Top 10 Conspiracy Themed Graphic Novels

Spread the Truth



➡ Paranoid Pages is a platform that explores the world of underground comics, rare magazines, and other media. The author recently attended a convention in South Florida and has reached 5,000 followers. They also promote a mixtape of conspiracy-minded musicians and have released two albums of their own. They are excited about the upcoming release of the second issue of their comic, “Chosen One”, which features cameos from various podcasters and is about three podcasters who gain supernatural abilities from a creature.
➡ The text discusses the author’s interest in various comic books, particularly those with historical fiction narratives and indie comics. The author appreciates the work of Daniel Moeller and Jason Ciacia, who create comics with unique themes like occult research and government programs. The author also mentions a comic called “Titan and Alternate History” that explores the idea of knowledge transfer between generations. Lastly, the author praises “Mind Management” for its depiction of mind control and “The Invisibles” as their all-time favorite comic.
➡ The author shares his love for a comic series called Vertigo, which combines elements of superheroes, the supernatural, and the occult. He also talks about his experience at a convention where he sold various books and comics, with his American Cryptids coloring book being the most popular item. He learned a lot from this experience, such as the importance of displaying items at eye level. He also mentions other comics he enjoys, like the 27 Club, which explores the phenomenon of famous musicians dying at age 27, and Lives of Great Occultists, which provides illustrated histories of famous alchemists.
➡ The text discusses various comic books and graphic novels, each with different themes and styles. Some of these books include historical overviews, political commentaries, and conspiracy theories. The author recommends several of these books based on their content and art style, and also discusses the concept of thrill oxide, a substance that supposedly allows one to absorb the energy or memories of a consumed living being.
➡ The text discusses a detective who can relive a victim’s final moments by eating a part of them, helping him solve crimes. This ability, however, puts him in danger as he can uncover truths that powerful people want hidden. The text also mentions a comic where knowledge is transferred from the oldest to the youngest in a family, allowing them to control the world. Lastly, the author shares about receiving various items from fans, including an Animaniacs hat, an alpaca handkerchief, and a Freemasonic coin.
➡ The speaker is discussing a mysterious object they found, comparing it to a children’s toy and master masonry, and asking for more information about it. They also promote their music and that of their friends, available on various platforms, and encourage support for all artists. They mention their struggle with multitasking and their need for a producer. Lastly, they announce upcoming comic releases, including a series called “Illuminati” and a big release on a site called “Chosen One”, which also has a promotional song.


Welcome to paranoid pages, your portal to the thought provoking world of underground comics. Out of print, magazines and other rare media, we’ll discover hidden gems up close and in detail to capture the magic of pictures and words combined. So gather around, friends. This is paranoid pages. Hey, there we go. We are kind of back. For anyone that doesn’t know, I just got back from doing a convention in South Florida.

Here’s the table that I had up. It just said conspiracies for sale. I didn’t have a banner because I forgot it. Out of all the things I brought, I forgot it. But it was a good experience. This was actually my first convention ever in person, long overdue. And I had a whole bunch of stuff. These are the only two pictures that I got to show right now, but that was a huge thing.

I’ll talk a little bit more about that as I kind of explain some of the other stuff that I got going on here. And then also we just hit 5000, like literally right before this show started. So appreciate everyone you can see. I started in maybe like late January with this show, so it’s been going pretty well and I expect to have a lot more content for you guys coming up soon that you’re going to be really excited about.

Some of that is right here on this table. So I’m just going to go from right to left before we get started, this tinfoil trap mixtape. If you haven’t already checked this out, you can just go to tinfoiltrap. com and it’s got a whole bunch of different artists music on there, all free. Can stream it, you can download it, do whatever you want with it, highly recommend it.

It’s all sort of a small little inner circle of different conspiracy minded musicians. And if you want to get your music featured on this too, it’s completely open for everybody. So anyone that wants to submit music and have it featured on the site, just contact me, let me know through and go to the contact form on paranoidamerican. com. And I’m putting these little flyers out into all my different comic book sales and I know Juan’s got a whole stack of these.

The goal is that essentially anyone that is listed on this site and has their music on the site, they’ll get a little stack of these. So anything they do, any shows they go to, they can pass them out. So just a really good way for everyone to kind of like help cross promote each other, which I think we need a lot more of. So tinfoiltrap. com and then if you like some of that music I’ve got even more.

And if you guys don’t know, some of my history is before I even got into comics, I was doing music. So I’ve got music that was on Adult swim, Cartoon Network, VH one, MTV, just a whole bunch of different spots. I don’t do it as much anymore outside of just straight up therapy. And part of that therapy over the last year or so has turned into a bunch of these different songs.

Like the hole in JFK’s head. Probably my favorite one out of all these body bags is a really good one. It’s about the Jonestown massacre. Got that DMT, like Renee Descartes. That’s an inside joke. Onto an occult book club review got creeping with Bill Clinton. Anyways, just go and check some of this out. If you just go onto any of the major platforms and search for sound scientists.

