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Spread the Truth



➡ People who didn’t value you and kept you waiting have now lost you. They thought they found someone better, but it was a trick to free you from their hold. Now, they regret losing you and your unique energy. Meanwhile, you’re moving towards a better future with people who truly appreciate you.


No matter how honestly you expressed your needs and what you wanted, these people were keeping you on the sidelines, planning to bring you back when it suited them. They were holding on to you, saving you for when they felt like it, with no intention of letting you leave. But Spirit saw this, and something shifted. These people thought they could keep playing the game, but Spirit brought them a wake-up call, something sneaky and unexpected, that turned their own tactics back on them. The player got played. And what’s important to know is that the energetic connection between you and this person.

It’s been broken. You’re completely unplugged from them now. The thought of them even brings you a feeling of distance, or even distaste. This is the exact moment they began to feel the weight of what they’d lost. Regret is thick in the air around them, and it’s all about you, my friend. So get comfortable, because there’s a lot of positive energy coming your way. These people knew exactly what they were doing with you, fully aware that you were out of their league. They put on a false front, pretending to be something they weren’t, while working to keep you hooked.

Spirit saw this, and instead of allowing them to keep you in this cycle, brought someone else into their life. A new person who mirrored their own low energy behaviors. This new opportunity was like a test for them, giving them a taste of what they thought they were missing, all while you were being freed from their hold. They thought they’d found something brighter, something better, while you might have felt like you were missing out, like they’d left you behind. But actually, it’s the best thing that could have happened for you. What felt like a loss is turning into a huge gain, a chance for you to connect with people who truly value and uplift you.

You may not see it yet, but someone genuine is on the way. Someone who’s meant to be in your life. The main takeaway here is the regret that’s now unfolding on their end. They underestimated the unique energy you brought into their life. A sincere, open-hearted desire for connection. They let that attention go to their head, thinking it was something they deserved without appreciating it. They wore a mask, projecting an image of themselves that wasn’t real, an image that drew you in. But Spirit saw behind the facade, recognizing that they wouldn’t have let you go willingly, nor given you the love you deserve.

They would have kept you waiting, dangling promises they never intended to keep. In the end, Spirit intervened, giving them the illusion of greener pastures, allowing them to drift away while you were protected from further disappointment. Now, as they look back, regret is settling in, and they’re beginning to understand what they lost. Meanwhile, you’re being guided towards a path that leads to the fulfillment, love, and respect you’ve been seeking. You’re on a journey to receive what you truly deserve, free from those who took you for granted. So Spirit decided to give them a taste of their own selfishness, a lure they couldn’t resist.

Spirit sent someone into their life, someone who looked perfect on the surface, someone who sparkled just right and gave them everything they imagined they wanted. This shiny new person seemed to offer them all they had been seeking, so they dropped you without hesitation, exactly as Spirit intended. Take a moment to appreciate Spirit’s work here, the patience and strategy involved. Spirit wasn’t playing a simple game, this was a well-planned move. While they thought they were cleverly outsmarting you, running toward this new glittering distraction, they didn’t realize it was actually a setup. And now, the illusion has lifted.

These people thought they were winning, that they’d upgraded, but they’re now seeing the truth. The person they ran to is just as self-centered as they are, and they’re finally realizing they’ve ended up with someone who mirrors their own floors. They thought they’d reached the top, only to discover they’re in a place they never wanted to be. The high they once felt from your presence is gone, and they’re realizing how much your energy lifted them, how it filled a need they didn’t even recognize. Your genuine interest and honesty fed their ego in ways they didn’t fully appreciate.

Whether they admitted it or not, your presence gave them a feeling of importance, a boost that they couldn’t find elsewhere. But they were so wrapped up in the thrill of their own desires that they couldn’t see clearly. They were caught up in their own game, seeing nothing but their own satisfaction. And Spirit knew this. Spirit understood exactly how to set the stage, offering them the chance to reveal their true colors. This was the incentive that led them to make their choices, and now they’re left to face the consequences of those choices.

Meanwhile, you are free, moving toward the fulfillment you truly deserve, no longer weighed down by those who couldn’t see your value. Spirit understood that, when given the choice, these people would always put themselves first, as they always had. Now, the mask they wore has finally dropped, revealing their true nature. They’ve effectively shut themselves out of your life, just as Spirit intended. For the longest time, you were still giving them energy simply by thinking of them, trying to move past them, or even just reflecting on the relationship. This attention fed them even if you didn’t realize it.

They felt uplifted, even powerful, off the energy you sent their way, mistakenly believing it was their own strength fueling them. Spirit knew exactly what was happening, and allowed this so you could finally see the truth. These individuals may have ghosted you, cut you off, or made it clear they didn’t care. Spirit wanted you to notice their selfishness, to realize that they would never let you go entirely. They’d always keep you around as a backup, someone to reach for when it suited them. Spirit saw through their selfishness and provided them with the perfect distraction, someone who appeared to be everything they thought they wanted.

To them, you were not enough, even though, in reality, you were too genuine, too sincere, and too authentic. You represented the qualities they wanted, but couldn’t genuinely embody. Being around you reminded them of their own lack, which frustrated them. So Spirit introduced them to a shiny new version, someone who seemed to offer what they desired. They believed they’d found something better, something greener, and ran toward it, treating you as if you no longer mattered. When they showed their true colors, it hurt because your heart was open to them. The mask fell, and it was painful for you to see, but it was a necessary truth.

Spirit wanted you to see who they truly were, free from illusions, so you could release them fully. Now, without their energy-draining hold, you can open yourself up to someone who sees and values your true worth, someone who matches your authenticity and warmth. You wore your heart openly, giving everything to people who tore it apart and dismissed you without a second thought. Now, they’re filled with intense regret. They’re so ashamed they can’t even face you. They’re not only in a state of sadness and disappointment, like the Five of Cups, but they’re feeling their world crumble around them, tower energy, and it’s overwhelming.

They’re stuck, obsessing over you because now you’ve completely detached from them. During the time they were taking your energy, Spirit was helping you heal. Spirit showed you angles of the situation you couldn’t see when you were in the thick of it. Now, from the outside, you see them for who they really are, and they know you see it too. They’re haunted by the reflection they see in your eyes, disgusted by themselves for the choices they made. They’re caught in this odd mix of anger and admiration, wishing they could go back.

Where they once felt powerful on the energy you gave them, now they’re sinking, struggling to stay afloat. This isn’t revenge, it’s karma. They crafted this situation for themselves, feeding off your energy without a second thought. But now, everything they once admired about their new life is fading. The shine has worn off, and they’re left feeling empty. Meanwhile, opportunities are opening up for you, one door after another. If you haven’t already, consider fully disconnecting, block their numbers, remove any traces of them in your life. They’re trapped in their pride and self-centeredness, and they know they’d be rejected if they tried to reach out honestly.

This only pushes them further into negativity. To protect yourself, cut these ties completely. Because the bond you shared is broken, the contract is void, and their role in your life is over. They made their choices, and in doing so, they helped you dodge a major bullet. So as you step forward into new beginnings, keep moving confidently. With that, I’ll end this message and look forward to seeing you in next video, which I’m genuinely excited about. Take care, and until next time. [tr:trw].


Spread the Truth


embracing a positive future finding people who value you letting go of toxic relationships moving towards a better future people who didn't value you people who kept you waiting people who truly appreciate you recognizing your worth in relationships they regret losing you unique energy and relationships

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