#202 | Esoteric Papayas New York Golems Niflheim Cyber Demons with @NephilimDeathSquad

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➡ This is a podcast episode from the Hwana show, where they discuss a comic book called the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual, which is about supernatural powers and ancient knowledge. The hosts also chat with guests from the Nephilim Death Squad, and they have a funny debate about whether papayas are good or not. The episode also includes a story from a guest who used to work in the underground tunnels of New York City.
➡ The speaker is discussing his experiences exploring the extensive, unused tunnels beneath New York City. He mentions the dangers of the tunnels, such as encountering homeless people or getting hit by a train. He also talks about coming across small groups of people living in the tunnels, even mentioning a man who had set up a makeshift home with electricity. The conversation then shifts to various unrelated topics, including their appearances and accusations of being freemasons.
➡ The speaker discusses the difference between their on-camera persona and their real-life personality. They mention that while they may seem more energetic and entertaining on camera, it’s because they’re trying to make their content interesting for their audience. They also talk about the influence they may have on their listeners, but clarify that they don’t intend to create clones of themselves. Lastly, they discuss the challenges and potential opportunities of creating content in Spanish, and the possibility of expanding their audience in that market.
➡ In this podcast episode, the host interviewed his aunt about her strange spiritual experience in Puerto Rico involving a witch doctor. They also discussed their upcoming appearances on other podcasts and live events, and admitted that their main goal is to sell merchandise through their podcast. They encouraged listeners to check out their merchandise and follow them on various social media platforms.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the existence of lizard people and the concept of a hollow Earth. They also touch on the idea of underground ecosystems and cities, and question the authenticity of satellite images. The speaker expresses skepticism towards accepted knowledge and encourages questioning and exploration of alternative theories. They also mention their Christian faith and how it intersects with these theories.
➡ The text discusses different theories about the shape of the Earth, including the flat Earth theory and the idea of a “chest-shaped” Earth. It also talks about the power of writing to create new realities, like the creation of the Slenderman character on the internet, which had real-world consequences when two girls committed a crime in his name. The text suggests that writing can be a form of magic, creating entities and influencing reality.
➡ The text is a conversation about a man named Colin who, after a tough divorce, started using mushrooms regularly. During this time, he began to have experiences with entities, including one with blue skin. These entities gave him advice and guidance, which he followed, leading to improvements in his life. However, the speakers also discuss the potential dangers and uncertainties of such experiences.
➡ A man who has spent over 35 years working with schizophrenia patients believes that their experiences are due to demonic possession. He has identified 23 patterns in these experiences, which often lead to the patients’ physical and mental decline. However, he also describes a case where a patient communicates with an entity that encourages him to improve his life. This patient also experiences what he believes to be alien abductions, which he describes in detail, including being paralyzed, lifted up, and taken to a clinical setting with human-like figures.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including economic conspiracies, the power of money, property taxes, and government corruption. They express a desire for less government interference in their life, but acknowledge the need for some structure. They also touch on the idea of collective consent, suggesting that if everyone decided to reject the current monetary system, it would have to change. Lastly, they encourage personal responsibility and self-improvement before trying to tackle larger societal issues.
➡ This text is a conversation between people discussing various topics. They talk about appearances and trust, conspiracy theories about power structures and interdimensional beings, and their personal beliefs about religion and the end of the world. They also discuss the idea of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, and question the reasons behind wars. They share personal stories about their children learning about history and their own experiences with religion.
➡ The speaker discusses the idea of people believing in end-of-the-world predictions and how these beliefs can be manipulated for control. They also talk about the lack of personal responsibility in society, suggesting that people often avoid their duties and expect others to handle them. The speaker criticizes this mindset, arguing that it allows for harmful influences to take control. They also touch on conspiracy theories and the potential for misinformation within these communities.
➡ The text is a conversation between friends discussing their online presence, merchandise, and podcast content. They talk about their social media handles, where to find their merchandise, and the topics they cover in their podcasts, which include conspiracy theories, occult practices, and supernatural phenomena. They emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and the enjoyment they get from exploring these topics.


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They said it was forbidden. They said it was dangerous. They were right. Introducing the paranoid american homunculus owner’s manual. Dive into the arcane, into the hidden corners of the occult. This isn’t just a comic. It’s a hidden Tome of supernatural power. All original artwork illustrating the groundbreaking research of Juan Ayala, one of the only living homunculologists of our time. Learn how to summon your own homunculus, an enigma wrapped in the fabric of reality itself.

Their power at your fingertips. Their existence, your secret. Explore the mysteries of the aristotelian, the spiritual, the paracelsian, the crowleyan homunculus, ancient knowledge lost to time, now unearthed in this forbidden tale. This comic book holds truths not meant for the light of day, knowledge that was buried, feared, and shunned. Are you ready to uncover the hidden? The paranoid american homunculus owner’s manual, not for the faint of heart.

Available now from paranoid american. Get your copy@tjojp. com or paranoidamerican. com today, welcome to the one on one podcast with your host, Juan Ayala. They’re disgusting. What are they called? Coconut. Papayas. Now you see that they are. He already knew they were papayas, bro. So your boy jumps on here, dude, and he’s talking about, these are coconuts. Coconuts. Type of long ass coconut, is that. It looked like a palm tree at first.

I was like, oh, those are weird looking coconuts, dude. These are papayas. Papayas are disgusting. Ever have one, bro? Papayas are amazing. Wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Underground. Okay, we’re recording. We’re already recording work. I’m gonna cut out some of the stuff you guys said. It was kind of racist there at the beginning, but it’s fun. We got. Welcome to the show, everybody. Make sure to follow the show on social media.

At the one on one podcast today, we got the guys from Nephilim Griff squad. Sorry, Nephilim Death Squad. Welcome to the word. We’re allowed to say that on here. Yeah, we honestly, I mean, I don’t even know what you can and can’t say anymore, dude. But they’re my going on YouTube. We’ve been on other shows where we weren’t allowed to say the name of our show because it’s got, you know, death in it.

And somehow that might screw up the algorithm. So unalived squad is, you know what I’m kind of bothered by right now. So he put himself as the alchemist, and we’re obviously the heads in the jars. I don’t know what that means. Is he calling us stupid right now? Cause I feel like he’s calling us retarded. He’s like, he’s mixing us around. You’re the homunculi. Before we started this, I was like, we should have had our homunculi do the guest appearance.

Typically, we don’t do guest appearances. We just have our homunculi sit in and we’re like, you know what? For one, maybe we’ll do it and we’ll let the other ones charge for a little bit. And now I feel disrespected. Am I in a bottle? Is this a bottle? It’s a vial or a vessel, whatever you want to call it. But yes, this is an alchemical lab, and you guys are the homunculi for this episode.

So this is the first time I was able to get this to work. And I’m pretty excited. So thank you guys for being the guinea pigs for that. But, yeah, you guys very excited. Yeah. Plug your stuff for the people where they can find you. I know you guys have. I just. I feel like we’re gonna get corrected a lot this episode. It’s fine. The people that weren’t.

I mean, I don’t know how long Juan’s been recording, cuz this has been the weirdest introduction ever. But we were having, like, a slight disagreement over Papaya. There we go. I just came on, I said, those are interesting coconut trees. He goes, are you. What did you say? And I’m like, they look like long coconuts. I don’t know. I don’t know about fruit like that, you know? And Juan just started correcting me right off the bat.

Didn’t even say hi. He was like, okay, first off, you’re stupid. Those are papayas, bro. Yeah. The most disgusting fruit, by the way. Not. Not really a fruit. It’s more like if something happened between, like, fruit and, like, the fleshy creature that went bad. That’s what a papaya is. It’s like, partially an animal. Well, just never developed, like, limbs and eyes. And it’s funny you say that, because.

So the reason I’m. The reason I showed you papayas. The reason I’m defending the papayas is because a papaya banana smoothie is amazing. I don’t know if you guys have ever had a papaya banana smoothie. It’s. It’s really great. So that’s why when he came on, I was like, no, this is definitely a papaya because I’m familiar with it, and my neighbor has a papaya tree. And the.

The most messed up part is that top has a papaya tree at his house. Not quite. Not quite a tree. But you know what I was always thinking about, Juan, I said when I. When I talked to him online, because, like, we become kind of, like, fast friends, I said, we just. He’d probably not consider us friends. He’d probably be like, guy, absolutely. For us. Oh, I just wanted to say, like, as I’m talking to him, like, I don’t know Juan.

I only know him from his appearances. But now that I’m kind of getting to know him a little bit, I’m like, he looks like a guy that eats. And now that he says he loves, I mean, he’s like, he’s got his banana smoothie. Nothing wrong with it. And he tells the guy, you know what? Put a little bit of in there. Let’s do some mix that up. Let’s get up.

You know, he’s got an alarming amount of Nicolas Cage faces behind him. Too distracting. I like how you. You offset yourself to give room for the Nicolas cage faces. By the way, piccolos cage. And also. Yeah, it’s like, hey, yeah, can I have some banana with some declaring declaring decaying fruit flesh next to it and just mix it up. It tastes amazing, but yeah, good. It’s a bad fruit.

The. The offsetting is because my. The way my boom arm works is, like, to the side, so I’m not offset it on purpose. It just happens like that. And then, you know, I get in the way, but. And he gets the gangsta lean. I know. I get it. I do the same thing. I’m supposed to be centered, you know, like this. Got all this. Got the moon there for the.

For those. I got a globe right there. Globe. That’s a globe. Juan, do people ever recuse you of being something like being a shill or a fed or a plant or anything like that? Once you earn a certain level of exposure and a certain, like, because I’m. My channel is not big by any fan. And that’s the thing. You can defend that by saying, like, hey, listen, if you.

If I was a fed and I was a plant. Don’t you think I’d be big? I got actually have an audience and they would actually tune in and listen to me and I’d be making a lot more money. Tunnels right now. You crazy? I was a plan. So, listen, you know, all this stuff aside, all right? And we can talk about Nick Cage and a lot of stuff later, but you talking about the tunnels? What do you.

Are you a mole person? What were you saying? That you’ve been in the tunnels before and that you have experience in the tunnels? Can we talk about that? You want to? There’s a stir. What’s the expression? Rags from riches. Top actually was like, a tunnel dweller. Like, he was a dude that lived in the sub level of New York City and then, like, hustled hard, pulled himself up by his bootstraps and, like, look at him now.

Dude, papaya trees, like, living maybe life. It might be a papaya tree. They don’t grow those underground. That’s what I’m saying. I’m unfamiliar with this kind of underground. It’s just whatever you guys decide to drop on us. But no, no, I was a. I was from New York, New York City, and I worked for the MTA. I was a track worker. So the first five years of my career was nights, so I was working underground.

