I’m not surprised that Billy put this video on private because the entire video, which was over an hour long, was just him giving excuse after excuse as to why he did so bad in the debate. The main thing that he talks about is how he was supposedly really sick before going into this debate. He also makes some just completely outlandish absolute lies about Wes Huff saying that he was messing with his video connection and also using chat GPT to answer questions, which we’ll actually see looks like something that Billy was actually doing during the debate.
I just got the IV bandage out. I was in the hospital with severe case of pneumonia and that pneumonia was so severe that it literally almost killed me. I didn’t know I was going over there to do this kind of debate. I thought we were having a casual conversation on spirituality and I wasn’t really even fully in my right mind. I’ve just almost died a few days before going to his house, literally, literally. If Billy was incredibly sick before the debate, we of course hope and pray that he’s doing better. It’s just weird that he uses this as seeming like it’s an excuse as to why he did so bad.
His wife and another lady also put out a video continuously talking about how sick Billy was and making it seem like that’s why he did so bad in this debate. These arguments that Billy made against Christianity in this debate are things that he’s been saying for years. This cannot be attributed to some lapse of understanding due to his recent sickness. It’s also interesting that Billy Carson claims to be God himself. He claims that he has God in him that we are all God and he actually has the awakening of Christ in his own mind and if he actually believes that Jesus was a healer and Billy has ascended to this level of awakening, how does Billy get so sick? Besides Billy’s constant reminder that he was so sick, he randomly goes on to flex about how wealthy and rich he is and how it’s somehow connected to how bad he did in this debate.
I think what’s actually happening here is he’s subconsciously letting it out to the public that he’s so worried that this forbidden knowledge empire that he’s built is actually built on a foundation of lies and he’s scared that he might lose it. I was so pissed off and I took the staircase up to the wall when my wife was in it thinking the shake at the table is smoothie or something. His wife is in the kitchen heating some food up that she got from our chef. Our chef became their chef. The next thing I know, the video’s out.
I’m actually sleeping in my movie theater in my house. I have a movie theater. I’m sleeping in the movie theater. I kind of passed out watching the game that come on Billy with the flex. Now let’s look at two of the absolutely ridiculous claims and just outright lies that Billy said against Wes Huff in the debate trying to discredit him. The first one is that Wes was purposely disconnecting his video to not respond to Billy’s questions. Billy also came up with this ridiculous lie that he saw Wes looking up answers on chat GPT.
I think Billy forgets that the entire debate is actually posted online and of course Wes is never seen doing this. It’s actually kind of funny and we’ll see maybe why Billy had this ridiculous chat GPT thing in his mind in the first place because we can look up and see a moment in the interview when Billy is doing damage control in response to Wes exposing his lies. Billy’s looking up stuff on his phone and he sets it in front of the camera and it actually looks like he has the chat GPT app pulled up on his phone.
Knowledge that I know like when I really studied all this what I thought was interesting about the bible was how many like different eyewitness I studied CS Lewis back today how many different eyewitnesses and stuff there were and they went on purpose to mention so many other names. Where was that piece? I found the text where I was referencing actually was misquoted I misquoted there it’s the gospel of Barnabas. In Billy’s response video he brings up the Sinai bible once again which Wes completely proved that Billy doesn’t have that much knowledge on that subject.
Its text of the gospels reads almost identical to the modern Greek text that we develop translations from. When you say that it denies the crucifixion or that the crucifixion isn’t there I mean I can go on right now Codex Sinaiticus and I can look up Matthew 27 where it has Jesus being crucified and that’s in Codex Sinaiticus or John 19 or any of the other ones so my confusion is that it doesn’t read any differently. Where was that piece? I found the text where I was referencing actually I was misquoted I misquoted there it’s the gospel of Barnabas.
The references Billy made in his response to the Sinai bible were to try and show that some of the information is missing from the current bible. He brings up the longer ending of the book of Mark detailing the post resurrection appearance of Jesus is absent the account of the woman caught in adultery is not included and the phrase and was carried up into heaven describing Jesus’ ascension is missing. Billy did this in an attempt to act like he knows what the Sinai bible says but I think maybe he forgot that the point he brought up to Wes and on multiple different podcasts was that the Sinai bible doesn’t mention the crucifixion which Wes very clearly proved it definitely does.
The reason this is also important is because Billy uses these claims that he brings up to try to disprove the bible and Christianity and that Jesus isn’t real. This religion has got to come to an end because it’s a farce and I’m telling you right now the Christians on this are responsible for half the problems we got. Wes explained on the Capturing Christianity YouTube channel why it’s so important that these lies that Billy spreads about biblical history and biblical manuscripts and kind of all ancient history be exposed. Like I think in his mind he’s like you know okay I might have got this stuff wrong but you know there’s so much other stuff that I talk about that is way more important and I think what he fails to realize in that is that if he’s this wrong on this it just casts a complete shadow on everything else he’s talked about because if he cannot get any facts I’m not talking about it.
I have never heard him say something accurate about church history, the bible, Christianity. I honestly haven’t and I’m not being hyperbolic there. I had a list of things that I wanted to talk to Billy about because he just does not get anything right and so if all of those things are wrong of course it compromises his whole thing about you know aliens, Anunnaki, ancient history, all of that stuff. The lies that Billy has been spreading are being exposed which in itself actually proves the bible to be true. The bible tells us that God will not be mocked, all darkness and lies will be brought to light and that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
God is willing to save anyone who turns back to him and accepts his son Jesus Christ which is the only way to salvation. Anyone who rejects him is operating in the spirit of Antichrist. I hope this experience will lead Billy Carson to Jesus and that he will accept him as Lord. Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them. [tr:trw].