BREAKING UAP EVIDENCE Alien Invasion UAP Retrieval Program UAP Whistleblower

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➡ Stephen Greer, a controversial figure in the UFO community, claimed that alien disclosure would occur before Trump’s inauguration. Despite no evidence supporting his claims, he continues to promote methods for contacting extraterrestrial beings through meditation and an app he developed. Critics argue that Greer’s practices resemble New Age spirituality and witchcraft, and some suggest he may be staging encounters to profit from believers.


Stephen Greer claims that before Trump is inaugurated we will have alien disclosure. He made that claim about a week ago and as of right now we haven’t seen any aliens. This doesn’t mean that nothing is going on with the revealing of these entities. Biden’s national security advisor made an odd claim at his last day at the podium which some people are saying could be connected to this UFO phenomenon. One last word which is this is I hope this is my last time at this podium at least for a little while I don’t mean that in negative sense I mean the only thing that would bring me back is an unexpected event in the next few days which as you all know is totally possible given everything you’ve seen over the course of the past years.

Every day we are getting more information shown to the public that something unknown is happening in our skies. A grieving of UFOs and he has video to prove it. We’ll look at his story in a bit but first let’s look into Stephen Greer and his disclosure claims as well as some of the extremely odd things he’s a part of to try to contact these entities. There’s really no bigger grifter when it comes to the UFO community than Stephen Greer. For years and years he’s been making massive claims with zero evidence to support any of it.

Stephen Greer is actually a very dangerous person. Looking into exactly who he is you’ll find he’s more of a teacher of new-age spirituality than anything to do with solid UFO evidence. Before we look into that first let’s look at his recent claims about UFO disclosure coming before the inauguration. Does this disclosure happen next week and if it does how does it happen? When it starts happening how will we know? Well it’ll be all over the news and it’s good to see you again. I just heard an hour ago from the we call the NOC.

He’s a non-official cover aerospace intelligence community a senior operator from one of the key black sites to black sites out in the West United States and they are preparing to do this next week. I don’t have an So if we don’t have absolute alien disclosure before the inauguration which isn’t just about a day I hope people will realize that Stephen Greer is a massive grifter profiting off of people with his lies about UFOs and the evidence of aliens. Looking deeper into who Stephen Greer is it’s worse than just massive claims that never come to fruition we actually see that he’s more of a spiritual leader of New Age spirituality.

This is of no surprise because the Bible tells us this is the type of things that will be happening in the last days. Now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. Let’s take a look at Stephen Greer’s website and see the kinds of things that he’s teaching. Under the expeditions tab you can see preparing for making contact library. When you click on the making contact tab you’ll see a lot of different information about how to contact alien entities.

Under the coherent thought sequencing section it says this technique involves entering a state of heightened consciousness through meditation and then projecting images with your mind to show any nearby ET visitors exactly where you’re located on the earth. Under the meditating section it says that meditating is central in making contact and Stephen actually provides recorded guided meditations and different frequencies that you can play that help you to contact these entities. This is absolutely a form of witchcraft. For the cost of $99 a month you can get Stephen Greer’s app and learn how to contact these entities from the comfort of your own home.

The CE 5 or close encounters of the fifth kind actually coming in contact with these beings. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that but CE 5 contact app is Stephen Greer’s app and it says CE 5 contact provides instructions and tools to assist you in making peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations as well as locating others in your area who are interested in making contact. The CE 5 protocols were developed by Stephen Greer and they help you to initiate peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. When looking on the app store at his app you can see that 90% of the reviews are complaining about bugs and the app not really working but a few comments come through where people have actually made contact with entities using his CE 5 protocols.

I really didn’t expect it to be so easy to do. After playing the tones into a walkie talkie for 10 minutes and meditating for 20 minutes I was pretty surprised to hear distinct vibration that can only be described as precision electronics. I definitely saw and spoke to someone on the back of my eyelids. Although I should have prepared something more professional to say, after an awkward silence the connection was lost. Very cool doc I’ll get good at this before long. I had an encounter and it was very interesting. This morning after I downloaded the app I did a few minutes of mindfully playing the tones.

Now at night I looked outside my window and saw an orb. I asked to prove if it is what I think it is. It moved up through the tree and disappeared. It was very interesting. I was sure that I would see them and I’m looking forward to have close encounters with them. This is the third time that I’ve encountered different phenomenon so exciting and blessed. If aliens existed on another planet they would not care at all about human beings meditating and somehow come to them when they’re doing these practices.

The same way two human beings can’t contact each other through meditation it makes no sense of that happening with alien beings. This is exactly what the occult does. They summon things, they get together in groups, they meditate, listen to tones. This is practicing new age spirituality. It’s just a form of witchcraft and that’s why when people are practicing these things they’re summoning entities. They’re not summoning aliens from another planet. In this video here on Steven Greer’s YouTube channel he’s got a group of people who pay him some people say two hundred dollars, some people say up to a thousand dollars to meet with him and get together and practice meditation.

