My personal testimony of my Kidnapping Abduction

Spread the Truth




➡ Rich Maplew shares his personal story of being kidnapped and how it led him to a deeper faith in God. He believes that God allowed this traumatic event to happen to him to teach him a lesson and change his heart. He encourages others going through tough times to seek God’s guidance and understand that these trials might be a way for God to get their attention. He emphasizes the importance of trusting in God completely and not relying solely on one’s own understanding.
➡ The author, Rich Maple, shares his spiritual journey, which led him to abandon his successful company and worldly lifestyle after receiving a divine revelation. He felt he had lost his eternal salvation, which led to personal losses and a near-death experience. Despite these hardships, he continued to trust in God’s plan, experiencing miracles along the way. His story serves as a testament to the power of faith and complete surrender to God’s will.
➡ The narrator recounts a day where he felt guided by a higher power to find food and shelter while living on the streets. He found various food items like cookies, a banana, a granola bar, cactus fruit, a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and bagels, seemingly placed in his path. He also found a blanket and a safe place to sleep, despite potential dangers. Throughout his journey, he felt a strong spiritual connection and believed that his needs were being provided for by a divine force.
➡ The narrator recounts his experiences of living on the streets, guided by his faith in God. He describes various instances where he believes God provided for him, such as finding a pair of glasses that matched his prescription, a suitcase to carry his belongings, and food. He also shares how he felt God protected him from potential dangers and taught him lessons about needs versus wants. The narrator expresses gratitude for these experiences, viewing them as miracles that strengthened his faith.
➡ The speaker shares his personal journey of faith, detailing his struggles and how he believes divine intervention helped him through difficult times. He talks about his experiences of homelessness, being led to food and clothing, and meeting supportive individuals. He also discusses a misunderstanding that led to accusations against him and others, causing strife. Despite these challenges, he maintains his faith and encourages others to trust in God’s plan, even in times of hardship.
➡ Trust and respect God, and He will guide you. Don’t think you know everything and avoid doing wrong. Honor God with your wealth and first earnings, and you’ll be rewarded. Accept God’s discipline because He corrects those He loves, just like a father does to his child. Finding wisdom and understanding brings happiness and is more valuable than silver or gold.
➡ A man named Jeff, who was homeless and in a desperate situation, convinced the narrator to help him out of his predicament. The narrator, feeling guilty and believing it was a sign from God, flew to New Jersey, rented a car, and drove Jeff back to California. Once they arrived, Jeff began to manipulate the narrator, making him feel guilty about his lifestyle and possessions. This led to Jeff giving away the narrator’s furniture, which was part of a divorce settlement, causing financial consequences for the narrator.
➡ The text tells a story of a person who, in their spiritual journey, allowed a man named Jeff to take control of their life. Jeff convinced them to give away their belongings, live on the streets, and prepare for a catastrophic event. Jeff also manipulated them into transferring all their financial assets into an LLC he created, cut off their communication with the outside world, and mentally abused them. The person ended up feeling worthless, starved, and manipulated into believing they were an enemy of God.
➡ The text describes a person’s experience with psychological manipulation and abuse. The person was isolated, controlled, and mentally tortured by someone named Jeff, who used various tactics like sleep deprivation, starvation, and coercion. The person was also prevented from contacting their family, leading to a loss of custody of their children. The ordeal left the person feeling powerless and struggling to overcome the belief that they were unloved.
➡ The speaker believes that not following God’s will led to his kidnapping ordeal and its consequences. He had a chance to take a lower-paying job, which he thinks God arranged for him, but he didn’t take it. This decision affected his child support payments and his overall life. During the kidnapping, he managed to free himself from his restraints, which he attributes to God’s grace. He eventually escaped, realizing that his kidnapper intended to involve him in a sex trafficking ring within the trucking industry.
➡ A person was kidnapped and planned to be sold to a trucker. He managed to free himself from his bindings using a metal hook in the truck and planned his escape. When the truck slowed down at a rest stop, he jumped out and ran into an almond orchard, hiding there for two days. He eventually found a water source, made shorts from a suitcase lining, and tried to find help at a nearby rest area.
➡ The author shares a personal experience of being homeless and relying on the kindness of strangers for food, clothing, and transportation. He also encounters potential danger from people he suspects are involved in human trafficking. Despite these challenges, he remains grateful for the help he receives and maintains his faith in God’s provision. He eventually finds temporary refuge in a town near a hotel and plans to ask for a ride home from someone at a local McDonald’s.
➡ A man found himself stranded without money or ID. He relied on the kindness of strangers and his faith to survive, receiving free food and a ride to Sacramento from a couple he met. Once in Sacramento, he navigated the city’s homeless community, finding safe places to sleep and food to eat. Throughout his ordeal, he felt guided by his faith and saw his experiences as miracles.
➡ In Sacramento, the narrator found a pair of sweatpants on the street, which he cleaned in a nearby fountain. He also found a nectarine tree for food and met a woman named Sue who guided him to places for homeless people to eat and rest. Despite missing a meal at a shelter, he found a container of pasta and a sweatshirt, which he also cleaned. He met a man named Desmond who gave him a free cell phone, but he couldn’t set it up due to lack of reading glasses. The next day, he noticed cookie crumbs on the bathroom floor at the train station.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways. Acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord neither be weary of his correction. For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth even as a father, the son in whom he delighteth.

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. Hey everyone, it’s Rich Maplew. God bless everyone and I hope you guys are doing well. I know it’s been a while since I’ve checked in. I just been waiting on the Lord to show me what he wanted me to do next. But I wanted to say thanks for everyone who has checked in with me and checked on my well being and I really appreciate the comments and I do read every single one of them.

So thank you very much. I’ve been thinking about this video for a while, but I wasn’t exactly sure if this is what the Lord wanted me to do until just recently when he confirmed to me that he wanted me to make a video to share my testimony about my kidnapping abduction that transpired back in September. And I know from talking with some of you personally that some of you are going through your own trials and tribulations. You may not have been tied up and gagged and blindfolded and thrown in the back of the truck like I was, but nonetheless, you may be going through some very challenging situations that seem helpless.

So my hope is by sharing my testimony with you, it may help some of you to first recognize whatever situation that you’re going through, that it might be the Lord trying to get your attention or to be disciplining you because he wants you to change something in your life like it was in my case. And I also want to encourage you to seek out the Lord directly for the answers and prey on it so that you can avoid making the same mistakes that I made leading up to my abduction. You know, regardless of how traumatic this ordeal may have been for me at the time I was going through it, there was a purpose why the Lord God allowed this to happen to me.

Even though I may not have understood it at the time I was going through it, because the one thing I did learn in hindsight was I failed to recognize what was happening to me. Was the Lord trying to get my attention, to show me the condition of my heart. And it wasn’t the end of my salvation like I thought it was. Because the Lord can always use something that is bad or evil and turn it into a situation that is good. And in my case, my kidnapping, abduction, he turned what could have been a fatal situation for me, and he used it as a fiery trial for me to go through so that he could change the condition of my heart and force me to put my complete faith and trust in him with all my heart, which I wasn’t doing.

In Zechariah 39, it says, and I will bring a third part through the fire, and I will refine them as silver is refined, and I will try them as gold is tried. They shall call my name, and I will hear them. I will say, it is my people. And they shall say, the Lord is my God. I don’t know if you guys know what a refiner does when he melts down metal such as gold or silver during the purification process, but once a metal is in its melted down state, the dross or the impurities within the metal rises up to the top and then it is removed before the metal cools.

And this is so that the refiner can get the gold to its purest state. And just like a refiner’s fire’s purpose is to refine the gold, God also draws out our dross within us so that he can purify our hearts so that when we stand before him, we are at our purest and righteous state possible. And had I recognized this earlier on, and I was more grounded in the word, so that I knew what he was trying to show me, I may not have invited a stranger to live in my house, which resulted in my kidnapping ordeal.

And the chaos in my life that ensued as a result of this, that I’m still trying to recover from. You know, looking back on how the Lord God allowed Jeff Petzka to put me through all this as a result of the consequences of my own actions or spiritual kung fu, as Jonathan Kleck would say. Just as the Lord God allowed Satan to test Job, where Satan was given permission to strip away all of Job’s material wealth, he also stricken them with sores and boils from head to toe. And he made it so that he lost his wife, his family, his friends, and basically could do anything to Job except for kill him before the Lord, God restored him and blessed him twofold.

I believe that the Lord God also used this experience to help refine me and draws out all the impurities within my heart as a refiner would draw us out the pure state of the gold. And the one thing I’ve learned through this experience, that he’s never finished working on us. But at least we can understand and recognize when we are going through these trials that he’s always there with us. And had I been more grounded in the Word, I would have realized that when the Lord disciplined us, it’s a sign of his love. And I’m a living testimony that our Heavenly Father is the most patient and merciful and forgiving, gracious, loving Father that we could ever comprehend because he has been so patient with me.

And if you’re someone like me who has been experiencing a trial or tribulation in your life, it’s because he loves you beyond your comprehension. In Proverbs 3:12, it says, for the Lord disciplines the one he loves, just like a Father disciplines the Son whom He delights. So have faith in him and just love him and seek him with all your heart if you’re going through this type of tribulation and Guys, as broken as I felt after thinking that I’d lost my salvation and that the Lord had left me, which was my state of mind, just how I felt prior to my kidnapping abduction, the truth is that he never left me.

He just wanted to make it clear to me by sending me a stern warning that my lamp was leaking oil so that I could turn back to him and to be truthful. And if I was honest with myself, looking back on my relationship with him, I really didn’t know him well enough to recognize that he was warning me all along. Because after my spiritual conversion back in 2016, I can honestly say that I never completely put my full trust and faith in him with all my heart, mind and soul and allowed him to do his will for me and to direct my path.

Because looking back, my life would have been very different. Because I remember it’s two specific major decisions that I had to make in my life that the Lord clearly orchestrated for me, that I failed to take advantage of. And this would have prevented many of the challenges that I have to deal with today that could have been prevented all along. And that’s why I started this video with Max Maclean reading Proverbs 3:5, which says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways. Acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. This scripture was the biggest revelation of my life and was revealed to me during this ordeal. And he used the meaning of this scripture to show me that after my spiritual conversion, I had never fully given him my whole heart, nor did I put my complete faith and trust in him to do his will for me. Because when we’re relying on our own understanding to navigate our way through our own lives, because we think that we’re in control and we continue to do our own will, this is evil in the Lord’s eyes.

