➡ The speaker discusses their experience on a reality TV show, expressing that the editing process significantly altered the portrayal of their time on the show. They felt that the show didn’t fully capture their interactions with other participants and that their portrayal was only partially accurate. Despite accusations of being a plant for the show, the speaker maintained their innocence and shared positive experiences with other participants. They also revealed that their interviews were all filmed in one day, rather than throughout the show as it appeared.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience participating in a reality show where they had to stay in jail for 60 days. They were motivated by the money they were paid weekly, but also found the experience challenging. After leaving jail, they faced both positive and negative reactions from the audience and fellow cast members. They also mention an incident where their phone number was leaked online.
➡ The speaker believes that Miss Scarlett intentionally leaked his phone number, leading to a series of threats and harassment. He feels that this was done out of spite and has resulted in him having to change his number. Despite the negative experience, he is looking forward to moving on from the situation and focusing on his upcoming TV show and potential career behind the scenes in casting. He also reflects on his past TV experiences, finding his time on the show “60 Days In” to be the most stressful.
➡ The speaker discusses their beliefs on various topics, rating them on a scale of one to ten. They express fear of artificial intelligence, discuss their experiences in a well-run jail, and mention their interactions on social media related to a TV show they participated in. They also share their admiration for a character named Nina from the show.
➡ The speaker shares their experiences and thoughts, including their participation in a TV show and their upcoming appearance in a new series on Peacock TV. They also discuss their confrontational nature and hint at some conflict in the new show. Additionally, they promote Paranoid American’s propaganda packs and sticker sheets, and a comic about Stanley Kubrick and the Apollo space missions available at nasacomic.com. The speaker ends with a rap verse, expressing their feelings and experiences.
➡ The speaker shares their experience of being on a reality TV show where they were portrayed as an emotional wreck. They were surprised by the amount of screen time they received and how their story was stretched out over several episodes. Despite the challenges, they don’t regret participating as they learned a lot about themselves. They also mention their love for reality TV and how they’ve been a fan of the show since high school.
➡ The speaker shares their experience of being on a reality TV show, which was a dream come true for them. They initially struggled with the decision to participate, but eventually decided to take the opportunity. However, they faced challenges during the show, including a severe toothache and lack of support system, which led to their early exit. Despite these difficulties, they still view the experience as a significant moment in their life.
➡ The speaker describes a stressful experience in jail, where he felt manipulated during an interview and was unexpectedly evicted from his cell. Despite the tension, he found camaraderie with the other inmates and was reluctant to leave. After being sent to medical and speaking with a social worker, he was moved to a cell with non-English speaking inmates, which made him fear for his safety. The speaker also mentions volunteering to go into jail first to prove his courage, and expresses surprise when a fellow inmate tapped out.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences and observations about a man named Fabian, who he believes did a lot of good things that weren’t shown. He also talks about his own experiences, including the difficulties of being undercover and forming genuine friendships. He mentions a rule that he believes led to Fabian leaving, and shares his frustrations about the editing of the show. He also discusses a misunderstanding about him never having a black friend before, clarifying that he meant he never had a close black male friend he could be himself around.
➡ The speaker shares their experience on a show called “60 Days In,” where they felt isolated and watched. They discuss their struggles with a toothache, feeling misunderstood, and dealing with a name change. They also mention their regret about being too open about their personal life, including their sexuality. The speaker advises future participants to be mindful of what they say and do, and to try to make a positive impact.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences in a reality show set in a prison environment, where he was openly gay. He mentions that despite some people claiming everyone knew about his sexuality, it was never a significant issue. He also talks about the dynamics among the participants, including conflicts and potential manipulations by the show’s producers. Lastly, he describes a fellow participant who was disruptive and confrontational, leading to tension and potential fights.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience on a reality show set in a prison, where they and others were given weak cover stories for their presence. They found the experience different from their expectations, with the participants causing more issues than the actual inmates. They also mention the presence of cameras influencing behavior, and the need for better cover stories in future seasons. The speaker also shares their personal interactions and observations of the inmates and other participants.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience in jail, expressing no desire to be a “pod boss” or leader among the inmates. They had a few arguments and tried to make friends, but felt this approach ruined their mission. They also discuss the issue of recidivism, or inmates repeatedly returning to jail, and the lack of prison politics. The speaker also mentions the racism in prison and how it’s portrayed on TV, expressing disappointment that it’s not being addressed. They also talk about their contract for a TV show, stating that it was different from previous seasons and they negotiated their pay.
This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the Paranoid American podcast. Launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world. From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the awe inspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.
Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me, they’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth. So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth.
Another episode of Paranoid American podcast. Thank you for tuning in and what a wide variety of different topics and guests. And today I’ve actually got someone that I got to hang out with recently. Awesome, awesome person, and I’m pretty excited. And this camera is jumping all over the place. But this is Corey Correll from 60 days in. What’s up? What’s going on, man? How you been doing? Living, living, living this summer. It’s been an interesting summer. So just been living exploring expeditioner. Thanks for having me. I really do appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Yeah, man.
And just some general housekeeping give your like, plugs and where people can find you and everything so that, yeah, I at Instagram heecorricarell and you can find me on TikTok hecori Carell. And that’s one of the main two things I use, so is Instagram. So ecorie Carell and TikTok Coreycarell and for anyone watching or listening and they’re not familiar with who you are, even when I said 60 days in, what that is, it’s a tv show. It’s basically a reality kind of compens petition. Esco. How would you describe, what, 60 days in? You’re the expert here.
I would describe 60 days in as like a messed up version of Big Brother. And you just don’t win any money. You just, I mean, but you, it’s about like seven people who go in to go undercover who, you know, see they can survive jail and see if they can make change in the jail and find the problems within the jail. So that’s like the main basic of the show. And you were on season nine, right? Season nine, yes. Has you fully aired or are we still waiting on new. The season finale is tonight. How awesome.
Yeah. So I guess I’ll have to get this one out early for people that are on, like, Patreon, everything so they can watch this in preparation for that. Yeah. You already know what’s going to happen. I assume you’re not going to tell us because I can’t tell us. But do you know what happened? I still don’t know. Every sneak peek surprises me. I’m like, oh, that happened. So I still don’t know what happened. So I don’t know. So I guess that’s one of the things I’m really curious about, like, reality shows, is how often when the people are off the show and they’re, like, watching themselves and they’re watching the other people that they know and everything.
Yeah. How surprised were you? First, we’ll talk about the other people before we get to you. But, like, how surprised were you at, like, other people’s reaction or did you think that you kind of could tell who would act certain ways and it played out how you expected? It was less than I expected. Like, every day they show a sneak peek because, you know, I’m off the show. I went to episode five. I’m like, wow, that happened wow. You went through that wow that you said that like, wow. Like you did that like, wow. Like, I’m flabbergasted.
So, like, I have the best of both worlds. Like, I got to go. My favorite show, and I get to, like, be a super fan, too, and just watch it from, like, a fan standpoint because, you know, it’s cool. Are you still, like, a lifelong fan of the series? Oh, yes. Like, I’m telling you, this is literally, if I wasn’t on this season, this would have been, like, my favorite season. Even without me being on, it would’ve been my favorite season because it’s just so. It gets to the point, you know? It just gets to the point.
I like how it gets to the point. I like it. I like the season a lot. So, yeah, I’m still a super duper fan. I’m a huge fan. And just. Just to hit some of the critics, like, head on here, because, I mean, if you look for the negative, which there’s plenty on the Internet, that’s basically all the Internet, and it is. But most people are like, oh, it’s the most boring season ever, blah, blah, blah. But it almost seems like it boils down to, like, people want to see violence, like, fights. They want to. Yeah, this is not your typical season.
I’ll just tell you that. It’s not your typical season. I feel like people are used to, like, gory fighting, participants snoring, drugs, and doing whippets with people. It’s just. It’s different. I mean, I think we all are unique, and I think we all, like, have our own authenticness to us, like, each and every one of us, I would say. And that’s what makes it different. I mean, I feel like no one was trying to come in and throw that pop off weight around. I mean, I think we all most definitely, you know, had our own reasons for going there and had our own, you know, outlook and perspectives on it.
So. Yeah. How much do you think the fact that it’s in Utah and, like, kind of just surrounded by mormonism, how much do you think that has an effect on not having fights and violence? The same way that you’d expect? Because that means Mike Smith is doing his job right. That means he’s doing his job really right. He’s running his show. There’s no reason that if he can’t, he ran his show perfectly. Okay. That’s a perfect jail. I mean, they may call it soft. They may call it a weak jail. Like, no, it just ran really well.
Like, it was. I mean, that’s why the participants are more the problem than the inmates. You know, because usually you just see the inmates being more the problem, and, you know, the participants just sit back and watch the problems. But we’re the problems. We’re the problems, so it makes it different. So when you, when you showed up the very first day to get processed then, or even just to meet and talk about it, did you know that that was the jail that you’re going to be going to? I assume you knew where you were flying to when you had a plane ticket.
But did you know exactly what happened after that? I had an idea, but when they said Utah, when I saw Utah, I said, oh, yeah, we can make tv here. I say, because I, you know, I go through Salt Lake City. I’ve been to provo before. I’ve been to moab. You know, I’m a Utah kind of guy. Like, I like to hike the trails there. So it was very, I was like, oh, we can make tea because we can make tv here. I’m like, it’s gonna be boring. I just, I just knew. I was like, we can.
We can make some tv here. Because I look, I’ve always looked at 60 days in as a reality tv show. I’ve always looked at it as a reality tv show to the point where when they said Utah, I’m like, oh, they got it. Yeah, we can do this. And I knew I could, like, last 60 days there, but turns out I didn’t. But I’m like, that’s a breeze. When you watch it now, I get, like, whatever your initial impressions were before going in, but now that you’re being able to, like, watch it from Bird’s eye view and, like, get the whole.
And see the editing and know what kind of goes on behind the editing, is there anything that you’re like, yeah, the jail definitely needs to fix this problem. Um, I think from looking at it, from the experiences with other participants, you know, with them going through what they’re going through. Yeah, huge changes. But I think editing, you guys are not seeing half of what they’re showing. You guys are not even, because they have a story to tell, you know, they have a story to tell. They have a narrative to paint. You know, people, they have a show to sell.
So, you know, it’s very different from, like, my experience watching my experience on tv was very different from my experience when I was in there. So that’s why I would never accept that narrative. I mean, I did those things, but it was just editing just played a really big part of it because, I don’t know, it just played a really huge part in it. If you. If you had, like, this might not be an exact science, but if you had, like, a scale from, like, one to ten on how accurate the portrayal of you was after the editing, is it like a zero? Is it like a three? Like, where would it be from a seven, probably at six or seven, I’m putting in between, because it’s so much that people are like, huh? Like, it’s.
I’m telling you, it’s. I think I laugh more in there than I ever cry. I didn’t really even cry in there. I laughed more in there than anything. And they just don’t show you a lot. Like, with me leaving intake, like, all. Like, I had, like, all the inmates, like, most of my room, like, cellmates in there, in intake gave me their numbers and stuff. It’s like, yo, you seem, like, really cool, dude. Like, hit me up. But they don’t show me interacting with the inmates at all. They just don’t. And it kind of sucks, but, you know, they have a story to tell.
Do you think that they would still be interested in hanging out and talking to you, even knowing now that you were 60 days in the whole time? Yeah, I mean, I talked to Mark. I talked to. Yeah, I talked to a few people in there. You’ll be surprised. Like, people, like, how many people, while you were in there, how many people knew that you were 60 days in? No, I mean, people used to always accuse me of being 60 days in, and they just call me 60. That was my next name. I used to be either called 90 or 60.
