The Spiritual Tsunami Coming
• The text also delves into the symbolism of a 33-foot oak tree, associating it with the biblical character Lucifer’s aspiration to be more powerful than God per Isaiah 14. It connects this symbol to an array of scripture passages, discussing narratives like the fall of Lucifer, the Pharaoh king in Ezekiel, and other scriptures.
• The text draws parallels between a prestigious architecture project completed in 1987 and the spiritual destruction projected in biblical prophecies. The architecture, a syringe-shaped building with a tree on top, is seen as a symbol of impending devastation due to its significance in the considered timeline of destructive events.• The text infers a connection between the number of synchronicities in the calendar, religious occurrences, and significant events. For instance, the text talks about the 118th day from January 1 of 2023 symbolizing both the 50-year Jubilee and the 118th United States Congress. It also discusses ‘synchronicity’ related to the numbers 69 and 429. This is further connected to the idea of frequency 432 hertz linking to “the orderly arrangement of the host of heaven.”
• The text also hints at some conspiracy theories such as those relating to the Fifth Seal in Revelation, suggesting that there’s a cryptic message that the United States is following Israel’s agenda. It claims that current and coming laws are geared toward making worshipping Jesus illegal. The text proposes these laws may lead to establishing a ‘mark of the beast’ and ultimately instate a one-world government.
• The text has an elaborate examination of the Ford Mustang Boss 429 model, indicating that it symbolizes the metaphysical transition from a regular genetic double helix to a ‘triple helix.’ This idea suggests a transcendent transformation, or ‘spiritual conversion,’ from a standard human state to a higher spiritual equivalent. The text connects this interpretation to various spiritual, biblical, and numerological theories.• The text delves into symbolic imagery in an unnamed movie, particularly focusing on the significance of numbers, which are believed to denote chromosomal and genealogical implications, referencing theories about the natural man’s creation and evolution. The analysis also interprets supposed hints to changes predicted for humanity’s future, largely relying on genealogical and spiritual interpretations.
• Closely tied to religious and spiritual interpretations, the text proceeds to discuss the possibility of the human body being transformed into either a “synagogue of Satan” or Jesus’s spirit-filled “New Jerusalem”. The author warns of the potential blocking of connections to the Holy Spirit through this transformation, suggesting a hidden agenda in the unspecified film analyzed.
• The text ends with the analysis of twin sculptures titled “Witness”, interpreting them as bearing evidence to the end of the world. The author relates the sculptures to prophecies in the book of Daniel and suggests the emergence of demonic energy, alluding to references in the sculptures to the Queen of Heaven and Genesis’s account of the creation of man. The author warns of impending tribulation linked to the rise of demonic energy from the sculptures’ symbolism.• This text discusses symbolic and metaphorical theories connecting parthenogenesis and spiritual beliefs. It mentions Adolf Hitler’s adoption of the International Eugenics Congress programs as a key moment in history. It also refers to St. John’s Cathedral’s symbolic statues and mentions occultist Helena Blavatsky’s interpretations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
• The text emphasizes a perceived prophecy it sees in Isaiah 918 and relates it back to Revelations 812, saying the ‘demon spirits we are attached to’ will rise up and inhabit human hosts, plunging humanity into spiritual darkness. It also connects the “rising of evil” with the emergence of a “smiter” that breaks down, overcomes, and darkens the stars, which are metaphorically referred to as human spirits.
• Reflections are made on the consequences of disobedience and wickedness that will lead to the Lord’s judgment, as described in the scriptures (Isaiah 9, Jude 1). The text raises concerns about the potential spiritual consequences following medical interventions (implicitly relating it to a current pandemic), suggesting it could lead to a transformation of human DNA, further leading to the ‘sea of humanity turning evil.• The text delivers a religious and philosophical exploration connecting scriptural interpretation, particularly from a biblical perspective, with current world leadership, societal developments and individual humanity. It elaborates on the idea that the world leaders’ actions lead to societal destruction, and divine anger and judgment will befall on sinners. It also asserts that these leaders, possibly referring to the Catholic Church, may not have the best interest of the people in mind.
• The text delves into the spiritual significance of scripture, suggesting during divine judgment, connection to good spirit may be lost, leaving room for evil to occupy the individual, symbolized as left eye or left hand. This, it believes, can lead to a transformation in humans analogous to ‘flesh-eating zombies’. It contemplates on the concept of the ‘natural man’, deemed as original serpent race created by Elohim, and associates this transformation to it.
• The text further correlates this philosophical theory with the popular movie ‘Back to the Future’, part one and four. The writer perceives the movie narrative as a cryptic presentation of the process of transforming the human DNA back to its original state or the ‘natural man’. The association of 88 mph from the movie with the International Eugenics Congress Conference in 1932 hints at an ongoing agenda concerning human genetic modification. The reference of the number ‘118’ and ’65’ in the movie, interpreted as signs, further confirm to the writer their theory of human transformation. Their belief is that this transformation aims to expel the angelic aspect of human duality, and replace it with the demonic.• The text narrative revolves around the theme of spiritual conversion and the contrasting views of eternal and temporal existence. It cites spiritual texts and draws analogies between divine principles and the concept of the “temporal displacement” mentioned in the movie, emphasizing the belief that worldliness is transitionary compared to eternal life in heaven.
• The spiritual discourse then interweaves with references to a film, possibly the “Back to the Future” series, where the writer sees significant symbolism. The “time machine,” the “dragon spirit,” and other film elements are interpreted as metaphors for various spiritual and divine elements. The usage of numbers such as ‘120’ and ‘121’ also carries spiritual significance according to the writer.
• The writer suggests that time, represented through the time machine and temporal displacement in the movie, is a metaphor for spiritual conversion and humanity’s limited time to achieve this. The focus of the text suggests that spiritual conversations revolve around the dichotomies of good and evil, spiritual and superhuman, and highlights the crucial choices individuals need to make.• The text dissects the hidden symbolism and possible interpretations of various scenes in an unspecified movie, relating it to biblical passages and concepts. It points towards a theory that the movie could be subtly indicating an attempt to alter human evolution or change the course of humanity’s past. Key evidence mentioned includes references about building back from original DNA, the significance of certain numbers such as 23 (the number of human chromosomes), and the time indications in the film (universal symbols of change).
• The text further interprets various elements in the movie’s scenes, like “the Atomic Kid” sign, as hints to significant global events, possibly related to nuclear threats. It emphasizes a potential correlation between the years of a movie release (1954) and a speculated future event (2023), amounting to 69 years, which could signify a crucial year. These interpretations suggest that the movie could be hinting at major disasters leading to a transformation or “rapture.”
• They draw an in-depth comparison between the film “Back to the Future” and events unfolding today, particularly focusing on issues regarding public manipulation by governing bodies and potentially harmful medical technology. They use Biblical interpretations and references, such as the ‘mark of the beast’, to prophesize the events they predict will take place.
• The text touches heavily on numerological interpretation and spiritual conspiracies regarding physical and spiritual afflictions. It attempts to link together unique interpretations of scripture, numbers, genetics, recent world events, and modern-day behaviors. It specifically refers to DNA changes, potentially through medical interventions, and the potential spiritual implications of such alterations.• The text articulates a religious interpretation of scriptural passages and movie scenes, with a particular emphasis on the Book of Isaiah, verse 9:10. The interpretation involves symbolism related to cedar trees, standing for the idea of transformation to a higher spiritual plane. Mike’s shared insight confirms the belief in this symbolism.
• A critical part of the interpretation focuses on the figure of the King of Tyre from the Book of Ezekiel, believed to be a representation of Lucifer. The analysis suggests a connection with worldly deceptions and the idea of beings trafficked from Heaven to Earth, drawing links with passages from Romans and Ezekiel.
• The text makes reference to the number 69, considered a symbol of Satan’s power, capable of corrupting human DNA. It also mentions a supposed coming global disaster and links it to an anticipated rise of the Antichrist. The prophecy from Daniel 9:26 is cited to support this prediction. The future event is supposed to trigger transformative changes in humanity.• The text discusses the John Wick film series, suggesting that there’s more depth to the movies than just a revenge plotline. The author asserts it conveys an underlying message of a powerful structure ruling the world, guided by the Prince of Darkness. The protagonist, John Wick, is an influential assassin who disassociates from this structure and leads a peaceful life until circumstances force him back into this dark world.
You. So if they follow the same pattern as they did with Event 201 and the first pandemic, then the question is, could March of 2023 of this year be the date that we start to see something happen? I’m not going to attempt to predict any dates because that’s not my role. My job as a watchman is to warn people when I see the sword coming and to show you what the Lord has revealed to me so that you can discern for yourself.
But the pattern seems to be the same because there are 69 days left in the year from October 23 when they held this event, just like there were 69 days left in the year from the previous event 201 or whatever the date they decide to pull the trigger on this next event. I’m here to warn you that a physical and spiritual tsunami is about to hit the sea of humanity, which is going to cause chaos and destruction and cause the sea of humanity to turn bitter as wormwood when the enemy comes in like a flood and causes the abomination that causes desolation. Spoken by the prophet Daniel in Daniel 926, which will be the destruction of the human tabernacle or temple, and all those who have taken the medicines and the mark will become vessels for all evil to occupy.
It’s pretty remarkable how the Lord led me to the understanding of the enemy’s agenda and timeline from the address of this syringe building with the tree on top. That is the confirming witness to what Isaiah prophesied about in Isaiah 910, that the bricks have fallen down, but we will build with huestones. The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. And I really hope that you have the spiritual eyes to see what the Lord is showing you. Let’s keep going with this article because there’s a lot more to unpack.
After we were given the location of this building at Eugenia Place, 1919 Beach Ave. We were given a description of the size and species of this tree that they planted on top of the building, which is an eleven meter pin oak. It’s interesting that they chose pin oak to plant on top of this syringe shaped building because pins are also referred to as syringes or needles, like pins and needles. This is where I was really blown away with the attention to detail that went into the selection of this pinocch.
Because the genus of this tree ties back to Genesis 127, where god h 430 elohim gods and angels. Of the supreme God, which is Lucifer, created man in his own image, in the image of God. Created He Him, male and female, created he, them and also parthenogenesis and their natural man, which is describing how Lucifer created Himself both male and female in this system and then created everyone else, male and female, because he had to create Himself male and female to be able to birth his spirit into all mankind that he created in Genesis 126.
The pinocch is from the beach genus of plants, which was planted at 1919 Beach Ave, which remember in the strongs means of the earth, earthy as opposed to the heavenly or spiritual, because remember, in Heaven there is no male and female. The beach genus is a monisha species which is a sexual system in seed plants where separate male and female cones or flowers are present in the same plant, which is categorized as being angomonishius in hermaphidytic having both male and female sex organs. Do you understand how profound this is?
Because if you have any knowledge of the satanic symbol used to depict Satan as a hermaphidite baphomet goat, that is both male and female, which is a symbol of Lucifer creating himself male and female to birth his spirit into every human host body, then you would understand that this pinocch is also a symbolic representation of Lucifer. And the fact that this building is shaped like a syringe is also a physical representation of the bowl of Revelation 62, which, let me remind you, in the strongs means the simplest fabric, as in DNA produced from a. Seed of a plant of a mother and is cryptically communicating that through these medicines, they are going to be administering another third strand of original DNA that was created from the beginning of the spirit of Elohim moving on the face of the waters that produced the water kingdom first.
