Shocking UFO Sightings in California Caught on Camera Aliens are Demons and Fallen Angels

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➡ There have been multiple UFO sightings in Palmdale and Lancaster, California, with videos showing strange lights and objects in the sky. Some believe these sightings are signs mentioned in the Bible, indicating the end times. Others suggest these could be spiritual entities or deceptions. The debate continues, with some arguing that accepting the existence of extraterrestrial beings contradicts religious beliefs, while others believe these beings have been among us for a long time.


Oh what is that mom? Mom you see this? No. What is that? What is happening? Do you guys see this? Oh my god what the is happening? What is that? What is that? Fallen entities and fearful sights in the heavens are increasing more and more. Multiple UFO sightings in Palmdale and Lancaster, California have been posted online. This happened just the other night on August 17th. Six UFO sightings captured on ring cameras in California in shocking videos. UFO sightings in California’s Palmdale and Lancaster ring out flooded with flying saucer reports. The Bible tells us that things like this will be happening in the last days of Earth.

Luke 21 11 and there will be great earthquakes in various places and famines and pestilence and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. More video from Palmdale, California where over 60 small orbs UFOs are hovering over this family’s home for over 15 minutes. A few of their neighbors were all watching and videotaping as well. They were all perplexed at what they were watching. We can see here from this angle there’s multiple crafts and lights in the sky appearing. Something way out of the ordinary from the average UFO sighting but multiple crafts and multiple witnesses experienced this UFO sighting over California.

From this angle it just looks like the standard sighting of lights in the sky, orbs flying around appearing and disappearing. Pretty standard for the UFO sightings. This one here might be the closest and the craziest similar to the one that we watched in the intro of this video. It looks like a massive craft with lights all around it was landing in this area and then there was another craft very similar to it going straight down to the ground. The Bible tells us very clearly about the types of things that we will battle against in this world.

Ephesians 6 12 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. And as we watch this next clip of a UFO sighting in Arizona that looks very similar to the types of lights that appeared in California I’ll give part of my testimony of some of my experiences with these lights in the sky these deceptions these spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. There was a time in my life when I hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and I was involved in occult practices.

I often played with the Ouija board and read new age occult books on opening your mind and spirituality. Around that same exact time lights exactly like this started appearing around three o’clock in the morning every single night and would harass me for months and months and months. And what I mean by harassing is when they would appear they just bring fear within you. You have no control over these things you think you might get abducted. You can sense when they’re around. You have the feeling that they can read your mind by how they turn off and on and how they appear and when they appear.

This is often why many people who go and look for UFOs or go and look for ghosts or look for bigfoot have encounters with types of entities because they’re spiritually opening themselves up to the spiritual realm. And just like Ephesians 6 12 tells us the battle is not against flesh and blood entities from another planet spiritual hosts of wickedness start to break through into reality to deceive you and lead you away from the truth of Jesus Christ. And I know this to be a fact for myself because after I gave my life to the Lord Jesus these things stopped harassing me and showing up completely.

We’ll look a little bit more into that and some testimonies about that later in the video but now let’s look a little further into the aspect that these things are not flesh and blood and what that would entail if they were to believe that these things are from a different planet you have to reject the story of creation in the book of Genesis. You also have to believe that God created stronger and more intelligent beings on a different planet in a different star system that they were brought up by some sort of process of evolution and that they’re more advanced and better practically in every way than the human beings he made in his image in whom Jesus the Son of God came in this same image and died for our sins.

But somehow God left out telling us about these beings. And you’d also have to discount the hundreds and hundreds of testimonies of people saying how they stopped these encounters with these beings by calling on the name of Jesus. The people who are still running into those issues I would have to ask them what open doors like I had to playing with the Ouija board or these new age spirituality things. What open doors may you possibly still have. It’s very clear that this topic will always lead back to religion discounting religion in the Bible and the truth of Jesus.

This is starting to become a known fact even in the secular parts of the world. Extraterrestrial intelligence has visited planet earth. I think you can go a step further it hasn’t just visited it’s been here a long time and it’s still here. If you had to assign a probability to that statement that you believe extraterrestrial intelligence has visited visited this planet what probability would you assign. A hundred percent. And that’s not just my opinion. I mean look they’ve been around for a long time. They are affecting our culture. Right. It’s actually often thought that many of the religions that we think of as the most important have been part of this process.

The National Defense Appropriation Act passed last year signed by by Biden in December. 30 pages of that is the establishment of an unidentified aerial phenomenon office. How do we talk about the fact that we’re not at the top of the intellectual food chain. First of all how do you deal with the with the religions. Similar to what that man was just saying Harvard recently put out a report that said aliens may be walking among us and what they actually might be may be interdimensional beings or a form of angel. The deception that these things are fall into multiple categories demons probably fallen angels as well as just other spiritual hosts of wickedness principalities and evil that falls within the category told to us in Ephesians 6 12.