What’s up, 90? What’s up, 60? Like, I mean, it was only that, like. But I never confirmed it, you know? I’m like, ah, shut up. Like, ah, you know, oh, shit up. No, I’m not. You know, how many other people did they call 60? Was it just you? I mean, they used to always. Even inmates used to just predict they were 60 days in, you know, but they. I had one inmate, like Austin. He’s always told me, you’re way too nice to be in here. You’re way too nice to be in here. Are you sure you’re not 60 days in? You sure? He’s like, you way too nice.
Like, you just way too nice. I’m like, yeah, because, you know, being black, you know, you, they expect, like, a ghetto roughneck, but, like, I was very, like, nice, you know? And they were very nice to me as well. Like, and then they don’t show me hanging out with the other black people too. Like, people used to, like, it’s so much to it. We don’t get into it, but, like, so much dating show. But the me tennis were very decent to me. I mean, I didn’t, as you seen, I didn’t get bullied, I didn’t get punched, I didn’t get frightened, but, I mean, I.
I was fine. Were you expecting any of that? Were you expecting at some point? I was like, because when I went in there, I remember I was like, damn, this is a boring ass show. I was like, watch me in a superfan and watch 60 days in. I’m like, where’s the bully? Where’s the, um, where’s the drip? You know, like drip from season eight? I want to drip. I must might try me. Like, I want, like, I want to give them that, you know, because they wanted me to have problems in. But I was expecting, like, those pod boss, you know, people throwing their weight around, like, you know, I don’t know.
I was just like, this ain’t. This is boring. Like, I want 60 days in. Like, I want it to be, you know, gritty, but it wasn’t gritty. It was very nice. I’m very blessed that I did have that experience that I did. It wasn’t as bad so as I thought it was going to be, but it blew my mind. But I kind of expected it, though, because it’s Utah. But when I went in there, when I walked in, like, they were helping me to my big grab my line. It’s so much too, like, they grabbed my lunch, you know, and they were grilling me since I got that.
Were you in here for 90? 90? Like I said, I think that was like, 90. 90? I was like, yeah, 90. That was like, for weed. I said, yeah. And then I was like, fuck. And I was like, cuz I’m black. They’re like, oh, we get it, we get it. Yeah, they always put that racist shit here. Oh, we get it, we get it. I’m like, oh, my God, I skank. I didn’t save me in there. And I remember that exact scene, too, because they were starting to grill you on, why did you get 90 when this guy over here had like five times? That was the second day I was in there when that guy said that.
Sorry, he said that. So they put two of my. The first scene and intake is two days in one clip. Because when I walked in there, it was, if you go back and watch it, pay attention, because Pedro is not the one who’s asking about 90. He asked me that the second day I was in there, and then they just kind of put those two together, I mean, Saturday. But they were very. I mean, and they always. And there was another dude that was in the cell with us, and I said, lord, forgive me. They were accused of him of being 60 days.
I was like, yeah, I can see it. I was like, yeah, I can see it. I mean, I can see. I’m like, long. So he ain’t on me because I ain’t about to get hopped on in here, you know? But at the end of the day, they really probably wouldn’t want to care. I mean, they. I mean, they want it to be. I wasn’t there with a bunch of 20 year olds, you know, Gen Z. So most of my soulmates in intake were young, so they wanted the clout they wanted. They were the ones hopping to go do interviews and stuff.
Like, it’s a lot. Y’all don’t see. It’s a lot. It’s a lot. Yeah. How. I guess one of the personal questions that I’ve always wondered on this show is, like, how often are they pulling, like, non show contestants in? Oh, so I’m gonna give you something. Okay, so, look, my interview in the green jumpsuit that you see episode one through five was done on my last day, and they put them in different clips, my, you know, me talking about my time because they knew my time was up. They just. They just knew. So they. And I’m so shocked how they could.
They could do that, which is like, I mean, just go show. I’m a great storyteller, but they literally all my interviews are done in 1 hour there, and people actually think they’re just taking me out, pulling me out for each, every moment. Like, no, correlate with what’s going on in that show. So that was my biggest surprise. But it’s. I mean, they got a show to sell, but, I mean, yeah, they. They pulled me out for an interview my last day. My last, very last day I was in there. Like, my very last day. That seems like it would have taken almost all the heat off of you if they didn’t even pull you in until you were already out of it.
Right. So, like, what would. How could you even be accused of being 60 days if they were interviewing other people and not you? Exactly, because. Just too nice. I mean, I guess. I mean, they. Again, I wasn’t only wanting to get accused of 60 days in. I mean, they. They will accuse the CEO. Like, they don’t. If they see, it’s just. It’s hard to explain. Because it’s just like, they put cameras in Utah county, and I think they film a month before, and they pull out people anyways, so it’s been going on way before we were there.
So mean. But the only time that people were actually, like, confirmed I was 60 days in is when they pulled me out. It’s a lot. We don’t get to that point. But, you know, it’s. I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s. But they definitely, like, even chosen Lori used to call me. He was the one that was calling me 60 because he was like, you way too. Like, you’re way, like, you know. So I thought that, too. But also, there’s, like, there’s one other extra gap that maybe it would be part of your backstory or, like, hashing out, but you are too nice, but not for jail.
It would almost seem like you would have had to have run into the cop having the worst day in his life in order to even take it farther, especially if it was for, what, like, 2oz. They said, well. Cause, you know, the COVID story changed. They changed it on the spot, which was weird. And then they gave me the wrong latin. They gave the tenderland, the tenderloin. Dude, whoever his name is, gave me the wrong name. And I didn’t know I had the wrong name until I got into my cell. And intake, they make it seem like I knew an intake that was my wrong name because I just told them phillips.
And then they scratched a name out, and I looked at the paper, I said, pratt. Oh. I’m like, oh. I’m like, oh. And that’s when I was like, but when I do this, when I’m, like, talking about it in my interview, when I do this, that was me debating on, like, if I should leave or not. It had nothing to do with me knowing my name. It’s just, like, editing, and it’s just like. It’s just so hard to, like, explain it because, you know, it’s like people are seeing it in a different way than I experienced it, you know? Well, there’s.
There’s another layer to this, too, that it might be obvious, but it might be so obvious that people don’t even realize this. And that’s that. Like, when everyone there is wearing the exact same jump shoot, like, constantly, like, they’re just wearing a jumpsuit every day, you could have 30 days worth of footage and edit it all up. And it was hard to tell because you’re. I mean, there’s no wardrobe changes. I told you I was. I was in there for, what, six or seven days? And they put me on the show for five weeks. I’m like, whoa.
I said, whoa. I’m like, they show me more than scarlett. I’m like, whoa. I’m like, whoa. I’m like. Every time it was a sneak peek, I said, I just get pissed off. Like, can they show somebody else? Y’all show someone else going through pain? Because, like, I’m like, it was. It was definitely tough watching it. But, yeah, you know what, too, though? I think part of the reason that they gave you so much, I guess, like, top villain on that five episodes, you got, like, a cliffhanger in every damn episode. I said, yeah. He said to him, I’m like, damn.
I said, damn. I said, just let me be. Let me go. Release me. I’ve never seen him do a cliffhanger like that. I’m like, please, just. What was the point of cliffhanger? I mean, they would. It’s like, they would, like, use every ounce of footage they could, you know, but not saying I’m like, you know, star power or anything, but it’s just like, damn. Like, they really wanted. They stretched me out, you know, which I’m not complaining. I love good camera time. I love camera time. So. But I was like, damn. Like, because I thought when I left, I thought it was only gonna be only two or three episodes.
I didn’t think my story was. I didn’t think it would. I just didn’t think it would. They would stretch it out, you know, that bar. I didn’t think I was that important. I mean, I’m still not that important, but I didn’t think my story was that major. Cause, you know. And we’ll start getting into your story here. And I’m curious to lead into this. How many people on the show ever, I guess, like, in all the seasons, but in yours in particular, how many people are there just to get on tv and use this as a launchpad to, like, do other things based on the recognition from being on tv a lot.
And a lot of people who say they don’t and when in there for change a lot because people still use that 60 days in their title, like, still use it, you know? But see, me, I’ve done tv before. I’ve been on Jerry Springer. I’ve done a competition show that comes out very soon. You allow to say what the name is? I can say, yeah, the rape. No, but it comes out on Peacock TV very soon. But I study reality tv. I love reality tv. I mean, I just had no business going on 60 days in. No business going on 60 days in.
I had no business going on that show, like, none. And I still, I’m like, why did I do that to myself? Because, like, I’m real. In real life, I’m a fun person. I’m funny. I love to, you know, entertain, you know, but I was like, wow. I’m like, I’m an emotional wreck. And that’s all they showed. I’m like, oh, wow. I’m like, okay, it’s reality tv. So I’m like, but that was the wrong show to like, but it’s a lot of people. I mean, a lot of people. I mean, hell, I want them to be on tv.
I mean, hey, I’m on tv, you know? But kind of, like, kind of, like, spitfire in my face. Like, damn, I should have just stayed my ass at home. I’m like, I shouldn’t just say my ass at home, really. I should really should have just stayed at home. But no, I do. I’m grateful for experience because, you know, I methadore great people. I mean, I wouldn’t. I don’t regret doing the show because I have learned a lot about myself, so, you know, but, yeah, when. When we were hanging out earlier, you had mentioned that this is a show that you started watching in junior high.
So I’m just. Yes, let’s remind people. Yeah, tell me about it. So in 2016, when that first trailer of 60 days in came on, me and my friends just like, what the hell? People are volunteering to go to jail. We used to rush home to watch that. Rush home. That was like, the new seat. It was like, it was popping 60 days in. Seasons one through six was popping, like, popping. Like, was it the violence? Was it the violence that got you? No, it was. It was. Yeah, the violence got me at first. The violence got.
Violence got me first. But then, like, the participants, like, I didn’t give a damn about a top out. Like, I’m like, if people tap out, like, I wouldn’t make fun of. I’m like, okay, because I didn’t damn well, I can’t do that, you know, so. But just watching the, like, Robert, man, I said, who is this? It was just like, I don’t know. It was just very, like, angelique when I, like, about time her season came out, I was like, a senior in high school, I think not sure. Yes, that story, Stephanie and Jacqueline were iconic.
Like, just like all these iconic characters. Tony was iconic. Like, I was like, I was invested into the cast members like, I was so. I didn’t care if I. That’s the thing. Like, I didn’t care about the inmates. I mean, I cared about the change stuff. But as me, like, watching tv, I always focus on the participants. Like, wow, these are interesting people. So. But, yeah, I’ve been watching since 2016, and I was just like, wow, like, I want to do this. And then I got the opportunity to go on my favorite show. I’m like, oh, wow.
Like, I’m like, this is. It was. It was like a reality hit me. It was just kind of like a wave of hitness. It’s like hitting, like, wow, I’m actually here. I used to wake up in my. So I’m like, I want 60 days in. I was like, damn. I just, like, you have the shower, like, look in the mirror that you can barely see yourself in. I was like, I want 60 days in. I was, like, in my mind, like, I want 60 days in. Like, wow. Like, I mean, but it’s my favorite. It was still my favorite show.
Like, I still play the complications in the background. Fun cleaning up. Like, it’s. It’s a very. It’s a blueprint show. At least it was back then. But it’s a very blueprint show. It was a very blueprint show. Like, is 60 days in. So. So during season one, when you were watching junior high, at that point where you’re like, I would. I would do this one day. Well, I wasn’t. I was a junior in high school. I knew when I’m watching, I’m like, how do people even sign up for this? Like, how do you even get on this? Like, who would even do this? Like, I mean, like, when did you change your thinking from, who the hell would do this to, like, I would do this.
When they reached out to me. When they reached out to me, I was like, okay, I can do this. And then that’s when I used to, like, actually go back and study it so, like, I can prepare my. Honestly, I did a shooting job preparing myself. But to just see, like, you know, to clarify if I can do this. And when they say utah, I was like, I can’t do this. I was like, I can do this. I’m like, I got this. But no, it’s like, it was like a pinch me moment. Like, I’m on this show.
