ALL Religions Gift of God Satan Enthroned at the Vatican (Pope Francis Singapore)

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➡ Pope Francis has been criticized for suggesting that all religions lead to God, which some believe contradicts the Catholic Church’s message that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation. Critics also accuse him of focusing more on political issues and environmental concerns than spreading the gospel. There are also controversial claims that a satanic enthronement occurred in the Vatican in the 1960s, which some believe Pope Francis may be connected to. Despite these criticisms, Pope Francis continues to advocate for unity among religions and global cooperation on issues like climate change.


Pope Francis recently gave a speech at an inter-religious meeting in Singapore. Listen to the advice that he gave to the other religions at that meeting, which is downright anti-gospel blasphemy. This may tie into the warning given by Malachi Martin and other high officials within the Catholic Church that an enthronement to Satan took place in the 1960s and Pope Francis just might be the person who is now at the head of that. On his final day in Singapore September 13, concluding his trip to Asia and the Pacific, Pope Francis spoke to young people at an inter-religious gathering.

Because every religion is a way to arrive at God. Sort of a comparison, an example would be there sort of like different languages in order to arrive at God. While Pope Francis wears a necklace with Jesus Christ crucified on the cross for our sins around his neck, he has the audacity to say that all religions are a path to God. Sadly, the blasphemy does not stop there. But God is God for all. And if God is God for all, then we’re all sons and daughters of God. But my God is more important than your God.

Is that true? Yes Francis, that is true. Our God is better than the other gods. Our God is the one true God. And Jesus Christ is the only way to get to God and to get to heaven. To tell anybody anything else different is to lead them on a path to hell. No other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Anyone who denies this absolute truth that Jesus Christ is the only way to God is not a follower of Jesus Christ. The Bible actually says that these people have the spirit of Antichrist, but we’ll get more into that in a moment.

There is only one God in each of us as a language, so to speak, in order to arrive at God. There are different paths. And that’s who. Pope Francis shows publicly that he cares way more about political issues and uniting the world’s religions than about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The following clip is a few years old, but it highlights the fact that these issues appear to be what is most important to Pope Francis. The last 10 days, look at these headlines. Pope Francis endorses essay trashing U.S. conservative Christians as fake believers and hate mongers.

Oh, Jesus helped us. Third headline. We’re in the last days. The Pope, one world Abrahamic family house will host church, mosque, and synagogue. That’s the one they’re opening up in Dubai, right? Also wants all religions and political leaders to sign a globalist pack for a new humanism. The supposed goal of the Catholic Church is to spread the saving message that Jesus Christ is the only way to find salvation in this world. You would think that you would hear Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, the supposed representation of Jesus Christ in the earth to at least mention that on occasion.

Instead, he seems to be more focused on uniting the world for liberal issues and climate change. A more recent article from December 3rd, 2023 again highlights that when giving a message to the world, salvation of your eternal soul isn’t what’s on Pope Francis’s mind, but instead we need to focus on the salvation of the climate. Pope urges world religions to unite against environmental devastation. Pope Francis’s clear opposition to spreading the truth about Jesus Christ raises the question that if Malachi Martin and the other high officials within the Vatican were correct, that an enthronement of Satan took place in St.

Paul’s Chapel inside Vatican City on June 29, 1963. Something happened in the Vatican where you have Freemasons, occultists, whatever you want to call these people, they’re definitely under the influence of Satan, enthroning Satan. That reference in Malachi Martin’s books, Wind Swept House, there’s, you know, without getting into too much of the details and stuff that would be sensationalized, there has been more than one source that has come out and confirmed what is contained in that book. Even the bishop in South Carolina where the ritual took place, because it was done by a form of projection, even where the ritual took place, the bishop there did research, found out it was true, and then reconsecrated the church.

Malachi Martin, who died in 1996, says that at the height of the Second Vatican Council in Rome, there was a ceremony to enthrone Lucifer in the Vatican at the chair of Peter. The church in question, St. Paul’s Chapel within the Vatican walls, hosted a very different rite of mass on January 29th, 1963, just one week after the election of Pope Paul VI. The ceremony Malachi Martin is on record as saying was a black mass, or the traditional Latin mass set in reverse, complete with an animal sacrifice and a potential person who was a victim used in ceremonial rituals.

The ceremony was not of the Novus Ordo mass, because in Malachi Martin’s words, even the Satanists know that this mass is not valid. Martin writes that the black mass was attended by high-ranking prelates in the church, important laymen, business leaders and politicians, at least one cardinal was in attendance, a concurrent enthronement of Satan black mass was also held in South Carolina on that date. The piece of the puzzle that could bring this all together is a quote from Pope John Paul VI, who was installed as Pope one week after this enthronement of Lucifer’s ceremony in 1963, and that quote reads, Do some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the Church of God? Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in July of 2024, and he had some very strong words to share in relation to Pope Francis that might shed some light on this as well.

Vatican excommunicates ex-ambassador to U.S. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano declares him guilty of schism. As Francis was wrapping up a tense visit to Ireland, Vigano claimed in an 11-page letter that in 2013 he told the pontiff of the allegations of sex abuse against formal Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the most senior U.S. churchman, but he wrote the pontiff ignored that and allowed McCarrick to continue to serve the church for another five years publicly. He said that the Pope should resign and subsequently branded him a false prophet and a servant of Satan. While Pope Francis was visiting Singapore for his uniting of the religions, telling them all past lead to God, the reaction of some of the people there when seeing him was very similar to what the Bible tells us will be like when people marvel after the false prophet and the antichrist.

Let’s not forget that Pope Francis is just a man and one who doesn’t even spread the truth of what Catholicism claims to represent. Bible prophecy reveals that there will be a one-world religion, false prophet, antichrist, and a deceptive organization known as Mystery Babylon in the last days. Sadly, each one of these prophecies could be revealed through the Catholic Church. The prophecy of the Popes by Saint Malachi also points to there being a false Pope who leads the world into the last days. According to this prophecy, Pope Francis is that last Pope.

Whether the last day’s prophecies are fulfilled in any of these ways through the Catholic Church we’ll just have to wait and see. But there is a greater issue here and that’s the continued denial of the truth of Jesus Christ. A paramount verse for Pope Francis, other religions, and everyone who denies the fundamental absolute truth of Jesus Christ and his saving gospel is 1 John 2 22. Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He is antichrist who denies the father and the son. Anyone who says that Jesus Christ is not the savior of the world is an enemy to the gospel especially when they claim to know who Jesus is.

They’re leading people astray willingly. God desires all people to come to repentance so let’s be in prayer for all the lost in the world for people like Pope Francis who are spreading false information about Jesus Christ. Because all religions do not lead to God, all religions are not a different breath of God. Jesus Christ is the one and only way to God the Father. Therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.


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