The DEADLIEST CULT in the World is Spreading OUT OF CONTROL ( Warning 2024 )

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This is @tommytruthful, founder of I want to address the video recently posted by Sling and Stone. While we don’t share or endorse the opinions expressed in that video, TruthMafia stands firmly for free speech. I believe in giving everyone a voice, even if I personally disagree with the message.

However, I must be clear that TruthMafia is about unity, not division. The rhetoric in this video, which seems aimed at creating divides, is not something I support. I believe in fostering a space where people of all faiths—Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others—are respected and welcomed. We are stronger when we stand together and understand one another, rather than attacking each other’s beliefs.

Though I don’t agree with the views expressed in this content, I won’t censor it, as that would make me no different from the platforms that stifle free speech. I want to reassure my Muslim followers, and everyone else, that TruthMafia does not stand by hate or division. We are here to encourage dialogue, understanding, and truth-seeking, with love and respect for all.

Together, let’s build bridges, not walls.

— Tommy Truthful


➡ The article discusses the rapid growth of Islam, attributing it to factors like globalization, immigration, and high birth rates. It also mentions a rise in Westerners converting to Islam. However, the article criticizes Islam, associating it with violence and deceit, and cites examples of violence in Islamic countries. It concludes by suggesting that Islam’s ultimate goal is global domination.



Islam, the deadliest cult in the history of the world, is spreading out of control. Meet the Westerners finding belonging in Islam, the world’s fastest growing religion. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion, due to globalization, immigration, and higher birth rates, as noted by Pew Research Center. It makes sense. Interestingly, there’s also a gradual stream of Westerners picking up Islam. Islam isn’t the fastest growing religion in the world because it’s so amazing and filled with love like the media would lead you on to think. It’s because wherever they get the opportunity, they take whatever they can by force.

Here we’re watching how Muslims in Pakistan treat Christian churches. When they get the opportunity, they break down the crosses, they burn the buildings, and they persecute the Christian believers who attend these churches. Now the Bible gives us some very clear examples of the characteristics of Satan. Let’s look at a few of these examples and see if they share any similarities with Islam. Satan is known as the father of lies. You were of your father the devil and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him.

Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it. Islam is referred to by many people as the religion of peace. The review of religions posted an article titled, Yes, Islam is a religion of peace. When you read what the Quran has to say about how Muslims are supposed to treat people who don’t follow Islam, you can see that that religion of peace is actually a flat out lie. Quran chapter 5 verse 33. Indeed, the penalty of those who wage war against Allah and his messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides or exile from the land.

This penalty is a disgrace for them in this world and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the hereafter. We can see the Jihad report from August 2024. How many attacks, how many people killed and injured have taken place in the name of Islam. This is documented on the Murdering and lying has its origins with Satan. So when that is the foundation of a religion, you can know that the God that it follows is Satan. The true God, the God of the Bible, does not teach confusion or lies and actually promotes peace and love.

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. John 10 10 gives us another description of the characteristics of Satan. The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. Let’s take a look at a few of the countries around the world where people from Islamic nations have migrated more and more and see if there’s any similarities between the characteristics of what’s going on and what we’ve read about Satan. Bangladeshi media reports about Hindu boy being killed over blasphemy allegations by Muslim mob.

Deletes report after video goes viral showing army police presence during crime. ISIS affiliate Syrian asylum seeker responsible for terror attack in Germany killing three. Terror in West Bank, three police officers shot dead near Hebron. This attack was done by an Islamic terrorist. This video from the UK we can see Muslim immigrants walking through the streets with baseball bats, brass knuckles and knives spreading violence very similar to what we read in Quran chapter five where unbelievers and those who don’t believe in Allah and his messenger Muhammad should be attacked and kicked out of the land.

