. If. If I had come across Vincent somewhere or Bob, I would have assumed that it was from, like, mega man three. Like some weird doctor, wily, generic level sort of guy that you have to go against.

But Vincent is now in my top ten Disney characters of all time. He’s got the best snark. He’s. He’s very dark sense of humor. I just love everything. He’s deadly. Like, he’s an absolute deadly sharpshooter. He will shoot first and ask questions later. But he also looks like a children’s toy. There’s so many cool things. Like, he’s the most dangerous toy, you know, that you could ever have. Hole into robot Maximilian at the end, right? Like, just uses brute force to end Maximilian. That’s pretty intense. Intense. He’s got crazy ego because they’re all the Android robots that are the humanoid robots that are on this ship, right? They’re having, I guess, like a duck hunt.

Like, they’re throwing or shooting these, like, little plasma discs out, and then they’ll. They’ll try and shoot them and stuff. And they’re always comparing to each other, even, like. Like, flip their guns around and put them down on their holsters, like they’re freaking wild west cowboys. And Vincent comes up and just runs it. Like, he even makes a whole big deal out of it. Like, I’ll show this guy. He, like, talks a little bit of smack to him, and then he shows everyone that he’s the master marksman. And then at the end, he even shoots a hole through a dude’s chest.

Like, this is their leader, right? I don’t know. That was. That was the moment when Vincent goes to jail and he walks up to the biggest guy and just punches him right in the face. Like, and what a while. Cause he’s got, like, a weird, like, red smile with these goofy eyes the whole time floating around on a string. Yeah. The voices are uncredited in the movie, but both of the robot voices need to be mentioned. Roddy McDowell did Vincent. He was Cornelius and then Caesar in the Planet of the Apes movies. And Slim Pickens was old Bob, which, I mean, that’s great voice casting.

And I just want to say, too, that we made a huge mistake somewhere in our recent past on not making all robots. And AI have a southern twang, like, a hillbilly vibe to them. Like, we’re missing out just because it’s so disarming to have this death machine that can just shoot you with lasers at any moment, that can telepathically communicate with you. And I think the implication there is that if Vincent were to go bad, like, he can just wreak havoc, he could take out everyone on the entire ship. But to have someone with that much power talk like this, y’all, and, like, have a good.

You know, I don’t know, there’s something so endearing. I wish that that was the real reality, that maybe, like, a drone came outside your house from DARPA, but it, like, has a folksy accent before it murders you and your family. See, I live in Japan, so it’s all gone the other direction. I ride Splash mountain, which we still have here, by the way, and all the robots are now. You know, all the racist robots are now speaking Japanese, so. So that’s weird with. With brayer rabbit speaking Japanese, you know, but that. That’s what happens. So do they yell? Is there a yelling cadence to it at all in Splash Mountain? No, to just when they translate into Japanese? Oh, um, no, I don’t think they’re yelling or anything.

I mean, most. I remember I first went with my wife there. I convinced her, you’re on Splash Mountain. She won’t get on a kiddie coaster. Right. But I didn’t really know how coaster phobic she was because we. It was shortly after we had met, so we did Splash Mountain, and she was pissed at all the animals on it because she kept saying. They kept telling me everything was going to be okay, and it wasn’t okay because she didn’t like the drop. Right? So actually, I’m surprised. Yeah. And now look at my God. How did I get her on that thing? That’s the whole ride, man.

The drop is the entire thing. Right, right. But in Japanese, all the animals were telling her that things are going to be okay. Don’t worry. You know, it’s. We’re going to a laughing place. So she’s like, okay. And she’s like, the animals all lied to me because she was like, oh, once a drop happened, that was the end of the world. It was like, earnest going down in this. That’s what animals do, man. Just like we talked about. What in brother Bear, like, nature has no morality or ethics. Nature just is so you can’t trust nature.

Let’s not talk about the morality and ethics of the characters on Splash Mountain, though, that time. Anyway, there is some nice dark stuff here. It’s more of a Sci-Fi, but this is where I wanted to start, the dark Disney one. Like I said, every few years, I’m like, I think I should watch the black hole again. You know, it does have an allure, especially when it’s been a few years since you’ve seen it. You’re like, I remember so much of it being cool. Maybe I’ll get it this time. And, you know, it’s just, I don’t want my initial reaction to, like, dissuade anyone from watching it.

It’s a hundred percent worth watching at least once. Because, again, it has so many great things to it that were amazing to see. But just. It’s just as a movie, it doesn’t kind of stand up, but, yeah, and it’s super dark. Like, I’m a fan of any Disney movie that has guns. And then there’s another layer to it where a Disney movie where a human being dies is such a rarity. That also exists in this one. They kind of show, like, dead people that have been zombie corpses. The one you see, by the way, the one you see is the director.

That’s the director cameo. And when he takes the faceplate off of the one guy, and it’s. And you see the, like, the one day that he showed up for work. Yeah, that’s Gary Nelson there. So. But, yeah, real. I mean, you start thinking about that because even 20,000 leagues under a sea, doesn’t captain Nemo have, like, a living crew? Honestly, when. When they did that bit. And you can tell that it’s supposed to be this huge reveal at the end, like, that was supposed to make you, I guess, you know, get out of your seat or something.

It wasn’t that huge of a reveal because they mentioned it way earlier on, that all these humanoids that are working were the previous members of the ship, right? So we already knew what the reveal was going to be. It was just when they show it. If they had shown that earlier and made it so that the entire crew had to know that all these people were like the dead humans and that they were going to kind of be next, it would have put a whole much cooler, like a horror thrill tone to the whole movie just by doing that reveal a little bit earlier.

And they could have had Anthony Perkins, like, completely get converted and he goes psycho on him. You know, that would have been a man. See that again? This is like one of those movies where I get, I get, like, frustrated thinking about everything that it could have been versus what we actually ended up with, but still watch it. Like, it’s almost like it was like we said, it’s almost like this movie was constructed to be a theme park ride. Because I was just, for my other podcast, I watched Batman and Robin again, which I’ve had to watch twice in the past few years for various podcasts.

But one thing I was going to say, okay, this looks one that that movie is not CGI. It’s all weird, crazy practical stuff. Because now I think when you think back to Batman robbing, like, that’s a CGI mess. It’s not. Wasn’t that also Tim Burton? Nah, Burton was off by the fourth one. This is the fourth of the Batman Warner. I probably don’t even keep him. What, man, was this? Was this the Affleck Batmandeh no, this is Clooney Bat nipples. This is the Bat nipples movie. Okay. This was like probably one of the worst. The worst considered to be the worst.

