NO WAY Videos TOO Bizarre To Watch Alone

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➡ James of the Impossible Channel discusses various unexplained phenomena, including possible evidence of time travel, superhumans, and mysterious sightings. He shares a story about a Boeing Starliner that experienced technical issues and strange sounds, leading to speculation about alien life. He also talks about a series of mysterious sinkholes in Cozumel, Mexico, and various sightings of unidentified flying objects. Lastly, he delves into the topic of time travel, its history, and potential evidence of its existence.
➡ Sir Robert experienced a strange phenomenon known as a time slip, where he saw an airbase from the future. There are several videos showing people with devices like smartphones long before they were invented, suggesting possible time travel. A commercial featuring a young boy predicting Stephen Curry’s NBA success years before it happened has also sparked debate. Lastly, there are stories of giant skeletons found in Nevada and recent sightings of giant beings, adding to the mysteries of possible time travel and unknown beings.
➡ A series of strange events caught on camera have sparked online debates about their origins. These include a video of a seemingly giant person, mysterious orbs around a plane, and a man appearing to freeze on live TV. Additionally, there are claims about Count Saint Germain, an 18th-century aristocrat rumored to be immortal, and a martial arts master seemingly demonstrating superhuman abilities. Lastly, a video from Russia shows a person glowing in the dark, leading to speculation about supernatural abilities or alien life.
➡ In 2014, a man named Michael Grubb posted a video showing his supposed telekinetic abilities, which gained a lot of attention. Another man, Alexei Kurochkin, has also been training his telekinetic skills. Meanwhile, a man in Tanzania named Ismael Azizi is known for repeatedly coming back to life after dying, causing fear among his community who believe he might be a sorcerer. These stories raise questions about the existence of supernatural abilities and hidden potentials within the human mind and body.


In just a few moments. Watch my eyes. Hi, I am James of Fern. You are watching the Impossible channel. Welcome aboard. Dont forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel with notifications on for more videos like this today were going to be taking a look at time travel. Is it really possible? Did it already happen? And is there any video evidence of such a thing? We’re also going to be taking a look at superhumans with supernatural abilities, including a man that was discovered just recently to be somewhat immortal. There’s also this mysterious video of a supposed giant that was caught on camera at a city just 30 miles away from the infamous vargina UFO case.

These and many more creepy videos such as glitches in the matrix and unexplained phenomena. So sit tight cause this is gonna be a really good one. Are you guys ready? Well lets go. Every single day thousands of people look up to the sky and ask themselves if were really alone in this universe. I mean it is a really good question. And being that every now and then people get to see strange things in the skydehe it’s become somewhat of a trending topic. But just recently something really bizarre happened. Something that made the entire world look up once more and ponder if it’s really just us or if there’s something else possibly hiding up there.

On June 5, 2024, just a couple of weeks ago, a Boeing Starliner was sent to orbit and everything was going as it should. This is up until the moment that it docks. When that happened, they had technical issues. And these technical issues became a nightmare. Not only were they stuck up there for an indefinite period of time, just a couple of months after they began hearing sonar type sounds emanating from within the ship. I’ll do it one more time and I’ll let you all scratch your head to see if you can figure out what’s going on.

Here we go. Now it didn’t take long before this became a really big topic all over the Internet. And because at the time no one had any idea about the true origin of the sound, it soon became a mystery. And most people were asking the same question. Is this coming from an alien civilization possibly hiding up there somewhere? Or is it just a coincidence? Now lets just say that theres something hiding up there. There should be video evidence of such a thing, right? Well not even a month after the Starliner was launched, this happened on June 19.

An Internet profile by the name of Les M sends was having a really good time with some of her friends somewhere in Tampico, Mexico. This is until they all noticed what looks like a glowing, round object that appears to be hiding within one of the clouds. Now keep in mind that they were about 900 miles west of Cape Canaveral, where the Starliner had launched just a few weeks prior. This is what they caught on camera. At the time that lass was recording this video, she was still unsure what it was that she was looking at. It had this bizarre circular pattern, and at times it, it seemed to glow from within the clouds.

