Here Comes the Cashless Society and One World Leader God Showed Us This Prophetic Word

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➡ Australia and other countries are moving towards a cashless society, favoring technology for transactions. This shift is seen as a fulfillment of a prophecy about a world controlled by a single leader. Meanwhile, the US dollar’s dominance is declining, with central banks diversifying their reserves and favoring assets like gold. The article suggests that as the world moves towards these changes, what matters most is not wealth, but helping those in need and building the kingdom of God.


When was the last time you saw something like this? Unless you’ve received a birthday card from Grandma recently, it may have been a while. And that’s because Australia has been rapidly ditching physical cash in favor of technology. Two thousand years ago, in a cave on the island of Patmos, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John wrote that one day people wouldn’t be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. When this prophecy was written, that level of world control was completely unconceivable. But we’re now seeing this new world start to be formed.

This level of control over what the public buys and sells will most easily be achieved through a cashless society. Everyone by now hopefully understands that what the news puts out is specifically designed to tell us what they want us to believe and think. Unfortunately, some members of the EU have their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think and this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. So we should be taking notice when from Australia to America and everywhere in between, they’re consistently talking about a cashless society. More are grabbing a credit card or their phone instead of cash.

Forty one percent of Americans in twenty twenty two said they don’t use cash in a typical week, the Pew Research Center found some businesses don’t even accept bills anymore as going cashless means faster transaction times and less hassle. The fulfillment of the prophecy of no one buying or selling without the mark of the beast won’t come without the entire world seeking after a one world system ran by a one world leader. It’s no surprise that this is another prophecy we’re beginning to see the world adopt analysis towards a one world government general assembly negotiates the future of the U.N.

The stage is set for some of the most consequential negotiations at the United Nations in perhaps a generation. The pact for the future would expand the powers and reach of the United Nations system while the global digital compact would govern digital technology, including emerging artificial intelligence for the whole world. This is what a new model of governance could look like. Mentioned here is three different models of governance, governance 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, eventually leading to what would governance 4.0 look like? And of course, this leads more towards complete world control. Posted on the United Nations website just a few months ago in Munich, Gutierrez calls for a new global order that works for all.

We’re seeing the world not only desire a one world system to fix or control everything, but also for that to be led by a singular person. But I think one thing that’s very important to me and all of this to see is when people take this mark of the beast to be able to buy or sell, it’s going to be really taking his name upon them. So it’s really going to be a mark of their allegiance to him. And I think in that coming tribulation, unlike any other time, people are going to have a clear cut choice.

Are they going to take Christ or are they going to follow the antichrist? And that’s what’s coming in this world. It’s a sobering thing to think about. And Elon Musk are two people in American society who have large portions of the population looking to them to have the answers to all of our problems. Whether these two people are right or wrong in the things that they do, the only person who we can look to who has the answers to everything is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the father except through me. The timeline of the fulfillment of these prophecies is known by God alone. As the world moves towards these prophetic times, physical assets look to hold more worth than cash or digital dollars. Now, we look at whether the dollar is losing its global dominance. International Monetary Fund’s data reveals that US dollar’s dominance as the world’s primary reserve currency is slowly eroding. While it remains the most widely held reserve currency, the share has been declining for the past two decades. And this trend continues despite recent strength in the dollar itself.

Central banks are diversifying their results, turning to non-traditional currencies such as the Australian dollar, Canadian dollar and the Chinese yuan. This shift is due to the desire for yield, the benefits of diversification and the ease with which these funds can be traded due to new digital technologies. Financial sanctions imposed by the United States have influenced reserve management decisions. Central banks have now shown a modest shift away from currencies, vulnerable to sanctions, favoring assets like gold instead. While gold’s share of global reserves remains low, some emerging markets central banks have been accumulating. Gold as a hedge against economic and geopolitical risk.

I suggest we all be in prayer to seek how the Lord is directing us to use our resources in these times. Prophecy in the book of Revelation tells us when the Black Horse of the Apocalypse rides, a loaf of bread will be worth a day’s wages of currency. Well, let’s take a closer look now at the situation in Venezuela. That’s with our focus report. Venezuela, of course, a country where prices double every few weeks and a monthly salary isn’t enough to buy meat for one family meal. When the lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, come.

I looked and there before me was a black horse. Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures saying, two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine. As the uncertainties of the currencies in the world hang in the balance of God’s prophetic timeline, may we never forget to help those in need. This is an important part of following Jesus. But whoever has this world’s goods and sees his brother in need and shuts his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? When we go from this life to the next, what matters most will not be how much of a currency we had or how many assets we had, but what we did to build the kingdom of God.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. And the Bible never tells us this end time economy will be cashless. But I believe it has to be in order to control it because as long as there’s money, you can buy on the black market and kind of get around the system. But you can’t buy or sell, the Bible says, unless you have this mark of the beast, this identifying mark of the Antichrist. And to me, the only way for that to happen is it’s all got to be under his control.

And we see today how that could happen with all the electronic technology. There is how you could control every transaction in the world and people can’t buy or sell without this mark. [tr:trw].


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