Yes. Okay. But I will admit, and I brought it to a podcast five years ago or so as a bad movie. Like, I think this is one of the worst movies ever, but I’ve rewatched it a few and I’m kind of warming up to it. You know, that one I do like better each time I watch it, in part because now we have, like, plenty of other Batman. So if I want to see dark, gritty Batman, you know, and go watch the Batman from a few years ago, you know, if I want that. So now, but so when I saw Batman Robin opening night in the theater, my friend, I was like, what the hell are we watching? This is, this is currently Batman.

This is Batman, right? So everyone was pissed off where, you know, now we have, like, 20 other movies you, like. You couldn’t figure out which one I was talking about, you know? So it’s kind of fun to watch. Now, it’s not quite as fun as watching the sixties series, but not far off. And Arnold Schwarzenegger in that one is just. He’s magical. I guess you’ve seen it more recently than I have because I think lots of my saw ones when it first came out, too, and I was like, this is garbage. I don’t. Batman’s dead now.

Like, they killed Batman for me. But if you were to watch it again recently, is it self aware, like, sixties Batman? Is it. Is it, like, self aware? Adam. What? Because, Adam, you can never convince me that Adam west wasn’t always self aware of exactly how cheesy the whole thing. Like, they leaned into the cheese and they made that part of, like, the endearing qualities of it, right? But the Clooney Batman felt like they were taking it seriously and only after the fact. They might have pretended like, oh, no, no, we knew it was cheesy. They knew it was cheesy.

I mean, the movie opens with a dramatic thing of Batman, Robin coming into the Batcave. You get crotch shots of them. You get nipple shots. And then they’re running towards the Batmobile. And Robin is like, I want to drive the car this time. You know, like, record scratch. And then Clooney is like, I should work. You know, this is why Superman works alone. You know, like that. That’s cheeseball Schwarzenegger. He gives a few puns, ice puns. He actually stops the ice puns pretty quickly. It’s just now he delivers all of his lines like he’s delivering a pun, even though it’s not.

No, no. After that, it’s just like, I will send you to hell. You know? It’s like, not even a pun anymore, but he’s still delivering it like it’s a fun. Yeah, because all he had to say was aska Lavista, baby one time. And he’s like, oh, I can just put any three words together and it turns into a t shirt. Yeah. So that’s the weird thing. In the black hole, it’s a better movie, but it’s less rewatchable. And, dude, the black hole has so many quotable lines in it. I was just. I was making notes the entire movie on all these great quotes that I was seeing pop up left and right.

Now I have to scan if I did any quotes. Looks like I did not, actually. I mean, Maximilian Chanel, I’m sure you could write down most of his dialogue and have some fantastic quotes. Doctor Hans Reinhardt. I guess I choose the character’s name since there is also a character named Maximilian. That’s what makes this is one of the more confusing movies to do a podcast on because of that. The other one is the thing, because you keep saying the thing is, ha ha ha. You know. You know, I’ve still, I mean, I don’t even know if I should admit this.

I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen the thing. I have not seen the new one or the old one. I had not seen the thing until I did a podcast for it again three or four years ago. Because the reason you might not seen the thing is because when it came out, it was considered to be a absolute piece of trash. Like, it just, everyone’s like, this is a crappy movie. No one should watch it. And it, and it got re released on dvd. It was one of the first dvd releases in, like, 98, 99, and then in a special edition, first big special edition, that’s when people started to look back and say, this movie’s really good.

And it is. When I saw a thing that it might be the best carpenter. And I like a lot of carpenter, so that’s not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s in the. It’s a contender. So I will actually recommend that while we’re in October. You give the thing of you. You don’t need to watch the 1951 and the 2012 one. I’m waiting. Apparently they shot that one with practical effects, and then the execs were like, no. Put some CGI crap all over it. So I’m hoping we’ll eventually see a version where someone just takes the CGI off. What’s with the south park? It’s her.

It’s like, put a lady in it and make it lame. It’s like, put some CGI in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I have not seen the newer one, which apparently isn’t bad. I’m like, I want to see with practical effects. It’s kind of like, I don’t want to see cats until someone makes the butthole cut. Yeah, I don’t. Don’t even get me started on the cat standing, because we’ll be here for a while. So I feel like there’s one thing that I really have to put out there for the rest of my notes to start making sense, and that’s that they kind of beat you over the head in the beginning of this movie as it’s starting out, that this is a retelling of Dante’s Inferno.

Like, this movie is Dante’s Inferno. They. They say. They talk Dante’s Inferno in the first few minutes as they’re amongst themselves. They refer to the black hole as hell. Even Maximilian has, like, a reduced, like, body suit. And then, like, everything about that, they. They have a whole bunch of biblical style quotes. There’s one quote in particular that I guess needed that preface. And I think that they’re talking to Alex, who is Anthony Perkins. And he asked him, like, what are you after, Alex? Immortality. And he’s in response something like, no scientific truth. But I think what they were doing here, because it’s in a Sci-Fi setting and it’s not taking place in the 14th century, that the version of, I guess immortality is scientific truth.

Like, if you can prove. If you can disprove God or if you can find the ultimate science that would allow you to travel through a black hole and even turn into a robot or fuse into some inorganic being that could potentially live forever, that. That’s sort of no different than just complete damnation as it would be in the 14th century, because maybe in the 14th century, they didn’t have the same concepts as merging with a robot body and traveling through a black hole into a different dimension where time doesn’t have to exist. Yeah. And they’re, like, accusing him of, like, you’ve spent all that.

You talked people into spending all this money on this mission. I’m like, man, if I can talk the military industrial complex into costly fiasco, that’s great. And again, dude, if this were in the lens of Dante’s inferno, that’s what gluttony and greed kind of all in the same breadth. And the biggest one is that as soon as you enter the. What was it called? The Cyrus ship. Yeah, yeah. Or the Cygnus. Cygnus, is that it give you. So when they enter into the Cygnus, the very first thing they see are all these ghost like creatures. These are those humanoids that were basically the previous humans from the ship originally.

And Reinhardt claims that they would have been long gone. They would have all died if he hadn’t done this. Who knows what kind of necromancy that he used? But he reanimated all of these near dead humans into these mindless slaves that are just doing his, like, the most boring of all work on the entire ship. And these are. This is basically the shades of the dead. That’s like. Like the top layer of hell, I think the first level of hell in Dante’s Inferno are these shades of dead, which are like these ghost like creatures. They’re just there to kind of be administrative, you know, workers.