Make no mistake the goal of this death cult religion is to take over every nation however they get the opportunity. In this next clip we hear a Muslim man talking about how they want to evangelize to the nations through Dawah that’s their evangelizing and they believe that soon Britain will be an Islamic nation. He said that they wouldn’t do it violently but as we’ve seen clearly that’s not the intention of those following Islam not only that but Takia is a belief in Islam where they can lie to further Islam and it won’t be held against them by Allah more proof that if lying is part of your religion you’re probably following a religion whose god is Satan the father of lies.

Muhammad received why from an encounter with an angel this is how he received instructions to write the Quran and create the religion of Islam. Why is the word in Islam used for revelation while isolating at the cave of Yura Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel who revealed to him the beginnings of what would become known as the Quran. This took place 600 years after the last biblical book was written Muhammad started to create the Quran with identical biblical stories and people from the Bible. The flood of Noah and Moses crossing the Red Sea are a few very clear plagiarized verses first written in the Bible later in the Quran.

Exact people from the thousands of years of biblical stories were taken and used in the Quran as well Adam Abraham Moses Noah John the Baptist and Jesus Christ just to name a few. This sure seems like a new story is being written to replace the old like a new revelation was given to Muhammad from an angel. Praise God, God in his wisdom knew that this was coming and gave us a verse written 600 years before in the book of Galatians to warn us of this deception of Islam. But even if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you then what we have preached to you let him be accursed.

One of the main distinctions between Islam and Christianity is that those following Islam reject Jesus Christ as the Son of God. God warned us in the Bible again how serious this denial is. This truth about accepting Jesus as the Son of God one with God is the most important detail about following God and his ways. Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He is anti-Christ who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either. He who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

Sadly denying Jesus as the Son of God is one of the most important beliefs in Islam. There’s about 13 verses that mention that God has no Son in the Quran. It is not befitting for Allah to take a son. Exalted is he. When he decrees an affair he only says to it be and it is. Islam not only rejects Jesus as being the Son of God but they also reject God as having the Holy Spirit and being three God Jesus and the Holy Spirit. So believe in Allah and his messengers and do not say three.

Desist it is better for you. Indeed Allah is but one God. Exalted is he above having a son. To him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and sufficient is Allah as disposer of affairs. This is a terrifying position for Muslims to be in whether they see it or not. They’re rejecting Jesus and not only that but rejecting the Holy Spirit. But thank God that God is merciful and long suffering. Many of these Muslims are forced into believing in Islam. As we can see they have a violent stranglehold on nations forcing people to follow the Islamic ways or deal with being attacked persecuted and potentially killed.

The one and true living God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t want unbelievers hands and feet to be cut off. He longs for them to come to acceptance of the Lord Jesus and that’s why it’s so amazing to see many Muslims around the world are having encounters with Jesus and turning from Islam to the truth of Christianity. Missionaries report Muslims meeting Jesus in dreams in levels we have never seen in 1400 years. The love of Jesus is reaching out to people all over the world including Muslims and an amazing thing is happening in Iran where Muslims are turning from Islam to the truth of Jesus Christ.

Senior cleric claims religion in Iran week 50,000 mosques closed. A senior Iranian cleric says around 50,000 of Iran’s 75,000 mosques are closed showing the declining numbers of Iranians attending. The God of Islam is Satan. The main fruit that is produced by Islam is what John 10 10 tells us is the actions of Satan to steal to kill and to destroy. But John 10 10 also mentions one other thing that we haven’t looked at yet and it’s the amazing incredible free gift that Jesus Christ offers to everyone in the world to the lost to those following Islam anyone who will turn from any other way and accept Jesus as the Lord of their life.

I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. [tr:trw].


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1 thoughts on “The DEADLIEST CULT in the World is Spreading OUT OF CONTROL ( Warning 2024 )

  1. Avatar Of Real Truth
    Real Truth says:

    this guy is a fucking fool. Islam is the last revelation and the definitive word of God. It is the only unltered scripture. Accept it for what it is, which is the truth. Your bibles have been modified by man and Jesus is not God. What this guy is saying is wrong on every level he pulls content out of his ass.

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