➡ A mysterious object was spotted near wind turbines, causing debate online about whether it’s a blimp or something else. In a separate incident, a family saw numerous glowing objects in the sky during a birthday party, which didn’t behave like anything they’d seen before. Another strange sighting occurred in Wichita, where objects moved too fast to be balloons and seemed to fly in formation. Lastly, a round object was seen spinning in the sky in Guadalajara, Mexico, which some believe to be an upside-down umbrella, while others think it’s something more mysterious.
➡ A group of friends captured a video of a strange creature swimming in a river in Sumidero Canyon, Mexico, sparking online debates about its identity. Another video from the Gulf of Mexico recorded eerie screeching sounds, leading some to believe in the existence of mermaids or other mythical creatures. Mysterious underwater sounds recorded in the Pacific Ocean have fueled speculations about unknown sea creatures or advanced civilizations. Lastly, several Airbnb guests have reported finding hidden cameras in their rentals, raising concerns about privacy and safety.
➡ A man fell down the stairs in a supposedly haunted area in the Appalachian Mountains, sparking police interest. Meanwhile, strange structures and humanoid drawings were discovered in the Grand Canyon, suggesting the existence of an ancient civilization or alien race. A realtor experienced paranormal activity in a house she was showing, with doors locking and unlocking themselves and a painting changing color. These incidents have sparked debates about the existence of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena.
➡ Archaeologists in China discovered a peculiar structure with small doors and windows, leading some to speculate it was built for mythical creatures like gnomes or fairies. This has sparked discussions about ancient myths of tiny humanoid beings. Similar miniature structures have been found in Peru, believed to be built by the Chupaichu civilization, and in the village of Makunik where small mummies were discovered. These findings raise questions about our understanding of the past and the possible existence of small humanoid beings.
Are you guys ready? Well, let’s go. On January 2024, YouTuber Siaz was exploring the woods with a couple of friends of his when all of a sudden they came face to face with a very creepy situation. Now, YouTuber Siaz is usually exploring abandoned places with his friends in Belgium or in other places in Europe. In most of his videos, things end up very well. They sometimes bump into homeless people or strangers, but that’s about it. However, on January 2024, things did not go as expected. It all started a couple of weeks prior when they decided to go vlogging and camping in the woods.
Something a little bit different from what they were used to doing. In this particular case, things ended up well and they had a very nice experience while camping and vlogging. So a couple of weeks after they decided to go back. And this is when things take a very dark turn. While searching for the most abandoned place in the woods, they start hearing what sounds like a dog barking in the distance. Now, taking into consideration that it’s really late at night and that this is the same campsite that they had spent the night a couple of weeks prior, they become a bit freaked out, but they must find a safe spot to camp.
So they decide to take a quick look around. And this is what happens. Here is the inchang, the port mobile homes. Little by little, CS and his friends began feeling as if they were not supposed to be there. And this is when they start hearing what sounds like voices coming from the woods. At this point, Sias and his friends were too curious to go back. And even though it was very clear that someone didn’t want them there, they went ahead. Needless to say, it didn’t take long before they regretted the decision. And this is what they caught on camera.
Check this out. Hello. Hello, Hello. What the. What the. Hey now Completely freaked out, Sias and his friends run as fast as they can from an angry woman that appears to be carrying an ax. After finding what they consider to be a safe spot, they call the police. Shortly after, the police arrives and arrests the woman. And this is the moment where CS and his friends notice that the woman keeps staring at them with this psychotic smile. They also noticed that she had messed with their car and removed the license plates, most likely with some sort of sinister intention.
Luckily for them, everything ended up okay. But this is the sort of situation you see in horror movies, and it doesn’t always end up like this. So I want to know your thoughts. What do you think they should have done differently? And what would you have done in their place? From simple pixels to jaw dropping virtual worlds, video games have come a long way, very fast. It’s mind blowing to think that we’re nearing a point where telling games apart from real life might get tricky. Imagine slipping on a VR headset and not being able to figure out if you’re in your living room or in a game.