And again, it feels like they were beating me over the head. Like, this is Dante’s Inferno. This is Dante’s Inferno, everything about it. I want to go back outside of the Cygnus for a minute, though, because it’s one of the most amazing and bizarre spaceships I think we’ve seen in, like a major movie. Like, it looks like a crystal palace from like a, you know, 1970 Century world’s Fair or something. My note was 1980 and 1980. 318 93 Chicago World’s Fair. But I think. I think maybe London had the crystal palace or Paris or something, maybe a little bit of that.

I also. It made me feel like I was just walking through somewhere in New York City that was under construction. They just had all of, like, the staging up for it. It kind of just had that, like an industrial feel. Like there someone was building a skyscraper in the sky and they hadn’t quite finished it yet. I. Yeah, once they turn the lights on, it has this really, like, kind of victorian Rococo look to it. Rococo’s a different time period, but whatever. I just. Yeah, it’s a very specific design. So that just made me think, you know, why that design other than does look cool, but it’s.

It’s. Where do you land on that? You know, I mean. I mean, I guess that I’ll have to agree with. What was his name? Tyson, the round Earth guy that said that this was the least scientifically accurate. But I guess I have to agree with him on that one, too, because this ship seems like it was the least. And I know you don’t necessarily need aerodynamics in space. I understand that. But it feels like it was so impractical in the construction of this huge ship. So that part didn’t make sense. Neil degrasse Tyson. And the only.

The other thing, too, that as soon as you said that made me think, as soon as they show you’re on a ship, right, you’re on the Cygnus and you look out the, like the front window of the Cygnus and it’s like, oh, look, there’s the black hole off in the distance. It seems that if you ever were to get close enough to see a black hole with your naked eyes, you’re in the black hole. Like, it’s because it absorbs all light, right? If I can look at you and you can see me, then that means there’s light.

But if there’s also black hole. Then you can. What’s boun. Is there light bouncing off the black hole, letting you see into it? It just seems like it’s instant death. The second that you’re like, oh, there’s a black. And then. And then that’s it. You’re gone. Well, that was the whole thing with the interstellar. It’s like, oh, we got. I forget the kip Thorne or something, the physicist that worked on that to try and design what a black hole would actually look like. And people I know that don’t like that movie basically don’t like it because he breaches the event horizon and ends up in.

And love is gravity, all that sort of stuff. So have you seen Interstellar? I like it. Yeah. Matthew? Oh, I love Interstellar. Yeah. I’m not one of the haters, but people I know that, like, are, like, on. I mean, nobody is going to tell you it’s a wreck of a production or anything, but they. I know people that specifically hate the ending of that movie where it’s. I like it. I like it. And now if maybe AI will let us do this in the next ten years, there’s a possibility, but if you could blend black hole with Interstellar, there is a better movie than Interstellar that could come out of that concoction.

Well, that could come out in the next ten years. Again, the remake was at least being thought about and got scuttled because of Interstellar. So we’re getting to the point now where there’s enough distance you could do it. And that was all the height building up. And if Disney says it’s going to be one of their a movies and it’s not going to be one of their a movies, like a whole thing. Well, it’s like how there’s supposed to have been a Logan’s run remake for 25 years running now, you know, so don’t hold your rush.

Yeah. As soon as the new Duke nukem comes out. Yep, yep, yep. Chinese democracy, the other long holdouts, the day. It was worth the wait, though. Everyone, everyone agrees. Yes, yes. It’s a masterpiece of all. I got a couple of my other quotes. So that was one of the quotes that I really liked. One of the times someone blurts out the classical machiavellian and I think it’s Reinhardt, and justifies the means, which I know two centuries separated from Dante, but it has that same kind of feel, like he’s essentially invoking these luciferian sort of principles to let you know that he’s the ultimate bad guy.

He’s challenging God, he’s challenging everything about nature. He’s a necromancer, he’s a traitor, he’s lying to the government. He’s the ultimate big baddie in this movie for so many different reasons. And then there’s another phrase. It was they say pay the piper. And then I had to look up this because I know we talked about Pied Piper, and pay the piper I’ve always heard as being related to the Pied piper. And that was how they had to pay him. Because if he plays the music and you got to pay afterwards. But I was looking up because I wasn’t sure where this exact phrase came from that they use in the black hole.

And there’s another version that says if one dances, one must pay the piper. That’s the bad version. But then there’s another one that says, he who pays the piper calls the tune. And this threw me for like a whole little mini tangent rabbit hole. But it’s like, is paying the piper good or bad? Because in one of those instances, paying the piper means that you’re going to have your comeuppance, right? You’re going to reap what you sow or you’re going to have to pay a cost for something eventually. But the other one is almost implying that, well, if you’re the one paying the piper, you get to decide the tune that you have the upper hand.

In that case. I don’t know. I know it’s a total tangent, but this movie threw me down that well. Yeah, jungle book two. That’s where you’re talking about pipers because he’s piping folks out of the village with his Disney song, which this doesn’t. This doesn’t have the cute song to. For the piper to play. This has a. Death is their only release. That’s what I wrote. As I said, that seems like a magical Disney movie concept. That’s right after Vincent straight up murders a dude and right after we see the weird black mask funeral, which seems to be like the dark, chewy center of this movie, I guess.

And what you’re missing in that too, that you won’t get from any audio rendition of it. But when this is Vincent talking and Vincent’s like, death is their only release. Like it’s the, it’s the weirdest out of like nowhere almost, but also Ernest Borgnines in the shot. And then you’ve got his, Vincent’s goofy red face with the big eye. Like it’s a cartoon character. It’s a silly, funny 1970s children’s show cartoon character that’s in a Disney movie saying, death is their only release. My fit. One of my favorite Disney quotes of all time by far. And there’s another one, too.

And this one I had to, like, start doing a bunch of research. I had to hit pause and everything. And one of the guys said, I can’t remember who played this particular character, but they’re talking to Vincent, and he says, remember what they say. All work and no play. And this is when they bring Vincent to where all of the other androids on the ship are doing their duck hunt style target practice. And he’s kind of like, nah, I don’t want to play with the other kids. He’s kind of an introvert. Or he’s like, he only wants to hang out with Bob.

