Quantum physics seems to agree to and indicates. That everything is connected. Through a phenomena called quantum entanglement. While I’m not a physicist or a religious guru. I am an anthropologist. Compelled to pay attention to the ancient axioms. Laid forth by our ancestors. Know thyself, the philosopher Rumi once said. You’re not a drop in the ocean. You’re the entire ocean and a drop. I always took this quote to mean that while we all have our own unique identity. We’re also all connected. Beyond our individual experiences. But part of something much larger, solitary aspects of the divine. I’m also reminded of Carl Jung’s work regarding the collective unconscious.
Which also allegedly unites us all in an intimate psychic way. Bordering on the field of parapsychology. The term parapsychology was coined in 1889 by german philosopher Max de Soy. And is generally defined as the study of paranormal and psychic phenomena. That can’t be explained by scientific laws or data. The field focuses on investigating the existence and nature of these experiences and abilities. Such as esp. Extra sensory perception. The ability to gain knowledge about other people’s thoughts or future events. Through channels outside of the five senses, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. And psychokinesis, which is the physical phenomena such as levitation of objects or bending metal.
And other paranormal phenomena such as near death or out of body experiences, including astral travel or remote viewing, lucid dreaming. And synchronicity. Which is the occurrence of meaningful coincidences. Which appear significantly related. But have no discernible causal connection. In mystery schools and secret societies, techniques have been used for centuries. Which claim to heighten a person’s psychic aptitude. Facilitating more frequent occurrences of phenomena such as synchronicity. Or a person can manifest their goals and desires. Through an unconscious coordination with other people and events. Which bring about a desired result. This is traditionally known as magic or spiritual alchemy.
But after the era of occult scientific research. Of the 19th and early 20th century. Particularly by german sects such as the Vril Society and by extension the National Socialist Party of Germany. Occult metaphysics started to yield more consistent scientific results. Analytical psychologist Carl Jung used the term synchronicity to describe events that coincide in time and appear meaningfully related. Despite lacking a clear, discoverable causal connection, Jung held that this was a healthy function of the mind or the collective unconscious, which correlated with the work of other researchers before him. Born in 1734, doctor Franz Mesmer was a german physician that theorized the existence of a process of natural energy transference occurring between all life, called animal magnetism, later referred to as mesmerism.
I covered the work of Doctor Mesmer in a video, which I’ll leave a link to in the description. Today, the word mesmerism generally functions as a synonym for hypnosis, but there are occult lines of research which, unlike modern hypnosis, focused on an invisible bioelectromagnetic energy that could be harnessed and used to influence people. In the east, this vital energy is known as chi, in India as prana, and in germanic alchemical sects as vril. The CIA was also aware of the Soviet Union conducting research into psychic energy and methods of harnessing and extracting it for use in healing or possibly potentially weaponized.
In this 1975 declassified document from the US Department of Defense called soviet and czechoslovakian parapsychology research, it says psychotronic generators, also called pavlita generators after the inventor, are small devices said to be capable of drawing biological energy from humans. The energy is accumulated and stored for future use. Once charged with human energy, the generators can do some of the things a psychic subject can do. But according to the inventor, Robert Pavlita can be charged by individuals possessing no psychic ability. The concept of a man as a source of unusual energy dates back at least as far as the ancient chinese and hindu teachings in which it was called vital energy, or prana.
Between the 18th and 20th centuries, it was called various things animal magnetism, odic force, motor force, n rays, etheric force, etcetera by rediscoverers of its existence. In contemporary soviet and czechoslovakian parapsychology, this energy is called bioplasmic or psychotronic energy. The czechoslovakian rediscovery of biological energy is credited to Robert Pavlita, an inventor and businessman from Prague who began work on his devices over 30 years ago. Pavlitas generators can be charged by direct contact, for example, rubbing or touching to the temporal region of the head, or by visually directing mental concentration upon them from a distance. The nature of the energy stored is still not understood.
But over the years, a number of observations about its effects have been reported. It can be reflected, refracted, polarized and combined with other forms of energy. It creates effects similar to magnetism, heat, electricity and luminous radiation, but is itself none of these. In Russia, a belief in psychic healing is deeply rooted. The healer is believed to be capable of transferring qi, or vril, energy into the body of a sick person. Alexei Krivalov Tov has long been revered as one of Russia’s most powerful energetic healers in modern russian history. He was convinced that the powers of faith and mind were limitless, and that his ritual, laying on of hands similar to Reiki, imbued his patients with a curative psychic force.
His powers to heal were repeatedly tested and accepted by soviet scientists. The transfer of psychic energy has always been of consuming interest to russian parapsychologists. In this controlled experiment at the University of Leningrad, a psychic apparently lights a lamp by directing his power towards a device which registers bioelectromagnetic energy. For the russian neurophysiologist that developed the experiment, the applied use of psychic energy is a plain and proven fact. Many russian scientists agree, and in the early 1970s began creating devices to harness psychic power. They are known as psychotronic generators, instruments designed to capture and accumulate psychic energy and then release it on command.
