The Scariest Videos Caught In The Appalachian Mountains

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➡ The Appalachian Mountains, one of the world’s oldest ranges, are known for their mysterious tales and unexplained phenomena. These include sightings of strange creatures, unexplained disappearances, and luminous objects. The mountains are also home to the centuries-old phenomenon known as the Brown Mountain Lights, which are mysterious orbs of light that have baffled people for hundreds of years. Despite numerous investigations, including by the FBI, the cause of these lights remains unknown.
➡ In the 1600s, Samuel Champlain reported a dinosaur-like creature in Lake Champlain, sparking over 300 sightings since. Recently, videos have surfaced suggesting the creature, known as Champ, might be real. Meanwhile, in the Appalachian Mountains, strange occurrences have been reported, including a creepy man lurking outside a family’s lodge and shadowy figures in the woods. Lastly, a video from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park shows a tall, furry creature, believed by some to be Bigfoot.
➡ This text discusses various unexplained phenomena in the Appalachian Mountains, including sightings of Bigfoot-like creatures, mysterious voices mimicking people, and strange, metallic sounds from the sky. Some believe these occurrences could be linked to skinwalkers, creatures from Navajo culture that can shapeshift into animals. Others suggest the sounds could be “skyquakes,” unexplained noises that seem to come from the sky. The cause of these phenomena remains unknown, making the Appalachian Mountains a hotspot for mystery and intrigue.


Now, there are many beautiful places to visit while on vacation, but there’s one that’s been getting a lot of attention lately, and in a very strange way. For the past couple of years, the appalachian mountain range has been trending on social media for its many mysteries, such as tales of skinwalkers made it to the appalachian mountains. So far, no skinwalkers. The Mothman, the rake, the dogman, Bigfoot. And the list goes on. But after researching a bit, I found out that there’s much more to it, and it’s actually freaky. From hikers that have mysteriously vanished, never to be seen again.

I have one floating above the mountain. This is crazy. Unexplained sightings of luminous objects and paranormal activity. This place is filled with strange tales of the unknown. Dude, they’re chasing that lily. They’re chasing that. And because of that, it’s been trending quite a lot on social media. And today, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the creepiest and most unexplained videos caught in the appalachian mountains. I’m being followed by something. But before we go on, let me explain why this mountain range is shrouded in mystery. The Appalachian Mountains are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, with its core being formed about 1.2 billion years ago, when all of the continents were still one.

They stretch from Newfoundland, Canada to central Alabama in the US, showcasing breathtaking beauty and incredible biodiversity. But because this place is really old, older than the dinosaurs, older than Saturn’s rings and the ozone layer, many people believe that the region is somewhat haunted mountains. I’ve experienced a lot of unexplainable things, and I’m not the only one. Since first inhabiting the land, the Cherokee natives talk about strange beings that roam these mountains, like the moon eyed people. A race of small, pale skinned beings who lived in the area before the Cherokees. The Cherokees tell us that when they first arrived in the appalachian area, they found it inhabited by a certain moon eye type people who couldn’t see it and spare finger, a shape shifting humanoid that preys on unsuspecting victims.

This, for instance, is a video that was recorded in the Great Smoky Mountains in 2021. At the time, Ronanus Zero zero seven, the person who was recording the video, was working the night shift as a security guard in the Great Smoky Mountains. When all of a sudden, this happens. It looks like a featureless humanoid figure can be seen walking towards the car. Needless to say, Ronana Zero Zero seven and her buddy got the heck out of there as fast as possible. Now, I’m not exactly sure what it is they saw that night. What I do know, however, is that encounters like this one are quite common in the appalachian mountains.

While researching the topic, I came across one of the most mysterious videos that was originally posted by Hellbad Holler YouTube channel, a channel that focuses on investigating strange phenomena and cryptids. Let’s go in. What is that? We’ve got eyes in the woods. In the winter of 2023, Jessie and her team traveled to North Carolina to investigate the centuries old phenomenon known as the Brown Mountain Lights. Those are city lights. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. This is great. This is perfect for this. I want to go down to the platform. Oh, my God. We’ve got one. We’ve got a brown mountain light.

It was late at night when Jesse and her team finally captured what looked like some sort of luminous object in the woods. They were live streaming the event to their YouTube channel. So they were very excited when finally something showed up, but they had absolutely no idea what was about to happen. Check this out. How cool is that? We’ve got one. Yep. Holly moly. I’m a live stream, you hear? Give me the headlamp and your phone almost livestream you, and you can. Whoa, whoa. I’ll go another one. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This one’s huge.