Listening to the video they talk about opening your chakras and sending your energy out to the ETs and then these lights appear off in the distance. While this could definitely be a manifestation of some spiritual entity because that’s what they are drawn to. That’s why people on his app are having these experiences. Some people have pointed out how these look exactly like flares. They light up for about three minutes which is the average time of a flare that is used. So some people say that this encounter was set up by Greer himself and he had someone go set these flares off over the ocean.

But either way the point is that Steven Greer is practicing new age spirituality, meditation, energy healing, channeling, all these different things that are really the doctrines of demons and people really need to steer away from this 100% because this is a very dangerous spiritual path to go down and your soul is in danger if you do any of these things. In that same video where Steven Greer said that alien disclosure is coming before the inauguration he once again made a massive claim with zero evidence like he’s done for almost a decade where alien beings have been retrieved and they’re actually living in subterranean underground military bases.

Oh sure I mean there have been non-human extraterrestrial civilizations that have been observing the planet for thousands of years and it increased remarkably once we detonate the first atomic bomb there’s no question about that. In fact this particular team coming forward have dealt with the remains and on occasion living non-human life forms that have been downed and some are still in captivity and subterranean facilities or stiffs. If Steven Greer thinks that these entities can be contacted through meditation I wonder why these aliens underground aren’t meditating and contacting their friends on their home planet and having them come beam them up out of the military base underground.

It’s very obvious that Steven Greer has been lying for years about his contacts within the intelligence community, massive claims about UFO disclosure, down craft, just claim after claim which never comes to pass and he has no evidence to ever prove any of it and so it’s pretty important that we realize that within this whole topic he’s absolutely a liar but most importantly he is a spiritual deceiver and people really need to stay away from his spiritual practices that he’s teaching. Now just because Steven Greer has been caught lying time and time again that doesn’t mean that everything going on with this UFO subject should be cast away.

It’s very obvious that this phenomenon is becoming more publicly accepted and the mainstream media is covering it more and more getting the public very used to the subject. News Nation just conducted an interview with a man who claims to have worked on retrieving crashed UFOs. So tell me about the moment when you realized that you were involved in a retrieval of non-human technology, alien tech. So it became very clear the first time our communication process and procedure was modified and then just visually looking at the object on the ground you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous.

It was not human. How close did you get? Well I was a helicopter pilot and I operate with 150 foot to 200 foot long line so I got within a hundred and fifty feet of this object. What did you see? I saw an egg a white egg. Was there any visible propulsion system on it? No not what we know there’s no engine there was no thermal signature. I was operating at night when I finally came in to pick it up working under night vision goggles at the time and it was quite clear I flipped them up flipped them down and looked at it a couple of different ways.

How did you know that that egg shaped object was non-human in origin? Visually after seeing all kinds of things in my past it was clearly something that was ridiculously looking. It’s inconsistent with anything I’d ever seen before. I can also tell you that the reaction by my team we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary and at night stage we were subsequently told that the craft was of non-human origin. I will tell you that during this process over the last couple years it’s been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP task force that what we were working with that night was in fact an H.I.

and it was not a unique experience. The Bible prophesies that great deceptions are coming in the last days that really look like they’re connected to this UFO phenomenon. Fearful sights in the heavens, the powers of the heavens shaken, all power signs and lying wonders deceiving people away from the truth. It’s clear that the main outcome from this UFO disclosure will ultimately be not that just our governments have been lying to us knowing that these things exist but that since they exist the God of the Bible is not real. If the public accepts that aliens exist on another planet they will think that evolution is definitely how humans were created and more advanced further evolved species exist in our universe and have been visiting earth for a long time maybe even creating humans.

The book of Genesis tells us God created man in his own image and gave us dominion over creation. If these more advanced entities exist they are more powerful and intelligent than us. They would have dominion over us. This does not align with what the Bible tells us about mankind or about creation as a whole but we are told that angels rebelled and these fallen angelic beings have a higher understanding than human beings and can also operate in the heavenly realms just like what we witness with the lights in the sky in the orbs that people are seeing all around the world.

2nd Timothy 3 16 tells us that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. If we believe this is true then we have to trust in the creation story and nowhere within this do extraterrestrials on other planets fit in at all. What does fit in is the fallen angels that were told about and their deceptions as well as the fallen entities that are coming upon the earth in the last days. This is what fits in with the whole UFO phenomenon nothing to do with evolved beings on other planets. The Bible tells us verse after verse that towards the last days and all throughout earth’s history there will be blind guides leading people astray false apostles false prophets false teachers people teaching different doctrines and this type of thing will happen all throughout the earth in many different ways to lead people away from the truth of Jesus Christ it’s kind of the main highlight of the whole doctrines of demons things so as we head into the future and all this information is coming on the scene we really need to be on alert trust in the Bible alone because all scriptures breathe by God and if we believe that it’s the word of God and it has the final say over everything that takes place in the earth even if what you’re seeing with your own eyes goes against what you think it says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables you


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