The Noble Lineage of Jesus Christ

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Goats are among the oldest domesticated animals, playing a key role in the Neolithic agricultural revolution. They are social, adaptable, reproduce quickly, and, along with sheep, were prized for their meat, milk, and coats. In late 1946 or early 1947, Bedouin teenagers were tending their goats and sheep near the ancient settlement of Qumran, located on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea in what is now the West Bank. One young shepherd tossed a rock into an opening on the side of a cliff and was surprised to hear a shattering sound. He and his companions later entered the cave and found a collection of large clay jars, seven of which contained leather and papyrus scrolls.

An antiques dealer purchased the cache, which eventually ended up in the hands of various scholars who determined that the texts were over 2,000 years old. As word of the discovery spread, Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists uncovered tens of thousands of additional scroll fragments from 10 nearby caves. Together, these fragments form between 800 and 900 manuscripts, some of which were recently displayed at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. Intrigued, I decided to visit myself to get a firsthand look, and now I’m bringing you along. Let’s dive in.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are regarded as one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of modern times. Unearthed in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea, these scrolls include the earliest known copies of Holy Scripture and other ancient writings. They have the potential to reshape our understanding of the Bible and the life and culture of 1st-century Palestine. But who wrote them? The origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls, dated between the 3rd century BC and the 2nd century AD, remains a topic of scholarly debate. The prevailing theory attributes them to a Jewish group that inhabited Qumran until Roman troops destroyed the settlement around 70 AD.

This group is thought to have been the Essenes, a devout, ascetic, and communal Jewish sect. “Ascetic” refers to a lifestyle of self-denial and abstinence from physical desires, akin to practices in Buddhism or Hinduism, but also present in certain Jewish sects. Notably, Judaism in that era was diverse, with different sects often opposing one another politically, ideologically, and spiritually.

Interestingly, the Star of David, now synonymous with Judaism and featured on Israel’s flag, was once used extensively in Islamic culture, appearing on the national flag of Morocco as the Seal of Solomon. Both symbols, along with the swastika, trace their origins to ancient Aryan cultures, appearing in artifacts from India, Tibet, and Phoenicia. Previously, Judaism’s iconic symbol was the seven-branched menorah, which gave way to the Star of David with the rise of Kabbalistic traditions in Europe and the growth of Zionism.

Zoroastrianism, an ancient Iranian religion, also influenced Jewish and Christian messianic traditions. Zoroastrian texts describe a savior, the Saoshyant, born of a virgin impregnated by the prophet Zoroaster’s preserved seed. This savior would vanquish evil and usher in a utopian paradise. Scholars have noted parallels between these beliefs, the Jewish Messiah, and Christian theology surrounding Jesus Christ.

The connection deepens when examining the Knights Templar, a medieval Christian military order established in 1118. Known for their distinctive white mantles and red crosses, the Templars were influenced by Islamic mysticism and preserved esoteric knowledge, which they believed stemmed from ancient Aryan Magi. They revered symbols like the Seal of Solomon, associating it with their spiritual beliefs and practices.

The lineage of these traditions and symbols intertwines with European royal dynasties, such as the Visigoths, who traced their roots to Odin and claimed connections to the bloodline of Jesus Christ. Genetic studies have revealed fascinating insights into these lineages, including mutations like CCR5 Delta 32, linked to immunity against certain diseases and found predominantly in Northern Europeans. This genetic marker’s origins correlate with ancient migrations from Mesopotamia to Europe, blending cultures and histories over millennia.

Dna Evidence Proves Egyptian Mummies Were White Men. Gene For Blue Eyes Only Among Indo-European Aryans Egypt

Recent genetic studies have revealed intriguing links between ancient migrations, immunity, and the bloodlines of power:

  • The CCR5 Delta 32 Mutation: Found predominantly in Northern Europeans, this genetic mutation provides immunity to certain diseases, including the plague. Some researchers suggest its origins trace back to ancient Mesopotamia, correlating with early migrations to Europe.
  • Intermingling of Cultures: As people moved from Mesopotamia to Europe, their genetic and cultural legacies blended, creating a complex web of traditions that influenced both the ruling classes and spiritual practices.