He doesn’t want to play with the new kids in this part of town. And he’s telling them, like, you know, go play. Go, go do this. So he says, remember what they say. All work and no play. And Vincent responds, all sunsh, all sunshine makes a desert. So the Arabs say, which is the best response to that particular phrase, right? Because it’s like, you just want to play all the time. But this movie came out a year before the Shining. So this actually uses that phrase. And I know they didn’t invent it. I know it’s been used plenty of other times before.

But remember, all work and no play in this weird, dystopian, sort of surreal horror movie, which I would count this movie as predating the shining, using it. I doubt that Kubrick saw the black hole and was like, oh, I’ve got. I’ve got to put it in my movie. But it’s an interesting synchro mystic connection between the two. I do want to move back to the weird black mass funeral because I wonder if you have a note on that, because I’m, like, watching. Being like. Like, something’s here and I’m missing it. Did you have a take on that? I mean, I saw it happen, and I also saw that they saw.

Who was it? Was it Anthony Perkins that ends up seeing one of the guys sees them doing this weird black mass ritual, and they even make a note that, oh, wow, this. This almost looked like a send off of a human that looked like a funeral and that they were all there to watch it. And then Maximilian shows up, and he scares the guy away. It might have been Ernest Borg and I. And he was like, oh, I didn’t mean it was Forrester and Charlie. Yeah, because Perkins, Alex, is basically, with Max. With. With Reinhardt the whole time, I keep wanting to call him Max Furley because that’s his actor’s name.

Unless I am missing something really obvious, which could be possible. It almost feels like this got. This got, like, blurred a little bit in the cutting room floor or all the different rewrites or something, but, yeah, this was probably the most occult scene in the entire movie, and I’m not sure exactly what to make out of it. You know what? Probably because I’m watching. I’m thinking of, like, you know, eyes wide shut or something, because you just. The organization, the dark lighting, you know, no faces, that sort of thing. Not so many. They look like evil members.

They’re all these brainless zombies that are basically reanimated, dead cybernetic creatures. Slaves, right? Like, that is what they’re doing. They take time out of their day to do these weird send offs out into space. Who died? Why did he get the send off? Does everyone get the send off? I was also everybody dead. Well, I was wondering, too, that how come Vincent and Bob, when they killed some of the androids, they didn’t stuff those androids in the black mass hole and just, like, sent them out into space? Maybe it would have been too obvious. I don’t know.

Yeah, it is like, you know, like dawn of the dead. Why are they at the mall? That’s just what they remember from being alive. So it’s like, what? How dead are they? You know? And are they alive at all? Did they die for. Because I don’t know if you can take Reinhard as a reliable narrator. He’s clearly shown that he is not a person that you can trust. He. Even at the very beginning, they establish him as being this sort of unreliable person because they make this note of, oh, didn’t you get our communications? And he’s like, oh, yeah, of course I did.

Oh, did you. Did you want me to respond? And like, yeah, yeah, guy, like, we kind of were expecting you to respond a while ago because you’ve been, you know, took off with the biggest financial endeavor that the military’s ever taken. Maybe this ship was supposed to be a metaphor for the production of this movie. Yeah, well, it’s full of hot air, right? Because if you’re making a spaceship for deep space travel, why would you have large, carnivorous corridors and things that you have to, you know, pump air into and heat and have artificial gravity for, you know? Because they do make a point of the gravity.

Because in their ship, the name I keep forgetting, but not prospero but something along those lines. Palomino. There we go. Palomino. The palomino. They don’t have good zero g effects, but it’s supposed to be zero g in the palomino, right? And they make a point, okay, when we get to a Cygnus, there is artificial gravity. So, yeah, when on the Palomino and they’re trying to show some of the zero gravity, it just looks like a toddler and like a jungle gym a little bit. They’re like jumping over tables and stuff. Also, I couldn’t not see this the entire movie.

And again, when you tell me big budget competing with Star wars, but I could see the damn string that they were using to pull Vincent around on almost half of the shots, and you can almost just see them, him moving around. It’s just like someone pulling around on a string. There’s nothing really complicated, it seems, about any of like the mechanics. There’s no real animatronics, at least to that even all of the robots, they’re just dudes in suits kind of moving around. And even when they move around, they don’t walk in unison. You tell me. They couldn’t have reshot a few of these scenes where they’re all going down a hall, but like one of the dudes is clearly walking in like a slightly different cadence and step as everybody else.

I don’t know, there’s so many weird little things like that. Maybe this was just part of being movies in the seventies. I’ll have to say that I’m also, I’ve never been a huge fan of the Legit Star wars either, for a lot of these same reasons. I tend to like it when people are like, oh, no, my Star wars is Star tours, right? Which kind of is the black hole in a spirit, in a way. I am looking up just some stuff on Cygnus. Maybe you have some notes on the use of that name for the ship in the northern Cross.

Deneb is there. I always like talking about Deneb. I guess we haven’t done much star stuff in this particular podcast, but. Well, so I’ve got a whole bunch of notes all linking this movie, I guess, in more specific ways to Dante’s Inferno. I didn’t reread Dante’s Inferno in prep for this. I have read it in the past, but that’s where I am. I knew, I knew a few of these things were just like standing out to me. And because they say it and because Reinhardt is a fence, essentially this like luciferian figure that is trying to achieve immortality, maybe in hubris, but also, like, almost in a physical way.

And I guess at the end, spoiler alert, he fuses together with Maximilian and he kind of becomes Reinhardt. Maximilian, like, he himself becomes a robot. But it’s not this necromantic humanoid robot. It’s like an actual robot with consciousness. Did I get that right? Like a high functioning, like, AI, I guess, because he’s definitely making a few of his own decisions. Oh, by the way, before we leave the star thing, here we go. Just for a somewhat satisfying answer to my question, I just found the constellation Cygnus is home to Cygnus X one, a distant x ray binary containing a supergiant, an unseen massive companion.

That was the first object widely held to be a black hole. It was discovered in 1964. I think that pretty much answers the ship name question. Black hole related. It’s like the first black hole they thought they found. So obviously making this movie, if you know, that would be an obvious name for the ship. So in Dante’s Inferno, they basically have these demons that guard all the different circles of hell, right? Maximilian and all of the other, I guess, Storm trooper type characters call them that. That’s what they are, isn’t it? Well, they’re. They’re demonic red stormtroopers.