There’s two albums that I released recently. One’s called cult classics and one’s called Clinton’s greatest hits. And then, yeah, there’s a QR code. But yeah, Spotify, iTunes, anywhere that you get music, you can find some of this stuff. And then finally, the main event this Friday, we’re going to be releasing chosen one, issue two. So if you go to chosenwan. com and I’ll zoom into this one, chosen one.

com is going to have the campaign that will forward right to the Kickstarter. And this is a really big issue. It’s got some cameos from XG, Sam and Johnny from Tinfoil Hat. It’s got Mark Steves in it from my family thinks I’m crazy. It’s got a cameo from freaking Alex Stein. Primetime 99. Very controversial character. He’s actually been part of this comic since before his huge blow up.

So he’s like a super OG inside the chosen one universe. And then here’s a little teaser that in issue three is going to feature Gordo from those conspiracy guys. And this has also been in the work for like over a year. So this is all coming. This is really exciting one for me. And then if you don’t even know what the hell I’m talking about, this is the chosen wand comic.

It’s an ongoing series. We released issue one last year. We’re releasing issue two on this Friday, essentially, and it’s about three podcasters that get supernatural abilities accidentally from this huge mechabaraxis creature, which has an entire wild backstory that I’m not going to give away any of the real interesting parts. You’re going to have to pick it out. And this is a super cheap comic. When I do a reprint, these are going to be way more expensive.

But right now it’s only $3. I had to do that because I was trying to put it in some local comic shops. And to compete, and long story short, we basically had to make these break even costs. So once I get rid of all these, the next printings will probably go up to six. So anyways, chosen one, you don’t know who the hell Juan is. He helped me write this homunculus owner’s manual.

He was the main researcher. If you guys go and look at Homunculus, the topic seems to be blowing up now because Kat Williams, I guess, was on the Joe Rogan and he talked about it. And now all of a sudden, there’s all this extra traffic in the homunculus verse. And if you go and look, there’s like a nine hour video, I think, from mine unveiled about the homunculus, which is getting a lot of traction.

But if you watch the first few seconds or minutes of that video, the very bottom, they give a shout out to Juan. Because Juan, as far as I know, is the world’s leading homunculogist. There’s a lot of people that have been trying to come for his crown. But I think that if you put Juan toe to toe with any other person trying to claim that they know about the homunculus, he’ll come out on top every time.

And the biggest criticism is that, oh, well, he hasn’t actually created a homunculus. Well, you guys have no idea what Juan’s been up to in Florida. I do, and he has been creating homunculuses. Homunculi. But I’m not allowed to talk about that anymore. We’re actually here to talk about conspiracy themed graphic novels. And these are going to be in absolutely no order, specifically. These aren’t like best to worst or anything like that.

And these are also just ones that I personally have to own. Since this is paranoid pages, I want to flip some actual pages here with you guys. So this doesn’t have some of my absolute favorites. For example, from hell is a really good one about Jack the Ripper and freemasons. And if I get my hands on a print copy of that one, you can be sure as hell that I’ll cover it with you guys.

So I’ve got a whole little stack of kind of well known ones, and then I’m going to go over some lesser known ones. And this is not going to be like reading these comics end to end a couple of little previews, a little blurb about why it’s interesting, because I’ve got a lot more. We can go through these. So the first one is Rex Monday, guardian of the temple.

This is the beginning of the series. And in like a really short summary, it’s about maybe like p two lodge esque storylines. So, for example, there’s a violent mafia undertone. There’s an undertone of, like, pimps and johns. And this is all happening within the confines of either the Vatican or in various places in France. And it’s kind of about these secret catholic secret societies and all the different crimes that they’re involved, know, murder and just anything you can consider.

And I’ll just show a couple of these pages. The artwork is really phenomenal. It’s really dark. Visually, it’s dark, but the printing in the physical book actually looks really good. Sometimes things are a little too dark or they get washed out. And it’s probably for adults because there is a couple scenes specifically in the very first issue that gets a little bit wild. And I think I put a little sticky note over it.

But you can see this is kind of how the book starts, or towards the end is that they’re discovering these occult scenes where people have been unalived and with things kind of like carved into the walls. And then it keeps going on into the mafia background aspect of it. And then it goes into the secret society aspects of it. There’s no superheroes here. There’s no spandex. I am a little bit biased where I don’t really get into superhero comics as much.

There’s a few that I find interesting. Lobo, Deadpool, a few like low hanging fruit. But overall, I really love this historical fiction narratives. So I’m not going to browse too much through this because I don’t want to pop up on an image that’ll get me taken down immediately. And then this one, maybe not on the exact list, but I just want to give a shout out to Daniel Mohler.

He’s got this psychonaut presents comic. He’s got a whole bunch of different comics. But I love this. I mean, look at that one right there, just as passing through, right? We’ve got like the sephiroth in this dude’s head in this really cool color panel. But he’s another kind of like, self produced, self made indie comic artist. Well worth checking out if you like to support indie comic artists that are sort of doing this really interesting occult research and present in that form.

So, yeah, shout out Daniel Moeller. Really, really cool book. Here is one that isn’t even in print anymore, so I don’t even remember where I got this. I’m pretty sure it was from a friend that had actually gone to a Comic con in New York and NYCC and walked by this guy with a table and he was, you know, my paranoid’s got to have this. Or he knew me as Lex.