Because unless we completely submit to him and allow him to take occupancy in our temple, in our bodies, and allow him to guide our path and do the will of the Father, then we’re doing our own will. And that’s what he was showing me. I was doing my own will, which is no different than the self proclaimed Satanist Aleister Crowley proclaims as his Satanic motto, do as thou will. And this model is not about lawlessness and not worrying about the consequences of your actions. It’s about rejecting the Lord’s will for you and the purpose that we all have within the body of Christ that He uses to build his kingdom.

Which is probably the reason why we fell from heaven in the first place. Because we wanted to do our own thing away from the rule of the Lord God rather than serve Him. Otherwise we wouldn’t have been so curious, I believe, you know, to allow ourselves to get taken captive by Lucifer and be transported into Babylon, this land of confusion that we call the Earth. And if you look at it from that perspective, right, you can see that Frank Sinatra’s I Did It My Way is basically telling us the same thing. Frank Sinatra is mocking God and he’s telling the world that he was unrepentant for transgressing against the Lord God and wanted to do it his way, right to the very end.

And unless you know what the world is all about, that we’re actually the angels that fell, then you would never really know what the song is about. He would just think that he just did it his way, because that’s what the world teaches us. So just a little insight that I wanted to share with you. If you’re someone who has been chosen by the Lord God and you’ve been called out of this system and shown the truth about this world, because remember what it says in John 15:16, Jesus says you have not Chosen me. But I have chosen you, which means you’ve been spiritually converted and you’ve received the Holy Spirit, which you know is the greatest treasure that you could ever find in this world.

Worth more than gold or silver or any type of treasure, because it means you found your eternal salvation. And you know the truth about your identity, that you’re an angel that fell from heaven. And when you die or when Jesus comes for his bride, you get to go back to heaven, to our Heavenly Father. And when I found this treasure, I was willing to walk away from the company that I had co founded, that I worked 13 years to build, not knowing how I would support myself and my family because I had found something so much more valuable that I didn’t care.

And because of that, my wife and friends and family all thought I was going crazy because I was willing to give it all up, which eventually led to the loss of my friends, family, and eventually my marriage, because none of them liked the new Rich Maple. Now imagine you’ve been given the greatest gift that you could ever receive from our Heavenly Father, who created you. And then you wake up one day thinking that you’ve lost that gift, which is your eternal salvation in heaven with him, because you thought that the Lord God had left you. How do you think that would make you feel? You probably feel devastated because you lost the only thing that matters in this world.

And that was my mindset after I had a dream one evening that my heart was made of crystal that was broken into four pieces, and I was trying to put it back together myself, but I couldn’t. And then I started to feel a sensation in my heart, which the Lord later showed me he was using to show me the spiritual condition of my heart. And that’s when I began feeling separated from the Lord, feeling like I lost my salvation. And this truly put me in the most vulnerable state that I’ve ever been through in my life.

And that set the course of action that eventually led to my kidnapping, abduction, and almost being trafficked or murdered. Because, oh, I thought I was being obedient, because I was blowing the trumpet to warn friends and family what the Lord was showing me about how close we are to the great tribulation and the judgment that is coming on the world. And I really believe that my relationship with the Lord was good because of all the amazing revelations that he allowed me to share in my videos to all of you, which has been my privilege. But what he showed me was that I had never applied the application of the word that I was teaching to myself in my own life in a way that born again believers are commanded to do, which is to give up self so that we can serve others just as Jesus did when he walked the earth.

Because to be truthful, I had continued to live comfortably with one foot in the world and maintain somewhat of a worldly lifestyle after I received a significant payout from the sale of my company a few years after I exited my company when I should have been downsizing to a more modest lifestyle like he was telling me to do, to focus on helping others in need when we are commanded to do if we have the means. And in hindsight I didn’t realize this until he started to show me my heart because I never completely gave him my whole heart and completely surrendered to do his will for me.

Because I now believe that true repentance is not just feeling a convunction for guilt of our transgression and sin and turning away from our sin. I also believe that true repentance is when we completely surrender to the Lord and do his will. And that’s when the fruits of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness and temperance manifest within us and also manifests outwards to those around us. So I went from having the greatest joy and peace that you could ever know, knowing that I found the greatest treasure in the world, to being emotionally and spiritually heartbroken because I thought I had lost the greatest love that you could ever know.

This was my state of mind and because I love Jesus and our Heavenly Father so much, I was willing to give it all up. And I told him that I was willing to walk away from it all and literally walk out that door with nothing but the clothes on my back and be homeless. That’s what he wanted me to do. So that I could prove my love to him and to prove to him that I was willing to put all my trust and faith in him to provide for me for every need that I needed to survive on the streets.

I’m not going to share with you every last detail about the kidnapping abduction for obvious reasons since there’s still an ongoing investigation. But the purpose for creating this video is so that I can share with you how amazing our Heavenly Father is and what happens when we put our complete faith and trust in the Lord so that I can give all the glory to our Heavenly Father for what he did for me throughout this entire ordeal and so that hopefully you can learn from my testimony and apply what I experienced to whatever trials that you may be going through.

So that I can encourage you to put your faith and trust in the Lord. Because when you watch my testimony and see what the Lord did for me and through this entire experience, and he allowed me to escape from the back of the truck and how he produced protected me, and he provided every need while I was living on the street, right down until the time that Jonathan Kleck arranged to have Billy pick me up, you’re going to witness miracle after miracle after miracle that I experienced, and you’ll understand why he tells us in Proverbs 3.

Five, to put our complete trust and faith with all our heart in the Lord, and He will direct our path, because when you do, that’s when he provides for us, right down to the last sip of water. And you will appreciate everything that he provides for you on a daily basis, which we all need to be giving thanks to Him. So let me set the stage for you and provide you some background information before I share my testimony. Prior to me going out to meet Jeff Wesker in New Jersey and then bringing him back to live with me in California, Jeff had contacted me through Facebook.

So he had been in touch for about six months. And he told me that he was led to my Mystery of Life video on YouTube, which in turn led him to Jonathan Kleck’s ministry, where he learned all about the twin host body system and the truth about this world that the Lord God has revealed through Jonathan Kleck, who has shared this with all of us. So by then, Jeff and I had developed a pretty good Christian bond, and I had no reason not to share with him what I had been experiencing. And I had shared with him how I thought I had lost the biggest blessing that we could ever receive, which was my eternal salvation and the Holy Spirit.

So Jeff knew the spiritual vulnerability and state of mind that I was in. Before he even got out here, Jeff had been evicted from his apartment, and he had been homeless for 31 weeks, living on the street. So I had sent him a thousand dollars to help him out a couple weeks prior to me agreeing to go fly out and get him and then pick him up and bring him back to California. And I could tell that he was getting desperate about his situation because he was in the direct path of the tsunami that’s going to hit New York City.

That’s printed on the $110 bill that Jonathan Kleck has decrypted. And looking back on the night of our conversation that I agreed to pick Jeff up and drive him back to California, he actually guilted me into picking him up. And he said to me that he shouldn’t even have to ask me if I was a brother in Christ, I should just do it. And then he says to me, if there was a brother in Christ in need, do you think Jonathan Kleck would hesitate to go get him? And I thought to myself, absolutely not. If Jonathan’s friend were in need, he’d absolutely go pick him up.

So after hanging up with Jeff, I prayed and I asked the Lord to show me a word in my dictionary if he wanted me to go pick him up. So I cast a lot and I opened my dictionary and pointed to the top of the page. And the word that I pointed on was transport, which the definition of transport means to take goods from one place to another. So between the pressure that I was feeling from Jeff and then casting a lot and then turning to the word transport, I took this as a confirmation that the Lord was telling me to go pick him up.

Now, please consider my state of mind, that in my mind I had already fallen out of grace with the Lord, and I didn’t want it to disappoint him any further. So I just did what I thought he was telling me to do, and I went and I said I was going to get him. And at this point, I didn’t have any reason not to trust Jeff because I considered him a brother in Christ and he was in desperate need of help. So that’s what I thought was the right thing to do. So I fly out to New Jersey and I rent a car and I pick Jeff up from the hotel, and he shows me all the places that he’s been living on the streets and the buildings that he would sleep in.

And then we go to say goodbye to some of the people that Jeff wanted to say goodbye to before we left. And then we start driving back to California. And along the way, Jeff continues to tell me more about his life stories and how he used to work as a bouncer in several New York City transvestite clubs, and how he also ended up living with a male transvestite in Tijuana, Mexico, at some point in his life. So it was clear that he made some bad decisions in his life, but didn’t we all before we got spiritually converted? So I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but it would become relevant later in the testimony.

And he also shared with me his insight during our drive into the human trafficking industry that takes place within the freight trucking industry across the country, which was brought up because I Think, you know, when you’re driving across the country, you see a lot of these big 18 wheelers hauling freight across the country that often stop at these rest areas to sleep. But there’s a little bit more sinister activity that goes on because I think the trading of human trafficking takes place at these rest areas along the way, which also becomes relevant to later in the testimony as well.

So we get home and right away Jeff begins to slowly work his way into my psyche and take advantage of my vulnerable state, knowing that I already feel like the Lord has left me and that he’s disappointed in me. And he walks through the door and the first comment he makes, he says, wow, look at this place. And after looking around for some time and getting settled, he comments on all the expensive furniture that I have and then makes a comment about all the nice dress clothes that I have in my closet that I’ve accumulated for work.

And also, you know, the fact that I put a lot of work into my son’s computer room so that he could have a gaming room. And then he says to me, he’s like, rich. When we’ve talked on the phone, you’ve always said how much you hate this world, but you love this world. Look at this place. Insinuating that I was living an excessive and gluttonous lifestyle. Now keep in mind, he’s judging me on the clothes and all the furniture that my ex wife and I accumulated over 12 years of marriage that I ended up with because she went, she bought her new house, she also bought new furniture, and I was stuck holding all our community property until we sold it.

So immediately he tried to make me feel guilty about my lifestyle that I was living prior to my spiritual conversion, which in my vulnerable state had an impact on me. Early in the video, I explained how there were two important decisions that I had to make after I was spiritually converted. That I failed to do the Lord’s will after he had clearly orchestrated a path for me to take, but because I wanted to do it my way, I didn’t. And that had to do with my wife’s furniture, which was considered community property and of a divorce.

Prior to my spiritual conversion, my wife and I had bought some land and we had planned on building a house, but that never happened because when I got spiritually converted, she wanted nothing to do with me and we ended up separating. And then she moved out and got her own house and ended up buying all new furniture, which left all the furniture that we had collected from our marriage in my place. And then the Owner of my place decided to sell and then I was forced to go look for another rental property. And one of the properties was the one that I was living in now.