They look a little bit more evil, literally read. And again, I guess there’s a little bit of a creepier aspect to them because they don’t look perfect. They’re not, like, perfectly in unison and they’re not bumbling the same way. They’ve got way better accuracy. In fact, when they do the little target practice, I think I only see one of them miss one shot versus stormtroopers, where you’re like, don’t worry. Like, we don’t even have to really run or duck if they’re shooting at you. You just kind of, like, keep walking in a straight line and there’s.

There’s a better chance that they won’t hit you anyways. But. But Maximilian and the rest of those, those androids, I guess, are these demonic gatekeepers. And I. I guess this is worth pointing out too. If no one’s ever seen this movie, it might be a little bit confusing because there’s at least three or four different types of robots slash humanoid things on this, right? So there’s Bob and Vincent. We’re technically two different models, but they might as well be like the same kind of model. And there’s detail, your astro mech, right. This is your r, maybe even c three po kind of combined into like, this one thing that looks like a doctor wily invention from one of the early levels of mega man.

That’s one type of robot. Then you’ve got these humanoid, shade like, cult like things. Those are the ones that were sending people off into the black mass. Some, actually, maybe that black mass was showing that they do have something human about them still, because I couldn’t imagine the non humanoids doing this, but I also don’t know why that would have been, like, a secret thing. I don’t. I guess, if I’m figuring out as we talk here. Right. So the reason that he wasn’t supposed to see that send off is because you’re not supposed to know, as one of these crew members, that those are humanoids.

That’s the big reveal at the end. You know it as the viewer, but the characters don’t know that until the end, when they pull one of the helmets off. So that’s just another hint of, like, oh, they do have some kind of humanity left. And that humanity takes the form of a funeral procession. I guess maybe that’s how they’re escaping the ship. They have just enough sentience to realize they don’t want to be there and are slowly drifting themselves out into the black hole. Death is their only release. Right. The second death. In that case, why don’t they all just line up and just pop themselves into that little death hole and just take themselves out? Right.

Yeah. Again, they are sort of zombies, so they’re probably not thinking 100% rationally about how to do this. Okay, so you’ve got Vincent and Bob are the cartoony, like, straight up r robots. You’ve got these weird zombie, cold humanoid, necromantic sort of robots, which are just there to do computer work. I don’t know. They have menial jobs. Then you’ve got Maximilian, who’s, like, the super death robot. He’s kind of a one of a kind Darth Vader. I. Great. I guess it’s a good analogy for him. He doesn’t have the charm, but he definitely has the silhouette.

And then you’ve got two different types of stormtroopers. You’ve got sort of a red stormtrooper, and you’ve got a black stormtrooper. And the black Stormtrooper is, like, the team leader, and he’s the one that gets shot by Vincent and gets a hole through his chest just because Vincent’s, like, showing off. They weren’t even fighting. He was just like. And just shoots through his chest. I don’t know. It was such an alpha move. One of my favorite scenes in any Disney movie. Yeah, maybe George Lucas ripped it off a bit because he put red stormtroopers into the later movies.

Right. Return of the Jedi. Yeah, I was gonna say, I guess. I guess Reinhardt is basically our emperor, which also was not yet in Star wars. Only mentioned in the first one, I believe. The first Star wars. That’s. I meant that. Well, Reinhardt is emperor and Darth Vader in one. Right. Because Maximilian doesn’t really speak at all for himself. He’s just a machine that Reinhardt’s got to chew the scenery for. Maximillian, I guess. Right? Yeah, right. Like, Reinhardt is the master of him. Where? And still, even now, Vincent is way more hardcore and way cooler and way scarier than any of the other robots that Reinhardt had, because even Reinhardt didn’t realize that they could have this telepathic communication.

He makes a note of it. He’s like, oh, that’s right. I forgot that you’ve got a telepathic link with this robot. And they don’t really explain exactly how that technology works either, because it almost seems like it’s only Doctor Kate that can have this mental connection. I don’t know. Did I. Did I miss something, or did they just kind of throw it out there? Yeah, it’s a weird Sci-Fi thing. Actually, Star Trek did a bit. The first episode was William Shatner. Like, they fly into something in space, and there’s a couple people that have a little bit of ESP ability, so their powers get bumped up and they become gods, basically, which is not what happens here.

But, yeah, the idea that some people have a little more ESP than others, which I guess that’s a real thing, you know? Is it? I don’t know. I have an ESP trainer on my phone. I don’t have ESP. That’s what I’ve learned from that. Well, I guess they don’t make it really clear, but it’s. It was my impression that the ESP was essentially coming from Vincent because it was like, oh, I forgot that, you know, that this robot can do this thing, but they only showcase doing it. So maybe you’re right. Maybe Kate is really the one that has a little bit of the shining, and because of that, the.

Vincent can talk to her more directly. But I don’t know, it’s. Again, it just. It makes Vincent seem like a superior, like he is way overpowered compared to anything else they put him up against in this movie. Or Kate got the neuralink. Yeah, maybe that’s part of it. Maybe she actually does have the neuralink. She’s also playing spider Solitaire in her head the entire movie. I mean, if anything, this is a glowing review of the neural link, because that telepathic connection is sort of what saves everyone in this movie. That’s what lets them know ahead of time that Reinhardt has gone kind of, or he’s been evil.

I guess you kind of had to see that one coming from, like, a million miles away, too, though, right? Yeah, but you can see where it take. It would take Anthony Perkins a while to figure it out, you know? I don’t. I mean, I don’t know, man, because it’s the second they show up if. Because I’m assuming they’re in the military. Right. Whatever. However they got into space, it’s some iteration branch of the military in some capacity, because they’re there on official government means. And as soon as they show up, they all kind of acknowledge, yeah, Reinhardt, you’ve gone rogue.

And he acknowledges, like, no, I’m not. I’m disobeying direct orders. The order was for me to return to Earth. I’m not doing it. My work is too much. You know, it’s way more important than anything that they’re going to recall me for. So I’m just going to do my thing. And Anthony Perkins is like, let’s hear him out, guys. It’s like, you have now also turned yourself into an enemy combatant of the United States by just saying, let’s hear him out. Harry Borgnines character seems to be a reporter. Like, he’s not military, it seems. Or he’s embedded or something.

I just. I didn’t quite work out what. Journalist or something. Yeah, it’s not super clear. It doesn’t really matter if he’s a journalist or part of the military. It doesn’t matter. It matters how he blows up real good. Yeah, exactly. It’s so inconsequential. Whatever. Whatever their actual roles were here. Kate was played by doctor. Kate was played by. And I haven’t said her name because I don’t know how you vet memorial. I don’t know. Y v e t t e m I m I e u x. I don’t know how to say that name. She was in the time machine, the 1961.

