You Have Them ALL Confused! How Are You Still Standing

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➡ Despite facing many challenges and hardships, you’ve always managed to stay strong and keep moving forward. People often wonder how you do it, but it’s your inner strength and resilience that helps you overcome obstacles. You’ve learned to find peace and strength within yourself, and your faith has helped you grow stronger with each challenge. Keep going, keep shining, and keep working towards your dreams, because your strength, determination, and faith will guide you to achieve everything your heart desires.


Many of the people who have wronged you in the past are puzzled by the fact that you’re still standing strong. Let’s take a moment to talk about it. In life, we all face challenges, ups and downs, different situations, and unexpected circumstances. Yet, as the special person you are, you’ve always managed to rise above the negativity, hardships, and the limits others try to place on you. Your journey leaves many people confused. They wonder how you can go through so much and still come out standing tall. You’ve faced situations that could have broken you, yet you continue to shine and push forward.

People look at you and think, how is it possible? You’ve experienced difficult moments, yet you keep moving, improving, and growing stronger. You leave many in disbelief. They don’t understand where your strength comes from or how you keep going. They can’t comprehend how you’re still fighting and making progress, even after everything you’ve been through. Your resilience amazes them, but they just don’t get how you manage to become better and stronger every step of the way. People often wonder how you manage to find peace and strength within yourself. They’re amazed by how you’ve moved on from difficult moments, whether it was a bad experience last week, a tough challenge last month, or a major setback last year.

They saw you struggling before, but now you’re thriving, working hard, and showing up stronger than ever. They can’t figure out how, despite all the challenges life has thrown your way, you keep rising. They don’t understand how you keep moving forward while staying resilient. The truth is, they know deep down that if they faced the same battles you’ve conquered, they would have given up a long time ago. They’re aware that, in your position, they wouldn’t have had the strength to keep going. But you? You have something special inside you that others don’t fully understand.

There’s a fire within you, a spirit that doesn’t let life struggles break you. When life tests you with hardships, storms, and difficult times, you don’t give in. You remain strong, unshaken, and unbroken. It’s something unique about you, an inner strength that sets you apart from many others. While others might collapse under the weight of difficulties, you rise and continue to shine. This is what leaves people amazed, unable to fully grasp the power that you carry within. You may bend, but you never break. When tough situations arise, you find a way to keep going.

There’s something special about you. When life gets hard, you turn inward, seeking strength within yourself. During those challenging times, you grow closer to God, deepening your connection. You understand how important it is to align your mind, body, and spirit with a higher power. And through this, you gain resilience. This resilience helps you rise above every difficulty that comes your way, again and again. No matter how many obstacles life throws at you, you manage to overcome them. You’ve got something special inside you, something that others don’t understand. That’s why they’re confused when they see you pushing forward.

They can’t figure out how you keep rising no matter what life throws at you. They’ve seen you at your lowest, when everything seemed to be taken away from you. Yet, here you are, climbing out of those dark moments and standing tall. Your ability to overcome obstacles leaves them baffled. They can’t grasp how you manage to rise, time and again. You leave your doubters and critics confused because they can’t understand your strength. They don’t know what to make of you, and that unsettles them. But let me tell you this. Keep going. Keep shining. Keep working towards the life you deserve.

You’re on the right path, and no one can take that away from you. Whatever you dream of, whatever you desire in this life, you can achieve it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Remember, God doesn’t promise just a little of what you want. He promises all the desires of your heart. You are meant to have everything you’ve been striving for. So keep moving forward with confidence, knowing that the life you want is within reach. Your strength, determination, and faith will guide you to everything your heart longs for. Keep rising, chosen one. Nothing can stop you.

You hear me? Not just a part of your dreams, not just a small piece, but all of the desires in your heart are possible. Don’t let anyone or anything convince you otherwise. Full stop. Put a period on it, and don’t look back. Let people think what they want about you. Let them have their opinions, their judgments, their confusion. It’s okay if they don’t get you, because their opinions don’t define your worth or your journey. You don’t need to explain yourself. Don’t feel like you owe anyone an explanation for why you’re moving the way you are.

If they don’t understand, that’s on them. Just focus on being the person you were created to be. There’s a reason behind everything you’ve been through. Your struggles? They’ve shaped you for a purpose. Your pain? It wasn’t meaningless. It has built your strength and resilience. Think about it like this. Ever notice how people who face the hardest struggles often come out the strongest? Maybe you’ve seen someone rise out of a bad situation, or maybe you’ve done it yourself. Those hard times weren’t meant to break you. They were meant to prepare you. That’s the reason behind everything you’ve experienced.

It’s all leading you toward your purpose, even if you don’t see it yet. And here’s the thing. Not everyone will understand that. Some will judge. Some will stay confused. But that’s okay. Your job isn’t to make them understand. You just need to keep moving forward. Keep shining, keep grinding, and continue walking your path. Every step you take brings you closer to the life you were meant to live and those who are confused by your journey. Let them be. You’re not here to satisfy their expectations. You’re here to live your truth. Keep going and keep them guessing.

You’ve got this. People don’t know how to handle you, and that leaves them unsure of what to think about you. They don’t understand the strength you carry, and they certainly don’t realize that your power comes from something greater. It’s not just about your personal strength. It’s the power that has been given to you. They can’t wrap their minds around it because they don’t have that same connection. You see, not everyone is chosen, and it’s not because they can’t be. It’s because they choose not to be. They opt for confusion, negativity, and jealousy. Instead of embracing a life of purpose and love, they consciously make decisions that keep them stuck in hatred, envy, and bitterness.

They could choose differently, but they don’t. They cling to these emotions, and that’s why they can’t understand or connect with the kind of power you have. When someone is filled with hate, envy, or a desire for chaos, they can’t act with love, kindness, or compassion. It’s impossible. Their hearts and minds are tangled in confusion, and as we know, confusion doesn’t come from a place of goodness. God doesn’t create confusion. It’s when people allow negativity to take over that they end up lost, unable to see clearly. You can’t walk with both confusion and peace.

You have to choose one. If someone’s heart is full of hatred and jealousy, they will never understand the clarity and strength that come with love, faith, and purpose. That’s why they struggle to understand you. They live in a world of confusion while you walk a different path, a path grounded in purpose and power beyond what they can see. When you’re not connected to love, you’re not connected to God. It’s as simple as that. God is love, and love is patient, kind, and understanding. Love isn’t selfish or proud. It’s what we see described in 1 Corinthians 13.

Love is the foundation of everything good. When you walk in love, you reflect the very essence of God. I just wanted to take a moment to remind you of that and to offer a little encouragement. We all need those reminders sometimes, especially when things get tough or when others try to bring us down. Staying grounded in love is how you keep moving forward with purpose, no matter what comes your way. And for all of you who have been part of this journey with me, I truly appreciate you. Every time you reach out, leave a comment, or share your thoughts, it means so much.

I’m always here reading your messages and responding. It’s a blessing to be able to connect with you, and I want to keep that conversation going. So, if there are any topics on your mind or things you want to talk about, let me know. I’m listening, and I’m here for it. [tr:trw].


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