It was all fun and games until they start realizing that whatever this thing is, its possibly not a strobe light coming from the ground. Now a bit creeped out. They continue on recording just in case. And this is what happens next. Now completely creeped out. Les and her friends are pretty sure that whatever this thing is is possibly not of this world. If we take a quick look at the video, it becomes quite clear that whatever this thing is, it’s shining from behind or within the clouds, as if it’s trying to hide for some mysterious reason.

This, for instance, is how a strobe light will look like from the ground. And as you can see, there’s a streak of light that’s always visible, which is not the case in this video. What makes things even stranger is the fact that the following months, there were many other sightings. It was as if there was some sort of party going on and we were not invited. Recorded from the 27th floor somewhere in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada, we can see what looks like a cylinder shaped object hovering in the sky. Its speed and direction is pretty much consistent.

Its as if theres something controlling it. Not only that, in the very beginning of the video, we can see what looks like a cloaked object move upwards very quickly. On May 2023, just one year prior, something very similar was seen in Texas. Check this out. After being posted to social media, the video caught a lot of attention and most Internet users were divided. Some believe that this is some sort of flying humanoid, while others state that this is just a paraglider. However, if this were to be the case, there should be a visible parachute, which there isn’t.

If we replay the video a couple of times, it becomes very clear that this thing is flying at a consistent speed and direction, which would mean it’s not falling down. But this would only be possible unless there’s some sort of propulsion system. So this is either a jetpack or it’s something else. However, jetpacks look like this or they look like this. So not only does this thing not look like a jetpack, it kind of looks like it’s morphing at certain moments. Not only that, jetpacks don’t fly that high, nor for that long. So whatever this thing is, it has to be something else entirely.

Something may be similar to what was seen in Monterey, Mexico, back in 2006, a phenomenon known as the bruja of Monterey. Back at the time, jetpacks were not something you’d see flying around. So I want to know your take. Do you think that there’s possibly something unknown to man hiding somewhere up there? Or is this all just a big coincidence? And have you ever seen anything like this before? Now, I’m not exactly sure if you’re the type of person that likes going to the beach, traveling, that sort of thing, but there’s one particular place in the world that everyone must visit at least once or twice, and that would be cozumel.

In Mexico. With a population of just about 100,000 people, kozobao is often known for its Cuba diving spots filled with crystal clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and mayan ruins. So as you can imagine, this is exactly the type of place that youd feel as if youre in a Leonardo DiCaprio movie. But recently, Cozumel became the center of attention, only this time not for its beauty, but because of something far more sinister. Just about a month ago, a series of mysterious sinkholes appeared along the islands pristine beaches. It wasnt just one or two, it was twelve of them.

So as you can imagine, this left tourists and locals pretty much scared. After being posted to the Internet, the videos caught widespread attention, and it didnt take long before there were dozens of crazy theories like underground tunnels and things of such. However, experts and researchers quickly shrugged it off as naturally occurring springs. Im pretty sure that they know what theyre talking about, being that there was a massive storm nearby and springs are indeed influenced by waterfall. But still it doesnt explain certain things. For instance, while researching the Internet, I found no records of something like this ever happening in Cozumel before.

I mean, if its such a common occurrence, why are there no other videos or articles about this? Not only that, the next day the springs completely vanished into thin air, as if they were never there. And one of the things that caught loads of attention was how perfectly round they looked, as if they were artificially made. Or at least this is what a lot of people were pointing out. And to make things even weirder, that same week it also happened at Carmen beach and other countries. Strange, isn’t it? So what’s really going on here? What’s your take could it be that these are just naturally occurring water springs? Or is there possibly an unseen and unknown reason behind all of this? Now, I don’t know about you, but when I was younger, I used to think about time travel all the time.

Is it actually possible? And does it already exist somewhere in the future? And is there any evidence of such a thing? Stephen curry? And in ten years, I’ll be with my dad. We’ll be watching you. Well, maybe there is. And I’m about to show you guys the best video. Video evidence of the possible existence of time travel. But before we go on, let me explain exactly how was it that time travel became such a trending topic in the past hundred years? In 1935, a Royal Air Force marshal named Sir Robert Victor was flying over this used air base in east Scotland.