Cause they have reached out to me a couple times. You know, the first time they ever reached, I was almost on season six because April 2019, I missed the call I missed the call in April 2019. And thank God that was God saying, yo, you, this is ancient. Because I was, like, 19 at the time. It was like, yeah, this ain’t your. This ain’t your time. Like, I think I was 19 or 2020 years old at the time. So you might have went in when they’re doing the quarantine seasons? Um, yeah, they reached out to me for season seven, but they went to a different direction, they said, because they, you know, it was former inmates.
Season eight, I almost had. But that was God again saying, uh uh, you can’t go. Like, there was no way I could. I would have tapped out seasons one through eight. I’m telling you, I couldn’t have done it. And so, like, when I go on season nine, it was so easy just to get to wake up and not have people bother you or, like, just, like, friendly. It was just like I was my own worst enemy in there, so I. I was bullying myself before anyone else could bully me, you know? So. But it was kind of like, again, it was a pinch me kind of moment that, like, damn, I’m on this show, my favorite show, because, like, this show, the challenge, the real world, big Brother.
And I think baggles club was, like, my favorite top shows ever when I was, like, going, you know, in high school and stuff. So I got to go on one of my favorite shows, you know, just like, I applied for Big Brother. That would have been a pinch me moment kind of, too, you know. I mean, I may have sucked the competitions, but, you know, I’m on my favorite tv show, so. And you kind of went in like a gangster a little bit, man, because, a, you said that you didn’t tell anyone where you were going to just be overdevelop.
Mm hmm. That’s what, in retrospect, was that smart? Hell, no. Because it was to a point where I had a merchant contact, which was my cousin, and I think I like, yeah, I messed up that one. I messed up with that one. How would it have changed with your experience there if you had. If you told support system? If I had, like, a friend call and stuff and then chosen used to let me use his commentary because I ran out of money, because I brought all spent on. They didn’t give me any money in there. I just spent my own money, and I ran out because I bought all my commentary.
So he. He would let me see his headphones, you know, he would let me use his commissary and to call my friends, you know, and stuff. So that’s why I always respect him. So did that ever come up during, like, production chats, like, oh, by the way, like, we’re never going to give you commissary. That’s going to be. No, we were going to. They were supposed to, but they tell us to bring money on our own. Like, they tell us to bring our own money. So I put, like, what? I think, like, $80, all my books.
Like, I don’t know how I can even pinpoint it. 60, $80 on my books. But jail shit is expensive, I’m telling you, between phone calls and, like, I think because I kept trying to call my mercy contact, which my cousin, but she would pick up. She. We would talk. We think. I think I talked to her, like, three times at a. On that little payphone that’s. And it was vaguely short, you know, and then I used to lose my pin number all the time. You should always lose it. Yeah. How many numbers are we talking? I mean, pin numbers? Yeah.
Oh, that was like six digits. It was like a six digit. Okay, we have, like six digits, but I used to always keep it on this little note. And then I remember I used to go down to. And then CEO, like, Smith. I went to ask, and I was like, hey, can you write me? Can I get my number? And he was like, you got to keep up with that. Like, yeah. Then he would just give it to me. I mean, do you remember it now? No, no, I still can remember. I was there that long to remember it.
But, I mean, if I. If I hadn’t been there a long time, I probably would have tattooed it on it. Like, it would have been like a little cool little thing tattoo. But, yeah, yeah, we had my own money. I see my own money in there. You didn’t tell anyone you were going, so you had no support system to kind of rely. I guess that would have been pretty pivotal. Oh, I shut myself out from the world. I did everything to myself. It’s crazy. I punished. I was like, damn, core. You just fucking yourself over left and right.
I say, you just don’t like yourself at this point. And I didn’t at that time because I. Going on that show was like, escape to me because I went through. It was just a rough period in my life. And so when I got to go on my favorite show, when they offered it to me, and it’s like a yo, you. We want you to move forward. Okay? Let me pack my bags, let me collect these checks, and let me just go see what I can do out of this, and we see how it turned out. Did you do part of that so that no one would try and talk you out of it.
I did that so I wouldn’t distract myself. That was my whole thing. I wouldn’t. I don’t want any distractions, you know? And I didn’t want anyone to take this away from me. Like, I didn’t want anything to ruin this. I didn’t want. I just. I just wanted to do this right. I want to go in there. Right, so. So you got in there. How long total did you spend in jail? Seven days. Six or seven days. Seven days. Seven. Intake for four days. So, I mean, in your words, why did you leave early? Why didn’t you stay the full 60 days? What happened exactly? Oh, okay, so that’s the thing I was doing that toothache.
You guys didn’t even see half of it. I spit my crown out because I have to spit it out because the nurse. They didn’t show this at all. The nurse, when they. When I went down to get checked, he said, oh, that’s cracked. We gotta make you a disappointment. I was gonna go that next day. I was gonna go to the distance appointment, I think, that day. But, um, the toothache, I really did, guys. I really did have a toothache. I mean, I really did. Like, I’m. That’s why you see me banging my head on that thing.
Like, it hurt. It sucks. And so, like, during that night, I think I ring the little bell thing, and then they gave me, like, ibuprofen, which was weak. I was so pissed off at that was, like, this little weak ass ibuprofen. Like, this is weak. I mean, I was, like, looking for my savior, you know? That’s when I was like, you know? But I was like, yeah. And then I spit out. It’s on camera. I literally spit out my crown in the toilet because I had a crown. I spit it out. And then AV and Nina will confirm that I actually.
I was on FaceTime then one day after the show, and I had to go to the hospital because they were like, your mouth is swollen that side, cory. Like, literally, like, they will confirm the story. I actually had to go to the emergency room in my hometown because my crown got affected again. Like, my face was. Well, so, yeah, I actually did have two problems, but I think that was just, like, I didn’t leave because of the tube. I left because of production, because they were. I was going to go. They were going to send me right back in there.
I was fine. That’s why they probably did that cliffhanger, because that was fine. I was going to go right back in there, I was fine. But then they start picking and picking and plucking in my brain. I was like, I’m done. That’s when you said, yeah, I’m done. Because I got pissed off at them behind the scenes. I was like, you’re not. They were picking and plucking that in 1 hour of all me doing that interview, what you seen in five episodes? I was crying, I was laughing. I was. It was like. It was crazy. I’m like, yeah, this is toying my mental state.
So when I got. When. So they sent me back to my cell, you know, they show me, like, instantly going into booking. No, that’s not what happened. I go back, the inmates give me my lunch tray because they saved my lunch tray for me. We had some good ass chicken and barbecue sauce that day, too. And I go up to my cell, and I’m thinking, I’m like, damn, I don’t want to leave. Because everybody was like, cool. Like, it was just cool. I didn’t want to leave. And then here comes the CEO who was on that day.
He comes upstairs and he goes, yeah, my boss wants you out. You’re out. He was like, my boss. My boss said, you got to go. I’m like, literally getting kicked out, evicted from jail. So everyone’s looking like, what the fuck did he do to get this type? Like, everyone’s like, cuz I’m like, a chill dude. I didn’t cause any problems in there. So, like, what the fuck did he do? So that’s when they pretty much kind of, like, put you two together. I mean, 60 days in, he was like, yeah, my boss never comes in here, but you gotta go.
He said, pack your things. You gotta go. I said, damn, I never been kicked out of Jim. Like, okay, homie, chill. I’m like, let me. Let me get my shit. Let me gather my thoughts. Cause that was a lot. So I remember just, like, with all my comments here, I just, like, remember just taking my Donnie Parton book I found there and just, like, walked out, and I walked out and just like, I don’t have any. I said, I don’t have any drugs. I try to get my last little scenes or whatever. And I remember Fabian, like, looking at me through his cell.
He was like, I’m like, yeah. Like, he went in there. He said, you got to get out. You know, you’re trying to make a big show on your way out, in case they wanted to. His name was Og Kirk. This dude named Og Kirp in there. He was like, what’d you do? This old man with glasses, he’s like, what’d you do? This black dude? He was like, I’m like, I don’t know. I’m getting kicked out. I’m getting kicked out. And then that’s why they don’t show that. And that’s why they show me. Probably going straight to book and they don’t.
You guys never see me go back to myself, but I actually went back to my cell. I spent like, and then after that they sent me to medical for like 2 hours. And then they had, so this is thing. So I go to medical, right? I’m in medical and I’m just like processing everything. And they sent a social worker in there to talk to me because I asked the producers, can I talk to this show psychologist, psychiatrist? They said, no, they couldn’t do that. They said, we can’t do that for you. But they sent the social worker who doesn’t know anything about the show to talk to me.
And I could have, like, easily spilled the beans, but I didn’t. I just said, I can’t speak to you. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t even know why they sent him there to talk to me in the first place. But then they said, you have to lie to their face the whole time, which feels like it would have a limited amount of actual therapeutic effect. Yeah, I’m literally still lying to them. They’re like, what’s wrong? I’m like, why are they sending social work? I want to talk to the show psychologist. They told me they couldn’t do that for me.
So I go into, they send me to medical and all these cos are standing outside, they’re like, so you think he’s 60 days in? Yeah, he’s 60 days in because they made a big scene with me. That CEO made. The other CEO who was in son too, made a huge scene with me being in there. So it was like, yeah, he’s definitely so, like. Then one of the officers who were a part, who was a part, who knew I was a part of the program came in and slipped me a note and said, and it was from Higley, a little stupid ass note, which is, he was like, good luck in life.
The producers will meet you at this location. And then that’s when I got into, like, the van, the prison van. And then the most scary, the most scariest thing with that happened to me in there was when I was. So they took me out of medical, then I took me to booking to get my stuff. Then they put me in this cell with a bunch of immigrants, deportees, and, like, who’s getting, like, shipped out? Like, I was in this room with one toilet with, like, six other people so small, and I was paired. I’m like, someone’s gonna fuck me up in here.
There’s no cameras in here. It was no cameras in there. The camera crew had already left to go meet me in my location, but I was. I was petrified. I’m like, if these dudes, like, I’m like, what the hell? Like, I’m. They’re not, because in the contract, you know, I guess it says, like, you’re posed to have cameras on you at all times. That was the only time they didn’t have cameras on me. I was in there in this little, small, tight space with, you know, three, six people who didn’t speak English. One was rocking back and forth.
I’m like, I’m about to get jumped in here. I didn’t know what the hell was going to happen to me, and then that’s when I got released and walked out. Is there a waiver that you had assigned? It’s like, I might get jumped, and I can’t sue anyone over it. If I do, I think I see, I don’t read my contract, so I don’t know how to start signing. Always read your contracts. Always read. I just be signing shit. I’m like, I was just signing my life. I could just sign. That could have, like, hung me, and I would have just didn’t know.
Yeah. So it probably wasn’t there. Probably. I don’t know. Yeah, go back and look so, like, you go in. And also, the other. The other gangster part, too, is that you meet everyone, and they’re like, okay, who wants to go in first? And they wait, and. And it shows you, like, raising your hand first. Was that planned out? Was that scripted, or did you really volunteer to go first? So when I volunteered to go in, they have. They. The producer, executive producer came out and say, hey, cut. Let’s talk about this, because they said, let’s just talk about this real quick.
They were like, discuss it real quick. But I was like, I’m ready to go in first. I’m like, I wanted to make a statement. I want to make a staple that I’m not pussy to go in here. You know, everybody else, you know, I’m like, I want to, you know, not saying I’m talking in the past. I’m not saying that Daniel well, and Fabian were scared, because I knew they had potential, you know, to stay longer, but, like, I didn’t want to be that person that was like, oh, no. You know, I didn’t want to. I mean, I wanted to be like, I want to put my feet in the water first, you know? But I definitely knew Quell, Daniel, and Fabian had a way more chance of staying longer than I did because they have more experience, more fighting credentials, you know? And when Fabian.