So. Oh, okay. Main character, was she the. Was she the lady that. Doctor Kate. Doctor Kate, right. Oh, yeah. Oh, in the time machine. In the time machine, yeah. Yeah. She was. She was, like, 20 years old when she was a little hottie. Yeah. But this is funny. It’s talking about Nelson. I’m reading from Wiki now. Nelson initially considered casting Sigourney Weaver in the role of Kate McCray, but the head of the casting department balked at the actress’s unusual name and rejected her, so she had to go do, like, alien instead. Oh, well, what was the casting director’s name? Now I want to know.

I don’t know. This is like Bob Smith or something. Yeah, yeah, but this is funny. Jennifer O’Neill was originally cast in this role as Doctor Kate, and she’d been told she needed to cut her hair because it would look easier to film the zero gravity scenes, which, whatever. Initially hesitant, she eventually agreed and brought her personal hairstylist by Dulcie soon to the studio. O’Neal consumed multiple glasses of wine during the haircut and then left the studio noticeably inebriated, and was subsequently hospitalized following a car crash, which cost her the role. So you bet. Or however you say her name was, like, last second casting.

But that’s not drinking at your. Your first, just getting shit face and crashing your car. It’s like, okay, different time. Or maybe not. I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if that were still kind of going on. Yeah, the four martini lunch. Right? Also, notable scene in here that Vincent saves Bob. Bob is sort of the outdated version of whatever Vincent is, but he’s also completely, like, he’s halfway destroyed. Like, if he was a car and the insurance showed up, they’d be like, yeah, this is a full. This is, like a full damage. There’s no way that we can repair this guy, but somehow he’s still alive.

But Vincent saves him at the very end, which I thought was kind of interesting. Well, does he at the very end, doesn’t he? Let’s just say, go without me at the end. And he does it or something. There’s so much happening at the end, wasn’t there? He’s, like, falling or he gets thrown off of something, and Vincent flies down and he saves him from smashing down below the very first time. And another really interesting dynamic, too, is as soon as they show up on the ship with no great explanation. But Maximilian, I think it was Maximilian.

He just straight up, like, pushes Bob off of a table, like Bob’s on a table or something. And Maximilian just sticks his little robot arm out and just clears him off the table. Like he’s absolute trash. Bob’s a serial abuse victim, right? On this ship. Like, this has been happening for years. Yeah. Even when they. He goes and he tries to do the duck hunt game with the rest of the robots, and they, like, knock him. They push him as he’s trying to shoot, and Vincent asks him, he’s like, man, you would have had that if they.

If he hadn’t pushed you. And he’s like, no, I meant to miss. And there almost seems like there’s a whole story there, too. Like, oh, no, if you actually beat them, then they beat you. Like, literally. Right? Which that gives Vincent his motivation for blasting the lead. Right? It’s like, I won, and now you’re done. You know, no one puts baby in the corner. I guess that’s another interstellar parallel, though, because tars and case are a little. Obviously, the robots are very different, but the vibe’s a little bit similar between the two, especially when the two robots are, like, talking to each other.

I don’t know. I guess. Take me to the next level of hell, man. I didn’t have all eight of them, but I’ve got the different representations here. So we’ve got. Reinhardt is obviously Lucifer. He’s the one at the heart of all of it. It. And I guess him flying into the black hole and getting combined as AI into this, like, metal suit, that sort of lucifer getting trapped inside of a. Like a prison of ice. Yeah, I mean, it looks way cooler. This looks much cooler. This looks like a metal album cover, you know? Let’s see what else Vincent is.

Virgil. So, in Dante’s inferno, you’ve got, like, your escort that leads you around. That’s kind of. Vincent is the one that ends up leading them around the ship, which I guess is kind of like a proxy to the actual hell, which would be the black hole itself. Another thing, too, was I was revisiting the different levels of hell in Dante’s inferno. And I know this is the most academic subject that gets discussed all the time, but it was just throwing me off, and. Or it used to, at least, of, why would things like treachery and what is it like being a traitor to someone? And fraud.

I think fraud and treachery were the harshest levels of hell over violence. And I was just wondering, why would violence be less than fraud? Like, if I was gave you a fake 20 and that was all I ever did to you versus I walked up to you and I punched you, or I broke your arm or I broke your finger or something. Those, technically, you wouldn’t go to as harsh of a level as hell as if I had just slipped you a fake 20. And why is that? And that’s because Dante’s Inferno. And I guess the whole premise of this movie is that Dante’s Inferno is not necessarily about individual sin.

It’s not about the things that you are doing at a personal level and offending God. It’s things that you do that are harming society, which is also why heresy is higher on the list than so many of, like, the other sins. And this explains why treachery and fraud, because treachery and fraud, they harm society, while violence only harms a person, usually. Yeah, the book was meant in great. Especially the inferno part was kind of meant to be political commentary. You know, he’s putting his political enemies in hell. So, you know, one guy murders a guy versus the guy that lied you, and you’re pissed at him, you’re going to put that guy lower.

When I read in high school, we only had to read the inferno, but I had a well footnoted version that explained who all these people were. And then I went and I read the purgatorio as well, because that’s also a very good read. Then I started the paradiso, and I gave up about 15 pages in because it was boring. So Hepburn was boring. There wasn’t a lot of other options in the 14th century. What do you want? Yeah. Yeah. The first two are great. Yeah. So I did find, you know, it’s that third trilogy, you know, sequel disappointment thing from the 14th century.

If they had leaned in harder, if they really, really made this Dante’s inferno in space, it would have been better than what ended up being. But going to the black hole at the end. Again, this is where, obviously, a science completely breaks down because a dying Reinhardt is somehow transported into being fused with Maximilian on a hellish mountain. That doesn’t make sense. Everyone else flies through like a crystal, you know, cathedral space. Cathedral, you know, which is. That’s weird. I mean, cool, cool effects, for sure. Well, again, but if you consider that this is a actual retelling of Dante’s inferno, that him being encapsulated in that robot body is Lucifer being encased in an ice prison, and then everyone else gets to escape because they’ve got.