So I’ve seen the entire underground of New York City. I’ve seen, like, abandoned tunnels. FDR’s old tunnel where, you know, he would, like, ride the train so nobody knew was crippled. I’ve been everywhere, but one of the craziest places is probably under Central park. That’s, like, to get to that tunnel, there’s a. I think it was the two and the three train. There’s a big curve and we were doing work on there for months and months and months.

So naturally, I’m walking the entire curve and just seeing everything under there. But to get there, it’s like maybe 200ft down, maybe more like you’re. You’re going down. It was the middle of the winter, freezing outside. We went so far down that it was, like, warm. We were next to. I think we were next to a stream or something. But the tunnels underneath New York City are extensive.

And they’re everywhere, dude. They’re everywhere. Did you ever get the impression, like, anything that you ever saw or heard or anything, like something’s going on down here? Like, if I were to go down that way, it almost seems like something’s going on down there, like that maybe like a little bit of activity or like some noise that shouldn’t have been there, because I, to me, I mean, obviously it’s filled with, you know, a certain type of.

I don’t know how much we can say on YouTube, but there are characters down there. We’ve decided whatever you want, and I’ll censor you after for you. I’m literally not going to. And then we can. We can do the uncensored on Rumble. Oh, there you go, playboy. Okay, so right now we’re discovering that the. Down there, and, you know, I don’t know how, how deep they’ve actually gone, but to me, I can’t help but imagine that there has to be at least a small group of people who have been probably homeless people, right, who have ventured deep into the underground.

I have seen a documentary, as a matter of fact, where people were exploring the deep underground. And there is. Eventually, you do come across, and it’s, dude, it’s so extensive and it’s so deep, but you do start to come across small enclaves of people, and they’re just. They seem nice, actually, from the documentary that I saw was like a YouTube documentary. They seem nice. They have some sort of functioning.

Are you talking about the France one with the catacombs? That one’s scarier, I think. But no, no, in New York City. Yeah, there. There’s. Because there’s, in some cases, storefronts down there. That’s what I remember seeing in this documentary, was like, there was corner stores down there. Obviously, they’re not active. I’m not saying that they’re running bodegas out of the, you know, in the Bronx. It’s not. It’s not like a corner stores, but when you’re down that, man.

What train was that from? The. A train from, like, I think it’s like 200 and something street. That’s like the last stop, 207 or something like that. But from there on, the A train, there was some extensive tunneling that’s not being used, and that’s a lot of the case in New York City. So I think the MTA bought different. There used to be a bunch of different rail.

Rail lines down there. I forget the names on, like, maybe four or five when they were privately owned, and then it was consolidated to, you know, transit. And that’s, like, owned by the state. Those guys are out of business. They bought most of those tunnels, or, like, they just seize them. I don’t know most of the tunnels, but they’re still mad tunnels that it’s not. That you’re not allowed down there.

It’s just nobody goes because there’s no trains, there’s no service to be had. As far as, like, walking around in the tunnel, I was always on, like, high alert because I’m walking the tracks like, I’m paying attention for just about anything down. You can get attacked by a homeless person down there, or you can get run over by a train, depending on the type of curve. It’s like a sharp curve.

Sometimes you don’t feel the suction. So I’m always on high alert. I don’t know if it’s like I was never comfortable. Everything around me kind of always looked crazy. It looked like. Yeah, like. Like, how did this happen here? Some of them are newer, but a lot of them are just ancient, it seems. And we’re just kind of. After a certain point, there’s no light, right? So, like, if you wanted to explore that down there, like, you better bring a flashlight and you better have batteries because you’re on your own.

We’d have a flashlight. Or we hook up a bank. A bank of lights to the third rail, which is, like, very risky. Don’t do that. Actually, I ran into a guy. We. We actually had to move his stuff out because he was in a wide area, living like an entire life. Had hooked up somehow, converted electricity, like, from 600 volts, and had a fridge. He had a tv.

He’s just, like, living down there with a chair, a bed, all kinds of stuff. And you guys screwed up his situation. He was absolutely crazy if this was on west fourth. So if anyone’s been to west fourth, I forget which one. But, like, immediately, the downtown train to the left. If you go down that wide area right there. Motherfuckers just living and. But he started, like, threatening people, and then it became an issue.

Someone reported him, and we had to, like, they pulled up a train and threw his mattress out. I felt bad. He was standing there. He’s looking at, like, these mother, imagine nothing. If you came into my house and started up, I’d be like, get out, man. Yeah, but you can’t go on to, like, the platform and shake your dick at white girls and scream and then run back to your home.

Like, if you. This is what I’d imagine that I’d encounter in a New York tunnel system if I was to run your center. I just love the idea that tops in the mirror, just pushing his hair up, and it’s getting higher and higher and higher. And he has this idea, and he’s like, baby, take a picture. Yeah. When I push my hair back, it just kind of. We’ll do it.

Do it. This is the type of show to. Somebody suggested that I do my hair like this for, like, the conspiracy show and then do it normal for tower game, which is my regular show. Go figure. Tower games are regular. All right, perfect. The. I got. Can you guys see? Can you guys tell my receding hair? Should I put a hat on? I usually wear a hat. You have, like, some dense hair, dude.

I don’t know what you mean. Receding hairline hair. It looks. No, it looks really good on camera, but. But when you see it in person. How old are you? 29. 29? Yeah, I guess it’s a little pushback. Yeah. It’s all good, though. And, dude, are you. Are you a mason? Because you got the red brick behind you. Have you been called? Are you that true? I don’t even know if we were on air yet when I said this.

And I. Yeah, I guess so earlier. And I asked you if you ever got accused of, like, being a shill. I don’t have. You guys have all this cool decor, right? Nicolas Cage face, very cool. Homeboy standing in the background. Daddy, cops got all kinds of dose. I’m sorry, daddy, but all I have is this. He’s got wrestling toys. A grown ass man with toys, right, bro, I know you got.

I use this to threaten my wife. I’m like, remember, you know how. But I don’t have anything. And people still like. And I didn’t have any kind of following or anything. I think you still don’t real early get that. Still don’t. And it doesn’t stop anybody. They’re like, number one, you’re gender inverted. Number two, you’re a freemason. I’m like, I am not that cool. This cost $7 off Amazon.

And I was like, oh, it’s masonic. I forgot about that. Well, I guess that’s what it is now. Yo, who’s the black guy in the upper right hand corner? The black. That’s. That’s me, bro. I’m brown. I mean, you’re puerto rican, too, right? No, no. Over your shoulder. Homeboy standing in the back. Oh, wait, I thought you guys were talking about my little logo over here. Let me see here.

Rocking. You’re like caramel. Your caramel. That’s like. Yeah, there you go. Brown. Yeah, that’s a very dark. Yeah. Are you talking about this? What are you talking about, homeboy here? Yeah, this one right there. The one that David’s pointing to. Yeah. Okay. I thought you were talking. Yeah, this guy’s awfully black. Wait, who talking about. We talk about this right here. This guy that I’m holding. That’s me, bro.

That’s what the Tim for. That’s it. In the summertime, he just looks a little dark. Looks a little black. I don’t know. Look, we just made him self conscious about his logo now. Yeah, it’s all good. It was. It was an artist. It was. That was done by paranoid Americans. So you know how he is. He’s. You know, these freemasons, they’d be doing stuff, so he might have put that there to, like, as a plant, you know? And we’re in that chat with him, and I’m like, he’s 100%, like, putting us on a list and manipulating us.

Like, there’s no way that we’re just hanging out with this free mason on a regular. Guys listen to my AI music, and it’s like, just, like, putting spells on us. And I know what you’re doing, Thomas. That’s the thing, dude, that he knows NLP, so if anything, he would be the one to actually be able to manipulate us without us knowing, because he actually, like, went to seminars just for that.

Like, essentially, that’s what he. He knows about. But, you know, in this community, you have this concept of, like, I feel like people are so focused on fighting with each other that they’re not focusing on who you actually need to be focusing on, which is the actual lizard people, reptilian elite, whoever they are. Actual lizard people are. Who knows that? Sorry. Or. Or whatever. Right. Though those. The use is what I call.

Those are. Those are the lower level guys. That’s all right. That’s. We’re talking, you know, Saturn worship in the back. Yeah. That’s the first underground level. It goes deep. There’s more tunnels underneath those tunnels than underneath those. And after a while, it just gets interdimensional. I would agree about that. And if anything, and this is something I get a lot of slack for, that. I say that there is more evidence, and I know you guys just did an episode on this, that there’s more evidence, and, dude, watch.

The comments just go crazy when you say this stuff. There’s more evidence of hollow Earth than there is flat Earth. Okay. And the reasoning for. Yeah, they love it. They go crazy, because, again, I’m. And I’m. It’s a zealous group. Listen, listen, listen, listen. I am. I’m gonna say this for the show while I’m here, but I’m, like, a earth shape bisexual, okay? So I. It could either be round, or it could be flat.

You know, it’s whatever you want it to be. There is some fuckery afoot. We know that. We know that history has been tainted. We know that it’s been manipulated, all that stuff. We know that. But NASA lies. Yeah, NASA, whatever. But you can go, dude, there’s entire forests and entire ecosystems underground. There’s entire cities underground, okay? Not just New York. I’m talking about, like, Darren Kuyu. I’m talking about the underground forest in China.

All these different places. And in Vietnam, there’s some crazy caves or that there’s only a specific set of animals found within that cave system. Underground? Yeah. Okay. Subterranean. Now, we’re not even dealing with a theory, right? Hollow Earth isn’t a theory. No, it’s. It’s a fact. It’s a fact. But flat Earth is a theory because. And the thing is, this is all, like, there’s people just jerking off everywhere, and they’re just like, mental masturbation.

Like, yeah, we figured it out. And they’re just blowing loads everywhere, right? And it’s something that you’re never gonna be able to prove unless. And, bro, I love the shows. Let’s just go crazy on this episode. I love the shows that they’ll go on, like, for example, this old world stuff. They’ll go on and they’ll just pull up Google Earth, and they’ll be like, look at this building.

Or look at. Look at this. This looks like a. Like a giant penis. A giant nephilim penis on here. It’s like, what was this for? It’s like you’ve never been there, bro. You’re trusting, like, this satellite image that, aren’t satellites faking gay, too? Satellites aren’t even real, bro. Sadaloons, right? Where it’s the balloons and it’s like, where you’re talking. Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t make it fake and gay.

Just because you can’t grasp it. Like, explain it to me. Okay? Just because you’re not a physicist or whatever it is, doesn’t make. It. Doesn’t rule it out, you know? Because that’s another mentality. Like, oh, I don’t understand it. Therefore it’s fake and gay. Or I’ve never experienced it. Therefore it’s fake and gay, right? It’s like. And you. And when you have shows like this where you’re talking about it, you got groups who get mad, or you just bringing it up, it’s like, wait a minute.

Yes. You know, I’m a skeptic. That’s why I’m here. You know, I’m saying, like, that’s why I’m here. I’m a skeptic because I don’t believe everything that I’m being fed, and I’m gonna talk about it, and I want it. And you have to understand that there is more to reality that meets the eye. It’s not as simple as, you know, to a man and a woman, which. That’s even subjective now.

