matter before mind theory
Esoterigin: Primordial 1st Cause/How Thoughts Become Events/Mankinds Vegetable Origin/Cymatics
Published on: December 16, 2024 by Library of the Untold
This text explores two theories about the universe’s origins: one suggests matter existed before mind, while the other proposes an eternal mind created matter. It also discusses how language shapes our perception of reality and the power of focused thoughts. By understanding these ideas, we can tap into deeper consciousness and potentially change the world. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….
Esoterigin: Primordial 1st Cause/How Thoughts Become Events/Mankinds Vegetable Origin/Cymatics
Published on: September 20, 2024 by Library of the Untold
This blog post explores two theories: one scientific and one religious, about the origin of the universe. It delves into how our perception of reality is shaped by our language and biology. It discusses hermetic diagrams, which illustrate complex spiritual ideas, and how our thoughts can shape reality. It also touches on the concept of cymatics and its relation to religious beliefs. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….