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– Tommy Truthful

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➡ Goats played a crucial role in early agriculture and were valued for their meat, milk, and coats. In the late 1940s, young shepherds discovered ancient scrolls in clay jars near the Dead Sea. These scrolls, known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are considered one of the greatest archaeological finds and contain early copies of holy scriptures and writings that shed light on the life and culture of 1st century Palestine. The scrolls are believed to have been written by a Jewish sect called the Essenes, and their discovery has sparked ongoing scholarly debate about their origins and meaning.
➡ Archaeological research suggests that the Swedish and Danish royal dynasties, as mentioned in Icelandic sagas, descended from Odin who migrated from the Black Sea region. This migration was possibly due to a hemorrhagic plague, similar to the Black Death, which forced people to leave Babylon. A genetic mutation known as CCR5 Delta 32, which provides immunity to this plague and HIV1, is found in 10% of Europeans today, suggesting that survivors of the plague migrated north. This migration, traced through the mutation and historical records, led to the establishment of the Goths in Scandinavia and their subsequent spread across Europe.
➡ The text discusses the belief that Jesus was married to two women, Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany, according to a book held by the Cathars. It also explores the journey of a bloodline that started in Sumeria around 1150 B.C., moved through various regions including Troy and Gotland, and eventually became known as the Goths or Vikings. This bloodline is believed to have married into the lineage of Jesus, creating a powerful family that ruled over vast territories. The text also suggests that many families today are aware of their descent from this bloodline.
➡ The text discusses the origins and connections between various ancient cultures, including the Phoenicians, Vikings, and Aryans. It suggests that these cultures shared symbols, DNA, and possibly even writing systems. The text also explores the controversial idea that Ashkenazi Jews may not carry the biblical Jewish bloodline, and instead, it might be found in other groups descended from Aryans. Lastly, it delves into the history of the Knights Templar, suggesting they believed their ancestry linked to Jerusalem’s temple priests and sought hidden treasures in the Holy Land.



Goats are one of the oldest domesticated animals and played a key role in the Neolithic agricultural revolution. They are social, adaptable, reproduce quickly, and along with sheep, were prized for their meat, milk and coats. In late 1946 or early 1947, Bedouin teenagers were tending their goats and sheep near the ancient settlement of Qumran, located on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea and what is now known as the West Bank. One of the young shepherds tossed the rock into an opening on the side of a cliff and was surprised to hear a shattering sound. He and his companions later entered the cave and found a collection of large clay jars, seven of which contained leather and papyrus scrolls.

An antiques dealer bought the cache, which ultimately ended up in the hands of various scholars who established that the texts were upwards of 2000 years old. After word of the discovery got out, Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists unearthed tens of thousands of additional scroll fragments from 10 nearby caves. Together, they make up between 800 and 900 manuscripts, some of which went on display recently at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. So I decided to pay a visit for myself to get a first hand look, and I’m bringing you along with me. So let’s go.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered by many to be among the greatest discoveries in modern archaeology. Discovered in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea, the scrolls contain not only the earliest known copies of the Holy Scripture, but also ancient writings that can change not only the way we think about the Bible, but the life and Culture of 1st century Palestine in Israel. But who wrote them? The origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written between the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD remains a subject of scholarly debate to this day. According to conventional theory, they’re the work of a Jewish population that inhabited Qumran until Roman troops destroyed the settlement around 70 AD.

These Jews are thought to have belonged to a devout ascetic and communal sect called the Essenes, one of four distinct Jewish groups living in Judea before and during the Roman era. Ascetic refers to a practice of self denial and abstinence from physical desires and otherworldly pleasures commonly associated with Aryan religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. But this also includes certain sects of Judaism, as there were several, and they were often at times politically, ideologically and spiritually opposed to each other. That said, the Star of David, which appears on the flag of modern Israel and is currently one of the most recognizable symbols associated with Judaism, was in fact also used extensively by Islam, even previously featured on the national flag of Morocco referred to as the Seal of Solomon, a term also used in conjunction with the current pentagram.

Both symbols, along with the swastika, stem from ancient Aryans, and there are many examples of the star and swastika appearing together by Aryan cultures in ancient India, Tibet and Phoenicia. The prior symbol traditionally associated with Judaism is the seven candlesticks, which was replaced by the star with the prominence of Kabbalah in Europe as well as the growth of Zionism and Messianic expectations, which incidentally also have their roots in Aryan Zoroastrianism, which likely was adopted and disseminated after the Jewish captivity and the fall of Babylon. In the Zoroastrian religion of ancient Iran and in earlier mystery religions of the ancient Chaldean Magi of Mesopotamia, the messianic figure is known as Shoshant, which means savior.