This one’s huge. All right, we’re alive. Go ahead and say what we’re doing. Okay, so, guys, I just wanted to tell yden you guys, we are live from. We are live looking at the brown mountain lights. We took a little trip today, and we are up here at an overlook. We are looking over the Brown Mountain ridge and Brown Mountain. And I’m using the psionics, and right now, I am actually catching the brown mountain lights on this ionic recording. I got one. It’s very. This thing is perfect for this. Yeah, yeah, I got one right here.

Wow, it is so cold. We are freezing out here. So right now, we’re just scanning the mountains and the ridges over here. Shoot a beam down into the gorge. Okay. See if we can get a. Wow, that flashlight’s insane. Now, completely baffled, but at the same time, curious to find out if this is indeed some sort of strange phenomenon or people camping down there, they point a very strong flashlight towards it, and this is what happens. Yeah. See if you could get, like, a response. Yeah. Whoa. Whoa. Oh, my God. Whatever they did with the flashlight, it seems to have worked.

So they decide to flash it once more. And this is what they call it on camera. Yeah, but I can’t get to it right now. What do you mean? I’ve got one on me. Um, I don’t know. I was gonna try to signal and see if something would happen. Let’s see if there’s, like, a response. Give it a shot. Um, we do not have laser pointers. You got a good one? I got one in the air, floating. I have one floating above the mountain. Do you see with your eyes? Do you see with your eyes? It’s.

It’s red. It’s one of these, like, balls of light. Is not. Oh, my God. They’re just. They’re rising. They’re in the. They’re rising in the air. They’re just rising in the air over the mountain. There’s two over here. Whatever these things are, they now seem to be rising towards the air, and Jessie and her team are completely baffled and pretty sure that these are not people camping or airplanes. This is something else entirely. Check this out. It looks like there’s another one. You got another light in the sky? I’ve got one rising. Can you see that? Can you guys see that? Do you see that ball of light just rising above the mountain? Jesse, there’s three of them.

Uh, look at them. They’re just hovering. This is the craziest thing. I didn’t expect anything like this at all. If they’re just rising up, that is so bizarre. The fourth one’s rising up from the forest right now. You’ve got the two bright ones, one on top of the other. The other, they’re, like, lined up. Hold it at kind of an angle. You can really see these things just rising in the sky. This is not what I expected. I expected ghost lights in the woods, which we saw already. This is almost like Ufo like type. This is crazy.

The top one’s starting to get brighter again. The third one’s disappeared. Although I think I’ve got a plane in the distance. I’ve got one moving to the left, one slowly moving to the right. After posting the video to YouTube, it left the entire Internet completely baffled. Whatever these things are, it’s very clear that the brown mountain lights are not just some ghostly lights in the woods. This is possibly something else. Some people believe that the Brown Mountain lights are actually related to extraterrestrial activity, while others state that there are underground bases hidden within the region. To this day, no one knows what is causing this unexplained phenomenon.

What is known is that it was first officially reported in the 17 hundreds by german engineer Gerard Will de Brahm at the time he attributed the lies to nitrous vapors. But then people slowly realized that that wasnt it. Even after hundreds of years, people had absolutely no idea what was causing these mysterious orbs to show up. Yeah, matter of fact, I’ve got, like, six or eight of them all lined up across here, folks. Things got so serious that in 1922, an FBI agent known as Ge Moore was dispatched to investigate the lights. And despite his efforts, he wasn’t able to conclude anything, which added even more intrigue to the mystery.

Now, taking into consideration that hundreds of people have seen and sometimes even photographed these mysterious orbs, I would say that this is possibly the real deal. Dude, they’re chasing that lily. They’re chasing that. Look how many. Look how many they are. Oh, my God. They’re chasing the ball, bro. They’re chasing this, bro. Look, the recruits. Oh, my God, bro. But I want to know your thoughts. Do you think that this is possibly related to extraterrestrial activity, or is it something else entirely? Now, when it comes to strange things in the appalachian region, theres some more, and theres one in particular that caught a lot of attention throughout history, and that would be the lake Champlain monster known as Champ.

Now, the story of Champ dates back to native american folklore, with the Abenaki and Iroquois tribes describing a large serpentine creature inhabiting the lake. The first recorded sighting of this mysterious creature happened in the 16 hundreds by Samuel Champlain. Since then, there have been over 300 reported sightings of champ, making it a very popular topic and attracting tourists and cryptozoologists alike. Now, even though there are countless stories and reports of the presence of a dinosaur like creature that inhabits the deep waters of Lake Champlain, it is officially seen as a myth. Just a bad time story.

