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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ After being treated poorly and left behind, you’ve grown and succeeded, making those who left you regret their decision. They now see your worth and want to be part of your life again, but you’ve moved on and refuse to return to what hurt you. Despite their desperate attempts to get your attention, you remain focused on your new beginning, knowing you deserve better. Remember, if you let them back in, their misery might just become yours again, so protect your peace and continue to thrive.


They’re miserable without you now. Look at them begging for your attention. Today they’re desperate, but back then they acted like you didn’t matter. They treated you poorly, never seeing your value. They left, believing they’d find something better. They thought the grass was greener elsewhere, and without a care for your feelings they moved on. You were the one left hurting, struggling to sleep, constantly thinking about them. Maybe you were even the one begging them to come back, searching online for answers like how to get my ex back. You tried to reach out, but they didn’t listen.

They had already moved on to what they thought was a better life. They didn’t realize that what seemed like green grass would soon turn brown and dry. What they thought was better wasn’t as great as they imagined. They treated you like you were nobody, with no respect for your feelings. You asked them to work things out, but they didn’t care. They acted like a completely different person, and you barely recognized them anymore, but reality eventually hit them. What they left you for wasn’t as good as they had hoped. Meanwhile, you started to grow.

You kept pushing forward, improving yourself, and succeeding. You began to rise and achieve things they never imagined you could. Now they’re seeing your success, and it shocks them. Suddenly they want to be part of your life again. They’re calling, messaging, and sliding into your DMs, trying to act like you’re still close. But you’ve moved on. You look back and wonder what you ever saw in them. You’ve healed, and you’re not going back. You know there’s something better out there. Maybe you’ve already found it. You’re not about to go back to what you left behind.

You know you deserve better, and you refuse to settle for anything less. You’re not foolish enough to go back to what hurt you. You’ve moved forward. This is a new beginning for you. Now look at them, desperately begging for your attention. They send one message. You ignore it. Then another follows. They keep filling your inbox with long messages, paragraphs, even pages, over and over again. They’re bombarding you, but you’re not playing their game anymore. They keep pushing, trying to get your attention, hoping you’ll respond. Now, they finally realize your value. Now they understand what you brought to the table, and they want to be part of it again.

Back then, you gave and gave, while they only took from you. It was always one-sided. Everything flowed from you to them, but they never gave anything in return. Giving and receiving should go hand in hand, but they only knew how to take. Despite that, you kept giving because of your generous heart. You tried to help them, but instead of being thankful, they repaid you with indifference or even disrespect. You got nothing but heartache from them, but now that’s all in the past. Today, things are different. You’re shining brighter than ever. You’re winning, growing, and people are finally recognizing your worth.

Maybe you’re thinking, no one is praising me yet, but don’t worry, it’s going to happen. Often, people come back just when you no longer need them. When you’re thriving, that’s when they start to miss you. People tend to want what they can’t have, and now that you’ve moved on, they suddenly want you back. But it’s too late. They’re miserable without you, but be careful. Misery loves company. I’m not saying you should never reconcile, but remember, if you let them back in, their misery might just become yours again. If you go back to them, you’re just setting yourself up for the same misery.

Nothing has really changed. It’s easy to think, maybe this time it will be different. But once you’re back, you quickly realize it’s just the same old story. They cheat like before, they’re disloyal like before, and they still disrespect you. Let them beg. It doesn’t mean anything has truly changed. Sometimes, it gets to a point where you need to cut all ties completely. You may need to block them on social media, because they keep messaging, trying to pull you back in. You need to protect your peace, and if that means blocking them, do it. Unfortunately, you can’t always block them in real life.

You might still see them around, maybe on the street, at work, or somewhere in your town. If you do run into them, you can just say hello and move on. You don’t have hatred towards them. You genuinely want the best for everyone, including them. You understand that when one person wins, it doesn’t take away from your success. Everyone can win without stepping on someone else. But here’s the truth, they will eventually face the consequences of their actions. Life has a way of making sure people experience what they put others through. They’ll get a taste of their own medicine, and many times, they won’t be able to handle it.

