//URGENT// Chosen Ones: YOUR Enemies Teamed Up Against You Now(youre powerful)!!!! GOD MESSAGE

Urgent Chosen Ones Your Enemies Teamed Up Against You Now Youre Powerful God Message -
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➡ People may often seem to unite against you because of your strength and influence. These groups, despite their differences, come together due to their shared dislike for you. However, their attempts to bring you down are futile, as your strength comes from a higher power. Their actions reflect their own insecurities and low self-esteem, not your worth or capabilities.


Hey again, family. Today I want to break down something important for you. Understanding why it seems like people often band together against you. It’s because, on your own, you’re a powerhouse. Here’s the deal. As children of God, we know the score. If God is on our side, he outweighs the whole world stacked against us, right? That’s not just talk. It’s straight-up biblical truth, and we see it play out all the time. If God backs you, he’s stronger and more influential than any force the world can muster. And yes, sometimes it feels like the whole world is trying to team up just to thwart the divine plan in your life.

These folks will try to ally with anyone who will join their cause. But here’s something to notice. These cliques that form against you, the ones trying to push you to the margins, often don’t even get along with each other. They might not even stand each other. Yet what brings them together? Their shared dislike for you, their common distaste, is what unites them. They’re so set on bringing you down that they’re willing to forge these phony alliances just to try and make you feel overwhelmed by their numbers. But remember, greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.

So we don’t get rattled when these groups band together and scheme to knock us off our stride or disrupt our focus. We stay cool. We don’t sweat it. We recognize it for what it is, just another play by the enemy to scare us away from stepping into the greatness God has designed for us. But here’s the thing. No weapon formed against us will succeed. It’s just not going to happen. But just think about the lengths they’re going to, linking up with their own foes just to plot against you. That’s a testament to how solid and impactful you are on your own.

Consider this, the fact that they need backup. Maybe one, two, or even a whole gang of others, let’s call them hyenas, to feel like they can take you on. I’ll call these folks groups of loud barking hyenas. They’re trying to look tough, trying to seem more formidable, but they need the crowd to even begin to match up. And there you stand, the lone wolf, the solitary strong lion who can hold your ground firmly without needing a crowd to back you up. They, on the other hand, require others to echo their skewed perceptions of you.

If they’re plotting your downfall, be it in the workplace or within your own family, like that artsy cousin or the sister squad banding against you, they’re aware deep down that their reasons don’t hold water. They understand they lack any legitimate grounds for their conspiracies or their unfounded negativity towards you. It might just be their own unresolved issues, their personal insecurities that they haven’t dealt with, leaving them baffled about their dislike for you. It’s like they’re thinking, man, I don’t even know why I can’t stand this person. They can’t figure out why they harbour such hostile thoughts or feelings towards you, but they just find themselves disliking you.

She thinks she’s all that, they say, and it makes you wonder, how does my self-perception, how I feel about myself, provoke such a reaction in you that you gather others to gossip or plot against me? I’m using myself as an example here just to paint a clearer picture of what I’m talking about. But really, why do the thoughts or successes of one person shake you up so much that you feel the need to gossip about them, rallying others to join your dislike? Why would you even team up to throw shade at someone else? This just goes to show that it’s really about a vibe of insecurity and low self-esteem.

Birds of a feather, right? These folks seek each other out because they need to affirm their small-minded attitudes, so they won’t feel awkward around someone like you, someone who has undergone significant growth and healing, someone who’s operating on a spiritually higher plane. They see it, they hear it, and they feel it every time they interact with you, and frankly, they can’t handle it. They can’t stand being in your presence for too long because you’re just vibrating on a whole different level. It’s like, oh, I need to get back to my kind of energy.

So off they go to find other like-minded individuals gathering in their little echo chambers, basically holding committee meetings in the comfort of shared narrow-mindedness. They’ll basically hold a whole conference to hash out why they think it’s justified to dislike you and brainstorm ways to thwart your progress. It’s just wild. That’s exactly where they’re at. That’s where their hearts are stuck. And you’ve got to recognize, if they’re going this far, it’s a testament to how strong, powerful, impactful, and influential you truly are. So just keep on doing your thing, because we can be utterly confident knowing that our God is with us.

He leads the way in everything we do, and there’s absolutely no need to worry. Remember the story of David? Didn’t he slay ten thousands while Saul watched in envy? You know the one where the women sang about David’s valor, driving Saul to deeper fury because David was the true champion. David was a victor through and through, and so, like Saul, who teamed up with others who couldn’t think big to try and take David down, there are people out there right now, low on the totem pole of thought, conspiring because they see the anointing, the power, and the influence you carry.

These folks, they don’t want you to be the one making waves and shaping minds. No, they want to be the ones in the spotlight, shouting, look at me, look at me. But no, that’s not how you roll. You know this path isn’t just for you. It’s about uplifting the world, about reflecting God’s glory. You lead with such humility and every move you make is steeped in gratitude and humility, traits that truly define someone walking in godly grace. That’s how you make your mark in this world. Just as the kingdom of darkness notices us, we’re aware of them too.

So just keep doing you. You’re untouchable, influential, a real powerhouse in this world, and believe me, they see it. That’s exactly why they’re huddled in the corner, scheming and trying to cook up some plan against you. But it’s all in vain. It won’t succeed because what God intends will always come to pass. So I want everyone to feel inspired, let them gather, let them scheme, and don’t even bother trying to get on their good side. There’s no need to try and worm your way into their click, to see if they’ll accept you, or to attempt fitting in where you don’t belong.

Keep standing strong and walking your path with integrity. Be cool with standing apart from the crowd. Let me break down just how empowering it can be to ride solo. When you’re the one on your own, you’ll find you’ve got extra time to dive deep into your spiritual studies. You’ll have more moments to evolve personally. While they’re huddled up in the corner gossiping about you, there you are, head buried in a book, soaking up knowledge, growing, healing. You’re tuning into videos like this one, tackling those inner demons and patching up your soul wounds.

So let them chatter away, because that’s all they’re up to. Meanwhile, you’re out here doing the real work. They see you, I see you, and believe me, God sees you and loves you even more. Stay encouraged to keep being your authentic self, and recognize that these little clicks forming against you only highlight your strength. Keep on shining, keep being the incredible person you are, and I hope this message finds whoever it’s meant for. If you resonate with what I’m saying, don’t forget to like this video, hit subscribe, and ring that bell on my channel, y’all.

In Jesus name, I pray that each of you has an exceptional day, not just great, but truly exceptional. Thank you all so much. [tr:trw].


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