The Most Unsettling Airbnb Encounters Caught On Camera

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➡ Many people enjoy using Airbnb for vacations, but some have had scary experiences. Some guests have found hidden cameras in their rentals, leading to concerns about privacy. Others have reported strange occurrences, like feeling a hand press against them or seeing shadows that seem to interact with their pets. There have also been instances of guests finding hidden rooms or receiving pictures they didn’t take, adding to the eerie experiences.
➡ Guests at various Airbnb locations discovered hidden rooms and tunnels, some with locks on the outside, leading to suspicions of someone secretly living or hiding there. In one instance, a couple found a peephole and left immediately due to safety concerns. Another group found a secret door leading to a basement with a turned-on heater and a locked door, suggesting someone might be residing there without their knowledge. These incidents have raised concerns about privacy and safety in Airbnb accommodations.


In today’s world with work, responsibilities, and endless to-do lists, it’s no surprise that when the weekend or holiday arrives, people are eager to get out of town and just relax. Just so you have an idea, around 100 million people book hotels and Airbnbs every year. That’s a lot of people, isn’t it? Most of them are hoping to relax and have a good time, which is what usually happens. But sometimes, things can go wrong in the most bizarre and unexpected way. Sometimes turning a peaceful getaway into a real-life nightmare. And today, we’re gonna be taking a look at the scariest and most unexpected Airbnb and hotel experiences caught on camera.

Are you guys ready? Sit tight, cause this is gonna be a really wild one. Now taking into consideration that privacy is a really big concern in today’s world, I guess that one of the most common fears when renting an Airbnb is actually being watched by a hidden camera or even worse. And I guess, this is exactly what happened with an internet account by the name of the Brandon Robert. He was staying at an Airbnb with his girlfriend and it was late at night, and they were changing channels on the television when all of a sudden this happens.

At this point, they do what anyone would do, they head over to the bathroom to test if this was indeed a hidden camera in their bathroom and this is what happens. Unable to open the vent, Brandon and his girlfriend get the heck out of there as fast as possible. Creepy isn’t it, but Brandon’s case isn’t the only one. TikTok user Caitlin Bossy had rented an Airbnb with a couple of friends of hers and everything was going as it should up until the moment they spot what they believed to be a hidden camera, so they did something different than what most people would do and they called the cops and this is what happened.

We are not going to contact the host, we are contacting Airbnb to see if they can send somebody out because if the host did plan this we don’t want them to mess with anything or hide the fact that they did put a camera in there. After checking every corner, the cops come to the conclusion that the house may be indeed bugged with some sort of hidden camera, something at best that they had never seen before. Unfortunately, Caitlin never uploaded an update on the situation, but I want to know your thoughts, do you think that this could actually be a hidden camera and do you think that calling the cops was the right thing to do? On January 2024, Luisa Dominguez and her family decided to travel to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee.

Pigeon Forge is a very small town with a population of about 6,000 people, so it’s a very small town, but it’s also a very beautiful town surrounded by rivers, mountains and lots of trees. Even though Pigeon Forge is a beautiful place to visit, it’s also located in the Appalachian Mountains. Now if you don’t know about this, the Appalachian Mountains is considered one of the most haunted places in the United States, with loads of strange stories of skinwalkers, unknown creatures that roam the woods, paranormal activity, and the list goes on. Now at the time, Luisa Dominguez and her family, including her brother, decided to rent a cabin in the woods through Airbnb, and upon arrival, her brother decided to sleep in the upper floor all by himself.

Everything seemed as it should, it was a quiet and cold night, and everyone was fast to sleep. This is until 3 in the morning, when her brother is woken up by what he describes to be a large hand pressing against his chest. Now completely creeped out, Luisa’s brother walks towards the stairs, and this is when things take a really strange turn. When Luisa wakes up, she’s pretty sure that there is a burglar or maybe an animal inside the house, so she calls the police, which arrive 10 to 15 minutes later, and this is what happens.

