The truth is, there’s a serious amount of wealth, prosperity, and confidence coming your way as a result of what was done behind your back. The nastiness and depth of the plan against you were truly vile, but justice is on your side. As you navigate this revelation, remember to stay strong and proud of the journey you’ve endured. The victory is yours. You believed that this person was your divine counterpart, and in a way they were. But there was much more beneath the surface that you weren’t aware of. They played hot and cold with you, never fully revealing who they truly were.
Why? Because they had a hidden agenda. These people lied to you about their financial status, their commitments, and even their family. Some of them pretended to be spiritual, but that was just another deception. The truth is, they had a grand plan, and for some of you, even your own family was in on it. They knew, through dreams and revelations, what you and your counterpart were destined to achieve. It wasn’t just about wealth or comfort, for some, it was even fame. But that’s not the main point. These people, including possibly your own family, doubted your ability to handle the responsibilities destined for you by the most high.
They arrogantly believed they had the right to judge what you could or couldn’t manage, and they smiled in your face while stabbing you in the back. They relied on spiritual attacks, witchcraft, and manipulation hoping to break you. Some of you were pushed to the brink, hearing voices, feeling confused, and being pressured from all sides. It was a calculated attack, and your counterpart was convinced that it was justified. They believed that by manipulating you, they could make you submit, thinking you were obsessed with them. The most shocking part? They were ready to drain you of your abundance, believing that after everything, you would still submit to them.
They thought they could take everything from you, but they underestimated your strength and resilience. The truth is now coming to light, and the plans they had will not succeed. The plan was devious. Your family, along with those in the cult, decided to take advantage of you. They believed that after the trauma they inflicted, you would be so disoriented and broken that you wouldn’t even grasp the reality of what had happened. They justified their actions by convincing themselves that they would take care of you after exploiting you for your abundance. If this hasn’t happened yet, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
For some of you, your relatives were shown in dreams the prosperity meant for you and your counterpart. This abundance was never intended to be shared without your consent. But instead of seeking your permission, they went behind your back and took the consent of your counterpart, who was the weaker link. This person, unlike you, was tied to their karmic family, and they were easily manipulated. They underestimated you, believing you wouldn’t survive the magic and gaslighting they were subjecting you to. During this dark time, where was your counterpart? Nowhere to be found, wrapped up in their own karmic ties, pretending nothing was wrong while participating in the witchcraft aimed at stealing your prosperity.
Their plan was to manage the wealth and power, thinking it was acceptable because, in their minds, they would take care of you after you lost everything, even your sanity. They were okay with you being broken, even to the point of extreme violation, all to secure their own gain. But now, there’s a deep silent fear sinking into them. The scheme they pulled off is unraveling, and even the devil himself is trembling. Your ancestors and guides, who once doubted whether you could overcome this, are now witnessing your strength and resilience. It’s time for those who wronged you to face the consequences.
They believed you wouldn’t survive the cruelty and attacks they planned. They were certain you would crumble, but the most high believed in you, even when some ancestors were in disbelief, questioning how this could be allowed to happen. You were left with no one, not even the support of your supposed counterpart. Your counterpart betrayed you, allowing their karmic family to steal the prosperity meant for both of you. They justified their actions by thinking that after they exploited you, they could still take care of you, expecting you to trust them despite the betrayal.
They assumed you’d be too blind to realize the truth, that a cult was targeting you for your divine gifts. But here’s the reality, their plan failed. You didn’t break. And now you might notice family members or others suddenly reaching out, trying to gauge if you’ve discovered the truth because their scheme didn’t succeed. Your resilience has left your spirit guides and ancestors in awe. They’re now ready to do anything for you because you’ve proven the strength of the most high. The prosperity meant for you will not be stolen. Meanwhile, your counterpart is under heavy judgment, surrounded by the very people they sacrificed you for, their karmic family.
They tried to avoid their karma, but it’s catching up with them. Some might even reach out to you, desperately asking for help, not out of love, but because they’re trapped in prison or in the prison of their karmic ties. This is not paranoia or drama. This is the gravity of your situation. You’ve overcome the unimaginable and those who wronged you are now facing the consequences. After all you’ve been through, you might wonder, what now? The answer from the most high is clear. Immense compensation is coming your way. You’ll have to choose how to manage the abundance originally meant for you, your counterpart, and possibly even future generations.
Now it’s all yours. You didn’t ask for this wealth or power. You were content with having your basic needs met, living in purity and connection with the divine. But your counterpart was deeply entangled in the material world, unable to see your true worth. Or rather, they did see it, but chose to align with their karmic family and cult instead. They played games, seeing who could win you over to kickstart their magical schemes, driven by jealousy and competition. Now they’re paying a heavy price. The karma they unleashed is now their burden, and part of it is an eternal obsession with you.
The very thing they tried to impose on you, being out of control and lost in delusion, has come back to haunt them. You’ve always carried a strong nurturing energy, leading the spiritual connection meant to uplift both of you and ripple out to the world. The prosperity you were meant to share wasn’t just for personal gain, it was intended to elevate the world’s frequency. But your counterpart chose their karmic ties, their shallow worldly desires over this higher purpose. They missed the opportunity to be part of something greater, and now they face the consequences.
Even the forces they tried to summon against you have turned away, recognizing your strength and divine protection. No one wants to take on the task of challenging you anymore. They’ve seen what happens when they try. You’re untouchable now, and the abundance that’s yours is more secure than ever. If you’re wondering what’s next, get ready for a major uplift in your life. You’re about to experience a surge of positive energy that might feel almost like an unexpected high. But this is just the beginning. Prepare yourself, because you’re about to be showered with abundance, cash, opportunities, and blessings beyond your needs.
You’ll find yourself in a position where you have to choose from an array of soulmates who are vying for your attention. You’ll have the luxury of picking what’s absolutely best for you. And believe it or not, there’s even more on the way. The most high is making a point, a big one, and you’re the living proof of that. This isn’t just about winning a battle, it’s about proving that you, my dear, are a true warrior. So get ready for the royal treatment. Whether you’re a man or a woman, you’re about to be treated like royalty.
I hope this message resonates with you, and I encourage you to take it to heart with a light spirit. Yes, there’s a spiritual war, but you’re on the winning side, and the rewards are coming your way. [tr:trw].
Thanks that hit home for me!!!