According to legend, this final savior of the world will be born to a virgin impregnated by the seed of Zoroaster while bathing in a lake which has been kept intact for thousands of years by angels. Zoroastrian texts talk about her sacred lineage and how she is descended of a certain Aryan bloodline. This is important for Zoroastrians because they believe that the sociant will be a descendant of Zarathustra, the original prophet of Zoroastrianism. The texts reveal that he will destroy all evil in the world and usher in the future Utopia or paradise on earth. When he is 30 years old, there will be a cosmic sign in the sky announcing his identity.

And then when he is 57 years old, he will vanquish all evil from the world and humanity will be released from temptation, making the world perfect and ushering in immortality. Many scholars have often pointed to the similarities between the idea of Sochant and that of the Moshiach or Messiah in Judaism, which strongly influenced the beliefs surrounding Jesus and Christianity. Furthermore, the idea of the final battle between socient and the forces of evil have been compared to the final battle between the Messiah, Jesus and the Antichrist from both Christianity and Islam. Many of these concepts made their way into European alchemy and mystery schools via the Knights Templar, who were Kabbalists and were greatly influenced by Islamic mysticism, which in turn retained guarded esoteric knowledge from the ancient Aryan Magi of Mesopotamia.

Established in 1118, the Templars were a Christian military order that played the prominent role in the Crusades. The order was originally known as the poor fellow soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, but became known as the Knights Templar after establishing their headquarters inside of The Al Aqsa Mosque, which is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In 1119. They were also involved in colonizing parts of the surrounding regions, building castles and strongholds and establishing a form of early banking. The Templar Knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, revered and used the Seal of Solomon symbol, which reflected their esoteric Gnostic beliefs that included sacred sexual practices of internal alchemy, as the six pointed hexagram, or shatkona, as it is called in Hinduism, portrays the union of the masculine and feminine and the vital energy, also known as chi prana or vril, that can be harnessed and transmuted through semen retention and tantric union.

The Knights Templar and the Holy Grail are essential part of medieval history, which mainstream historians consider an allegory for the quest of salvation. But occult secret societies, such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, both of whom share kabbalistic affinities with the Templars, also share the belief that the Grail is also a reference to bloodlines that entered Europe from the Middle east, both from the Davidic line, of which Mary, the mother of Jesus, was allegedly part of, and an Odinic bloodline which contends that the Norse God Odin was based on a flesh and blood king who migrated north according to Icelandic sagas and eventually founded the Swedish and Danish royal dynasties before being deified in Germanic lore.

In fact, the people who planned and executed the conquest of England were actually five cousins. And then Saul said, well, that’s interesting. Where did they come from? And they actually come from a marriage, a marriage with a guy called Ataulf, who at that time was king or leader of the Visigoths, who came to descent from Odin and Maria of the Archesites, who claimed from Jesus via his daughter Maria. And at that time, it didn’t really bother anybody that somebody was claiming descent from Jesus. No, why should it? I mean, you know, so what. I mean, the point about it is that, you know, she was claiming descent from the Davidic line.

In other words, a ruling group who at that stage in history was becoming very important. I mean, afterwards Charlemagne, you know, used to call himself Phileas David, the son of David. This was a. It was this royal claim. Okay? So, you know, the Church proclaimed Jesus divine, but that wasn’t the point, really. I mean, as far as I was concerned, it was simply that Jesus was descended according to various genealogies that exist within the Bible from David. Okay. And according to the various genealogies which exist in Norse mythology and Mercian mythology, etcetera, Then utter Ulf was descended from Odin.

But incidentally, Atar Ulf was not called at all probably during his lifetime. He was called originally Uffa or Ulf. Atta simply means father of or the ancestor. Just like Ataturk. His name’s something of a camel, a mustapha camel. Yes, right. And, but he’s called Ataturk, the father of the Turks. So it’s, it’s a title which was given to him. So just as Ulf became the father of his dynasty, so he was called Atar Ulf. And this is why I call the dynasty that’s descended from him Ulvunga. You see the folk of Ulf. Hugh Montgomery is the author of the God Kings of the descendants of Jesus traced through the Odinic and Davidic Dynasties.

Professor Montgomery explains that many royal families around the globe know that they are descended from the Davidic line that Jesus was said to belong to. And while this incredible story has been allegedly withheld from the public for centuries, it is well known to secret societies, Kabbalists and Gnostic organizations such as the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Freemasons. He talks about the Norse and Germanic dynasty being traced back to a bloodline associated with Odin, the Babylonian roots of the line of European and Nordic kings, and the conquest and migration of these dynasties to the rest of Europe, including the bloodline of Jesus Christ himself.

