Noahs Ark FOUND on Ancient Babylonian Tablet (Reveals Location of Ark)

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➡ An ancient Babylonian tablet in the British Museum might reveal Noah’s Ark’s location. The tablet’s writings match another Babylonian text, the Ark Tablet, and both align with geological evidence and the biblical account of Noah’s Great Flood. A map on the Imagu Mundi Tablet, the oldest known world map, also connects to these accounts. Modern research in Turkey has found a geological formation matching the Ark’s biblical dimensions, with samples dated between 3,500 and 5,000 years old, aligning with the biblical timeline of Noah’s Ark.
➡ This text suggests that the Grand Canyon might have been formed by the waters of a great flood, similar to the biblical flood of Noah. It uses the example of a canyon formed in Washington in 1926 due to water erosion as evidence. The text also mentions that many ancient cultures have stories of a great flood, and that geological observations around the world could be evidence of this flood. The text ends with a call to accept Jesus Christ as the savior, warning that his return could be as sudden and unexpected as the flood was in Noah’s time.



There’s an ancient Babylonian tablet in the British Museum that just may reveal the location of Noah’s Ark. The cuneiform writing has a remarkable connection to another Babylonian text known as the Ark Tablet. Not surprisingly, both stories line up perfectly with geological evidence and most importantly, the biblical account of the Great Flood of Noah. The Flood of Noah is documented in the book of Genesis chapters 6, 7, and 8. Noah was warned by God to build an Ark for himself, his family, and the animals, to escape the judgment of the Great Flood that was coming to purge away the wickedness that was growing across the entire earth.

Similar stories of a Great Flood are found in cultures all around the world. Some of the incredible connections to the Great Flood of Noah are found in ancient Mesopotamia. The Ark Tablet is the Babylonian account of the Great Flood, where a man named Utnapishtim, rather than Noah, builds the Ark at the command of his god. In this account, the god Ea sends the flood, and Utnapishtim’s family and the animals survive by landing the Ark at one of Yeratu’s peaks. The Hebrew equivalent for the word Yeratu is Errat. In Genesis 8.4 it tells us that the Ark of Noah landed on the mountains of Errat.

Then the Ark rested in the seventh month, the 17th day of the month, on the mountains of Errat. An artifact known as the Imagu Mundi Tablet is the oldest known map of the world, and it has an incredible connection to both of these accounts of the Ark. First let’s look at what this Imagu Mundi Tablet is. This is the back of the reverse, and the reverse consists of lots of lines of cuneiform in different ruled sections, so it’s full of information even though it’s a bit damaged. But the other side is the remarkable thing.

Firstly there’s some lines of cuneiform ruled across very firmly at the top, and this is about the early creation of the world and how animals were put in the sea in different parts of the universe. It’s a kind of brief summary of creation which has nothing to do with the map because it’s a clear border between that and this. The cuneiform writing has some incredible information that links all of this to the Ark, but what’s really incredible is the map of ancient Mesopotamia on the bottom half of the tablet, and we’ll see a little later how this map connects with the Ark Tablet as well as Noah’s flood in the book of Genesis.

But first let’s have a look at exactly what this map is saying. Mesopotamia itself. Now this word Mesopotamia is the ancient Greek word for what is modern Iraq. So inside the drawing of this circle we have very interesting things. There is a great river that runs from north to south which is the Euphrates River, and the river is straddled by a long oblong which is obviously the city of Babylon. So this is a very important ring of water because it meant for the Babylonians they had a sort of idea of the limits of their world where they live in about the 6th century BC.

With these important rivers which brought life and food to them, waterways for transport, all the way down to the Persian Gulf it was kind of depicted in small. And if you look carefully at the picture you will see in the surface of the known world there are these rings drawn with little bits of cuneiform inside those and those tell you the name of the city which it represents or sometimes the tribe. So you have encapsulated in this circular diagram the whole of the known world in which people lived flourished and died.

However there’s more to this map than that because if you look at the outer ring you will see that going off at different angles are triangles. Sometimes people say they are islands, sometimes people say they are districts but in point of fact they are almost certainly mountains because the idea is that if you go across the water you see these jutted, pointed things above the horizon which are remote lands far beyond the limits of the known world which go out in different directions from the perimeter of existence. And they are for the Babylonians places full of magic and full of mystery.

Before we get into the amazing connection this tablet has with the location of the Ark first let’s look at some modern evidence of where Noah’s Ark could be located. In present day Turkey researchers have identified a geological formation known as the Duropeaner Formation that closely matches the biblical dimensions of Noah’s Ark. This 538 foot long formation has attracted significant scientific attention. Recent investigations in 2014 and 2019 using ground penetrating radar revealed intriguing angular structures not typically found in natural geological formations. Scientists from Istanbul Technical University have discovered clay-like substances and marine materials in the soil.