When I found out Fabian tapped out, I was. Well, I haven’t would never thought a million years, because, you know, it’s. I just knew, because even in my commentary, I’m like, I don’t think that’s just commentary. You know, I knew they were ready. I’m like, I gotta make. You know, I’m just emphasizing it, you know, trying to make commentary. But I knew they were ready, you know? Do you understand why you tapped out now after watching the season? Do you think that was because. I think the reason was because he was kind of being targeted, in a way, by one of, like, you guys don’t see, even though I don’t like him after the show, but you’re like, he actually did great things in there, like, being him.
We were in intake together, okay? We were in intake together, and he was actually, like, helping the immigrants and helping people translate. Like, he was doing a great. Yeah, he was doing a lot in there, and we don’t see any of that. We just see him as, like, a pugilist. You guys don’t want you to show. I’m telling you, Fabian did wonders and intake wonders, even though I like his ass now because of some behind the scenes stuff. But that man did wonders in that Joe. Like, I. He was helping the everyday. He was helping people translate.
I was in intake for four days. That’s how I kind of got pissed when I saw him. Like, I can’t spend no time in there, but he was in the intake with me for about, like, a day or two. A day. I don’t know. It’s all jumbled up because they’re editing. But he actually did. He did a lot. Like, he did a lot. Like, when he came in, when I was sitting down, he came in, he was hugging all the immigrants. I mean, hugging all people who he helped in intake and Jim pop, but, yeah, it’s.
Yeah, we don’t. We don’t see any of that because I guess they kind of cast him, has his role in the editing room. I mean, I don’t know, because I do have my suspicions on why he tapped out. The real reason why he tapped out. I do have my suspicions, but you tell us why. Or is that. Is that behind the scene? I don’t want to start any drama because he watches. Like, I don’t want to start any drama. Let’s just. Let’s just say April 20. Let’s just say April 20. This is. We don’t put it April 20.
That’s my. That’s just my little prediction. But if it wasn’t for that dumbass rule, because if he. Even if I’m wrong about my own reasons why I think he tapped out, I think if it wasn’t for that dumbass rule, he would have stayed to the end. He would have thrived. I’m telling you, he. I mean, he did five years in prison. What the hell, 60 days and nothing for him. I mean. But if I was in his position, he could have slapped the shit out of Smith. He wouldn’t have gotten trouble. He could have slapped the shit out of him.
Like. And production would have let him stay on lockdown for 96 hours. They gotta get some. Like, they wouldn’t let him do that. That’s why they asked him to continue to stay. Like, they wouldn’t have let him. That’s why I really. Yeah, not my story, not my. You know, that’s his experience. But he. I will give him this. He did do a lot in there that they don’t show. He did a lot of good things there. Also, when you guys were talking about going in on the show, like, originally, and, like, right when you kind of had, like, raised your hand and you’re all talking about it, Nina says something like, oh, it’s gonna be a breeze.
And then you. You turn to her and you’re like, remember season seven? What were you talking about when you said that? Was like, was there a certain thing that you were. Had in mind when you mentioned it? Because I think she was talking to Fabian about, like, him being in prison before and he was like, it’s gone. She was like, it’s gonna be a breeze. And I was like, oh, season seven, you had former inmates and people still tapped out. That was, like, why I was referring to him. It almost seems that whenever you’ve got someone that either has a prior experience or cos aside from season nine, maybe, but a lot of the times they don’t last as long as the people that you.
Yeah, so that’s what I was like. Because she was. I think she was saying he. It was gonna be a breeze to him because he did time. And I was just like, season seven? I’m like, it was former inmates in there, too, that, you know, that didn’t make it. But, you know, see, and I got a theory. I want to get your impression on this theory, but my theory is that if you’re in there and you know that there’s no chance you get now until you just do the time or come up with bail or whatever, like, if you’re just in there, it’s a different mentality than knowing every second of the day.
Like, I could leave right now if I wanted to. And you have to have that privilege. We have that privilege. It’s just their ego. It’s just like, you got to understand our ego. A lot of our egos and our pride got to us this season because they, in past seasons, got to use that signal anytime. They goddamn won’t complain to them. I want to soda. We couldn’t do nothing because we were so scared. They put it minds. If you use that signal, we would go home, which was not even the case. They kind of, like, put fear in us.
And so that’s why I never used a signal. That was the only time I used the signal was my last day. I could have used the signal when. Let me tell you, I could use that signal when they did the name change. I could use that signal when they were pressuring me. I can use that signal at any. I have really, moments, and I really can use that signal, but I didn’t. I used it, but I just. I mean, and everyone’s like, he wanted. He just didn’t want to be. I’m like, you have to understand, like, they’re not just pulling us out all the time.
Like, they’re showing, like, they’re not. I mean, especially with me. They pull me out on that last day for an interview, that last day. So. And they just somehow chip chop and edited a bunch of stuff, but. And I guess the other part, too, is that you’re kind of forced to lie constantly to the people you’re surrounded with. Even the people that, like, does that just eat away at you constantly that you’re like, what are you thinking as you’re making? Like, if someone tells you your story and you give them your fake backstory, like, what’s going on in your head? Are you like, I’m an asshole? Or they’re going to find out, I’m going to get in trouble.
It was. It was very. That’s why in one of my interviews, you see me say, I’m just lying to myself when I said I’m lying to myself. I mean, I’m lying to these people. I’m lying to myself. That’s why I meant to that. And because he. They said, because he actually was like, you have a problem with being undercover? Is that the issue? I guess I have a problem being undercover because I made genuine friends in there. You know, I still talk to these people. I was just about to show, you know, so even they tell me it was like, dude, that they’re showing you.
I know people act crazy, but they was like, they’re not, like, even, yeah, it’s. They’re very shocked on what they’re like. That’s not the person we saw on there. I’m like, I know there was. There was one wild. I mean, you had a couple of things that you said that, like, they frame it and they use it as, like, the cliffhangers. But one of the ones that I think I’ve seen a lot of people comment on, it’s like you said you never had a black friend before, and they painted this whole thing that your roommate. Oh, my God.
And it was like, this is the first black friend I’ve ever had. And they took them away from me. Like, I meant to say, God, I don’t know why I even said, like, I have had black friends. I’ve had, like, I never had a black male best companion, you know, I’ve had black male friends, but I don’t open up to them. Like, you know, and a stature that me and because me and chosen, like, deep conversations because I knew chosen two nights and a day. I didn’t know him for a day. I knew him two nights and a day, you know, until they pulled him out.
And we’ll get to that. But I’ve had black friends. I never just had a black figure that I can just, like, be myself around. And that’s where I was coming along with that. But they just made it seem like he’s never had a black. I mean, myself look so weak on that show because I’m like, oh, my God. But I don’t know. It’s. It’s weird. Well, and I guess on the thing that it came directly after that was that he gets moved out and then you start. The way that it’s cut is that, like, you’re accusing production of intentionally having you make friends with someone remove them just to get a reaction out of you.
And then there. There’s almost like, a gaslighting scene where they’re like, we didn’t do that. Corey, are you sure? And you’re back and forth, so yeah. What actually happened there? The day chosen got moved, they came and switched our mics, and they had me and two other people in another cell go downstairs and sit in gym pop. Until they got done. They were working on that mics for like, 40. Like, 40 minutes. They were working on that mic, and everyone was like, how are they getting free rock time? How are they getting extra rack time? Because we were just chilling, sitting down in the gym pop.
It was me chosen, another black guy and another Mexican. We just sitting out talking. And then so chosen was like, yeah, this is rock 99 media. He was calling up the production crew, and I’m just like, they really not helped my case by being in there. It was like, they’re like, yeah, this is 60 days in. This they were just standing. This has to be 60 days in. And then they were changing my mics. Then they were chasing another person’s mic. It was just. It was just weird. And so, like, they were going, so, you know, the little white camera.
It was like a camera in Jim pop. They would go up to it. They were like, so I think chosen went up to it. Somebody went up to it and said, are you 60 days in? And the camera movement said, we’re answering their questions with the camera. I’m like, these people are ridiculous. Like, I’m like, what the hell are they doing? Were they answering yes or no for anyone listening? Were they? Yeah, yeah, they were doing something like that. They were doing that yes or no. So they were. So they were making the camera, like, nod.
Yeah, they were making the camera nod. So they were watching me the whole time. They were like. And so chosen didn’t go. That’s the thing. He just went to San Juan. He told me he was moving into the kitchen, and I was very happy for him, but he was even. He was really. He was even more pissed off. He was like, damn, people. Somebody trying to ruin this. Like, they don’t show everything. They were like, damn. Like, I just got, you know, I asked God to send me somebody, and, like, now I’m getting moved. And I was very happy.
I’m very happy for him that he got moved to the kitchen, but he didn’t get moved to the kitchen. He just got moved to someone. He didn’t asked to get moody. And he even said, he was like, what happens if I don’t want to get moved? He was like, oh, you have to drag you out of here. So even if it wasn’t production, it was somebody on that sheriff’s team, because they thought I just. It was it was a gaslighting situation, and I got confirmation. I’ve gotten confirmation from behind the scenes that they did move him because I was at risk, a boo on my cover, and they had every right to.
But I’m lying to me. Just say, hell, yeah, we did. We think you’re saying way too much, or we think he knows too much. He didn’t. He knew a lot. I didn’t tell him, but he knew. He’s. Yeah, he knew. So you had. You had the toothache you had being completely severed from any support system for as long as you knew it was going to be two months plus. Right. You had the fact that you were being isolated and felt like it was being done to you on purpose. If there was, like, all the different things that led to you throwing the signals there, one of those that if it had changed, you would have lasted way longer, or the toothache.
So the toothache is really the main reason that you want to get. Yeah, I like that myself. By myself. I know it makes it seem like I can’t be alone because they ask you questions about me in that moment, but I got over that chosen situation. Like, I got over it. Like, and, like, even with the name change, I forgot about the name change until they brought it up in the interview. I forgot about it. Like, I. Like, I literally forgot about it until they brought it up to me in the interview. I’m like, I don’t care.
Like, that’s the thing. Like, I liked having myself by myself. I’m shit in peace. And I didn’t really care as to stature they make it, but it’s just really heavily dramatized. Like, you know, I did say those things. And with the bipolar thing, I’m like, damn. Some days I’m happy here. Some days I’m sad in here. Maybe I am my polar. Then they said, okay, I’m going to give him the crazy narrative. I’m like, oh, God. Because I’ve never seen a character like me on the show, on this. On tixie exam before. I’ve never seen it.
That was the first time someone ever run production for something. The first time. So. And I was right half the time. I may have been wrong, but I was really right about that chosen situation because I was dead set on that chosen situation. There’s a very real possibility that there’s someone watching this. Like, now we’re in the future, basically, that is doing research because they want to go on 60 days in, or maybe they got selected and they’re like, I want to go and find anyone that’s ever talked about the. So, like, what would be the top, like, sort of tips that you tell someone, not just going into jail, but going into jail on a 60 days in show? Like, what are some hacks that you wish you would have known going in? Be careful how you, what you say and what you do, because if you want to go on there viewing tv, then go for it.
I mean, hell, you need to thrive. And, honey, like, if you want to go in there and cause change. Cause change, you know? You know, if you want to be, if you’re an entertainer and you think you have what it takes to do 60 days in, go. But just be careful and mindful what you say and do. Even if you want to go on tv, at least try to make change. You know, at least try to, you know, make an impact on someone’s life, you know, at least try to. Because there’s people who go in there who claim they want not, who claim that they’re not there for tv and they’re for change.