While similar claims were made by ethnographer Thor Heyerdahl, who also conducted archaeological research into allegations documented in Icelandic sagas which state that the Swedish and Danish royal dynasties were descended from Odin after migrating north from around the Black Sea. What is the scientific evidence to support the belief that such a migration ever took place? In 1157 BC, the Kassite dynasty of Babylon was replaced by the second Isen dynasty. The Kassite dynasty had ruled Babylon for some 500 years. It was ended by the hand of Marduk. Now Marduk was the God of Babylon if you like, and he was a subsidiary to an or Enlil, but he at this point was the God of Babylon or the God of a particular city.

In point of fact. Now the whole point about Babylonian religious system at this point was that the God was responsible for everything. If you were in the favor of the God, you could remain as king and you would have children. God gave you the children. If you won a battle, you won a battle because God was with you. If you lost a battle, it’s because God had withdrawn his favor. But he was also responsible for your well being. So if there was disease, then he had withdrawn his favor and the hand of Marduk was a hemorrhagic plague.

A hemorrhagic plague, basically, where it is first of all carried from person to person and you get boils, you get emissions of blood, etc. That is a hemorrhagic plague, and it is, and it goes from person to person. It so happens that this has become very interesting recently because they have discovered that the Black Death was in fact not a bubonic plague, it was a haemorrhagic plague. And this has been brought out in a number of academic reviews. And this is why the people had to leave Babylon, because God was no longer with them. But some people built up an immunity to this hemorrhaging plague.

This mutation, because that’s what it is, is known as CCR5 Delta 32. Why is it so important now? Why have we suddenly become interested in this? Because guess what? It gives you immunity to HIV1. This study published in 2005 proposes that the Black Death was indeed a viral hemorrhagic disease and that CCR5 delta 32 mutation is present in 10% of the people of European descent today, providing resistance to HIV 1 and some other viral infections, and likely originated from a mutation in 1000 BC. That said, it is primarily found in northern Europeans and Western Asia, but has since spread to other parts of the world.

The selective pressures that led to the fixation of the CCR5 Delta 32 variant and the European genome are not clear. But northern Europeans are also among the most lactose tolerant demographics in the world, meaning they can digest milk as adults. And the genetic mutation leading to lactose tolerance is believed to have first appeared in the Middle east around the time humans began domesticating animals like cows, goats and sheep, which would have allowed them to drink milk regularly. This mutation, along with the phenotype for blue eyes and blonde hair, is thought to have entered Europe and Scandinavia via Turkey, where Troy was located.

And Odin allegedly migrated to into Europe from starting in Turkey, moving to Saxland or Germany, Denmark, and eventually Sweden, where he allegedly settled for good. So they left Mesopotamia and they moved north. They possibly founded Troy. I say possibly because we can’t prove it, but we shall be able to show that they were certainly introverted there. They moved up through Bithynia, past the Black Sea, and either this side of the Danube or that side of the Danube. Again, we do not know exactly. We know that they got to this point, and we know that they moved up to here, and we know that they Finished up here in Ostra and Vestra, Gotland and this little island of Gotland, and then over here to Iceland.

We can trace their migration from four sources. The Icelandic saga in Ludio says peoragumna Gopam Signapir. It means Sumerian. There’s a translation. Those Sumerians were blessed by the gods. Why? Because they were immune to the plague. They were very blessed. We can show it further, the Newton stone, where they settled for a while, and it’s now in the Aberdeen University. They were known at this point as the Cacius from the Kassite dynasty. They were called the Kasai. And the Greatest number of CCR5 Delta 32 mutations has shown up in Scandinavia, southern Scandinavia and particularly Iceland. So we can trace their migration by this mutation and where it occurs, because there’s hardly any of it in southern Europe.

And the Vikings seeded this mutation throughout Normandy and England as they raped their way across Europe. The offspring of these rapes became immune as well. In Scandinavia, they became known as the Goths. Goth is the plural of Gota in Hundanic, which is the language, the Danish language of the Orkneys, and it literally means gods. They’d been God kings of Babylon. They brought all this wonderful technology, all this science with them. They had wheel chariots, they had lots of things. So obviously they were gods to the local inhabitants. From Scandinavia, they moved south and split into two groups, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths.