Second Thessalonians 2 11 also tells us that towards the last days there will be great deceptions in the earth and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie. A lot of people recently in the media who have connections to people in high places are saying that these things are not physical beings from another planet but this is actually a spiritual phenomenon. Tucker Carlson is one of those people. Here’s what I’m really surprised by and I’ve actually stopped gathering string on as we say in reporting stuff gathering string in this gathering information because I’m satisfied that I know enough and I don’t really want to know that much more because what I think I know is you know this doesn’t help me at all to know that so that’s a conclusion I’ve reached I’m usually pretty curious I’ve stopped being curious about this because I don’t want to know anymore but you you truly don’t want to know anymore about it I think I know I think I know what’s up so I can’t prove it so I’m not gonna articulate it but I think I know what’s up yeah but can you articulate it well I think it’s I think it’s a you know I think it’s a really old story you know I think it’s a really old story so that’s what I think.

Lou Elizondo who worked within government agencies and is now trying to disclose this UFO information said in an interview that this phenomenon is demonic. I said very well um this is a person I respected tremendously very very senior person he’s told me he said Lou I want you to stop stop doing this I said okay sir I certainly can’t but may ask why and he says well we already know what it is now at that moment I honestly thought maybe it was our own technology I was running up against some super uber secret sap and you know they were telling me to stop and I said okay sir so so it’s ours and he said no that’s not what I’m saying and he said he asked me point blank have you read your bible lately and I wasn’t quite sure where it was going with that I said well sir I think I know what it says what where are you going with and he said well then you would know that these things are are demonic and we should not be pursuing them yeah and he was he wasn’t kidding he was that’s exactly how how he felt so this is a Pentagon this is a department of defense official uh saying stop looking at UFOs because they’re demonic correct John DeSouza who used to work for the FBI and had multiple cases that he worked on actually becomes stories in the x files also wrote a book on this phenomenon and says that this is not physical from another planet it’s breaking into our physical reality from another dimension the book that he wrote is called the extra dimensionals I am John DeSouza I was a special agent investigator in the FBI for 25 years that was over 25 years and I was the agent that had several of their stories way back in 1993 there were several of my stories were taken by by a show that was going on the air at that time for about a year it was called the x files and it was using several of my cases revelation 12 9 as well as genesis 6 4 tell us about the fallen angels and Lucifer who were kicked out of heaven and sent to the earth which is probably playing a part in one way or another with this phenomenon and we can look in the book of acts and see how angels come in and out of our reality or our dimension if the good angels can do it maybe the bad ones can too here in acts 12 6 through 10 we’re told the story of Peter who was in prison and an angel helped him escape now behold an angel of the Lord stood by him and a light shone in the prison and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up saying arise quickly and his chains fell off his hands then the angel said to him gird yourself and tie on your sandals and so he did and he said to him put on your garment and follow me so he went out and followed him and did not know that what was done by the angel was real but thought he was seeing a vision when they were past the first and the second guard posts they came to the iron gate that leads to the city which opened to them of its own accord and they went out and went down one street and immediately the angel departed from him in galatians 1 8 we’re told of a possibility of fallen angels or deceptive angels even coming to teach different gospels this is one way that we can know that these fallen entities are interacting with humankind in one way or another but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you he is to be accursed the testimonies that people share of stopping these encounters with the lights in the sky or with these entities that come and harass them is one of the greatest proofs that we know that this is an evil phenomenon here’s a clip from creation ministries international talking about this and how jesus has the power over these entities there’s over 400 cases you know that i’m aware of with collaborators that i work with where these abductions have been halted by people calling on the name of jesus christ now i don’t want to diminish people’s experiences but you know i’ve had comments well you wear an aluminum hat or aluminium hat and that can keep them away and you know that type of stuff no and in the movie we have the testimonies of these people who were having these experiences they were terrified and in the moment of terror they recalled or called out to their childhood memories of who jesus was and the instant his name was called it stopped okay so why do these aliens respond to jesus exactly exactly and that indicates the spiritual nature of what is going on so the evidence is spiritual and then when we get to the level of abductions deceptive messages are being given to people but then when they’re halted in the name of jesus that is incredibly powerful and again when i’m saying that we’ve now got hundreds of testimonies the bible tells us as well as history that evil entities supernatural ones have had interactions with mankind since the beginning of time the bible predicts there’ll be great deceptions coming and that this is only going to increase and that people following false teachings such as evolution or the belief of these lies of these entities being good or some type of answer that science can explain falls into the doctrines of demons that were also told will be coming in the last days now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons which is exactly why when you research it and understand that most of these alien races like the palladians the grays the reptilians all this type of information has been received by channeling and astral projection and occult practices all of the research points to this being a spiritual battle luckily through following and accepting jesus christ as lord you’re following the one who has power over all spirituality and all things in heaven and on earth give your life to jesus if you haven’t you definitely want him on your side as we head into these uncertain times and jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth



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