Don’t change shit. What do you, they don’t change nothing. But as you see, you know. But my advice would be like, be mindful and what you do and say and don’t put yourself in uncomfortable situations if you can’t take it. Did you make any major mistakes that you, you, like, if you could go back, you’d be like, I wouldn’t have done that one thing. I wouldn’t have been vulnerable. If I can go back, I wouldn’t be an as vulnerable because I’m not an open in person. Like, the whole coming out, my family, probably my family. That’s the thing with that.
I didn’t feel like I need to come out. My family just didn’t acknowledge it. You know, they like, okay, we don’t care. Like, today, they’re just like, oh, we don’t care. We thought you already did come out. Because I have pansexual. I have pansexual. My Instagram bio before, it’s not there anymore. But, like, I’ve always was very open with myself and my sexuality, like, but being vulnerable and oversharing, I overshared too much about myself. I overly shared too much about myself, way too much. Because I look at this as, like, my little real world, you know, mom, I’m just like, okay, let me.
Because the fans are right. I did make it about me. I made that whole experience about me. I did. I mean, I didn’t want to snitch on anybody. Like, I didn’t want to mean it. All about me, you know? So, I mean, what’s wrong? Was it right? It wasn’t wrong or right. It was just, you know, what they chose to show, um, and ask me about me. That’s all they did was ask about me. All my interviews, they didn’t ask me about any other inmates but me. But me. It was like, do you think your family.
It’s always about me. It was always them asking about me. They didn’t. And chosen or chosen, but that’s pretty much it. They asked me about me, so I had to. I talked about me. You know, when you even said that when. When you were watching this show growing up, that that’s what you were there for. You were there for the stories of the people that were in, like, people. I always loved the participants back stories and stuff. So, okay, I can over. This is a place I can share my life with. But turns out people didn’t like my life.
They’re like, we don’t care that you’re pansetta. We don’t care. We don’t care. I love reading comments. It’s like, we don’t care. Nothing’s even happening to you yet. Like, why are you even tapping out? I love reading comments. I’m like, oh, shit. Get him off. He’s annoying me. I’m like, I would annoy me, too. I was, like, on the wrong show to do that. On the wrong show. So in part of the interviews and they’re talking about that, like, your sexuality comes up, and they have this question, like, oh, are you concerned that’ll make you a target? And then it’s like, it cuts to you with, like, a deer in the headlights look of, like, oh, crap.
I didn’t. It was never thought, like, because I knew the environment. I knew Utah. I never thought. And mind you, there was other gay people in there. I made a gay friend on the show. He was in intake for, like, a day. I think it was other gay people in there. It was everyone trying to keep his secret. Is there not a big deal? No. It was openly gay people in jail, in Jim. It was openly as much as people want to say, oh, everyone knew Cory was gay going in there. And that’s why Fabian didn’t want to.
Like, Fabian. He said he didn’t want to take my chips because everyone knew I was gay. He’s a liar. You’re lying at that point, trying to. If you didn’t want to take the Doritos, don’t. Don’t say, oh. Because it would have made me seem gay. Do you know how many gay people were, like, how many people used to come up and give me their shampoo and stuff and, like, I would give them chips? Like, no. And, quote, will even vouch for me for this. Like, no one give a fuck about sexuality. Like, I mean, people didn’t go unplanted.
I wouldn’t go out and flaunt it. Like, who cares? Because people see I’m a little bit flamboyant. But people were nice to me. No, if people knew I was gay, they would have made that a whole episode. Someone found out he was gay. Someone found out sexual. Like, they would have made. They. I’m telling you, they would have definitely, because I. You know, the little semen, and they were talking about cowboy. Tell us some. He’s gay. You know, they could have used that little clip and made that about me, but they said that about cowboy. They would have found a way to try to find someone notice my sexuality, or they would have had a scene with someone asking about my sexuality, but they didn’t.
You know, people. That’s one thing some people on this show that I’m on the show with will say anything to make, to even douse their time there. Like, he even tried to, like, when we were trying to be on good terms, me and Fabian, he even tried to tell me that people knew I was gay. He was like, everyone knew. Cool. Like, it’s alive if you say everyone. Like, if they. Why didn’t I get beat up for it? Why? Why did other people accept my stuff? Why did chosen ask for me to be in my cell? Do you think that was part of him putting on, like, a role for the camera? He has a prison mentality.
He goes, he went in there with a prison mentality. And I’m not trying to talk about him too much, but, like, goddamn. He went in there with a prison mentality. Even the first episode, if you go back and watch the show, you don’t go in a shop and get shanked up and plucked up. I’m like, what the fuck is he trying. Where’s he from? Where is he at? I’m like, wait a minute. I’m gonna get fucked up. I’m like, wait. Because I know Provo, Utah. Okay, I’ve been to Utah. I’m like, these ain’t the type of people that I’m like, come on, stop it.
I’m like, what’s wrong with you? I’m like, what’s wrong with him? My first thought when the shank came out, my first thought was like, man, everyone’s gonna lose their combs because of this guy. You know what I mean? Because that’s essentially what. What the logical conclusion of that is. Just snitching at this point. You’re just creating shit to just snitch on. I mean, like, that’s a true snitch. I mean, you just snitching at this one. Nobody can say on the show, I told. I’m telling you, like, you’re finding shit. Like, you’re, like, just. You’re just finding shit.
Like, at least quell is going to actually, like, discover it on his own. He’s not going to go make shanks, and he’s. He’s not. Like. That’s why I respect. Well. And Daniel so much. They’re not trying to cause problems with these inmates. They’re actually. What about the little balloon that, uh. That he’s. I said, no, he didn’t. I said, who gave him that? Because they. I’m telling you, they would. I don’t know. I’m not trying to throw any theories. I’m a theorist, too. You just. I’m pissed off because he didn’t give me no tobacco shit. I needed some nicotine.
Like, at least go out and share the shit. Like, damn. At least that at least planted somewhere. Unless somebody bonded. So. But do you think that he didn’t bring that in from the outside? You think he got it from inside? The joke? My opinion. I don’t think he brought that in because they would have caught that. An intake. He went through all intake. He took it. He even took a shower like this first day, like, you. No one caught that. Like what? Like what? Like in season six. What was it? Season six. It was a scene where the sheriff gave somebody a key.
A key to handcuffs. And production was like, we have an issue. Da da da. And then the sheriff was like, oh, we gave it to him. So they probably used so many theories, but they will tell you one thing. So. I don’t know. But I’m very. I don’t know. He probably. I don’t know. I can’t confirm or deny. I really don’t know myself. But I. Me personally, in my opinion, I think they gave to spice up the show. Well, I’m glad you brought up conspiracy theory. Cause there was another scene when you were in, like, the original intake cell, and there was a guy that they have this clip, and it almost.
They’re kind of painting it, like, oh, we’ve got an unstable one here. But he’s basically saying, like, everyone went and had food. And when they came back, they had too much energy. And it almost seemed like the implication is that he was saying that they were. They were putting something in the food to make people act weird, and he was avoiding food for that reason. Is that. Is that actually what. How that conversation? Oh, that’s not what. Yeah, well, let me tell you, that dude could have fucked everybody up in there, but let me tell you that you used to complain about us talking all the time, and that’s when you.
That’s when. That’s when you hear me say I’m like you. Because we got energy. Because it was getting annoying to me too, because I’m surprised they didn’t show the scene when he was crying on the phone. He was crying on the phone and I was like, is it that fucking bad? I yelled it out and they don’t show it. I was like, is it that fucking bad? And I was like, fuck, let me calm down because I’m sorry. I mean, I’m thinking I’m cool, everybody. I’m like, let me stop you going, come up here and be my ass.
I said, let me stop. I ain’t that damn tough. But it was annoying because he used to tell us to shut the fuck up and just like, shut up. Like. And so they was about to whoop his ass. Like, they were all. Could have just jumped him, but like, he was a big ass siberian dude, so I’m like, I don’t know if they all could took him off, but he was. He went down and snitched on us. They don’t show that either. He went down and told the CEO’s and until he moved and they. He went back up there and that’s the only time they was like, you snitching on us.
Like, it was. That shit was more than what they show because they was really about to get in his ass. Like, but it would have been a really good fight. I mean, shit, that’s. But that’s when I was like, damn, it’s not being fighting or. Yes, I mean, fight. I was so. I was pumped. I’m like, I want somebody. So it was like, they was on his head. Like, I was like, oh, shit, now this is 60 days in. Like, I got my moments and I was like, damn, this is 60 days in. Like, yeah, like, I’m like, amped it up.
And then that’s when. I don’t know, I guess that’s when I yelled. Like, I probably like, is it that bad? Like, I should have done that, but like, yeah, I don’t know what was the snitch. Just that that people were talking and he went, yeah, he went to telling us that we were talking like that we were being too out. And I’m like, what the fuck we supposed to do? Just be quiet and let you sleep? You sleep. He slept his time away. That’s his fault. He didn’t. And then he got pissed off as another scene, he got pissed off because we didn’t wake him up and get his food.
And they were like, this are fucking jobs to wake you up to get your fucking food. I said. I was like, what the fuck? I said, the cos are yelling at them. The inmates this big go do food call, and he slept his. He will sleep the whole day. That’s when you hear me. I’m like, he just sleeps. He sleeps. He just sleeps. He just sleeps all day. He sleeps. Sleeps his time away. He only time he wake up is to go down and yell on the phone and cry on the phone. Do you think that was, like, a drug withdrawal thing? I don’t know what the fuck he was going through, but he was funny too.
He was funny too. Like, I mean, he was. I mean, he used to crack jokes at nighttime. That’s why it was so weird. And they don’t show him going up to Pedro because I thought he’s going to go up and hit Pedro, but he comes up to Pedro and gives him a hug. They don’t show that either. But another conspiracy theory that I’ve come across on 60 days in is that they give everyone intentionally weak cover stories just for the drama. Do you think that that’s true? When I told him I had 90 days for some ounce of weed, they said 290.
I was like, yeah, they do that. They really do. Water down the COVID stories. I was driving, do barely, or I was rather do here, and I stopped to go give me a tire, and I ended up in here. Like, what they do to get, if they ever do future seasons, they should definitely do better with their cover stories. Well, how early on did you know what your cover story was? Think we came up, I think. I don’t know. I think. And when I got picked up, I don’t know, because they kept changing shit. That was.
They kept changing my cover stories. Like, they changed my cover story, like, three times. That’s in that in one day. So I don’t know what to fuck to say. But, like, that is a production that’s doing that. It’s all production with your cover story, I think. I don’t know if it’s product. No, I don’t think. I think it was the officers. Officer to know he had no business, like, doing there because he was giving. He gave me Scarlett’s last name. Phillips is what? Scarlett’s cover last name, not mine. I’m pride. So he. I’m like, he just fucking up.
I think. I don’t know. I. I think it was. I’m not gonna like production for that one. It was not them. Well, what happened if someone asked you what you’re in here for and you’re like, I killed somebody. Like, you know, like, what would they pull you out because you lied about your fake cover story and it. Because I would assume that it’s not like someone can look up your paperwork and see what your cover story was. It’s all fake anyway, right? Could you just say, I got caught with 800 pounds of meth? You know? You know, like an underwater submarine? Like, what would anyone do about that if you made it up? I mean, they couldn’t.
They would just probably just. If you, like, the only thing people like, oh, it doesn’t make sense because you’re 60 days. I don’t know. It’s just. Yeah, they got weak ass cover stories. So if I sign up and they call me in to 60 days in, and I go in and they give me a weak cover story, I can just, like, nod, node, nod. And when someone actually asked me, I could just substitute my own. That’s better than the one that they gave me. Oh, yeah. And that’s my new, like, going. I mean, yeah, pretty much.