Well, was living in the Jeff’s living and now. And one day I called her up out of the blue and I’m like, look at them. I’m having difficult time finding the property. Do you know any realtors? And she turns me on to her realtor which ends up being a Christian. She said. So I meet with this guy and we had a great conversation. I mean we shared each other’s testimony. I shared everything that I’d learned through Jonathan Clack and we just hit it off. And you could see the Lord orchestrating this entire meeting. So he shows me the house and it’s a brand new house.

It was perfect. It was much smaller, but it was perfect for what I was looking for. The only problem was the furniture that I had didn’t fit. So I would have had to go out and buy all new furniture. But in hindsight, looking back, that’s exactly what the Lord wanted me to do. He wanted me to get rid of that furniture and give the old furniture to my ex wife and start fresh. But since I was in possession of the furniture, I was thinking that it was going to cost me $800 a month to store it.

And it would also make it difficult to sell the Furnit furniture while in storage. So I thought it made sense to just rent the bigger house that I was looking at in the first place that was available, that had an extra living room so that my kids could have their friends over and I could just hang on to the furniture and we sold it rather than pay money for storage. But it ended up being the wrong choice and it was clearly not the Lord’s will for me. Because looking back, the Lord clearly wanted me to give that furniture away to my wife and get rid of it.

Because he knew the first thing that Jeff was going to do when he got to my house, which was to give all my furniture away to our neighbors, which was community property and the divorce. So by not doing the Lloyd’s will, by taking that smaller property that he was telling me to do, there were financial consequences as a result of Jeff giving away all our stuff that belonged to my wife. And the reason why I knew that the Lord wanted me to take the smaller property was because he had orchestrated this meeting with this Christian realtor because everything came together so perfectly that it couldn’t be denied.

And that’s what happens when you put trust and faith in the Lord. Everything always comes together together so easily and so smoothly because he’s the one in charge. And that larger place that I ended up with had to be painted, the carpets needed to be replaced before I could move into it. And I ended up having to pay overlapping rents for both places, which ultimately cost more money. And when I was thinking about this, it reminded me of Mark 2, 22, where it says, and no man puts a new wine into old bottles, else the new wine will burst the bottles and the wine is spilled and the bottles will be marred.

But the new wine must be put in new bottles. And the scripture is referring to, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we must also be regenerated from our old sinful self into a new creation. But it can also be applied to the two rental properties, because one of the rental properties was new and the other was old. And I was the new wine when I was spiritually converted and the Lord wanted me in the new house, but I didn’t listen to him. And the new wine ended up in the old bottle or the old house that needed to be renovated.

And look what happened. The new wine burst out of the old house because it no longer there, because all of this happened. And guys, this is just one example of the consequences of not doing the will of the Father. Nothing goes smoothly when we try to do it ourselves. So I hope you’re able to receive the lesson from this experience and you can apply it to your own lives. So the first week of Jeff being at my house, he tells me that the Lord wants him to give all away my personal property to the community. So he comes up with idea of having a moving out giveaway sale to give all my personal belongings that I had quiet over the course of my life.

And we did it in just one day because word got out quick. And after Jeff gave away all my personal belongings except for a few clothing items, he explains to me what his experience was like living on the streets and how the Lord led him to find various places for him to sleep. And what it’s like to be homeless, not showering for seven months, only washing up in bathrooms and wearing the same clothes. And he begins to mentally prepare me for life on the streets. Because remember guys, at this point, I had mentally, spiritually and was physically committed to walking away from all the money that I received.

And I was prepared to walk it out with the Lord being homeless on the street to prove to the Lord that I loved him and that I was willing to give it all up and put my Trust in faith that he would provide everything that I needed to survive, which is what I believe that he was calling me to do. So the second week after Jeff arrives at my house, I began sleeping outside in the backyard underneath the stars, with a suitcase full of everything that Jeff had when he was homeless. On the street, Jeff was definitely becoming more authoritative, but there wasn’t any hostility between the two of us at this point.

And he gave me enough clothes and blankets to keep warm and also a comfortable pad to sleep on at night so that I could be comfortable. And he would make two meals a day for me with a gallon of water, and I was actually able to rinse off of the hose outside. Week three is when Jeff began to take control of my financial assets, because he said that we had to start preparing for martial law and start prepping the house with food and water and other supplies. And he wanted to install solar panels in a solar generator in case of an emp, and also plant some fruit trees and a potato garden, all before the tsunami event hit New York City, which is going to cause the banking system to fail and eventually the entire financial system to collapse.

So he wanted to consolidate all my assets into the Navy Federal Credit Union, which handles all the banking for the armed forces, because he said this would be the last bank to fail if there was a system collapse. But he never did, because Jeff came up with this idea out of nowhere to create an llc, which he named Rand Protection. And at first I thought he came up with it because that’s the initials of my name. But he later made it very clear to me that Rand Protection was being created to protect the Lord’s money, because the Lord was taking back all the money from me because I had failed to use it to help others.

And he named it Ram Protection because the ram is associated with God. H410, which is Hebrew word L, the almighty God, and it’s from the root H352IL, which means strength. Specifically the chief political Aram. So that’s where he got the name. And this is when Jeff began to make me feel guilty about the money that I had been blessed with and telling me how wasteful and unappreciative I was with everything that the Lord blessed me with. And he continued to pour salt on my already emotional and spiritual vulnerable state to make me feel even more distant from the Lord and God.

Please keep in mind, at this point, I was thinking that this was the Lord’s will for me, because remember, I had already told the Lord that I was all in and I was willing to walk away from all of it. And Jeff had convinced me that he was there to do this for the Lord. So as soon as my financial assets are all consolidated into his llc, he begins cutting off any outside communications to the outside world. And so I have no idea what’s going on in the world or what’s going on with my family. And the whole time he’s using me to start prepping the house for when martial law hits and when the power goes out.

Because at this point, I had already accepted the fact that I was going to go through the great tribulation and I was no longer part of the bride of Christ that will be taken out of here in the rapture of the church. And over the course of the next several weeks, each day became more and more hostile to me. And he began psychologically manipulating and mentally beating me down as if I were a prisoner in a concentration camp or a femur camp and he was the guard. It got so bad that I just felt worthless about myself and I had no self confidence whatsoever.

And he had broken me down to the lowest point of my life. And I just wanted to give you an example of one of the mind control techniques that he used, looking back on this experience, because I didn’t even recognize he was doing this at the time. He would give me a task with vague instructions, and I was never able to clarify his instructions to verify if my understanding of what he wanted me do was correct. And then when I did the task, he would come back and say, that’s not what I told you to do.

And he would start to make me feel completely incompetent and stupid that I didn’t know how to follow instructions. Almost like a drill sergeant would do in a military to break down the cadet. Then he would just take away my food rations and water without even telling me the reason why I did the task wrong. And if I tried to speak up and ask him why he took my meals away, he would take my meals and water away the following day. So I was feeling completely helpless at this point and physically being starved and dehydrated, where I lost 45 pounds in about a matter of five weeks.

And when you’re deprived of food and water, guys, let me tell you, you appreciate everything that the Lord provides for us right down to the last drop of water. And you’ll think about giving thanks every time you take a sip of water. And as this was all going on, he was also slowly taking away my clothing and blankets and bedding until I was down to just about nothing. And guys, I’m not going to try to explain how I allowed myself to be taking advantage of this in this way, because unless you’ve gone through something like this, you can’t possibly understand how it happens.

Because even today, it’s hard for me to comprehend how I let myself be psychologically manipulated and how I allowed him to give away all my property, destroy my credit, seize control of my financial assets. But more importantly, how he was able to turn me against the Lord God. Because out of everything that happened to me, the most damaging psychological aspect that he was able to inflict on me was he had me convinced that I was an enemy of God and that the Lord God was telling him to do all this, which caused me to lose faith and trust in the Lord.

And he would constantly remind me that if I went against what he wanted me to do, that I would have to deal with the wrath of God directly. I want to share with you this document from Psychology Today on mind control that I found when I was researching psychological manipulation after I had returned from this ordeal after Billy picked me up. Because I was honestly trying to understand how I allowed myself to be put in this position and being taken advantage of like this. Because when I was coming out of this ordeal, I could actually feel myself coming out of this mind control haze that I was in.

But it might be best described as similar to post traumatic stress syndrome or what a battered wife might experience. A woman doesn’t start off being married to an abusive husband. It gradually happens to them over time and before you know it, that woman loses all her self esteem, which is exactly what happened to me. But the biggest residual effect that came from this experience was getting over the programming that God didn’t love me anymore. And you have no idea idea how that feels. As I was researching these mind control tactics used on subjects that fall victim to psychological manipulation, I realized that these tactics are exactly what Jeff used against me.

That include isolating the victim socially, restricting access to information, enforcing rules with punishment for disobedience, blocking their subjects from making decisions about things that matter, exhausting them physically through forced labor inside or outside the home, manipulation through lies and silent treatment and gaslighting, making the subject crack mentally by torturing them and keeping them sleep deprived. Jeff actually set up some speakers right outside my window where I was sleeping and played Jonathan Kleck’s videos 14 hours straight, two nights in a row. I mean, I love listening to Johnny, don’t get me wrong. But after working in the yard all day, and being sleep deprived for two days.

It’s torturous because you don’t get any sleep. The biggest mind control tactic that he used against me was keeping me dehydrated and starving me to death. Another one is control the subject physical and social environment through ample structure, rules, and assignments to keep the target constantly on task. And this is what he would do. He would constantly give me assignments, and then he would use manipulation to make me feel incompetent. Another one is coerce subject away from family and loved ones. Jeff prevented me from speaking with my children and my sister April when they tried to come over.

This is when April began to sense something was wrong and that Jeff was controlling me. Make subjects believe the decision belongs to themselves, not to the manipulator. Right. Jeff would often tell me to do something. Then he would say, hey, Rich, it’s free will, but you know, you’re going to have to deal with the wrath of God in the consequences if you don’t do it. And then the other one is create a sense of powerless in the subject and lead the subjects away from his or her social support system, which I had absolutely nothing. So you can see there’s a lot that goes into psychological manipulation, and there’s very specific tactics to do so without you even knowing it.

By the night of my kidnapping abduction, I was left asleep on the concrete patio outside with just a hooded sweatshirt in my underwear because Jeff had come out and taken all my clothes and my blankets that night. And then Jeff comes back out of the house and he has my reading glasses, and he smashes them right in front of me on the patio and smirks and then goes back in the house for the evening because he knew that I couldn’t see without him. So wherever he was going to be taking me, he didn’t want me to be able to read.

