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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ You have a unique and powerful energy that others can sense, making you stand out and influencing those around you. This energy can attract both positive and negative attention, and it’s important to be aware of this and protect yourself. Your strong presence can make people act differently, and they may be drawn to you, hoping to benefit from your positive energy. Remember, your energy is special and not everyone deserves to share in it.


You know, the universe always supports us, as long as we play our part, right? Now listen up, because I’m about to remind you of something you already know. If you’re watching this, it means you’re one of the chosen ones. You know you’re chosen, you’ve always felt it. This isn’t something I need to tell you. It’s been there all your life, that feeling that you’re different. You’ve seen things, experienced the strange, the mysterious, like some kind of spiritual world nudging you. Weird coincidences, signs that seemed like they were meant just for you. That’s what makes you different.

And even today, you see things that others don’t. You’re tuned into the universe, seeing how everything connects, and you know this is because you’re special. But first, you have to understand this. Being chosen means your life will never be like everyone else’s. It’s not always easy, but your strength is undeniable. You feel it when you’re around strangers or in public, even when people visit you. Your energy stands out, it’s more powerful than most others, and that’s something you’ve dealt with for a while. You’ve probably wondered why it’s hard to make friends, or why people act strangely when you’re around.

It may feel like they’re holding back or even being manipulative. I’m telling you, it’s because of your energy. Your presence, your spiritual energy, is strong. You might have spirits or angel guides with you, helping you. Some of you may even have a whole group of guardian angels at your side. Everywhere you go, you feel a special presence guiding you. It could be angels, your ancestors, or something else always watching over you. This presence is with you, wherever you are, and others can sense it too. People notice your energy, they can feel it when you’re around. Some might even tell you that you’re glowing, or that you look especially good on certain days.

This is because, as someone who is chosen, your aura can become incredibly strong. You might even seem to shine. Your skin, your eyes, everything about you becomes more vibrant. People sense this power in you, and it stands out because not everyone has this gift. If you’ve ever heard the story of Joseph in the Bible, you’ll understand what I mean. Joseph was described as wearing a coat of many colors, which was actually a symbol of his bright, colorful aura. It wasn’t about a coat made of patches, it was about the energy he carried, visible to those who were around him.

Just like that, when your aura grows strong, it affects people instantly. They can’t help but react to your energy. When your aura is full of many colors, it reflects different types of energy. Kindness, strength, peace, and more. Imagine a beam of light passing through a clear prism, splitting into many colors, red, blue, green, and others. Your aura is like that, shining bright with different energies that people can feel without even understanding it. This kind of presence is rare, and it’s why people act differently when they’re around you. It’s not just about how you look, it’s about the energy you carry, the glow you give off.

Your aura influences everything around you, and it’s something that others notice deeply. Your presence means you have real power. You’ve been given authority and strength, and that makes you different. You have the ability to understand things on a deeper level. Nothing happens behind your back without you sensing it. Your light is always on, and people notice it. Whether it’s a family gathering, a party, or just any place you go, all eyes are on you. When you walk into a room, you feel like everyone’s aware of you, like they’re adjusting themselves because you’re there. People react differently, and you pick up on all of it, even if they never admit it.

They might never say how much your energy affects them, how nervous they feel, or how much they admire your glow. They’ll keep it to themselves, but deep down, they sense your power. Your energy is so strong that sometimes, just being around people makes them act strangely. Dropping things, stumbling over their words, or getting visibly nervous. When you’re around, even simple things, like streetlights turning on or off, can happen as if responding to your presence. But this bright energy you carry also attracts the wrong kind of people sometimes. People might be drawn to you without even knowing why.

They’re just reacting to the light, like moths to a flame. They might not be good for you, but they’re still attracted to your energy. You need to be aware of this. Sometimes, people will come near you not, because they’re good for you, but because they want something you have. Your light, your warmth, your energy. It’s important to recognize when someone is only there to take from you and to protect yourself. Remember, your energy is precious, and not everyone deserves to share in it. When certain people approach you, it’s because they sense something unique about you.

Even if they are surrounded by negative energy, they’re drawn to you because your light makes them look better. If they’re standing close to you, it gives the impression that they’re somehow connected to your positive energy, and they hope some of it rubs off on them. When others see you shining, those around you get noticed too. Just by being in your space, being chosen means your presence is incredibly powerful, it’s hard for people to ignore you, and that’s why, once you meet someone, they’re often unable to move on. You’re unforgettable, which can make people cling to you even after you part ways.

Your energy leaves a mark on them, and they can’t forget you easily. They might never admit it, but they know there’s something special about you. Only others who are also chosen understand and recognize this fully. I’ve met a handful of people in my life who had that same kind of energy, something divine about them. It hit me immediately when I was near them. I could tell they were destined for something great, and many of them went on to become successful. It’s a powerful feeling that others can’t help but notice, even if they don’t always acknowledge it openly.

When people get to know you, when they see your talents and your knowledge, it’s almost impossible for them to forget about you. That’s why sometimes people distance themselves or act strangely. They can’t handle the brightness of your light. It might seem like people leave for petty reasons or cause unnecessary drama, but it’s often because they can’t handle your energy. Your presence makes people act differently. They might do odd things just to get your attention or try to show off in front of you. Sometimes, even your neighbors may seem unusually aware of you. When you’re out shopping, have you ever noticed how an empty section suddenly fills up after you arrive? It’s because people are naturally drawn to your energy.

They see something in you and they want to be close to it. Your light stands out and people want to be around that kind of positive, powerful energy. People are always curious about you. They might say they’ve seen you before or think you look familiar, but really, they don’t know you at all. They’re just trying to figure out why they feel a certain way around you. They can’t understand the effect you have on them and it confuses them. Your energy is something they sense but can’t easily explain. They’re picking up on something special about you, even if they can’t quite put their finger on it.

People are always on the lookout for something unique, something different. That’s why, as someone who’s chosen, you need to understand that wherever you go, you need to be aware of how you move. You need to be cautious and strategic, almost like a public figure. Know who you’re around. Be careful about where you go and always consider who you’ll be interacting with. This awareness is important because it affects how comfortable you feel in different situations. Since you carry such a strong presence, you will attract all kinds of people, some who are genuinely interested, and others who may just be following you or even trying to bring negativity into your life.

People might approach you with pointless conversation or even act negatively towards you without knowing anything about you. They may be jealous, they may criticize you or bring up mistakes. All just to get your attention. Your presence demands attention and to many people it becomes a kind of competition to be noticed by you. The truth is, you are unforgettable. People can’t just move on after meeting you. You leave an impression that stays with them long after. You have a light that draws people in and it makes you hard to ignore. I wanted to share this to let you know how powerful your presence really is.

If this resonates with you, leave a comment and let me know. Also, like and share this video with anyone you think needs to hear it. Make sure to subscribe for more. Peace, until next time. [tr:trw].

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


attracting positive and negative attention awareness of personal energy benefits of positive energy energy and personal influence energy and personal relationships energy impact on behavior energy influence on others maintaining positive energy managing personal energy people drawn to positive energy personal energy management positive protecting personal energy sharing positive energy strong presence effects understanding personal energy unique powerful energy

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