It’s, like, came together and populated the entire history that we know and love. It’s like, maybe it was that simple, but there’s more to reality. And the reason I say that is because all these depictions throughout various ancient cultures and these symbols and everything else, like, there’s something more supernatural to reality than meets the eye. So, one, you think, because this is a question that I always have, you think that there was a more, like, more people before Adam, like, pre adamites, just kind of hanging out? I think that.

That history. That’s. And again, I’m. I consider myself a Christian, but it’s man made, bro, right there. When it comes to. To this sort of thing. Like, Jesus didn’t have a religion. Like, that’s man made. That’s something that’s constructed by man. You know, I’m saying, like, that’s a. That’s a construct. And to me, bro, like, the. There’s only 45,000 different denominations of Christianity. You’re gonna. You’re gonna expect me a retard because I’m retarded.

And that’s why I’m here, you know, doing research and reading books to try and figure it out. If those 45,000 different groups don’t have it all together, and they’re extracting 45 different. 45,000 different perspectives of the same thing, of one book or whatever it is, how do you expect me to figure it out? I’m just a man, you know, I’m saying, so when. And I’ve seen it all, dude, I’ve witnessed the.

The pair. The supernatural at church. Like, I. You know, I felt the Holy Spirit, all that stuff. I’ve been there. I played guitar for my church for over five years, and I’ve seen a whole bunch of different things. So I’m. I know that there’s a God. I do believe in Jesus. Now, the. These timelines that they give us and all these other things, I’m not 100% sure, bro, because I brought this question up to somebody.

To Joel. Shout out to Joel from Van Tesla. I was like, so why, if the Babylonians predate Christianity and Christianity talks about the Garden of Eden. Why do the Babylonians on their seals that predate Christianity have a depiction of the Garden of Eden? So the one of the examples that I’ve heard or the explanations that I’ve heard for that is, like, you know, you said before you believe in God and you believe in Jesus.

Right. It’s very clear that there is a supernatural, spiritual aspect to this entire existence. And it’s also very clear. I. Very clear as a stretch. But I would say that there’s a lot that suggests that the negative side of this, like, spiritual warfare that’s going on knows how this ends and what was coming. Right. And so the argument that I’ve heard is that there was a concerted effort by these entities to invert the story or to twist the story even before Jesus arrived.

But, I mean, there’s no way to prove that. There’s only. You can only really deal with this. The sort of. The tangible things that, you know. But sounds like to me, I mean, again, I’m not trying to. I’m not trying to. Well, no, no, you’re right. It is. It feels like this is like papaya. Those look like dicks to me. This is where he’s got two dicks, dude.

This is. This is getting into the territory of Mika Dank. I think he was our first episode. Not. Not donut. You, dude, I don’t even wants to know why. I don’t really care. I don’t really love you. I don’t really, like. I do like, you like him a lot. Broken. I am. I was watching his breakdown of the Miami. You know, we’re all grifting, right? And. And for those of you that don’t know, we’re all being called grifters for talking about the Miami situation.

And go figure. It’s, like, super interesting. We’re not allowed to talk about it, but donut was grifting. Super Hardy is crushing brand. It’s on, right? So anyone else, anyone who doesn’t like that we’re talking about the nephilim. It’s on our shirt. Look, this is not really on the shirts, dude. This calm. Go buy it. I’m gonna sense. But there’s just a big blur on our chest. I’m gonna put a papaya on it.

But donut. Donut. He does. I. He does great work, and I. And I genuinely do enjoy him, and I. And I like his takes. But, you know, you were talking earlier about this whole third row. I mean, I’m sorry. The. The flat earth thing, you know, it’s like, one of the reasons that I do enjoy looking at it is because everybody gets really mad. Speaking of, like, grifting, right? Like, you’re not allowed to talk about.

When you start talking about flat earth, people lose their minds. And I go, okay, good. Now I really want to look at it. Now I want to look at it more. And it’s from both sides. It’s like, the people that believe in it, they’re very, like, staunch about it. Like, this is what it is. You’re wrong. You’ve been lied to. And the people that don’t believe it, they dedicate their time and resources to trying to debunk it.

And so I love stepping into that. That chaos and checking it out, but I don’t know, there’s so many things that, like, that are about flat earth, right? It could be. You could be talking about, like, guys ever heard of tabernacle Earth? You guys ever heard about that christian topography? No. I’m gonna show you. Keep going. I’m gonna show you. Yeah, I was gonna say, like, people defend, like, the crust.

Like, when you talk about Antarctica, the beyond. That’s one argument. Another argument is actually, like, the water being level, and then you’ll get into, like, space. And that’s where the government completely does itself a disservice, where, if this is round it, there’s definitely not space. Like, that is pretty much clear. I feel like I’m not even gonna argue about that. There is something that we’re seeing, but we can’t get there.

Like, we’re bragging about lower Earth orbit still. And they take all these pictures, right, of, like, the space. They’re like. They look like giant nebulas and everything. And I’m like, these are all artists renditions. Yeah. Tell you so, that, like, for me, that right there, like the. The Neil degrasse Tyson. It’s like almost an admission that that’s fake. What shape is this thing on? I don’t know. Is it spinning through infinite space? Probably not.

It could be round. It could be flat. Like it’s a pear. It’s more of a pear shape. Like, oh, pear earth. Cool. It’s a chest. It’s a. It’s that. So there’s this book that was written, and it talks about how cool, how the earth essentially is. Again, kind of. Sort of flat. And what we’re looking at is a sort of chest shape. And they have a whole const.

You know, anatomy of their on top. Just. No, we’re. We’re here and we’re looking at the lid of, like, on the inside of the lid of the, I like it. That’s my new belief. I believe this now 100%. So we’re here, and we’re looking up around us, and that’s just the chest. We’re just in, like, a true, I’ve actually never seen this. This is dope. This is from, like, 18.

Christian topography. It’s from, oh, sorry. So twelve books of 550. Oh, wow, look at this. Holy crap. 55 ad. So, yeah, it’s pretty old. That’s, uh. So by being old, I believe it 100% now. Yeah, me too. Only believe old. Yeah, me too. So, and that’s the thing, right? Like, what I, what I’m telling people. I did this episode with a Tommy Cowan shout out to him. He’s a William Burroughs esotericist.

And we were talking about how writing essentially opens up portals and how these chaos magicians were using writing as a form of trance. Like, they’re writing these stories and people are reading it, and they’re partaking in this ritual, essentially. And their, their consciousness is being transported to these fake, these made up lands that these, that these chaos magicians come up with to try and help them essentially fight their innermost demons in some sort of weird way.

But the idea of, like, writing itself as a divinatory device, as a way of drawing forth forces from beyond, such as Nephilim or the great old ones or the deep old ones or whatever, and it’s like writing itself is literally what some religions are based off of completely. It’s like, oh, there was these books that told this story. Boom, you have a religion. You know what’s really interesting about that? I kind of think sometimes about how, like, the world of, I don’t know what you would call it, but, like, goblins and elves and dwarves and, and, and this sort of, like, lore, right, is so well fleshed middle earth.

Well, yeah, yeah. And so if everything got wiped out to some degree, but only that existed, you know, like when you were going through old relics and sifting through sort of the ash and the chaos of some cataclysm and somehow only came apart, let’s say, a really well preserved germanic lore section of a library, you dig up a copy of the homunculus owners, Manny, and they’re like, oh, these were like Pokemon.

They were, like, making these homunculi, these demonic entities. And they were making them, bro. They were, they were making them. What is this? He was, hold on. My favorite one. He was making him cut his grass. Like, yo, what? That’s is he wearing pants or not? No, he’s not wearing pants. He’s naked, bro. Like native slaves. Is that why they. These things originated? Just to do manual? Yeah.

You know, right now, like, we’re looking for a producer for Nephilim Dead squad. We need a homunculus. Like, we were talking about doing, like, video stuff. Like, because we hang out. We’re doing stuff. We were just hanging out with Matt rife. And we’re like, we should have recorded some of that, but we need to. Want to do it. I record that. Cool. You never have a conversation unless you record it.

Because if did a conversation happen unless you recorded it? The feds are also agreed up one. Pull your shirt over. It’ll just be like, my sausage, bro. It’s just like, oh, we’re talking about all this esoteric stuff from my. My nipples are so hard, dude. Yeah. Before I forget, I wanted to say the revelation of the method sort of thing. So you’re saying, like, the writing opening up portals, and immediately I’m thinking of Doctor Strange, right? He’s writing a spell and then spin it, throw it, and it’s like a portal.

Maybe it’s really. Maybe it’s not like that. Because, like, if you think of a mandala, which essentially. Essentially what they do in that show, they do like the monk does the. Opens up, whatever, like all this crazy, but in a more metaph, like on. Maybe on another layer of reality that happens. Like, you know, they always say that you’re tethered to your soul, right? Like you have a little homunculus floating around with you.

And that’s why churches have those circles at the top so your soul can go through. And sometimes when you’re walking through a door, you forget what you were looking for. You walk into a room, you’re like, the hell am I doing this? Because you left your soul behind. And you know, I’m saying so, like, there’s something about that ass. But all these concepts that we’re talking about, you’re saying, like this germanic folklore of the elementals, which Paracelsus came up with in the 16th century, these.

These stories are. They just. When do they stop being stories and are start being an actual reality to some people? Because according to some of the lure, right? This writing, Maddie, that letter ism. Because first you had numbers. You. First you had geometry, then you had numbers with the geometry. Then you had numbers with the geometry with the letters. So it starts to like the. The. The sigil magic essentially starts to evolve.

And the low coding to the lore, these entities sometimes come forth from these texts, like, from whatever it is you’re writing. And I think that’s why a lot of times, a lot of these guys throughout history, like an HP Lovecraft, they’re being contacted in their dreams to write these stories. And maybe by writing these stories and planting that through memetics, right, the. The transference of information you’re birthing, maybe not anally, but in some sort of other way, a homunculi to inhabit this realm.

Right? And that sounds crazy. You know, what’s a good example of that? So something that didn’t exist in the sort of, like, supernatural zeitgeist before, but then be kind of took the Internet by storm in the whole creepypasta realm, right on Reddit, is this slender man character who just didn’t exist at all and then ends up kind of popping into supernatural pop culture, right? All these creepypastas are written over and over again.

Slender man, I think even for a period of time, there was a video game, and then one tragic day, I think there’s a documentary about it. You could still find it. These two little girls took another little girl to the woods and ended up, I believe, murdering her. And they were kids. They were real little kids, and they did it at the behest of Slenderman. And you can kind of take it as this throwaway thing, right.

But you have to understand, like, you have to put yourself in those shoes for a second. What is going to move two little girls to such a degree that they’re willing to murder one of their. I wouldn’t really call her a friend. It seemed like maybe they. They had sort of a negative relationship with her in the first place. Maybe she wanted to be friends and. And they were sort of abusing her, but ultimately ended up killing her.