I mean, going in the intake, but going into intake, when I was like, you know, going to my cell and intake, I just knew the questions was gonna come. I just knew. And that was two days. People actually days in for two days. Two days. Two days. And I was just like, they don’t show it either. I told Patrick, I’m like, why are you grilling me so hard? I’m like, why are you grilling me so hard? I’m like, I was getting pissed off at it that second day. I was getting really irritated. I’m like, because he was really.
He was like, it’s mighty funny. You came from Sunburn Eden. And I’m like, oh, God, please leave me the fuck alone. And it was just irritating. And then I thought how to use the signal then. Because everyone that day was like, then that’s when I used to black cardinal. And that kind of got me out of that. Yeah, I used my black card that day. I had to. I said, these motherfuckers ain’t about to jump on me on tv. Do you think that aside from the people that are on the show 60 days in, but just like, the normal inmates, how much do you think that they’re acting up just because there’s cameras there? Like, if there were no cameras and there was absolutely no expectation that anyone could possibly be on 60 days, you think people would be acting wildly different, or would it not make that much of a difference? In past seasons, I think the Ma stuff act up for the camera, but this season, these people wanted to get in.
Do they time and get the fuck out. I’m telling you. That’s why I’m telling you, like, the participants caused more the problems than the inmates, and that’s why they’re showing us more than the inmates. That’s why they’re really focusing on us more this season than the inmates, because we’re the ones kicking doors and having toothaches and getting pissed off about Doritos, and we’re the ones causing the problems? Okay. Of course, not all my cast members are causing problems, but, like, those inmates were very civil. Like, I was like, damn, this black dude’s, like, literally needs a shampoo.
And I remember I gave traction trips. Or he’s like, oh, you know, you’d have to give me this. Like, I’m just looking out for you. I’m like, thank you. I’m like, it was. It was cool. I used to love, like, I used to have days, like, when I was in gympop, like, when chosen left, I used to, like. Or, like, we used to go to ged program. He used to let me use his headphones. I would go down and get nail clippers. And I remember I asked him, I was like, you care about cheating sisters? She’s like, just bring break down.
And that’s why I was shocked that Smith was acting like this, because he was so nice to me when I was in there, and I was, like, so shocked to see how it acted. But, like, I would, like, go upstairs, you know, put a little towel on my head, dry my hair, and just, like, do my little nail clippers and go back down and go take a nap. Like, it was. I was chilling in there, but they just, you know, they showed me just in my mental moments, you know. Did any of the inmates ever give you a breakdown on, like, the jailhouse rules? Like, because, like, when you.
That’s the thing. I was. No rules. Like, that’s what I’m seeing. Like, I’m like, no one told me not to associate with this person, not to associate with that person, not to, like, it wasn’t no Joe. That’s what Fabian. I feel like he was expecting that because he was probably watched past seasons and see me. I was gonna make this my own experience. I already, even if that was on season eight, I probably will left, like, day three, day two. But, like, this season, I was like, okay, I can make something out of this. You know, I can make something out of this.
And, you know, with the Doritos, I was so pissed. Like, I was just like, okay. Like, I didn’t even think they were show that because it wasn’t that big of a deal to me, like, in that moment, but just like, you know, I don’t know. But I don’t know. I think he had an expectation of what the show was going to be like, and it wasn’t, you know, it wasn’t what I thought was gonna be like. So I think we all had, like, an idea besides Nina. Nina never seen the show, so she didn’t have any idea.
But I thought I had an idea, and my idea didn’t come to life. So is that really true? Because that’s so hard for me to believe that you would go even after you got accepted and you were like, okay, I’m gonna be on this show. You wouldn’t sit down and binge some of the episodes? Oh, look, I mean, see me, when I got on the show, I was going straight back to season five and going on back, like, I was like, let me see what I can do. But I. Yeah, but I think some people, like, caught up, and then some people had an idea, like Miss Scarlet had thought she had.
She was gonna be like, the female pod boss. Like, honey. No, you just mean, was there any iteration of, like, all the different ways you thought this could go in your head? Did it? I thought. I thought. I just knew I was gonna get hit in the face. I always thought I was just always gonna get hit in the face there. I just knew. I just knew. Missed out if you didn’t get. I did not take my sexuality into consideration. Not at all. Not at all. Not at all. Was there ever a chance in your mind that you would have been a pod boss? No.
Oh, no. I had no desire to be a pod boss. I had no desire. I chosen to have more pod boss status than anybody in there. Everyone loved him. But no, I had no desire to be a pod boss, be a tough guy. But I was going to defend myself. I was going to talk my shit back. I got into a few little spats. This dude was arguing over uno in phase one. I’m like, you can’t play uno. Rules of phase one. I’m like, that’s ridiculous. He was like, no, that’s ridiculous. Like, why are we playing? This is not uno? I was like, they don’t show any of our debacles with some of the inmates and intake because intake is very, like, a very intense environment, you know? So, like, everybody on edge, you know? So, I mean, I had a few spats that they didn’t show, which I’m happy, but because I don’t want people to think, you know, I’m just this big.
Because I’m like, what? These white dudes can hold my ass for real. They’re good. But I’m not going to back down from these motherfuckers. Like, what’s up? Like, but that was my mentality. I just wanted. I was gonna make friends. I just wanted to make friends. I mean, and that’s where I fucked up because I ruined my mission. It kind of, like, ruined my mission. But it was like, at that point, about day four, I was like, fuck this mission. Like, literally, I had my mom, like, fuck this mission. I’m just chill and make friends. Like, fuck this mission.
These people ain’t on shit. I’m like, they just own drugs, but they not own. I mean, what the fuck are they really doing? It’s no gangs in here. I mean, this. This is a weird question. So, like, I don’t even know if there’s the right. But, like, if you could go into jail and. And be, like, with Nina and Scarlet, if you go in not as Corey, but, you know, like, a female version of Corey and join the women’s jail or go through it as a guy, would you rather go in the girl jail or a guy jail? I would rather go.
I would love to have in a jail with Nina ab. I would love to. Oh, because the women are iconic this season. I love. I look forward to looking to their episodes. Like, I love every minute, every bit of the female confrontations. But Amy said she was a little girl. A little girl. It’s like the difference between, like, you know, tv and, you know, being mean. You know, Amy was just having dispatch with her roommate Scarlett. You’re just a mean person, you know, in real life and outside life, you know? But, I mean, I love the female pod.
I love Luna, my club. I love Luna. I love Luna. I mean, I know she’s a shit person. I mean, in real life, but, like, I love the way she comes off on tv, like, it’s great. It was great to watch. I mean, it was entertaining. Are. Do you have contact with any of the female inmate. Not the show members, but, like, female inmates? Oh, no. From the season. I just. I just wonder if, like, there’s, like, a support group for people that have been to that jail at that time to just discuss. I know people, Mel.
I know. I’m like, I know, like, I could, like, six people from Utah county jail that retail reaches out. But, no, I don’t. I didn’t see any female inmates. How, from all the inmates that you actually met in there, how bad was the recidivism? Because that, in previous seasons, that was almost, like, the hot word they would always be talking about. They’re trying to limit recidivism. Right. Like, people leaving recidivism, this is when you get out of jail, and then you end back up in jail again, like, in this constant loop. And part of the previous season is they’re trying to, like, okay, yeah, so, like, people there, I met so many people there.
There was, like, knew it was like, a psychopedia to them. They knew everything about jail, everything they meant to this. This. This pod and that pod. And. And some of the people. I’m like, oh. I’m like, if that’s why. I’m like, you can’t help everybody. Like, there was nothing I can do to help these people but give them, like, job information about, like, going on, like, different. Not, like, other information, but, like. Like, some people in there. I’m like, damn, I see why you in here. But I don’t see why you hear this long, but I see why you in here, you know? Like, I see why you in here, but I don’t think you should have that much time, because it’s just like, you just need rehab because you just fucking up.
You just, like, coming back here. Like, I’m like, really? It was, like, one dude. He was. He was, like, 25 years old. I’m like, damn. You’ve been in here how many times? He go, I’ve been here, like, 18 times. I’m always in here. I’m like. I’m like, I don’t know. And he was, yeah, I. Yeah, like, five or six times a year. Yeah, he’s back and forth. And then he told me he got furloughed. I’m like, wait, you gotta lay it off your job. No. Furloughed. I could go, leave and come back. I’m like, oh, this is all new to me.
I’m like, wow. Yeah, that’s. I didn’t really care about the prison politics. Like, ever since. No prison politics. That’s what I think that’s what Fabian was expecting. Like, the prison politics. I think he was expecting prison politics. And there was no prison politics. Well, because it’s jail, not prison. Right? So that seems like it would make a fairly big deal. No, I think past seasons to prison, like, season five, like, they were all about, like, the race. You can’t sit that. Like, that’s more, like. That’s mortifying. Like, I respect people like Abner. Like, he’s a great character on that show, Mark.
I love him. But season five, I was like, damn, these people really don’t want to, like, mix in the racist and just like, oh, that’s how prison is. But we supposed to change that, y’all. We’re supposed to change that. Like, let’s show them. You can, you know, you can’t talk to black person. You can’t talk to the white person. You can’t tell, like, that’s legit racism right there. I don’t want to be known as a racist on tv. You know, how. How realistic do you think it is that 60 days in could solve that particular issue? Like, the racist? They couldn’t.
They can never. They could never. They could. Season five had potential of changing that narrative. Okay. They have really hurt potential to change the narrative. But, I mean, I guess people go in there with that polit, you know? But I just. I don’t know. I think. Yeah, I don’t. I don’t think. I think they like to show the racism. They’d like to show it. They like to show that. I mean, that’s. That’s what sells. You know, negativity sells. You know. Um, I wanted to ask this before. I want to make sure I don’t forget, but you said you get criticism for tapping out early and that, like, there’s almost, like, a competition on who can stay in the longest or guessing, like, who’s going to make it to the end.
Do you get paid extra or extra bonuses or anything at all for staying the full 60 days versus tapping out after different start cutting off? This season’s different because all our contracts are not the same. Like, I can’t even speak on, like, what every else got paid, but, like, I didn’t lose. I mean, I’m. Me, personally, I’m still. I mean, again, I can’t speak on everyone contract, but, like, my country, everyone signed different contracts. Like, it’s not like you’re not. They even told us this. It’s not like how everyone else contracts in the past. Like, they each get them out in this and that.
So, like, you see people from past season somehow. Oh, how much you get paid? This season was totally different. Okay. This season was totally different. I’d be hearing people like, you. $5,000. You, like? No, like, you. And, see, with me being an entertainer and being on shows before, that was the main thing I looked at is the pay, and I discussed, I think, gosh, you mean it? I feel like everyone negotiates. I mean, at least I did. I negotiated my contract. I negotiated my contract. Like, I negotiated it with the pay. So. So your contract didn’t have anything about, like, performative? Like, if you make it the six days? I don’t know.
That’s the thing. It’s different because I still got mine. I mean. Cause I guess the main reason that I’m even asking is that the motivation, once you’re in there, the motivation to stay the full 60 days, even if you got a toothache, even if you feel like people might be on to you and you’re putting yourself in danger, is it, like, a monetary thing, or is it just 100% ego? Is it just like, I don’t want to look. I think it’s ego and money driven. Too mean, of course. I was like, okay, I’m gonna get paid every week by being here.
Like, I might get paid this certain my money back, you know, like, being here. Like, so that was my motivation. It was the money. Okay, it was the money, but I. It didn’t stop. It’s just so weird. Everyone’s contracts is different this season. Like. Like, I was. I think I was talking to one of my cast members about my contract. It was like, oh, that wasn’t me. I’m like, so it’s all different. I mean, it’s all different. So what was the first thing that you did when you got out of jail? Off. Off camera and everything.
Like, what was the first thing that you were like, man, I’ve been waiting to do this ever since I got out. I got out, I went to my hotel room. All my clothes were wet and damp and mildewed, and they went to go give me some ibuprofen from the front desk at the hotel. Give a shit about me going to a dentist? Didn’t give a shit about that. The producer took me to get some. Took me to buffalo wild wings. Is that where you wanted to go? That, was that on your mind of, like, this is the first thing I want on my way out.
