The Ancient Demon Behind ONE WORLD CONTROL

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– For the first time in history, there’s been a desire to be like God and to have absolute control over the world. From Satan to Nimrod, even all the way up to Joe Biden to crave absolute world control. We are now facing a common challenge, and the challenge is how to build a world order.
– We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order. Many of these people who are pushing for world control, world systems, do deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and have the spirit of antichrist within them. Are you ready for a new world order?


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A new world is emerging. It is a new world order with significantly different and radically new challenges. Nobus order seclorum. A new order for the centuries, for the ages, forever. They share a determination to create a new world order to better accommodate their own interests, or at least those defined by their presidents, and to reduce Western influence.

We are now facing a common challenge, and the challenge is how to build a world order. For the first time in history, on a global basis since the rebellion of Satan and his angels took place, there’s been a desire to be like God and to have absolute control over the world and everything, just as God does. Satan was kicked out of Heaven for having such a level of pride. For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most High, yet you shall be brought down to shoal, to the lowest depths of the pit.

We know, of course, that God is in control of everything. But I believe there’s an evil spirit, a demonic spirit, truly the spirit of Antichrist in the world that has gone all throughout human history, from Satan to Nimrod, even all the way up to Joe Biden, to crave absolute world control. They crave what God has, for dominion belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. But they know that their end is everlasting fire and torment, separated from God and the earth. So they’re doing everything in their meantime that they can to try to gain control. Of course, a futile attempt that will not succeed. Then he will also say to those on the left hand, depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. This fire is also appointed to those who deny the Lord Jesus Christ and these demonic spirits that are active in the world as well. When the evil spirits that possess the demoniac encountered Jesus, they spoke of this being their eternal destination. When they talked with Jesus, what do you want with us, Son of God? They shouted. Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time? And until that appointed time comes, there’s an ancient evil that has risen up in the world through all of human history, from the beginning of time, even all the way up till right now. Joe Biden of ancient evil, an ancient demon that is trying to gain complete control of the entire world.

In this video by Ivan the Evangelist called Interview with Lucifer, we get a dramatized but very accurate representation of what Lucifer is like and what he’s putting forth in the world. Do as thou wilt has been my campaign slogan from the start and my campaign platform hasn’t changed either. I run on the same three issues every generation lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life. This pride of life seems to be one of the leading characteristics of the spirit of Antichrist that has risen all throughout human history.

One of the first big documented cases of this that we see is Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. They tried to build this tower all the way up to heaven to reach the heavens and make a name for themselves, to be like God, to gain complete control. Of course, God destroyed this tower, confused the languages, and this is how all the different languages of the world were created. Nebuchadnezzar is another example of this, causing a golden statue of himself to be built, demanding people to worship it as if he was a god. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, or Daniel. Of course, we know that they stayed faithful to God, refused to worship this golden image, were cast into the fiery furnace for this rebellion. But of course, the Lord delivered them from that. Ancient Egypt is another location where we see lots of god kings or godmen, men who believe themselves to be gods. They were raised to the status of gods. This is truly the spirit of Antichrist, a rejection of God and letting people worship them truly, as if they were the one true god, when in reality, of course, they know deep down they are but yet a man. The question of whether pharaohs were considered gods in ancient Egypt is fascinating, and the answer is a resounding yes. The pharaoh’s status as a god was multifaceted. On the one hand, he was the only god on earth responsible for communicating with the heavenly gods on behalf of the civilization. On the other hand, he was viewed as the reincarnation of the most powerful of these heavenly gods, the very ones he was supposed to be speaking to. Moreover, the pharaoh also played a critical role in maintaining Ma’at, the concept of goddess of peace, balance, justice, and harmony, making his status as a god king even more complex and intriguing.

I would say that this ancient demonic spirit, truly the spirit of Antichrist, is the same type of spirit that was leading people such as Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was probably the greatest conqueror the world has ever known, whose empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean to central Europe, including all of China, the Middle East, and Russia. An incredible thing to think about is some of the percentages of the world that these people grabbed control of. The Mongol Empire had 17.81% of the entire world. The British Empire, with its final amount of land, had 26.35% of the entire world. The Lord brings an accusation against the Prince of Tyre, someone with this same ancient spirit rising up in himself. The word of the Lord came to me again, saying, “Son of man, say to the Prince of Tyre. Thus says the Lord God because your heart is lifted up and you say, I am a God. I sit in the seats of gods in the midst of the seeds, yet you are a man, not a god, though you set your heart as the heart of a God. This ancient demonic spirit that truly we see even at work today, it’s truly the spirit of Antichrist that will rise up and one day absolutely fulfill the absolute Antichrist in the last days.

But before I get into Joe Biden’s relationship to that and the Antichrist, let’s look at some clips of some modern world leaders who put forth this same narrative. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order. A new world order. A New World Order when really a New World order can be created. It’s a great opportunity.


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