Hence the name of the new variant Kraken. I mean, why else would they name the variant Kraken if this wasn’t the truth? Guys, do you see how cryptic and cleverly written this article is and the thought that went into constructing this building and we’re not even done yet. And this helps explain why in Ezekiel 31 three, Lucifer’s spirit is described as being both male and female, with this Pharaoh king being male with her rivers that set him up on high, being female. Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon, with fair branches and with a shadowing shroud and of high stature, and his top was among the thick bows. The waters made him great. The deep set him up on high with her rivers running around about his plants, and set out her rivers unto all the trees of the field, which is the rest of the world.
The height of this eleven meter pinocch tree is also significant because the strong’s meaning of eleven is abidon, which means perishing, concretely, Hades destruction. And it’s from H six, Hebrew word abad, meaning to wander away, that is, to lose oneself by implication, to perish causatively, to destroy, not escape, have no way to flee. So think of Lucifer, the light bearer, who brought the light, which is all of our angelic energy, to start this flesh system in this enclosed world that we call the earth. And we wandered away from heaven to the earth, losing ourself and the knowledge that we were once angels in heaven. And we have no way to escape while we are slowly perishing from our angelic energy that is slowly being consumed by that worm in the pit to be used as fodder to birth the locust in these decaying flesh bodies unknowingly being led into destruction through sin and through these medications right down to Hades unless we come to the truth.
And we know Abedon is in direct reference to Revelation 911, and they had a king over them, which is the angel from the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew tongue is Abidon, but in the Greek is Apollyon. And when you convert 11 meters into feet, you get the number 33, which just so happens to be the highest level of freemasonry that one can achieve. And when you are taught the mysteries of this system that we live in. And one of the greatest mysteries of all that the Lord God has revealed through Jonathan Kleck is that the God of this world in Genesis, which is Hebrew word H 430 elohim, meaning the gods or angels of the supreme God in the seven days of creation is actually Lucifer, who was the original builder and the first freemason that the Lord God used to build this world as his deputy and his angel messenger, so that we could all have a second chance to come to repentance for transgressing against Him and so that we could come back home.
And that’s why they planted a 33 foot hermaphedite tree species on the top of this syringehaped building. Albert pike, who was a 33 degree Scottish right freemason general and author of Morals and Dogma, quoted in his book Lucifer the Light Bearer, strange and mysterious name to give into the spirit of darkness. Lucifer, son of the morning, is it he who bears the light and with its splendors intolerable blind feebles. For the traditions are full of sensual and selfish souls, doubt it not. And the image of this double headed phoenix with the number 33 on it is also a symbolic representation of the male and female energy within the human host body system and is also a freemasonic precept in Latin called orbo abkio or in English, order out of chaos, which is a societal mind control tactic that has been used throughout history to advance Satan’s agenda to create a one world government by creating wars or events in chaos throughout the world and inciting fear into everyone to get society to react and demand that their governments take action and respond with a solution to fix whatever chaos has ensued which sends up being the very outcome that the government wanted to achieve in the first place. An example of this order out of chaos would be to have the merchants andThe great men of the earth create and declare a pandemic which nullifies the constitution, use the media to instill fear and make it appear that everyone is dying. Incentivize doctors to recategorize death and make it appear related to the illness in order to inflate the numbers. And then have the great merchants or big pharma come up with a pharmaceutical solution that deceives the entire world, just like Revelation 18:23 says that they’re going to do. And then Satan is one step closer to the AI mark of the beast system that will give the Antichrist control over the world population.
And those not in Christ who are full of sensuality and have selfish souls and are blinded by the splendors of the material things that this world has to offer (that Lucifer created to keep them distracted from being able to see the truth) cannot see that they’re being led right into destruction and right into the Lake of Fire to eternal damnation.
And the fact that this 33-foot tree is an oak, I believe, is a statement in direct reference to Isaiah 14, of Lucifer wanting to be “El,” the Almighty God. Because “El” in Hebrew means “el,” meaning the Almighty God, the chief political, a ram, a palister, a strong support, an oak, which is a big difference between the use of the plural form of the word “Elohim,” meaning gods, angels of the Supreme God. Because Isaiah 14:12-14 says, “How art thou fallen, O Lucifer, son of the Morning? How art thou cut down to the ground that did weaken the nations? For thou said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El, I will sit on the mountain of the congregation in the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the cloud, I will be like the most High.”
And watch as we go through this next paragraph in this article how the author makes reference to the Assyrian pharaoh king in Ezekiel 31 that we covered earlier that was made fair by the multitude of his branches, so that all the trees of Eden that were in the garden of God envied him before the Lord cuts him down to the ground. And take note of this word, “plopped,” which the author uses to describe an architectural term to describe the planting of this tree, which actually means a plopping sound or fall with a short, hollow thud, as in, “How art thou cut down to the ground, O Lucifer’s, son of the morning,” when the Lord made the nation shake to the sound of his falls and then cast him down to hell in Ezekiel 31:1-16.
Okay, let’s go through this next paragraph, because you’re not going to believe where this is going to lead us. Henrique’s and Partners won Governor General’s Award for Architecture for Eugenia, which was completed in 1987. But beyond generating celebrity scuttlebutt, it’s most notably for sparking intense discussion about the tree’s maintenance. This giant oak was first plopped (that’s an architectural term) on top of the tower to represent the height of the cedars and firs that once stood on the site. Though the variety of oak can grow up to 30 meters, the size of the pot of soil, a measly 45,360 kg, keeps this particular plant stunted. This date that the building was finished is very significant, but let’s go through the rest of the paragraph and we’ll come back to this date so that I can show you where this leads us.
When you read this description of the giant oak that was first plopped (which means a plopping sound or fall with a short, hollow thud) that was planted on the top of this tower to represent the height of the cedars and the firs that once stood there. If you’ve been paying attention to the scriptures that I’ve been unpacking in this video, then you should immediately think of the Assyrian Pharaoh king, which was Lucifer in the flesh, being cut down to the ground in Isaiah 14:12, and all the other trees in the Garden of Eden who envied him that the Lord God destroyed. Because this reference to the cedars and the FIR trees that I once stood there in this article is clearly referencing the same cedars and FIR trees in the Garden of God in Ezekiel 31:5-8, where it says that the cedars in the garden of God could not hide him. The FIR trees were not like his bows and the chestnut trees were not like his branches, nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto his beauty, which this Pharaoh king was clearly a giant in stature and was exalted among all the other people, similar to this Egyptian hieroglyph image to the bottom right from the DNA that came from the spirit of Elohim moving on the face of the waters or when the sons of God came into daughters of men and bore children in Genesis 6 that are no longer in the earth. Hence this phrase, “that once stood on this site.”
Then this article goes on to say though this variety of oak can grow up to 30 meters, the size of the pot of soil keeps this particular plant stunted, which is similar to fish in a pond, right? Because once the population of fish reaches a certain amount, the fish don’t grow any larger because the pond is not able to sustain them. The earth is essentially one big biosphere. So I’m sure this enclosed system that we call the earth is also governed by the same laws of nature. So could it be that this description of the size of the pot of soil that keeps this tree stunted is in direct reference to Genesis 6? When the Lord reduced man’s lifespan to 120 years because mankind had reached a point in the population where the two races had commingled which turned all of man to evil but also became diluted and could not sustain the giant stature that was originally made from the sons of God mingling their seed with mankind. Genesis 6 says, “And it came to pass, when the men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and the daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he is also flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” And isn’t the sea of humanity turning evil right before our eyes?
When I first read this article and started to make this video, I really didn’t put much thought into the importance of the date that this Syringe building was completed, which was 1987, until I learned about the International Eugenics congress conferences, which then led me to take a closer look to see if there was any connection to the enemy’s timeline for rolling out their eugenics applications and programs for the 21st century. Similar to the movie Back to the Future and the Taylor Swift video, get ready for it. Because there had to be a significant reason for them to design a building shaped like a syringe with a tree on top in the first place. So more than likely, there was a reason why they wanted this building completed by 1987. Because we have to remember that although man is orchestrating the development of these movies and music videos as well as the construction of the World Trade Center and this syringe-shaped building, similar to the bombings that were printed on the US currency, we have to also keep in mind that it’s a spirit that is the real puppet master orchestrating everything. Because once I show you where the date that this building was completed led me, you’ll see that it’s too perfect to be a coincidence. Because what I’m about to show you, in essence, is the spiritual tsunami that’s coming to humanity, which is going to cause the light of the candle in you to shine no more if you make the wrong choice and don’t repent. And it’s also going to cause…From adding 118 days from January 1 of 2023 for both the 118th 50 year Jubilee and the 118th United States Congress when it began. And if you think this is just a coincidence, then watch. Now, if you remember correctly from earlier in the video that I explained that the who declared the pandemic on 311, which was the 69th day from the beginning of the year, which just so happens to be the year of John’s car.
So now we have two connections, the number 69 and the number 429. Then I was led to calculate the dates between the 69th day of the year on March 11 and April 29 429. And when I did, I was blown away with what the Lord revealed, because there are 50 days between March 11 and 429, which is exactly the number of a 50 year Jubilee. And if you look at the alternative units of measurement between these two dates other than just days, you’ll find that everything is synchronized with the frequency 432 hertz, which factors into the orderly arrangement of the host of heaven that I’m going to go into.
In my part nine of My Jesus is our rock series to show you how everything is connected through the numbers three, six and nine that Nikola Tesla said provide the mysteries of the universe, or in our case, our enclosed system that we call the world. So it’s clear that the enemy is telling us by using this 69 Mustang Boss 429, that there is a cryptic message pointing to this year of the 118th 50 year Jubilee in the 118th United States Congress. And I hope you guys can see the clear connection between the state of Israel, who is run by these serpents, and. Generation of vipers whose forefathers killed Abel and Jesus with the United States. So that you can understand that our nation is following the lead of Israel’s agenda.
Because when these Noahide laws go into effect under the leadership of the One world government to unite all the religions which has already been signed into US law, under our education legislation, under every sitting president, these laws will make idolatry illegal punishable by decapitation, which means worshipping Jesus will also be made illegal because these serpents and generation of vipers from these pharisee bloodline who are running Israel do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah nor will ever accept him as their Messiah. And through these laws, they have established the legal frameworks for the Fifth Seal in Revelation Six Nine, to be fulfilled to get rid of the remaining sheep who refused to take the mark of the beast. And when he opened the Fifth Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. An altar means a place of sacrifice, that is an altar, a victim.
And I just want you to wrap your brain around the synchronicity of the number 69 in Revelation 69 with all those who choose death and refuse to allow Satan to cause the abomination that causes desolation with his 69 chromosome triple Helix Synagogue of Satan Third Temple. Isn’t the word of God perfect? Now I’m going to show you the cryptic message that is written within the design of this Ford Mustang Boss 429 model. To show you how this particular model is cryptically showing us the variation between Satan’s 69 triple helix synagogue of Satan third temple and Jesus’s 70 chromosome New Jerusalem temple, which are the two temples that will differentiate between the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tears.
The spiritually converted from the unconverted who reject Jesus and who continue to live in their rebellion. And then after we go through this, you can decide for yourself whether or not you think this motto was intentionally built for this very moment in time by the Ford Motor Company. Because remember, 69 years from the last International Eugenics Congress conference in 1932 was 911, 2001, when the Twin Towers were destroyed, which was a public proclamation of Satan claiming victory over the twin host body double helix, human temple. And that his spirit has been birthed into all of humanity and he was ready to begin to rebuild back better a new 69 chromosome triple helix third temple because take notice of the language that Wikipedia uses to describe that particular model.