But maybe it isn’t. On August 4, 2022, Johnny Hoffman and his family had traveled over to Lake Champlain to stay around for a few days and enjoy their vacation home. 20 minutes after they arrived, they did what anyone would do, and they went over to the lake to see the beautiful scenery. And this is what happened. I see some fringe of water. Upon arriving at the lake, theyre surprised by something in the distance. What at first looks like some sort of huge creature can be seen swimming in the lake. Completely baffled, they get their cameras and immediately begin to record.

After posting the video, several Internet users seem to agree that this might actually be champ, while others state that this is possibly a sturgeon. But if we zoom in and slow mode the video, it becomes quite clear that whatever this thing is, its massive so it could just be that Johnny Hoffman caught one of the best video evidences of the existence of champ. But it doesnt stop there. In this next video posted by Weirdtheater YouTube channel, we can see what looks like a serpent like creature emerging from the lake. Whatever this thing is, this is definitely not a sturgeon.

This is something else entirely. But what? While some believe that this could be just a log, or maybe an animal like a deer, others state that you can clearly see the length of the animal as it approaches the shore and that most of it seems to be underwater. In another video posted by Brian the Beast YouTube channel, we can see something similar once again in Lake Champlain. Check this out. In a more recent video posted by dmoney 13 on TikTok, we can see what looks like a very long creature swimming in Lake Champlain. After posting the video, several Internet users left comments stating that this is possibly a sturgeon.

But once again, it looks as if it’s too big to be a fish. So what is this? Could it actually be that there’s some sort of dinosaur like creature still swimming in the deep waters of Lake Champlain? I want to know your thoughts. What do you really think is going on? And why are there so many myths and legends of lake monsters all over the world? Being a vast area with large portions of dense, remote forests, the appalachian mountains provides the perfect cover for a serial killer or an ill intentioned person to lurk in the shadows.

The rugged terrain, isolated trails and limited cell phone reception can actually make it easy for such individuals to evade any type of detection. And I guess that this is sort of what happened to Katie Remingter while she was staying at a lodge with her family in Greenville, Maine. Now Greenville is a very small town with a population of about 2000 people. And it’s only a 24 miles distance walk from the appalachian trail, which makes Greenville the perfect stop for hikers. Explore. Huh? What? What? What? That was not there last night. No, that was last night. It was a very cold night and Katie and her family were having dinner with a couple of friends at a nearby restaurant when all of a sudden Katie notices a man standing outside and staring and nodding at her.

At the time she kinda shrugged it off. And after having dinner, they went back to the lodge. And while taking the kids to bed, she starts hearing someone pacing back and forth just outside their room. Completely freaked out. She checks the window and this is what she sees in the video. The figure of a creepy man can be seen approaching Katie’s lodge. He then proceeds to stop and just stand there staring at her window. And at this moment, Katie realizes that this is the same man from the restaurant. Not knowing exactly how to proceed and what to do next, Katie stays there quiet, observing the mans every movement.

It didnt take long before Katie and her husband realized they would have to call the copse. So they call the lodge owner who actually calls the cops. And this is what happens. The lodge owner and the police promptly show up and talk to the man who states that he is actually staying in the lodge next door. After coming to the conclusion that he wasn’t doing anything wrong, they leave and the man just continues there, staring at Katie’s lodge. At this point you can imagine how freaked out Katie and her family were. But not knowing exactly what to do next, they stay there for the night.

The next day they call the police and find out that the man actually told them that he was a schizophrenic. Now even if this is the case, I wondered what would have happened to Katie and her family if they hadn’t called the cops. Not only that, when the police arrives, he changes his behavior completely, as if he knows exactly what he’s doing. So I’m not exactly sure if he was telling the truth entirely. But when it comes to strange encounters in the appalachian mountains, it doesn’t stop there. The following video takes place in Dudleytown, Connecticut, just a few miles away from the appalachian trailhead.

It was on June 17, 2006, that a family that lived near Chase Avenue started noticing strange patterns of shadow figures lurking in the woods behind their property. Thinking that this could be a burglar or a person with bad intentions, they tried to capture it on camera several times without any success. But on one cloudy afternoon, this happened. All right, me again. I’m just calling just to let you know I’ve seen that thing again. I’m in the backyard. I’ve got the camera on and I’m trying to capture it. I don’t know what it is, but I’m gonna see if I can get it anyway.

