They’ll want to be around you, act friendly, and even try to get close. But eventually, their jealousy and envy will start to show. It won’t take long, give it 24-72 hours, and you’ll start noticing little things. Maybe they’ll start making snide remarks or showing subtle signs of jealousy. Even though you’ve been kind to them, with no ill intentions, their envy will creep out because they see how good you’re doing. You don’t need anything from anyone, and you’re content with your own success. But when they see your happiness and peace, they’ll start hating.
If this hasn’t happened to you yet, just wait. If you’re on your own path, building your dreams and staying focused, it’s only a matter of time before you see people for who they truly are. You’ll notice some people can’t do anything on their own, and they want to latch onto you because of your energy. They’ll try to ride your wave, but deep down, they’re insecure. Maybe they’re envious of something as simple as how you wear your hair or how you put on your lip gloss. It’s ridiculous, but people will hate on you for the smallest things.
They’ll act like they’re supporting you, but eventually their shade will show. They’ll make little comments, throw subtle digs, and you’ll see their jealousy plain as day. They think they’re being slick, but they’re not. They don’t realize you see right through them. They might be wolves in sheep’s clothing, pretending to be friendly, but their true nature always comes out. I’m telling you, I can’t make this stuff up. It keeps happening, and it will keep happening. The thing you need to understand is, you have to reach a point where you no longer let it get to you.
The more you level up in life, whether it’s getting a new car, moving into your own place, buying a new TV, or even something as simple as getting a fresh haircut, the more you’ll attract these fake people. These people will try to get close to you, trying to figure you out, because they can’t stand the fact that you’re happy and thriving without them. They hate seeing you doing well, posting pictures on social media, living your best life. It drives them crazy to see you succeeding while they’re stuck in the same place.
The fact that you’re living a life they can only dream of makes them bitter, especially when they see you doing it effortlessly. You might spend time with them because you’re a nice person. You’ve got a kind heart, and sometimes you let people into your space, thinking everyone deserves a seat at your table. But here’s the truth, they were never really there for you. They liked what they saw on the surface, but they never truly cared about you. Most people aren’t genuinely in your corner, they’re just attracted to what they see.
Once they get closer and realize what you’re made of, your values, principles, and the way you live your life, it throws them off. They can’t handle the fact that they don’t have what it takes to do things like you. That’s when their jealousy kicks in. They can’t drop their ego, and that’s why these people start showing their true colors. They’re all about pride and envy. Their heart isn’t in the right place, and until they can be around someone doing better than them without feeling jealous or upset, they’ll never be at peace.
They can’t stand seeing someone with a better car, a better life, or more success than them, without letting it bother them. Until they fix that, they’ll always be stuck in that mindset. How can you get mad at someone who hasn’t done anything wrong to you? But that’s exactly what these people do. They can’t handle being in the presence of someone anointed, someone who’s thriving. It makes them uncomfortable because your success reminds them of what they lack. They act friendly at first, but soon enough, their true colors show, and they flip the script on you for no reason.
You don’t even need to do anything wrong. They’ll switch up because they can’t handle seeing you succeed. You’ll notice this as you keep leveling up in life. The more you grow, the more these people will show their jealousy. They’ll find anything to criticize. Your clothes, your job, even the way you live your life. They’ll try to bring you down, but the truth is, they’re upset because you’re doing what they can’t. People will talk about you when you’re successful. They’ll label you, judge you, and make up reasons to hate you, but it’s all because you’re minding your business and thriving.
They’ll try to make you feel guilty for being independent, for handling your own responsibilities, and for not needing anyone. But don’t let it get to you. When women or men see someone who’s self-sufficient, confident, and not dependent on others, they’ll sometimes react negatively. They’re used to people chasing them, but when you’re not giving them that same energy, they’ll resent you for it. It’s not because you’re doing anything wrong, it’s because they can’t control you. They expect you to be like everyone else, to seek their validation and attention, but when you don’t play their game, they get upset.
They hate the fact that you’re not easily swayed or manipulated, and that’s where the resentment comes from. You’re standing strong in who you are, and they can’t stand that they can’t pull you into their world of games and manipulation. Keep being you, and don’t let them bring you down. That’s the world we live in now. If you’re not giving people your undivided attention, they take it personally and find a reason to not like you. They want your attention, and when they don’t get it, they’ll ignore you, slander your name, or act like they don’t care.
But here’s the truth. They’re upset because they can’t control or possess you. They hate that you’re independent and doing your own thing. That’s why self-love is so important. When you love yourself, you don’t need anyone else to validate you, and that frustrates people who can’t be happy on their own. They rely on others for happiness, but when they see you thriving alone, they get bitter. Keep doing you, and don’t let their reactions affect you. Here’s the truth. When you stop giving people your full attention, they often start to act out. Why? Because they get frustrated when they can’t control you or your decisions.
It’s not always about what you’ve done wrong, but more about the fact that they’re uncomfortable with your independence. They don’t like seeing you live life on your own terms, minding your own business, and focusing on what makes you happy. It makes them uneasy because you aren’t giving them the power to influence you. People get jealous when they see you doing well, whether you’re succeeding in your career, building your business, or just living with confidence in who you are. It’s hard for them to accept that you don’t need their approval or validation, so instead of celebrating your success, they may try to tear you down, criticize you, or act like they’re upset with you.
The truth is, they wish they had what you have. Your self-assurance, your drive, your sense of purpose. But here’s the thing. You don’t need to seek anyone’s approval to keep moving forward. You don’t need to explain yourself or change who you are just to make others comfortable. Your focus should always be on your own path, your goals, your dreams, and your purpose. When you stay true to who you are, the right people will come into your life, and the right opportunities will show up. You’ll attract everything you deserve, because you’re staying aligned with your true self.
It’s important to remember that people come and go, like buses every 15 minutes. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, and that’s okay. What matters is that you keep moving forward, no matter what. You have great things ahead of you, and it’s all about continuing to level up. So stay positive, stay focused, and don’t let anyone distract you from what’s meant for you. Thank you for being here, for supporting me, and for being part of this journey. Together, we’re all growing, learning, and striving for better. I appreciate you, and I’m excited for what’s coming next.
Stay tuned for more, and until then, peace. [tr:trw].