In 10 to 20 years, we might not even be able to differentiate reality from a digital simulation. And it’s exactly this kind of thought. Thought and makes us wonder if we’re not already living inside of a digital simulation built by an advanced civilization. Since the topic first became popular in 1999 with the movie the Matrix, several people started coming up with the strangest of theories. And even though some of these ideas may sound far fetched, I’m gonna show you guys a couple of videos that may actually prove that they’re not. It doesn’t just appear. So we’ll have to come around.
Oh, there it is. Where? Look. Oh. Oh. Let this guy go. Did you not just see that? No. Are you following? Look up, look up, look up. Where am I moving? Look, there’s a floating trick. In this next video, a man is holding a cat inside of a supermarket, when all of a sudden, this happens. Did you see that? If you watch his hands closely, it’s as if one of his fingers starts being pulled, but by something invisible. If we slow mo and rewind the video, you’ll see that there’s not much of an explanation to what’s going on here.
Some Internet users believe it’s a cramp. Others believe it could be related to paranormal activity or even maybe a glitch in the simulation. But when it comes to glitches in the Matrix, it doesn’t stop there. An Internet account that goes by the name of Duda Muda usually Posts vlog type videos either with his friends or family, which includes his wife and his daughter. In one specific video, he’s doing one of these TikTok dances when this happens. Did you see that? What looks like a hand can be seen reaching for Duda’s shoulder, but there’s no one behind him.
And if we slow mo and rewind the video, you can see it very clearly. After being posted, the video amassed millions of views and thousands of comments. And Internet users were completely baffled. Some believe that this is some sort of glitch in the matrix, while others state that this is possibly a real person inside the room with them. The only problem is Dilda usually makes videos either with his wife and daughter or his best friend. And in this case, I don’t see who could be inside the room with them. Being that the hands are really small and seem to be using some sort of red nail polish, I would say that’s not his wife.
So if his daughter is already in the video, whose hand is it? Not only that, the hand seems to go by unnoticed by Duda or his brother. And in a second video, he confirms that there were only the three of them in that room. So what’s going on here? But it’s not just at home that these mysterious glitches occur. Reni Lamers was with a co worker at her job. They were both typing at the computer. Rainey got up and threw a notepad across the room, expecting it to land on a nearby desk. What happens next left her and the entire Internet completely baffled.
Did you see that? If we slow mo and replay the video, it’s as if the notepad completely disappeared into thin air. Completely baffled by what she saw, Rainey later posted the video to the Internet and it caught a lot of attention, and many Internet users were trying to find an explanation for it. Some stated that the notepad might have landed on one of the slots or next to the ac. Others left comments stating that they’ve already witnessed something like this before. 1 I once dropped an entire bowl of cereal and watched it fall with my friend, and there was nothing underground.
What’s weird is that it’s not just one comet. It seems that loads of people have witnessed something similar during their lifetimes. Strange, isn’t it? Is it possible that the notepad really disappeared into thin air? If we slow mo and zoom in on the video, you can see that it doesn’t land on a slot or next to the ac. It really looks as if it disappeared into thin air. But what’s going on here? Is this a legit glitch in the Matrix? An alternate universe? A portal maybe? Or something else entirely? What’s your take now? When it comes to outdoor activities? Mount San Jacinto is a go to destination for hikers and nature lovers.
Located in Southern California, Mount San Jacinto is a beautiful place surrounded by wildlife and towering forests. And every year, around 200,000 people visit this region with the intention of camping, hiking, that sort of thing. But besides all of its beauty lies a very dark mystery. It’s also known to be a hot spot for mysterious sightings and unexplained disappearances. For instance, in 2020, there were a series of hikers that went missing for unknown reasons, and these cases remain unsolved to this day. There are several theories to why this happens in this particular region, ranging from dangerous people who live in the area to.
To unexplained phenomena. It was also in 2020 that a series of unexplained phenomena happened in the region. On October 14 that same year, a YouTuber by the name of Mario Jimenez was driving to work on Route 62, when all of a sudden, he spots something odd nearby. He gets his camera and immediately begins to record. And this is what. What appears to be a massive unknown object can be seen hovering nearby. And after posting the video to YouTube, it left Internet users baffled, but a bit divided. Some believe that this is a blimp and it actually looks as if it could be, while others state that a blimp wouldn’t be flying that close to so many wind turbines, which kinda makes sense.