To the left where I’ve highlighted it in red where it says the Ford Boss 429 Mustang is a high performance Ford Mustang variant that was offered by Ford in 1969 and 1970. They describe this car as a variant really, especially now with all the particular variants that seem to be emerging as a result of this pandemic and the medicines that are seemingly developed to combat them. Probably just a coincidence. A variant is defined as differing from others of the same kind or from the same standard. And in this case, the car that they modified was from a regular production stock car by increasing the size of the engine to 429 only in the years 69 and 70 to fit the particular needs of a specific group.
And I wonder who that group was. Variant also means capable or liable to change, such as changing double helix into a triple helix in biology. It also means a new strain of organisms, as in changing us into a wild, fierce and raging natural man, which is exactly what happened to John Wick in this movie. But to appreciate what we’re being shown, you have to have the biblical understanding of what the word Ford means, which is only used one time in the Bible, just before Jacob wrestles with God and he gets spiritually converted. In Genesis 32, verse 22, ford means a crossing place, a transit, and it’s from age 56 75 to cross over, specifically to cover in Copulation, alienate, to alter and to turn away.
So think of this crossing over in Copulation to alienate, to alter and to turn away, as all of the angels, which is us, that committed spiritual adultery against the Lord God in heaven by turning away from him and allowing ourselves to be led astray in trafficked by Lucifer from heaven to the earth and altered by changing the glory of the incorruptible God which is our once holy consecrated angelic bodies and trading them for a corruptible flesh host body. When we crossed over in Copulation, which is sex, and we were born into this flesh temporal system called the earth, and we became yoked to a demon that is hunting us to destroy the angel side of our duality, to birth the locusts from the pit.
Because now that we are at the end of the world, there are only two places that we can spiritually cross over to. And that includes either being spiritually converted and receiving your New Jerusalem 70 chromosome triple Helix temple when Jesus raises up that inactive third pillar and we receive that white stone and we are reconnected up to Christ’s spirit the holy Spirit or if you reject Jesus and you are deceived into taking these medicines and you take the mark of the beast which builds your newt 69 Chromosome synagogue of Satan third Temple and you cross over to the evil realm and go down to the pit. Which is the cryptic reason why this boss 429 high performance Ford Mustang variant was only offered by Ford in 1969 and 1970.
You guys can decide. Beautiful car. Thanks. How much? Excuse me? How much for the car? She’s not for sale. Oh, I love dogs. How are they? Sukhan yet? Have good day, sir. And then you can see by the look on Yusuf’s face as he’s breathing smoke out of his nose like a raging bull that he’s already devised a plan to steal John’s car which these three Russian guys in this scene then go to John’s house later that evening while he’s sleeping. And then they kill his dog and steal his car.
And I’m not going to play the entire scene now, but you can infer what has happened then. We are shown this clock later that morning that reads 619. The strong’s meaning of 619 means a thorn bush, which is indicative of that wild, fierce, raging natural man. That also brings us back to Isaiah 918 from earlier in the video, where it says, for the wickedness burneth as a fire, it shall devour the briars and thorn, and it shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up like lifting up his smoke. And if you remember, just before Jesus was crucified, the Roman guards made Jesus a crown of thorns from the thorn bush, which was symbolic of that wickedness of.The briars and thorns from that wild, fierce and raging natural man that Elohim created in Genesis 126 that was grown by germination, that we are told that Jesus is going to burn in the fire. And from this point on in the movie, once John identifies the people who killed his dog and stole his car, his character mounts up like evil, lifting up as smoke from the pit, and takes revenge throughout the rest of this movie on everyone that gets in the way of getting his revenge on the people that killed his dog and stole his car.
Make it rain. Make it rain. Yo, relio it. I want a new Vin number and some clean papers. Would you get that car in the rest of the video clip that I’m going to play for you, I’m going to show you how we’re being cryptically shown the agenda to change us back into cedars, which is that white, Aryan, fierce, wild and raging natural man. Starting with these numbers on this blue and white bus that has the number 46 on it, which represents 46 chromosomes. 23 from the seat of the serpent and 23 from the seed of Adam which is that dualistic angel demon spirit that John is at war with that he ends up losing to when he returns back to that life of evil and becomes a raging assassin.
Again, the other number that we’re being shown here is the number 90, which means incorruptibleness, or incorruptible, which is describing the angel side of our duality that was once an immortal spirit before being birthed into the flesh. And it’s from the root g 1311, which means rot thoroughly, to ruin, to decay, utterly pervert, corrupt, destroy and perish, which is describing the corruptible flesh that is being used as an apparatus for destroying a once incorruptible angel that is trapped in this temporal flesh system. If you don’t get spiritually converted and then we are shown the number 88 on the bust of the doors, which absolutely confirms that our understanding is correct. And this was the producers of the movie’s Intent. And this bus just happens to be white, as in the white Aryan snake with a blue stripe to symbolize the blue blooded reptilian ring. And as John is walking into this chop shot to look for his car, we are shown these numbers, BTM, which the alphanumeric conversion coincidentally adds up to 35, which we know from Back to the Future means without genealogy, an unrecorded genealogy whose descendant cannot be traced. And I wonder what the ODS are that we are shown this number, because if that natural, reptilian man that Elohim made in Genesis 126 was grown by germination from a seed, then the first man and woman would not have a genealogy that could be traced. And this is confirmed to us when John walks in this chop shop and we first see this white car with the doors open so that we are tensionally shown. The number 66, which in the Greek means wild, fierce, raging and natural, which is the same alphanumeric conversion of the name of this pandemic that they are using as an instrument to fulfill their agenda. Because right after the scene, we are shown another blue and white car with the letters SS, which you should know by now. The alphanumeric conversion is 1919. A Pegios meaning of the earth on the earth, belonging to the earth as opposed to the sky in a spiritual sense, belonging to the earthly sphere, earthy as opposed to heavenly, which is the difference between the natural man that was grown by Germination in Genesis 126 and the spiritual man that the Lord God formed in Genesis 27, which was Adam, which all connects back to the International Eugenics Congress Conference of Creating. Programs and applications to improve the hereditary for the early 21st century to turn us back into that white Aryan, double x female energy that is wild, raging and fierce and natural. Described as a cedar in Isaiah 910, you it is. It here was Lego son.
Yeah. And when John asked to borrow a car, he is given the very same blue and white striped car with the SS on it to use, because this symbolizes that he has now returned to that demon side of his duality that he inherited from the seat of the serpent. And he has been restored to that wild, fierce, rage and natural man and there is no more good in him. It couldn’t be any more clear what the agenda is, guys. This is how they’re going to prevent you from being able to access the Holy Spirit, guys, and shut up your connection to the Lord God, which is the curse, so that you can’t be saved if you take these medications and you take the mark.
So if you’re someone that hasn’t been spiritually converted yet, for whatever reason, ask yourself what kind of temple that you want? Do you want a 69 chromosome synagogue of Satan so that you can hold on to your life for whatever time that you have left in this passing world when they force you to take the mark while you’re being assimilated into a locust? Or do you want Jesus’s 70 chromosome New Jerusalem that is filled with the spirit of the living God so that you can return home from where we came from? That’s your choice.
And to close out this section of the video. Before we finish decrypting the rest of the article about the Syringe building with the tree on top, I want to show you these twin sculptures named Witness that went on display February 7 of this year in New York City in Madison Square Park and also on the top of the courthouse as part of this Pakistani’s artist multimedia exhibition titled Hava to Breathe Air and Life. Because what you are looking at is a physical representation and a public proclamation that Lucifer’s divine feminine female spirit or energy described as her rivers in Ezekiel 31 three has gone out through all the plants of the field which is all of us and he has birthed his female spirit into all of humanity. And the cycle of consuming the male energy from Adam is almost complete.
And keep in mind that a witness is something that serves as evidence or assign or testifies or bears witness to something. And in this case, these twin female sculptures with branch like arms and root like feet and hair shaped like a ram’s horns is bearing witness to the Queen of Heaven or the female rival, which is that double female x energy that is of the Earth. Earthy that produced the original natural, wild, fierce natural man that Elohim made in Genesis 126 that was grown by germination as opposed to the spiritual man that the Lord God formed from the dust which was Adam in Genesis two seven.
Which is why all these cultures throughout history have used the swastika and why Hitler used the letters SS as a special branch to conduct experiments in the attempt to create a white Aryan race and reconstitute a host body that could house that undivided female energy or the female rival that the prophet Daniel prophesied about in Daniel Twelve, one that would take over the human race at the end of the world which is now. And at that time shall Michael stand up that great prince which stands before the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never since there was a nation, even at the same time. And at that time thy people shall be delivered. Everyone that is found written in the book. And the strong’s meaning of trouble means a female rival, an adversary. Adversity, affliction and Tribulation, which is describing that demonic energy that is mounting up and rising up from the pit that we covered earlier in Isaiah 920. That marty was referring to when he said needle left at the close of the trailer of Back to the Future, Part four that is now taking over the human host body system and is going to bring about a time of tribulation that this world has never seen before. And you can see by the shapes of these ram horns that Lucifer is claiming to be L, not Elohim. The Hebrew word for hava means to exist, to become, come to pass, which is from 1933, meaning to breathe as an air or life, but it also means to fall. So think of this multimedia exhibition named Hava as Elohim falling from heaven and making that original double X chromosome evil reptilian race, both male and female, throughParthenogenesis, prior to the serpent race, commingling with the edemic race, but is now being restored back into cedars that we covered earlier in Isaiah 9:10. And do you remember from Back to the Future, when the time machine let out a big blast of air which resembled a spirit? It’s the exact same concept of the temporal temple displacement concept from Back to the Future that you can see. This artist intentionally used a Hebrew word to describe spirit, meaning breath, air, and life.
And Adolf Hitler, who created Nazi Germany and started World War II, just so happened to rise to power in 1933 and was the first world leader to apply the programs and application that the International Eugenics Congress had developed in their three sessions of Congress to improve the hereditary of the human race in the early 21st century. Are you getting all this? What’s fascinating is the twin statue that they mounted on top of the courthouse that depicts a symbolic representation of the female rival being birthed out of the lotus flower. Because if you’d watched My Jesus is our rock series, then you would know how profound this is, because the lotus flower is a symbolic of life, rebirth, and resurrection.
Helena Blavatsky, who was a well-known occultist and member of the white brotherhood who Hitler consulted with, wrote in her book “The Secret Doctrine,” taken from excerpts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, where it says, pointing to the like signification was the lotus growing in the waters of the Nile, its mode of growth peculiarly fitted as a symbol of the generative activities. The flower of the lotus, which is the bearer of the seat for reproduction as a result of its maturing, is connected to its placenta-like attachment with Mother Earth or the womb of ISIS through its water of the womb that is the river Nile by means of a long cord stalk-like umbilicus. Nothing can be plainer than the symbol. And to make it perfect in its intended signification, a child is sometimes represented as seeding or issuing from the flower.
And then in St. John’s Cathedral, also in New York City, has a statue of a child being birthed out of a lotus flower that has a sheep under it and what appears to be cocoons on both sides. That likely represents filling up the hollows that are covered by the pillows described in Ezekiel 13:20, wherefore thou sayeth the Lord God, behold, I’m against your pillows worries ye? Hunt the souls to make them fly. And I will. Tear them from your arms and let the souls go even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly. Which is a depiction of Genesis One when Elohim seeded the planet to Germinate and make that original man and using man as a benefit to turns God’s angels, which are the sheep and all of us, into his army of locusts from the pit before the Lord God comes back and judges the world.