It’s kind of been the. The ghost of, like, midnight’s past or whatever. You know, this is kind of the Ebenezer aspect of it, where they’ve gone through the different layers, they’ve seen the moral. They’ve gotten sort of the lesson that they needed at the end. So then they can go back out into the real world, although it does even that crystal palace. And they keep doing these weird. Like quick cut shots and, like, close up on their eyes and light and sort of a very cerebral element to it. If you told me the interstellar was like, yeah, we took inspiration from the black hole scene.

From black hole, I would actually believe that because there’s a little bit of glimpses of that in there. Oh, yeah. I mean, you can don’t take the science, but take the filmmaking. You can do that for sure. Yeah. I guess they’re in Purgatory then at the end of the movie, they’re not in heaven. They don’t know where they are. That comic book that ran for four issues that continued the story by having world war explorers. I guess it’s time for us to find a new world, you know, because they’ve been blasted out into the middle of nowhere.

I just finished doing a rundown of the entire space 1999 series, which has a 19. Now, this is something made between the seasons of space 1999. As a pilot, it might have been a completely new show, has a few of the same actors, has the same production people. It’s called the day after tomorrow into infinity. You can watch it on YouTube. And it’s. It’s fascinating. It’s showing a kind of like the crew of the. God, I can never remember the name of the ship. What is the name of the ship? Palomino. Why can’t I remember Palomino? I don’t know.

It’s like if the crew of the Palomino never encountered the Cygnus and they went through the black hole at the end anyway. So the series is going to be on the other side. What do they do on the other side of the black hole? But it was one of the, it was a tv show that was made basically like, it was supposed to teach people about relativity, but the people making the show didn’t understand relativity, so it didn’t quite work out. But it’s. It’s kind of sort of trying to be scientifically accurate in that case. God, even the names of things too, though, like Cygnus versus the Death Star.

Like, come on, man, there’s no comparison here. Luke Skywalker versus who the ever the people are in this movie, you know? Exactly. Harry. What? Harry. Harry Booth. Was that his name? I remembered it. Harry Booth, Alex Durant, Dan Holland, Han Solo. Yeah, they dropped a ball there, didn’t they? I mean, even Star Trek had that going. Captain Kirk, Spock. That’s. That’s, that pops a little more. And the only reason that I even remember Reinhardt so well is because I’m using a mnemonic device where I see him wearing a rhinestone cowboy jacket whenever I say his name.

So I can’t not see him wearing, like, a devilish rhinestone jacket. So that’s how I’m remembering Reinhardt. But even that doesn’t have the same gravitas as, like, Darth frickin Vader versus Maximilian. Max million. Sounds like a rich kid. Yeah, Vincent’s fine. You know, we got the pop fiction retro fix for that name. I guess Vincent and Bob are totally fine. I was also thinking, like, Bob, and then, like, Microsoft Bob. Like, maybe that’s what happened to Bob. He turned into Microsoft Bob. Let’s see. Vital information, necessary centralized labor force. They add the lf to Vincent. So it’s actually Vincent.

Lf 396. Okay, but I mean, could you imagine just a straight up Vincent movie? Like, where did Vincent come from? You know how Disney likes to do all the reboots and they’ll be like, here’s where Cruella DeVille came from. Yeah, but lightyear movie? Who wants that? Yeah. Yeah. No one wants the buzz lightyear version of that. That one could have been good, too, but it just wasn’t. Well, anything could have been good if you did it right. Hey, I don’t know. Some things are kind of doomed to fail. The cats musical, for example. I’m going to have to watch that in a year or two for my bad film podcast.

So I tried. I can’t even get through the movie. It was probably the first or the second musical number. And they start singing a word that I had never heard before, like, it was majestical cats. It was something like Poppins did that, too. Genetical cats. Majestical cats. Like, just making words up. And I swear, my. Like, I started getting a migraine, and I don’t really get migraines for any reason. And I started actually hurting my head was. Was letting me know, you know, listen to your body. Something in my body was like, I’m being harmed right now.

Whatever you’re doing, stop it. So I stopped it. No. Somewhere around 1999, some family friends gave us tickets for cats in Atlanta. And my dad and I are sitting there like, what the hell is going on? So, of course, we had to sit there, watch a little. That was the musical version, which I guess people generally like better. Problem with there is there’s no story whatsoever, right? It really is just a bunch of songs, like, kind of loosely threaded together. So, in that case, the black hole is a masterpiece of a script, because there is a beginning, middle, and an end.

Even if the middle drags a bit. It. And the beginning drags. It ends. Pretty cool if you find yourself comparing and being like, well, at least it’s not as bad as cats. Like, I don’t. You’ve lost the thread a little bit. Right. Let’s see cats on. On my list of good and bad movies. Let’s see what number it is on the. On the list. It seems to be. I don’t have it specifically numbered. It seems to. It seems to be about 30 on the bad number. 30 on the bad list. So according to that, there are definitely 29 worst movies.

Well, if I can roughly paraphrase Doug Stanhope, the cat cats suck doesn’t make black hole suck any less. Suck. Sure. Okay, that works. But this movie sucks so good. That sounds so bad. Okay, we did make it through the black hole, but I just want to check in to make sure that you didn’t have any other big points in your notes there. No, I’m glad that we watched it. I didn’t even know that this movie existed. Star studded cast, amazing concepts, awesome practical effects. Aside from the really horrible robots, my opinion. But the humanoid dudes, so creepy.

So cool. The little funeral procession. So cool. So many reasons to watch this movie, but for some reason, it absolutely sucks. Yeah. So for next time, just keep keeping people abreast of what’s happening with its dark Disney thing. Next time is a watcher in the woods. Have you heard of that film or seen that film? It depends what year we’re talking, if it’s two thousands or 2010s. Maybe it’s 1980. Nope. Maybe I saw it when I was a kid. But no, it doesn’t ring any bells. I guess I’ll just explain to a listener kind of where this idea came from, which is.

Was Watcher in the woods. There’s the TeD tv series from earlier this year, which actually is quite good. I wouldn’t have even known it existed. But friends I podcast with, they were actually hired by Seth Farland’s people to podcast that show. So I watched and listened to her podcast, but there’s an episode where, like, you know, Disney’s kids stuff. So the older cousin, like, brings in and, like, I’m gonna make you piss your pants or whatever, and puts on watcher in the woods for Ted and whatever. Mark Wahlberg. He’s. Wahlberg’s obviously not in the show because he’s supposed to be 13 or 15 in the show, but, yeah, but, yeah, I saw that.