However, if we try to zoom in and replay the video a couple of times, it’s very difficult to affirm if this is indeed a blimp or something else entirely. But this is not the first time something like this happens in this region of California. In 2022, a mysterious phenomenon was seen by many different people in Palmdale, just 100 miles north from Mount San Jacinto. And this is what was caught on camera. Good. Okay, guys, I want a picture with. In this particular video, a family was celebrating a birthday party, when all of a sudden, they spot dozens, if not hundreds of luminous objects nearby.
At first, they thought it could be fireworks, maybe a meteor shower or something like that. But this is when they start realizing that this thing does not behave like anything they had ever seen before. The thing is, that night, many other people noticed the same mysterious phenomenon in other places in Palmdale. Check this out. It is weird, man. What the hell is it? I mean, the one over there looks like, it’s. Like it’s not burning up, so. That’s so trippy. Yes, it is. Oh, my God. Where’s Daddy? Oh, my God. I got goosebumps. Bumps. Papa, come here.
Hurry. Help Jody and them. What is that? What? What is that? Hurry, hurry. What is that? Are they lanterns? Whatever these things are, it seems that most people agree that these are not lanterns, balloons, nor anything like that. So what are they? I know what they are. I know what they are. They’re gone. They. They’re. Well, they’re still there. They’re farther away. Now, what makes this all very interesting is that just recently, something very similar was seen in Wichita, but this time during the day. Check this out. Does anyone have any idea what’s flying over Wichita right now? I just was on a walk and I saw these out to the west, and I thought they were birds or balloons at first, but they’re moving in a perfectly straight line with no flapping or anything like that, so not a clue what they could be.
They’re flying very smoothly, though. In this particular video, an Internet account by the name of Veloace captures something really strange in Wichita. Now, according to Veloace, these are not balloons nor drones. And at first I did think it could be just a balloon launch. If you take a look at videos of hundreds of balloons flying, it actually looks as if it could be the same thing. But then I noticed something strange. If we compare the object’s speed with the building that’s static on the ground, it seems as if the objects are moving too fast to be balloons.
Not only that, they appear to be flying in formation and not erratically like balloons would, and they don’t seem to be drones to me. But I could be wrong. So if these things are not drones nor balloons, what are they? Strange, isn’t it? But here’s where things take an even stranger turn. A couple of weeks after, a landscaper known as Ivan Green was working somewhere in Guadalajara, Mexico, when all of a sudden, him and his team noticed something very odd. Something that wasn’t supposed to be there. This is. What did you see? That what appears to be a mysterious round object can be seen spinning silently in the sky.
After being posted to the Internet, it amassed thousands of views and hundreds of comments, and most people were completely baffled by it. However, there were some people who stated that this is possibly an upside down umbrella that was somehow uplifted by the wind current. So I began researching the topic and I found more videos, and in them, it’s not very clear that this is an upside down umbrella. Even though it could be now if all of this weren’t strange enough, it gets even stranger. After replaying a couple of these videos in Slo Mo, I found out that in the very beginning of Ivan Green video, we can see two small objects crossing the sky at very high speed.
Now, taking into consideration that the average speed of a small bird is between 10 to 30 miles an hour, it’s very possible that these are not birds. It could be something else entirely. But the question is, what? And why were they flying next to this mysterious object that some believe to be an upside down umbrella? But I want to know your take. Why do you think Mount San Jacinto is such a weird place full of strange phenomena? And do you think that this is an upside down umbrella? Or is it something else entirely? Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m a really big fan of hiking in the woods.
For those who want to escape a little bit from this technological and urban life, it’s a perfect outdoor activity. Just so you have an idea. Around 120 million people go hiking every year. There are many places all over the world for wanting to go hiking or camping to see the stars or spend a really good time with friends or family. And even though hiking or trekking are statistically safer than spending a night in the city, it sometimes doesn’t go as planned, and things can get a bit creepy. And this is exactly what happened with a couple who decided to go camping and then hiking deep in the woods.