And at this point, I had become so frail and weak, and I knew I was in trouble. And something inside of me told me that it was all coming to a head this evening. So I’m curled up in the ball, trying to keep warm on the concrete patio. And I remember from earlier in the day that there was a cardboard box over at the trash can. And so I go over there and I grab it and I cut it into, like, a blanket to try to wrap myself in it and try to block it from the breeze that was in the backyard.

And knowing that if Jeff saw me on the surveillance camera that he installed to keep an eye on me, that this was going to bring everything to a head but at this point, I didn’t care. So like I suspected, you know, halfway through the night, Jeff comes out. You know, he must have saw me on the surveillance camera. And he comes out and he rips the cardboard box off me and we start going out. He said, get in the house. So we get in the house and he says to me, the Lord’s telling me it’s time for you to go turn around.

And I’m like, what? He’s like, turn around or I’m going to beat the out of you. And at this point, I’m 140 pounds and Jeff’s like 250. So I turn around and he tells me to get on my knees and I turn around and he kicks me to the ground and then jumps on me on my back, and he sticks his knee in my back. Then he grabs some tape and he ties my hands behind my back. And then he goes, packs a bag like he’s going to pack a bag for a long trip. And he comes back and ties my hands with rope as well.

And I remember thinking to myself, at that moment, I’m in big trouble because the rope was really tight around my wrist. And I was thinking to myself, if I’m going to escape from this, this is going to be very difficult because he tied it really tight. And then Jeff comes back from packing from the trip, and he tells me that he’s cut up my license and that I’m not even going to be able to get a library card. And without a license, guys, you can’t do anything. Then he comes and rolls me over on my back and stuffs a sock down my throat and he begins to wrap my mouth and tape all over.

And then he puts me back on my knees and begins wrapping my entire head into this big tape ball. And I wanted to provide a visual because the way I was able to escape from this was just. It was a miracle in itself. And I really had to keep my calm and stop myself from freaking out because he had only left two little small ear holes below my nostrils so that I could breathe. And if I had moved the wrong way or turned the wrong way and that tape overlapped, I would have suffocated, without a doubt.

And then he picks me up, and just before he throws me in the truck, he says, I’m going to feel the wrath of God and I’m going to be sodomized at least once tonight. And then, not saying it, Miley, he actually said that I was going to be effed in the a. At least Once tonight. And then he throws me in the back of the truck and he ties my feet with rope. And then he says to me, if you try anything, Rich, like, if I make any noise in the back of the truck to draw attention to us, remember, Rich, the courts think you’re crazy.

And he said this because he said he had a copy of the restraining order that my wife had filed against me three weeks after Jeff arrived at my house, after she had some sort of exchange with Jeff at the front door, which she had stated that I was part of a cult that was headed by Jonathan Kleck, you know, the teddy bear cult, with the guy that gives a teddy bear hugs at the end of every video after he puts out the truth for everybody. And she stated that Jeff Petzko was my handler who was controlling me, and that I had suffered from years of mental illness since my spiritual conversion in 2016, and somehow I was a threat to my children, even though I was just awarded 50 custody over my children after my wife and I attended a custody mediation, counseling review board that was appointed by the Superior District Court earlier this year.

And prior to her making these false claims against me in a restraining order. And then she also stated that I was a threat to myself and that I had threatened to kidnap or take my kids out of the country. And because Jeff prevented me from attending this restraining order hearing, I couldn’t defend myself against the lies and the false allegations that she made against me. And I lost custody of my children, which is devastating because I can’t even see my kids unless it’s through the court now. And as a result, my wife gained full custody of our children just a month before our child support hearing to finalize our divorce that I had to come back to after experiencing all this, which increased the child support significantly that I’m now required to pay every month, which I believe was our tension all along.

And this is related to the second major decision that I failed to recognize because I wasn’t doing the Lord’s will that he had orchestrated for me that could have prevented some of the challenges that I’m experiencing as a result of this kidnapping ordeal. And let me explain. After I received the payout from my company, I was able to take a few years off from work. And so I was able to study the Bible and then start my YouTube ministry. But I knew eventually I would have to go back to work. I just didn’t know when the Lord wanted me to because I was still making videos.

Then one day I was signing up my son for a Gym membership at a sports club. And I was thinking to myself, working at a fitness center would be a cool job. I could work out, then physically work out, and then also spend some time with my son, teaching him how to work out and lift weights. So I’m talking to the lady at the front desk and she tells me that she can’t register me because they don’t have a salesperson at that time. And I’ll have to come back tomorrow because the salesperson had just quit. And I’m thinking to myself, what perfect timing.

So I asked to speak to the general manager and he comes out and I said, hey, I heard you’re looking for a salesperson. And I explained to him my situation and I shared with him some background information about my technology sales and that I was interested in learning more about the sales position. And he kind of looked at me like I was overqualified for the position. Then he told me what the position paid, which was much lower than what I needed to pay the bills. But that wasn’t the point because I believe the Lord orchestrated all this for me to take the job because it would have put me in an entirely different income bracket that was more in line with the new rich monthly that had been spiritually converted at a lower salary that the courts could have based my child support on, rather than the hard charging spiritually dead old rich that was driven by higher salaries that no longer exists, which is what the court ended up basing my child support on.

So you can see how not putting your complete trust and faith in the Lord and relying on him to do our will for us and not our own. And in my case, it would have prevented many of the consequences that I’m dealing with today, which was only exacerbated by my kidnapping ordeal that I couldn’t possibly have anticipated, but the Lord certainly could. And had I been more grounded in this word and had recognized what the Lord was showing me about my heart early on, that I wasn’t putting my complete faith and trust in him with all my heart, mind and soul, then this type of chaos that I experienced would have never happened.

And that’s the consequences of doing our own will. And that’s why I believe there’s so many people who live destructive lives because they never find Jesus. And I was lucky enough to come out of this alive because the Lord never left me like I thought he did. Okay, so now let me share with you what happens when you do put your faith and trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. So After Jeff throws me in the back of the truck, he starts driving down my neighborhood. And I could tell that we turned onto Highway 50, westbound towards Sacramento.

And after driving for about 30 minutes, we make this big turn like a loop. And then we begin driving on what I believe to be southbound on Route 5 towards San Diego or Tijuana, Mexico, where Jeff had told me that he lived with a mail train. Investigate. And after a couple of hours of driving, I started to smell yeast fermenting from the grapes, which confirmed to me that my understanding was correct, that we were on Route 5, because I had driven that route once before at the same time of year with my family on a trip to San Diego.

We’re about two and a half hours into the trip, and reality starts to set in. I’m really thinking about this now. I’m like, if we’re headed to Tijuana, Mexico, where Jeff used to live with this male transvestite, coupled with what he had told me when we were leaving the house, that I was going to be sodomized at least once tonight, like, it all started to sink in. And, guys, my restraints were so tight that there was no way that I could get out of this without some sort of tool or something. But after driving for about three hours, it started to warm up, and my hands and my wrists started to sweat.

And the sweat started to have a reaction with the tape because it started to allow me to stretch the tape, and that allowed me to get my thumbnail free. And because I was in the backyard and I hadn’t cut my fingernails for about a month, I had long fingernails, and that allowed me to start to saw through the tape as I was stretching it. So I just started to cut these lines, and that allowed me to stretch it more. And before you know it, I was able to get one of the restraints off my hand. And I don’t even remember the rope being a problem because I was sweating so much, I just yanked it right off.

And, guys, this was the point. I felt the grace of God there in the truck with me, because I went from a helpless, hopeless situation to having one hand free. And then all of a sudden thinking to myself, I’m going to get out of this. But I still had to be careful because there was a window in the back of the truck, and I didn’t know how much Jeff could see. So I just pretended to be tied up as I worked my other restraint off my other hand. What seemed to be about three or four hours into the trip, Jeff pulls off the exit.

And then I hear him pull up to a drive through, and he starts ordering food. And I think he was ordering a burrito. But it gave me the confidence that he couldn’t see that well into the back. Because if he felt comfortable enough to be going through a drive through and not worrying about, you know, the person that looking into the back and seeing me, then that gave me more confidence and more flexibility to take some chances. And eventually I just started to rip off the tape from my mouth and remove the sock from my mouth without having to worry about him looking back and being able to see me.

And now at least I can breathe. So Jeff gets back on the highway and he starts driving for probably another 40 minutes. I start working on my eyes, trying to get my fingernail through the tape, but he had wrapped my head so thick that the tape was so thick. And I knew that there was a suitcase in the car. So I reached down and try to unzip it. And I put my hand in there to see if there’s any tools that I can use, anything sharp. And all that’s in there is dry dog food and some wet handle dog food in a box of sneakers or a box of shoes.

So there was nothing there that could help me. And then Jeff pulls off the highway again and drives to what I believe to be Love’s truck stop in Lost Hills. Because going back and looking on the map, because we had stopped about 30 minutes prior to where I was able to escape. And Jeff gets out of the truck and I hear him talking to someone, but I couldn’t make out what he was asking him. And then two minutes later, he comes back and then gets back in the truck again. And we drive probably another 50ft or so.

And he gets back out again. And I can hear him talking to somebody, but I can’t make out what he’s saying at this point. And at this point, I’ve got my hands high behind my back, pretending to be tied up. And I’ve got my face turned towards the wall of the truck just in case he decides to peek his head in and check on me so that he can’t see that I don’t have my mouth gagged anymore. And I’ve got one eye that I was able to carve out, which I could see light through, but no peripheral vision whatsoever.

So Jeff gets back in the truck and we start driving again. Only this time I’m having a moment of clarity, and the Lord puts it on my spirit. The conversation that Jeff and I had while we were driving back from New Jersey to Sacramento, where Jeff was explaining to me that there’s an underground sex trafficking industry that takes place throughout the United States within the trucking industry. And this is when the Lord put it on my spirit that Jeff’s intention wasn’t to drive me to Tijuana like I thought he was, but his intention was to sell me or hand me over to some trucker.

And that’s the reason why we stopped at that truck stop so that he could get directions on where to hand me over and where to go. And this is when I knew I was in trouble and I had to do something quick. And in that very moment, as soon as the Lord put that on my mind, and of course, with his perfect timing, I look up in the truck, and this is what I see. I see a metal hook that’s used to fasten down the soft top to the bed of the truck. And I was able to reach up and extend it to the perfect length he used as a cutting tool to cut away the tape from my eyes.

And eventually, I was able to remove all the tape from my head, which was just enough time to make a plan on how I was going to escape. And this is when my fight or flight instincts kicked in. And I knew that I had to make a move and not hesitate, whatever I was going to do. But there’s a lot going through my mind at this point, because I had no idea where I was, but I knew I just had to get away from Jeff. So all I had was about five minutes of playing out different scenarios in my head and how I was going to make my move when Jeff pulled over.