We are concerned here, for the time being only with the Visigoths and with the first of their kings for whom we have a name. He’s known Rus Tvilkjot. I’m putting these up because names get changed through different languages. In the Sumerian or Babylonian, Odin is called Idina. In old Mesopotamian and Trojan, he is called Yuan. In Gothic, Veol. In Old Norse, Nodin. In Anglo Saxon, Wodin, and in Mercia, Wotan. These were the names of the last two Kassite kings, Marduk, Apla, Idina and Zababa Shuma Edina. So these were the first two ODINs that we can identify.

Rus. The vial got can be analyzed as follows. Drus means Trojan. It shows that he is saying, I was in Troy or my ancestors were in Troy. And Vilg simply means the Woden Goth or the Woden God. So here we have through the names, the proof of who they considered themselves to be descended from. Now we’re going to look at another genealogy, a genealogy known as the House of Bethany. And in it you have a guy called. Yeshua, Ben Yosef or Jesus, who is married to Maria now? Not at this point, please. Maria Magdalene. Maria of Bethany.

Okay. Mary of Bethany is a biblical figure mentioned by name in the Gospel of John. Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair. Her brother Lazarus was ill. In Orthodox Church tradition and some Protestant traditions, Mary of Bethany is honored as a separate individual from Mary Magdalene. This is a list of some of the non canonical books of the New Testament, the Apocrypha. There’s an awful lot of them. There’s more actually there than in the New Testament. Amongst them you wrote the secret Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of the Egyptians, the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Secret Book of James.

I reckon that some of the documents which might have been found either in Odessa or perhaps later in Jerusalem was A, the Gospel of Philip and B, the book of Al Shazam. There you are, a copy of the Gospel of Philip. This is the heated Coptic on this side. And this is the English translation. There were three who always walked with the Lord. Mary, his mother, the sister of his mother, and Miriam of Magdalena, known as his companion. In brackets, translators put this in Koinonos. Koinonos. For him, Miriam is a sister, a mother and a wife.

Koinonos. Let’s have a look at that. Koinonos is Sahidic Coptic, but comes from the Greek. It means to have sex with, to copulate with, to mate with. It means a sexual companion. There is no possibility that it means anything else. It comes from the Greek word koinonum. Now you say, well, okay, see Coptic. Well, see Coptic, about 250 AD. Yes, true, but there are Greek fragments which have been dated to 75 AD older than any of the canonical Gospels. Now, I don’t know if everyone knows about the Gospel, but it’s part of the Nag Hammadi group of things.

There are Greek fragments of it which have been dated to between 87 and 100 AD. Okay, so they are older than any other canonical gospels. And normally under normal historical conditions you would say if something is nearer to an event, it has more validity than something that’s further away. Okay, so why should we change it just because we talk about Jesus? It’s not been through anybody else’s hands. Precisely. Yeah, absolutely not. Well, as we know, because you said, we have said so, that he rewrote the Gospels after 320. Okay, so what’s it saying here? It says there were three who always walked with the Lord.

Mary, his mother, the sister of his mother, and Miriam of MacDonough, known as his companion, in brackets, Koinonis. And then he goes on, says for him, Miriam is a sister, a mother and a wife. Again, the word koinonus. Now let’s be quite clear. Koinonus comes from the Greek verb koinon, meaning to copulate with, automate with. Absolutely. The Cathars descend from the Elsher sites. In fact, the word Cathar comes from the word Cathari which was used describe the ultra sites. And the Cathars had a book which stated quite bluntly that Jesus was not only married, but had two wives, one of whom was Mary Magdalene.

Now, let’s just go back a moment here. It states quite clearly, Miram Mandala is known as his companion. Yes, she’s called Koinonus, but she is not referred to as the wife. Someone else is referred to as the wife, not the same person. Who’s the other one? Mary of Bethany. Now, one of the big problems that we have is that Pope Gregory, in his homily number 132, maintained that Mary of Bethany and Mary of Magdalen were the same people. And in 1960, the Roman Catholic Church had to reverse that opinion because it was wrong, because all the sculptors knew it was wrong.

They are two totally different people. The problem for the church, and this is what they tried desperately to cover up, that Jesus was married to both of them. So the Cathars specifically have a book which says that Jesus was married twice at one and the same time, but then so was his father Joseph. Joseph was married to Mary, sometimes called the Virgin, and also to a woman called Hannah or Channa or Anna. We’re getting this Anna in again. And Jesus had not only brothers, four brothers, but also half brothers and sisters. So we’re saying that a descendant of Jesus in Maria was married off to.