This is what they caught on camera. Oh, my God. Look at that dog. Dude. So many good memories. Sticks everywhere. Look at this little hobby. Oh, my God. Are you okay? I got hit in the face with a stick. Haley. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That’s a Haley. That’s a Haley. That’s not a freaking bear, dude. That’s not a freaking bear. At first, the couple thinks that what they’re seeing is a bear. But if we zoom in and slow mo the video, we can clearly see that whatever it is that they’re looking at looks like a Sasquatch.
At the time, they did what anyone would do. They tried to capture it on camera as much as they could. But when they finally realize that they’re too close to it and that this thing is standing up on its own two legs, they get the heck out of there as fast as possible. Unfortunately, there’s not much information about this video, but most Internet users agree that this is possibly a legit Sasquatch sighting. But when it comes to Creepy and unexplained encounters in the woods. It doesn’t stop there. A YouTube channel by the name of Creepy Outdoors 4451 is used to recording videos of his hiking and camping trips.
And in one particular video, something really strange happens. It while no life. Let’s see how this place looks like without any lights. Pitch black. I should get back to camp soon. At this point, YouTuber Creepy Outdoors had been walking for quite a while deep into the dark woods. While testing out his new flashlight, he realizes that he was a bit lost. So, being an experienced camper and hiker, he calmly tries to find his way back to the campsite. And this is when he caught something chilling on camera. Check this out. Wow, this is always fun. Another tree, completely rooted.
I hope I’m not getting lost here. I’m pretty sure camp is back this way. Should have brought a gps. I’m not sure if you guys ever seen the Blair Witch Project, but damn, this is just giving me Blair Witch Project vibes. Super cool. Wow, this is awesome. Well, at least it’ll be a lot easier to walk through here. Oh. Oh. Hi. What the hell? I need to get out of here. Oh, boy. Okay. By now, even an experienced camper or hiker would be completely creeped out. And this is exactly what happened with creepy outdoors 4451. Needless to say, he got the heck out of there as fast as possible and successfully returned to his campsite.
But if I were him, I would have not camped there at all that night. Whatever it was that he encountered that night, this ghostly voice could have been a person trying to follow him around, or maybe even, according to popular legend, a skinwalker or a wendigo trying to lure him in into the woods. But when it comes to these creepy encounters, it doesn’t stop there. This next picture was taken by Barb Stanbrook Schmidt while hiking in Vancouver island in October last year. She was with a group of people, and they were near Englishman river when all of a sudden they noticed what looked like a humanoid creature staring back at them.
At the time, she didn’t even think of recording it with her phone camera, but she was fast enough to take a picture of it. This particular picture is going viral on Reddit and many other social medias as possibly a legit picture of what looks like Bigfoot. Now, even though a picture could have been easily edited and photoshopped, it does give out creepy vibes to it. But when it comes to creepy videos caught in the woods, I guess that one of the most Unexplained that I’ve seen so far, was captured by Alejandro Soto Vives in Sumidero Canyon in Mexico.
Now, Sumidero Canyon is a very beautiful place located in southern Mexico, and there are quite a few myths and tales about this particular place. Alejandro and his friends had just reached the top of Sumidero Canyon, and this was when all of a sudden they spotted what looked like some sort of humanoid creature swimming on the river below. And this is what they caught on camera. Did you see that? What at first looks like a mermaid or some sort of humanoid creature can be seen swimming in the lake. After Alejandro posted the video to his social media, it caught a lot of attention and and most Internet users were divided.
Some believe this is just a boat, while others state that this is possibly a mermaid, an Engen, or something else entirely. Other Internet users even pointed out that at 19 seconds into the video, we can see what looks like some sort of saucer shaped object crossing the sky very quickly. Some other people also left comments stating that they have also witnessed something strange in Sumidero Canyon. In other words, it seems that this place is a hotspot for mysterious and unexplained things. I was out here fishing and sirens came from this island. I swear to God, I have it on video.