It’s believed that psychotronic generators form a union between mind and matter, transforming human psychic power into a practical and controllable resource. In theory, the power originates from somewhere inside the brain, and is transmitted most effectively directly through the eyes. Once accumulated and concentrated through a psychic generator, the power can be released and used for a multitude of purposes. The field of psychotronics remains vital until this day. Russian parapsychologists have developed more advanced and sophisticated devices. Psychotronic generators, which, in theory at least, have the power to heal or harm. A psychotronic generator can influence a whole crowd of people.
It can affect a person’s psyche, memory or attention span. A psychotronic device can cause physical fatigue, disorientation, and even alter a person’s behavior. Many soviet defectors have claimed that the KGB and military conducted intensive secret research to harness psychotronic power as a weapon of massed mind control and psychic warfare. In the cold War, competition to tip the balance of power, elements in the soviet defense establishment looked to parapsychology as a source of exotic weapons for which western powers were unprepared. A classified us intelligence report stated, many scientists, us and soviethe feel that parapsychology can be harnessed to create conditions where one can alter or manipulate the minds of others.
Doctor Nikolai Krokov, a former KGB agent who defected to the west, was hired by the CIA in 1976 to investigate and report on secret parapsychological research in the Soviet Union. He uncovered more than 20 secret laboratories staffed by hundreds of top scientists and technicians. Research included well funded experiments and negative telepathy and mind control, as well as investigation into the biophysics of mind to mind communication. Psychotronic generators were developed and tested. The hearts of lab animals were stopped telepathically, and prison inmates were used in attempts to paralyze sections of their spinal cords through concentrated psychic power.
The sinister sector of psychic power as a destructive and harmful weapon is still present in Russia today. This government laboratory in Moscow manufactures psychotronic generators, the type of equipment many believe have already been covertly employed by military intelligence. The Ministry of Defense, the KGB, and other organizations did build psychotronic generators. I know that over half a billion rubles were spent in developing psychotronic equipment. Which brings up the question, where are all these devices? During the attentive fall of 1991, these psychotronic generators may well have been used by the military. Russia’s president, Boris Yeltsin, was reportedly the target of psychotronic attack.
I had a very funny request from a guy who is in charge of a military lab in the Ukraine, and he told me, this guy, that there would be an attempt on Yeltsin’s life using a special generator which could damage Mister Yeltsin’s health and probably kill him. And he said, we developed some kind of equipment which can hold someone’s heart at a distance by command. For the first time in my life, I took it seriously. President Yeltsin did indeed suffer a heart attack shortly after the coup. Could it have been caused by a psychotronic generator, a weapon for which his fragile government had no defense, a weapon which parapsychologists believe can be used to affect an entire population? There are those who now perceive a grave and terrible threat from psychic warfare.
The notion may stretch the imagination, but us intelligence has estimated that the Kremlin spent $30 million a year on psychic warfare research. While there is still some skepticism that the KGB or other governments have successfully weaponized psychic powers, the evidence that such occult phenomena exists is harder to refute. One example is Olivina Gradova, a psychic renowned for her paranormal ability. In Russia, such people are known as extrasensors, and she discovered her extrasensory powers more than 25 years before this was filmed when she learned that she could control the movements of a metal tube without touching it.
Her ability is called telekinesis, and her demonstrations were witnessed and documented by numerous russian scientists and psychic researchers. While many regard her powers as astounding and unique, skeptics suggest that her talents may simply be due to the effects of static electricity. That said, she believed that electrostatic forces merely augment her psychic powers. The lightest object that I could move was an aluminum cigar tube that weighed 7 grams. As I developed my ability, I could move objects up to 200 grams. Physicists and other specialists said that it will be impossible to move an object this heavy with just pure electrostatic energy.
She was given an ordinary cigarette to demonstrate her power. In trying to understand the nature of her ability, researchers applied a russian invention believed to record human auras, a technique called Kirlian photography. They were interesting experiments made by physicists using Kirlian photography. And they took pictures of my fingers before I began to work and then again after I finished. And the photographs of the fingers were absolutely different. Exactly what accounts for the difference? She does not know. But she says to perform telekinesis, she must gather and concentrate what feels like a pulsating bioenergy in her body.
While directing that energy onto an object, she senses physical changes. When I am doing this, I feel my fingers are getting thicker and heavier. I am able to move objects. She believes her power is derived from a focused psychic energy, a power that she has always accepted as a natural energetic endowment. I believe some people are simply born with more psychic energy. Above all, I think most of the people who have these special kinds of energies are in Russia. This is Russia’s most famous psychic, a housewife and mother of three named Nina Kalodjana. Her telekinetic powers seemed awesome and astounded all who saw them.
