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This is a leader of a country telling you that he has lost control. He’s admitting finally that he has lost control. The one-world religion, which will be backed by a one-world government, will not share the ideologies of a passive sort of spirituality. What we will see is a religious army who has no issues with using violence to enforce their beliefs. The real danger we’re running into in relation to this prophecy with what we’re seeing today is the possibility of Catholicism and Islam joining together. This might sound like a total impossibility, but 10 years ago, men using women’s bathrooms or competing in women’s sports also sounded impossible, yet here we are.
Daniel chapter 7 gives us a prophetic picture of the little horn, or the antichrist, rising out of a 10-horned beast, which is connected to the Roman Empire. This and a few other prophecies, such as Mystery Babylon, make the one-world religion, somehow being connected to Rome or the Vatican and the Catholic Church, a definite possibility. With Pope Francis making statements like, every religion is a way to arrive at God, the merging of Islam and Catholicism, as the precursor to the one-world religion, could be a way this prophecy is fulfilled. Denying that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to God, which is what would feed the merging of these two religions, is also prophesied in the Bible as well.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. Looking into this, it actually shocked me to learn that this uniting of Islam and Catholicism isn’t even a new thing. On catholic.com, in an article titled Catholic Tradition, Islam and God, they referenced St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Damascene as both teaching that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God.
If you read traditional authors interacting with Islam, like St. Thomas Aquinas or St. John Damascene, they criticize it, but you don’t find them saying things like, Muslims worship a different God from the God we Christians worship. The more one delves into the tradition, the more clear it is that Catholics have accepted the basic premise that Muslims, despite what is flawed and incomplete in their understanding of him, do worship God. The document on human fraternity, which is old news, it was signed in 2019, but it brought Catholicism and Muslims to work together using wordage like, we are all brothers and sisters.
It’s really just more proof on top of everything else that we’re seeing that the possibility of these faiths merging together at least on a certain level is definitely a possibility. So if this is one way how the Roman Empire plays into the one world religion prophecy, who’s going to be their strong arm to fulfill the prophecy of the martyrs of Jesus Christ? Well, we’re already seeing those willing to commit acts of violence against Christians invading almost every Christian nation across the entire earth. This is Bradford, UK, where Islamist candidate Muhammad Ali Islam was elected with 77% of in Manningham district on Saturday.
Dark times ahead, England has fallen. This is London. According to the research with Natural Growth, the number of Muslims in London will exceed the number of non-Muslims in 2045. Prayers at Eid al-Adha must be offered in congregation. The wide open space of Crow Park allows more people to do that safely. The festival which celebrates Abraham’s sacrifice to his God is one of the most important in the Muslim year. If you like my content, please consider supporting on Patreon. I do a monthly live stream the first Monday of every month. I also share some of the AI images that I use to make my videos and I have exclusive content there that I can’t post on YouTube.
Your support makes these videos possible and is greatly appreciated. Sharia law is the religious law of Islam that guides Muslims in their relationship with God, neighbors, and the state. Sharia law not only regulates public behavior but also private behavior and private beliefs. There’s a long list of insane rules that would fall under Sharia law but a few just to mention is that theft is punishable by amputation of the hands, criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death, criticizing Muhammad or denying that he’s a prophet is also punishable by death, a non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death, sexual abuse towards women is permitted if they do not follow Islam and any woman who tries to accuse a man in court of doing such a crime has to have four other men as witnesses to stand up for them.
These are just a few the list honestly goes on and on. We can see how these huge religious systems of the world could grow into fulfilling this one world religion prophecy but what may be even more important to watch for is who or what will rise into the position of a one world government. What we know about a one world religion who eventually worships the beast and his image comes from Revelation chapter 13. This is where we also get a really clear picture of a one world government as well. The same little horn Antichrist in the prophecy in Daniel chapter 7 is echoed in Revelation chapter 13.
The one world religion will grow out of and be accompanied by a one world government. In September 2015, all 193 UN member states adopted the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. They recognize that ending poverty calls for transforming our world through strategies that build economic growth, address social needs and ensure environmental protection. To achieve this vision, 17 sustainable development goals known as SDGs were defined as part of the 2030 agenda. Join now and work together with the BMZ. Take responsibility locally and globally for humans and nature. And we are just now where we move into the exponential phase and I agree artificial intelligence but not only artificial intelligence but also the metaverse, new space technologies and I could go on and on synthetic biology.
Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected and who masters those technologies in some way will be the master of civil. There’s a lot of ways this could play out, these are just a few theories that at least makes sense to me but when it does start to unfold I believe the Lord Jesus will reveal it to those who follow him and who are alive and around to witness it. One thing is certain though, the only way to truly know God is to accept what the Bible alone says about him.
Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He is anti-Christ who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either, he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. you