Tag Archives: Democratic Republic of the Congo health crisis

MpoX reupload | All Signs Of The End Are There |

Mpox Reupload All Signs Of The End Are There -

“Psychological warfare is like a mind game in a battle, using words as weapons. It’s about changing what enemy soldiers think. Recently, a group was formed to help with a health crisis in Congo and other African countries. There’s also a strange chat about a monkey that doesn’t seem to fit with the other topics.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

WHO Declares International Emergency Over Monkey Pox

Who Declares International Emergency Over Monkey Pox -

“New details are out about DC police, the Biden family, and a new disease called MPOCS. The World Health Organization says it’s growing in Congo. They suggest using contact tracing and PCR tests. But, some people worry these tests aren’t good for finding viruses. Even the person who made the test said it can find almost anything.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


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