The air base had been empty for years and it was while flying over it on a very rainy day, and Sir Robert noticed something odd. While flying through a thick cloud, the rain completely vanished and the sky turned blue. At first, Sir Robert didn’t know what to make of it, but it was when he looked down that he saw as if the airbase had shifted right in front of his eyes. The airbase was all of a sudden fully operational, with people dressed in blue and several yellow airplanes parked on the Runway. At this point, Sir Robert was very much confused, and years later, he wrote a book about it.

Now, what happened to Sir Robert is considered as a time slip. And it’s a very strange phenomenon where people supposedly experience time travel for a brief period of time. For instance, in this particular video, supposedly recorded in the 1980s, a reporter comes across an iPhone 13 that was locked inside of a drawer. And at first, this video was considered as a possible time slip. But later on, the original uploader changed the description, stating that the video was actually a tv series that was recorded in the early two thousands. But because there’s very little information about it, I guess, and we’ll never know.

Now, what makes Sir Roberts story different and very much credible is the fact that the airplanes back in 1935 were silver in color. But in 1939, they began painting them yellow and navy personnel began dressing blue, which is exactly what Sir Robert saw that day. But here’s the thing. After Sir Robert’s incident, there were many others, and some were actually caught on camera. In this video, recorded during a tv show from the 1980s, a woman can be seen holding what looks like a smartphone, and with it, she seems to be recording something in landscape mode. Then, just moments afterwards, she switches the phone to portrait orientation to review whatever it was that she had recorded.

This is insane. There were no phones that looked like this back in the 1980s. So what is going on here? Just so you have an idea, the first led touchscreen phone that actually looked like this was invented by LG and it was named Prada. It was released on December 12, 2006, almost 30 years after this footage was taken. The creepy thing about this video is that if we slow mo and zoom in, it actually looks as if this could be some sort of touchscreen phone. Strange, isnt it? But it gets even stranger in this next video, uploaded by history in color.

YouTube channel the video was originally recorded in the 1930s, somewhere in Amsterdam, and in it we can see bits and pieces of how life was back in the 1930s. Everything seems to be as it should. This is until a specific scene where we can see a woman coming out of a shop. She seems to be holding what looks like a mobile phone, and if we slow mo and zoom in, it seems as if she’s actually talking to someone. Now, being that the first mobile phone was invented in the 1970s, it would be quite impossible for such a thing to happen.

But it doesn’t stop there. In a video posted by Scoopview, YouTube channel, a woman can be seen coming out of a Dupont factory in Massachusetts. She also seems to be holding a mobile phone of some sort. Needless to say, the video caught a lot of attention, and while some believe this is possibly proof of time travel, others think that this is just a small portable radio or some sort of hearing instrument from the 1930s. The only problem is it doesnt look anything like the hearing instruments that they had back at the time. And the small portable radios weren’t that small.

I quickly began researching the Internet just to find out if Dupont was by any chance developing wireless phones back in the 1930s. And I found absolutely nothing. Not only that, the first transistor was not invented up until 1947, and the first wireless phones that were developed in the 1980s were heavy and huge as bricks. So whatever’s going on here, this could actually be video evidence of time travel. But it doesn’t stop there. It just gets stranger and stranger. In this next video, posted to YouTube of a Mike Tyson fight that happened back in 1995, we can see what looks like a woman holding a smartphone become your greatest weakness.

So he’s been working a great deal on his business. At the time the video was uploaded to YouTube, it caught a lot of attention, and many Internet users were saying that this is just a Kodak camera or maybe a Casio camera, which in this case it could be, even though the footage isn’t quite clear, so it makes it really hard to tell what it is that we’re looking at. But when it comes to time travel caught on camera, things just get stranger and stranger. In this next video posted by the human coffee, a boy can be seen coming up to Stephen Curry back in the early two thousands and telling him how he would be really big one day and that he would be watching him now.

