The Forbidden Doctrine

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• The text describes multiple mystical orders that claim to possess ancient esoteric knowledge guarded by secret societies. These orders trace their history to the ancient Aryan magi of Mesopotamia, and their influence has spread to various cults like the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Freemasons. The Asiatic Brethren is a lesser-known society of influence in the 18th century that influenced occult practitioners in Europe and North America.

• The text then delves into the significant impact of Sabbatai Zevi and his prophet Nathan of Gaza, who revolutionized Western occult lore with their teachings based on the Kabbalistic concepts. Zevi was banished several times but, together with his wife, gained a wide following across Europe, eventually establishing a foundation in Greece and Turkey. After being imprisoned, he continued his teachings covertly under the protection of Islam.

• Lastly, it introduces Jacob Frank, who claimed to be Zevi’s reincarnation and carried on the tradition of Sabbatai Zevi’s teachings, attracting a broad following. He initiated mass conversions to Christianity among his followers and infused Christian sects with ancient Kabbalistic teachings. Despite his arrest and consequent incarceration, Frank continued to preach and interact with the cult of the Black Madonna, teaching the oneness of God, the Messiah and Shakina, thus attributing divinity to feminine sexuality.


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There have been many mystical orders that claim to possess ancient esoteric knowledge that has survived until the modern day, guarded by secret societies that allegedly utilize these occult secrets for supposed physical vitality, psychic endowment, spiritual enlightenment, and establishing a political agenda. Most, if not all of these orders trace their origins to the ancient Aryan magi of Mesopotamia, which is where we get the modern word for magician, and whose esoteric practices were said to have been passed down since the mythical times of Atlantis. Whether that’s true or not.

What seems to be clear is these Central Asian or Eurasian mystics influenced various cults from Babylon to Egypt, passing on their Kabbalistic knowledge to the Knights Templar, who in turn brought it back into Europe, influencing groups such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, which allegedly hold a high degree of political influence across the globe. One of the lesser known secret societies which held a considerable amount of influence in the 18th century Europe was called the Asiatic Brethren. Started in Vienna, Austria, their foundation paralleled a more popular Rosicrucian Order, and while this organization played a significant role in the emergence of Adam Weissop’s Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, they ceased to exist relatively quickly. The Asiatic Brethren has been one of the critical forerunners of the Golden Dawn and many of its descendants, as well as to be an influential force on occult practitioners such as ceremonial magician Elaphis Levy and P. B. Randolph, who introduced the principles of erotic alchemy to North America, establishing the earliest known rosicrucian order in the United States.

Of course, the Asiatic brethren were influenced by earlier movements, most notably the Kabbalistic concepts put forth by Sabatai Zevi, who declared himself messiah in 1666, who was considered a heretic by Orthodox Judaism for transgressions such as pronouncing the. Holy tetragrammaton in public, breaking dietary laws, engaging in forbidden carnal activities and wedding. Sarah, a young Polish prostitute who proclaimed she would be married by the Messiah.

Sabotage’s, real impact and charisma stemmed from the divine acts which he performed often just after emerging from the dark night of depression or after having sung psalms for hours in a seeming trancelike state of emotional bliss. He also encourages followers to engage in promiscuous activity. And as shocking as they were, sabotype proclaimed that the meaning of these paradox acts was obvious to him while he was in ecstasy and utterly inaccessible, and heretical even to himself. Once he had returned to his normal state of being, despite being banished by local rabbis several times and causing shock and outrage amongst Orthodox Jewish leaders, he and his charismatic wife gained a large following and eventually established their power base in Greece and Turkey. From there, his influence grew further and quickly spread all across Europe. Sabatai ended up in imprisonment under the Otoman Sultan, who gave him three choices to subject himself to trial of his divinity. In other words, if the arrows of the Sultan’s archers would miss him, his divine status would be proven second, to be beheaded, or third, to convert to Islam. On the next day, September 16, 1666, which, incidentally, is also my birthday, sabatai came before the sultan, cast off his Jewish garb and put a Turkish turban on his head. Thus his conversion to Islam was accomplished. He covertly continued his practices and teachings in secret to his followers, some of whom also converted and followed him under the protection of Islam.