I’m gonna play it shortly. But when it comes to these mysterious sightings pertaining mermaids, there was one that happened recently in the Gulf of Mexico and it was posted by Magpie7. This is what she caught on camera. Okay, for real though, my cast is gonna be gone and she’s nothing on your hook. I have a word, guys. Do you hear this in the entire world right now? Did you hear that? What sounds like loud screeching sounds can be clearly heard in Meg’s video. And at the time, Meg and her friend were completely creeped out about it.
After posting the video, there were thousands of comments of people who believed that this could be a djinn. Others think that this could be a mermaid due to the legends and myths that portray mermaids as beings who sometimes try to lure people in into the ocean, screaming or singing just like a human being would. Now, taking into consideration that Meg and her friend were trying to find whoever or whatever was screeching out loud, and they didn’t. This could possibly be a jinn or maybe a mermaid. So I searched up for mermaid videos and what I found was something very similar to the sounds that they were hearing.
Can you hear me? Yo? That’s instantaneous, bro. I gotta watch my step out here. Man. God. What the. The video that you’re seeing was recorded by Sauce90, a fisherman whose account was later banned for mysterious reasons. I hear where she at? What the is that noise, bro? What is that noise? I want to know your thoughts. Do you think that Alejandro and Mag might have actually encountered a mermaid? Or was it maybe something else entirely? In 1991, a mysterious sound coined the Upsweep was recorded by researchers, and to this day, no one has an idea of what it could be.
The sound was recorded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and to this day, no one has any idea of its origin. This, for instance, is the same sound sped up 16 times. Check this out. There was also one recorded in 1997, coined the Bloop. Now, these unexplained sounds and mysterious ocean phenomena spark several speculations that range from an advanced civilization inhabiting the sea to unknown creatures lurking in the depths, or even secret underwater bases. But I want to know your take. Do you think that Pasalo65’s video and the mysterious discovery of these underwater pyramids in Cuba could help prove the existence of an ancient civilization that once existed in the Gulf of Mexico? And could this somehow be connected to the myth of Atlantis? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Now, taking into consideration that privacy is a really big concern in today’s world, I guess that one of the most common fears when renting an Airbnb is actually being watched by a hidden camera, or even worse. No idea if this was a live camera. We had no idea if someone was actually watching. And I guess this is exactly what happened with an Internet account by the name of the Brandon Robert. He was staying at an Airbnb with his girlfriend, and it was late at night, and they were changing channels on the television, when all of a sudden, this happens.
We’re staying at an Airbnb, and we. And we’re flipping through the channels. What is that? Is that ours? It hasn’t moved. We’re too scared to get up. Is it our toilet? I’m gonna throw up. She’s walking to the bathroom now, and we’re gonna see if she pops up. At this point, they do what anyone would do. They head over to the bathroom to test if this was indeed a hidden camera in their bathroom. And this is what happens. Are you in there? Stop. You can see me. Babe. Babe, you’re joking with me, right? I think he’s coming from there.
There’s two. There’s, like, vents. It has to be that, because it’s right above. All right, we’ll Open it. Unable to open the vent, Brandon and his girlfriend get the heck out of there as fast as possible. Creepy, isn’t it? But Brandon’s case isn’t the only one. We are at her Airbnb. Tell me that is not a camera. Hi. We think our Airbnb has hidden cameras. And I feel like I’m being watched and I just do not feel safe in my area. TikTok user Kaylin Bossi had rented an Airbnb with a couple of friends of hers, and everything was going as it should up until the moment they spot what they believe to be a hidden camera.
So they did something different than what most people would do, and they called the cops, and this is what happened. So that’s what it should look. We are not going to contact the host. We are contacting Airbnb to see if they can send somebody out. Because if the host did plan this, we don’t want them to mess with anything or, like, hide the fact that they did put a camera in there. After checking every corner, the cops come to the conclusion that the house may be indeed bugged with some sort of hidden camera. Something advanced that they had never seen before.