And I knew the top was only velcroed to the tailgate. So my plan was as soon as Jeff slowed down enough, I would reach my hand out and then put the tailgate down, and then I would jump on top of it and just wait until he slowed down enough to jump out. So about two minutes after I came up with my plan, Jeff begins to pull off the exit into the Button Willow rest area. And I’m thinking to myself, this is my chance to make my move. You know, keep in mind, I also had in the back of my mind that this was also the place that he was told to take me if he wanted to sell me or hand me off to some trucker.

So my plan was to grab the suitcase full of dog food as a potential food source if push came to shove, because, remember, Jeff had been starving me in the backyard, and I hadn’t eaten in a while, and I didn’t have any ID or any money. And I was dressed in only a gray sweatshirt, in underwear and hiking boots. So you can imagine what it must have looked like seeing a guy jumping from the back of a truck with a suitcase. So we pull into the rest area, and I can see that there’s a quite a few people there.

And as soon as we started to slow down, right about here, I reached through the soft top window and pulled the tailgate down. And I’m sitting on the edge of the tailgate, just dragging my feet, just waiting for Jeff to slow down enough for me to make my move. I don’t know if he could see me or not, but I was just waiting regardless. And then I made my move, and I jumped. And I think I did two somersaults backwards. And fortunately, by the grace of God, I didn’t hit my head. I only escaped with some road rash on my lower back and my butt.

As I’m getting up, I lock eyes with this one guy, and he’s looking right at me, and he had this look of disbelief, like he’s witnessing this skinny guy wearing lime green underwear and hiking boots and a sweatshirt who just jumps from a moving truck with a suitcase in his hand, hits the ground and does a somersault right in front of him. And he starts yelling towards Jeff in the truck who keeps driving. And I grab the suitcase and get up, and I just begin running into the almond orchard. All I can say, guys, is my escape was nothing short of a miracle.

And as I’m running into the orchard, I pass this group of Mexican workers who are starting their day out on the edge of the orchard, filling their water jugs. And I noticed them laughing at me as if this was some sort of YouTube video joke that I was playing. But I just keep running. But I soon realized it didn’t matter how far I ran into the orchard, because if someone wanted to find me, all they would do is have to crouch down and look through the trees, because you can see through the trees from a great distance because of the pattern on how the trees were planted.

So I cut off the main road surrounding this part of the orchard and made my way up this part of the orchard here. And I put the suitcase up in the tree, and then I found a tree to climb up so that I could hide out until dark. And that, guys, there were people driving around in trucks all day long searching for me. And as soon as the workers left the orchard, the owners of the orchard began scouting me out in their trucks, because I believe that they knew approximately where I was from where I entered the orchard from, until they gathered from the workers.

And there was a truck parked on the left side in this corner, and there was another truck parked on the right side of the corner. And one of them had a shotgun. Whether they were blanks or not, I don’t know. But it seemed like they were attempting to flush me out back in the direction of the rest area. So I stayed there until dark, until they left around 9:00. So I was literally up in the tree for probably about 12 hours. And once they left, I started looking for a water source to rehydrate myself because, you know, by this time I was dehydrated.

And I noticed there was some pumps over here on this side of the orchard, next to this hay barn. You can’t see the image, but they were there because they must have upgraded when they’ve dug a well, because there was also a water meter in the back of this barn, which was where I was able to find a water source. And I literally drank for about three hours and then try to get some sleep on top of some hay bales. I stayed hidden in the trees the following day because I didn’t think it was safe to go to the rest area because I didn’t know if Jeff was there or he had spoken to any truckers to let him know that I was hiding out in the orchard.

I just didn’t feel like it was safe because I had stuck out like a sore thumb because, remember, I was in lime green underwear. So I stayed in this area for two nights. But eventually I made my way over the following night to scout out where to best enter the rest area. So the next morning, on the third day, the plan was to see if I could find out what town I was in from the information center and how far away from home I was, and hopefully find a pay phone and I could call for help.

But I had one problem. I was in my underwear. And then the thought dropped into my head to look inside the suitcase. And when I did, the idea of making a pair of shorts from the inner lining of the suitcase came to mind. And I was able to rip out the liner and piece together some material that looks somewhat like shorts so that I could at least move around in public, not my underwear. And guys, this was the Lord putting this on my mind. He was building me back up. He was making me think critically. He was helping me to survive.

He was putting all my confidence back in me that Jeff had actually stolen from me. So I want to give credit to the Lord God for all this, because I’m telling you, like, I was beaten down to where I felt nothing and Jeff would not make let me make any decisions. And here I am on my own making all these decisions, but it’s not me. It was the Lord working through me. And so I just want to give all the glory to the Lord God. So the next morning, I was able to determine from the information center that I was at the Button Willow rest area on the southbound side, about four hours from Sacramento.

And I was able to actually find a pay phone. But the only number I could remember was my mother’s home number from my childhood house that I grew up with in Massachusetts that I wasn’t able to get through. But it was early enough, so I decided to cross the highway to the north side rest area to see if I could get a ride back to Sacramento and also find some food to eat. And guys, let me tell you, until you become hungry and thirsty, you’re standing in what you eat and where you’re willing to get your food.

Go way down. And you’ll become so grateful for everything that our Heavenly Father provides, right down to the last drop of water and every bite of food that you consume. Because prior to this experience, I have to be honest with you, I used to take everything that he provided for granted and I really gave him thanks. Until I realized through this experience that he provides everything for us, even though a lot of people don’t realize it. In Matthew 6:31, 34, it says, Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or where shall we be clothed for all these things do the Gentiles seek for? Your Heavenly Father knoweth what you need all things.

And you’re going to see amazing testimony in this video how the Lord God provided everything that I needed, everything that I needed to eat, everything that I needed to drink, and everything that I needed to wear for clothes. And I can tell you from my experience that there aren’t many people out there that are willing to help somebody who looks homeless, especially when they come up asking you for a ride to Sacramento. Sadly, most people can’t get past the experience of someone who looks homeless, and they often get uncomfortable because I experienced this firsthand. But fortunately, the Lord sent me somebody my way that actually cared enough.

When I asked him for a ride, he wasn’t going to Sacramento, but he could tell that I looked desperate and in need of help. And he asked me what happened. And I was like, hey, brother, way too much to explain, I mean. And he could see it on my face. And he goes, do you need anything? And I said, I could really use a pair of shorts and a T shirt, if you have one. And he was kind enough to give me a pair of khakis and a nice T shirt. So after a shave, I could look presentable to help increase my chances of getting a ride home.

So after several hours of asking people for a ride north, this white freight truck pulls up, and the driver walks by me to use the bathroom. And he’s got a big smile on his face, and he looks very friendly, and he says hello. So when he comes out of the bathroom and he walks by me again, he kind of nods at me with a smile. And I ask him. I’m like, are you heading north by chance? I could really use a ride to Sacramento. And he tells me no, but he says that he’ll get on the radio and talk to his friends to see if anybody’s heading north.

So about 10 minutes later, he comes back with some bread, and he asked me if I’m hungry. And of course, I’m thanking him, you know, and of course, I’m thanking the Lord at this point, because I’m starving. And of course, I’m giving thanks to the Lord, because the Lord knows that I’m hungry and what I need. And the driver comes back again, and he asks me if I want some salad, and I say, sure. And he comes back with a cucumber and two apples. Now, if the whole Jeff thing wasn’t crazy enough for you, this is where the story gets even more crazy.

So the guy that gives me the food, he pulls out and takes off. But after about an hour, I noticed this guy in front of me, and he’s just kind of standing around. He’s looking on his phone, and he just doesn’t belong there. And then I see, like, four or five trucks start to line up. Where the. You can see the arrow is, where the truck parking spots are up there. And I’m watching this guy, and I’m watching these trucks line up, and something’s telling me something’s not right, because this guy looks out of place. Because there’s only two type of people that go to a rest area.

People that go in to use the bathroom right away, and then they leave. And then people that have their lunch and they want to hang out there for an hour, and then they eat their lunch and they get on their way. This guy was just sitting around, just looking at his phone, and I could see that he Had a nice car. And I’m just like, he kind of reminded me of a, an Ms. 13 guy that was cleaned up and he’s looking at me and I’m just like, I’m feeling in my spirit something’s not right here.

And then I see about 15 minutes later this guy walking towards me. And you can tell he’s a trucker because he’s got one of these ear mics and it’s almost like he’s communicating with this guy. And I’m like, I’m not paranoid here. I’m like, something’s going on here. And then a third guy in the third spot is walking towards me and he’s got a mic. And I’m like, this is, this is weird. And I felt in my spirit that there was danger. The third guy that’s kept heading towards me, our eyes locked and he stops and he box and he kind of turns away.

So right then I knew he was uncomfortable. He knew I saw him and he hesitated and he exposed the whole plan. So, you know, I’m thinking to myself, this is not good. Like they’re after me. So I start walking towards the exit of the rest area and I decide that I’m going to pretend that I’m going to cross the highway because there was no way I was going to be able to cross because there was way too much traffic. But I did notice the guy, the original guy that was on his phone who looked out of place.

He followed me down, he was hiding behind a car. So I knew that these guys were stalking me, me and they were going to try to grab me because. Because what did Jeff share with me on the way back to California? But these guys are all into human trafficking and they were going to grab me. I. I knew it. And as soon as I tried to cross, I see two tractor trailer trucks come out. And it was almost like they were going to go up the highway to the next exit and come around and get back on to the south side to the other side of the rest area where I was heading.

But as soon as I saw them pull out, I started walking up the highway. And fortunately there was a fence between the orchard and the highway. So no see me. And as soon as I got to the other orchard, I just beelined it into the orchard and then went to hide again because I knew once I saw those trucks come out that they were definitely after me. So I wasn’t being paranoid. Now it’s probably about 5:00 at the end of the workday and I’m hiding up in a tree, and all of a sudden I hear shotgun shells going off.

And it was almost like it was a coordinated effort because you could hear everything. You could hear a pin drop in that orchard because every crack, every nut that you step on goes for a mile. And so I felt like I was being stalked again. But this time it felt like there was two people on both sides of the orchard, and they were trying to locate my position based on the movement that I was making in the tree. And I was trying to be as quiet as possible, but I gave myself away a couple times. So I just hung out there until dark, until everybody went away.

And by 9:00, I felt comfortable getting out of the tree and just try to get some rest. So about an hour later, I moved closer to the edge of the orchard to see if I could see anything off in the distance because I needed to get away from this rest area because it wasn’t safe there. So I saw a sign probably a couple miles away, and it looked like a hotel sign. So I figured, you know what? That’ll be my plan. I’ll try to make it back down there to that town. And just as I was thinking about this plan I was putting together in my head, I heard somebody in the orchard.