At this particular moment, the police is trying to understand how was it that he fell down, was it an animal, maybe a burglar, or anything like that, so they are asking some questions. However, Luisa’s brother states that he felt as if there was a hand picking him up and throwing him down the stairs, even though there was no one there. At the time, he was taken to the hospital just to run some checks and for some minor stitches, but he was back home in a couple of hours and everything was just fine. Now Luisa and his brother were surprised that police actually took them seriously and were very much interested in what had happened.

Normally, they could think that he’s crazy or just spilling out nonsense, but it wasn’t the case, and I guess that this is mostly because the Appalachian Mountains is indeed considered a very haunted place and full of bizarre and strange reports of Bigfoot sightings. Baranormal activity and the list goes on. Whatever it is that happens in the Appalachian Mountains to this day remains a complete mystery. Is it maybe because it’s one of the oldest places on earth, being a mountain range that was formed around 230 million years ago, or is it something else entirely? For the past centuries, scientists and researchers have been trying to prove the existence of ghosts, paranormal activity, and another side of this life that we humans cannot see with our eyes.

However, animals like dogs and cats seem to be sensitive to this paranormal side of life. They can hear and see things that we can’t. On October 2023, Emma Jean and her dog were staying at an Airbnb and everything seemed as it should. However, late at night, her dog starts staring at the wall and barking for no apparent reason, and this is what happens. It seems as if her dog is reacting to something that neither the camera or Emma can see. But Emma continues on recording and what happens next left Emma and the entire internet completely creeped out.

Did you see that? Well, looks like the shadow of a hand can be clearly seen trying to reach for the dog. And not only did the dog notice it, so did Emma. Whatever is going on here, it seems that most internet users agree that this is possibly one of the best video evidence when it comes to proving the existence of the spirit world. Some internet users state that they can hear a growling sound in the very beginning of the video and that they believe that this is what caught the dog’s attention in the first place.

Now I’m not exactly sure about the past history of this Airbnb. What I do know however is that this is one of the creepiest videos I’ve ever seen when it comes to haunted places. But I want to know your take, do you think that this is possibly a shadow person or a ghost or is it something else entirely and have you ever experienced something like this before? Now just imagine renting an Airbnb with the intention of relaxing for the weekend and actually finding yourself in the most bizarre situation ever, something that you usually see in a horror movie.

Sounds weird and unrealistic, doesn’t it? But it’s actually not. While searching for the topic I came across several videos of people who actually come face to face with the most bizarre situations ever such as rituals being performed, hidden rooms and the list goes on. And I guess that this is exactly the case with this next video that we’re about to watch that was recorded by a woman who was staying at an Airbnb all by herself and all At first it seems as if she can hear someone next door, but then she contacts the Airbnb owner who tells her that there’s no one in the house and that there shouldn’t be any noises inside the bathroom.

So she does what anyone would do and sets up a camera in hopes of finding out what exactly is going on here and what happens next left her completely creeped out. Now at this point I’m pretty sure that most people would have left the house in a hurry. But she didn’t. She trusted the fact that the Airbnb owner told her that there was no one inside the house so she stayed there for the night. The next day she wakes up with a picture on her phone that she didn’t take and this is the picture.

Creepy isn’t it? But it just gets creepier and creepier. On June 2023, Tierra and her friend of hers were staying at an Airbnb somewhere in Portland. And at first, they weren’t very happy about the fact that they couldn’t use the front door. But once they were inside, they found this house to be very beautiful. But sometimes appearances can be deceiving and what Tierra and her friend found out left them in complete shock. Check this out. The first thing that we get here, they did not give us the right address. They gave us an address to a place that does not exist.

They said we cannot use the front door. We have to go in through this bedroom to this back door. Now let’s go to object number one to bring to attention. There are strange tunnels, holes, and ways through this home. This one, specifically, has a big open space large enough for a human, besides the cabinet that goes into the bedroom. We’re in. Wait. There it is. Stick your finger through it. There’s a peephole. We have doors that don’t properly close. We have evidence that there used to be locks on the outside, where is it, outside of bedroom doors.

