Spread the Truth




➡ You’ve been treated as less important by some people, often because they’re dealing with their own issues. Despite this, you’ve kept your positive energy. Someone, possibly a mother figure, has tried to make you feel small to protect their own image. But your connection with this person is important and meaningful, and their attempts to push you away only show how crucial you are.


It feels like you’ve been dismissed or pushed aside, seen as someone without potential or promise. It’s ironic because I sense multiple energies converging here, so please bear with me. This message may resonate differently for each of you. This is not bound by gender, it’s a message for anyone who resonates with it. You have an innocence, a light-heartedness, a kind of childlike wonder that you’ve managed to keep alive. It’s as though you’re tapped into a wellspring of youthful energy that others can’t quite grasp. Some people in your life have tried to shake this foundation, perhaps to test whether your essence could fade.

Their actions don’t always stem from malice. They often come from their own pain, lack of direction, or struggles with self-worth. These individuals may feel threatened or invalidated by the purity of your energy, as it contrasts with the choices they’ve made or the lives they lead. Yet through it all, you’ve held on to your light, and that is what sets you apart. This story isn’t about those who tried to bring you down, it’s about you and the energy surrounding you. What I’m sensing is that someone, perhaps a mother figure or a feminine energy, has trapped themselves in disharmony, trying to make you feel less than you are.

This disharmony stems from living in denial, attempting to prove something to others and refusing to face their truth. Their actions didn’t come from clarity, they were influenced by an energy of conflict. You, however, entered their life as a game changer, a force that disrupted their carefully built illusions. Like a wild card in a deck, your presence revealed what they were trying to hide. From the outside, it might have seemed logical for them to set you aside or dismiss you. But the energy tied to you is anything but simple. It carries profound meaning and undeniable truth.

This feminine energy, whether a mother figure or someone else, appears disconnected from their true self. They’ve been caught between two opposing desires, maintaining an image that fits societal expectations or embracing their higher calling, which involves you. In trying to protect their public image, they treated your connection as shameful or wrong, leaving you feeling pushed aside. Yet while it might have seemed like rejection, it was far from it. Your connection with this person isn’t random or insignificant. It’s something divine, more than just a fleeting encounter. Even though it may not appear that way now, it holds deeper meaning beyond what’s visible.

You were wronged in ways you may not fully understand yet. Their actions, meant to make you feel irrelevant or unworthy, only highlight how essential you are to the story they’re struggling to tell. This isn’t about them making you insignificant. It’s about you standing in your power, despite their efforts. What they tried to deny, you embody fully. Purpose, divinity, and truth. The energy I’m sensing is one of slow and unavoidable transformation. The individual in question had a chance to heal a significant part of themselves with ease. But instead, they chose the more difficult path.

Regardless of their choice, healing will occur. The irony is that while they believed involving you in their journey would complicate things, it’s proving to be much harder to exclude you. Their resistance to the truth has only made their process more painful. What I’m picking up on is a shift. A turning of tables that keeps happening with volatile intensity. For many, this dynamic isn’t rooted in romance. It feels familial or tied to a community. It’s connected to someone who has adopted an identity or energy that doesn’t align with their authentic self. They’ve used this mask as a tool for survival.

It worked for them in the past, but it no longer works when you’re involved. Your presence disrupts this illusion, almost as if the energy they’ve relied on starts to malfunction around you. This third energy, be it familial, communal, or societal, has a peculiar fixation. While they might seem preoccupied with material status or security, their deeper concerns are spiritual. They may even possess a strong spiritual awareness, but refuse to use it for the good of others. Instead, they perceive your divine energy as a threat, creating an unspoken sense of competition. There’s fear within them, a fear of the immense spiritual power you embody.

Whether this energy comes from a mother figure, a father figure, or another source, it carries toxicity and resistance. They struggle with the weight of their choices and the unavoidable spiritual lessons they must face. This energy, though obsessed with control, will eventually confront its limitations. Your presence challenges their false stability and reminds them of the divine connection they’re avoiding, sparking both fear and regret. There’s a smile on their face, but beneath it lies something deeply unsettled, something out of balance. What I’m sensing is that the tables are turning yet again, and this time the shift feels permanent.

It’s like wet cement that once could be reshaped but is now starting to set. The choices they’ve made, the hard path they’ve chosen, are becoming solidified as the cement dries. In this process, a new path is opening for you. It’s a unique and divine direction, almost like a third road carved specifically for those who’ve been cast aside or overlooked. This path isn’t just about finding a way forward, it’s about being surrounded by those who resonate with your spiritual journey, those who feel like guides in your life. The energy tied to these people from your past is still heavily focused on the material world.

They’ve tried to provoke you, perhaps by creating situations meant to spark jealousy or make you feel left out, but their efforts don’t seem to affect you and they don’t understand why. The reason is simple, your connection with them was never rooted in material things. It’s a spiritual bond, and their actions miss the mark entirely because they’re approaching it all wrong, trapped in disharmony. This misalignment forces them to learn through struggle, and in some ways, so do you. But these lessons are leading to something greater. There’s a feeling of chaos, restlessness, and even a desire to escape, which many are experiencing right now.

This is because we’ve entered a new timeline, one that brings with it grief for relationships and expectations that can no longer come with us. Those you thought would walk this path with you have chosen a different direction, prioritizing physical concerns over spiritual growth. They will heal in their own time, but their journey may no longer intersect with yours. Instead, this new path will bring kindred spirits, individuals who are ascending alongside you, offering wisdom, guidance, and connection as you step into this next chapter. This is where your true journey begins. Whenever this message finds you, it’s meant for you at this moment.

Let me leave you with one final thought. As someone chosen, it’s easy for others, even those who are spiritually aware or operating from a higher space, to unintentionally drain your energy. They might not come from malice, but they still take more than they give. This is the energy you’re learning to navigate now. It’s time to stop constantly being of service to others, even if it feels counterintuitive. This is your moment to turn that giving energy inward, to focus on yourself and receive everything you’ve been giving to others. I sense an awakening within you, almost like a warrior side of yourself stepping forward.

This presence, whether it feels like another part of you or actual individuals in your life, will be your spiritual support team. For some, this will be a deep connection to yourself, a comforting, powerful version of you standing by your side. For others, it will also involve real connections with people who resonate on your level. For many, it’s both. This moment is one of purposeful chaos, a time to embrace your power in silence and solitude. You’re no longer holding space for others, you’re letting them learn their lessons the hard way. You were the easier path, but they’ve chosen otherwise, often out of fear or a scarcity mindset.

In trying to manipulate or provoke you, they only harm themselves. This is a time of deep transformation, not just for you, but also for those who must face the consequences of their choices. Rest is essential during this phase. I’ll continue sharing when I can. Until next time, take care and thank you for your patience. All my love. [tr:trw].


Spread the Truth


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