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5G Danger


➡ Hurricane Milton, a rare and intense storm, has sparked discussions about weather manipulation and geo-engineering due to its unusual characteristics and the strange behavior of animals before its arrival. Some believe that the storm, along with Hurricane Helene, were artificially intensified, pointing to historical weather control projects like Operation Popeye and patents by Bill Gates aimed at halting hurricanes. The mainstream media’s inconsistent reporting on weather manipulation technologies, such as cloud seeding, has added to the controversy. Amidst these debates, there are concerns about the lack of funding for FEMA to aid those affected by the hurricanes, and prayers are being offered for the safety of those in the path of the storms.


Hurricane Milton is making landfall in the United States and there are some strange things going on with it. This is shaping up to be a pretty rare storm in comparison to past hurricanes. Hurricane Milton was fastest on record to intensify into category 5 in the Gulf of Mexico, Historic Storm. As Hurricane Milton was building in the Gulf of Mexico, a creepy demonic face appeared in the clouds. Hurricane Milton’s satellite image shows creepy skull shape. This isn’t the first time a face like this has appeared. 8 years ago during Hurricane Matthew, another demonic face appeared in that storm as well.

It makes you wonder when you see those faces if there is something more sinister going on or if this is just some sort of coincidence. Whatever the case is, even the animals are acting in strange ways in areas like Florida before the hurricane hit. In Hurricane Helene, birds were spotted not fleeing the storm but all gathering together in groups getting ready to bear it. As Hurricane Milton was approaching, multiple groups of birds were seen walking around calling out, almost looking as if they were warning people. Some of those anomalies were strange, but now we’ll look into the most prevalent claim which is that Hurricane Milton and Helene were both manufactured storms or geo-engineered to be way worse than they would have been naturally.

The knowledge to control the weather and manipulate storms has been known for decades and decades. Between 1967 and 1972, Operation Popeye was a military cloud seeding project carried out by the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. This highly classified program was an attempt to extend the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail to disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides. The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. It was allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA without the authorization of the Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, who had categorically denied to Congress that a program for modification of the weather for use as a tactical weapon even existed.

Even everyone’s favorite doctor, Bill Gates, was issuing patents back in 2009 to halt hurricanes. Bill Gates patents a device aimed at halting hurricanes. Five patent applications for technology that aims to control the weather bear the signature of a man who knows how to think big, Microsoft founder Bill Gates. If they know how to halt or stop or diminish hurricanes, then the question is why aren’t they doing it? That was back in 2009. Also, if they know how to halt hurricanes, then they know to do the opposite to increase them. Even though it’s widely known that cloud seeding can increase storms, the mainstream media still likes to act like it doesn’t exist.

We will now look at the lies and hypocrisy of the mainstream media on this issue. USA Today, fact check, no, airplane contrails are not being used to combat climate change. USA Today, drones are zapping clouds with electricity to create rain in United Arab Emirates’ project. CNN, the truth behind those white streaks trailing behind jets in the sky, in which they go on to say that these are just condensation trails or contrails and that they’re not doing anything else and not manipulating the weather. CNN, scientists in the US are flying planes into clouds to make it snow more.

It’s becoming more widely known that cloud seeding and weather manipulation is a technology and an understanding that we have. These mainstream news sources will not be able to spread their lies and false information on this subject for much longer. The United Arab Emirates cloudseeds and creates rain on a regular basis. Here we can see the truth about those white streaks left behind by jets being used to seed clouds and create rain. Neighboring countries Saudi Arabia has also been involved with cloud seeding for quite a while. It’s so hot in Dubai that the government is artificially creating rainstorms.

Saudi Arabia to expand cloud seeding program. The recent manipulation of the weather and rain in this region of the world made people question if this was the cause for the recent terrible storm and flooding that was seen in the region. The scenes in soaked Dubai tonight look apocalyptic. Roads turned into rivers. Trees barely still standing as wind sends debris flying. The tarmac flooded at Dubai International Airport, the second busiest in the world. Imagine being a passenger on this plane battling rising waters, seeing this out your window. In 24 hours, Dubai drenched with more rain than the city usually gets in nearly two years, shattering records in a desert metropolis known for being hot and dry.

Since the UAE started keeping track of rainfall in 1949, it’s never seen anything like this. In the UAE, the unprecedented rain is raising concerns about something called cloud seeding, which the UAE has been doing for years. These white streaks being left in the sky by jets isn’t only for cloud seeding and creating storms. Just before solar eclipse, secret government experiment to block sun. A week before the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 on the deck of the Hornet, a decommissioned aircraft carrier parked in San Francisco Bay, an experiment took place to investigate the possibility of blocking out the sun.

This technology is referred to as SRM, or Solar Radiation Modification, in which the white streaks that they will leave in the sky will not be used to seed clouds, but instead to reflect solar rays. We hope and pray that no one in positions of power is using this technology and understanding to create storms or to intensify storms to make them worse. But sadly, not everything those in positions of power do is to help the nation and the people that they serve. FEMA doesn’t even have the funding to help America and help citizens here because they’ve already spent the majority of their funds helping those who are illegally entering our country.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas sounding the alarm on FEMA funding right after the devastation of Hurricane Aline. Listen. We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season. This all comes as the Biden-Harris administration spent over a billion dollars from a FEMA program on services for migrants. We’ve also sadly seen weird, strange events that are really terrible in nature coming out in the aftermath of Hurricane Aline where it looks as if military helicopters, probably National Guard, are flying low at donation centers set up by civilians, because FEMA isn’t there to help, and they’re destroying these camps by buzzing so low with their helicopters.

I covered this on my second channel, Sling and Stone Live, where we look at multiple footage of military helicopters flying low, destroying multiple donation centers, causing over $100,000 worth of damage in one instance, and this even sent three people to the hospital. While we’re on the subject of weird things happening in relation to Hurricane Aline, in 1958, a hurricane also named Aline struck the region of the United States on the exact same date and causing quite a bit of damage as well. Are these storms geo-engineered to be worse or even created in the first place? We’ll probably never know the answer to that question, but we know this type of technology does exist and we know sadly that there are wicked people in positions of power in all of the governments around the world.

But we do know that Jesus Christ is fully in control and sees everything that’s happening in the world. We can put our trust fully in Him and trust that He has a plan for our lives and for the future of the world. Even now, as Milton makes landfall, we saw a shift in the wind which drastically helped with the storm surge. So I ask that you’ll join me now in prayer that Jesus Christ will help everybody in the path of these storms, that the storms will dissipate and we’ll see more type of miracles in the weather where the storm is not as bad as it’s originally predicted.

Let’s also say an extra prayer that anybody in positions of power who knows how to manipulate these storms is not using this on innocent people around the world. We ask this in Jesus name. I thank you all for watching. I hope and pray you’re well and safe. God bless. [tr:trw].

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


animal behavior before storms artificial weather intensification Bill Gates hurricane patents cloud seeding controversy FEMA funding concerns geo-engineering and hurricanes halting hurricanes technology historical weather control projects hurricane affected aid Hurricane Helene intensification Hurricane Milton characteristics inconsistent media reporting intense storm discussions Operation Popeye relevance unusual storm behavior weather manipulation debates

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