Long story there. But he goes, oh, Lex needs to have this. And man, I am so glad that he did, because not only is this nearly impossible to find, but this is the only really in detailed Mkultra comic book that I’ve ever found outside of the stuff that I was working on. There’s been a few that reference project monarch and they reference Mkultra, but I wasn’t aware, still not aware of many that actually say, here’s the government program MkUltra, here’s illustrated versions of all of it.

So here’s a really cool book. Interestingly enough, I have to point this out. The creator’s last name has the word CIa in it twice. CIA, CIA. So take that for what you will. It’s hard to not see once you’ve seen it, but maybe it’s just a funny little coincidence. I really love the style too. It’s got this underground comic kind of feel, but this is just a breakdown of the MkUltra program, and they kind of hyper focus a little bit on all the different ways that the CIA was trying to take out Fidel Castro.

From putting thallium in his boots, I think, to make his beard hairs fall out so he would look feminine. They tried putting LSD in his drink so that when he went and talked to the nation, he would look like he was incoherent and lose support. They had all sorts of really weird and kooky ideas. And this is Sidney Gottlieb, who’s also a character in one of my upcoming books.

But this is a hilarious sort of representation of Sidney Gottlieb. There’s the dirty trickster, the black magician. These are his actual nicknames within the CIA. So this is a really cool book. Highly recommended if you can get a copy. I don’t think you can just grab it off like Amazon or anything. You might have to go on eBay or get it used, but it’s the only and one of the better Mkultra specific books I’ve ever come across.

And the guy kept working, Jason Ciacia, which is how I’m going to pronounce his name. He also has a book series called killing Castro. And I noticed recently that there’s even a volume two, which I haven’t seen. I didn’t even know it was out. And killing Castro sort of expands on a lot of the MkUltra Castro assassination plots that it covers, but this one is quite obviously more specific.

All the just Castro, and it’s still got Sidney Gottlieb in it, so it almost feels like a volume two of sinister truth. But for whatever reason, I’m assuming the killing Castro did better, or as well, since that’s the only one that got continued. And I think you can still get this one. I’ve got a link to it in the description, I think. So these are probably, like, these are on my top ten.

If I could combine these into one. Right. If we just say all the comics from Jason’s CIA. CIA, then that’s definitely on my top ten list. These guys combined, without question. All right, here’s another one that is really impossible to find. I’m pretty sure I backed this when I first started doing comics in 2010 or something. Maybe 2008. I guess I can open it up and look and see when it was published.

This is 2011, so the book is called Titan and alternate history, and it’s a little bit of a spoiler alert. I’m not going to flip the whole thing because there are some violent scenes in here, but the premise of this book is really interesting because it basically says that what if all these titans, right? Like, let’s look at the Rockefeller family. I think they actually mentioned the Rockefeller directly in this book.

But what if the Rockefeller family had a way that when the eldest in the family, the patriarch, right before he dies, there’s a way that he can transfer his knowledge into the next person born in the family through magic, through technology. I’m going to see if I can open a couple of pages that are not too bad. The art style is really cool. I really like it. It’s got, like a painterly, watercolored sort of look to it.

This is how the whole book looks. But the idea is that when you realize the patriarch is getting old enough, they can literally pass on all that knowledge and retain it? Presumably when the next baby is born, they actually have all the knowledge that the patriarch originally had. And this is how all these titans of industry were able to rise up. It wasn’t just because, right place, right time.

Good luck. I mean, there’s some aspect of that, but it was that they were literally being able to transfer their knowledge between generations, and that having that huge extra start, that’s what really gives them this ability to sort of take over industry, and it goes in and out of like a black and white and this color look, but I like how they do it. All right, I don’t want to test my luck here because there are some graphic scenes in this one.

Again, highly recommended. I don’t even know if you can find it. I couldn’t find a link to purchase it, but Titan and an alternate history. Great book. All right, here’s one that gets a little bit more mainstream, but well worth a mention. And mainstream might be the wrong word, but this one’s got pretty damn popular. Lots of rereleases, all sorts of special releases, little side plots that have spawned off of it.

It’s called mind management by Matt Kent. I believe that’s how you pronounce his name. I’ve talked to him a few times, so hopefully I didn’t butcher it. And this is just volume one, called the manager. It’s a pretty thick one, to be honest. And it is in all color. And I love this style that this one’s in because it’s almost like loose concept art. Reminds me of storyboarding when I was at Disney.

This is the level of detail that you would usually see when a big concept plan was getting drawn out before it goes on to the rest of the art process. But why not have an entire comic at this level of detail? In fact, I think it works great and you get a lot more story. Not that anything’s getting skipped here, but just the ability to be a little bit looser with the pencils and the artwork just means that there’s so much more story that can fit in here.

And shout out to the homie donut, we’ve got a dolphin illuminati up here in the book of mind management, which is kind of a much more fictionalized version of Mkultra and maybe project monarch sort of programming, where my management, it’s like an institution that’s kind of been created around the process of programming people. So this is a really good one. Highly recommended. And like I said, it’s kind of like a mainstream ish version of this New York Times bestseller.