I wanted some raisin canes, but they were like, oh, we just want to go. He took me to, you know, dinner and talked to me. Like, he laughed the whole time. And I was there. Like, I cracked him up. Like, I cracked. I. I was like, can I go back in? I was like, I want to go back in. I feel better now. I want to go back in. I was, I want to go back in. They said, no, no, yeah, I want to go back in. That was a huge case, me back in. But I think they were just over me at that point because, oh, I got on their nerves.
Like, it was one producer. She should just roll her eyes at me when she saw me. I said, hi, yeah, I’m here. I’m like, what’s up? Yeah, she, yeah, what would they be annoyed at? Like, you’re giving them. Clearly you gave enough content to fill up files. I was. Noticed the Gatorade gate. I. This is a whole Gatorade game. I was so pissed that the cos would not let me get this Gatorade for this dude who’s going with rip draws and I was going to steal it. And then I so pissed, I flicked the cameras off.
I was like, fuck you guys, and fuck you too. Yeah, it was. I was annoyed. I actually talked a lot of shit about them and I was like, you guys are awful. You guys are worth this piece of shit. I was, like, so mad at them because I just thought, like, yeah, that not one of my problems. I was just like. Because I knew what they were doing because they had so many times come give me for an interview and they would just walk past my cell, walk past my cell and then they didn’t come get me to my last day, you know, I guess they were like, wait for me to tap up.
But I mean, hey, I mean, but I apologize to them when I got out. I’m so sorry for cutting you guys out. I’m like, I just was under a lot of stress, you know, I was under a lot of emotion, you know, I didn’t know what to believe, what not to believe, like, I mean, I don’t know what was a show and what was not a show, you know? So have. Have you fully recovered from, like, being in jail mind state at this point? Are you, like, from it or what? No, I think watching, watching it when it first came out was very hard.
Oh, it was. It was very hard watching it at first. But, like, watching yourself. Oh, yeah, it was very, very tough. What was the hardest thing for you to watch yourself doing? Out of all the footage they had of you, um, me in my cell saying, gotcha. Gotcha. Had a friend. Gotcha. Oh, poor baby. I said, let me give him a hug. I was just like, oh, man. I was like, I just like, somebody go hug him. I’m like, I just want to hug myself. I just want to hug myself. The tv, like, I just wanted to fuck myself.
Like, it was. I mean. Oh, man. Yeah, I think that was the hardest part, because it was just like, you know, but people don’t understand. We couldn’t use the signals. It was like, why? Why are they talking to the cameras? Right? Because we can’t talk to these people if we use signal. They said, we out. That’s why you never see the girls use the signal. You know, you don’t see them use a signal. You just, you know, because, like, I’m a talker. I love to talk. I mean, so that was, like, my little professional diary in my camera in my room that make me so concerned for you or anyone.
When I see them on the show and they’re talking directly at the camera, my dude, you’re gonna get. They always talk to the camera. So it’s like. I mean, they always. I mean, you think the other inmates don’t talk to the cameras in their sales? Really? So everyone talks to the cameras directly like that. And every camera, every. I mean, well, we talk directly because we know them, but everybody be in the camera doing little stupid shit, seeing little stupid shit, you know, throwing them gang signs and yes, you’ve seen the first previews. Everyone’s in the camera.
Like. Like, everyone does that, so. But that was, like my little professional diary room. Like, my little professional. And that’s why they didn’t need to pull me out, because I used to tell them everything in the camera. Like, yeah, they need to. They need to. They didn’t eat. Like, I’m like, you gotta see. I used to tell my, get me, can you please cut? I’m like, you guys can get me so I can talk to you about something. And they wanted me to use the signal. I never used the signal. My pride was too big to signal tool that toothache.
Great point, actually. What if you just, like, went to your cell and just laid in your bed and didn’t move and just stared at the ceiling? Would that make it so they’d, like, come in and pull you out and get some more interaction from you? Oh, yeah. That was my plan. I was literally going to stay in my bed and not, like, go out and do any scenes I was not going to give them any more content because I was drained. Okay? Like, I was like, damn, I’m giving them way too much. I gave them way too much.
Like, I had, like, three different storylines, four different storylines. Like, it was just like, I’m giving them way too fucking much. Like, I’m like. And they’re not even willing to come get me, but they got me my last day. It was, like, really weird. Well, so what’s, like, the post experience been, like, like, reset? Do you have people hitting you up and saying, like, you’re my favorite one you got. It’s been so bad. I have to ask this, though. Just if you can step outside of your. Your current impression of it, is it bad because you’re focusing on more negative than positive, or are there literally more negative comments than positive comments? Oh, the negative comments.
Like, used to get to me, like, that first two weeks, I’m like, okay, these people watching one week, okay, I don’t care. But it’s more of the people from past seasons and some of the people I’m on the show with. It doesn’t make it better because they’re just very toxic. Okay, so we’re talking more about people from the show on previous seasons versus just the audience of the show. Oh, the audience, they hate me. I mean, the audience, they accepted that. The fans, I’m not, like, personal. That show, I accept because this is not my first tv show.
So, like, I’m like, okay, Jerry Springer, they thought I was an idiot, you know? So, I mean this. But it’s just like, when people are not speaking facts and don’t know the facts, that will kind of irritate me. But, like, I. The posts, I mean, there’s Francis, but, like, it’s the people who’ve been on this show and know how the editing works and still will try to, like, come at me or bully me or just like. I mean, it’s. It’s ridiculous. Like, well, I saw recently that someone, like, leaked your phone number online. Yes. Miss Scarlett leaked my phone number.
Her and leaked my phone number. Was that. I mean, it sounds like an obvious question, but I have to ask it. What? Was it intentional or was there any chance that it was, like, a mistake from a screenshot of, uh. I think if it was a mistake, I wish you hadn’t just told me it was a goddamn mistake. But I will always think it was intentional. I will always think it was intentional because she had people call me doing theft, threats and this and that, and you’re getting death. What is the worst. Threatening. They called me nonstop saying, I’m gonna kill you, gonna fuck you in your ass, and da da da, we’re gonna throw you.
Like, we’re gonna set you on fire. Like it was nonsense. I have to change my number. Like it was non stop. Like it was just non stop. It was non stop. And then. What’s your new carlos? Definitely. Okay. Definitely did that intentional because I texted baby and I said, I’m going leak his because a fan hit me up sick. That’s a whole nother situation. But even. Even so, I wouldn’t care. I wouldn’t care sleep by number. I don’t care if he leaked my number. I mean, we just don’t like each other. I mean, we don’t know each other.
I mean, he doesn’t like me. I have a video of it saying he doesn’t. He doesn’t like me because I said, it’s just a tv show. And it’s a whole video of him saying, like, I don’t like Cory. I’m not probably Cory, but I don’t like him because he says just a tv show. My Vin numbers. Dude, dude, dude. I’m like, what the fuck? See, I don’t care. Like, I don’t care. It’s a tv show to me, you know? But, like, that’s. He’s irrelevant. But, yeah, they. It’s just been very, I mean, that’s the thing. Like, people from, like, even with.
I feel like he’s a very huge personality, and I wish he would let 60 days in, ergo, because he has potential of being, like, he had potential of doing other thing because he’s a great villain. Like, he’s. He, you know, he sounds like he’s like a great villain. He’s a great troll protagonizer, you know? So I’m like, he should be trying to do other tv shows or, you know, he’s a boxer. Like, why so worried about this little punk ass 60 days in? You know, they’re so worried about critiquing what this. How. How we are instead of going critique, you know, do better change in the world with the jail.
Like, all they do is just make YouTube videos and shit about 60 days in. Like, this one dude from season seven, he’s like, 60 days in is putting people in danger. Wow. You found a secret formula. Wow. You found a secret formula. Wow. Like, duhdeh. People got punched in the face in the early seasons. Like, duh, what do you guys. I mean, what are we, like, duh. Like, what are you guys saying, like, duh. Like this, they’re meant. They don’t want. They want to put you in danger. That’s why you sign the contract and say if anything happens to do that, it sells.
You know what? Like, it’s like, people who come after season one have these, like, e. Like, season one after season six, some people have these egos, you know, like, oh, we did the show. They’re scared to be forgotten about. And see, I want people to forget about me. Please forget about me. Like, when season ten come, I’m gonna support them. People like, yeah, like, it’s your turn. Yeah, it’s your turn, you know? Like, I can never hold on to this show. Like, this is, like, I can never hold on to it. Like, even, like, I even like my Instagram page.
I take out my bio and stuff. Like, I don’t. Like, this is season finale. Like, I’m done with it after this. Like, I’m done. Like, I’m over with. I got another show coming out in October. Like, I’m done. Like, it’s. It’s. I’m over with. Like, it’s behind me. It was. And I did this in my twenties, and I feel like some people who do this show, this, like, the only big thing they ever done in life besides go to jail. They just can’t let it go. And I like to let things go, you know? I quit.
See, I quit jobs every day. I don’t care. Like, and I’ll go to a new job. Like, I don’t care. Like, this is behind me, you know? Well, and I guess that you said you got a new show coming out in October, so it’ll probably be pretty easy to put this behind you. What comes after the show you got coming out in October? Do you got other goals or plans lined up? Oh, well, I’m going to work more behind the scenes. I’m actually up for a casting intern position, so I want to get to more behind the scenes.
If I need talented. I do want to be, like, a talent person. Like, find talent for people. Be a casting director. Well, casting intern, cast assistant, then casting director, and then hopefully all my own casting company one day. But my reality after this, I’m done with tv. This shit’s stressful. Like, I don’t want to do more tv. I’m done. I’m going to be behind the camera. I don’t want to be on nobody else’s tv screen. Like, after this one little show I got coming out, I’m done. That’s. That’s done. Out of the, you said you were on Jerry Springer.
You were on 60 days in, and you’re on an upcoming show. Which of those three was the most stressful? This 160 days and what’s the most stressful? I mean, I feel like that would have been obvious, but I had to ask, you know. Oh, yeah. This one most definitely. This was the most draining show I’ve ever had to experience. Like, it’s draining. Like, even the producers from our other show, they’re like, why did you do that show, corey show before this show and before 60 days in, they’re like, why did you go and do that? Why did you go and do that? They’re like, why did you go and do that? I’m like, I don’t know.
I wanted to be on tv. Is there anything at all, in a previous season of 60 days in before you went on it, is there anything that anyone could have said in, like, an exit interview or, like, a recap that if they said this one thing that you would have been like, oh, I’m not doing that then? Or, like, was your mind just so set on it that wouldn’t matter what anyone said? Oh, yeah. I mean, my mom’s already set. I mean, no one could have changed my mind about going on the show. No one could have, probably.
God, but he obviously wanted me to go through this. I mean. I mean, but, I mean, I don’t know. I feel like this season’s very catchy. We have great catch lines and phrases. Like season five, like, you got Aberdeen forcer and stuff. Like, he. He was a great tv per. Like, personality to me. Tony, great tv personality to me. Like, it’s. Yeah, like, it’s Angelie, Stephanie, Jacqueline, tv personal, great tv personalities. Like, I mean, I look at, like, the entertainment part of it because it’s just entertaining. And people, like, season nine doesn’t take jail seriously. Like, people don’t take their own fucking freedom seriously, so leave us alone.
Like, go. Like, how do you know we’re not taking it seriously? You’re not in there with us, you know, and I think I took it very seriously. I just, you know, had a little freak out. Is there anything that I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about in the jail? Any. Any questions that I should have asked because it would have led to, like, an interesting story? I don’t know, dude. I think we covered everything. I think we covered. Yeah, I think we covered it. I don’t know. Does you got any more questions? Okay.