So when you read this excerpt from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which is all of us, because we are the walking dead guys, that the lotus flower is described as being the bearer of the seed for reproduction. As a result of its maturing and connection to its placenta, like attachment to Mother Earth or the womb of ISIS, then you can understand what the bow that the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2 has. And I saw, behold, a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering. And to conquer. The bow means the simplest fabric, as in DNA, and it’s from G 5088, to produce from a seed as a mother, a plant, the earth to bear, to bring forth, which is describing the original DNA that was produced from ISIS or Mother Earth that brought forth that original reptilian serpent race that was grown by Germination in Genesis 1:26 from the spirit of Elohim that was moving on the face of the waters in Genesis 1:2. That is going to tie together your 23 chromosomes from Adam, which is the source of your angelic energy together with another source of female double X energy using a third strand or the bow that will cut off your connection to the angel side of your duality and your ability to access the Holy Spirit. Revelation 6:2 is not Jesus, and the first seal is open because it’s being administered through these medications that are deceiving the whole world, which means there’s no pretribulation rapture guys. So all you religious people who keep leaving me comments that I’m wrong about this, please listen to what the Spirit is showing you.
The author of this article used the same technique as the author who wrote the article about the syringe building with the tree on top and managed to provide us the age of this artist who designed these sculptures, who is 53. Like, as if we needed to know her age, which was intentional, because 1953 was the year that the double helix twisted ladder structure was created by Watson and Creek using the work from Roslyn Franklin that led to the development of gene editing and also the development of these so-called medications to be developed so that they could build back better the sycamores that were cut down and divided back into cedars. And if you add 53 years from the last International Eugenics Congress in 1932, it just happens to land on 1985, when Back to the Future was made, which took place in 1955, which was also the number of the years from the last International Eugenics Conference conference in 1932 that the Syringehaped Building was completed, which is also coincidentally mentioned in this article. I wonder what the ODS are speaking of. ODS? I wonder what the ODS are that I would be sent this advertisement for this heathen Burning Man Festival, as in the Burning Adam festival that they hold every year to do a mock simulation of killing the angel spirit. Of Adam that is inside of us, that takes place in the Black Rock desert in Nevada, in Perishing County, that depicts human hands metamorphosizing back into a tree or a cedar at the latitude and longitude of 40 degrees. North, which in the strongs means sacred, morally blameless and holy. And 119 degrees west, which means in Hebrew, Adam, meaning to show blood in the face. So what this festival is cryptically telling us that it’s really about is they are burning and destroying what is sacred, morally and holy, which is the angel side of your duality that we inherited from Adam and restoring you. Into that demonic, wild, fierce and raging natural man, which is your demon side of your duality that you inherit from Adam and Eve, commingling with that original serpent race that Elohim created in Genesis 1:26. And even though the Lord God created this world for his purpose as part of his redemption plan to give all the angels that were led astray by Lucifer from heaven to the earth a second chance to come to repentance you must understand that the flesh in this natural world is the curse. Because the world and everything in it is in opposition to the spirit of the living God. And that’s why the Lord God is going to burn all flesh in the entire world in his final judgment. And if you don’t get spiritually converted before you die in your sin, then by your own rebellious action and choice, like all these people who choose to attend this Burning Man festival and live like heathens, contrary to what the Lord God commands us to do, then you will become excommunicated from our Heavenly Father for eternity. And you will be assimilated into Satan’s army of locusts from the pit.
I truly hope you guys have the spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear everything that the Lord is making manifest in this video. Okay, let’s finish decrypting this last paragraph of this article. In the process of installing a tree in the sky, though they really curse the owner of the suite below it, who, just to be clear, is not the late Leonard Nimoy forever. The only way to access the plant is via the penthouse. So orbaris must pass through this presumably pricey suite each time they are tending to caterpillar infestations or whatever oak trees are into these days. But when it came time to remove the tree earlier this year after being weakened by drought in 2015, the same year Nimoy passed away coincidence? They used a crane instead. The bill came to over $500,000 for the labor and materials alone. Looks like money. Trees.Do exist, after all. So let’s go through it.
In the process of installing a tree in the sky, though, they really curse the owner of the suite below it forever. Does that even make sense? Well, it does if you use your spiritual eyes and ears and listen to the language that the author is using to describe this tree that has been installed in the sky, that has cursed the owners below.
Because what this author is really doing is using this costly suite in this building that is below the tree in the sky as a metaphor to mock all the cursed inhabitants and occupants of the earth who chose to rebel against the most high in Heaven and became cursed when they were born into this flesh temporal system that reside on the Earth below the Cosmic Tree, or the Axis Mundane, also referred to as the Cosmic Axis the World Axis, the World Pillar, the center of the World.
And the world tree in religion or mythology is described as being the center of the world or the connection between the heaven and the earth where the celestial pole and the geographic pole intersect between the heaven and the earth and where the four compass directions points meet, which many Jews and Muslims believe is the location of the Dome of the Rock and why there’s so many religious conflicts there throughout history. For control.
However, I believe the access money is more likely to be in Africa because in addition to the discovery of lost civilizations found there, you can see from this image of the United Nations building in Africa how the enemy’s spirit has manifested in the construction of this building to mock us by showing us the truth in plain sight.
Because keep in mind, at the end of the world and the final separation between good and evil and all those people throughout the United Nations of the world who don’t get spiritually converted, which in the Lord’s eyes is evil, energy is going to be rolled kata down like a whirlpool, down to the pit. Just like this building depicts.
And if you look at the bottom left image of the United Nations meeting chambers, you can see that it’s designed to look like the elliptical cones intersecting at the points of the axis. Monday and I’m going to show you later in the video how the Lord revealed to me that there is going to be a pole ship from the north star Polaris over to the pole star Vega that’s described in the 6th seal of Revelation 6212 through 18. That is a result of this incoming system known as the Red Dragon or Nibaru or Planet X, which is when all the world leaders in the global elite will run and attempt to hide in their bunkers from God’s wrath.
Now that we know that this author of this article is cryptically referring to all of the angels who left their first estate in heaven, which is all of us, as the cursed owners that live in the suite below this cosmic tree, which is the earth. Let’s look at the meaning who the aubarists are that must pass through the suite to tend to the caterpillar infestation or whatever oak trees are into.
Or whatever oak trees are into. Again, does that even make sense? An aubarus is someone who specializes in the cultivation of trees or plants. And we know from earlier, from Mark 824, that we are the trees. Because remember when Jesus healed the blind man at Bethesda and Jesus asked him, after he removed the mud from his eyes, what he saw? And the man replies to Jesus, I see men as trees walking. So if we are the trees and God h 410, Hebrew word l is also described as an oak, then we can surmise that we are the oak trees that have the caterpillar infestation that the Bible tells us is feeding off of us through sin.
And if we don’t get spiritually converted before we die and that alchemistic metamorphic processes comes to an end, then we become a spiritual life force to birth Satan’s demonic army of locusts from the pit. Because in Joel 225 the Lord tells us, I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten, and the canker worm and the caterpillar, and the palmer worm, my great army which I have sent among you. And then in Mark 947 and 48 it says, if thy eye offend thee, pluck it out. For it’s better to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than have two eyes and be cast into hellfire, where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. And then in Job 24 20 it says, the womb shall forget him, and the worm shall feed sweetly on him, he shall be no more remembered, and the wickedness shall be broken off as a tree.
It says this because as soon as we are born into this flesh, we are cut from the mother’s umbilical cord, and that worm that we are attached to begins feeding off of us. And if you don’t get spiritually converted before you die, Jesus is going to cut you off like a branch from this cosmic tree. Of life that is attached to your own star.
The arborists who are attending to the oak trees and the caterpillar infestation which represents all of us that must pass through the curse owner suite of the Earth are the angels that the Lord has sent down to the earth as watchers that Jacob saw in his dream ascending and descending from the electromagnetic spiral ladder produced by this cosmic tree in Genesis 20 812, where Jacob dreamed and behold, a ladder set upon the Earth and on the top reached into heaven. And behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Then the article goes on to say but when it came time to remove the tree earlier this year after it was weakened by drought in 2015, the same year Nimoying passed away coincidence? They used a crane instead. The bill came to over 500,000 for labor and materials alone. Looks like money trees do exist, after all. And the fact that this tree died the very same year that Nimoy passed away could be symbolic of the death of whatever host body that Lucifer has occupied throughout history in the Bible.
Since we know that the only reason why Nimoy was associated with this building in the first place was because of the Vulcan shinsign that he used to make, which we now know symbolized the divine feminine spirit of Lucifer. Which is where we all get the spirit of the love for money from. Because it’s written in the DNA of that wild, fierce, natural tree or man that was grown by Germination that we inherited from the seed of the serpent. That’s why in Matthew 624 it says, no man can serve two masters, for either he will hate one and love the other, or else he will hold to one and despise the other. He cannot serve God. In Mammon too.
And Mammon means confidence, that is wealth personified, that is avarice deified, which means an insatiable desire for wealth or greed, an excess desire to acquire or possess more specifically material wealth, and more than one needs or deserves, and it’s personified as the one of the deadliest sins. Let me show you in the Bible where we inherited that love for money from the etymology of Cain’s name, who was Eve’s first child and who was from the seed of the serpent, provides evidence of where the love for money comes from.
And if you’re someone who has not accepted the fact that Cain was from the serpent seed, then I’m sorry that you can’t see it, because you are missing the entire context of the Bible of why we must be spiritually converted. So please don’t leave me any disagreeing comments or I’m just going to block you for being a stumbling stone.
For others who want to know the truth, Cain means a lance as striking fast. And think of this lance as striking fast as the initial first thought that comes to mind when you want to erect, create, procure, especially to purchase causatively, to sell by implication to own, attain, buy and provoke to jealousy also to possess, purchase, recover and redeem.
I’m telling you that this is literally the reason why my wife and I got divorced. Because I had lost the desire to chase after the almighty dollar and I was willing to walk away from the company that I almost sacrificed my life and my family to build so that we could purchase and have the confidence of wealth personified.See how this money tree from the branch of the serpent seed has been made manifest on Wall Street at the New York Stock exchange with the symbol of the bull which we know is a symbol of bail and why they sacrificed 3000 people on 911 by destroying the World Trade Centers. Do you get it?
Because everyone who has set their heart on the pursuits of the material things of this world over the Lord God is serving the God of this world and is what drives people to acquire wealth so that it gives them the confidence of wealth personified, which in turn provokes others to jealousy and keeps everyone continuing to work and climbing that status ladder which drives you further away from finding the Lord God.
And when you take a step back and you look at it from this perspective, you can see that this is what this world is all about and it can be traced back to the etymology of Cain’s name. And that’s why the Lord tells us it’s impossible to serve two masters because your DNA and this entire world system has been designed to keep you climbing to that next destination between classes of society.
And that’s why Miley Cyrus wrote that song. It’s not the destination, it’s the climb. Because that’s exactly what happened to me when I made it to the top of what I considered my financial mountain because what I found after everybody congratulates you and after everyone is done admiring your success is complete emptiness. And I thought to myself, that’s it. That’s what I worked so hard for and almost died trying to obtain. And that’s when the Lord showed me what this world was all about and who I had been serving. And we all know where we’re dedicating our time and our attention to. And only you guys can answer that, because when the Antichrist rises from the ashes, from the destruction that is coming and takes his new host body through Obama, which is symbolic of this tree dying and why the number 500 has been purposely written into the maintenance cost of this tree, because 500 in the Strongs means Antichrist.
There is going to be a cashless society with a new financial, digital mark of the Beast economic financial system which will also rise out of the chaos. And there will be many people, both non-Christians and Christians, who have not been spiritually converted, who will choose to take the mark of the beast and these medications that will be forced on everyone so that they can participate in the new economy to save their lives and in the process will forfeit their eternal salvation. Because they didn’t know the word of God and have a relationship with Jesus Christ because they were either knowingly or unknowingly choosing to serve the beast system. Do you get it?