And the author here has worked on a lot of different really good projects. So I really love this whole series. I haven’t read beyond volume one just because time crunches, but this is one of my favorites. So top ten, especially if you like conspiratorial stuff. Especially if you like mind control stuff. Mind management. All right, here’s my all time number one comic, at least now and it has been for the last few decades, but the Invisibles is next level.

I can’t wait for a movie or a series to come out and butcher it. Nothing will ever match the comic itself. It’s better than the boys. It’s better than anything Marvel has ever put out. And it gives me a little soft spot for DC, even though I’m not a super DC person. Definitely not. I think Lobo is the only real DC property I love. And I guess Vertigo is a DC imprint.

So some of my love towards vertico definitely blinds me towards all the other downfalls of DC. But this is seriously the best comic series that I could ever recommend to anyone. Although I already think that it might not be everybody’s cup of tea. It’s a little bit superhero, a little bit supernatural, lot of occult. They have the talking head of John the Baptist as, like, this prophetic guide to them, which was a huge inspiration as, like, a little side nod.

In my Black Mass Pizza series, we’ve got a character that kind of reflects some of that, but the book is just beyond reproach. I think Grant Morrison was master still kind of is. I would fanboy over Grant Morrison for sure. But the book itself, it gets into, like, 1960s psychedelia, time travel, straight up conspiracy theories that talk about Opus day and freemasons, and it’s everything that you could possibly want in a paranoid american comic, only done probably better and much earlier.

But, yeah, I really can’t hype up this entire invisible series enough. Maybe I’ll even go into detail and do, like, a little series on it. And just to answer some of you guys. Yeah, the convention went well, so the table. And I’ll show you my picture again. The table that I had set up was packed. I’ve got all these different books and comics and toys and things kind of like, covering it up.

So I need to figure out the logistics. I can’t quite afford two tables for the next one, but overall, the table and travel and everything cost around $300 or so. The table and the electric, I think, was like 200. And then the rest of the travel stuff was about 100. And then I sold about $320 worth of stuff. So maybe I came out 20 ahead. It was really slow.

I think there was maybe 400 total people that came through the entire convention. But the people that were attracted to the table, it was like, one of two people that I noticed right off the bat. Either they were super into the american cryptids coloring book, and I had some little cutesy cryptid sticker sheets that I ended up putting out next to it, and people were really gravitated towards that, which isn’t too much of a surprise, because that damn american cryptids coloring book is my number one seller by far.

It outsells everything else you see on this table, like ten to one, even combined. So for whatever reason, that coloring book is like a huge hit. So I had a lot of all ages people that would gravitate towards that, and then maybe some that saw the more naughty stuff that was on the side and got turned away. So I don’t know if I need to separate a little bit more or I’m not 100% sure what to do about that aspect of it yet.

And then the other one is that people really love the hardcore, either adult or horror stuff. So people love the Illuminati series, which isn’t actually out yet. This was a test run at a convention only. And the frazzle drip funhouse comic, which the people that knew what the word frazzle drip meant, every single person seemed to buy the comic that knew what it meant. But there was a lot of people too, that saw.

I’m not even going to say the word, but the thrill oxide bag, which is just a bunch of stickers and it’s got like some novelty iv bags and keychains and a bunch of stuff in there. But a lot of people asked me if that little thrill oxide bag was coffee. Few people thought it was an energy drink. A lot of people just straight up asked me, hey, what does thrill oxide mean? And I just said, oh, it’s like a chemical in your body that makes you go crazy when you’re under stress because the middle of a convention floor where you’re trying to attract people to buy some of the stuff, might not be the best place in the world to break down what thrill oxide is at a deep level.

So a lot of people loved everything that they saw that stopped. I don’t know if the prices were prohibitive or what, but always going to get bigger and better. This was a huge learning experience. I basically broke even, and I’m ready to do more of these and shout out to the secret society of good guys, Layla Cheney, Abby Gordy, they were all huge supporters. And at the very end, Chaney came in super clutch and suggested these little table risers.

And I don’t know if you can see in this picture, but on the right side of this table, my table is about like, maybe almost a foot higher than the tables on the right and left. And that’s because she suggested I go get these risers. And, man, it made a huge difference. There was actually people that stopped just to comment. Oh, wow, I like that all this stuff is at eye level, which is exactly what she told me.

So pro tip and shout out to Cheney. So, yeah, the convention went well. I’m going to do lots more. This is, again, the first convention that I ever did, which is super long overdue, because look at all this crap, right? Look at all these different books and items. There was a lot of people there that had made, like, two or three comics, and that’s all they were selling.

And that might have even been beneficial, but because I know a lot of people were overwhelmed by all the stuff on this table and even more, and I swear, I really don’t think I’m looking into this, but there was like a visual difference. When someone would walk by, they’d see, oh, there’s a bunch of cool toys and comics and stuff here. And then you would see their eyes drift down as they read across the top conspiracies for sale.

