If You Dont Think Demons Are Real Watch This (Demonic Invasion is Happening Now) Sling and Stone

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➡ The article discusses the belief in demons and their manifestations, often caught on video. It emphasizes the importance of baptism as a spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ for protection against demonic influences. The article also introduces a rare medical condition called ‘demon face syndrome’ where people see distorted features on others’ faces. It concludes with examples of demonic possession affecting speech and physical attacks, suggesting that these experiences often lead individuals to seek solace in religious faith.



Many people don’t believe that demons are real but they most certainly are and more and more demon manifestations are being caught on video. We’ll look at a few recent real examples of this as well as what the bible says to do to be protected against Satan’s attacks. The first clip we’ll look at is of a girl who’s being baptized and when she comes up out of the water we see one of the most compelling demon manifestations and deliverances ever caught on video. Stop! Baptism is a powerful and important spiritual act as we just saw in that video.

Jesus was baptized and we are called to be baptized as well. Then Peter said to them, repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. If you haven’t been baptized I suggest you do it and make the decision as someone who’s accepted Christ as a grown-up person. Being baptized as a brand new baby isn’t mentioned anywhere in the bible. Baptism is a powerful spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. I highly encourage you to do it if you haven’t done so yet.

You can see the change within that girl’s face when the demon is coming out of her. This is something that people are claiming is happening on videos often on news broadcasts. The most recent case of this was during Kamala’s speech in Nevada. One of the people in the crowd behind her had their eyes glitch out and a demonic looking face appeared. I believe a lot of these news broadcast type manifestations in the face are actually attributed to some sort of glitch but we do know and it’s important to remember that demons do change the look of someone’s face when they manifest through them.

Oddly enough science is now claiming that there’s a medical condition that is causing some people to see demons in other people’s faces. It’s called demon face syndrome. Imagine your vision is totally normal and then one day you see demonic features everywhere on people only just like this what you see behind me. Now that’s a reality for a man named Victor Shara. He has extremely rare yet terrifying disorder called PMO and know it’s commonly known as or now known because people didn’t know about it at first. It’s called the demon face syndrome. People with a condition see parts of other people’s faces distorted in shape texture position or color.

For Shara that means grotesque grimace elongated eyes and deeply etched scars also pointed ears. Demons don’t just control the way that a person’s face can look they also can control how a person speaks whether that’s through yelling and crying out or a person being mute. This is told to us in the bible in Luke 4 and Matthew 9. Now in the synagogue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean demon and he cried out with a loud voice saying let us alone what have we to do with you Jesus of Nazareth did you come to destroy us I know who you are the holy one of God but Jesus rebuked him saying be quiet and come out of him and when the demon had thrown him in their midst it came out of him and did not hurt him.