Yes. Who? The Visigoths came indirectly from Odin. Odin, yeah. Who was. Well, originally. Okay. Odin originally was first of all, the name Odin you get in, not just one of them. There are a number of Odin people called Odin. So first one, it’s effectively a title. It’s rather like Pharaoh. It’s God’s personage on earth. Okay, same thing. Yeah. Okay. And the first of those was kings of the Cossack dynasty, Kassite dynasty of Babylon ruled between 1600 BC roughly to roughly 1150 BC. And the first of the known people called Odin was actually these two. Marduk Appla Edina Odin and Zababa Shuma Idina.

From there, they moved from Babylon and they moved from here, Mesopotamia, up past the Black Sea. But they stopped, first of all in Troy. Now, whether or not they actually founded Troy, I don’t know, but it’s a possibility. Certainly one of their descendants called himself a Trojan. So there is the probability that they actually were the founders of Troy. So from Troy they went up part of the Black Sea and either went this way, along the Danube or that way. Now, we don’t know which, but we know that they got to this point because there is a little stone which they put up to note the fact that they had stayed there and which is now in the Aberdeen Museum.

So archaeological evidence that they got there, and if they got started from here, that must have been one or other of their roots. We don’t know the exact roots and we can’t prove it. Okay. We then know that they got across here to Gotland, and there are two further Gotlands in Sweden, Ostrogotland and Westergotland. Why got them? Well, I suspect that they were called gods by the local inhabitants because they would have come to a region which was pretty primitive and they would have brought with them an enormous amount of what to them would be new technology.

Chariots, horses, chariot wheels, the ability to use ships, all sorts of things. Perhaps bronze working that they’d have seen before. So they were to be called gods or Got or Goths. Okay. And so this was named after them. These were the godlands after, again, a few hundred, perhaps even a thousand years, moved down into main Europe as the Goths, where they split and became the Ostrogoths or the Visigoths. That is the point where we really start the genealogy of the God kings. The Icelandic epic of Hindludew. There is a passage in it which translates as. But Radvar was rasp.

Those Gummat were blessed by the gods. That the Gumma are actually the Sumerians. So this is saying the Sumerians were blessed by the gods. Why? Because the hemorrhagic plague arrived and guess who was immune to it? The Sumerians. Incredible. So here we have an Icelandic epic which actually shows what we can prove by scientific methods. When they finish up in Sweden and Gotland and so on, they became known as the Goths, the gods, because they were so much in advance of the inhabitants. And I suspect that therefore the inhabitants considered Odin to have been a God.

But of course, he had a representative on Earth, you know, cut into the chase. We’ve actually got a family, a bloodline that left Sumeria a long, long time ago, 1150 B.C. perfect. End up as Vikings. And that’s the Vikings? Yes. Really? Yes, absolutely. Who had married into the bloodline of Jesus. Davidic bloodline with the power and might of Vikings. Yep. As a warrior race terrifying Europe and even further. Yeah, you know, we went quite long way. Constantinople itself. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So they will have. They’d also joined up with the Celtic church in some areas. Yes.

Who we know. That was slightly later. Slightly later. Yeah, we do know. We now have an inkling as to why they might have joined up with the Celtic church. Why not? Because it was to oppose Rome. Yeah. And let’s face it, I mean, at their apogee, the Orbungas ruled whatever happened with Scandinavia, Russia, Normandy, large chunks of France, England, Scotland, southern Italy, Sicily, North Africa, Cyprus and the whole of Palestine. They became an extremely powerful family. The most. In fact they even managed to get their own man in as pope. Callixtus II was an all winger through and through.

Do you know any. Anybody that knows that they are members of this divinity? Oh yes. Other than yourself? Oh yes. Oh, large numbers really? Oh yes. And they know that they are members. Oh yes. The bloodline of Jesus. Oh yes, of course. I mean the. The. Some of these documents. Some of these documents have been held by these families for generations. Families in existence now know that they are men, that they are bloodline descendants of Jesus. Yes, of course. The Da Vinci Code is based upon the holy blood, holy ground. Okay. Let’s be quite clear about it.

It is plagiarism from Michael Beetroot. Michael Bagent is a friend of mine. Michael Bagent based part of what he wrote because he only saw some of them afterwards on documents that I’ve showed you. He actually has seen at least one of those documents and he actually says so in. I think it’s the Tropic and Templars about Templar in the lodge or something. And he actually says he’s been shown a group of documents and they were your documents that were you just seen that you’ve just seen the Washingtons were all hungers really? Oh yes. Oh yes. Washington’s and Norfolk.