Now I want to review the enemy’s timeline of turning the sycamores that were cut down from that original creation of the natural man that Elohim made in Genesis 1:26 back into Cedars, and how this process began to be made manifest from the beginning when the Statue of Liberty, also referred to as Columbia, arrived in New York City in 1885, which represents the human host body, tabernacle or temple, through to the advent of Google’s new iron mixed with Myri Clay quantum computing third temple microprocessor that they have named the Sycamore Chip.
That this article from Nature magazine as in the natural, wild, fierce, raging man stated, will give Google quantum supremacy with their new 54 cubic Sycamore Chip and all the way through to this year in 2023, when the enemy comes in like a flood, which will be the physical tsunami event to kick off the great Tribulation and make way for Barack lightning fall. From heaven Obama to rise to power from the destruction that is coming that the first beast of Revelation 13 will end up giving his power to in 1 hour.
And I just want you to stop and think about what you’re looking at here with this quantum computer microchip that Google has named Sycamore to mock everyone because only the Lord could make manifest the enemy’s plans to this level of detail that he’s allowing me to reveal to you in this video. Because you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.
And what I’m about to show you next is further going to prove that the destruction of the Twin Towers in the Pentagon was purposely done from an enemy within our own borders that Jonathan Kleck was given a prophetic utterance about back in 2002.
Then one evening, just after I had just finished decrypting the Back to the Future Part Four trailer that shows Marty asking that if time travel was possible and you had that kind of power, what would you do? And then the clock reads 730 insinuating that they would change us back into Cedars. And then we are shown the number 69 and a missile in Doc Brown’s garage to foreshadow what’s coming.
And I turned on my television and it just so happened that Back to the Future Part two was playing. And the scene that was on was when Marty and Doc Brown had just completed fixing everything back to normal from when Beth stole the time machine and went back in time to give himself the Sports Almanac. When all of a sudden Doc Brown and the time machine gets hit by lightning, which sends them back to 1885. And I’ll let the scene play out for you and then we’ll discuss it.
Doc, the newspaper change. Doc, my father’s alive. That means everything’s back to normal. Right? Mission accomplished. But be careful. You don’t want to get struck by lightning.
And then when the time machine is struck by lightning, we are shown this backwards 99. But when we apply what Jesus tells us in the Acts of Peter regarding concerning which the Lord says in a mystery unless you make the things of the right hand as those of the left and those of the left as those of the right and those above as those below and those that are behind as those that are before Ye shall have no knowledge of the kingdom. Which means you have to invert everything in this world to be able to see the truth. Otherwise, you will have no understanding of the hidden world that is right in front of you.
Because when you invert this backwards 99 it makes us 66 which we now know is in reference to that wild, fierce, raging natural man from Genesis 1:26 that was grown by germination that they want us change us back into.
Well, let’s keep going. The dog’s gone. Is your name Marty McFly? Yeah. I’ve got something for you. A letter. It was given to us with the explicit instructions that it be delivered to a young man with your description answering to the name of Marty at this exact location at this exact minute, November 12, 1955. We had a little bet going as to whether this Marty would actually be here. Looks like I lost. Didn’t you say 70 years? Yeah, 70 years, two months, twelve days, to be exact. Here sign on line six, please.
And then we are told that this letter was to be delivered to Marty at this exact time. 70 years, two months and twelve days. Which cryptically adds up to 75 years because when you add them up, 70 plus two plus one plus two equals 75. And we know from earlier in the video from John Wick that 75 years from when Israel became a nation was pointing to the 108th 50 year Jubilee and the 118th Congress which is this year in 2023.
Here you are. Dear Marty, if my calculations are correct, you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning. First, let me assure you that I’m alive and well. I’ve been living happily these past eight months in the year 1885. The lightning bolted 1885. September, 1885. This is when I heard in my spirit to pay close attention to September 1885 because we already know that Back to the Future, part one foreshadowed the events that occurred on September 11, 2001. So I was trying to figure out what the Lord was trying to show me with this date 1885. Then I was led to subtract 2001 when the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon were destroyed from 1885, which is 116 years, which is the exact time on the twin Pine Mall sign prior to Doc Brown being attacked and shot by the terrorists for stealing his petonium. And Back to the Future part one, which when inverted, reads 911. So here’s another confirmation in part two of…This series that was pointing to the 2001 September attacks. And if we looked at the time frame that this man held onto the letter from Marty in a different way and we just added all the numbers up seven plus zero, plus two plus one plus two days, it all equals up to twelve years, which is the exact number of years from the date that Back to the Future Part Two was produced in 1989 to the September 11 events in 2001. So either way, this movie series was intentionally synchronized with the destruction of the twin Towers. This is undeniable.
Now let me help you understand why the director, Steven Spielberg chose this date, 1885, to encrypt the destruction of the twin Towers, which, let me remind you, were built to resemble twin DNA markers so that they could purposely be destroyed at the right moment in time. And this understanding came from watching the movie Vision Quest that the Lord led me to watch one evening while I was making dinner.
And what I’m about to show you is the confirming witness to Jonathan’s Kleck’s prophetic utterance that he was given that the US. Would be hit with a tsunami and the Hoover Dam would be destroyed. Only I’m professing that. The Lord has shown me that these events will take place this year in 2023. And when I asked the Lord for confirmation that he wanted me to profess this, that these events were coming this year, I prayed on it. And I told him if he wanted me to publicly announce this because I’ve never claimed to be or considered myself to be a prophet, that he would have to show me an undeniable confirmation by having me cast a lot in my dictionary. And when I randomly opened my dictionary to a page, my thumb was on this word profess and it was even highlighted in red, which I don’t even remember doing, which means claim something that is true. Declare your faith in a religion, or in this case, relationship. So this is my act of faith in declaring that these events will happen this year in 2023.
The significance of 1885 and why it was shown in the movie Back to the Future was critically pointing us to when the Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City in 1885. Because the Statue of Liberty represents the female aspect of Lucifer, the light bearer, who brought the light to the Earth, who is also known as the Egyptian goddess ISIS, or the Roman goddess Liberty, or Freedom, or Columbia and Mother Nature, who created the natural world and that original human host body system that was grown by Germination.A third of the stars from heaven to be darkened, described in Revelations 8:12. There are two things that I was led to do with the state that the building was completed in 1987. The first thing that I was led to do was to calculate the number of years between 1987 when this building was completed and the last international Eugenics Congress Conference in 1932, which you can see is 55 years. And if you have been following Jonathan Kleck, then you would know how significant this is because the five and the five represents the five pointed stars, which represents the two opposing angel and demon spirits that we are born with within the twin host body system, because remember, we are the stars.
But this was just an ancillary confirmation that I was on the right track, where the Lord wanted me to go with this, because the strong’s meaning of 55 in Hebrew, which is only mentioned once in the Bible, just so happens to take us back to the same scripture in Isaiah nine just after the enemy has rebuilt the whiteness of the clay that has become divided back into cedars that we covered in Isaiah 9:10, which is going to enable the demon spirits that we are attached to in the pit to rise up and take occupancy within the human host body system, which will be a vessel for all evil to occupy and cause the light to shine no more in thee, which is the opposite of when the Holy Spirit comes into us and we get spiritually converted, which drives out the demon spirit that has been co-occupying our human tabernacle.
And the second thing that I was led to do with the date that this building was completed was to look up the strongest concordance of 1987, which is Hebrew word halem, which means a smiter, but it’s from the root h 1986 halam to strike down by implication to hammer stamp, conquer disband and to break down overcome to smite with a hammer, which I’m going to show you. When this evil is released from the pit, it’s going to cause a third of the stars to become darkened as described in Revelation 8:12.
And this is going to get deep, so you need to pay close attention. The strong’s meaning of 55 is Hebrew word ABAC, which is only used one time in the entire Bible in Isaiah 9:18, a few verses down from Isaiah 9:10 when they have built the whiteness of the clay back into cedars, which describes when the Lord’s judgment comes on the disobedient. I’m going to read Isaiah 9:18 first and break down the strong’s meaning of a few words. Then we’re going to go back and read from Isaiah 9:10 all the way through verse 20 so that I can put this into context for you.
And if you’ve been following me on Facebook, then you’ll see that this ties back to the post I made and shared about a dream that I was given about people who had taken the medications that were turning into zombies. Because when people’s DNA is changed back in the cedar, that’s going to allow that evil spirit that we are attached to in the pit to rise up and take occupancy of the human host bodied system. And the sea of humanity is going to turn evil.
Isaiah 9:18 says, “For the wickedness burns as a fire, it shall devour the briars and thorns and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke.”
And whenever you see the words briars and thorns, it always refers to that natural man that was grown by germination, that was vampiric, and whose spirit is hunting the angel inside of us from the pit. The strong’s meaning of this phrase, “and they shall mount up” is Hebrew word abak, meaning to coil upward, to mount up.
And let me give you a visual representation of this meaning to coil upward and to mount up. And think of this coiling up as a spiral of a magnetic field and that female evil energy that is rising up, being released from the pit, described here as lifting up as smoke as it takes over the human host body system. A coil can be defined as a series of connected spirals forming and gathering or winding energy that is induced by motion through a magnetic field and also to move in a spiral course as black smoke coiling up into the sky, which is exactly what is being described here in this phrase, like lifting up as smoke. And you have to remember, whatever occurs in the spiritual realm will always manifest in the physical and the material world.
And in this case, when the pit opens up, the physical representation of this scripture will be when the locusts come out of the pit like smoke from a furnace, described in Revelation 9. And it says, “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth and to him was given the keys to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose smoke out of the pit, like smoke from a great furnace. And the sun in the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And out of the smoke came locusts on the earth and unto them were given power. As the scorpions of the earth have power,”
So by this description, the Lord is going to burn with fire the wickedness of this disobedient fruitless tree of briars and thorns that are rising up from the pit with pride and with rage of anger and a sense of triumph. Because they are now free from the pit and they’re finally released. And you can see that these prideful characteristics described here are from the spirit of that natural man which was the serpent race that is also described here as raging, which is Greek word g. 66 agrios which takes us full circle back to the book of Jude. One verse, ten through 13, that we covered earlier, which is the same alphanumeric value as the name of this pandemic. To describe that natural, wild, fierce, enraging spirit that is rising. And mounting up as in mounting the white horse of Revelation 6:2 that has begun to ride and administer the bow through these medications that is going to take over humanity.
Jude 1, verse 10 through 13 says, “But these speak of those things which they not know, but what they know naturally as brute beasts. And those things that corrupt themselves, woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the era of Balam for their reward and perished in the Gang, saying of court, these are spots in your feast of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear. Clouds they are without water carried about the winds trees whose fruit withers without fruit twice dead, plucked up by the roots, raging waves of the sea foaming out of their own shame, wandering stars to whom is reserved for blackness of darkness forever.”
Guys, this is describing that original spirit of Elohim that was moving on the face of the waters in Genesis 1:2. That elohim the gods and angels of the supreme God portioned out in fashion into forms of idolatry and living embodiments that were in the heavens on the earth and under the earth in the sea that the Lord God warned them not to make in Exodus 20. And just imagine what it’s going to be like at the end of the world when the Lord’s spirit is removed and all that’s left is that spirit of that raging, wild, natural and fierce spirit that was from the original creation. It’s not going to be pretty.
Okay, let’s read through Isaiah 9:10-20 so that I can show you what it’s going to be like during judgment when the enemy restores the whiteness of the clay that has become divided back into cedars.
