Spread the Truth




➡ People often mistake your kindness for weakness, thinking they can deceive you. However, you’re very observant and can see through their tricks. Even though you’re gentle, you’re not naive and you’re aware of their true intentions. You have a gift of intuition that protects you from falling into people’s traps, and your strength and insight are your greatest allies.


Some people don’t realize just how sharp and observant you are. They think they can enter your life, play games and fool you, not understanding that they’re stepping into the wrong situation. You can see right through people’s tricks and deception, even from a distance. They come in with plans to manipulate or play games, thinking they’ll succeed, but they have no idea who they’re dealing with. You’re wise enough to play it cool, showing humility and kindness, all while seeing through their actions. They assume they’re getting away with it, unaware that you’re fully aware of everything.

Some think that just because you’re kind and gentle, you’re naive or easily misled. They mistake your pure-hearted approach for weakness, thinking they can outsmart you. But they couldn’t be more wrong. They don’t see that you carry a strength and awareness that’s been there all along, as if there’s a warning sign on you, making it clear you’re not one to be underestimated. Whoever is coming in with intentions to deceive, whether they’re from your past or a new connection, doesn’t realize they’re only fooling themselves. They think you’re unaware, while you’re quietly observing and noting everything.

For those new here, welcome. This is a place where we face challenges head-on, without holding back. To those who have been with me, you know how much I appreciate you. Thank you all for sticking with me, for your support, and for being part of this journey. Whether people think they can manipulate you or misunderstand your kindness, remember, your insight and strength are your greatest allies. Now let’s dive in. This first message is inspired by Ephesians 6.19-20. Let words be given to me, so I may speak boldly and share the gospel, for which I am a messenger, even when in chains.

May I speak as I should, with courage. This is a reminder that you can stay humble before God, while standing firm against negativity. Some people become uncomfortable when you speak up about their wrongdoings. They’re fine as long as they’re the ones taking jabs, but the moment you stand up, suddenly, they’re the ones feeling attacked. You may have been quietly observing, noticing every small comment, every passive-aggressive gesture, without saying a word. But there comes a time when you’re ready to address it. For some of you, someone might be building up courage to make sly remarks, thinking you don’t notice.

They might think you’re unaware, but they’re wrong. They don’t realize how intuitive you are, how clearly you see through their fake smiles and insincere words. Being an empath gives you an ability to sense the truth beyond what people say. You pick up on their energy, their body language, even if their words sound pleasant. You can feel the truth, even if they try to mask it with sweet talk. So no matter what they try to feed you, you’re aware of the truth. Someone’s about to discover that messing with you is not as easy as they thought.

They’ll soon realize that you see them clearly, that you’re not fooled by any act they put on. You may be kind, but you’re not naive, and they’re about to understand that they’re messing with someone who knows exactly what’s going on. When they finally see the truth, it’ll be too late because God’s already involved, working on your behalf. Some people might smile at you, act friendly and pretend to care, but your spirit can see right through it. They don’t understand just how intuitive and aware you are, how you’ve been blessed with a gift to recognize insincerity.

God gave you this intuition to protect you from falling into people’s traps. You’re chosen, and this gift is like a shield around you. Even when people come close with a fake smile, trying to act friendly, your inner self senses something off. They might joke, laugh and put on a friendly face, but they can’t even meet your gaze because deep down they know their own dishonesty. They’re hoping you don’t notice, but you do. You’re aware of their every move, even making mental notes as they try to hide their true intentions. When you walk into the room, they tend to avoid you, leaving because they can’t handle the light you carry.

They’re uncomfortable with your presence, even if they don’t admit it. People often assume that because you’re kind, you’re also naive, and they think they can take advantage of that. But someone’s about to learn the hard way that you’re not as easy to fool as they thought. It might be someone from your past who already tried and failed, discovering you’re not someone to mess with. These people sometimes tell pointless lies, hoping to impress you or make you feel less confident. They don’t realize you already know the truth. You didn’t ask about their life, but they keep throwing out unnecessary lies, trying to make it seem like they’re doing better than they are.

But you see through it all, and they’re about to understand that you’re much smarter than they assumed. You have a quiet strength and a sense of awareness that others don’t expect. Despite the warning signs around you that they shouldn’t mess with you, some people still try. But eventually they’ll realize their mistake. When you’re quiet, some people assume you’re clueless. But really, you’re letting them talk to reveal who they truly are. Some will try to steer the conversation, eager to keep the spotlight on themselves. They know that if you start asking questions, their stories might start falling apart.

So they keep talking, trying to control the narrative while you just sit back, observing and picking up on every detail. Even when they’re full of lies and fake stories, they think your silence means you’re not catching on. They don’t realize you’re not interested in their meaningless chatter or gossip. They think you’re unaware, but you’re actually just choosing not to engage with conversations that go nowhere. One trick I’ve used is simply responding with, that’s crazy. When someone brings their fake stories and tries to seem important, I just say, that’s crazy, over and over.

They keep talking, thinking they’ve got my attention, but really I’m just observing. They’ll talk about their big achievements or latest purchases, and all I have to say is, that’s crazy. These people are often self-centered, so focused on themselves that they don’t notice you’re not participating. You’re carefully reading them, understanding that they’re probably more insecure than they seem. They have no idea you’re smarter than they think, seeing straight through their facade. You’re simply being cautious, unsure if they’re genuinely for you, or if they’re trying to compete with you. You know those who boast the most are often hiding their own doubts.

You have the wisdom to see through fake people without needing to expose yourself. You just let them reveal who they are. You know that people who constantly boast are often the ones dealing with the most insecurity. You’re more perceptive than they realize, with a deep intuition and discernment that lets you see through any facade. It’s a gift, a light that God has placed in you, a protection that others can’t comprehend. They think they can outshine or outsmart you, not realizing that the strength within you isn’t about impressing others. It’s about truth and clarity.

People come around with their fake smiles and empty stories, hoping you’ll be impressed. They brag, thinking their tales of places they’ve been or things they own will make you want to be like them. But often those stories are just that. Stories. They’re trying to fill an emptiness within themselves with things and attention. They don’t understand that their outward boasts won’t sway you because you see the emptiness they’re trying to hide. They think they can treat you the same way they do others, assuming you won’t notice the shallowness behind their words. But you’re different, and they’re about to learn that if they keep trying to play games with you.

Knowing who they are doesn’t mean you have to confront them. Instead, you quietly observe, make mental notes, and keep your distance. You’re wise enough to know that just because someone smiles and seems friendly doesn’t mean they have your best interests at heart. So you move carefully, not letting yourself get entangled with those who only bring empty talk. You stay true to yourself, aware of who you’re dealing with, and grounded in the confidence that no amount of boasting can cloud your judgment. When you’re at work, remember you’re there to earn a paycheck, not to make friends.

You’re a chosen one, carrying a light that not everyone appreciates, and sometimes that even includes strangers. Some people may think they can treat you like they have others in the past, co-workers, neighbors, or even past partners. But they’re in for a surprise because you’ve grown, you’re aware, and you’re no longer letting others pull you down. You don’t have to fight or argue with them, just sit back and let them reveal who they really are. [tr:trw].


Spread the Truth

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