Well, I actually, I got a little segment. It’s gonna break away from talking about 60 days and Jerry Springer and all this stuff. Actually, let me ask, what were you on Jerry Springer for? What episode was it? Oh, you guys can go watch judge Jerry Kelly Blue book. It’s called Kelly Blue Book. Judge Jerry Kelly Blue book. I’m telling you, that’s judge Jerry Kelly Blue book. Well, like the car. Yeah, because I’m. It’s like little pop at the top. I did. Because I like, said like a phrase or something. How real was the Jerry Springer show? Oh, that was all scripted.
Okay. Improv. I mean, that’s, you know, but. All right, yeah, I’ve got a little segment here, so we’ll break away in this. This will be fun. Then we’ll start to kind of like, recap a little bit. Okay. Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. Okay, these are the rules. I’m just going to mention a certain topic, and I want you to rate it on one to ten on how much up. You’re back. Uh, I want you to rate a certain topic on one to ten on how much you believe in this topic.
So, for example, if I say, like, bigfoot, how much do you believe in Bigfoot? On a scale from one to ten, where would you rate that one? What about the concept of a flat earth for? What about hollow earth for? How about that a human being has stepped foot on the moon in the last hundred years? I don’t know. An american forest? I don’t know. Six? It’s probably six or seven. What about the actual moon landing footage that people saw on tv in the late sixties? How accurate do you think that was? I think it was pretty accurate.
I would hope, like, ten. I think. How about the concept of ghosts? Like a victorian haunted house? Ten. Demons? Ten. I got angels just to square it off. What about dinosaurs? Ten. What about fire breathing, flying dragons? Okay, that’s negative one. I’m like, okay, anybody? Fine. That’s like a negative one. Like one. All right, how about the conspiracy theory that 911 was an inside job? I don’t know. One. I don’t know. I think people. I think that man just really messed up and did that. Those people were just. I don’t think the government had anything to do with that.
I would hope not. From the black side. I don’t know. What about celebrity clones? You know what I’m talking about when I say celebrity clones? Ten. All right, would you. Would you be covered calling out someone that you think is a good example of a celebrity clone. Jamie Foxx. Yeah. Well, yeah. He was literally in a movie about having a clone made out of him. Right. What about. Britney Spears is a clone? Yeah. Amanda Bonds is a clone? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. Ten. Well, what about, like, telepathy, like, extrasensory perception? Telepathy, the extra sensory five. What about AI gaining consciousness in the next ten years or even presently? Does that scare you? Is that a good thing or bad? AI scares me.
I hate artificial intelligence. It scares me. What’s. What scares you about it? It just scares me. Like, people can make your voice be fake. Like, oh, that sounds scarcity. Could. Could you turn your attitude on that around, or are you pretty terrified of it? I’m pretty terrified of AI. Like, I love it to write or, like. I don’t know. I just don’t like artificial intelligence. Like, I know we have to use some of it, but, like, I just don’t do, like, AI. I don’t know. It’s. It’s. It’s. I’m an eternal pessimist. So I think some of the silver lining of AI is that it makes.
If it makes people distrust the things that they see in here, I think that’s a good thing, and I don’t think it should have. It shouldn’t have taken all the way to get to AI for people to stop trusting what they’re seeing and hearing. I think they should have not trusted it in the 1880s. You know what I mean? Like, even before computers are out, I think that people should have been a little bit wary of the stuff that they were seeing. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah, I can see that. I can totally see that.
And then also, like, the jail experience, you said that season nine was, like, the only one that you would have survived then, or at least gotten as far in if you had. If Mike Smith ran for president, I will vote for him. Like, Mike Smith. Like, Sheriff Mike Smith. I would vote for him if he ran for president, because that’s how you. If you can run a jail that. Well, I almost had some little. I mean, he got his CEO’s together, you know, but that’s what. This is one of the best ran jails in America. It looks so soft.
It’s like. And it was like, oh, it’s so soft. It’s so soft. No, it’s just really ran well. It’s just. It just runs really well. It’s only. People want it to be dysfunctional so they can see all this extra drama, which is. And no one cares. Okay, so let me tell you something. Chicken has a really shitty fan base because no one watches the show. Like, no one really watches this show. Like, not. It’s not like no one. Like, I’ve heard anything. Probably used to watch it, but, like, nobody be watching checking in, and that’s, like, no one cares about, like, me and Scarlett’s beef and.
Or, like, that’s the same, like, and no one cares when he shits on the show. Like, no one really cared. I mean, he respond like, no fans really check in. Like, when we get on live, they have, like, what, three, four. I have, like, three people watch. He has, like, four or five. When they be talking about me, they have, like, five people. We watch it. Like, nobody really is checking in for the participants of 60 days in. You know, no one cares. People on Reddit care, but nobody really cares. Do you check the subreddit and read the comments there? Oh, they’re hilarious.
Yes, they’re hilarious. They’re hilarious. Yes. What are the other little avenues on the Internet where people are talking about six days that I might not know about? Twitter. Twitter is my favorite. I like Twitter. Is there, like, a certain hashtag or something? Just 60 days? Yeah. I always click on the hashtag, and they. I’m like, oh, my God. Leave us alone. Leave us alone. Then you get the new people who’s just now start watching. What the fuck is wrong with cordon? Like, oh, here we go. Got re explained myself. Yeah, that’s what I just learned. Learned.
Just, like, someone’s being born today. Like, someone’s game being born today that’s gonna watch my season and watch me. Like, what the the is wrong with him? Like, someone being born, he’s not gonna like me. You know? So it’s. You know, it’s. I mean, it’s tv. I mean, just. Just for the record, I told you this when we were hanging out in person, too. But just for the record, man, I I don’t. I’d never, like, looked down on you leaving early or, like, this guy’s an asshole or you’re just acting up. I was looking at it like, this is a person that shouldn’t be in jail.
This is the exact reaction that I would expect from someone that shouldn’t be in jail. And not just you mentioned the oversharing, but also that you grew up and, like, you like the outdoors and you like being outside. So, like, what the hell did you talk? I love mountains. I love mountains. So did you get to see out the outside at any point while you’re in jail, though? No, we can just look up in the sky in the courtyard. But, like, we weren’t able. No. So you could have been anywhere as far as environment was concerned then? Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. But that’s, like I said, if this was, like, if I was in Atlanta or something like that, I would have, like, tapped out so quick and fast and fucking hurry. Like, I would have been like, the Jacob Knight. Like, Jake. Like, Jacob. Like, he tapped out, like 90 minutes. I mean, I’m, like, only white boy, too, and I know what the hell I was getting. They knew what they were doing. They casted him. He knew what they were doing. I don’t know, but I feel like casting has gotten much better because you’re not looking for, like, those macho type of dudes.
They want people with personality. Nina has personality. Ab has great commentary. Well, was funny. Like, Dan was great. Like, everybody’s amazing. I love them all. Like, besides two, do you have a number one out of all the different character? Not, and I don’t mean, like, how much you like them as a person, but I mean, like, the character on the show. Do you have a favorite character from season nine? Nina’s my favorite character. I love Nina. I love her. I love. Yes. Nina’s my favorite character. Like, she’s, like, one of my favorite characters. She brought something totally different to the show.
She brought something. She, like, she, like, the fur coat staple. And that’s controversial. She’s controversial. She’s very controversial, and I love her for that. She was the one that ends up sweet talking the guard that everyone, they kind of cast him as, like, the ultimate villain guard. They just cause nothing but problems. And did you have any interactions with him directly? Yeah, he was nice. Like, that’s how I was so shocked to see him. No, he nailed her guy, right? He’s the one that you have the nail. I was so shocked. Chosen warned me about him, that he may be strict, but, yeah.
Like, the only time he told me was like, he was like, don’t put your arms up there. I was like, oh, I’m sorry, because I know how to follow rules, okay? I know how to. If you. If someone gives, you got to earn your respect in that type of environment, you know? And he. I just kind of earned his respect. He was, like, cool. Like, he used. He used to give me my pin number. He. He didn’t have anything. Like, he gave me, like, he was like, like, even chosen asking for me, like, a bin to put my stuff in, and he was like, oh, you gonna need this.
Like, I was pretty shocked that, you know, he acted like that towards, you know, even seeing him, like, say, you guys didn’t move fast enough. I’m like, okay, like, with the food tray. See, if I was a participant, and he told me, like, I’m sorry, I would have. That would have been a whole scene. I would have threw it at him. Like, I’m sorry. Like, just for tv, for shits and giggles. Like, okay, you eat it then. You know, but the whole food tray with this fish. Like, you eat, like, but my experience with him wasn’t, like, I don’t know.
It wasn’t. I really didn’t give a damn about him. I didn’t give a damn about any of those. The only CEO I don’t fucking like is the one who kicked me out of jail. My boss said, you gotta go buy boss? Yeah, you gotta go. Like, he’s weird. If you actually threw a tray at Smith or any other CEO, how. How likely is it that you would have caught, like, a real charge and now you’re really in jail? Not likely. No, not. Not at all. Like, what about getting into a fight? Do you think if you, like, got into a fight and punched somebody, I really slapped somebody.
Okay. Angelique literally threw fists with the freaking inmate. Okay. And then people got up scot free. Okay. Was the production ever tell you that you would be in danger of getting real time if you did something like that? Got into, like, a physical altercation they probably did in the hotel room, would have been in the paper that you just signed. Yeah, I don’t read. I’m just on 60 days in. I’m on my favorite show, so I don’t give a damn about the roles. I’m like, I’m here. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I want to wrap this up a little bit, because it’s been an hour and a half, and I think that I got through all the different questions and stuff, and if I.
If I didn’t leave anything on the. On the table here, then, yeah. Tell people again where they can find you and all the different shows, and you got something on Peacock. You can’t tell us the name, but you can probably tell us where to look for it and when. Yeah, so I am going to be on a Peacock tv series, I think I picked up. Yeah, Peacock tv series competition, paranormal type of type of show. But, yeah, that’s it. And then my instagram is. And that’s the same on TikTok, too. But, yeah, I definitely stay tuned.
You guys definitely see another side of me, a fun side, a funner side. Because I’m very fun character. Like, I hate that people kind of saw me at my lowest, you know, as they try to make it seem at my vulnerable moments. But I don’t know, at my lowest moments, but, like, you guys don’t seem like a per. I actually do have a personality because I think I did the biggest 180 in 60 days in history. I went from, okay, you know, from the first episode to episode five. I’m like, oh, yeah, I can see why people think I’m crazy.
I could totally see. But again, I had no business going on this show. And after people. After people see your new series that’s coming out, are they gonna think you’re more crazy or less crazy? Less? Because, oh, and that’s the thing. I got beef with some people on that show too. It’s just like, it’s like, is it you? Are you the problem? No, I’m the hero. No, it must be the kids. No, I think I’m. I think I just make a great. I don’t know. I think I am private problem. But there might be a chance.
I mean, but no, no, in that situation, I’m not because I got saved, but I can’t tell the show. But, like. And that I’m. I have a hero arc in that show. That’s why they’re like, why did you go do 60 days in? Like, why? You know, I’m a hero arc in that show. So I will wait for that one to come out. And then after that one has aired, maybe about it, you know, very paranormal. And that’s what I’m saying. I would love to. That when you come back, I’m going to. I’m going to even see you.
Yeah, I got you. Yeah. All right, well, so look out for that one. Anyone listening or anyone watching, we’ll have Corey back on again and talk about, no, no, it’s not live. Oh, that’s so cool. So I’m excited, man. Thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me. It was awesome hanging out with you in person. It was awesome doing a little interview. That was great. Thank you. I appreciate it. You’re very good. Good guy. And I love your content. Spread the word with propaganda packs all for just $40 shipped at paranoidamerican comic. Paranoid propaganda packs.
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