And so it’s like, you know, what we’re talking right now is, like, literally writing characters into existence. Who’s to say that the magnitude that that slender man popped onto the scene with, who’s to say that it didn’t pop on in some other way outside of just, you know, a fictional story on Reddit or a video game? Well, slender man, a fed, is that what you’re trying to say, bro? 100%.

He dressed like what? He looked like one. Yeah, 100%. Is that idea. That idea could kind of go back to, um. I don’t know, you’ll see a lot of stories about where, like, maybe, like, a forest imp or something like that. Just a spirit in the forest or maybe a spirit in general. Like, uh, yeah, so if you do have one of these demons, kind of just disembodied demons roaming around.

It’s in touch with what’s going on. If you. If you believe what Jerry Marzinski says, where they could just. If they’re inside your head, they can just read through you like a. You know, like a. Folders just flip through you, right? So if, you know, if they do know about this and this has become a zeitgeist in popular culture, why wouldn’t you manifest as this and then use it? You want death? Like, eventually, essentially.

That’s really what they would want anyways, death. So you manifest this. This is what these girls see. You get what you want. I don’t know. You got to understand that the government, we’re talking about feds and everything, they’re interested in these concepts. They’re. They’re doing the, you know, the Monroe. The Monroe Institute. They’re the astral projection. And if you want to believe all those stories, because, again, they’re essentially stories.

But how I mentioned earlier, a lot of religions or stories. A lot of religions are divinely inspired, divine intervention. So they got a download from an angel or something. And I always want to go from, I love it when people go, God spoke to me. How do you know it was God? Oh, I just. I just knew. Well, John Dn. Edward Kelly thought that they were speaking to angels until the angels.

Hey, uh, hey, bro. I don’t know how to say this, but the angels want us to cook each other. Oh, really? Yeah. And this is if one of the guys we’re dealing with, this guy Colin, very similar story. He tells us, like, you know, I still keep up with him. I love Colin. And I’m like, how’s everything going? He’s like, entities are talking to me again. I was like, are you sure that they’re not, like, nephilim? He’s like, no, no.

I think that they’re, like, really good. They haven’t sent on this mission. He’s got his life back together. But I’m like, like, just. How do you know? How do you know what it is? Wait, so. Okay, man. Okay, first of all, top, all right, you can’t come in here talking about identifying papayas as coconuts, whatever it was. Then you talk about that you were a tunnel jew, and then you’re gonna bring up this guy was talking to entities on the other side who helped him turn his life around.

You’re not gonna talk about it? Let me rephrase. I just wanted to say that I. My name is Top. Lopsin. I do what the I want now that that’s out the way. Thank you very much. I’m gonna turn. You got, like, the real top. Like, he pushed his hair up in the air and everything. We got way. So I could think a little bit, but. No, it’s a friend of mine.

You can just call him your friend. He’s on. He’s been on the show and called himself Colin on the show. I’ve been in touch with him for, like, over a year, year and a half before I even thought about having a show. Before I even thought about having a paranormal show. I was just kind of a, like a libertarian dude doing artwork and then talking. But I’ve known him, and he’s been telling me about his journey through this story for a long time.

And I had the top lobster show, which I did here and there. I was like, come on and talk about it, because I was, you know, interview. I’ve interviewed my own, a couple of people about, like, different paranormal things. That’s where. That’s kind of how I met David. Interviewed him about some visit, his experiences or so. Yeah, it was. It was boring, but. So, aunt, again, by the way, this guy looks like a bisexual.

Look at him. He does. He takes care of himself. How tall are you, David? Five. Five. No. All right, so good. It’s not fine. So you’re talking to this guy. You meet David to the paranormal kick, and then what? Well, here’s the thing about the guy. He. I said, come on the show and let’s talk. Let’s talk it through, because it was an incredible story. And he was like, I’m not.

I don’t think I want to do it. And he just told me no for a long time. And I was like, okay, like, if you’re ready to tell the story, then tell it. And one day, you know, after we started our show, he’s like, all right, I think it’s time to tell the story. And came on and, David, tell him. You tell it better anyway. Well, all right, so basically what happens is the guy.

Is. Is this the one where. No, no, there’s two different. We get. We actually got a bunch of these stories because once people heard it, they started to contribute their own stories that sounded very similar, and we ended up in this weird space. But he is going through a divorce. Right? Is that an appropriate way to start? I would say he wasn’t. He went through a bad divorce.

A really bad divorce. Just working two jobs, like, because nothing else to do and. Right. And so he starts going through this thing where he, he goes to a pretty dark place, and he wants to get his life together. And, and, and I think all of this is spurred out of wanting to get his life together. And I think he ends up, before having any contact, does a bunch of mushrooms.

And while on the mushroom trip, he comes. Well, he doesn’t. He does them frequently, like, week after week. And he’s, he’s doing them, but he’s looking for answers because he’s, like, my all messed up. Like, I need to, like, get myself together. So he’s doing, like, high dose of mushrooms once a week. I don’t know what abusing mushrooms looks like. I’ve never done it, but that’s, this is what he’s doing.

And then it gets to a point where I’ll tell this part, you tell the next. But he’s in, he’s, he’s like a security guard in a comedy club, and he’s sitting in the back, and he’s basically somebody just from right behind him is like, leave this job, never come back. And he’s like, no one’s there. And he decides to listen. So he just leaves that job, never goes back.

And from there, it gets increasingly more strange. Right. So he starts, um, you know, he’s. He’s already having his mushroom uses, I suppose, regular mushroom use. And he starts to come into contact with entities. I don’t think he heard them at first. He just got impressions from them. I believe the way he described it was like he would get images and ideas from them. Right. So he’s almost like, kind of channeling.

Right. And so over time, the nature of this changes, and he actually starts to see the same character again. I know one character for certain that he did see on a regular basis. Yeah. Just a blue. A dude with blue skin. And there were some other characters that he did see along the way, but it seemed like this guy with the blue skin was, was a regular. Did he have a name? Top, do you remember if he gave that guy a name? That guy didn’t have a name, but other people did.

Like, one of the guys said his name was Anu, and I was like, that’s not good. Like, I don’t know if you’ve done any research into that. I was like, that’s the God of death. Not a good Anubis. It’s like, what? Yeah, Anubis. He said that his interpretation of it was the angel of death, which was an interesting thing, because, you know, when you’re thinking about, like, anunnaki, right.

The Zechariah sitchin description of them is those who from the heavens came or something of that nature. And it lines up with the whole fallen angel thing. So you’re kind of getting into, excuse me, into weird territory right there. But the really strange thing about these interactions with these entities is. Man, look at that. Look at that. How? I mean, like, come on. Homeboy is communicating with ancient sumerian fallen angels, potentially, right? And so this.

These things, these entities that he’s telling to go to church, though, which is really weird. Eat. Right? They’ve got his life together to the point where he does have, like, a girlfriend now he’s running miles. Kids. They’re telling him to exercise, right? Usually it would be the opposite, right? Like, if you’re. If you’re having these kind of, like, weird attachments, they would. They would destroy your life. Right? We spoke to Jerry Marzinski, who’s a clinical psychologist.

He’s in the field for 35 plus years dealing with schizophrenia patients. He’s nailed down these interactions with these voices that are influencing these victims of schizophrenia. He believes that it’s demonic possession. But he says there’s, like 23 discernible patterns that these things will always follow. One of them is that by the end of it, these things, they, like, essentially suck away your life force. You become physically withered, mentally withered.

And it leads to your. Your debt, your decline on every measurable metric. But here we have an instance where this guy is definitely communicating with something, and this something wants him to improve his life across all metrics. Not only that, but there seems to be this process that he’s going through with these entities where he’s being upgraded. This was. This was another crazy one. I know. It’s that Juan’s gonna be like, oh, these guys are gay.

But it goes into like. Like, the story is just great because it touches UFO kind of stuff or some kind of abduction. He gets a tap, and the entity says, you know, take mushrooms. Go lay down. Apparently, this is a common thing where if they want to talk to him, they’re like, take those mushrooms. Put your eye thing on. Go lay in your room. So he’s like, okay.

And he does it. Boom. He’s usually doing this all, by the way, like, eye mask and mushrooms. And his girlfriend, who does not do mushrooms, she’s like, okay. Yeah. It’s like, see you later, babe. Just gonna go talk to, like, I don’t even know if he’s telling her at this point. He’s just going to the next room and laying down and dosing. So that’s a regular occurrence. This one time he does, I think the last time he’s ever done mushrooms, he does it, goes, lays down nothing.

He’s like, just a regular mushroom trip. And he was like, okay, that’s weird. Like, you called me, you called me here, and this time you left me, left me flat. So I think it was like another couple of days. He’s not doing any drugs, and he, then he goes on to describe this intense abduction encounter. Basically, he basically gets taken. He’s, you know, classic alien abduction. He’s on a table.

He sees a guy, some guys in, like, trench coats or something like that, right? Like he’s, he thinks that they’re doctors. By the way. He, um, I think when he was, I am, correct me if I’m mistaken, top. He was, like, paralyzed first. And I don’t think he was in a state of sleep. I think he felt like he was paralyzed all of a sudden, and then he felt like his body was lifted up and he, like, had no control over this.

He was like, he was almost describing the most intense version of sleep paralysis, which people have begun to associate with abduction experiences. Not began. They’ve been doing that for a long ass time. You know, Whitley Striber wrote that book, communion. I think that was in the fucking strieber. Yeah, in the eighties or nineties or even the, the electrical sensation of, of that type of phenomenon versus, uh, something that we were, we were also told, like, like if you’ve had, if you had like, a spirit in the room or something like that, they’ll, it’ll often be described as, or confused with some kind of electrical noise.

You’ll hear like a static people. Right. Because that shit. Right. Associated with the paralysis is this intense. I’ve experienced it before where it’s like you’re kind of like, yeah, it feels like you’re being electrocuted. And so the, the paralysis is literally associated with an electrical sensation, which makes sense, right? Because if you get electrocuted, your body locks up. So, like, this is a very physically exhausting experience to go through.

All of your extremities are locked out, and there’s this loud vibration or buzzing or, or electrifying sensation. So he ends up essentially describing this classic abduction experience and then ends up in a very clinical setting. And there are men in white attire, kind of like David, I didn’t want to, sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt your, your thing. We were just talking about electricity and very similar to what we’re going to be doing soon in Georgia.

So if you wanted. That’s rife technology. He made us our own. It’s just a taser, so. It’s not just a taser. It induces an abduction experience and orgasms if you’re, if you’re, you know. But, yeah, so he, um, he ends up clip that whole. To put a papaya over, bro. Electric papaya. Call this episode. That’s. So he gets pulled up into this craft, and he’s. He’s basically on an operating table in a medical setting with two human dudes on either side of him.