“The bricks have fallen down, but we will build with huestones. The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. Therefore, the Lord shall set up the adversaries of resin against him and join his enemies together, which I’m going to show you later. In this video is the Lord joining his enemies together through the mark of the beast. System because he is the cheap political allowing all of this to happen for his will. The Syrians before and the Philistines behind and they shall devour Israel with an open mouth for all. His anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. For the people turn not unto him that smite them,”Sure! Here is the reformatted text:
Neither do they seek the Lord of hosts. Therefore the Lord will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush in one day the ancient inhonorable. He is the head and the prophet that teaches lies. He is the tail, which is likely referring to the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.
For the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are led by them are destroyed. And after everything that you see going on in the world right now, do you honestly believe that our world leaders have your best interest in mind? I hope not.
Therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men neither shall have mercy on the Fatherless and the widows. For everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer and every mouth speaketh folly for his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still. For the wickedness burns as the fire. It shall devour the briars and thorns and shall kindle the thickets of the forest and they shall mount up like the lifting of smoke which is the evil rising up from the pit.
Now get ready. Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened and the people shall be fueled as the fire. No man shall spare his brother. The Hebrew meaning of shall spear means to commiserate which means to feel or express sorrow or pity for to sympathize with, to feel compassion for. And he shall snack on the right hand and be hungry and he shall eat on the left hand and they shall not be satisfied. They shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm.
There’s a lot more to this scripture than describing flesh eating zombies. The spiritual significant of what the Scripture is telling us is that during the time of God’s judgment, the Lord will have cut off your connection to the good Spirit inside of you. Described as the right hand or the right eye, which is indicative of going the way of Jesus because our right eye is what gives us access to the fountain of living waters through his spirit. Because Jesus always sits to the right side of the Almighty l in Heaven. And once this happens, all that will be left is your left eye and a host body for the other half of your duality, which is that demon spirit inside of you for all evil to occupy, which is the meaning of the left hand, which in the strongs means through the idea of wrapping up darked, as enveloped, as in folding together or redoubled down, through the idea of a covering assuming the shape to resemble a likeness, an idol in an image which is describing the clothing of flesh in the host body system that will be used as the vessel for all evil to occupy which is describing the spirit of that natural man which was the original serpent race that Elohim made in Genesis 126.
And this is when you’re going to see the transformation of humans into flesh eating zombies that are portrayed in these movies, television shows and commercials. And this is also why the description of this natural man whether he’s being described as raging, wild, fierce or natural always leads back to the definition of the word curse katanathemia which is the curse from the root G2596. Kata down, natural, in opposition and excommunicated because the flesh is down and is in opposition to the Lord God because we were never meant to take on flesh host bodies.
I want to show you what the Lord revealed to me through the help of my brother Mike, who sent me a trailer to the movie Back to the Future, Part Four, that the Lord used to confirm to Mike that everything that I was explaining to him about the enemy’s agenda to restore the whiteness of the clay that has become divided back into cedars in Isaiah 910 was the truth. But first, I want to show you what the Lord revealed to me in Back to the Future part one, as I was putting this section of the video together. Because when Doc Brown is testing out the time machine for the first time, and when he says, when this baby hits 88 mph, we’re going to see some serious you know what, which was the time they locked everybody down during the Pandemic, which was 88 years from the last International Eugenics Congress Conference in 1932. We were also being cryptically shown the clues that they were planning to turn the twin host body temple back into the original temple of that natural man that was created in Genesis 126, that elohim made in their likeness of their vain imagination and darkened hearts that we covered earlier in Romans 121.
Good evening, I’m Dr. Emmett Brown. I’m standing on the parking lot at Twin Pines Mall. It’s Saturday morning, October 26, 1985. 118 a yeah. And this is temporal experiment number one. Come on. Heiny. Hey, boy. Get in there, boy. Get out. That’s it. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. Please note Einstein’s clock.
This scene starts off with Doc Brown showing us this clock that reads 118. And when I was first watching this part of the movie at the time, I didn’t catch that we were being shown this time until after making this part of the video. But then I took a break and I was eating my lunch and I turned on the television for a minute, and what do you know, there it was on the screen at that very moment in time. I’m going to explain later in the video how the Lord led me to the understanding that 118 was pointing to the year of the 118th 50 year Jubilee, and also the 118th United States Congress, which both started this year in 2023. So this is just a confirming witness that was pointing to this year. It’s in precise synchronization with my control watch. Got it. Right. Check. Done. Good.
When this baby hits 88 mph, you’re going to see some serious shit. Ah. As Doc Brown is accelerating the tire speed to 88 mph. Just before they cut to that scene where the car takes off, the speedometer reads 65 mph, which is a clue pointing that they were planning to change the human temple, which is our DNA, back into cedars, because 65 is indicative of the hexagonal and pentagonal shape of the crystalline structure of our DNA. And right at the time the time machine hits 88 mph, we are shown this radiation symbol, which is indicative of a nuclear reaction or radiation. And right at the same time I was putting this together, my brother Lex sends me an image of a radiant symbol on it, which was on a completely different topic. And I felt in my spirit that this was significant, which I learned radium was the number 88 on the periodic table of elements, which is abbreviated to read RA, as in the sun god Raw, and also has an atomic mass of 226, which we’ll get to the significance in a minute, I tell you.
88 mph. Then, of course, when the car hits 88 mph, which was pointed to the 88 years from the last Eugenics Congress conference in 1932, the pandemic hit and the assault to cause the abomination that causes desolation of the human temple spoken by Daniel the prophet, had begun, the temporal displacement occurred exactly 01:20 A.m. In zero second. Then Doc Brown says the temporal displacement took place at 01:20 A.m. In zero second. But what’s interesting is that I originally thought that Doc Brown said the temporal displacement took place at 01:20 A.m., because Doc Brown is speaking so fast that even the closed caption recognized what he was saying as a temple displacement, not temporal displacement.
I didn’t catch it. Because the temple displacement is exactly what’s occurring on a spiritual level inside the human host body temple to displace and get rid of the angel spirit of Adam, which is the sheep and the angel side of our duality and replace it with all evil, which is the demon side of our duality. Once that serpent female energy from Lucifer has consumed the male energy from Adam. But while I was in the process of making this video, I sent my brother Lex this image of Doc Brown positioning his body to make himself out to be a sheep to mock us. And I highlighted this word, temple displacement, when I sent him the image, and he writes back to me, rich, I can see the sheep, but I can also see that Doc Brown has a locust in a headlock. And I was like, no way, can you see it. Here, let me help with”Your perception, because you can clearly see that he was correct. And I said to myself, I have to fit this into the video. But then he writes back to me, Rich, I think Doc Brown is saying temporal displacement, not temporal displacement. And he sent me this image of the definition of temporal, which means relating to or limited by time a temporal dimension, temporal or spatial boundaries relating to the material world worldly temporary or transitionary, as opposed to eternal, which is exactly what this world is about.
Because this is not our home. Because we were never meant to take on flesh host bodies. Two corinthians five. One says, for we know if that our Earth and house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we would have a building of God in a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. And you can see the tabernacle means a temporary residence, the human body as the abode of the spirit, a tabernacle, and it’s from G 46 32 a vessel or an apparatus, specifically a wife, as contributing to the usefulness of the husband, which is Jesus.
And remember from early in the video when I covered Revelation Twelve when the serpent cast water out of his mouth as a flood, which is the physical tsunami after the woman, which means specifically a wife arise to be. Assembled, to be divided, to be married, to be ordained, which is the rapture of the bride of Christ that is being taken up on two wings of an eagle for three and a half years before the great Tribulation, which is describing Jesus’s promise to all those who get spiritually converted to escape his wrath. Before the Great Tribulation that become part of the bride of Christ because they have become divorced from that demon side of our duality described here.
From G 46 39 to shade or a shadow, literally darkness of error that only the Holy Spirit can reconcile and expel from your human tabernacle. What’s crazy about this testimony is that when I was working in the electric utility industry we were partnered with a company called Spacetime Insight that provided geospatial temporal visualization software. So when Lex brought this to my attention, I thought to myself that the Lord was definitely communicating to me that there was a broader message that he wanted me to reveal from this scene. Because when you look at the hidden images of the sheep and the locusts, then you can clearly see that this scene is exactly what that is all about because we only have a short temporal time to come to the truth and get spiritually converted. Otherwise our spiritual energy gets converted into a locust from the pit.
And the fact that this temporal displacement occurred at 100 and 20:00 A.m is telling us when God H 430 elohim God’s, angels of the Supreme God, changed the glory of the incorruptible God, which is an angel, into an image made like into corruptible man, which is the flesh that occurred in Genesis 126 when God, age 430 elohim angels and gods of the supreme God said, let us make man in our image. And this was before they commingled with the ademigrates that the Lord God formed from the dust in Genesis two seven. The Hebrew word for man is H 120, meaning ruddy, a human being, an individual or species of mankind, a hypocrite man of lower degree. And the strong’s meaning of image is to shade a phantom, an illusion, a represent figure, especially an idol, a vain show.
Then Marty curses God and says, Jesus Christ. He says this because this is what follows next in Genesis 127 and 128, where it says so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them, and God blessed them. And God said, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. The Hebrew word blessed here is barak, meaning man as a benefit. And the benefit that man is being used for is to eventually birth Satan’s end time army of locusts from the pit. It also means euphemistically to curse God or the king as treason. Blasphemy, a curse. And Euphemistically to curse God as a king or treason or blasphemy is in reference to breaking the Lord’s commandments in Exodus 20, verse three, where it says thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. The strong’s meaning of likeness means something portioned out that is fashioned as a shape that is indefinitely a phantom or specifically embodiment an image. Likeness simultudude. And it’s from H 43 27 to portion out that is a species.
Because, as the Lord states in Romans 123 that we covered earlier, when you change the glory of the uncorruptible God, which is an angel, into an image made like to corruptible man, which is a flesh host body, and to birds and four footed beasts and creeping things, you are committing treason against the Lord God. And that’s why Marty, in this next scene, curses the King. Hot cheese Christ. Hot cheese. Christ. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that you built a time machine out of a DeLorean? The way I see it, if you’re going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it some style? Besides, the stainless steel construction made the flux dispersal look out.
And in this next scene, as the time machine returns and this flash of light occurs, I felt in my spirit the Lord telling me to slow down the video and look at it frame by frame. And when I did, you can see that this new temporal or temple displacement is now in the form of the spirit of the dragon. Do you see it? Here, let me help with your perception. How about now? Do you understand how badly we’re being mocked in this movie? I mean, we’ve got Doc Brown making himself look like a sheep. Then he’s got a locust and a headlock, and now there’s a dragon on Marty’s shoulder. You can’t make this stuff up, guys.
Then the time machine lets out this blast of cold air which describes the strong translation of the word spirit, which is Greek word numa, which means a current of air that is, a breath, a blast or a breeze. A spirit, a vital principle, a superhuman angel, demon spirit or divine God. Christ spirit, the Holy Spirit, which in this case, since the spirit of the dragon returned on Marty’s shoulder, then we can surmise that the temporal displacement that occurred at 100 and 20:00 a.m and this blast of air is symbolic of the spirit of the dragon and the natural man from Genesis 126 that has been restored into a superhuman demon spirit with the angel cut off hot.
This exchange between Marty and Doc Brown when Marty asks, is it hot? And Doc responds, no, it’s cold. It’s damn cold is indicative of us and them the sheep who are on fire for the Lord, thus hot, and the goats who reject the Lord, thus cold. And not only cold, but damn cold, he says which means they despise the Lord because watch what Doc says next to his dog, Einstein. Then Doc Brown says, Einstein, you little devil as in Einstein, you superhuman demon spirit.