Notice that he’s wearing a Golden State Warriors t shirt that did not exist back at the time. Pay very close attention, Stephen Curry. Your dad played in the NBA. I bet you want to be just like him. I came back to tell you something. You’ll practice hard, and you will be. And in ten years, I’ll be with my dad, and we’ll be watching you. Strange, isn’t it? After doing a quick research, I found out that this is possibly a commercial that was aired for the Golden State warriors back in 2011. The only problem is they never explained how they did it.

And after being uploaded to YouTube, the video caught a lot of attention and Internet users were totally divided. Some believe that this is computer generated and that the boy was inserted into the video. Others think that this is possibly one of the best video evidence of time travel. And, well, maybe it is. Some Internet users pointed out that they actually saw this video before it became a commercial, which is kind of strange to not only that, there’s something even stranger that was pointed out by an Internet user and he for your information, this is post staff getting drafted to the warriors by three years.

But the implications of staff being a leader of the warriors also seem to be implied, which I don’t think happened yet as of the age of the commercial. In other words, Stephen Curry only became a big star in the NBA between 2014 and 2015, which would mean that this commercial was made before that. So even if it was planned, CGI and all that, how did they know? There’s also the fact that at the time this commercial was released, it was not possible to do such a thing with artificial intelligence. Not only that, Stephen Curry and his dad seemed to acknowledge the presence of the boy, which would mean that this is either one of the best commercials ever made in terms of computer editing, or this is possibly the real deal, but I guess that we’ll never know.

Now, when it comes to time travel, there are many more videos, such as this one, where a man apparently saves himself from an accident. To this day, no one knows exactly why both men look alike and why one of them knew that something was going to happen. Some theorize that this is a person that went back in time to save himself from this possible incident. In this next video, recorded in the 1970s, a man can be seen wearing clothing way ahead of his time, and everyone noticed. Brave the frigid, wintry blasts of zero weather, dressed in everything from ear mud to such mysterious getups as this.

Hi you, strangers. Now, when it comes to time travel, there are several videos and photographs that we could analyze. But the real question is, does time travel exist somewhere in the future? And are these videos and photographs possible evidence of such a thing? What’s your take? More than 100 years ago, in 1911, a group of miners were digging at a site in Nevada known as Lovelock Cave. They had been digging for days looking for bat guano, a highly valued fertilizer at the time, but instead, they found something truly unexplained. What appeared to be giant skeletons and artifacts of unknown origin were scattered throughout the cave.

And at the time, this was considered so fringe that it ended up featured in several articles and outlets. Normally, this discovery would have gone unnoticed if not for the fact that the Paiute native tribe had an entire legend about red haired giants inhabiting this very cave thousands of years ago. Now, because of this, what was once considered just a bad time story became one of the biggest mysteries of all time. Were giants alive in the past? And are they still alive today? Now, for some mysterious reason, in the past few years, there have been dozens of sightings of supposed giant beings in Canada, Mexico, Thailand and many other places.

And just a few weeks ago, something truly bizarre happened in son Thomas des Littres. Now, son Thomas is a small town located in the state of Minasarais, Brazil, and it is widely known for its mysteries, an unexplained phenomena. And it was while touring the town that a group of friends noticed what looked like a giant being. And this is what they caught on camera. In the video, we can see what at first looks like a very tall person in the distance. At first, I thought it could be an optical illusion, and I guess that most people thought the same thing.

It’s when they zoom in that it becomes quite clear that this is possibly not some sort of illusion. If you take a look at the trees, they don’t seem far from the person being recorded. Not only that, in a second video that they uploaded, we can see the person walking side by side with the trees. And this person still looks as if it’s eight to 9ft tall. Not only that, the group of people and everyone around them seemed legit creeped out by what they were seeing. After being uploaded to the Internet, the video caught a lot of attention, and most people seem to think that this is an optical illusion.

And, well, it could be, but the problem is most people can’t seem to explain how this optical illusion happening. And I guess this is because both the person and the trees are not in different optical planes. Not only that, Sontomados Letras isnt exactly your typical place. For instance, its only 30 miles away from the Virginia UFO crash that supposedly happened in 1996, where it is said that the brazilian military captured an alien. Its also known as a UFO hotspot, where people usually see luminous objects going into caves and never coming back. There are also several magnetic anomalies and supposed entrances to a mythological place known as agartha, or hollow earth.