And they are noticing that he is beginning to struggle. He’s not supposed to happen like that or whatever. Yeah, he’s shaking off the paralysis, and they’re saying to him, like, calm down. And they’re, they’re confused. They’re like, this isn’t supposed to happen. He’s not supposed to, and he’s objecting. I don’t know how verbal he can be, but he’s definitely objecting. And they’re telling him something very interesting, which is, calm down.

You consented to this. Very interesting choice of words, because when it comes to spiritual warfare, consent is a massive component to how these things typically play out. If you believe in that, if you consented to this, you consented to this. And it’s like, yeah, like, that’s, again, like, we love to talk about the vampire where you got to let him in. So, yeah, he let him in. It seems, if, again, if the story is to be believed.

But I do. I don’t know, man. Something about it’s just the thing, though, bro. Like, a lot of these things, a lot of these stories, that’s what they are, stories. It’s source. Trust me, bro. You know? Like, and there’s nothing wrong with that because you get into the realm of phenomenology where it’s. You can’t tell him otherwise, that he didn’t experience that. He, he experienced that if it was in the physical world, in the dream realm.

Because think about it. Like, that’s why I I don’t like when people feel like they have it all figured out. It’s like you don’t, we don’t even understand consciousness. We don’t even understand the double slit experiment. You’re gonna tell me you’ve got it all figured out? Like, that’s what bothers me. It’s like you can be a skeptic and you can have an opinion, but don’t act like you have it all figured out.

And like, yeah, it’s flat. 100%. You don’t know that for a fact. You know, I’m saying, like, have you been over the ice wall? No. Cuz you know, they shoot the plane down or something. It’s like, well, you’ve never been. The giants are waiting. But I did the math, David. I did the math. And there should be this much curvature. So look at this Red Bull video where the dude is up in the.

Up, you know, on this thing and. And you can’t even see the. It’s like just cause you don’t understand it and just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s fake. You know what I’m saying? It doesn’t mean it’s fake and gay. Like there. I’m sure there’s a lot of things that are fake and gay. And if you think about it for 1 second, me, I’ve learned, like, a lot of this, like, other realm talk and everything.

As far as space. I think space is another realm. It’s not what they’ve told us. And I think the people that they show in space aren’t really in space. I think that space is another realm and it’s used for ritual purposes. Okay. If you look at a launching of a rocket, it looks like that taser, that top held up, you know, going into phallic. Everything, everything. Artemis has sturdy three engines, all this crazy, the 28th parallel.

All this stuff is all ritualistic. Okay, so there’s obviously something wrong there. And it’s a huge money laundering operation. Oh, yeah. You know, I’m saying, like, one of the most profitable money laundering operations that there’s ever been. And people buy it. Like, and like, dude, I get it. Like, I love. That’s what, that’s what got me into this. So, like, it came from the libertarian background. So all of its economic.

And when you start looking at the conspiracy of what do libertarians believe? That’s like, leave me alone. Right? Bigfoot. It’s. No, I mean, this is so Owen Benjamin is having a fight. Nephilim with all the libertarians. He’s in Nephilim fighting all the libertarians. And he’s kind of like, ask him. He’s like, what do you think about this line of argument? He sent me a video, this 20 minutes video.

And I’m like, all libertarians think something different. They’re so decentralized that that’s why their movement will never work. You’ll never destroy the government. It’s kind of like freedom and small government. And to varying levels, though. Yeah. The biggest libertarian ever Ron Paul would tell you he’s anti. Then you’ll have another huge libertarian on the other side of it and say, like, people should make the choice that they want.

Freedom is free. You know, that kind of. So what is a libertarian? I’d just say autistic. I’m not, not quite sure. Right. Well, you know, I was saying the conspiracies that got me into were all economic. And it always comes down to it’s like, well, where’s the money going? Like, it would be really nice if I could look at and say, economically, they embezzled trillions. It was the largest, it was the largest wealth transfer from the poor to the rich ever.

Hands down. You could never do that. You probably do it again. But you. It’s never been done before like that. I mean, like, on every level of the market. No, I think it has been done every so often. But if you think about it, money is a construct that we all come together and agree that it’s worth something. You know, so there’s something much deeper ingrained into. There’s like this metaphysical attachment to money.

Because if we all came together and we’re like, yo, paying taxes, bro, my property taxes have tripled in the last three years. You know, I’m saying, like, that’s crazy. And you don’t ever own anything because if you don’t, if you have a property that’s paid for, guess what? You don’t pay your taxes on that property for a year, two years, you might get away with it maybe three years.

Just know someone’s gonna buy those property taxes out, and you got to pay that guy out to be able to. To get your property back. If not, they’ll take it and they’ll sell it at auction and you have nothing. So it’s like, I, believe me personally, I believe in the government leaving me the alone. That’s what, that’s what I want, right? I want the government to stay as far away from me as possible.

But it’s not that simple. You know, I’m saying it’s not as simple as that. You do like roads and you do legs, fire department, organization structure. There’s needs to be something. But we all know, like, bro, there’s no. Anyone you ask, right? Because you’re talking about conspiratorial aspects that are monetary, right. Anyone you ask, and they. Everyone can agree. Politicians are corrupt. Yeah. Politicians, yeah. Politicians are corrupt, yeah.

So is Donald Trump. No, no, he’s not. You know, he’s one of the guys like, bro, no, they’re all the same, they’re all part of the same thing. You know, I’m saying like. And it’s like people can believe that all politics, but then it’s like they’re still buying into this left right, red, blue ideology. It’s like, if you’re stuck in that, I think you’re. This is what Owen Benjamin is doing, and it’s not.

So he’s going to battle with every influential libertarian thinker that is there, that’s out there, that’s willing to talk to him. It’s fascinating because at the bottom of it, he’s saying, like, he’s being contradictory. He’s saying, don’t put my government. And they’re like, oh, you’re a bootlicker. You’re this and that. But he’s like, it’s all about consent. Like you were just saying, if we all decided tomorrow that the dollar isn’t worth anything, this, this piece of paper here, we just be like, I don’t want to trade in that anymore.

I don’t want to represent my value and my work with this. When do you. Shekel, they clip those coins like a motherfucker. No, listen. It’s. It’s all about consent, and it’s all about what you do, and that’s like a metaphysical principle. So when you’re thinking about the government, these motherfuckers know, like, at the bottom of it, you say, are they corrupt? Yes. Are they sacrificing children to Moloch? Most likely.

Probably. Are they losing? Are they looking. Are they looking for the bodies of the body of Gilgamesh and the tombs of the nephilim? Yeah. They’re asking specifically in an email that that’s what they’re doing. But the idea of the government, they’ve. They’ve consolidated that idea to make you consent. There’s millions of us. There’s a couple of the. I’m not saying to overthrow them. Don’t. January 6. But logically, if you all just said no, they’d be like, okay, I guess we can’t.

We’ve done it a couple of times in different places. People decided not to shut down for everybody said no. And the government was like, oh, well. And then they realized, like, they’re serious. They’re like, we got something anyway going on right now. The, didn’t they just rule that it is okay for the Biden administration to lift the barricades that are at the Texas Mexico border? Like, this just happened maybe like an hour or two ago.

I saw. Was going around Twitter. Twitter that I can’t communicate with on, by the way, because I threatened not to someone’s mom, but that I would, and they wouldn’t do anything about it. And so. But I did see. I did see this, and now we’re at this really interesting opportunity, right, where it’s like, are the people of Texas gonna go, no, we don’t care what the federal government says.

We’re gonna keep the barricades in place, or are they gonna allow it? Are they gonna consent? And so, you know, but, yeah, I agree. Because if everybody said, like, no, we’re not gonna let that happen. Yeah, go. Okay. Okay. And I’m not. I’m not calling. I’m not calling for this, because I’m not, like, I’m not even. Listen, man, that. That battle is so stupid to me at this point about the government.

It’s like, take control of your own life. The government’s gonna do what it’s gonna do. Figure out how to operate intelligently and successfully within the rules that they’ve set. For you, complaining about it is not going to get you anything unless you’re just grifting off of the. To complain and get other people riled up about this. Yeah. For me, it’d be better. I’m growing my papaya trees. I don’t even know.

I don’t even know. They are. I’m putting water. We’ll find out in three months. I’ll let you know. One with the. I’m growing. It might be a long. They’re long. They’re avocados, bro. They’re long avocados. They’re long neck avocados. That’s the thing, bro. Like, I think that people need to focus on. Bro, get off. Stop watching porn. Get a hold of your own life before you worry about the bigger problems at hand.

And that’s the thing. Like, I feel like the government is one of those things. Or even. What’s another one that people beat like a dead horse anyway, government is a real big one where they’re like, it’s this climate change, right? Climate change every four years. It’s this, you know, regurgitation. It’s like, oh, this is gonna be the guy who’s gonna do it. Turns out that guy didn’t do anything.

So then, oh, yeah, then. And it’s a divide and conquer technique. And if we all came together and actually focused on coming together as a people and. And being good and loving, that sounds cliche, but as long as there’s division, bro, I don’t think that there’s gonna be any. Any growth. And not only that, but I think we’re kind of like the Jordan Peterson line of thinking, is the right line of thinking where it comes to, like, get your own under wraps first before you go tackle the bigger picture, like, fixing the country, clean up your room, pick up the dog in your backyard, like, do the things that you’re supposed to do.

And then maybe you can, like, help your neighbors out. That’s where my name is. Your neighbors can get. Right? Then maybe you could help your. There you go. Yeah. And then maybe you could even, who knows, do some in your, like, actual immediate community. But I think the Internet is, like, cursed us all because we see this pathway to the bigger stage. Emmer, like, I can affect change.

And we hop out here, and we’re out with our Gucci north face green jackets on in the tunnels in New York City. Got no idea we’re doing that. Changing, changing anything like that. Dude, it’s starts with your room clean up. You. I remember seeing that guy. I muted that guy’s account. Cuz I remember seeing follows me so much. Me, but I don’t care. I remember seeing so much of his stuff, and I was like, you’re being picked today to be exposed, and it’s like, nothing.

What would you. Yeah, like, I’m not a dude who typically talks about other accounts because there’s so much interesting information there. It’s like, why not do that? But that guy just sketches me out a little bit. Because it’s like, I. I’ve been a conspiracy theorist for my entire life, and I’ve never seen that guy before or heard him. And then all at once, this dude was like, the most famous conspiracy theorists on Twitter.

And I’m like, he just went on Tim pool, right? He did. And I’m like, I’m a fan of all the conspiracy content. Goblin, bro. Like a straight up homunculus. If I present to you like this, like me, if my eyes were like this all the time, that was my regular face. Don’t believe me. Like, just look at me and turn this off. I’m serious. Physiognomy is like, that’s a powerful tool.