They’re miserable without you, and deep down, they know how special you are. They tried to make you doubt yourself, making you think, maybe I’m not enough. But it turns out, none of that was true. You are wonderfully made, talented, blessed, and powerful beyond measure. You are the chosen one. The reality is, they were never a match for you, and that’s why it had to end. You were on different levels, and it was never meant to last. You were on different paths. They were heading one way, and you were on another. There was no way the two of you could continue walking hand in hand forever.

Your journeys were meant to meet for a while, but eventually they had to go their own way. And you had to go yours. They weren’t meant for you, and because of that, they had to leave your life. This was the person who chose someone else over you, who spread lies and made you out to be the villain. They disrespected you, shared your secrets to make themselves look better, and twisted the truth so others would think you were the problem. They told lie after lie, creating stories about you, talking behind your back at every opportunity.

They couldn’t keep quiet, and rumours spread because they couldn’t stop talking. Now they’re miserable. They’re messaging you, and they’re still talking about you to others. Even when they stopped talking to you, they didn’t stop talking about you. And eventually, word got back to you that they regret everything. They realise now that leaving you was the biggest mistake of their life. They thought finding someone like you would be easy, that people like you were everywhere. They thought your kindness and love were things they could replace without effort. They went out there and chased after something shiny, something that looked appealing on the surface.

They thought they’d found something better, but they were wrong. What they thought was gold turned out to be nothing more than a piece of glass, something that sparkled but had no real value. You were the real treasure all along, the pearl, the diamond. And when they left you, they walked away from the best thing they could have had. They left behind their blessing, and now they know it. They walked away, and honestly, that’s fine. Let them go. Goodbye and good riddance. You have the gift of goodbye, and you’re not afraid to use it.

You helped them pack their bags, you said your farewells, and you moved on. One day, they’ll regret leaving, but that’s not your problem. It’s a reminder of why treating people well is so important. I know that if you’re watching this, you are someone who treats others well. You try your best to be kind and fair. Some people say, don’t be too nice, because they might leave one day. But that’s not the right mindset. Be kind regardless, because when they do leave, they’ll realize how hard it is to find someone like you.

Someone who is genuinely good-hearted doesn’t come around often. Now, they’re the ones begging for your attention, they’re trying everything to get you to notice them, hoping you’ll reach out or take them back. But they had their chance, and they blew it. It’s too late. You’re not looking back, you’re moving forward, always striving for more. You’re on a path of growth, and there’s no room for anything that holds you back. Of course, sometimes relationships can be fixed, and not every ending is permanent. But in this case, it’s different. They didn’t love you right. They lied, cheated, and hid things from you.

Late night calls with other people, pretending they were just friends. It was all deceit. You endured so much pain, and you shouldn’t have to go through that again. Now they want you back, but it’s too late. Even if part of you wonders if you should give them another chance, you know deep down that moving forward is the right choice. They missed their opportunity, and you deserve someone who respects and cherishes you from the start. Your true self won’t let you go back to something that isn’t right for you. Deep down, that’s not what you really want, and the universe, god, or whatever higher power you believe in, knows it too.

The bigger part of who you are wants something better. When you ask for something good, the universe listens, and going back to what hurt you isn’t what you asked for. You deserve better, not worse. They may be miserable without you, but that’s just how it is. Right now, as we sit here, the birds are singing, and the sun is shining brightly. I’m sending you that light and all this positive energy. It’s all about you. If you’re feeling down, it’s time to lift yourself up. If you’re feeling bad, it’s time to feel good again. Let’s move up that emotional scale together.

Remind yourself that everything is always working in your favor. Remind yourself that you’re a winner, and even when things don’t go as planned, those failures are simply stepping stones to success. [tr:trw].

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


avoiding others' misery deserving better in life focusing on new beginnings ignoring desperate attempts for attention maintaining focus on personal growth maintaining self-worth moving on after being treated poorly overcoming past hurt personal growth and success protecting personal peace refusing to let past relationships affect your peace refusing to return to past relationships thriving thriving after being left behind

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