And Einstein’s clock now reads 120, which we know the strong’s meaning of. 120 is referring to that wild, raging, fierce, demonically spirit, natural man that was grown by Germination in Genesis 126, as opposed to the other clock that reads 121, which is significant because H 121 is in reference to the spiritual man that the Lord God formed from the clay and breathed the living soul into him in Genesis two seven. Because H 21 is Hebrew word Adam, which is the name of the first man that the Lord God himself names.
His clock is exactly 1 minute behind mine. It’s still ticking. He’s all right. He’s fine. And he’s completely unaware that anything happened. As far as he’s concerned, the trip was instantaneous. That’s why his watch is exactly 1 minute behind mine. He skipped over that minute to instantly arrive at this moment in time. Come here. I’ll show you how it works. Here’s a red letter date in the history of science november 5, 1955. And then Doc Brown tells us that he developed a concept of time travel in 1955. And if you think about it, this entire movie takes place in 1955, which is really about going back to the past and not the future, because the temporal displacement that Doc BrownReferences in this movie are cryptically telling us that the characters want to go back to the past, to the beginning of creation, and change by building back the whiteness of the clay that was divided from the sycamores. This division occurred when the serpent race commingled with the Edemic race, returning them to cedars by adding an additional 23 chromosomes. The intention is to cut off the spirit of Adam. The movie takes place in 1955, and interestingly, if we subtract this date from the date of the last International Eugenics Congress Conference in 1932, we get 23 years, the same number of chromosomes needed for Obama’s Triple Helix Third Temple.
The Syringe-shaped Building at Eugenia Place, completed 55 years from the last International Eugenics Conference, is not a coincidence. This connects back to Isaiah 918, which mentions the rise of evil spirits. Henstock Brown’s reference to temporal displacement occurring at 01:20 A.M. is significant, as well as the mention of lifting up in the trailer for Back to the Future part four. These references all tie into the idea of genetic manipulation and the building of a new Jerusalem temple.
The movie also shows the consequences of not getting spiritually converted and becoming assimilated into a locust in this earthly system. It reveals that accepting the free gift of salvation can lead us back to our Heavenly Father. Marty’s journey back to the future and his collaboration with Doc Brown to channel electricity from a bolt of lightning are symbolic of our hope in Jesus Christ’s return. The future represents the new Jerusalem, where a new heaven and earth will be created.
Spiritual conversion and becoming part of the spiritual church of Jesus Christ are depicted through Marty’s desire to warn Doc Brown about a future terrorist attack. In this scene, the number on the time circuit board changes from 35 to 24. The meaning of 35 being “without genealogy” suggests that the third, inactive strand of DNA is not traced except for its connection to the Almighty God. The number 24 in reference to the line in 1 Kings 7:15 refers to the inactive DNA waiting to be activated by the Holy Spirit. It symbolizes the molecular level of spiritual conversion.
The movie further connects the line of 24 to the mechanism of spiritual conversion and the formation of Jesus’s 70-chromosome triple helix New Jerusalem Third Temple described in 1 Kings 6:8. The winding stairs mentioned in the middle chamber represent the inactive DNA near the double helix, waiting to be activated by the Holy Spirit.
Having this biblical understanding of the number 24, we can now watch the scene where Marty accelerates the time machine to reach…Sure, here’s the reformatted text:
88 mph. We are shown this scene with the flux capacitor that you can see looks like a Y, which is indicative of a Y chromosome, which is the source of male energy, or in this case, the Holy Spirit from our Heavenly Father. That raises up that third pillar to reconcile our duality, to make one new man from the two. And let me remind you the significance of 88, because 88 is also in reference to the eight and eight prime ends of our DNA, because anyone who has received the Holy Spirit and has been spiritually converted can attest to seeing some serious shit because it changes you physically, spiritually, and it’s a supernatural process.
Flux are lines of force of an electromagnetic field that can be defined as the rate or flow of particles of energy or fluid within a specific area, such as neutrons flux or light energy flux. It can also mean to melt or to fuse together. And if we’re talking about building the new Jerusalem temple with a new source of male energy, then it’s certainly going to alter and change the flux of the resonant frequency of our toroidal field to disconnect us from one. Source, such as that demon side of our duality that’s growing in the pick and reconnect us up to the new source, which is Christ spirit, the Holy Spirit. And DNA is also made up of crystals which can serve as a capacitor. So there’s where you get the concept of the flux capacitor.
Let’s keep going. It, it, it. Then Marty goes back to the future and you can see that we’re purposely shown this burning 911, which is the angel from the bottomless pit, who is telling us in advance through this movie that he is going to destroy the Twin Towers, which was a symbolic representation of the old double helix temple that is going to be destroyed now that her rivers or spirit has gone out through all the plants of the field, which is all. Of humanity so that he can build his new 69 chromosome, triple helix third temple that is being constructed right now to turn us all back into cetus through these medications and through the mark of the Beast system.
And then we are shown this smoothie sign that reads the Atomic Kid or the Atomic Goat, because a kid is just another name for a goat. But what’s interesting is that when I was going to bed the other night, just before making this section of the video, the Lord put it on my spirit to look up the meaning of the atomic kid, which you can see is a black and white film that was basically about a nuclear bomb going off and a kid who gains powers from being exposed to the nuclear radiation. But when I was led to see if there was any connection to the nuclear threat that’s going on right now with Russia at this very moment in time, I found something very interesting and something also very disturbing that you need to pay attention to. Because when I was led to calculate the number of years between this movie that was released in 1954 and now in 2023, there are 69 years. Guys, this is no coincidence.
Because in this next scene, when Marty returns back to the future, we are showing him the same movie sign that now reads the assembly of Christ, which likely means the nuclear event that causes the tsunami. When the serpent casts water out of his mouth like a flood will be this year in 2023, and will also be when the woman or the bride of Christ in Revelation Twelve is given two wings of an eagle and is taken up into the wilderness for three and a half years before the great Tribulation. And as you can see that we’re even being told by the enemy the truth in plain sight for you to see that salvation is free. Jesus is calling you. And the assembly of Christ, which is the rapture of the church is about to happen this year. So if you’re someone who is being called and haven’t answered the call yet, we all know somebody. In my case, it’s you, Ed. I’m talking to you, then now is the time, because I’m going to show you in the movie trailer for the Back to the Future Part Four, that we’re also being told that 2023 is the year.
And lastly, before we move on to Back to the Future Part Four trailer, I want to show you what I found when I looked up who this John Crump character is, whose name is on the sign that is so mind blowing. That just solidifies everything that I just explained to you in this video as the truth. And I just want you to wrap your brain around and try to calculate the odds of what I’m going to show you. John Crump just happens to be a medical physician for infectious diseases, a medical microbiologist, and an epidermiologist, which is the study of the transmission and control of epidemic diseases. What’s going on in the world today with this pandemic? He also was born in New Zealand and raised on a mixed sheep and cropping farm, which is a type of farming for cultivating plants, as in farming the mixed sheep, which is all of us, and cropping farm to cultivate plants, which is the serpent race that was grown by germination. Do you guys understand what’s being revealed in this movie and how badly we’re being mocked? I hope so.
So let’s continue. Crazy drunk drivers. Now, I’m going to play the trailer for the upcoming Back to the Future Part Four movie that is supposed to be released this year in 2023 to show you how everything that I’ve been sharing about the physical and the spiritual tsunami that is coming is cryptically hidden in this trailer. I’m going to play it all the way through, then we’re going to go back through it so that I can show you the cryptic message that’s being revealed to us in plain sight.
Officials at the Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was in fact stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft here. If time travel were possible, it would be the greatest ethical and philosophical conundrum of the modern age. Would you change kind of Drow. Great sky?
Officials at the Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was in fact stolen from their vault two weeks ago. The first thing that we have shown in this trailer is that there’s been a nuclear theft. That once again brings the audience’s attention that there is a nuclear threat on the horizon. And if I’m sure you’re someone who’s been watching this channel, then you’re aware of the threat that Russia has made to the US. And NATO allies about their. Poseidon nuclear torpedo that they’ve developed that has the capability of causing a 500 meters tsunami that could destroy an entire coastline, that the media has been propagating to pre program everyone for what’s coming. Because I’m going to show you later in this trailer that they even are so bold to show us a missile to prove that this is exactly what’s coming. And I don’t know if you caught the end of the trailer, but we were shown the very words, it’s coming soon, it’s about time, and the date reads 2023. And you’ll see that they’re not just referring to the release of this movie, they’re actually referring to the tsunami event.
A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft. And let me remind you what we learned from Back to the Future part one. That this is all about the temple displacement to get rid of the spirit of Adam and the sheep out of the system. By restoring the whiteness of the clay that has become divided and building back the sycamores that were cut down back into Cedars, which is that white, natural, wild, fierce, reptilian man that Elohim created in Genesis 126 that was grown by Germination. And that’s why we’re shown this scene with Marty wearing white sneakers with a ruddy Nike stripe standing in clay, just like the White Snake album cover that has a white snake with a ruddy belly that is being birthed out of a flower. I mean, you just can’t make this stuff up. You missing the big picture here. If time travel were possible.
Now that we know this big picture that Marty is referring to is all about the temple displacement, then you can see in the rest of this trailer howThey are going to do it. Because here is Marty pressing the number 56, which in the strongs means willful ignorance used in one Corinthians 15, having no knowledge of God. And the Lord tells us in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt not be a priest to me. Seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
This meaning of willful ignorance from the strong’s meaning of 56 also brings us back to Isaiah 9:13, just after we are told that they are going to change the whiteness of the clay that has become divided back into Cedars. And the Lord says, “For my people turn not onto them that smite them, nor do they seek the Lord of Hosts.” Which means there are people that don’t have a clue about what this world is all about, nor what’s being done to them. Nor do they have the inclination to search out the truth, because they have chosen to live in willful ignorance like sheep being led to the slaughter, which is another word for smyth, and they don’t even know it, because they are neither hot nor cold. Just like the letter to the Church of Ladiasa.
The strong’s meaning of Smyth means to strike, to beat, to cast forth, to kill, to slaughter, murder, punish, smite and be stricken. And I want to go over these definitions used to describe smite of because this is describing exactly what’s taking place at this very moment in time as the public is being smitten by the great merchants and the great men of the Earth, which is Big Pharma, the WHO, the United Nations and all the world leaders who are described in Revelation 18:23 as smiting everyone through their pharma Kia, meaning medicine and pharmacy, that have deceived the entire world not just with one blow, but a constant hammering and affliction until they get their gold completed because there’s more lockdowns coming.
Guys, we’re not done with this yet. Smite can mean to strike, which means to hit sharply, as with a hand, fist, weapon or instrument, such as a nail, with a hammer, or in this case, a hypodermic needle, to deliver the necessary genetic and other material to build back the cedars. It also means to be stricken, which is a particle of strike, to mean beset or be afflicted, as with a disease, trouble or sorrow. It can also mean to be wounded by, or as by a missile, which is actually a definition in Guys, I’m not making this up.
So think of these definitions also as the physical affliction, such as the red horse of Revelation 6:3, which is war that is going to be used as an instrument to bring about the necessary change that they want to bring about Satan’s, one world government and force the mark of the beast on everyone.
I wanted to take the time to help you understand these definitions, because I’m going to show you how this word smite, or smitten, connects back to the movie Back to the Future. In the upcoming scene that I’m going to show you with the article of the Syringehaped building with the tree on top, which, let me remind you, is a symbolic representation of the bow. That the rider of the white horse has in Revelation 6:2 that contains the genetic material and other nano ingredients to restore our DNA back into cedars, described as the temple displacement in the movie Back to the Future that was completed in 1987. 55 years after the last international Eugenics Congress conference, which is the exact time frame that the movie Back to the Future takes place in in 1955.