So I made a beeline across this dirt field. And it was a processing plant to process all the nuts. I think there was pistachio nuts as well as almonds. But they had their own power plant. So there was a bunch of organic matter that they had covered. I think they were making their own methane gas to help power the power plant. So there was some areas where I could hide and not be seen as I’m walking across, actually running across this open area. Eventually, I made it down to this town right outside this hotel. And I found a big patch of grass, which I was able to get an hour’s sleep while I waited for McDonald’s to open up, because that was my plan.

I was going to see if I could find somebody within McDonald’s to give me a ride home. But I ended up going in the hotel and asking them for a disposable razor, which they did. They gave it to me for free. So I took that over to McDonald’s bathroom as well as a cup of coffee. And I hung out there. I shaved. I made myself presentable and sat there and drank my coffee. And then waited for some people to come in and order food. So I met this couple. I believe they were from Switzerland or Sweden, and they didn’t speak Very good English.

And I asked them if they were going north to Sacramento, and they said, no, we’re going back to the hotel. We’re just grabbing some breakfast. And what’s interesting is I was watching them because at this point, guys, I was starving. So I wanted to wait until they threw something in the trash can. And they got up and I see the woman place something in the trash can. And I went over there after they left and I looked down and literally there’s four pieces of French toast. So the Lord must have, you know, made her not hungry and make her place it in there so it didn’t flip over.

And literally I could reach in there and grab it. And that was my breakfast. So another miracle from the Lord. Remember what he says? He said, don’t think about what you’re going to eat tomorrow because I’ll provide for you. And this was just the first of many miracles that I experienced. So after breakfast, I made my way over to these two gas stations and I spent about an hour trying to find a ride, but no one was willing to give me a ride, even though I shaved and look somewhat presentable. And there was a reason for that because the Lord had already picked out who he wanted me to drive back to Sacramento with, and that was justice and Gardine.

And guys, this was probably the least likely couple to pick up a hitchhiker, which justice later told me while we were driving in the car that it was one in a billion that he decided to pick me up and drive me to Sacramento. And they were a very well dressed black couple, well put together from a worldly perspective, had a beautiful car. And I approached justice and I said, sir, would you be willing to give me a ride to Sacramento? You guys going that way? And he goes, matter of fact, we are. And I’m like. And I was like pleading with him because I told him, I’m like, I’ve been here for three days.

Somebody dropped me off and I’m stuck here with no wallet, no id, and I’m hungry and I just need to get back. And he said, get in the car. And I said, really? Thank you. He goes, get in the car before I change my mind. So we get in the car and I talked to Gardine and she’s like, what’s going on? I’m like, I’ll just wait till your husband gets back in the car and I’ll tell you the whole story. They said, well, we’ll give you a ride back, but we’re going to go over to McDonald’s and get some breakfast and then get on the road.

So actually I got another meal. He. He bought me an egg McMuffin sandwich, hash brown, and a cup of coffee. So at this point in time, you know, I was starting to replenish all my nutrients that I had lost over the past four days. And we got on the road, guys, it was amazing because they ended up being a Christian couple. So I literally, the whole way back was probably about four and a half hour drive. I was able to share my complete testimony from when I worked in the business world to when I got converted, what that did for my family, what we all have learned through Jonathan Kleck and the Cliff.

No version of what Jeff did to me. I didn’t give him all the details. And of course, they gave me their input on what they thought God was doing in my life. And Gardine knew the Bible very well. I don’t know if she was spiritually converted. She did have a little hard time accepting the fact that we’re angels that fell and that there was two parts of creation. So she didn’t know the twin host body system, but she knew the Bible very well and she gave some great input. It was just an amazing discussion. And you could feel the Lord at work here because what are the odds of getting paired up with a Christian couple that I was able to share my testimony in the entire system with? So they dropped me off on J Street in Sacramento next to the park where the city allows homeless people to stay.

And I was going there to see this guy named Eddie that I had met a month prior when I was down in the city sharing the gospel and warning people about the tsunami that was coming that I was led to do by the Lord. I had helped Eddie out and I brought him a Bible. And I knew he knew his way around the city, so I thought he maybe could help me get the lay of the land and possibly stay in his tent for the night. But he wasn’t there. He had moved on. And hopefully he got off the streets.

And looking back, I knew that this was the Lord’s plan because he didn’t want me putting my faith and trust in man. He wanted me to put my faith and trust in him that he would provide for me and find me a place to stay. So my first priority was trying to find a place where I could sleep that was secluded from everyone else. Because I remember Eddie telling me that it’s very dangerous, dangerous on the streets. People get beat up, they get raped, they get robbed all the time from each other. So I just allowed the Lord to guide me.

And he ended up guiding me to old Sack in this image here. And I was walking down the street, and all of a sudden I see the Styrofoam container in the middle of the street. Just. It looked out of place because everything else is spotless, as you can see. And I go over to it, and I look inside, and it’s got a full order of chicken nuggets and French fries untouched. And I said, oh, my Lord. Thank you, Lord. I knew it was from the Lord. That was my dinner, so at least I had something to eat while I was walking around trying to find a place to sleep.

So I went down to the waterfront, and I couldn’t find anything secluded. And then he starts leading me over by this hotel over here, which was next to the Embassy Suites, which was so secluded from anyone except for the hotel guests. And I went back and took a video of it while I was visiting my Christian brother friend, Nova, that I met on the streets while I was out there. And this was my first home for three nights, which was so perfect because it was secluded from any danger, and it was exactly what I was looking for.

And because I was so skinny, I probably was the only one that could squeeze through the fence, as you’ll see here. But as I started to put on some more weight, I actually had to jump the fence, which was more of a risk because, you know, people would pull up to the lights, and I didn’t want anybody knowing that I was in there. So this was the first home that the Lord led me to, which was a safe and secure place for me to get situated while I experienced the first few days on the streets. And you’ll see that this is a really narrow way to get through through, and that’ll tell you how skinny I was at the time.

But you can see in there, it’s. It’s completely covered by this canopy of lush greenery. So once I found a place to stay, I started walking around, or I should say the Lord started leading me around, because he would lead me to places that I needed, such as the train station, which is where I would start my morning off, because I could use the bathroom and wash up and also fill my water bottle, but he would also lead me to places where he wanted to provide food for me or clothing that he wanted me to have.

And remember what we covered. In Matthew 6, 31 and 34, it says, Therefore, take no thought saying, what shall I eat? Or what shall I drink? Whereas what shall I Be clothed. And you’re going to see how accurate the scripture is when we get through this video, because it’s unbelievable of what the Lord provided for me throughout this entire experience. When I was out in the orchard, when I was at the Button Willow rest area, it got cold at night. So what was going through my mind when I was going to Sacramento, because Sacramento is a little bit more north than where I was, that it was going to be cold.

And I was thinking to myself, when I got to Sacramento, man, I really need a pair of sweatpants. And as I’m walking down the street, I’m crossing the street, all of a sudden I see a pair of sweatpants in the middle of the road. And I’m like, no way. I was just asking the Lord for this. I’m like, this is crazy. This was a miracle. And of course, picking up a pair of dirty sweatpants off the street, you’re going to smell them, right? I wanted to know what was on them. But the timing in the location that he provided these sweatpants for me was right next to a water fountain that was chlorinated.

So I literally would wash any clothing that I had within this fountain, and then I would go back to the train station and dry them out in the sun and wait for about an hour for them to dry out. And then I had a brand new pair of sweatpants that didn’t smell anymore. It smelled like chlorine. And I knew that the chlorine would kill whatever bacteria that was on there before. And so that night when I got to Sacramento, I was asking the Lord, or I was thinking to myself, I needed a pair of sweatpants. And the Lord provided me a pair of sweatpants for that night.

And so I was nice and warm. Crazy. So the first night I was able to stay warm and I got a good night’s sleep. And the next morning I started my walk with the Lord, which became my daily route that I would take every morning to start my day to go to the train station, and I’m thinking to myself, what am I going to eat? And this is where I really started putting my trust and faith in the Lord after he gave me those sweatpants. And I looked down and there’s a nectarine on the ground. And I was like, thank you, Lord.

And then I think I looked up to praise him, and I realized it was entire nectarine tree full of fruit that I was able to eat from every morning. It was crazy because I’ve never experienced this type of intimacy with the Lord, except for when he was showing me, wanted me to reveal in my videos. But this was different because I was relying on him for everything. Not from the comfort of my home. So after I was shown this nectarine tree, he led me to the park where most of the homeless people hang out. That’s right next to the public library where they offer free Internet and you can also charge your phone there.

They actually welcome the homeless in. So I go to the park and I spent the majority of the day just really getting my bearings and watching people and watching the scene and the various types of homeless people that are out there. And there’s all different types of walks of life, guys. I mean, they all have their own story and reason why they ended up on the street. Street. But I meet this woman named sue, and I found out she was from my hometown of Elorada Hills, where I was from. And I would say that she was a type of person that you would almost say that she’s the mayor of all the homeless people, at least in this area of the city.

And she recognizes me as being a new face to the area. And then she asked me, are you on the street? I said, what does that mean? And she goes, are you homeless? And I said, yeah, but I haven’t been here for very long. And she tells me that there’s some shelters in some churches that feed the homeless. And she mentions the Salvation army being one of them in another place called the Fish and Loaves, where they serve two meals a day, once in the morning and then once at lunch. And they’re open till about 3 o’clock.

And after spending some time on the streets, guys, let me tell you, there is no shortage of food. It almost becomes wasteful because people take it for granted. Then they just throw their lunch on the ground. And there’s plenty, you know, if you’re willing to, you know, eat off the street to go around. So, you know, they do a very good job of feeding the homeless in that city. So she tells me that, you know, if I hurry, I can probably make it. And so I start making my way, which is just over a mile away.

But when I get there, they’re closed. So I start walking back. And on the entrance to this homeless shelter, which is a big park, you can see on top of the trash can is a styrofoam container. So I look inside and it just happens to be full with pasta and sauce. So I was like, thank you, Lord. Because at this point, I haven’t had a solid meal to eat. And the carbs from the Pasta was exactly what I needed to replenish the energy in my body. Body. So I start making my way back to the park.

And on the sidewalk, I look down and there’s a sweatshirt that someone had left behind because they didn’t want it because it had spaghetti sauce all over it. And once again, I thanked the Lord because I knew it was getting cold and he knew that I needed more clothing. So I went back to the water fountain, washed it out, then over to the train station again to dry it out in the sun. And that’s where he led me to another jacket, which was just sitting on the bench, which ended up being exactly what I needed to stay warm throughout the entire time I was on the streets.