I don’t know if it is a camera or not, but we are talking to multiple electricians and a lot of people are saying, like, it really could. Like, there’s a very good possibility it is. But again, we have not had anybody come look at it yet because we have not been in a room room because we are scared to be there. So by tomorrow we should have, like, an actual. Unfortunately, Kayla never uploaded an update on the situation, but I want to know your thoughts. Do you think that this could actually be a hidden camera? And do you think that calling the cops was the right thing to do? On January 2024, Louisa Dominguez and her family decided to travel to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee.
Now, Pigeon Forge is a very small town with a population of about 6,000 people. So it’s a very small town, but it’s also a very beautiful town surrounded by rivers, mountains and lots of trees. Now, even though Pigeon Forge is a beautiful place to visit, it’s also located in the Appalachian Mountains. Now, if you don’t know about this, the Appalachian Mountains is considered one of the most haunted places in the United States, with loads of strange stories of skinwalkers, unknown creatures that roam the woods, paranormal activity, and the list goes on. It’s back. It keeps peeking in here.
Help me. Oh, my goodness gracious. What the hell? Ain’t nobody in the other room. Look at this. Oh, my gosh. Now, at the time, Luisa Dominguez and her family, including her brother, decided to rent a cabin in the woods through Airbnb. And upon arrival, her brother decided to sleep in the upper floor all by himself. Everything seemed as it should. It was a quiet and cold night and everyone was fast asleep. This is until three in the morning when her brother is woken up by what he describes to be a large hand pressing against his chest.
Now, completely creeped out, Luisa’s brother walks towards the stairs. And this is when things take a really strange turn. When Luisa wakes up, she’s pretty sure that there’s a burglar or maybe an animal inside the house. So she calls the police, which arrived 10 to 15 minutes later. And this is what happens at this particular moment. The police is trying to understand how was it that he fell down, was it an animal, maybe a burglar or anything like that? So they’re asking some questions. However, Luis’s brother states that he felt as if there was a hand picking him up and throwing him down the stairs, even though there was no one there at the time.
He was taken to the hospital just to run some checks and for some minor stitches, but he was back home in a couple of hours and everything was just fine. Now, Luisa and his brother were surprised that police actually took them seriously and were very much interested in in what had happened. Normally you could think that he’s crazy or just spilling out nonsense, but it wasn’t the case. And I guess that this is mostly because the Appalachian Mountains is indeed considered a very haunted place and full of bizarre and strange reports of Bigfoot sightings. Hey, just.
Do you see that? Do you see that? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Paranormal activity. And the list goes on it. Whatever it is that happens in the Appalachian Mountains to this day remains a complete mystery. Is it maybe because it’s one of the oldest places on Earth, being a mountain range that was formed around 230 million years ago? Or is it something else entirely? Now, if you’ve been surfing the Internet for the past few years, you’ve probably come across a very strange and bizarre theory about the Grand Canyon. A theory that suggests the existence of an alien like race of giants that hide deep within the canyon’s caves.
So there’s that giant thread in the cave system, and according to the Hopis that I know they still exist there. And also the possibility of ancient pyramids that are concealed within the canyon’s more restricted zones. These ruins here, I mean, this thing’s at least 800 years old. You got the end of this wall and then there’s another doorway here. Now, at first, this might all sound far fetched, but the fact is, just recently, a couple of people were searching for a good spot to watch the eclipse from the Grand Canyon. And while doing so through Google Earth, they came across this very strange structure.
A structure that made no sense at all. So they did what anyone would do, and they drove over there to make sure that what they were seeing was real. Several humanoid drawings. One right here, one right here. And what they came across might actually change everything we thought we knew about the Grand Canyon. So at one point, that tip would have fit perfectly right here. On October 14, 2023, a YouTube channel by the name of the POV channel drove over to Monument Valley in the Grand Canyon to watch the annular eclipse. Upon arriving Monument Valley region, he set up camp.
And the first thing he did was fly his drone around to check these strange rock formations that he had seen on Google Earth. What he saw on his drone video left him completely baffled. Here’s the blocks I was looking at on Google Earth. It looks like one of these cubes is just missing. There’s no denying that. That is four perfect 90 degree angles. And it kind of makes you wonder, where did the middle block go? Hundreds, if not thousands of perfectly square shaped rocks could be seen from his drone. Whatever happened here, it definitely does not look like something you will find in nature.