And I could visually see some people just change their mind, avert their gaze, and briskly walk past without making eye contact, whereas it almost seemed like they were interested to come and look. So anyways, those were my learnings from the convention experience. I’ll keep doing more. This is a graphic novel that I think is like a really interesting concept. The only reason I even know about this is because I was going to do a comic called the 27 Club about exactly what this is.

And if you’re not familiar, 27 Club is basically the age which a lot of famous musicians end up dying really early. And there’s all different theories. Maybe it’s like a numerical code in reality. Maybe it’s some sort of like a sacrifice ritual. Maybe it’s some other interesting thing that I don’t know about, which I was going to put into a big comic. But I was doing some research to make sure that someone hadn’t already done a 27 club comic, and I found this one, which was actually really good.

I got a little signed edition here and good on them. Selling over 500 copies of anything. I assume that they sold out of all thousand. That’s no small feat. I don’t know why it says for Heather. I might have bought in this second hand, I’m not sure. But yeah, the 27 Club is a really cool comic. It jumps between different styles because it’s a huge anthology, a bunch of different people that worked on it, but it just kind of approaches the entire aspect of the 27 club through the form of comics, which is, I don’t know if I can put it in my top ten of comics.

I need to be a little bit reserved about that, since I’ve already taken up a couple of slots between invisibles and sinister truth. But yeah, this 27 club comic anthology, this is the Rock hard edition. Highly recommended. I think it’s really cool thing, especially if you like the 27 club topic. All right, here’s another one that is maybe not top ten. It’s not even necessarily a comic book per se, or graphic novel, but I’m going to throw it in because it is so damn cool and such a niche that I think a lot of people would like.

Here, lives of great occultists Kevin Jackson and Hunt Emerson. And what this is is an illustrated index of every major alchemist that most people are somewhat familiar with. Right? John D. Roger Bacon, Nicholas Flamel, Faust, Michael Scott, mother Shipton, Parakelsis, Salini, Agrippa Bruno, like every single. He’s even got freaking William Blake in here. Madame Blavatsky, Levi Yeets. There’s so many people. All these different Crowley entries. It’s got young in here.

And it’s not just like a little sketch, like it’s legitimately like comics, but they kind of break down some of the historical tales behind some of this. Thomas, Harriet, let’s see, we got some good ones here. Tarenthius here. I want to look at William Blake, poet, right in his own lifetime. Poor, hardworking, almost unknown, today, world famous. What a constant tale. Right? At the age of ten, he went for a long walk to Peckham where he saw a tree crammed with angels, shining brilliantly like stars.

Shortly after, he was apprentice as an engraver. So you can see they’re just like little quick historical overviews. And, oh, man, we got the little masonic God here. Years later, Blake used the memory of this ghost for his famous picture, ancient of days. Talking about ghosts. Here, let me cover up some of the. So, yeah, this 1 may be for adults as well, or at least someone that can handle it.

Here’s a really cool Blavatsky series. So the second that I saw this existing, I had to get it immediately. So, yeah, this one is definitely highly recommended. I don’t know if I have like a rate. I need to come up with like a rating system or something. But I’d say this is like a seven out of ten out of. If you look at this and you see like, oh, that looks interesting.

That actually looks like something I would like. I’d give it like an eight out of ten. You should probably go and grab a copy, maybe like a used one. Here’s another one. This is a little bit dated. Now, this was a lot more popular during the Bush presidency, or maybe like, immediately following the Bush presidency. This is another anthology book by a bunch of different artists called the Bush Junta.

And it’s all black and white, and you can see a bunch of different styles and little subplots, but it’s essentially all about the Bush wars, the Bush family itself, Halliburton. It’s got condoleeza Rice stories, Dick Cheney stories. It’s maybe a little bit less of a comic book in some mean. These ones, obviously, is like, straight, know, Sunday funnies. But then there’s also some sections, know, there’s some bookie ready kind of stuff going on, maybe more than you would expect from, like, a typical graphic novel, almost like a magazine format.

But it’s really interesting. I mean, we got Darth Vader and Rumsfeld decaying away, and there’s a little guy doing something that he probably shouldn’t be doing on YouTube. So we’ll change a page there. But this one I really like. I love this kind of style. I know this is maybe not everyone’s favorite, but I’d love just, like, all hand done art and lettering and everything. So Bush junta is really good one.

It’s a little bit schizophrenic in nature, which I kind of like. Like schizophrenic in a good way. And here’s another one that’s a little bit dated. And this is also a regular book. And there’s also, I think, a documentary called Clinton Cash. So this is, like, the Clinton cash graphic novel, which is ancillary to everything else, like, all the videos that have been made. And it was created in part by Chuck Dixon here, who is now, I think, in ripaverse, which is, like, its whole little.

But. And I actually got this before I necessarily knew who Chuck Dixon was by name. I had read many of his different books. I’ve actually found some recently that was like, oh, man, this is one of my favorite comics growing up. I wonder who the artist was, because I never paid attention to that kind of thing. And Chuck Dixon was, like, two or three of them. So, yeah, shout out, Chuck Dixon.