There are many caves that have been shut by the military for unknown reasons, so I’m not exactly sure about this one. I want to know your take. Do you think that this is just an optical illusion, or is there something else going on here? Now, when it comes to bizarre and unexplained things caught on camera, it doesn’t stop there. On August 2024, an Internet account by the name of tins was somewhere in Perth, Australia, when all of a sudden she decided to record a plane that was flying by. And this is what happened. Did you see that? As she begins to record the video, we can see what looks like two or three orbs around the plane.

Then, as she pans the camera to the right, we can see what looks like a really bizarre anomaly in the sky. After posting the video to social media, it amassed thousands of views and hundreds of comments, and people were completely baffled. While some believe that she was possibly recording from behind of a window and that this is just a reflection, most seem to agree that there’s something really strange about the entire video. What are these orbs, and what is this massive glitch or object in the skyd? Some suggest that for some mysterious reason, she was able to catch a glimpse of another dimension or alternate reality.

Others stated that this could be a massive ship of some sort that was hiding in the clouds. Now, I’m not exactly sure that this is what’s going on, but I can’t seem to find any other explanation. But when it comes to unexplained phenomena, it just gets stranger and stranger. Just a couple of months ago, most tv cameras were pointed at the world wrestling smackdown that was happening in North Carolina. Everything was going as it should, up until the moment that someone in the audience notices something very odd about Montez Ford. Check this out. Montay’s Ford appears to glitch or freeze for some mysterious reason.

And this isn’t just ten to 20 seconds, this is minutes long. Now what’s really strange about this video is that if we slow mo and replay a couple of times, you’ll see how it really looks like Montez Ford isn’t even breathing. He’s not moving at all. Now what’s even stranger is that this isn’t the first time such a thing happens. There are many other videos of artists, players, and tv hosts glitching the same way. To this day, there’s very little explanation to why this happens to some theorize that it may have something to do with Mkultra, a supposed secret program focused on researching mind control.

Others think that this is possibly evidence of the simulation theory. But I want to know your take. Do you think that this is possibly a hoax? Or is it the real deal? And could it be that giants are still living somewhere in this world, hidden from us? Now, I’m pretty sure that at least once or twice in your lifetime you’ve heard about a man that goes by the name of Count Saint Germain, a well known aristocrat and alchemist from the 18 hundreds. Most people who have heard about the count usually know that he was considered by many as a man of knowledge.

What you probably dont know about him is that everyone that met him used to say the same thing, that he always looked young. Just so you have an idea? In 1759, Voltaire, a well known philosopher, wrote a letter about him, and in it he stated that the count knew everything and never died. Strange, isnt it? At first it may seem like a friendly compliment, but the deeper we go into the account of Saint Germains life, the more it becomes clear that there was something very sinister about it. Now, despite being officially pronounced dead in 1784, there were several people who claimed to have met with him after that, and Anton Mesmer was one of them.

In the 19 hundreds, almost 100 years later, socialite Annie Besant and author CW Ladbetter claim to have encountered with the count several times. It’s not just one person, you see. It’s several respected personalities that seem to share the same sentiment, that the count was cursed with immortality. Some think that because he was an alchemist, he had found an elixir of life. Others believe that he was possibly a time traveler and went by several names like Plato and Nikola Tesla. To this day, his real name and real date of birth remains unknown. But here’s where things take a really strange turn.

I began researching the topic just to find out if there are other people out there with the same superhuman ability. And I actually came across video evidence that may actually suggest that there is a hidden gap of knowledge in our world, one that, for some mysterious reason, only a select few possess. In this particular video, uploaded by Internet user Quang Fox, we can see a master of martial arts using the power of qi upon a sheet of paper. And this is what happens. In this particular video, a group of people is recording a man that seems to be using some sort of superhuman ability to pierce a sheet of paper without touching it.