I didn’t need any clothing after that. That. So this is amazing. So while I’m sitting outside waiting for my sweatshirt to dry, this guy in a wheelchair named Desmond comes over and we start talking for a while. And I eventually ask him, you know, what happened to your legs? Because he was paralyzed. And he tells me, it’s not his legs, it’s his neck. And then he shares the story with me on how it happened, because he evidently, he was working three jobs trying to support his family. And one night he was driving home from his night job, and he drove right off the road and hit a tree.

And he’d been in the hospital for about a year. And I could tell that he needed to talk because when he was telling the story, he was so deep in thought that it was almost like he was reliving the whole experience all over again. And I thought that I had it back. And then he asked me about me, and I shared my testimony with me and what. What I was going through. And we talked about Jesus and I shared the gospel, you know, and all about the twin host body system. I don’t know if we received it, but I later sent him Johnny’s video, so hopefully he watched them.

But as we’re talking there a T mobile reps comes over who’s handing out free cell phones to people that are in need. And he asks us, do you guys want us free cell phone? And of course I said, yes, but I couldn’t because I didn’t have an I.D. but Desmond did. He had already had a. So he had already had a cell phone, but he said, yeah, I’ll take one. So the guy goes away for about 15 minutes, and Desmond says, if he comes back with one, you know, I’ll give it to you. And what a blessing that was.

And I couldn’t be More grateful for his kindness that he showed me. And I said to him, you have no idea what you did for me. And he said, yeah, I do. Which was the Lord showing me, you know, love and what we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to show love to one another, even when it’s perfect strangers. Because look what happened. Desmond and I were perfect strangers. And because I cared a little bit about him, about, you know, what happened to him, you know, being paralyzed and then him reciprocating and asking me, you know, how are you on the street? You know, we developed this bond, and he expressed this love to me, and look what happened.

I walked out of that interaction with a cell phone. So, you know, all glory to the Lord God for putting us together. And I, of course, thanked the Lord and I praised him, and then I went on my way. So now I have a phone, but I couldn’t set it up because I couldn’t read the instructions without my reading glasses. So I carried around this phone for, like, several days. And I’ll share with you what happens actually later in the story. So the next morning, I start my day, and I go into the bathroom at the train station, and I look down and all over the floor stall a cookie crumble.

And I didn’t think much of it at the time, but the Lord brought it to my attention because later it would become significant, because the Lord was about to teach me a lesson. And my plan for the day was to go back to fish and loaves and get some breakfast. So I start walking, and on my way, I see this Chips Ahoy cookies package on the ground. And of course, I devoured them up, you know, and I said, thank you, Lord. You know, I gave all glory to him. Then about 10 minutes later, I see another package of cookies on the ground, and I eat them as well.

And at this point, I’m almost a fish and loaves, and I hear the Lord saying, all you’re going to get is the cookie crumbles. And I immediately stopped walking. And I was like, what, Lord? Are you telling me if I go to the shelter for food, all you’re going to provide is the cookie crumbles? So I felt in my spirit to turn around and not go. And at this point, I’m apologizing to the Lord. I’m like, lord, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I’m sorry. Because he didn’t want me relying on man to provide for me.

He wanted me to put My complete trust and faith in Him. Him to provide all my needs while I was out there on the street, to change my heart and to help me turn back to him and put all my faith and trust in the Lord. So I go back to the park and I’m sitting waiting on the bench and just waiting on what he wants me to do. And all of a sudden I feel this light breeze in my face. And I feel in my spirit, him telling me to turn around. And I said to him, floyd, do you want me to turn around and go over there? And so I get up and I go over there to where he’s pointing me towards, and there’s a banana and a granola bar on the ground down.

And I’m like, thank you, Lord. And I feel another gust of wind in the Lord telling me to keep going. So I grab my banana and start eating it and my granola bar. And I just keep walking and letting him lead me. And then he brings me to the burnt down house that has cactus fruit. And I’ve never seen anything like this before. But I knew in my spirit that this was edible fruit and it ended up being delicious. So I had another abundant food source that he provided when I needed it. And then I feel him telling me to keep going.

And he leads me to this unopened loaf of bread in a jar of peanut butter that was sitting next to a trash can on the ground that somebody either had left there, was planning on throwing it out, I don’t know. But it was delicious. And I had a complete meal for the next couple days. And guys, when you experience something like this, it’s the most amazing experience that you could ever feel because you know that it’s from our Heavenly Father and you know it’s him providing for you, and it’s the Bible manifesting right before your eyes, right? So I had enough food for a few days between the peanut butter and the nectarines and now this cactus root.

So on my way back to the park, I find this blue blanket on the side of the road, which was completely filthy, but I didn’t care because it was getting cold at night. So I brought it to the fountain and scrubbed it enough to get it clean and dry it out in the sun. A couple days later, I was at the park and I was almost out of bread, and I felt the Lord telling me to go walk down this side street. And I’m asking the Lord, I’m like, lord, Lord, where am I going? You know, I have no idea.

This is a residential area. Then he tells me to go look to the right. And I looked down this alley street, and I could see there was something off in the distance. It was like a bag in the middle of the road. So I walked down the street, and it ends up being a bag of about 30 bagels inside that some bakery had thrown away from the night before. So I start packing up as much as I can with my bag, and I hear him telling me to go share all of them with all the homeless people.

So that’s what I did. I saved a few for myself, and then I went back the next day for more. So I had more food for a few more days. And this is how it is, guys. It was like constantly a walk with the Lord, and He was just guiding me here and there and leading me to all this food that he was providing for me. Then my next walk with the Lord led me to the directions of McDonald’s, which was about two miles away, because now that I had a phone, although it wasn’t set up yet, I had remembered on my way back from New Jersey with Jeff, that Jeff showed me the McDonald’s app and how you were able to get free fries on certain days with any purchase.

So I figured I’d try to walk to McDonald’s just to see where it was. And I knew that Lord wasn’t telling me to go eat there, even if I had the means. But he put this thought in my head because he wanted me to go in that direction, because he wanted to show me another source of food that would end up being one of the biggest blessings and also one of the biggest staple foods that gave me the sugar and energy throughout this entire ordeal. So I’m walking down the sidewalk, and all of a sudden I feel my feet stick into this pavement.

And I look down and there’s figs all over the ground. And I look up and there’s this huge fig tree with hundreds of dry figs on the ground and fresh figs growing on the trees. So I packed up enough for a couple days, and this ended up being a part of my daily walk. Because what a blessing to have all these free figs anytime I want. And the fact that it was a fig tree dropping its figs told me that we’re getting close. Matthew 24:32 33 says, now learn the parable of a fig tree when his branches are tender, and put it forth his leaves.

And you know that summer is nigh. So likewise, when you shall see these things, know that it’s near, even at the door. So the next day I do my routine and I go back to the park. I know that there’s a Mexican looking guy there for the third day in a row. And he didn’t look homeless because he was well built, well fed, and he had an expensive bag and a bike. And I never saw him interacting with anyone, but he always seemed to be surrounding me and he just looked out of place. Probably similar to the guy on the phone that was at the Buttonwell arrest area, who followed me all the way to the exit, who was part of the gang that was trying to grab.

And later I learned from somebody I was Talking to that Ms. 13 gangs also abduct young homeless people off the streets of Sacramento and they sell them into the human trafficking, sex slavery industry. So I felt in my spirit that something wasn’t right. So I went back to my camp. And then a couple of hours later, while I was just going to bed, I hear and see the same two vehicles driving by playing Mexican music on the road just above the fence where I was sleeping. And I hear some guy walking on the sidewalk saying, and he’s on the other side of the fence.

And I was like, what? Did I just hear that correctly? Now you can say that I was being paranoid, that’s okay. But the next morning, the Lord specifically told me to pack my bags and leave that spot. And he started leading me down the same route to go to McDonald’s. And I’m walking by this new condo construction site that’s being built and I feel in my spirit that the Lord wants me to stay there. Now keep in mind that this site is right next to the highway patrol and it’s also next to a correction facility. So there’s tons of police just driving by every few minutes, minutes.

So I go over to this light rail train station and I’m sitting there talking to father and I’m asking him, I’m like, lord, do you really want me to sleep in there? Because I had across a big dirt field where they had heavy equipment and they were clearing land. And I also had to jump a chain link fence across to another site where they were installing underground plumbing. And you can see by following the white dotted line that I inserted to give you an idea how exposed I was if a police car drove by. So this was not going to be an easy task because I was exposed out in the open and I was fearful of honestly being arrested and thrown in jail.

But this was what the Lord wanted me to do. And this was a walk of faith that he wanted me to Take. So I go back to the train station, and I’m sitting on the bench talking to the Lord to confirm that this is what he really wants me to do. And there’s a guy walking back and forth in front of me, and I’m not really paying attention to him at this point. And I asked the Lord, lord, if you really want me to sleep over there and risk crossing the field, can you please show me a sign? And just as I say that, the guy that’s walking back and forth in front of me, he turns his back towards me, me.

And I see a hatchet tucked underneath his armpit. And I was like, holy, you know what? And this was the Lord showing me how dangerous it is out there on the streets. And that this guy was not right in his head and his intention was to potentially kill someone. So he sits down on the bench next to me, and I ask him if he’s hungry and if he wants some bread and peanut butter. And he accepts. Then I ask him, you know, what are you doing out here? And he’s. And he says, I’m waiting for a girl that I met online that he was supposed to meet five days ago.

And he thinks that something has happened to her. And I’m thinking that in his mind, he truly believed that she was kidnapped and he was there to kill anybody that showed up. So this was the Lord showing me why he wanted me to stay at this construction site, because he wanted me to. He wanted to show me that there was real danger on the street, even though I always felt this protection. So I make my way over to the construction site, and I’m nervous. I’m feeling nervous. And I feel the Lord telling me to have faith.

So I say to him, okay, you know, if we’re going to do this, then you tell me when to go. Go. And suddenly I feel this huge gust of wind. And I took that as my signal to go. So I made my way across the first section over to where the fence that I had to jump over with. And there was actually some trees there so I could take cover and wait for his command for the next section. And then I’m waiting for a signal across the next section, and I feel another gust of wind. And he tells me to go.

And this is how it was every single night. This was probably one of the biggest leaps of faith that I took with him. And it ended up being a perfect place to sleep because within the construction site, it had porta potties where I could use the bathroom and also a place to wash My hands and face if I needed to clean off. And it was a very safe place because there was no one around. The only thing was I had to get out of there before the construction workers arrived in the morning. So I had to get up really early every single morning, probably around 4:00.