No idea who I am, but I know who you are, and you’re awesome. Or at least the comics you’re making are awesome. This is an entire comic, a legit comic book about the Clintons and all the money laundering and the way that they have infiltrated Haiti, how they’ve infiltrated education system, philanthropy. If you want to understand the nitty gritty details, or at least at a surface level or maybe beyond surface level of the real corruption of the Clintons, beyond just the memes and beyond the beef getting thrown into the van and all the thrill oxide stuff, that’s all interesting too, and worthy of introspection.

But if you want to understand the whole whitewater scandal and all the different real estate dealings and everything, like all the actual corruption that’s completely removed from the supernatural stuff, right? You get rid of all the Satan worship and the black magic rituals and the spirit cooking and all of that. This kind of leaves you with what Clinton cash kind of goes over. So it’s obviously incredibly biased.

You know what I mean? The people that work on it, the topic. But this is one of the better political comic books in existence. So I have no idea how we’re going to scale this thing. But let’s say that you are really big into Clinton conspiracies and you also like comic books. This is a ten out of ten. There’s no way you shouldn’t already have this Clinton cash graphic novel.

I think I got a link for it down below. And yeah, shout out to my sheree for posting Chuck Dixon’s page, the YouTube, in the comments here. Here’s another one. It’s called Alistair and Adolf, which I don’t even know, I guess. Yeah, let’s experiment. Let’s see what we can turn. So we got the little Thalema symbol in here, and this is all about Alastair Crowley kind of fighting against Adolf.

It almost pitches him as a white magician. Like a white wizard fighting mean. It’s really hard to simplify it quickly without going through the entire thing. But the art style, the topic, the content, if this interests you just from the name, it is good. This is legitimately a great comic. I love the art style. I love the pacing. It’s not too wordy, like legitimately a good comic. I don’t want to get too much in detail just because there’s symbols that they’ll block in Germany and I’m sure everywhere else.

But yeah, Alistair and Adolf. Really great four by Grant Morrison. It’s a dark horse. And then I guess I’m just going to keep showing. This is another one of my absolute favorites, another Grant Morrison, of course. It’s called the filth, and this one is really hard to explain too, but it’s essentially finding out that everything you knew was a complete lie. You’ve been living in an illusion a constructed reality, trying to break out of it, trying to tell other people about it.

This is probably going to be worth its own series as well, or at least like a little short full episode just about the filth, maybe just like a top Grant Morrison books, but I absolutely love the filth. I actually think this is better than the boys. It’s on par with the Invisibles. It’s its own thing. So, yeah, the filth. Highly recommended. I’m not going to get too far into that one because I don’t want to press my luck with some of the imagery in it.

All right, here’s a really interesting one. So this is called the Red Diaries. This is another compilation of standalone comics, different black and white ones that got compiled together. It’s all about various aspects of the Kennedy family. So, like JFK, I think there’s, like, RFK section towards the end. There’s a lot about Marilyn Monroe, obviously, she’s right there on the COVID So I don’t know of a lot of other really good comics that address specifically the JFK assassination in depth.

Now, this one is highly fictionalized. It’s not necessarily just repeating facts and kind of conveying information. There’s like a straight up narrative here, a lot of assumptions about different fictionalized characters and conversations that were had. So it’s definitely more on the fiction side of historical fiction. But again, the content matter here. If you’re here and you like conspiracy theories and you like comics, this is sort of like a must read.

I don’t know if you need to own the whole thing. I mean, I really like it. I really like it. I don’t know if it’s in my top ten, but if you are a conspiracy theorist who likes comics, it kind of has to be in the collection. Or at least that’s how I felt when I originally copped this. And I also have all the floppies somewhere, too, but trades are so much more convenient.

So I’m a huge sucker for trades. All right, this one is a little bit, I don’t know, less conspiratorial, but I swear I can get us there. So this is a series that has been out for a really long time now, probably over a decade, called Chew. And the reason why it’s even being brought up here on this show about conspiratorial comics and graphic novels is that there’s this interesting concept, man, that I’ve been coming around to.

So my whole research into this substance, which I shall not name, that I call thrill oxide. And if you just search thrill oxide online, you’ll probably find some of my other videos that tell you what that actually is. But the concept of thrill oxide is that you can eat a part of another living being and somehow get their spirit or their energy, maybe their memories. In the case of the flatworm experiment kind of style, there’s also, I mean, if you believe in Bach, if you believe in any of these older fertility, right, cults where they would consume living animals and other things of living nature, then there was this expectation that whatever was going on in that living animal would then become part of you vampires.

Anything else that you want to get into. Spirit cooking is pretty high on that list, so just try to read between the lines a little bit. But spirit cooking elevated to a forensic crime investigation. So this is a detective, and the way that he can kind of research things is that anything he eats, he sort of goes on this time travel backwards. It’s almost like one of those age regressions where someone will go and see a psychic and be like, what was I in my past life? Well, this guy can go to a crime scene and eat one of the victims.

If he takes a bite out of one of the victims, the trauma that is imposed, and I can flip through this one because it’s goofy and gory. In order to investigate a crime, he’ll go to the crime scene, he’ll take a bite out of the victim, and then relive that victim’s final moments. And through reliving those final moments, he can see exactly who killed the person, how they did it, get everything that he would need to know.

