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➡ God has a special plan for you and sees everything that happens. If people treat you badly, they will face consequences because God protects those he has chosen. You have a unique power that brings positivity and good energy to others, but not everyone will appreciate it. However, remember that God is always on your side, and those who wrong you will eventually face the results of their actions.


Nothing happens by chance. Everything has a purpose. This morning, God put it on my heart to share something with you. If you’re watching this, it’s because you know you’re a chosen one. God wants you to know that anyone who has denied you or plans to do you wrong will face serious consequences. They will be punished. God is very protective of you. He is a jealous God, a God of justice, and he doesn’t take it lightly when someone hurts his chosen ones. Everything happening on earth passes through God first. Nothing in your life happens without his knowledge.

If you are his child, you are the most precious thing to him. You are more valuable than any jewels or diamonds. God will protect you at all costs. He won’t let anyone say or do anything against you without consequences. Every wrong action is accounted for when it comes to his chosen ones. There are people in your life right now who have denied you, who want to see you fail. There are people doing things behind your back that you don’t even know about. Some are even trying to delay your success on purpose because they know how far you can go.

But let me tell you, God is not going to let that slide. There will be consequences for anyone who has done you wrong. This is your time. Trust that God has your back, and he will deal with those who have tried to bring you down. Do you ever forget who you truly are? Sometimes we lose sight of the power that’s inside us. You’re connected to the creator of everything. You’re in tune with that power. Don’t forget that. Everything you say can happen. Have you noticed that when you speak positively, it comes true.

When you’re around, people suddenly feel happy. Wherever you go, you bring life and good energy. Things change for the better when you’re involved. If something is broken, when you touch it, it somehow gets fixed. When people are upset, your presence can lift their spirits. Sometimes people even pretend to be someone they’re not because they recognize the energy you bring. They feel blessed just being around you, and that’s the power of being chosen. But not everyone understands or appreciates you. Some people deny you or act against you behind your back. But God sees it all.

Those who do you wrong will face the consequences. They will never find true peace. This is the result of hurting someone like you, a chosen one. Whether you see it or not, everyone who has wronged you is already paying the price, and they will continue to do so. You’ve probably noticed how some people act like they are better than you. They pretend not to see your worth, but deep down, they know you are special. If they have the means to help you, but choose not to, they will face the results of that decision.

God doesn’t take lightly to his chosen ones being ignored or treated poorly. Many people who crossed paths with you knew you were trying to do good things, trying to be your best. Instead of supporting you, they compared you to others or tried to make you feel less important. But none of that goes unnoticed by God. When someone does you wrong, they don’t just get away with it. Their lives start to fall apart because they chose to harm someone who was chosen. They knew you were different, but their ego wouldn’t let them admit it.

Instead of recognizing your value, they tried to control you or bring you down. Now they regret it. They feel stuck because of their own actions. God turns enemies into footstools, and those who hurt you are now facing the consequences. Without you around, they lack the spark and focus they had. They’re struggling because when you were there, you brought the positive energy they needed. You brought a light into their lives that they didn’t have before. You carried God’s favor with you, and people around you felt it. They knew who you were, but they thought they could take advantage of your kind spirit.

Your energy was so uplifting, and they saw all the good happening in your life. Blessings, luck, the universe working in your favor. They wanted to feel powerful by trying to put you down, even if it was just for a moment. They tried to challenge God through you, but anyone who denies you also denies God. They won’t get away with it. God makes sure that everything works out for those who love him. People might try to slow you down, put obstacles in your way, or take what’s yours, thinking that will stop you. But in the end, they’re only creating their own downfall.

The more they try to harm you, the more they bring trouble upon themselves. No matter how people try to hurt you, whether they lie, manipulate, or set traps, it will all come back to them. They’ll face the consequences of their actions because they messed with someone chosen by God. They knew your worth all along, but their pride and ego kept them from admitting it. When you were in their presence, they were too afraid to acknowledge that they lacked what you had. They tried to bring you down because it was easier than facing their own shortcomings.

But remember, no one can truly harm a chosen one. God will always turn it around, and those who wronged you will see their actions reflected back at them. They will be reminded that they made a mistake messing with someone who has God’s favor. You carry something special, and no amount of jealousy or pride from others can change that. Some people are too scared to admit that you have a special gift. They feel your energy and it makes them feel good, but they don’t want to tell you. They won’t say, hey, I feel great when I’m around you.

They won’t acknowledge how much you helped them. But you were a blessing to them, and deep down they knew it. They knew things were going well for them because of your presence, but they would never say it out loud. That’s why treating a chosen one poorly is the worst mistake anyone can make. It’s like a crime against God. If someone messes with God’s chosen, they’re in serious trouble, just like you’d feel if someone hurt your child. God feels the same way about his chosen ones. If someone wrongs you, they are going to face the consequences.

It’s that simple. People who do you wrong will carry that burden until they admit their mistake. Some will suffer until they realize they were wrong, and some might even face serious consequences if they refuse to change. Don’t be surprised if you hear rumors about something happening to those who hurt you. They could suddenly fall ill or face unexpected troubles. God has ways of showing them the results of their actions. If someone tried to sneak into your life pretending to be genuine, don’t be surprised if the truth about them comes out. Someone might expose their lies, showing who they really are.

Pretenders can try to shine, but they can’t fake true light. When you’re chosen, you don’t need to try to look special. It just comes naturally, and others can feel it. When you look at people who came into your life and did you wrong, you’ll often see that their situation has become much worse. They’re struggling, feeling stressed, and facing hardships because of how they treated you. God has a way of breaking them down, and you can see the weight they carry in their eyes. Even when people try to hurt you, God is still by your side.

They might think they’ve won, but God will always show them a sign to remind them they were wrong. Whether it’s an ex-partner, an old friend, or anyone who mistreated you, they will see that they made a mistake. God will make sure they understand that messing with His chosen one was never going to end well for them. If someone denies you or treats you poorly, it’s in God’s hands now. Stop worrying and just leave it to Him. You’ve given enough chances, and those who refuse to see your value will face consequences. You’re covered, protected, and nothing can harm you.

Anyone who tried to go against you is facing their own downfall now. God won’t let their actions go unanswered. If they deny you, they deny Him, and that’s not something taken lightly. Think of your job situation. If someone fired you unjustly, they’d see their decisions backfire. You might leave, but they’d soon see their whole operation fall apart. People will quit, and the bosses will wonder why everything’s going wrong. That’s the power you carry, even if you forget it sometimes. Today is a day to celebrate, because God is making your enemies powerless. Those who’ve hurt you will feel the weight of their choices, and you’re going to shine, just like God intended.

Remember if they deny you, they’re also denying God. So let them face whatever comes their way. Take care, remember God’s got your back, and subscribe for more content. [tr:trw].


Spread the Truth


appreciation of good deeds consequences of treating others badly divine justice divine plan for individuals divine protection from harm divine retribution facing results of negative actions God's omnipresence God's special plan God's support in adversity power of positivity in life spiritual consequences of actions spiritual strength in adversity spreading good energy unique power of positivity

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