Oh, yeah. Dark Disney. Let’s do that for October. So that was kind of the weird impetus for, you know, me suggesting this idea in the first place. But we’ll see if watch in the woods makes you crap yourself more or something or punch it in the face. I’m interested. I’m going to try and go in as blind as I can. Yeah, I’m going in pretty blind for these. I did a, you know, just a quick reading of plot synopsis because there are some Disney dramas also from around this period, but, you know, I want to keep them spooky for Halloween.

And then there’s only dragon slayer, where it’s only half a Disney production. So what is the darkest of the Dark Disney movies that we’re doing? Probably watch her in the woods or something. Wicked this way comes, which is from the Ray Bradbury book. So we’ll see which of the two hits creepier and then return to Oz is known for just scarring lots of children, though that one is, you know, like the black holes of Sci-Fi horror. That’s technically a fantasy, but apparently it’s a very disturbing fantasy. Well, ironically, the black hole should be the darkest of all the movies because that’s what a black hole would be.

But. But if we had to rate it, I’d probably so far put the. The black hole at, like, I don’t know, a two on the dark. Two chernobogs. Yeah, maybe two. Turn about. Maybe three chernobogs if we’re really pushing it. I mean, I know they’re going for Darth Vader, but you do think a little bit of chernobog, too, when you see, especially Maximilian and silhouette form in that last shot. Yeah, sure. If they had given him horns and, like, glowing red eyes and, like, made them more of a Chernobog style. Again, there’s. It hurts me to think of all the simple little tweaks that this.

That we could have made. If I do find a time machine before we go back and kill Hitler, we’re going to go back and we’re going to punch out the director of this freaking movie and figure out a better way. Show your cojones, man. You laser him right through the chest. Yeah, I’m directing this movie now. Although, hey, put me in charge of this movie, I’ll probably fail miserably. I’ll probably fail miserably because I haven’t directed a major motion picture. So I guess we will wrap up for today then, if you want to. I know you got your cards.

That’s the main thing going now. Is it conspiracy cards? Popular. Yeah. I’m working on a whole bunch of more conspiracy cards released. The new. And if you want to see them, they’re at conspiracy but they’re basically a bunch of trading cards that are based on early to mid eighties and nineties baseball cards that have got people like Ted Gunderson and Puff Daddy and Jose Delgado of the Mkultra fame and Timothy McVeigh and Alex Jones and William Cooper and Bill Hicks and all the different, like conspiracy legends. And I’ve been working on a set of cryptids as well.

So now we’re going to have a Bigfoot and a mothman. I’ve even got a Jersey devil in there, which kind of looks really cool. We’ve got Albert pike, we got Freemasons, we’ve got Adam Vysop of the Bavarian Illuminati. So many of them, they’re probably one of the more fun projects that I’ve put together, and they seem to be the most popular, too. Out of all the different things that I’ve been working on, people really like them. So as long as people like them and I like making them, I’m going to keep making them. Oh, you can make a cryptid card of me.

That’s my nickname at work. Because I work at the branch schools. I’m almost never at the main school, so citing me is considered a rare occasion. So, yeah, empty hallway, right, right. I be a cryptic card. Yep. Let’s see what I have going. I mentioned a few podcasts in this episode, so I should mention those there is films and film. That is where we look at the really good and really bad movies that’s rated by IMDb users. I mentioned space 1999 because how can you talk about the black hole without talking about space 1999? A bit, especially if you just did a podcast on it, which is called podcast 1999.

And yesterday I put out another set of binaural beats that’s at rovingsagemedia dot the album is a three track collection. You’re like, three tracks isn’t an album, but they’re all like 25 minutes long tunes of binaural beats. A journey to. Where are the song titles? The peppermint Ashram, a dive into Medicine Lake, dreams of a far off land. I had to look at it because I didn’t know what the titles were. You know, I already feel MK ultra program just hearing the names of the titles. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do it, do it. Okay. Yeah. I’m going to fly this ship on into the black hole.

Are you going to go through a crystal cathedral? Are you going to end up on metal mountainous. I wouldn’t mind being fused with Maximilian. I’m not against that. Versus being stuck out in space with Ernest. But you know what? Ernest Borgnyne is probably cool as hell, but I couldn’t imagine being trapped in space with him forever, especially considering some of the things that I’ve heard him say on hot mics. I. Well, I guess it’s good he blew up real good, then. So that’s the third option. Metal mountainous, crystal cathedral, and being lost or getting vaporized in space.

Yeah, I mean, death is the only release. Look, you’re gonna have to move fast. Conspiracy cards from paranoid American are here. These stacks slip one, flip two, get a few of these packs back, slip it up what’s next? Move fake reflex flex, thick foot in the woods, stay lying, that’s facts MK Ultra no cap every y’all 51 is a trap, trap Roswell crash what’s that? They hide the truth what’s that? Conspiracy cause flipping what’s the deal? Conspiracy cause with that paranoid seal, I can unwrap the truth in these stack, stack slip one, flip two, get a few these packs.

That’s right. Conspiracy cards from paranoid American. A set of over 200 cards featuring legendary conspiracy theorists, cult leaders, esoteric secrets, and more. For more details, visit today I scribbled my life away driven the right to page will it enlighten me? The flight, my plane paper, the highs ablaze, somewhat of an amazing feel when it’s real to real, you will engage in your favorite, of course, the lord of an arrangement I gave you the proper results to hit the pavement if they get emotional hate maybe your language a game how they playing it? Well without lakers vague whatever the course they are, the shapeshift snakes get decapitated.

Meta is the apex executioner flame you out nuclear bomb distributed at war rather gruesome for eyes to see maxim out then I light my trees, blow it off in the face. You’re despising me for what though? Calculated you’d rather cut throat paranoid American must be all the blood smoke for real Lord, give me your day, your way vacate they wait around to hate? Whatever they say, man, it’s not in the least bit we get heavy, rotate when a beat hits a thing because you, well, fuck the niggas for real? You’re welcome. They never had a deal? You’re welcome, man.

They lack in appeal? You’re welcome, yet they doing it still you’re welcome.


  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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childhood experiences with circus circus culture Dark Disney podcast Disney conspiracy theories Disney's darker side Disney's The Black Hole eerie Disney aspects fascination with clowns Halloween-themed events at theme parks haunted Disney attractions horror attractions comparison personal experiences with haunted houses PG-rated Disney films Ringling museum in Florida Watcher in the Woods movie discussion

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