It actually looks as if these cuts are either man made or artificial in some way. During the couple of days that the POV Channel spent there recording these megalithic stone rocks, he made sure to measure and weight them. Just out of curiosity, and this is what happened. We’re gonna measure this bad boy. And where that fork ends. The bottom dimensions of this object are 36ft by 31ft by 32ft. According to the POV Channel and many of his subscribers, the weight of each stone would be around 400 to 800 tons. And being that there are so many equally cut cubes, one could speculate that this is some sort of ancient quarry.
But the question is, who would cut these stones in such a perfect manner? And to build what, I finally found some saw blade marks. This ancient temple, they had some sort of machine. You can see the blade lines as it was cutting through. And it’s not just straight, it’s kind of concave. On many places on Earth, we find structures which could be related or to ETs, to a technology which we do not understand, or to giants. All right, was Just packing up, hiking up for the night. Ran into this. Gonna be checking it out. Looks like a little bit of a protected porch.
Another door in the cliff right there. We’re gonna be checking that out. After being posted, the video caught a lot of attention and many people were leaving comments and seemed to agree that this looks like a quarry and that in no shape or form, this looks natural. It actually looks as if this is artificially made. One Internet user look at those lines in sandstone on a vertical plane. You just don’t see that in sandstone on a horizontal plane. Sure, but vertical, furthermore, they continue well into the bedrock behind them. That just doesn’t look natural lines to me.
So if this is some sort of quarry and if these are perfectly laser cut stones, who did this and why? And could this help prove that an article published back in the 1900s by the Arizona Gazette that nowadays is considered a hoax may not have been a hoax at all Back at the time, the article stated that a team of archaeologists funded by the Smithsonian had found ancient Egyptian artifacts, giant mummies and hieroglyphs inside of the cave of the dome, now a restricted area of the canyon. Now, if this is the case, why would someone want to cover this up? And what really happened in a distant past in the Grand Canyon? I want to know your thoughts.
What do you really think is going on here? Is this maybe just a coincidence? Or is it maybe something else entirely? In the early 20th century, one of the most notable attempts to scientifically investigate the existence of ghosts was conducted by Harry Price, a British researcher. Price’s most famous investigation took place in Essex, England. At the time, he used several different techniques to document and try to prove the existence of ghosts. However, critics argued that some of the phenomena could be attributed to natural causes or were outright hoaxes. While supporters saw his work as pioneering in the field of paranormal research.
Guys got some new fish. Pretty big tank as well. There’s currently two black ones, two gold ones. I’ve called them Goldie, Goldie number two black one. And if you guys have any suggestions for names that after Harry Price, there were several different paranormal investigators trying to prove the existence of ghosts. And even though different and more technological techniques were always used, it’s been always difficult to document and prove the existence of a spiritual realm. But what I find intriguing about paranormal activity is that it usually occurs when you least expect it to. And this is exactly what happened with Reddit user accomplished row900.
Join me on a tour of this charming 3 1/2 boom. Reddit user accomplished row900 works as a realtor. And it was while recording a specific house to show to her buyers that she started noticing strange things going on. She describes how certain doors kept locking and unlocking by themselves and how she sometimes also heard voices inside the house. And it was on one certain evening while recording a video tour for one of her buyers that something chilling happened. This is what she caught on camera. Wow. It’s 10pm and my day was fully booked with showings this beautiful vintage 1960 62.
Wow. It’s 10pm and my day was fully booked with showings of this vintage 1963 bungalow. Go ahead, do it again. You’re on camera. Open this door. Go ahead, open this door. Open this door like you the other one. Come on, just move a glass or something. Not exactly sure if the events that are taking place are just a coincidence or maybe the presence of an evil spirit. Accomplished Row 900 now tries to talk to the entity in the house. However, most paranormal investigators state that this is not an intelligent thing to do. And I guess that accomplished bro 900 is just about to find out this is what happens next.