Give me a call when you get this message. Bye. After leaving an eerie voice message at his wife’s cell phone, he runs downstairs to get a better angle of the woods behind his property. And this is what happens. No. What is that? No way. What the is that? Yeah, it’s me. I’ve just seen that thing. I’ve got. I’ve actually got it on camera. I’ll show you when you get home. Did you see that? What actually looks like some sort of translucent shadow figure can be seen crossing the woods behind their property. Whatever this thing is, it left the property owner completely baffled.

After being posted to YouTube, many Internet users seem to agree that this is the real deal. Not only that, it seems that Dudleytown is actually surrounded by strange stories of paranormal events and mysterious and unexplained deaths and murders that supposedly took place in this very small town close to the appalachian trail. Now, even though this isnt the highest quality video ever, if we slow mo and zoom in on the video, you can clearly see what looks like a translucent figure walking in the woods. Could it actually be that this is a legit shadow person caught on camera? And could this video help prove that the appalachian mountains are indeed haunted, like many believe? What’s your take? Now, if there’s one interesting place to visit in the appalachian region, that would be the Great Smoky Mountains National park.

It attracts over 12 million visitors every year, making it one of the most visited national parks in the United States. Today brings us to the Great Smoky Mountains National park, and we’re going on a bit of a hike. Renowned for its stunning natural beauty and biodiversity, the park offers several tourist attractions, including Clingman’s dome, the highest point in Tennessee. On April 30, 2011, a group of people were hiking at Klingman’s dome. It was a very cold day. Weather conditions weren’t the best. When all of a sudden they spot what at first looks like a bear. But then this thing stands upright, and they slowly realize that this isn’t a bear.

This is something else. They get their cameras and immediately begin to record what was about to become one of the most viral videos when it comes to Bigfoot. Check this out. Pickfoot. Look at this. What looks like a tall, furry humanoid creature can be seen in the distance. And at first I thought it could be a bear. But when it stands up and starts walking, we can see its elongated legs. In other words, this is not a bear. This is something else entirely. After being posted, the video left the Internet divided. While some believe this is possibly just a person wearing a suit, others think that this is the real deal and that Bigfoot actually looks massive under the trees.

One user just use size comparison with the people in the foreground. It has to be at least 9ft tall, maybe more. Unfortunately, the video is very short. But I do have to agree that whatever this creature is, it looks massive. And I’m not exactly sure that this is a person in a suit. But when it comes to Bigfoot sightings in the appalachian mountains, it doesn’t stop there. What is hell is that? It’s close. That’s got me nervous. Let’s go to the cabin. It was a sunny afternoon in Lake Sisladopsis, a very remote and rural part of the state of Maine.

Czu and Kurt and his buddy had been driving around for the past couple of hours, and they were having a really good time. They were talking to each other, that sort of thing. This is when all of a sudden this happens, talk shows and everything. And when they had to, like, look up their record, they had all these felonies, like, in process, that they couldn’t actually do anything. Yeah. Says it’s the only disease where you get to drink all the time. He says you go to a bar, you meet a girl who’s got the same disease as, you know.

And, uh, he’s got a talk show, I guess, now. Uh, a new talk show. Yeah. Did you see that? Well, at the time, they didn’t. It was only after they posted a video to YouTube that many subscribers started pointing out that they apparently caught some sort of humanoid creature in the distance. If we slow mo and replay the video a couple of times, you’ll see that this actually looks as if it could be Bigfoot or some sort of furry humanoid creature. While some believe that this is possibly staged, others think that this is the real deal.

And very similar to the Patterson film. Now, being that they only captured a very quick glimpse of this mysterious creature, it becomes quite difficult to affirm if this is indeed Bigfoot, it could be something else. What I do know, however, is that coming face to face with an unexplained situation in the appalachian mountains is quite common. This is sort of what happened with Reddit user Phantom 80 819 99. On one certain night, his father noticed something odd in the CCTV camera installed just outside of his workshop. And this is what he saw. Did you see that? Whatever this thing is, it left the entire Reddit community completely baffled.

Some believe that this is a person walking its dog and that this is a camera glitch or artifact. Others state that they can see what looks like two different ape like creatures walking together. Now, im not exactly sure if this is a camera glitch or some sort of ape like creature. What I do know, however, is that it looks as if its translucent and walking on its knuckles, very similar to the mysterious shadow figure that was captured on camera in the state of Maine. Could it actually be that Phantom 88 captured video evidence of the existence of skinwalkers in the appalachian mountains? In navajo culture, skinwalkers are believed to be evil witches that can somehow shapeshift into animals.