So the following day, I’m walking it out with the Lord and then he leads me down where all the restaurants are and near the stadium where the Sacramento Kings play. And I’m walking down the sidewalk and I look down and I see this one eyeglass lens that had fallen out of someone’s glasses. And I was like, thank you, Lord. Because the one lens was enough for me to be able to see through just so I could finally set up the phone that Desmond had given to me. So I stuck it in my fanny pack and the next morning I went over to the fountain because the Lord had led me to a pair of jeans that were filthy and I needed to wash them in the fountain.

But this time the fountain was turned off. So I was curious to see what was at the bottom of the fountain because people probably have lost a lot of things and when you’re on the street, you look for anything that you can use as part of your daily routine. But I soon realized why I was at that fountain and why it was turned off at that specific time. Because at the bottom of the fountain was a pair of eyeglasses that just so happened to match my prescription. And I guys, this was probably the best gift and most important blessing that I could ever receive because now I could actually see and read.

And I think this was a test that I passed. Because when the Lord gave me that one eye lens, I was so grateful just to have that one eye lens to be able to read and set up the phone that he rewarded me with these pair of glasses that that match my exact prescription. Just another miracle within itself. So the next day I went to the library and charged my phone and set up my phone in my email account and I was all set to go. And by this time, the Lord had provided me a pair of sweatpants, two jackets, a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a crew neck shirt, some long underwear that’s like a sports stretch pants, a blanket, three pairs of socks and three brand new underwear, phone, reading glasses, a nail clipper, and a fanny pack to hold my phone and my glasses and miscellaneous items.

And I had been carrying all this around with four separate grocery bags. So it got heavy and it was very awkward, you know, to be able to transport this from place to place as I was walking it out with the Lord. And I said to the Lord, lord, I really need a bag or a suitcase to carry all this. But I really wanted the suitcase, you know, that I could tote around and just pull as I’m walking through throughout the city, because I was literally walking all day long. And then two days later, after I asked him, there was an abandoned suitcase on the side of the road, which I was able to consolidate everything, which made it a lot more easier, which was another miracle in itself.

You know, you can’t make this stuff up, guys. I don’t know if you guys can see the way I see it. All the miracles that the Lord used to restore my faith and put my trust in him after Jeff had led me to believe that I was an enemy of God. God. But this experience, guys, was nothing short of a miracle after miracle after miracle. And I’m not going to say that he’s still not done working on me because this has been a tough, fiery trial for me, even when I’ve got back to safety. And I truly appreciate all the support from Billy and Jonathan and Corey and Zach, my sister Gloria and all of you guys that have left encouraging comments because this has helped me get through a lot of this.

And I really appreciate everybody’s help and I’m truly grateful for everyone who has stepped up and helped out. I really appreciate you guys. Now I want to share with you a brief story of how the Lord corrected me one day and literally put the fear of God in me. Matthew 6, 8 says, Be not, therefore like unto them. For your Father knows what things you need before you ask him. The key word in the scripture is need and not want, right? Because one day the Lord put me to the test when he led me to a big bag of cookies from a bakery that I found on the sidewalk that they had thrown away from the night before.

And I wanted that sugar so bad that when I saw the bag, I just whipped down about six cookies without even asking him if it was okay day, knowing that cookies are a luxury item and the Lord didn’t want me to eat them because they weren’t something that was a necessity. And this is what he put on my mind exactly the time that I failed that test. And let me explain how he showed me how I feel that test. So right after this happened, I was coming out of the library from charging my phone, dragging my suitcase, and I’m walking by this.

This demon possessed man that’s yelling, and then all of a sudden he turns to me, he goes, all you got is that suitcase in your ass, boy. As if I was a piece of meat and he wanted to do bodily harm to me. And you know what I mean by that, right? I was like, what? And up until this point, the Lord had been protecting me from everything. And I wasn’t scared at all throughout this entire experience because I knew that the Lord had his hand on me. Then I went over to the park and there was another guy who was gay who was literally undressing me like a piece of meat.

And I knew that the Lord was reproving me for going against his will. And I was like, sorry, Lord. Sorry, Lord. I’m so sorry. Please don’t take your protection off me. But this was his way of correcting for not doing his will and going against his will and reverting back to my own will, because he was still in the process of restoring my heart. So you can see my walk with the Lord throughout this entire experience was our Heavenly Father directing his Son to make certain that I knew what was expected of me. And he would reward me when I was obedient, and he would reprove me when I wasn’t, which is love.

And I want to give all the glory to the Lord God and our Heavenly Father, because He corrects those who love, remember? And just as I experienced all these blessings of how he led me to food that I was able to share with others, and he led me to find clothing to stay warm at night, and also led me to my brother Nova that I was able to fellowship with on the street. He also saved the best blessing for last, which is when he sent his search and rescue team, which was Jonathan, Clack, Corey and Zach, and of course, Billy, who came and physically picked me up and opened his house to me.

I think it was the following day that I went to the library to charge my phone because it was dead, but it was closed, so I had to go to Starbucks that day. And unfortunately, the Lord had given me a pair of jeans and a crewneck short at this point so that I didn’t look completely homeless and I was able to blend in. And as I’m charging my phone, I felt the Lord telling me to go on YouTube and to see if Jonathan had posted any videos, because the last one I had watched was titled Enemy of the Gate, which Jeff allowed me to watch as a reward for a good day’s hard work that I’d done.

And that’s, of course, at the beginning of his stay before things became hostile. How appropriate, right? The Enemy of the gate that had led into my life, life. So I turn on Jonathan’s channel and all I could see is a video that was titled Find Richard. And that’s when my heart literally sunk. I’m saying to myself, please don’t be about me, please don’t be about me. And then I opened it to the full screen and sure enough, it was me, which was Jonathan’s video that he created and he titled Shout out to all subscribers Help find Richard.

Let’s figure this out as soon as possible because Jonathan had received a comment on his Facebook page that one of his YouTube subscribers posted after she saw her post from my sister that I had gone missing. And this is the kind hearted jester from Jonathan. His willingness to get involved to help find me is what began the insanity that drew Jonathan into this drama that seemed to be a concerted effort by all parties involved to destroy Jonathan’s ministry and also try to implicate him in my disappearance after Jeff Petzka had sent him two checks in the amount of $10,000 of my money that he took control of.

So once Jonathan learned that Jeff Petzka was actually connected to my disappearance, he immediately sent the money to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department so that he could send it to my wife. Life. Meanwhile, as Jonathan was putting out an app to all his subscribers to help try to find me and track me down, my wife had filed a false restraining order against me, attempting to portray me as being part of a cult that was being controlled by my handle, which she named Jeff Petzka in the report. And she also named Jonathan Kleck as the leader of the cult.

And by doing so whacked the hornetsness of the Jonathan Kleck false prophet hunters, which included Kathy and Jim Sullivan and her sister and all the members of Gene Rebel’s YouTube channel channel, which is nothing more than a channel whose sole purpose is to slander Jonathan and paint him out to be a false prophet, which somehow drew my sister Donna into the mix. And she got connected with Jim and Kathy Sullivan and was used to spearhead this drama in the attacks against Jonathan, which later led to an attempt to lure Jonathan down to a lower income housing development to potentially harm or even murder Jonathan.

And for those who weren’t part of all this journey, all this information is documented can be found on the Jonathan Kleck show notes page, including a video recording of Jeff Petzka admitting to my kid kidnapping abduction that Jonathan was able to get out of him. You know, I guess when you’re attacked by the enemy for your faith, whether it’s your friends or family or the enemy, it’s kind of a badge of servitude or a badge of honor because it means that you’ve been called out of the world. Because remember what Jesus says in John 15:8, if the world hated you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.

And Jonathan, if you’re listening to this, I just want to publicly say that I’m truly sorry that you got dragged into all this. And I think I can speak on everybody’s behalf that you are so loved and you are so appreciated by everyone you’re allowed to serve, and God bless you and I love you so much. But I’m also grateful that the Lord connecting us at the most desperate time of my life, because I truly don’t know how things would have turned out for me. But I do know this, that this was the Lord’s plan to make something that was meant for evil and turn it into something that was meant for good so that we could all learn from it.

Because my kidnapping ordeal is no different from what happened to all of us when we were carried away captive from heaven to the earth. The earth. Only in my case, I let myself fall away from the Lord through my disobedience by not doing his will. And as a result, I let the enemy come into my life and allowed myself to be deceived and taken captive by having Jeff tie me up and kidnapping me and then attempting to traffic me into human sex slavery and potentially being murdered. But by the grace of Val, the Almighty God, he loosened my band of bondage and he allowed me to escape.

And then he sent me his search and rescue team to recover and secure my safety, which was you, Corey, Zach and Bill Belly. And that’s exactly what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is about and what this world is about. It’s a search and rescue mission by L, the Almighty God, who came in the system in the form of a sinful flesh through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to search out and rescue all his children. Because when we were angels in heaven, we all started to fall away from the Lord God in Heaven, and we let the enemy come in, who is Lucifer, and allowed ourselves to be carried away captive to the earth, where we were put in chains of bondage, which is the flesh, host, body, body, and sold into slavery.

But L, the Almighty God, sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ in the form of sinful flesh and paid the debt for our sins through his death and blood on the cross. So that we could be restored and returned back to safety, back to heaven where we belong. Guys, I really hope that my testimony has encouraged you and you can see just how much the Lord God loves us. And I pray that my experience will help anyone out there that may be having a difficulty walking with the Lord, the Lord, or you might be going through your own fiery trial.

And the one thing that I want you to take away from my experience is to put your complete trust and faith in the Lord to do his will for you. Because when you do, that’s when you experience the glory of the Almighty God manifest in your life and things go smoothly. And I want to conclude this testimony by asking if there’s anyone that feels led to support the ministry. I could really use your help because as a result of this ordeal, I got into a lot of financial consequences that I’m on the hook for. And there are those who would love to lock me up and put me in jail if I don’t pay.

So if you feel led, please support. I’m going to put up my PayPal account just after this. And God bless you guys. And I really appreciate your help and I hope that this testimony encourages you. If you are led to support this ministry, you can donate to PayPal me backslash, blue watchman. And I’m going to conclude this Testimony with Max Maclean reading Proverbs 3, 5, 7 again, because I think this is one of the most important messages in the Bible. Bible. So God bless you and I love you all in Christ Jesus. Take care, guys. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways.

Acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. Evil it shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord. Neither be weary of his correction. For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth, even as a father, the Son in whom he delighteth. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.


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