We’ve already seen how a demon when confronted with Jesus Christ will start to cry out. This type of demonic manifestation was also recently seen at Pastor JD Faraj’s Calvary Chapel Church in Honolulu Hawaii. We should know and have the answer to and need to be at the ready to give to everyone an answer of that blessed hope that we have that Jesus is coming to rapture us before the seven-year day. The congregation did the right thing in this instance they went to the person to try to cast the demon out Jesus tells us that he gives us this authority through him heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out demons freely you have received freely give the opposite reaction of a demon causing someone to go mute is told to us in Matthew chapter nine as they went out behold they brought to him a man mute and demon possessed and when the demon was cast out the mute spoke and the multitudes marveled saying it was never seen like this in Israel with the bible telling us that demons can control the different ways that people act in their speech crying out mainly or being mute makes me think that this has to be what’s connected to the massive increase of people lashing out and yelling at people who they don’t even know oh that is what the trans genocide in this country in this city has brought me too ah imagine that i hate this i hate what you’ve done to us i hate what you’re doing to us i hate you ah most of the demonic manifestations we’ve seen so far have been from people who’ve been possessed and had demons within themselves but demons will try to attack people as well if they can’t get within them tucker carlson recently described a physical demonic attack that happened to him while he was asleep do you think the presence of evil is kick-starting people to wonder about the goods what happened to me that’s what happened to you oh yeah i had a direct uh experience with it in the milieu of journalism or just nope in my bed at night and i got attacked while i was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed and mauled physically mauled um in a spiritual attack by a demon yeah by a demon or by something unseen that left is it right uh claw marks on my sides on my so it left physical marks oh they’re still there yeah yeah year and a half ago was your wife terrified i know you were i wasn’t i was totally confused i woke up and i was couldn’t breathe and i thought i was kind of suffocate and i walked around outside and then i walked in and my wife and dogs had not woken up and they’re very light sleepers and then i had these terrible pains on my rib cage and on my shoulder and i was just in my boxer shorts and i went and flipped on the light in the bathroom and i had four claw marks on either side underneath my arms and on my left shoulder and they’re bleeding wait they were bleeding they’re bleeding yeah oh they’re actual claw marks and i sleep on my side so i wasn’t clawing myself i don’t have long nails um and they didn’t fit my hands anyway but yeah that happened what’s so awesome about this experience is that it actually led tucker to be drawn to reading the bible and putting his trust in jesus christ i can only say what happened to me and that did happen to me and uh and then i was seized with this very intense desire to read the bible and i so i spent a year and a half reading it and then i started rereading it and it was a just a transformative experience for me a similar experience also recently happened with mma fighter rampage jackson he was attacked in his sleep with a demonic attack in his dream which gave him great fear but ultimately led him to believing and putting his trust in jesus christ i went through this crazy um religious thing where i got born again first day of training camp whoa yeah what happened there crazy craziest thing in my life craziest i still i still it’s like it’s a crazy thing that happened to me um i always drink socially but then i started craving alcohol so long story short i think one thing led to another and um one day i just had this crazy dream and i was um at home and and it seemed like it was a devil in my chest with his hands like this i never forget having his hands in my chest and it had some female spirits around and he was saying it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay and i was like just laying there in my dream and i heard a voice said do you know this man i was like no he said well you’re not okay well it’s not okay i said oh and i jumped up and i went to go i was scared and i’m a big bad people up and i was scared and i went to go wake my son up and he and he was he said he was dreaming and when i woke him up he just did like this just purged a lot of white plus out his mouth what yeah crazy true story that’s that wasn’t what scared me what scared me was i took him to preschool and i got back in my my car and i must left the radio on as soon as i turned the radio on it was um something it was uh on commercial on i didn’t know at the time what commercial it was but he said the curse of such and such your soul is mine that scared it out of me that night i couldn’t sleep me and my son we went to sleep over one of my friend’s house and this is what this was brought me to to being born again what christians say i had to piss and i was over my friend house was really dark i told you i was scared i couldn’t sleep in my room me and my son sleep on the floor in my friend’s room and i had to take a and my son was wet in the bed and he was lying a lot i’m trying to teach him not to lie and teach him not to wet the bed and i was i was going to wet the bed and blame it on him you were too scared to go to the bathroom that’s so nuts yeah and i just what i did i prayed to god because my dad my dad had just got saved like two years before he said he was praying for me and uh i remember when my dad said he said oh when you pray to god just say in jesus name so i was like god i’m a coward right now just take this fear from my heart in jesus name i love you amen and within two minutes i was laughing and crying at the same time and i and i received the holy ghost spirit and i was i wasn’t afraid i went to a user restroom my eyes were different everything was different right wow that’s the first day of training camp for vanillay the second fight satan will try to attack people in any way possible with demons and all of his spiritually wicked forces but just like we’ve seen with all of these deliverances god wins in the end someone who is destined to be a follower of jesus christ cannot be taken away from god jesus answered them i told you and you do not believe the works that i do in my father’s name they bear witness of me but you do not believe because you are not of my sheep as i said to you my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and i will give them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father’s hand i and my father are one the bible tells us that a demonic invasion is coming unlike anything the earth has ever seen before the anti-christ and false prophet will come on the earth with all power signs lying wonders and a great delusion revelation chapter nine describes a release of demonic beasts on the earth that will eventually kill off one third of mankind but god is always faithful the christians who are alive at this time on the earth will have the mark of god on their foreheads and these demonic beasts will not be able to touch or harm them then the fifth angel sounded and i saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth to him was given the key to the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth and to them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power they were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree but only those men who do not have the seal of god on their foreheads these demonic forces along with satan his angels all evil and everyone who rejects jesus christ will ultimately be thrown into hell forever then he will also say to those on the left hand depart from me you cursed into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels jesus says in this same passage that anyone who doesn’t help the lowly people in the world actually aren’t helping him these same people who called him lord lord were sent to hell because they didn’t treat people how they should this is a very important scripture for us to remember because how we serve and help those around us jesus views this as us either helping or not helping him then they also will answer him saying lord when did we not see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you then he will answer them saying assuredly i say to you in as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these you did not do it to me and these will go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life commit yourselves to jesus christ and his word the bible say bible verses and scriptures to counter temptations sins and attacks from evil spiritual forces this is what jesus did when satan tempted him in the desert live for god and be baptized in jesus name filling yourself with jesus christ is how you stay safe against these evil spiritual attacks it doesn’t mean the attacks won’t come but they will not prosper submit to god submit to his ways fill yourself with god in his ways this is how you stay safe in this spiritual battle james force seven is a clear and direct verse that tells us how to do this therefore submit to god resist the devil and he will flee from you



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