Now, this causes some issues because he can kind of objectively tell what really happened at a crime scene. So some of the more powerful people in the world, they’ve caused crimes and done cover ups and frames to make it look something other than what it was. And now that there’s people out there that are able to see what the actual truth is, now all of a sudden, he kind of becomes under heat because he could potentially convict somebody or at least lead him towards somebody that thought they had covered a crime up.

So it’s a really interesting, it’s a really fun read, but the whole topic about a cannibalistic police officer that eats part of you in order to gain some of your memories overlays so damn well on a lot of this, like, spirit cooking and thrill oxide related research, because it really is so damn similar to this idea that if you were to eat somebody, you get some of their memories again, the Flatworth research project, which is based on memes, the memetic sort of memory, lamarckian evolution, I guess, where, like, genetic memory is somehow inherited directly, where you don’t actually have to teach or learn anything.

You can just go through some sort of a biological or chemical process and inherit that knowledge. It’s a wild concept that I’m becoming more and more interested in every day because there’s so many different links to it. I don’t necessarily give it any credit. I don’t think that any of that’s true. It’s very similar to that titan comic that I was talking about earlier. If you came in a little bit late.

The Titan comic was this one here called Titan and alternate history. And in a similar vein, instead of eating someone to get their knowledge in Titan, certain families, like Rockefellers, found some sort of technology or some supernatural way to transfer knowledge from the oldest in the generation to the youngest in the generation, which allows them to basically control the world. And then, let’s see. I also wanted to do a quick shout out, because this is long overdue.

A bunch of people have been sending stuff into me at my Po box, and I didn’t necessarily even ask for that, but I guess I’ll post it eventually. If anyone else wants to send stuff. Someone was like, hey, I’ve got this animaniacs hat that also looks like. It’s like freemasonic square encompass. Do you want it? It’s like, yeah, sure. Hell yeah, I want it. So this is the hat that they sent in.

I’m not going to mention any names just because I didn’t ask if I could shout them out by name on here. But you know who you are. I appreciate you. I’ll shout you out on the next one, if that’s okay. But it’s interesting, animaniacs hat. And I kind of see the square encompass aspect of it. Right. Obviously this is the square on the bottom, and then their arms are matching up here.

And you even have the Animaniacs, the way that it’s curved down here. So I kind of see it. Like, you don’t have to squint to see it. So I appreciate that you might catch me in a show wearing this at some point. So, yeah, the animaniacs Freemason hat. I didn’t even know this existed, and now I do. And then they also sent this alpaca handkerchief. I guess it’s got a big alpaca in the center, and there was even, like, a little chunk of, like, alpaca fur.

I think it might have fallen out when I was bringing it over here. I also got a feather of some kind. I’m not even sure what kind of feather this is. If anyone knows what this is, let me know. Yeah, I love animaniacs. Trust me, there’s going to be some more breakdowns coming on, like your favorite cartoons. The Saturday morning conspiracies I just did on he man was just the first of many.

I’m doing one now on Jim and the holograms, but really, really want to get into nick tunes. Like, I want to do Doug and rugrats, and I want to do Ariel monsters and cat dog and all of those, because those are really what I grew up on. But I’m absolutely going to get into animaniacs, too, and a bunch of lesser known ones like Wishkid. I don’t know if anyone even remembers wishkid or Bruno, the kid who was voiced by Bruce Willis, I think.

So whoever’s also sent me this Gary Larson far side book. So this is awesome, man. This is going to be on the table for a little bit as I go back through. Mean, I love Gary Larson, and in fact, don’t hate me, but I found a Gary Larson trained AI model recently that just generates Gary Larson panels, basically. And it’s going to be wild. AI is going to be getting really crazy.

And then I think this one came from someone that was watching the sound science series, and they sent a whole bunch of different music in, and I know it’s still shrink wrapped. I promise I’ll open it and listen to it. This is the first time I’ve had a chance to get through all of this. So shout out to Capjonesmusic, bandcamp. com. And this is the album Doom world that they sent.

So I’ll definitely be listening to this. Oh, man, I’m already. They got a track with killer Priest and Shabam Shadik, so I’m interested, man. And then I got a bunch of little tapes, too. What does this one say? This one’s actually unlabeled, so I’ll have to actually listen and report back. It says, I can’t even tell experient color, sound. What’s this one? Words. And Grimes. No hooks, just elbows.

So shout out to words. And Grimes, here’s Gamma rad, the first chrononaut dead world radio. And I actually do have a cassette player. I don’t think I’ve used it in seriously, like, over 20 years. But now I’ve got a reason to. And then here’s another copy of Doom World on cassette as opposed to CD here by Cap Jones. So again, shout out to Cap Jones if you guys want to listen to his music.

Cap Jonesmusic bandcamp. com and yeah, here’s, here’s some other really interesting. I wasn’t even expecting any of this stuff. So you’ve got some patches. I mean, this is the cross of Lorraine, but I’m not sure what the rest of the symbol is. If anyone knows what that is, I’ll look deeper into it. This is really interesting. I got a un patch. That’s kind of cool. I guess there’s a little bit of blood on the back.