Come on, just move a glass or something. Go ahead, do it again. Not scared it now. Completely scared. She gets the heck out of there as fast as possible. And I can completely understand why. Creepy, isn’t it? But it gets even creepier. At the time, accomplished ro900 didn’t notice anything strange. But after uploading the video to the Internet, many people started pointing out that one of the paintings in the wall becomes darker just moments before the door unlocks by itself. If we slow mo and rewind the video, you can clearly see the painting change. Whatever’s going on here, this could be one of the best video evidence of the existence of ghosts.
But I want to know your thoughts. Do you think that maybe this is just a coincidence or is there something far more sinister going on here? Just a couple of weeks ago, a video went viral all over the Internet of what appears to be a group of archaeologists uncovering a mysterious structure somewhere in China. It appears as if they were building a road and came across this mysterious structure. Now, there’s one tiny detail about this video that caught a lot of attention, and that would be the fact that whatever this structure is, it looks as if the doors and windows are too small for human beings.
And because of that, loads of people started suggesting that this is possibly a structure built for duendes, fairies or gnomes. Now, unfortunately, there’s not much information about this video. Some people believe it to be the roof Of a structure, While others think that this is something else entirely and that there’s another side of the story to our ancient past that’s been totally covered up. As you may already know, our past is filled with stories and myths of giants, gnomes, fairies, and tiny humanoid creatures that may have inhabited Earth at some point in the past. The little people that live under the earth and take care of the earth make sure that the rivers flow and the grass to grow in the trees.
They say if you ever find a spring, you know, just get your water and go. You’re not supposed to hang around there. It’s not for you to hang around, so you just go. Because those little people, they protect those spots. They’re not for people to overuse. So they come back around if you stay there too long. Pretty amazing, because some of the tribes have similar stories and similar beliefs. And that’s what I’ve heard, that’s what I’ve seen, experienced myself. Now, even though certain cultures and tribes take these stories very seriously, in our modern world, these stories are just myths.
But if you start researching about the topic of giants or small humanoid beings, we’ll come across several ancient structures that may actually prove that something else happened in the past. And I guess that one of the most mysterious places when it comes to these ancient constructions is Peru. Located in the district of Huanuco in Peru Lies the archaeological site of Aquimarca, an ancient ruin that stands out for its peculiar miniature structures Unlike any other found in the entire country. Believed to have been built by the Chupaichu civilization During the pre Inca era, these small stone constrictions have sparked legends of duane days, or in other words, very small humanoid beings, and may have inhabited the region.
Now, even though in today’s world, the legend of the Wendes is often dismissed as a myth, There are certain things about this ancient structure that makes us wonder whether there might be more to our distant past than we’ve been led to believe. The more we look into this ancient structure, built somewhere around 5 to 10,000 years ago, the more it becomes clear that whomever or whatever built is, it made sure that all the windows, doors, and passageways Were perfectly aligned and measured the same distance. Now, what makes all this very strange Is that there are tiny air ducts that were perfectly built into the structure, and they run from one side to the other, Making this a very detailed miniature structure.
If we take into consideration that this was built 5 to 10,000 years ago, it actually makes us wonder who built this and what for. To make things even stranger. In another video, YouTuber Tregelo Explorador checks the structure for electromagnetic anomalies, and this is what he finds. Electromagnetism. Strange, isn’t it? But the deeper we go into this topic, the stranger it becomes. Stories of duendes and smaller humanoid beings can be found all over the world, and alongside with these stories, we’ll usually find structures that suggest that something happened in the distant past, something that we have little to no knowledge about.
This, for instance, is another very different miniature city found somewhere in Peru. Located in eastern Mesopotamia is the village of Makunik, a place where houses are built to be 1 meter in height and where archaeologists once uncovered 25 centimeter mummies, sparking the theory that this ancient city was once inhabited by dwarfs. These and many more ancient ruins makes us wonder what really happened in the past. But I want to know your take. Do you think that duendes or smaller humanoid beings may have inhabited Earth at some point in and what do you think these ancient structures were used for? Do you think that they may actually help prove the existence of such beings? Or do you think that there’s something else going on here? What’s your take? Well, this is it for now, but we do have more videos.
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