WARNING Beware of False Prophets (Easter 2026 Prophecies)

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➡ Chris Bledsoe claims to be a Christian and shares stories about his encounters with UFOs and a being he calls ‘The Lady’. He believes he’s been given prophecies about future events, including the second coming of Jesus Christ in 2026. However, his teachings mix biblical references with occult and new age spirituality, leading some to label him a false prophet. His actions contradict biblical teachings, suggesting his experiences may be spiritual deceptions rather than divine revelations.


Jesus told us to watch out for false prophets and false messiahs, who will be on a mission to lead people away from biblical truth, and that’s exactly who I believe we’re dealing with when it comes to Chris Bledsoe. Chris has been sharing his stories in grainy UFO videos for years. He claims that he can pray to UFOs and they’ll appear. He says that he’s been visited by an entity that he calls The Lady and that she’s given Chris prophecies about major events that are coming in the future. We’ll look at a few of them in this video.

Chris also claims that he is a Christian and he comes off as a soft-spoken and nice-seeming older man, but let me remind you about the warning that Jesus gave us about false prophets. Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Let’s start this off with one of Chris’s most recent false prophecies that he gave on The Sean Ryan Show he said in 2026 on Easter that something massive is going to happen. He thinks it’s going to be the second coming of Jesus Christ. Well, I had no idea if this was even possible, you know, that these astronomers run up to the machines and it comes out that that star is going to come up on the horizon in Easter of 2026.

He’s been looking for this ruby, this little ruby you have to find and place it between the paws that it spinks to make this event that he knows is going to happen in 2026. I said, Robert, it’s not a ruby, it’s the star of regularity. He looks at you and he’s like, Oh my God, that’s the King’s though. What’s going to happen? I don’t know. But I think it’s possible that’s the return of Christ. Yeah. For the lady and the whole heavenly host living with us, Jesus. We know, of course, Mark 1332, no one knows the day or the hour of Jesus Christ’s return, not even the angels, but God the father only.

And does anybody really believe that Jesus would return in a way that could be perceived through astrology and the false idols that are built in ancient Egypt? We also need to remember Galatians 1.8, even if an angel preaches any other gospel than what the Bible says, they are a liar and they are accursed. Well, no shocker here, but these prophecies that Chris is receiving is from an entity he refers to as the lady. And he says that it’s like an angelic type of alien entity. And the shock of my life happened from a sheer powerful experience of being, it was power when this wind and this creature ran me over.

Now I’m looking at this most beautiful woman that is glowing, this beautiful bluish white light. And it was a circle on the ground lit up around her. She was hovering three feet off the ground about my chin because I was on my knees with my butt sitting on the back of my legs, right? And the first thing she did, she looked at me and she said, you know why I’m here? And I knew exactly because my brain was, was all I could think of is you got to tell this and I heard them.

I knew that was my job to tell the world. She said, this is your burden. You must bear exactly what she said. Chris Bledsoe claims that he’s a believer in Jesus Christ and he posts this stuff all over the place throughout his history talking about UFOs. Chris’s book is called UFO of God. Within it he refers to the UFO encounters that he’s had as being sent from God or messages from God. You can see that the book has Jesus Christ on the cover and he’s holding an occult crystal ball with UFO crafts inside of it.

Jesus would never do this. A house divided cannot stand and woe to those who call evil good and good evil. You can know a tree by its fruit and Chris is mixing the Bible with the occult and with new age spirituality. So Chris Bledsoe is a false teacher, a false prophet and the fruit that he is producing is bad fruit. Looking through Chris’s ex page is more confirmation that what he’s spreading is anti-bible and therefore anti-Christ teachings. He’s got multiple references to the lady. You’d think somebody who believed in Jesus Christ would talk about Jesus and not random entities.

You don’t see him referencing Jesus at all really on his page. Here Chris really condemns himself in his own words. Doesn’t matter day or night, if you have faith you too can experience this beautiful interaction with the divine world. It takes faith to open the door. Opening yourself up to the spiritual realm brings in spiritual manifestations. That’s exactly what’s happening with these lights that are appearing around Chris. This is a spiritual deception manifesting itself not beings from another planet who care that Chris likes to think about them when he looks at the sky at night.

You can see at least four in the video. One responded to prayer by flashing. This is typical of a visual response. A lot of Chris’s posts are also talking about the meetups that he has where people come to his property and they do their prayers and their ceremonies and whatever other new age spiritual nonsense and these orbs appear in the sky. Here he says close to 200 witnesses of over 100 orbs slash angels on the beach in Wilmington, North Carolina. I suspect this year with planned events more than 5,000 people will finally get to experience this in person.

Molly and her husband Zaz are two of thousands of witnesses that have experienced this with me. Listen how close their experience was on my property. Chris Bledsoe gives prophecies that he says these entities give him. Therefore he claims to be a prophet. So if the prophecies aren’t coming true he’s a false prophet. And let me remind you of another verse where Jesus gives us a warning about false prophets and the signs that they can perform. For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible even the elect.

Chris has publicly made the claim that people in high positions around the world are actually making moves to create the scenarios told to us in the book of Revelation for them to start unfolding. This is a possibility that the rulers of the world may try to do because they think they’re going to fight God and they think they’re gonna win in the Battle of Armageddon. But we don’t know that that’s exactly what’s going on right now for sure but Chris said that the lady entity told him that that’s what’s going on.

This is dangerously bordering and maybe even fulfilling the warning told to us in Revelation chapter 22. For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book if anyone adds to these things God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part from the book of life from the holy city and from the things which are written in this book. Because she told me well I tell you what she told me this is what I put in writing part of it she said there are people in power I put this in writing in 2012 she said there are people in power and I’m not going to say where she focused my thoughts on that but they’re scripting the book of Revelation to bring about Armageddon and the end of the world they’re doing it intentionally and that’s what she told me.

On one end Chris may actually be deceived by these things. Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for open doors that people have so he can devour them. Chris openly states that he’s opening doors to the spiritual realm so he just may be in over his head in the enemy’s deceptions. In that case I pray that Chris’s eyes will be open to the truth of Jesus Christ and that he’ll renounce all the evil spiritual forces and fully commit to Jesus and the truth of the Bible. The other option Chris is well aware of the deceptions and is going along with them because he believes whatever lie the enemy is telling him.

If that’s the case I pray that Chris will fully see the deceptions that he is believing renounce them and fully accept Jesus Christ as the way the truth and the life. We’re warned that the false prophets and false christs that come will have power signs and lying wonders. They will be believable. You must keep in mind if they go against the Bible and demonstrate any level of supernatural power they cannot be trusted. Even if our eyes or our ears or any other perceived sense seems to be witnessing something that counters the Bible we still cannot believe it.

Jesus Christ the word made flesh the physical word of God must be believed as the absolute truth above everything else no matter what. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it sanctify them by your truth your word is truth.

Pilate therefore said to him are you a king then Jesus answered you say rightly that I am a king for this cause I was born and for this cause I have come into the world that I should bear witness to the truth everyone who is of the truth hears my voice. Pilate said to him what is truth


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