Though only a few rare film clips still survive, Kalodjuna was by far the most studied and documented psychic subject in russian history. She was seen by many as living proof that psychic powers were unquestionably real. She discovered her powers at the age of 33. Home movies made by her husband at their home documented collagen’s earliest efforts at telekinetic movement. In this makeshift experiment, a glass tube covered by a flower vase was the focus of her powers. With a sudden, intensified effort, it moved. Later demonstrations included several objects at once. Her uncommon abilities quickly drew the attention of soviet researchers.
Over 40 top scientists, including two Nobel laureates, studied collagen’s, searching for an explanation of her seemingly supernatural powers. Time and time again, she submitted herself to grueling demonstrations of telekinesis. Here, after 2 hours of trying, she made a compass needle move. When she exerted even greater effort, the compass itself was affected. She reported that just before an object moved, she felt a sharp pain in her spine. Then her vision blurred and she became dizzy. Medical tests showed that her blood pressure rose dangerously. Her heart reached up to 240 beats per minute. Every physical measure revealed a profound stress reaction.
I first met Kulagina in 1968. And after that I observed her telekinesis thousands of times. Telekinesis was not her only gift. She had many psychic abilities. Among Kulagina’s other powers was a mysterious ability to radiate burning heat from her hands. Experiments confirmed what was called her biothermal effect. Yet an explanation for these powers eluded the researchers. A visiting foreign reporter once tested Kulagana’s burning powers firsthand. In this demonstration, broadcast over soviet television, Kulagina generated heat so intense, it produced a bright red burn mark on the correspondent’s neck. Others would have similar experiences. Doctor Benson Herbert, the noted british parapsychologist, reported suffering an intolerable sensation of heat on his arm from the touch of Kolaguna’s hand.
Clairvoyance, the ability to see objects or events beyond physical vision. Was yet another psychic power. Kullaghana possessed of her many demonstrations. This is the only film record star. Okay, just a minute. Just a minute. Triangle. And 225. And 88. 69. Empty. And six. Kurlagana exhibited such a broad range of extrasensory powers, including levitation, that she ultimately became the subject of controversy. In the early 1960s, a new psychic phenomena sparked the interest of the russian public. And made headlines throughout the Soviet Union, which was hailed by many scientists as the discovery of a genuine 6th sense. A single woman’s ability to see and read through her skin was the cause of this sudden excitement.
Her name was Rosa Kuleshova, and she became a psychic sensation. Scientists described her apparent ability as a physiological mechanism. In which the senses of touch and vision are fused. While blindfolded, Kolosova could read and see colors and recognize photographs. Her incredible powers of skin sight extended even to her feet. Almost overnight, these paranormal abilities triggered a research effort of tremendous dimensions. Involving scientists and test subjects throughout Russia. At scientific institutes in at least six russian cities, tests with thousands of volunteers revealed that there were many who could sense colors, words, or images directly through their skin.
In this experiment, the subject attempts to determine which of several metal envelopes contains the color red. The word krasny means red, and the subject’s response will prove to be correct. Yet despite years of intensive study, the true nature of this remarkable phenomenon has remained a riddle of science. At the University of Leningrad, Doctor Pavlova is searching for evidence of the physical and biological nature of telepathy. We have demonstrated that telepathy exists even though our subjects don’t show it every time we test them. Most probably every person is capable of telepathy, but nature is hiding it from us.
So now the question becomes, how can we find what nature has hidden? One researcher that claimed to have discovered what nature has hidden was Doctor Wilhelm Reich, an austrian doctor who authored a book in 1925 titled the function of the orgasm and coined the term orgone from the same etymological root, which he claimed was an energetic life force, energy similar to qi or prana, which could be harnessed and used to heal or amplify dormant psychic abilities. This line of study was also known to many occult germanic secret societies, which studied and practiced esoteric techniques passed down since antiquity, refined in organizations such as the Thule and Vril society, but also part of the higher initiatory levels of the Freemasons, rosicrucians, knights Templar, certain sects of islamic mysticism such as sufi orders, greek and egyptian mystery schools, hermeticism, gnostic sects such as the Cathars and Essenes, taoist and tantric monasteries, chaldean and mithraic cults, which all ultimately lead back to the Magi or aryan magicians, who, according to secret societies, originally disseminated the esoteric techniques which later emerged as the original kabbalah, inner alchemy and Vril, which I will cover in depth in a future episode.
My name is Robert Sepper. I’m an anthropologist. My published work is available on Amazon and through all other major book outlets. If you’d like to support my work, you can do that through patreon.com dot. There should be a link in the description. Please subscribe for future updates. Leave your thoughts below. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you again soon.