Yes. Don’t deny what your eyeballs are telling you. Wait, what’s that called? What’s that called? Physiognomy. What is that? Do not correct me that. I’ve read it. I’ve never said it out loud. G o n. So what is your physiognomy on you telling you about this guy right here? Do you believe anything this guy says ambiguous. Yeah. You believe this guy? He looks like he has some sort of proportions.

Big hair, bro. Revelation of the method. He’s telling you not to trust. Yeah. Big ass hands, small ass head, big hair. He does. Bruh, what is trust? The word this guy says? But give him your money. Give him your money. And if you do believe him, that’s your fault. That’s your fault. Yeah, I agree, though. There is something about that little goblin dude that’s just like, if you look like Gollum from the Lord of the rings, treat.

Be treated. Have you seen Rabbi Shmuley? Yeah, that dude’s hideous. The dude is like, all of his features, like, scream villain. If I were to draw a villain in a comic book, it would be. You’d use, like, that kind of nose. You use, like, the eyes inset. Yeah, I’m. I feel bad. I don’t know, Dom, but I’m just saying. Well, Gary, the numbers guy. Gary the numbers guy looks like a villain, too.

He looks like the penguin from Batman. This guy. Can you cast this guy as Batman, or does he have to be the villain? He’s got to be the villain. Yeah. Look at him right there. Oh, yeah. Eyebrows. Yeah. It’s a combination. What does this guy do? Who is he? He’s the dude that was countries. So, do you know. Do you know today, Elon Musk went to. To look at a.

Yeah. At the Holocaust scene with Ben Shapiro. And Ben Shapiro’s doing this. This dude was sitting with Robert F. Kennedy, junior while Robert F. Kennedy was at his, like, height in the. In politics now. He’s just dropped out, and I don’t even know what he’s doing, but he was sitting with him, guiding him through, like. And he’s sitting online, he’s going, and what else do we feel about Israel right next to him, like, on the same screen? And he’s like, yeah, we really like Israel.

And he’s like, and what else? It’s like one of these people that are just control, like, literally controller. The Harvey Pasternak. Harley Pasternak or. Yeah, yeah. Like, literally just sitting there right next to him, telling him what to do. And another conspiracy that people can agree upon is that there are higher ups and that there is a structure there. There’s a structure to society. Now. Now, there might be infighting.

Well, but there’s still a structure. Let’s say there’s a structure. Right? There’s a structure. And let’s say that the people at the top, if they are or are not talking to interdimensional beings. That’s a whole different conversation. But that’s something that people will agree to, like that these puppets in power have some sort of handlers and that there are powerful agencies behind all this. Bro, the other day, my son came back from school.

They’re learning about MLK, and he tells me, am I? We’re eating dinner at the dinner table, and he goes, dad, do you know that somebody shot MLK or Martin Luther King and he died because he got shot? And I turned and looked at him, and my wife looked at me, and I said, she’s like, don’t do it, Juan. What if I told you that the CIA killed MLK and he actually died at the hospital? Not from the gunshot, when my wife was like, Juan, please.

How. How old’s your son? Five years old, bro. Oh, hell, yeah. What do you mean? What are you talking. I was like. I’m just saying, bro, he didn’t die from the gunshot. Yellow fibers in his nostrils. All right? I mean, anything could have got in there. They were huge. But he looked like that guy over there. They’re the size of this papaya, these papayas, bro. That’s what they are.

Just walking around, breathing in the white man’s papayas. Oh, man. Well, I am Puerto Rican. So we. We got to have some black in the. In the genes of the African American, I think. Oh, yeah, Taino. Exactly. So I dropped that on him, and my wife wasn’t happy that I did, but it’s like they’re teaching this history that, I mean, we know that there’s a structure, and if these people at the top are talking to others, and then, you know, the.

The church has a structure, too, and it’s like the top talks to God, and then he trickles down the information to the rest of the people, and it’s like, hey, listen, you have to go trust us, right? You have to go through us, pay us, and then we’ll save you a seat up wherever that is. Like, that’s a conspiracy that people can get behind, that there is a structure and that there’s people at the top and that the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer.

But my whole thing is like, if these people are running the. The money printers, right? That’s why I don’t get behind the whole, oh, they’re doing this war for oil money, or they’re doing this war for military industrial complex. You know, they’re. They’re just cranking out more like, bro, they own the money printers. Why would they have to sacrifice so many people? You know, we talked about this on another episode.

It’s like there’s layers to the reveal. The first layer is like, oh, we got to go give those people their freedom. We got to. We got to, you know, liberate them from their oppressors. And then you go, oh, and you pull it back and you go, oh, this is actually about oil, right? And then. And then you think you got to. Then it’s like, no, you pull that back, and it’s like, this is about setting up permanent military stations in Barry.

Yeah. In various locations all over the planet, enforcing the. And you pull that back, and you pull that back, and it’s like, oh, this is about Gilgamesh and the bodies of the buried nephilim. Like, it’s all. Everything is really ancient. Why would they. Why would they sacrifice all those people? One, I think you know why. I mean, like, what a great. Don’t know why, though, bro. And that’s the thing.

Like, I remember, bro, and I’m not. I’m not trying to bash anyone’s religion or anything like that. I. I made it a point to read the Bible more this year, right? And I consider myself a Christian. Not the best one, but a Christian. And the thing is, God has it. And the way I was raised is that God is coming back, okay? And there’s gonna be a rapture, and some people are going to get left behind, and others are going to go.

Essentially, the good people go, and the bad people stay, and the bad people who stay are going to suffer for a very long time. After the fed is going to be seven years or something like that. The Antichrist is going to come out. It’s going to be. The first three is going to be great. The second three is going to be like, oh, this sucks. And then whatever it’s all going to.

It’s going to be really bad. I remember being eight years old, being. Being told that God was coming back, and I needed to be a good little boy, and I needed to go to church every. I was going to church four times a week. I was going Tuesday for the rehearsal, Wednesday for bible study, Friday for the. For the youth service, and then Sunday four times a week and sometimes more.

We would go other places on Saturday or whatever, youth camps and all that stuff. And I grew up with this idea of, like, the first book I wrote is the book revelation. It’s like, dan, this is. Wow, this is crazy. It’s gonna be dragons. And in the air, there’s gonna be a dragon trying to eat a baby like that. The child and then the mother and the whore and all that stuff.

Like, that’s crazy. Brats. What? Like, that’s what I was essentially brainwashed with. And people still believe that there is gonna be this sort of rapture, the supernatural taking of God’s church or whatever it is. Like, people, bro. People live that. I don’t. Have you guys ever seen the movie of the movie? It was like a tick tock line. No, no, no, not. Well, those were some. Those were Mkultra for us as kids, because every.

Every Halloween at this local church, they would do this. This really crazy production that would make everyone want to be holy for, like, two weeks. And then after that, people would forget about it. Like, it would transform them and stuff like that, because it was all about accepting Jesus in your heart and all that stuff. And I got. Remember those? But you guys ever see the tick tock where it was the.

The daughter telling the mom that they spotted Jesus somewhere? So, like, that. And she starts, like, freak out, like, where? Tell me where. Show me where. Show. Like, she was believing that they had spotted Jesus somewhere. Wait, who was. Who was saying, show me where? The mom. So the daughter was, like, recording the mom’s reaction, and. And she was like, oh, my. Oh, my God, mommy, they spotted Jesus so much.

She’s like, oh, my God. Tell me, show me, show me. She was like, tell her to show her the post that said it. And it’s like. Like, her. There’s millions of people. You know, I’m saying. And there’s also millions of people who believe the opposite. And I believe in Jesus, but if my son was like, oh, they saw Jesus. They saw Jesus. I’d be like, man, you fall for some, you know, it makes people live a really awful life.

Like, uh, if you’re just. Look, because I know people like that, that’d be like, well, you know what, jesus come back soon anyway. So I’m like, no, I don’t think. I don’t think you’re here for that kind of a reason to just basically, like, live until, like, he’s coming back soon. Yo, man, no, that’s, like. It’s almost self defeating. Yeah. If I thought the world was gonna end after 2024, which it looks like it, why would I do anything? We thought I was gonna.

Bro, they. Yeah, in 2001, you know, they thought it was gonna end in 1940, whatever they thought was gonna end in 1929, and before that, they thought I was gonna end there with World War one. I’m saying, like, jehovah witnesses thought it was coming in 1914. I think it was. And then also in 1922 and then also in like, 1936, like, just over and over and over. That’s what I’m saying.

Over and over and over again. It still hasn’t happened now. And that’s why I’m a skeptic, bro, because not only do they not have the best track record, but also, you know, they can’t be trusted. And also, I think that there is this fetishism and this fantasizing of the world ending. I think people want the world and more than anything, because they, they manifest these. And, you know, you can talk about also an effective control mechanism, right? It’s like the ultimate control mechanism.

There’s not name a name a better control mechanism than you’re the, you know, the. The destiny of your eternal soul, dude, disease x. You don’t know. You don’t know when you’re gonna get it. Yeah, yeah. My gadda just squirting all over the place. I love it. They love. They’re wearing the mask again. We went to a liquor store. I’m like, mask is 2024. I honestly haven’t even looked at it.

I don’t know what’s going on with it. I don’t care about it. Yeah, the next one, you, bioengineer, make it strong enough to kill me. Because honestly, I’m getting tired and tired of this. Like, it’s been. It’s been the longest 20 years of my life since 2020. Is it just demoralization campaign or is it. Who knows anymore, dude? I mean, that. And that’s the thing. Like, who knows? Like, people think that it’s like, listen, if there was a cabal at the top of.

I was like, chomsky. That was like, no, there’s no cabal. And he tender. He turned out to be on that list, right? That the list that they’re not gonna ever do anything about. Cuz they’re. No, they aren’t, right? People like it, like any other list. Like any other list, right? So it’s like, if there was a cabal at the core of it all, I don’t think some dude on Twitter or Instagram or YouTube was able to decode the gematria from this saying on the side of this news thing that broke.

And then they were able to figure out and crack the code that this super intelligent cabal that is in power created. Like, this whole scenario is a guy created. I cracked it because this name equals 33 in Gematria and six nine. And this is like, I don’t think it’s that simple, either. And I think sometimes people create these scenarios to LARP. Like, to feed, like, look at secrets, bro.

They’re larping. They’re. They’re dressing up. Exactly. Exactly. The larp. Or it’s. It’s a controlled, you know, it’s like the Albert pike. When the people. Yeah. Need a hero, we shall provide what or whatever. Like, if there’s ever anybody on Twitter, that’s why we say, like, I don’t have the answers. I’m retarded. I show you things that are interesting and that I find interesting and that. And they’re fun to look at because it doesn’t black pill me.

I just talk about it. But. But outside of that, I think people that are really like, this is what’s, like, you look at the whole QAnon thing. That, to me is an Albert pike, you know, we shall provide the people with an hero thing. Like, that’s what that is to me. Because they disseminate a lot of really compelling and interesting information, and they’ve also really got a foothold, or had a foothold for a period of time within the conspiracy theory community, which is to say the opposition community, you know, the dissenting community, to the official narrative.