The strong’s meaning of 1987, when this building was completed is Hebrew word helem, which means a smiter. And it’s from 1986 Halam, meaning to strike down by implication, to hammer, to stamp, to disband, to beat down, to break down, to overcome, to smite with a hammer, which also happens to be the registration date on the license plate that says out of time. Which this is all going to connect to judgment in the book of Revelation 6:2, when the seals are open and also Revelation 8:10 through 12.
So stay with me and pay attention because this is going to get deep and you need to keep in mind whatever happens on a physical level also is happening on a spiritual level inside the human host body temple.
The other symbolic reason why Marty presses five and six is because five and six are indicative of the five sided pentagonal and six sided hexagonal shape of the crystalline structure of our DNA, where the spiritual nuclear attack within the nuclear envelope will occur to cause the nuclear fusion to mingle their seed with the seed of men described in Daniel 2:43.
It will be the greatest. Then we see the fusion reaction take place in the flux capacitor. And then Marty says, if time travel were possible and I cut them off, it would be the greatest ethical and philosophical conundrum of the modern age. And then we are shown the license plate that reads out of time. And there is a cryptic meaning of the flux capacitor that relates to all this. A flux is a line of force of an electric or a magnetic field that can be defined as the rate of flow of particles, energy or fluid through a specific area, such as that of a neutron flux or light energy flux. It can also mean to melt or fuse together. And if we’re talking about temple displacement and mingle and seeds together to change us back into cedars, then it’s certainly going to alter and change the flux of the resonant frequency of our toroidal field to disconnect us from one source and reconnect us to another source. And DNA can also act as a capacitor that holds the piso electric charge.
And the fact that this registration is dated 1986 is significant because the strong’s meaning of 1986 is halam, meaning to strike, down by implication, to hammer, stamp, conquer, disband, overcome, to smite with a hammer. And again, strike means to hit sharply, as with the hands, fist weapon or an instrument, such as a nail with a hammer, or in this case, a hyperdermic needle, to deliver the genetic and other material for the temple displacement. It also means to disband, which means to dissolve or to cease to function as an organization, to break up, as in the wheat and the tears, to cause, to separate, to go in different direction, as in up to heaven or down to the pit. Also to stop functioning as a unit, such as disbanding the angel and the demon spirit that has been in war inside the human temple that is now being separated. And it also means to break up, to separate and dissolve, which is no different than the strongs meaning. We will change them back into cedars from Isaiah 9:10, which means to Pierce change, alter, to modify, to cut off. To renew, to sprout up, to strike through, as in using an instrument to strike through, to pierce, change and alter and cut out the DNA and the spirit from Adam and turn us back into a natural, wild, fierce and raging cedar. Do you understand?
And finally, when we look at the strong’s meaning of G 86, we can see what it really means to be out of time. Because the strong’s meaning of G 86 is Hades, the abode of departed spirits, which is where you’re going to go if you let them steal your crown.
But we’re not done yet, because the final confirmation is yet to come.
The big picture here if time travel if time travel were possible, it will be the greatest ethical and philosophical conundrum of the modern age. You had that kind of power, what would you do? Would you change? Heather can power. What would you do? Would you change? You kind of drown, Chris. God, you I truly hope you guys can understand what has just been revealed in this trailer because this is everything that I’ve been showing you in Isaiah 9:10. Let the bricks have fallen down, but we will build the huestones. The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.
So let’s go through it right after this scene where we are shown the director of the movie, who is Steven Spielberg. We are shown a clock that reads 7:29 and then it flips to 7:30. As Marty is asking us, if time travel was possible, if you had that kind of power, what would you do? What would you change? And…I want to thank my brother Mike for sharing this with me. Because this is how the Lord confirmed to him that what I was sharing with him about Isaiah 910 was the truth.
Because the strong’s meaning of 729 means made of cedars, which is absolutely Steven Spielberg’s intention to communicate that if time travel were possible, that they would go back in time to change the sycamores that were cut down and the whiteness of the clay that was divided back into cedars. But this confirmation is even more profound, because the strong’s translation of H 729 just happens to reference Ezekiel 27, verse 24, which is about the lamentation that the Lord God told Ezekiel to bring up against the King of Tyra, who is Lucifer in the flesh, who were the great merchants of the earth that were situated in the midst of the seas.
Where it says these were the merchants in all sorts of things in blue clothes embroidered work, in the chest of rich apparel bound with cords made of cedars among thy merchandise. The mockery that’s being communicated here is that the merchants of the earth that are deceiving everyone by their pharmacia and their medicines are that blue blooded serpent race that are described as being clothed in blue clothes and embroidered work. Among the merchandise, which is all of us, because we were the one that was merchandised in traffic from heaven to the earth.
In Ezekiel 20 814 through verse 18, the Lord is speaking through Ezekiel and says to the King of Tyre, who is Lucifer in the flesh, and is convicting him of trafficking God’s angels from heaven to the earth and changing the glory of the incorruptible God, which is an angel, into an image likened to a corruptible man, which is the flesh. And the merchandise that we covered earlier in Romans 123, the Lord says to the King of Tyree, thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was I covering the sardius, the topaz, the diamond, the barrel, the onyx, the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald and the carbuncle and the gold. Thy workmanship, thy tablets and thy pipes were prepared in the day that you were created. Thou was the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee so. Thou was upon the mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down the mist of the stones of fire.
In the strong translation for covereth means to entwine as a screen, by implication, to fence in, to cover over and to protect, to hedge in, to join together, to set and to shut up, which is describing the human host body system of flesh. Then he says, Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till inequity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise. They have filled the mist of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned. Therefore I will cast thee as profound out of the mountain of God, and I will destroy thee, o covering cherub, from the mist of the stone of fire. Thy heart was lifted up because of thy beauty. Thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by the reason of thy brightness. I will cast thee to the ground. I will lay there before the kings that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuary by the multitude of thy inequity, by the inequity of thy traffic. Therefore I will bring a fire from the midst of thee, and they shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.
The strong’s meaning of sanctuaries means a consecrated thing or place, especially a sanctuary of jehovah, a hollow part, a holy place which is describing our once undefiled consecrated holy angelic bodies that we had in heaven before we traded our souls for a flesh host body. And the strong’s meaning of traffic means to trade as peddled merchandise traffic. And that’s why we are considered merchandise, because when you trade the glory of the incorruptible God, which is an angel, into an image made likene to corruptible man, which is the flesh, you become satan’s property that can only be purchased back by the Lord God’s blood.
And right as Marty is asking the question, what would you change? We see the clock flip to 730, which in the strongs means a cedar, which is exactly what the prophet Isaiah prophesied about in Isaiah 910, that the bricks have fallen down, but we will build with huestones, the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them back into cedars.
Guys, this is solved. The enemy, as Jonathan Kleck would say, has been made naked and their plans are exposed. Then in this next scene, Doc Brown walks into his garage and we are even shown how they are going to change us back into cedars by first showing us this missile to the lower right side of the screen. Which looks exactly like the Russian Poseidon torpedo that Newsweek reported is capable of causing a 500 meters tsunami or 1640ft high, capable of wiping out an entire coastline. And 500 in the strongs just so happens to mean antichrist, and 1640 just so happens to mean to be swept away. Probably just a coincidence, because once this tsunami event occurs, there will be no one exempt from taking the medications in the Mark, because both will be forced on everyone when the Antichrist rises out of the chaos that’s going to ensue. Which is exactly what the prophet Daniel prophesied about would happen in Daniel 926. That the prince shall come, meaning the Antichrist shall destroy the city, meaning Jerusalem and the sanctuary, both the physical and the human temple in the end thereof shall be like a flood. And unto the end of the war. Desolations are determined which is describing the physical and the spiritual tsunami that is coming to cause the temple displacement or in biblical terminology, cause the abomination that causes desolation through another type of missile or instrument that is going to pierce, change and alter our DNA and to become smitten to change them back into Cedars.
Because in this next scene we are shown this box with the number 69 which is a representation of Satan’s 69 chromosome triple helix, third temple that is going to allow that evil to rise up from the pit and cause the sea of humanity to turn evil. And if you’ve watched my Jesus is Our Rock video series or followed me on Facebook, then you would know that this is no different from what we were shown when our former Republican president declared the lockdown and the military was called into Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, presumably to keep order when some restless citizens were not abiding by the lockdown. Curfew when Fox News 29 showed the National Guard rolling under the 69th street bridge at 1002 at 69 degrees. And coincidentally, the strong’s meaning of 1002 just happens to mean a dart or a missile arise to strike, to deposit, as if a payload, as in the physical payload to cause the physical Tsunami to kick off the Great. Tribulation and also the payload to deliver the genetic and other nanomaterial to cause the spiritual tsunami and the sea of humanity to return back to the spirit of that wild, raging, fierce, natural man that rises from the pit to take over the human host body system when our DNA is restored back into a cedar.
And then we are shown the future with these burning tire marks. That makes the number eleven, which in the strongs is Abaddon, meaning a place of destruction perishing Hades, and Abaddon, who is the angel from the bottomless pit. And the trailer concludes with Marty saying needle left, needle left, which we come full circle back to Isaiah 918 where it says for the wickedness burns as the fire, it shall devour the briars and thorns and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest and they shall mount up like lifting up of smoke.
And let me remind you, the strong’s meaning of they shall mount up means to coil upwards, to mount up, as in rising from the pit and lifting up with smoke means lifting up with pride, proudly raging to mount up, to rise, to grow, to increase, be risen and triumph. And this takes us back to the definition of the natural man, which is from G 66 wild, natural, fierce and raging, which is the curse. And then we are told it’s coming soon, it’s about time. 2023. Before we finish decrypt in the last paragraph in this article about the Syringe building with a tree on top, I want to show you one more confirmation that I received while I was watching the movie.John Wick is a movie that aims to reveal the enemy’s plan to turn humanity back into a wild, natural man known as a cedar. The movie hints at connections between John Wick and a building called Eugenia Place, which is believed to be connected to the earth rather than the spiritual realm. The movie also portrays a power structure consisting of twelve families known as the high table, who serve the Prince of Darkness and oversee different regions of the world. This power structure aligns with the idea of dividing the world into districts under the leadership of the Antichrist in a One World Government. John Wick, portrayed by Keanu Reeves, is a legendary assassin with a seat on the high table due to his prominent family background. His journey begins when his wife dies of cancer, leaving him a puppy named Daisy to help him through his grief. When the son of the Russian mob boss invades John Wick’s house, beats him, kills his puppy, and steals his car, John seeks revenge against the entire Russian syndicate, leading him back into the world of assassins. John Wick finds himself in conflict with the international organization of assassins, who want to kill him due to a contract on his head. The movie goes beyond revenge and highlights a hidden message related to the temple displacement concept, similar to the movie Back to the Future. This concept suggests that humanity’s DNA will be changed back into Cedars, causing them to become wild, fierce, and raging. Symbolism is present throughout the movie, such as the significance of the dog’s name, Daisy, meaning “day’s eyes” and representing the light in the eye. The black Mustang car represents power, death, rebirth, and transformation. The movie also incorporates numbers with potential connections to significant events, like Israel becoming a nation in 1948 and the potential 50-year Jubilee in 2023. The United States’ 118th Congress holds further connections to these numbers. Altogether, these elements suggest a deeper meaning beyond the surface revenge plot of the movie.
Can’t wait to witness what happens SOON along Rt 66 revival in Flagstaff az area ~