They Cant Hide Their Envy Anymore. You were purposely TARGETED due to JEALOUSY.

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➡ Some people are jealous of your success and try to bring you down with lies and rumors. However, their attempts only make you stronger and more determined. Despite their efforts, you continue to thrive and reach new heights, which frustrates them even more. Remember, they don’t control your life or your success, you do.


They hate you so much, it’s eating them up inside like a poison. Their jealousy is tearing them apart, but they think they’re hurting you. In reality, they’re only hurting themselves. It’s wild, isn’t it? You didn’t do anything to them. You were kind, you treated them well. At one point, they wanted to be close to you, even coming to your home, trying to stay in your circle. But something changed when they realized how much of a winner you are. You were doing too well, and it scared them. Something small happened, and they blew it way out of proportion.

They started telling everyone lies about you, saying you weren’t a good person, spreading all sorts of rumors. All of that anger and jealousy, just because you’re talented and blessed. They wanted to bring you down. But here’s the truth, they don’t get to decide whether you succeed or not. Despite everything they’ve tried to do to you, you’re still standing. In fact, you’re thriving. They hate seeing that even after all their efforts to knock you down, you’re still rising. You’re like a seed that they tried to bury, but they didn’t realize that being buried only helped you grow.

And now, every day, you’re getting stronger, and it’s driving them crazy. They want to take what you have, but you won’t let them. Their jealousy is making them miserable, and soon they’ll be stuck in their own sadness, watching you win. You’ll keep winning, and it’ll tear them up inside. They should have left you alone, but now, they’ll have to watch as you continue to rise, hitting milestones they can only dream of. You are on a journey, constantly leveling up, reaching new heights, and nothing is going to stop you. You came to this world with a purpose, something only you can fulfill.

Who are these people to think they can control how far you go? Who are they to believe they have the power to decide your future? They don’t even know where they’re headed, yet they’re trying to tell you what to do. They want to control your life when they can’t even manage their own. They act like they’re in charge, like they have some authority over you, but they don’t. They might try to block your path, make things difficult, but guess what? You’ll find another way. You’ll push through the obstacles, the rough patches, and the challenges, and still reach your destination.

No matter what’s in your way, whether it’s tough people, difficult situations, or unexpected setbacks, you will make it. The journey may take longer than you expect, but in the end, you’ll pick up speed and leave them shocked. Your success will surprise them, and it will hit them hard when they realize they couldn’t stop you. They thought they could decide your fate, but they have no power over you. If it were up to them, you would have stayed stuck at the bottom. That’s what they wanted for you, to see you fail, but their wishes don’t control your life.

You do. You’re co-creating your path alongside the universe with the support of a higher power. You aren’t just a puppet. You have a say in your life, and they don’t. The only way they could influence you is if you let them, and you won’t. They have no power over you unless you give it to them, and that’s not happening. You hold the power, and they have no say in your success. They don’t have the power to control your life, and you’re not going to go along with what they’re trying to do. You won’t be part of their negativity, their games, or whatever they want to call it.

Whether it’s curses or bad intentions, whatever they try to send your way just bounces back to them. Their hatred for you is so strong, it’s eating them up inside. They’re filled with jealousy, and it’s destroying them from the inside out. It’s like they’re stuck in a cycle of bitterness, unable to let go. What’s crazy is that some of these people are grown adults, yet they still act like children, closing doors and trying to block you from opportunities. They think they hold all the power because they can say no to you. But guess what? Every door they close just leads to something better.

Like the old saying goes, when one door closes, another opens. But for you, it’s even more than that. Many doors will open. Each time they try to shut you out, they’re just helping you find a new and even greater opportunity. If they hadn’t blocked your way, you might not have discovered the amazing paths that were waiting for you. When they close one door, it pushes you to look elsewhere, and that’s where you’ll find your treasure. They’re only stopping themselves, not you. You’re unstoppable. They’re so busy watching you, trying to figure out how to stop your success.

That they’ve completely forgotten about their own lives. They’re more focused on studying your every move than on improving themselves. It’s almost like they’re in a class all about you, while you’re out there winning and growing. Let them focus on you. You’ve already won. They’ve been studying you, watching your every move, but guess what? They’re not going to get any rewards from it. No degree, no certificate, not even a basic win. They’re wasting their time thinking they can bring you down. What they don’t realize is that every move they make is actually pushing you higher.

Everything in your life is working out for your good, even when it seems like you’re losing. It may look like they’re winning for a moment, but that’s just an illusion. Their negative energy, whether it’s jealousy, hatred, or spite, can never truly harm you. They’re stuck in their own bitterness, while you keep rising. They don’t live by the simple principle of treating others with kindness, as they would want to be treated. Instead, they think they need to tear others down to feel powerful. But that’s not how the world works. They haven’t learned that whatever you put out into the universe comes back to you.

They’ve been sending negativity your way, envy, hate, and bad intentions. But that same energy is bouncing back and hurting them. It’s keeping them up at night, making them restless, as they obsess over you. Morning, noon, and night, they can’t stop thinking about you, wondering how they can bring you down. But here’s the thing, they can’t. They’ve tried, and you’re still here, standing strong. You’ve survived everything they’ve thrown at you. Not only that, you’ve continued to make progress, to rise, to grow. Like a seed they tried to bury, you’ve taken root and flourished. You’re unstoppable, and their attempts to destroy you have only made you stronger.

They can’t believe it, and that’s what drives them mad. You’re still winning, still rising, and they can’t stand it. You never give up, do you? They’re probably wondering, why isn’t she giving up? Why isn’t he stopping? They’ve thrown everything at you, and yet, you’re still standing strong. It drives them crazy because they can’t handle the fact that you won’t back down. They’re feeling lost and powerless. Even after all their efforts, you’re still here, moving forward, still watching the world progress. You still have your phone, your TV, your computer. Your life isn’t falling apart like they hoped.

Nature keeps going, just like you. The birds still sing, the breeze still blows, and the sun still shines. They can’t stop the rain or the sunshine, just like they can’t stop your blessings from pouring in. That’s how unstoppable you are. They’ve tried to block your path, but they can only control their own lives, and look what they’ve done. They’ve created a mess for themselves, a world of negativity and failure. They tried to make your life difficult, but all they did was trap themselves in their own misery. While you thrive, they’re stuck in a world of anger and frustration, watching you live in peace.

Their obsession with you is eating them up inside. It’s raising their stress, their blood pressure, and they just can’t let it go. They’re fixated on you, the one who keeps winning. The truth is, they could succeed too if they chose a different path. But instead of focusing on growth, they think they need to tear others down. They believe that by attacking others, they’ll win. But that’s not how life works. If they learn to let go, be still, and send positive energy into the world, they’d find peace and success too. Their jealousy doesn’t hurt you. It’s destroying them.

You’ve even tried reaching out, trying to end this pointless feud, offering love instead of hate. But they’re not ready to listen. They’d rather stay stuck in their own bitterness. You reached out to them, hoping for a better outcome, but you soon realized it was pointless, so you stopped. That was the right decision. You can’t keep reaching out to people who think they’re above you, when in reality they’re not. They believe they’re doing better than you, but they’re blind to the truth. You’re miles ahead, but they can’t see it because they’re caught up in their own darkness.

They don’t understand your path, your purpose, or your success. They are clueless, lost in their own negativity, while you continue to thrive. [tr:trw].


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