No, of course. This is unbelievable. The fact that it’s Jesus as opposed to, I don’t know, someone else is of only minor interest. What is more interesting is not that this guy was. I mean I don’t care whether I was denied from Jesus or Thomas or Judas or what have you. It doesn’t matter. What I’m trying to get at is it’s what they represent which was the davidic bloodline, which in turn goes back even further. Now that is what’s interesting. And as we. If I then take the Odonic line back and if those two happen to meet something, isn’t that fun? The Grand Aurovirus.

Yeah, isn’t it fun? What to me is important is to try and get the truth out there, right? To try and overcome 2000 years of church propaganda and actually say, well, can we please have a look at the real evidence? I’m not suggesting that anyone who is descended from Jesus and at all, or what have you is particularly better than it was. That isn’t the point of it. Nothing to do with it. It is simply a question of what is wrong is that the Church has scrambled the minds of people, they have brainwashed them so that they could have power.

And in a sense the whole. If this line is important at all, its only important is to oppose the power of the Church. The dynasty of Atarulf and Maria became known as the Ulfunga Dynasty, which simply means the folk of Ulf. That’s what it means, the descendants of Ulf. In some Scandinavian things it’s called the Volkunga dynasty and the junior branch is known as the Yngling Dynasty and they were the royal families of Denmark and Sweden respectively. Again, we need to look at names and how they change. Uffe, Offa, Ulf, Wolf. Wolf folk all have the same origin.

I mean wolf or dog. The Vikings were called the Wolf of the Seas, the sons of oath. In nationalist Germany, the Fuhrer’s military headquarters during World War II was called the Wolf’s Lair, as the name Adolf means noble wolf and was prominent in medieval times, given to people who showed leadership and embodied nobility and strength. A rune used by the German SS was the Wolf’s Angle worn by the SS who also revered the Templar cross. That said, the Germanic runes themselves are believed to have originated from the Phoenician Alphabet, meaning the basic design and concept of the runic writing system likely derived from the Phoenician script, although the exact transmission process remains unclear and is a subject of scholarly debate.

Of course, there are clear links between Viking and Phoenician ships, the use of serpent symbolism, and both use the swastika symbol extensively with Phoenician DNA that was sequenced coming back as identical to European DNA, which is understandable as Europe itself is named after Europa, a Phoenician princess from Tyre, the Phoenician capital located in modern Lebanon, just 12 miles away from the border with Israel. It is also interesting to note that the Phoenician Alphabet is virtually identical to Old Block Hebrew. The Phoenicians originated in Canaan and ancient Canaanites descended from an admixture of blond blue eyed people that migrated from the Caucasus region or modern day Iran 6,500 years ago, introducing the Chalcolithic culture or Copper Age to the Levant.

This in part explains Adolf Hitler’s affinity and relationship with Persia, which changed its name to Iran in 1935, meaning land of the Aryans, as Hitler referred to Iranians as pure blood Aryans. Despite that there has been a considerable degree of mixing since the Arab conquest in 635 AD. The Aryan ancestry of Mesopotamian nobility becomes apparent when one examines the many blue eyed statues from the Sumerian and Babylonian culture, a trait that is also present in depictions of the Aryan Gautama Buddha who is also described as having blue eyes and the many blue eyed statues from ancient Egypt.

Incidentally, German textbooks up until 1945 described the oldest waves of the Nordic people during the Holocene originating in Mesopotamia and Egypt prior to Germany or Scandinavia, which explains why the Annenerbe, the German organization that researched ancient cultures, considered Jesus Christ to have come from an Arian lineage and the Germanic people to have been the true chosen people mentioned in the Bible. While this statement is considered controversial by modern standards, it is interesting to note that while Jews determine their ancestry from their maternal line, genetic sequencing has determined that at least 80% of Ashkenazi MTDNA, which is inherited from the mother, comes from Italian women indigenous to Europe for at least 7,500 years and could not have been the Jews of the Bible.

After Rome sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD, they took many Jews as slaves who eventually were freed and took Italian wives that converted to Judaism and migrated north into Europe. So Ashkenazi Jews for the most part do not really carry the ancestral bloodline referenced in the Bible. That said, this study, published in Advances in Anthropology concerning ancient Aryan ancestry states according to Professor Klissoff, the R1A Jews and R1A Arabs are descended from Aryans who swept out of Russia plains about 4,900 years ago. Traveling through the Caucasus to Mesopotamia, Abraham’s birthplace and to the Saudi peninsula, Professor Kliusov notes that the Slavs are also descended from the Aryans.