Zevi’s impact and popularity was due in no small part to his self-proclaimed prophet, Nathan of Gaza. According to the Jewish scholar Gershom Sholom, it’s only through Nathan of Gaza’s mystical interpretations of sabotaged, situation and heretic deeds that the story of this new Messiah gained the mystical depth, the spiritual weight and kabbalistic meaning that created the necessary gravitas to turn it into such a strong movement. In fact, it is Nathan of Gaza’s peculiar mix of Lurianic kabbalah, Gnostic interpretation, quotes from the Zohar and his own mystic explanations that help turn Sapatinism into a future hidden cornerstone of our Western occult lore. Nathan refers to the Messiah’s soul as a holy snake among snakes, but keep in mind that the Hebrew word for snake, nakash, has the same numeric value as the term Messiah. The Sapatean concept of a snake or dragon in this context is paralleled in the Gnostic teachings of the ophites, a word that comes from the Greek ophis, which means serpent. They were members of several Gnostic sects that flourished in the Roman Empire during the second century and for several centuries thereafter. These sects beliefs differed in various ways, but central to them all was a dualistic theology that opposed a purely spiritual supreme being who was both the origin of the cosmic process and the highest good to a chaotic and evil material world. To the ophites, man’s dilemma resulted from his being a mixture of these conflicting spiritual and material elements. Only Gnosis, the esoteric knowledge of good and evil, can redeem man from the bonds of matter and make him aware of the unknown God who is the true source of all being.

In their interpretation of the Garden of Eden story, the forbidden fruit was symbolic of the orgasm, and the serpent’s temptation was to harness and transmute the sexual energy through esoteric tantric practice rather than always expelling one’s life force in a conventional climax that results in physical procreation. The ophites regarded the Jehovah of the Old Testament as merely a demiurge or subordinate entity who had created the material world. They attached special importance to the serpent in the biblical book of Genesis because he had enabled man to obtain the all important knowledge of good and evil that Jehovah had withheld from them. Accordingly, the serpent was a true liberator of mankind since he first taught men to rebel against Jehovah and seek knowledge of the true unknown God. The ophites further regarded Christ as a purely spiritual being who, through his union with the man, jesus taught the saving gnosis or Sophia, a feminine, intuitive aspect of divinity, divine knowledge from within.

That said, from the perspective of Sabbatheanism, based on the Lurianic Kabbalah, which I cover in my book 1666, the esoteric interpretation of salvation was not about redemption of the Jewish people from slavery amongst other people, but instead had to do with an inner salvation, an esoteric process of mystical healing and restoration of one’s own soul through a term called tekun olam, which means repairing the world and has to do with the Lurianic Kabbalah’s idea of freeing leftover divine sparks of light that permeated existence after creation.

This brings us to Jacob Frank, a Polish-born Jew who, 100 years after sabotaged death, claimed to be his reincarnation. Frank was initiated into the Sabbathean elite, where the highest esoteric secrets were revealed to him that were shared only orally. These occult practices were the basis for erotic inner alchemy tantric practices of energetic transmutation where carnal lust is converted into spiritual gold, or what is known in the east as qi prana ether vril or life force energy. Through these techniques, Frank allegedly developed psychic medium skills through which he allegedly revealed many secrets and mysteries to his followers, continuing the tradition of strange deeds that was so critical for the foundation of Sabbatheanism, such as ritualistic orgies, public nudity and affection, and other transgressions. From 1759 to 1760, Frank inspired the mass conversion of his followers into Christianity, following in the footsteps of Sabatai Zevi’s conversion into Islam infusing this ancient heretical Kabbalistic teaching into the mainstream by establishing sects of Christian Sabbatheans. Frank was then arrested and spent the following twelve years in captivity.

This began a new and completely unexpected phase of Sabbathean Franchism, where Frank interacted with the cult of the Black Madonna and taught that there was no separation between the Messiah, God and Shakina, which is a word that implies the dwelling place or divine presence of God, such as the burning bush or the pillar of fire in the Bible. But in Hebrew it is a feminine word, and in this context means the Divine feminine presence of God. Or in other words, Goddess, the mystical embodiment of the feminine or God’s bride, implying that female sexuality was a doorway to higher states through which one can commune with.


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