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Their jealousy and envy come from seeing you move forward, achieving goals, and becoming more than they expected. They might have known you when you were just starting out, when your journey was filled with challenges and obstacles. But now, as you rise, they can’t handle watching you grow. It reminds them of their own stagnation. Despite the negativity they throw at you, you keep pushing forward. Even when their actions add to your struggles, you don’t stay down for long. You’ve faced pain and difficulty, but you’ve turned those challenges into fuel for growth. Their attempts to bring you down only end up motivating you to keep going.
You don’t let the negativity define you. Instead, you transform it into something positive. In the moment, their actions may hurt, but in the long run, they only make you stronger. They might try to stop you, but all they’re really doing is inspiring you to become even better. No matter how many stones they throw, you use them to build something greater. In the end, their efforts only highlight your resilience and determination to keep winning. You’re doing well. You’re rising, happy, and putting in the effort to keep moving forward. That’s what bothers them. They can’t handle seeing you do better.
It’s not just jealousy. It’s a desire to take what you’ve built and make it theirs. They want your place, your progress, your success. They see your growth as a threat to their own image. Instead of focusing on their own path, they focus on tearing you down. They think that by making you look bad, they’ll appear better. Imagine a town where someone builds tall buildings. Instead of constructing something taller with effort and dedication, they’d rather destroy those buildings to claim theirs as the tallest by default. That’s their mindset, a secret competition they’ve created without your involvement.
There’s nothing wrong with aiming high, with striving for greatness. But greatness comes through hard work, value, and helping others. True success isn’t achieved by stepping on others. It’s built through creation, not destruction. Instead of putting in the work, they focus on sabotaging your progress, hoping it will make them shine brighter. Their envy clouds their judgment. Instead of being inspired by your journey, learning from your dedication, or using your growth as motivation, they turn to comparison and competition. But competition rooted in negativity leads nowhere. The real path forward is through building, creating, and contributing, not by dragging others down.
What they fail to realize is that your success doesn’t diminish theirs. There’s enough room for everyone to win, but they can’t see that. So they aim to bring you down, thinking it will elevate them. But in truth, it only reveals their insecurities while you keep rising, proving that creation and persistence always win over envy and sabotage. Some people see life as a competition, believing that bringing you down will somehow lift them up. They operate with a mindset of scarcity, failing to understand that the world is full of endless opportunities. Success, happiness, or love, there’s plenty for everyone.
Your growth doesn’t take anything away from them. You’ve built your achievements without stealing from anyone, yet they act as if your success leaves them with less. That’s simply not true. They envy your happiness and success, thinking you’ve robbed them of something they could have had. They may resent your financial growth or personal achievements, as if those things weren’t available to them too. But the truth is, they are their own biggest obstacle. If they stopped blaming you and looked inward, they’d see they are holding themselves back. Without self-sabotage, no external negativity can truly harm them.
Despite their efforts, they can’t bring you down because you refuse to engage in their negativity. Their attempts to harm or hinder you fail, because you don’t allow their energy to affect you. Whatever negativity they project only bounces back to them. They try to pull you down, but their efforts only highlight their own limitations. This behavior is often compared to crabs in a bucket. When one crab tries to climb out, the others pull it back, ensuring no one escapes. Instead of working together or focusing on their own journey, they choose to drag others down.
It’s a harmful cycle that keeps everyone stuck. What they don’t realize is that they could rise too if they shifted their mindset and put in the effort. But until they do, their focus will remain on pulling others back, rather than lifting themselves up. Your success shines brighter because you refuse to stay in the bucket. Throughout history, there have always been people who work against progress. Not for lack of opportunity, but because of fear or selfishness. Even in the darkest times, when others dared to dream of freedom and a better life. There were those who betrayed them, hoping to gain small rewards.
They thought these rewards would elevate them, but in reality they remain trapped, still bound, still controlled. This behavior isn’t limited to history. Even today, some people focus on fighting for crumbs while ignoring the feast that’s available to everyone. They hold others back, thinking it will help them get ahead, but it only keeps everyone stuck in the same place. Instead of working together to build something greater, they create division and competition over things that don’t truly matter. They may try to block your path, thinking it will help their friends or allies move forward.
They see your progress as a threat, but their actions can’t stop you. When they throw dirt your way, remember that you’re like a seed. The dirt they pile on you doesn’t bury you, it nurtures your growth. Instead of crushing you, it becomes the foundation for your strength. You take every challenge they send your way and turn it into a reason to grow. Their negativity clarifies your goals, sharpening your focus and determination. You’ve prayed, believed and worked for what you want, and no one can take that from you. Their attempts to hold you back only highlight their own insecurities.
Meanwhile, you keep moving forward, fueled by the certainty that your success is inevitable. So let them try. Let them throw their dirt. You’ll use it to rise, to flourish, and to become even more than they ever imagined. They can’t stop what’s meant for you. They won’t admit it, but your critics and so-called haters are some of your biggest fans. They watch your every move, studying you day and night. Deep down they admire your strength, your drive and your success. They see how far you’ve come and recognize your potential to achieve even more.
Their obsession with you comes from the fact that they know you’re destined for greatness, and it scares them. They see your victories and your ability to keep going no matter what. It intimidates them because you’re someone who doesn’t give up. Instead of cheering for you, they try to tear you down. They throw obstacles in your path, hoping to see you stumble. They dig holes for you to fall into, but in the end they’re the ones who trip. What they fail to understand is that the energy they put out will eventually come back to them.
The universe operates on the law of sowing and reaping. What you give is what you receive. When they wish harm upon you, they unknowingly invite harm into their own lives. Their negativity has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own insecurities. You don’t wish them harm, but they create a negative reality for themselves by focusing on tearing others down. The truth is, they could find success and joy too if they chose to focus on their own growth instead of trying to bring you down. The universe is abundant, and there’s room for everyone to win.
But while they waste their energy on envy, you continue to rise. Everything is working in your favor because you’ve chosen to focus on growth, positivity and persistence. So celebrate your journey, knowing that no matter what they do, you’re on a path to victory. [tr:trw].