In an anthropological context, the term Aryan or proto Indo European is attributed to the population that first established and diffused agricultural civilization during the Holocene from the Caucasus Mountains region, having first domesticated animals there such as horses and oxen used in large scale farming, which happens to also be where Mount Ararat is located, the place that according to the Bible, Noah settled After the deluge or end of the Pleistocene. It is interesting to note how many ancient maps divide the world into three parts represented by Noah’s three sons, all of whom would have been Caucasian. As the Caucasus region is where the term is derived from becoming the Caucasian Japhites of Europe, the Caucasian Semites of Asia represented by the Mesopotamian Aryan nobility.

And the Caucasian Hamites of Africa represented by the blond and red headed pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The original fair skinned inhabitants of Ethiopia, as can be seen in this example of an Ethiopian king. The artwork inside of ancient churches in Sudan, the earliest depictions of Mansa Musa in Mali and the early depictions of the original Moors who had a fair complexion. Now these families knew from whom they descended, that they descended from both Odin and the Davidic line of Jesus. We showed you earlier the genealogy of the house of Bethany. This is the original Latin document.

The other thing is interesting. Maria. Maria Ruth. The female names are at the beginning of the sentence. Very, very unusual in a patriarchal society. So what group of people would say it’s Maria who generate and Jesus just happens to be the father. It’s Maria who genuine and Sigismundus just happens to be the father. The answer is the Jews. Because in Judaism it is through the female that you take your religion. If your father’s Jewish and your mother’s not Jewish, tough, you’re not Jewish. If your father isn’t Jewish and your mother’s Jewish, you’re Jewish. According to the Chabad website, the code of Jewish law clearly states that a child of a Jewish mother is Jewish, regardless of the father’s lineage or whatever else may show up in a DNA test.

While the child of a non Jewish mother is not Jewish. The two main families involved are both all Vungans. By 1067, the Orvunga dynasty were kings of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Grand Dukes of Novgorod later become Tsars of Russia, Dukes of Normandy, Kings of England, Princes of Capua and kings of sicily. In what? 200 years? Not bad. On the 14th of July 1099, the crusading army captures Jerusalem. Who led it? Robert, Duke of Norway. Ormond of Taranto, Hauteville. Or Raymond of St. Jeans. Or Godfrey and Bogan and Boulogne. All Vungar reigned of Toulouse. All Vunga. Surprise, surprise.

In 1119, Pope Callistus II was elected to the papal throne. Look at that. His great grandfather had been Richard, 2nd Duke of Normandy. Oh wow. And guess what? 1119 happens to be the year which the Knight Templars are supposed to be founded. Coincidence? I wonder. It is very doubtful If Constantine himself was ever a Christian, this famous battle where he’s supposed to put the sign of the cross up is an equilateral cross, which had nothing to do at that point with Christianity. It was the sign of the sun and he was almost certainly a worshipper of Sol Invictus, invincible sun.

On the right is an ancient Mesopotamian depiction of a solar cross resembling the cross of the Knights Templar, which can be seen on the left inside of a seal of Solomon taken from the inside of an Ethiopian church in Lalibela, rumored to have been built by blonde angels with swastika symbols carved into the stone windows. With the stone structure itself resembling a solar cross, it should come as no surprise that the Knights Templar believed that their ancestry is descended from the temple priests of Jerusalem and initially arrived in the Holy Land on a mission to reclaim secret esoteric treasure that they believed was rightfully theirs in the form of gold and kabbalistic text allegedly hidden around Jerusalem, as alluded to in some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, in particular the Copper scroll, which unlike the other Dead Sea Scrolls, was etched on metal and contained directions to 64 locations where staggering quantities of treasure could be found.

Some scholars have claimed it belonged to the first temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon in 586 BC. Other experts have suggested that the treasure could be that of the second Temple. That said, finding the treasure is no easy feat as the locations are written as if the reader would have an intimate knowledge of the obscure references which the descendants of the lost tribes that fled into Europe, of which the Templars claim ancestry from, would likely have had. Scholars are unsure if the esoteric treasure was ever found, but according to occult alchemical societies of Europe, that question has already been answered.

SA My name is Robert Sepper. I’m an anthropologist. My published work is available on Amazon and through all other major book outlets. If you’d like to support my work, you can do that through Patreon or various links available in the Description section. Please subscribe and leave me your thoughts below as I read all the comments. Stay safe and I hope to see you again soon.


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