I’m not going to ask. America alpaca. Shout out to America alpaca. And the little chunk of like, alpaca fur was amazing feeling. Actually. I’m no stranger to alpaca. I’ve actually went to Peru for a couple weeks and got to pet the alpacas there. And everyone was selling the damn alpaca socks and blankets and everything. So alpacas are dope. I would love to have some alpacas. And then someone also sent me this, which, this is interesting, too.

It’s a little freemasonic thing. I’m not sure what this is for, why someone would have this, right? But it’s on a little chain. I guess you would put it around your wrist if your neck is only that big. I don’t know, man, you’re like twelve. But the cool thing is that on the front here, I’ll take off my auto zoom here on the front, if it can zoom in, it’s got like half of a square encompass and a little g.

And then it has a little trowel, right? And then on the back it has the other side of the compass and it has like a little plum over here. It’s called the plum. And then when you flip this thing to make it spin, then it reveals the whole square encompass. I’ll try to do it. It’s not easy holding it up at an angle for the camera. Here, I’ll try it one more time.

So yeah, when you get it spinning, it shows the entire g and compass and everything. Again. I’ve got no idea what this is for, though. You just whip this out in lodge and you’re like, hey, flick my coin. And then they do it and they’re like, wow, cool. And then you put it back in your pocket. I’m not really sure. I’ve never seen a thing like this before, except for maybe like a children’s toy.

But I don’t think this was made for a child. So anyways, I thought that was really interesting. And I’m not aware of this being any kind of like a special degree related or anything. It’s just straight up master masonry. Like, I don’t think it’s scottish rite or York rite or anything. I could absolutely be wrong. If anyone knows anything else about the purpose of this, where you would get it, why you would get it, I would love to know.

I’ll look more into it. And if you got more weird occult stuff and music and animaniacs hats with freemasonic symbolism on them, I’ll take it. I’ll take it. I’ll review it. I’ll do it on one of these live streams. I’ll give you a little shout out just like I did to doom world again, doomworldcapjonesmusic, bandcamp. com and while you’re at it, looking for new music, check out scientists on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, everywhere.

That’s me. Sound scientist is me and a couple of my really good friends from going back to high school. Even gravity, smooth beats, polygraphic, the list goes on and on. But sound scientists, you can listen to some of this. You won’t find another song about the hole in JFK’s head that’s as good as this one. You won’t find another song called Hunter Biden anywhere. You won’t find a thrill oxide queen song.

And again, out of all of these, I really do like hole in JFK’s head. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Body Bags is really good. Got that DMT really good. And if you just want to support all other types of artists, too, in general, a lot of really good characters on here. Tinfoiltrap. com and tinfoilttrap. com will just bring you to a page that’s got a whole bunch of different artists and links to their youtubes and soundclouds and everything, but you can just listen to it all for free.

So shout out to everyone that was involved in that. If you want to be involved in it, just reach out, hit me up, I’ll put your music on the front. And then eventually, when I get a reprint of all of these flyers, I’ll send you a little stack of them. So if you go to shows or if you are giving out cds or cassette tapes or something out the trunk of your car, whatever you’re doing with it, you can throw one of these guys in there too, to help promote yourself and everyone else that’s involved on it.

So I’m just trying my best to elevate everybody else that is kind of into this type of content because I think there needs to be more of it. And I think we all should be supporting each other maybe more than we do sometimes, but be the change you want to see, right? So I appreciate everyone for tuning into another one of these. I need to get a producer.

I was shouting out my cherie, maybe we can work something out. But someone, they just click on the highlight comments or something because I swear I’m not kidding when I say I can’t chew gum and walk at the same time. If I’m putting away dishes and my girlfriend asks me a question, I will just stop midair holding a plate just so I can answer. And then when I’m done answering, I can resume putting the plates away.

But I can’t do the two things at once. So it’s a miracle that I’m even able to talk into a microphone and move a mouse around at the same time. So I appreciate all you guys for being here. Please check out the music, check out the comics, support everything and everyone. And I’ll be posting more about some big releases coming the biggest one again being chosen. com that’s going to be announced on this Friday.

There’ll be a bunch of exclusive like early bird deals, and then as soon as chosen one’s out the door, we’re going to start going crazy. I’m going to be releasing the NASA never a straight answer comic. I’ll be releasing something@paranoidsummer. com it’s going to be four different comic releases for this summer. I’ve got the Illuminati series, which is over 80 pages of adult esoteric erotica content. This is a full retelling of some of the most putting the naughty in Illuminati style tales from all of history, fully illustrated like no one’s ever done before.

So I’m really trying my best to give you guys content that no one else is. So I appreciate you and then enjoy this sweet, sweet chosen one ad again, launching this Friday. Chosen one go visit Chosen one it’s easy to remember if you just sing along chosen one go visit Chosen one the chosen one yes, he is the chosen one he’s got his own comic and now he’s got his own song because he’s the chosen one yes, he is the chosen one go buy a copy at chosen one.

Chosen one go visit Chosen one it’s easy to remember if you just sing along chosen one go visit chosen one. .

  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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