And when those motherfuckers came along and they started dropping things that were very interesting, and then also, you know, I think kind of a 10% of a, you know, lie sprinkled into it, I think that was like, controlled narrative type. So, yeah, it’s either you’re larping, you know, or. Or your. You’re being misled by something. Some. What? There’s a. Somebody within the Obama campaign or the Obama administration coined the term.

Oh, Joel Thomas used to talk about this all the time. I forget what it is, but it’s basically a way to infiltrate the conspiracy theory community and then so dissenting information to mislead them in different directions and control the opposition. And so that’s probably what’s happening regularly, I think. What’s really happening. I mean, that’s all this stuff is happening. But at the very base of it, you’ve got human beings, and we’ve got billions of them on the earth.

So, I mean, if you believe the numbers, but if you look at, like, fatherless rates in the home, fathers don’t even want to be around. Like, they’re. They’re neglecting that responsibility. These kids, bro, those kids. Yeah, they’re headache. But God, God has given you dominion over the earth. He said, this is yours. Take it. That’s your responsibility. Keep it. People like I mean, I think the vast majority of us have completely shied away from that.

That’s a huge responsibility. Wouldn’t you want to just advocate that to the next? If, if there’s like a spirit on my shoulder saying like, nah, man, don’t worry about that. Let me take care of that. It’s like this is happening all around, especially in America. This is happening left and right. Nobody wants to take responsibility for themselves for the responsibility that they’re getting. It’s a, it’s a huge responsibility.

You can do anything with this. And we’ve decided to, you know, sit it, sit in our cages and squirt all day. It’s a choice, but it’s, it’s honestly, it’s a logical choice. When you look at the character of most people, I don’t put, most people, I don’t talk to them, I won’t give them the time of day because they’re exactly like that. And that’s just, that’s the world that we’ve been living in and it’s increasing.

So yeah, it’s a pervasive like idea of there’s enough people, I don’t have to do it. I don’t, somebody else is gonna come along and do it. I don’t have to do it. And that’s like on the micro and the macro and it’s, it’s what’s basically what we talked about before, right? It’s like this idea of abstaining from responsibility is giving permission. Right? We talk about that a lot.

Right. There’s like this idea of giving permission. It’s giving permission to something else entirely to grab the wheel. And then you look at the state of things and you wonder like, you know earlier one is saying whether or not these people at the top of the pyramid are getting their, their orders from something else in the spiritual realm or something like that. And it’s like well, what has the ability to play a game that’s so long that it supersedes or it goes beyond supernatural, David.

Well, all right, the supernatural, we’re done. Yeah. Look at these sizes papayas though. Those are supernatural. Those are supernatural. Yeah, those are some long ass coconuts. You know, like look at these palm trees. No, no, that’s the thing though, dude. Like the, I always point this out, the fact that there is, alright, so, man, there’s so much to talk about here and I’m probably have to chop this up a little bit for, for YouTube.

So if you’re gonna, if I do chop up stuff, check it out. Rumble follow me. On rumble, the links will be down and the guys links will be down in the description as well. And tJ ojp. com at the one on one podcast on all social media platforms. And did you guys plug your stuff at all? No, we just started making fun of you right off the bat.

No, we started making fun of your dumbass for thinking that these are coconuts. Look at this. I want everybody to know. Everyone. The thousands of peoples, the thousands of homunculi watching this right now. I want you to know that as soon as we jumped on to the call, top said, dude, what kind of coconuts are those? And I was like, bruh, those are not coconuts. Those are you neglected one is, you had them from the jump.

You could have been like, this is my yard. And those are actually. Yeah, those are my coconuts. You can’t have any. I wish this was my yard, dude. I mean, that’d be amazing. It’s nice. There’s like a phone pole in there. Where can people find you guys’stuff? And I’ll post. You want to go first? Yeah, actually, it doesn’t matter. I don’t have anything else. Please go for me, too.

You go to top lobster with an a. How it’s spelled in the. The corner right here. I’m on Twitter. I’m on Instagram mainly on Twitter. If you like offensive stuff, check me out on Tower gang. I’ll be there on every Wednesday at 911. It’s an offensive comedy podcast. Top lobster. com, if you want merch from. We’re picking up all kinds of podcasts. They’re like, we’re really integrating. I mean, we’ve got a revenge of the sis, my stuff, nephilim death squad, nado shave company.

We’re picking up Lord Miles ruthless, his adventures. He just went to, like, the Middle east and did the most dangerous tour in the world. So go there, check it out, and yeah, pick, pick some stuff up. I don’t know when it airs, so I’m not even going to bother with the ripe stuff, but go ahead, David. Right? Also, you can go to nephilimdeathsquad. com. Dot believe that’s just a link tree right now.

But working and getting a website up, then I’m not really active on anything else but. But Twitter but X. And hopefully, I mean, I actually, right now I’m not active at all because of the whole, you know, mom thing. But when I do come back, you can find me at David El Corbeau on, on X. And then other than that. Go check out Nephilim. Death squad. I rumble specifically because YouTube.

Yeah, yeah. We don’t want to deal with YouTube. YouTube is amazing. They’re great for monetization, but we’re not getting paid anyway. So we’re, like, putting all of our. All of our eggs into that. Into the rumble basket. Hopefully something happens there. This is dope. Make sure to go to chosen one. com because they’re gonna be. I don’t know. I’m gonna put this out, but that’s a little deceiving.

I thought you were kind of heavier than that. You always look heavier than that. Yeah, I’m pretty fat, bro. This is my alter ego here. This guy here has more hair than you. Yeah, he’s got a great hairline percent. But we have XG and Johnny. XG and Johnny are homunculus, so they’re homunculi. We got Alex Stein in this one, too. We got a whole bunch of stuff. So make sure to sign up.

Hilarious. To be notified. Chosen one. com. We have 110 followers so far. We’re gonna be launching it soon, so make sure to sign up. And also, boys, I got my blue check mark finally. Here, let me. Go ahead. Let me turn that off. How do I turn off the little check mark? There’s a way to do that, right? Why do you want to turn it off? Let’s just.

I’m paying $11 a month, bro, for this? Yeah, dude, here. Anyways, follow me on. You got it. Now you got to learn how to tweet. Funny. That’s really. That’s going to be the hard part for you. One. Yeah, it’s just all the words, the n word, the J word. Just stick with those two. You’ll go far. Oh, no. You’ll go far. No, I actually have listeners, unlike you guys, so I’m not gonna go ahead.

We have listeners, too. They’re just racist. They’re all racist. So this idea of right, taking responsibility for yourself, I think that’s at the core value because it’s easy to project your. Your faults on somebody else. And I think that’s what a lot of this is like, coming up with these metaphysical boogeymen, not saying that the metaphysical and the paranormal and the supernatural don’t exist, because there’s a reason why we have secret societies such as freemasons, rosicrucians, all these guys that have existed all throughout history.

It’s like if they’re tapped into something or not. That’s besides the point, right? If they are larping or not. Or if they actually do have some sort of secret knowledge, who knows? I’m not initiated. I’m never gonna find out, nor do I care to find out, because I think that they’re all right, but it’s like, there’s a reason why they larp. So there’s something. If the. If the elites, which are all part of these groups, are doing this, then there’s got to be something to it.

Or it’s maybe getting yourself in that state of mind. Yeah. You know, to get yourself in a state of mind. That whole, like, taking responsibility thing, that’s the difference between, like, you know, the classic meme of, like, the liberal chick who breaks down on her knees and screams, no. When Donald Trump wins and people go like, well, how come you’re always looking at, like, all these conspiracy theories? If they don’t really know you? They’re going to put a caricature of you in their mind.

And that caricature is a dude that’s like, oh, my God. Can you believe this is happening? Can you believe that is happening? And you become, like, this. This sort of spiritual, you know, left leaning chick screaming at Cthulhu for all your troubles, or screaming at the fallen for all your troubles or the Nephilim or what? Yes. There you go. Her, right? And it’s like, that’s not why. If you don’t take personal responsibility, you become that chick in your heart, and you look at all these things.

You know, the federal reserve is. Is the cause of all your problems. Whatever it is. It’s like, if you can squash that and take some personal responsibility, you can then look at all these conspiracy theories, all these occult practices, all these supernatural things, and go, man, that’s interesting. It avoids the black pill. Personal responsibility is the. The solution to the black pilling, because you can look at all this and you can kind of get down, but I don’t have any of that.

Like, I recognize that all my stupid problems are my own stupid problems, and it’s my own fault if I have them. And then otherwise, I look at all these things and I go like, damn, that’s really interesting. Like, it’s the study of the. The realm that we’re in, you know? And that takes a bunch of, whether it’s monetary, economic, like. Like. Like. Like top was saying, or political, or it’s spiritual or it’s supernatural or it’s a cult, you know, this amalgamation of all of these things.

And. I don’t know, like, just. I was listening to some guys the other day. I won’t say their names, but it’s like they’re just complaining that people are talking about whatever. Talking about like the Miami alien thing or, or talking about there was a jellyfish UFO thing that, like. Jeremy Corbel recently posted. How are you talking about that? It’s so fake and you’re misleading people and it’s like, it’s just interesting.

Bitch. Yeah, yeah. Like, relax a little bit. This is fun stuff. Relax. Yeah. You know, I don’t let it control my life. Like, yeah, thing that I talk about. I have, I leave a multifaceted life. I do a ton of things. This is one of them. I think it’s kind of interesting. Sue me. Yeah, you can make some reggae music. You can say that about. Well, we need more, we need more philosophers, less researchers.

You gotta understand that. So we just skip the research, dive straight into understanding reality. Don’t even worry about, you know, understanding all the other, now just dive in. Right, like, whatever. So, and that’s the thing. You can say that about anyone who’s ever produced a movie, Hollywood. Are they misleading people by implanting these mythologies and cosmologies and characters that are, that we know for a fact is made make believe? I mean, that, that, that’s not real.

Are you gonna blame them for planting these seeds and people subconscious and, and make cuz some people, bro, some people cosplay, some people live these characters, they become these characters. The people who, the actor who’s playing that character, they associate them with it being like the real thing. So there’s like this merging of reality and fiction in some sort of way. Somebody say that, like, because there’s an entertainment aspect to this, right? Like you’re talking about Hollywood and everything.

And I heard somebody say, like, infotainment. Like, oh, these, these people that are out here, they talk about like people, you know, like us that are making entertaining content that is filled with all this different information. You mash the words together, you get infotainment. And it’s like, dude, who are they? They’re what I was. You’re mistaken if you think I don’t love this. Like the idea that this is just something that we’re doing because I don’t know, it’s gonna get viewers and maybe one day it’ll get us paid.