See? I need you to look at that. These little closets, with their own little locks on them, that open up into areas that look like this, with warm, dark holes that lead to other rooms. Back to the gorgeous little kitchen with a very girly pop, very cute. Into the basement where the lights don’t work. There’s one light that works down here in the back room and one light that works behind a bar over there. That’s what we got. Object number one. This door leads to God knows where there used to be a lock on the outside.

There’s just this little wood block that seems to be turned quite regularly, keeping it closed with an open vent above it. We don’t go in there. We’re not touching it. We’re not touching it. We’re not touching it. And then there’s this man-sized tunnel, a man-sized tunnel. Mind you, we are in Portland, Oregon right now, where there’s an active serial killer on the loose. There’s tons of little closet things around this house. If you open them up, they lead to little sus, more areas. After finding a hidden room with a peephole on it and several other rooms with locks on the outside, Tiara and her friend began to feel unsafe, as if there was someone possibly watching them.

So after making this video, they contacted Airbnb and left the house immediately. But sometimes these hidden rooms aren’t as easy to spot. And what if there’s someone living or hiding inside? Alright, so we’re in our Airbnb in Canyon City. It’s an old mansion. That is a secret door to a back staircase that goes into a bedroom. And I noticed that, here, open it up again. On this side is a wall. And on this side is a wall. And then there’s this little bookcase that just looks like I said exactly to Connor that it’s got to be a secret door.

On January 2024, Connor and his family were staying at an Airbnb in Canyon City in Colorado. The house itself was very beautiful and everything was going as it should, up until the moment that they started finding these hidden rooms. And lo and behold, Connor found a button and it is a secret door into a whole creepy-ass basement. I don’t know if you can see how old that carpet is, but… Should we go down? Curious to see if this was something to worry about, they started trying to open these doors with a certain level of success.

And at first, they were kind of giggling about it and finding it very entertaining. Going down. Got friends. However, things quickly become very creepy when they find out that there’s someone possibly living or hiding inside. Check this out. The lights, okay. Not too scary. Oh, creepy chest freezer. Fin Fin. I wonder where this door leads to. Oh god, no problem. Probably the outside. Okay, we have a chest freezer with water bubbles. Oh my god. Ew, why are there so many rooms? After checking the hidden basement, they come across a human-sized freezer and a heater that had been turned on before they got there for some mysterious reason.

They also come across a locked door that they have absolutely no idea where it leads to. Several internet users seem to agree that there’s something really creepy about this hidden basement. Not only there was a heater that was turned on all the time which is sort of a safety issue, it possibly means that there’s someone hiding or living there without their knowledge. But I guess that when it comes to finding these hidden rooms in Airbnbs, it gets much A couple that have been staying at an Airbnb somewhere in the United States comes across this very bizarre room full of doors with locks on the outside.

Needless to say, they left the Airbnb almost immediately, but it doesn’t stop there. Something very similar also happened with popular TikToker Lauren Gray. Lauren notices that there’s a small vent in one of the bathroom mirrors. And after taking a closer look, she is able to find a hidden room behind it. Now inside the hidden room she finds a towel, an underwear, and what looks like a pair of gloves and a chain. I mean, taking into consideration that the only entrance to this hidden room is through the bathroom mirror, what is going on here, what is this room used for? Creepy isn’t it? But it gets even creepier in this next video uploaded to Reddit by TheMugWump, check this video out.

In this particular video, the owner of an Airbnb was staying inside of a hidden room all the time. And when it hits midnight, he goes out to use the bathroom, the kitchen, and many other places inside the house. All of this without anyone that’s renting the Airbnb knowing about it. Now in this particular case, it’s a complete mystery what exactly the owner is doing inside that hidden room. Is he watching everyone through hidden cameras or what? I wanna know your take, what do you think about this and what would you have done in this situation?


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