We’re frozen here because that doesn’t sound like coyotes. They got something. Are they getting closer? Joy? No. A biker just went that way, and the sound got worse. It’s also common knowledge that skinwalkers sometimes mimic people’s voices to lure them in. Into the woods that I made a while ago. Not this thing. I don’t know what it is. Well, that stinks. But, yeah, we got some chairs. What was that? Is that a cow? What is that? Oh, frick. And this is sort of what happens in this next video posted by TikTok user Creed four. He was hiking on a trail somewhere in Maryland when all of a sudden, this happens.

Creed four notices a bunny, oddly standing still, not moving at all. This is when all of a sudden, the woods goes entirely silent. And this happens, not seeing anyone or anything around. That could explain the ghostly voice. Creed four gets the heck out of there as fast as possible. And even though this could be something other than a skinwalker, there are loads of reports of people who actually get to witness this kind of phenomenon in the appalachian mountains, which is exactly the case with Morgan Lambert, who was going for a walk with her husband on a sunny afternoon, when all of a sudden this happens.

Jesus. Wait. Do it with me. We are on an adventure to check on the fence line to make sure no trees fell on it because we had, like, 50 miles an hour winds. We’re gonna check it instead of my dad. Oh, God. I’m freezing. It’s colder. Pretty. Oh, God. What’d you say? I said, oh, God. Hi. Sure. I just said, oh, God. Because I. No, I really did. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? We. I didn’t hear anything. Hey, don’t run. It’s okay. We’re good. We’re good. I don’t. Okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.

It’s okay. I don’t want to hear anything. But you hear? You don’t hear right now? I don’t hear anything. When Morgan’s husband realizes that whatever’s calling him out isn’t her, he freaks out the next day, it continues on happening, and Morgan is actually able to capture it on camera. Hey, hey, hey. I think that is one of the creepiest things that I have ever caught on camera and that I have ever experienced in my life. Creepy, isn’t it? But if this is the real deal or not, I’m gonna leave it up to you. What I do know, however, is that there are countless videos of people in the appalachian mountains witnessing something similar.

And also reports of people who go hiking and tell stories of ghostly voices calling out their names. Has anything like this ever happened to you? And what do you think it could be? Now just imagine the following situation. You’re with your friends or family in the middle of the woods in the appalachian mountains. Its almost nighttime, and all of a sudden you start hearing this alien like sound that appears to be coming from the sky. You try to find an explanation, but then you remember youre in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere in the appalachian region.

Sounds like something coming from out of a Stranger Things episode, doesnt it? This is exactly the case with this next video that youre about to watch. What the heck? What is that? Creepy, isnt it? After being posted, several Internet users left comments stating that this is possibly a skinwalker or some sort of animal, while others believe this is possibly staged or faked. Now what I find interesting about this video is that the sound appears to be metallic and somewhat echoing through the sky, which means that this is not a skinwalker. This is most likely something else.

While researching the topic, I came across other videos that suggest that this is possibly the real deal. This for instance, is a video coming in from Dario, Betty and a couple of friends of theirs while they were staying at an Airbnb in the appalachian mountains. Who said aliens bro. I think it’s a train, but that’s just scary. Okay, do you want to go inside? What sounds like a train passing through a tunnel can be heard in the distance. The only problem is theres nothing nearby that could explain this mysterious sound. Strange, isnt it? But it gets even stranger in this next video posted by Dylan in North Carolina.

Check this out. In this particular video, we can hear the same metallic sounds that we hear in the first video by Frison. 67 whatevers going on here, this could be a phenomenon coined as a skyquake, which is a phenomenon where a loud banging sound is reported to originate from the sky. Theories about its origin range from secretive underground constructions to the earths crust, moving, or even extraterrestrial activity. However, to this day, this mysterious phenomenon remains a complete mystery. Now, taking into consideration all of the strange phenomenon in this region, the brown mountain lights, skinwalkers, ghosts, and the list goes on.

I would say that there’s possibly something there, maybe even hiding underground. But I want to know your thoughts. Have you ever heard anything similar? And what do you really think is going on here? So, taking all of this into consideration, what makes the appalachian mountains a hotspot for unexplained phenomena could it be because it’s one of the oldest mountain ranges on the planet, older than the ozone layer? Or is it something else entirely? And have you ever experienced anything like this in the appalachian region yourself? The third one’s disappeared. Well, this is it for now. But we do have more videos.

Don’t forget to check him out. And don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel with notifications on for more videos like this. And I’ll see you guys again. Oh, and if you want to send me strange videos or stories that


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