Like, I’m not using my free time on that. I don’t like dog. Yeah, like, I like this. I love this here. It’s almost an admission of like, now listen, I’m doing this stuff. And obviously when we do this, it’s me, but I’m turned up to eleven because there’s a camera in my face. If there’s no. If I’m not recording, I’m not gonna be like, you know, trying to be entertaining for a long time.

You’ll be like. You’ll be like, damn, bro, look at all those things. Now, if they were brown, they look like some nice hanging titties, right? Like, some. But every time I keep seeing them, I just keep thinking National Geographic. Like. Like that video, the girl walking through the lake. But. Okay, listen. I forgot what I was saying. One, but what I’m. Yeah. About being in front of a camera, and you.

You are a character on camera. We can’t lie about that because we are bringing your show, and no one’s gonna listen to your dry ass podcast if you’re not being entertaining. I mean, that’s just. That’s just it, you know, if you’re not telling interesting stories or talking about interesting, no one’s gonna listen. I mean, that’s just the facts, you know, I’m saying. And you’re wasting your. You’re gonna be wasting your time.

But it’s also an admission from. Admission from them where it’s like they’re seeing us and we’re talking to people. And I think for some reason, I guess we do have some sort of influence. Like, no matter what you’re doing, if somebody’s listening, you’re going to be influencing them in a certain way. It’s not my intention to have the people listening go out there and be little clones of me.

I’m just being me the only way I know how. Listen to what I say, turn it off and go live your life. Touch grass. Go hang out with your kids. You know what I mean? It’s like. But. But then I’m thinking about these guys, and they’re mad at us because they’re like, I want that. What do you. What would you do with it if you were. If you were able to talk to more than 50 people? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to, like, influence them? Who the are you.

What are you trying to influence them to do? What’s wrong with you? It’s. You know, when I. It’s a weird thing when I meet somebody in real life who listens to the show, and this is how I know, like, I’m probably. I’m embarrassed. Like, why? I’m not. I’m not necessarily embarrassed. I’m like, you, yo, which. Which episode did you listen to? And they’ll tell me, and I’ll be like, did you catch this part where we were talking about that? Like, isn’t that crazy? And, like, I’m.

All I want to do is talk to people about weird. So when people go, hey, I listen to your show, I’m like, we can talk about weird, too. Like, that’s all I want. This is, like, all genuine, for the love of the, like, the information, you know what I mean? Because I’ve been doing this for 16 years. If I. And I was doing it before I ever had a camera on me, and I was just trying to tell people and nobody wanted to talk about.

So this is all just for the sake of, like, conversation about dope shit. So whenever people get upset about it, you know, it’s a. It’s a shame, because I’m like, you’re. You’re building a caricature in your mind of who I am. You think this shit stops when the cameras go off? No. Then my wife has to suffer through, I’m retarded. Like, what do you think that’s going exactly 24/7 bitch? Slightly more.

No, David literally is retarded like this all the time. I’m slightly less retarded because it just takes a lot of effort, right? Because, like, look at all these coconuts, guys. This is going to be a whole thing now. Look at those coconuts, bro. You’re. You’re at Top’s house. He’s like, check out these coconuts I grew. And you’re like, bro, you do know it’s a papaya? Really? I thought they were oranges.

Top, what do you do? Tangerines, dude. They fit in the top of my head. You know what, though, top, you were saying, like, I am like this. I need a lot of naps. Yeah, that’s why. A lot of naps. He’s very, like, every day. Yeah, maybe sometimes even, like, yesterday. We had just gotten back from. From hanging out with shout out to matt rife of real life technologies.

We were hanging out with him, and. And I needed two naps yesterday, and I almost took a third nap. So, like, I guess I, like, I am, like, engaged and dialed up, and then all of a sudden, like, you watch my. My deplete in, like, real time. Like, top is draining you of all your energy, and he’s a psychic vampire, and he’s trying to convince you that the papayas aren’t real, but he’s not.

To be honest, I might be. For me, the reason I’m not, like, as intense as I am in real life all the time is because I’m tired. I am tired. Like, I don’t sleep at all. These kids are trying to kill me. I don’t. I’m just. I’m just, like, surviving. But when it’s time, when we’re talking here, this is what we’re doing, man. I’m going to give you 100% of myself, you know? So if that’s just what it is, after this, like, you don’t understand.

If you record for an hour and a half, it’s tiring. It’s not like when I used to just watch shows. I used to do a lot of artwork behind the scenes for podcasts. You don’t understand that part. You’re using your brain constantly. I’m thinking, Juan’s talking, and I’m like, that’s stupid. This guy’s dumb. I can’t stop looking at his. Those are not coconuts. Coconut, yeah, they’re very distracting.

That’s why he kept him on the whole time. He’s like, look at these. Look at these coconuts. One’s the one draining my energy. He’s the loose thief over there. That’s the thing. I did my first spanish episode the other day, and it was exhausting because I was trying. I had. I’ve never talked about these concepts in Spanish, and it was like trying to. I’m running two parallel sets of data, but I’m having to translate the english data into Spanish and finding the words to.

To articulate what I’m talking about. And I’m already retarded and maybe a little autistic, but it was like, I was so tired after the episode, I was like, man, that was exhausting. Did you release it yet? Where does that air top? Reposted it already. I did it with the guys of the. The. Let me get their name right. I forgot the. The name of the show. I did it with these little guys, spanish podcasters.

I didn’t know that was a thing. Well, is episode number one. But the name of the podcast is here. I’ll pull it up. The cultural truth project. So cultural truth project. And I did it yet. It’s already been released. It’s on their channel, though. I’m gonna be releasing it on my. How many episodes could you make about the chupacabra, though? That seems like a one hit thing. Like, that’s only behind is puerto rican podcasting.

Like, Puerto Ricans island. It is infancy. No, there is no in my. I mean, I ask people to send me shows. There is no, like, Latin American Joe Rogan in my opinion there that. That crown is for, like, the taking. Obviously, there’s huge hispanic pot. A lot of them are in Spain, a lot of the big hispanic podcasts. But I constantly get. This guy had reached out to me over a year ago, and I constantly get emails from people who, you know, live in Mexico or live in Spain or other places.

They’re like, hey, lit, or in South America, and they’re like, hey, I have spanish family. I want to share it. I can’t. You’re not speaking, you know, Spanish or the, or you got the people who are audacity. They’re like, hey, you do a whole episode in English. It’s not really working for me. Yeah, exactly. So this guy reached out to me over a year ago, and I was like, bro, I’m busy now.

And then I kept getting more. I get, I got, I opened up a voicemail line. I got voicemails to do it, more emails. And then this dude hit me up one night. I was like, yo, I was, I just set it up. Let’s try it out, see what our chemistry is like, and we’ll see what we can do from there. But, yeah, I think that the, that the papaya is right for the taking in that market.

And I think I’m, I’m gonna try and do something. We’ll see. I mean, like I said, grifter. Yeah, I’ll grift it all in Spanish. Grifto Griffith. Yeah, I’ll tell you right now, grift in Spanish. See, I don’t even know, I didn’t know how to say, see here. No, hold on. Trans. It might not even be a word. Spanish cultures are typically much more open to, like, supernatural. Yeah, it’s like a weird name.

Estafal. Yeah, it’s just like a weird. You wouldn’t, you wouldn’t even know they’re calling you a grifter. Estafa. So anyway, you just say to me, yeah, what’d you call me, bro? Papaya. Oh, okay. Thank you. So actually, dude, the first episode of my, the top lobster show, I interviewed my aunt who went through some weird spiritual, spiritual supernatural all in Puerto Rico. Like, went to see a witch doctor on a mountain in Puerto Rico, had like, some kind of demonic encounter with this dude.

It’s, it’s a wild one. On a mountain. That’s interesting. On, yeah, on a mountain, huh. So any closing thoughts you guys want to add before we get out of here? Have another podcast here at nine. So you guys want to leave the audience with anything? I know we were all over the place. We made fun of a lot of things, but this was a great time. You guys want to leave with anything? No, not necessarily.

I mean, check out nephilim death squad. We’re gonna be on tinfoil hat to the day after. Well, I don’t know when this is getting released. So the 20 Fif, 4th, 24th, maybe. Nice. Maybe. So we’re gonna be. I’m gonna keep logging on to the link he gave me, and they’ll be there at some point. Just gonna sit here? No, if you got a link, it’ll happen. It’ll happen if you got a date.

Yeah, that’ll be. We’ll be on tinfoil hat. If you catch this, I don’t know when it’s gonna air again, but tower gang will be in Georgia. We’re gonna be doing our first live event for the libertarian party. Promise you that. There’s gonna be a lot of people there. They’re all gonna be autistic. It’s gonna be a hostile crowd. I cannot wait. We’re gonna say retarded stuff. Got that retard strength.

Well, that’s why it’s gonna. They’re gonna come because the retarded beacon of Gondor has been lit, and they’re coming to kick my ass. Then that’s fine. Please show up. And then check out toplopsa. com. That’s. That’s really what we’re doing here. We’re running a. We’re doing a podcast to basically run a merch site. That’s all. We’re just selling t shirts through podcasts. Grifting. This is about a t shirt, Griff.

That’s it. Yeah, check it out. If your audience goes away from here, I just want them to know that we are just grifting. And so, like, no matter what we said here, at the very end, it’s like, just grifting. So thank you very much to your audience. At least you’re. At least you’re honest about it, bro. I mean, it takes a big man to be able to admit it.

So I respect you for that. Respect the hustle. And you guys heard it here first. These are not coconuts. They’re papayas. And, yeah, make sure to check them out. Nephilim deaf squad on YouTube. Rumble. Twitter. Are you guys got Twitter on there, too? Yeah, we’re on Twitter as well at David El Corbeau on Twitter. And like I said, go to rumble, because YouTube. Yeah, just send me your links after.

And, yeah, make sure to follow me. Call me. 407-476-4606 leave me a voicemail. It’s a three minute limit, so make sure not to ramble on for too long. But yeah. 407-476-4606 tj ojp. com for all that stuff patreon. com the one on one podcast for those interested. And yes, it’s fun, boys. We’ll have to do it again soon. And as always, everyone, catch you on either side. .


  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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1 thoughts on “#202 | Esoteric Papayas New York Golems Niflheim Cyber Demons with @NephilimDeathSquad

  1. Avatar Of Nina Mileto
    Nina Mileto says:

    Hey guys I have a theory about disease x. The reason it’s a place holder. The poison death shots were meant to weaken everyone’s immune system. The shots are self spreading technology that’s why they had to get 70% of the population. So that the 70% would infect the people that didn’t fall for it. Because the evil ones have been playing Frankenstein in the lab for ever and their bio weapons only affected a small subsection of the population. Enter the poison death shots now all the crap they’ve been making and releasing for years will now work. See the Most High made us so amazingly that thier little science experiments won’t work on most. That’s why disease x is a place holder. Thier not sure which one is going to work best now that they have completed corrupted our bodies with this technology. Just some food for thought?

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