It seems as if he’s using some sort of ancient technique known as Ki Kong or Qi Kong to manipulate his body’s energy that allows him to somehow control things around him. Now, this isn’t the first time that someone demonstrates something like this. In previous videos of mine, I featured a man known as John Chang who could supposedly do similar things by using some sort of forbidden knowledge. It’s the sort of thing that you’ll find spread throughout ancient history and ancient texts, and it’s quite astonishing that nowadays, very little is known about these techniques. It’s as if the deeper I went into this topic, the more I had a feeling that if there is a way to fully unlock the power of our mind, it’s most likely being hidden and kept away from the rest of us.

On March 2010, a woman named Ilya was inside of her apartment somewhere in Norilska, Russia, when all of a sudden, she noticed something really odd while looking out the window. So this is when she did what anyone would do. She got her camera and began to record, and this is what she saw. Now, whatever it is that’s going on here left Ilya completely baffled. So she went back inside, told her husband about it, and this is when they both went over to the window to watch this mysterious being. At this point, Ilya and her husband begin theorizing.

What is it that they’re looking at? Is it possibly the sun reflecting on this person? Or is it something else entirely? Now, being that I don’t see the sun reflecting anywhere in this video, I don’t think that this is the case. And it seems that most Internet users agree. While some believe that this is possibly an alien humanoid being or even a superhuman, others think that this is just a strong light inside of that room reflecting onto the person. Now, I’m not exactly sure that this is the case. What I do know, however, is that there were many other Internet users leaving comments stating that they had experienced and seen something like this before.

Theres also a moment where this thing, whatever it is, seems to stare back at the camera. And this is when the camera starts glitching and freezing. Now, this could be just a coincidence, but the question is this some sort of human being with supernatural abilities or is it something else entirely? Now, when it comes to superhumans caught on camera, it doesn’t stop there. In 2014, Michael Grubb uploaded a very bizarre video to YouTube where he shows us some of his telekinetic abilities real quick. Michael Grubb Ami. This is also with Kyle Lavelle. Ami I’m trying to see if we’re gonna be kicked out of here because that’s the real concern at the time.

The video caught so much attention that it ended up being featured on the travel channel and many other documentaries. Check this out. Almost. So as you can see, that’s kind of a blast that I did. Michael seems to use some sort of telekinetic ability to control the wind. Now, because there were so many people suggesting that this could be fake or that he was using fans, he ended up recording a 360 video to show that this is not what’s going on. There are no fans. Each time I do something, you have immediate results and you can look all around.

Could it be that certain people are actually able to unlock hidden potentials of our mind and body, such as Alexei Kurochkin, who has been training his telekinetic abilities for quite a while now. Theres also this very bizarre story of a man who lives somewhere in Tanzania. His name is Ismael Azizi, and he was recently interviewed by the YouTube channel Afrimax. In this documentary, they explain how his male has an eerie ability of coming back to life every time he dies. We had come to bury him, but just before the ceremony started, he came out of the coffin.

Everyone there immediately ran away because it is terrifying to see someone you know is dead come back to life. Now, despite facing numerous accidents, illnesses, and many other bizarre events, Ismail repeatedly comes back to life. The following year, while farming, I was bitten by a snake. With no one to help me, I went to the doctor only after the poison had spread throughout my body. It didn’t take long for me to die. This time, my family came back because I spent three days in the morgue, which was longer than I had ever been dead before. Needless to say, his family, neighbors, and locals in the town began fearing Ismail.

Not only that, they thought he was some sort of sorcerer. And because of that, they set his house on fire. Three days later he came back to life again. I continued to live, but I felt that there was something wrong with my life. Every time I died and came back, my body felt very strange. Strange, isn’t it? Now, could it be that Ismail is suffering from some sort of curse or witchcraft? Show it to the camera. Watch my eyes. Or is it possible that people like Ismail and Count of Saint Germain are gifted with some sort of supernatural ability? I want to know your take.

Do you think that there is some sort of forbidden or forgotten knowledge that we have little to no access to? Or is there something else going on here? Well, this is it for now. But we do have more videos. Don’t forget to check him out. And don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe the channel with notifications on for more videos like this. And I’ll see you guys again.


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