Nearly 30 samples of rock and soil from the site have been dated to be between 3,500 and 5,000 years old aligning with the biblical timeline of Noah’s Ark. Large amounts of petrified wood have also been found inside the formation. Whether the Duropeaner Formation is the location of Noah’s Ark we may never know, but we can know that the Ark landed somewhere in the Ararat Mountains and amazingly the Imago Mundi Tablet also echoes this fact. The fact is it’s only once otherwise known from cuneiform tablets and it’s rather an interesting cuneiform tablet too because it is the description of the Ark which was built theoretically in about 1800 BC by the Babylonian version of Noah and in this account the details are given and the Babylonian Noah said I did this, this and this, I’ve done it and I made these structures as thick as a parsecthu vessel he says out of his own mouth in the original story.

So this word parsecthu is like a kind of noise it immediately locks into this thing on the map, immediately and incontrovertibly. So what it means speaking plainly here, if I may speak plainly here is that if you went up this mountain all the way with your sandwiches and breaking regularly for lungful to fresh air eventually you would see against the night sky or the dark sky of the outer universe silhouetted the ribs, the ribs made of wood as thick as a parsecthu vessel of the wreck of the Babylonian Ark which like the one in the Bible came to rest on a mountain and if you come down the mountain and cross over the water back to the homeland the first place you come to is called Urartu, it’s drawn on the map.

Now the interesting thing about that is that in the Bible Noah in his ark landed on a mountain where the name is Ararat and Ararat is the Hebrew equivalent of the Assyrian Urartu. That’s quite a meaty thing, quite an interesting thing to think about because it shows that the story was the same and of course that one led to the other but also that from the Babylonian point of view this was a matter of fact thing that if you did go on this journey you would see the remnants of this historic boat which saved all the life of the world for the long-term future from which we of course profit today still there in the crags against the dark sky.

The collective stories of great floods from cultures all around the world even on different continents is a pretty amazing coincidence that to me validates that the flood of Noah is a true historical fact. We also see other forms of evidence such as seashells found on the tops of really tall mountains such as Mount Everest in the Himalayas or just the fact that looking at the deserts of the world it looks more like old ocean floors than just recent areas where sand has collected. One of the more recent pieces of evidence in support of the great flood is found in the Black Sea.

Evidence Noah’s biblical flood happened says Robert Ballard. We went there to look for the flood he said not just a slow moving advancing rise of sea level but a really big flood that then stayed the land that went under stayed under 400 feet below the surface they unearthed an ancient shoreline proof to Ballard that a catastrophic event did happen in the Black Sea but carbon dating shells found along the seashore Ballard said he believes they established a timeline for that catastrophic event which he estimates happened around 5000 BC. Some experts believe this was around the time when Noah’s flood could have occurred.

This evidence according to Robert Ballard is saying there’s proof of a great flood that happened and remained in the Black Sea region of the world. Ballard claims it was most likely due to the ice melts from the remnants of a massive ice age glacier. This evidence according to Robert Ballard is saying there’s proof of a great flood that happened and remained in the Black Sea region of the world. Ballard claims it was most likely due to the ice melts from the remnants of a massive ice age glacier but what it really is at the end of the day is more proof that a great flood did occur and I believe it was the flood of Noah.

There’s also a theory that the Grand Canyon was created by the receding waters of the Great Flood. Of course modern science rejects this theory even though the soil composition is perfect for a large amount of water to carve a massive canyon there but worth considering in relation to this theory is the formation of the Berlin Game Canyon near Walla Walla Washington. In March of 1926 the irrigation canals in the Gardenia farming district had to be diverted due to blockage. Engineers diverted the flow of the irrigation canals into a nearby ditch which at the time was only at its deepest 10 feet deep and six feet wide.

After six days an incredible amount of erosion took place moving five million cubic feet of silt sand and rock causing the once small ditch to now become 1500 feet long 120 feet deep and about 120 feet wide showing most certainly that a large amount of water can create a massive canyon in a short period of time. Ancient culture after ancient culture have their own versions of a great flood. The duropeaner formation is an intriguing structure that fits the descriptions of the ark told to us in the book of genesis. We can see evidence of a worldwide flood all around the world through different geological observations.

All the evidence points to the flood of Noah being a real event once again validating the bible as a true historical documentation of our past. With all the evidence always pointing to the bible being true don’t miss the most important point of the entire book. Jesus Christ is the son of God who died for our sins and rose from the dead in victory over sin and death. He is the only way to have a relationship with God and to get into heaven. I urge you to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior today if you haven’t done so.

Jesus is coming back very soon don’t be caught off guard like the wicked people in the world were when Noah and his family entered the ark and the waters started rising. But of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only. But as the days of Noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away.

So also will the coming of the son of man be. [tr:trw].


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